Rodfei Sholom Congregation
Rodfei Sholom Congregation
Rabbi: Aryeh Scheinberg Assistant Rabbi: Avraham Scheinberg President: Jodi Starr Executive Director: Gina Zinser-Meishar Gabba’im: Ronen Bass, Howard Feinberg, Dr. Joseph Furman, Dr. Morris Spector Congregation Rodfei Sholom tel. 210.493.3557 fax 210.492.0629 e-mail: 17 Tishrei -- October 11 Mrs. Sara Kisel, for her mother, Ester Presburger Sukkot 5775 15 Tishrei 5775 - October 9, 2014 1st Day Sukkot 18 Tishrei -- October 12 Mrs. Marcia Schwartz, for her cousin, Guy Ross Torah Reading: Leviticus 22:26-23:44 - page 680 Maftir: Numbers 29:12-16 - page 894 Haftarah: Zechariah 14:1-21 - page 1241 19 Tishrei -- October 13 Dr. Yitzhak Cohen, for his brother, Craig Cohen 20 Tishrei -- October 14 Mr. David Benjamin for his mother, Naomi Benjamin Dr. Adam Harris, for his mother, Miriam Harris Mrs. Bernice Mazer, for her mother, Mollie T. Cohn Mr. Charles Gurinsky, for his grandfather, Charles H. Gurinsky 21 Tishrei -- October 15 Mr. Bernard Shaenfield, for his grandfather Mr. Sidney Shaenfield, for his grandfather Mrs. Marcia Schwartz, for her uncle, Jack Vernick 16 Tishrei 5775 - October 10, 2014 2nd Day Sukkot Torah Reading: Leviticus 22:26-23:44 - page 680 Maftir: Numbers 29:12-16 - page 894 Haftarah: I Kings 8:2-21 - page 1242 17 Tishrei - Ocotber 11, 2014 Shabbat Chol Hamoed Torah Reading: Exodus 33:12 - 34:26, page 504 Maftir: Numbers 29:17 - 25, page 894 Haftarah: Ezekiel 38:18 - 39:16, page 1243 22 Tishrei -- October 16 Mr. Avner Weizer, for his father, Giora Moshe Weizner Dr. Michael Ozer, for his mother, Winifred Ozer 23 Tishrei -- October 17 Mrs. Luise Bankler, for her father, Louis Esstman Ms. Jalinka Sterental, for her mother, Hudes Kisner The office will be closed: October 9 & 10 for Sukkot and October 16 &17 for Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah MAZALTOV ON YOUR WEDDINGANNIVERSARY! Zina & Mike Khersonsky Congregation Rodfei Sholom October 15 Candle Lighting Times Wednesday, October 8 - 6:55 p.m. Thursday, October 9 - 7:54 p.m. Friday, October 10 - 6:52 p.m. Havdalah, October 11 - 7:53 p.m. Wednesday, October 15 - 6:47 p.m. Thursday, October 16 - 7:46 p.m. Friday, October 17 - 6:45 p.m. Note: Chumash & Siddurim are located on carts at the back of the sanctuary HIGH HOLIDAYS REGULAR WEEKLY SERVICE TIMES Weekday Morning ................................................................ Weekday Mincha / Ma’ariv (Sunday - Thursday, 10/12-15).. Kabbalat Shabbat ...................(10/10)................................. Shabbat Morning Services ................................................... Shabbat Mincha/ Ma’ariv .......(10/11).................................. Sunday Morning................................................................... 6:30 a.m. 6:45 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. Women’s Tehillim Group October 9 (Sukkot 1)- 5:45 p.m. ~ October 10 (Sukkot 2)- 5:30 p.m. October 11 (Shabbat) - 5:30 p.m. SHA B BA ONS OR S SHAB BATT KIDDUSH SP SPONS ONSO Shabbat Kiddush lunch is being sponsored by Or ah & Efr aim Abr amof Orah Efraim Abramof amofff in loving memory of Efraim’s father Rabbi Yehoshua Abramoff and his brother Simon Abramoff and in loving memory of Orah’s parents Miriam & Dov Bornstein and T he B ami ly in loving memory of father and grandfather, Baass ffami amily Shmuel Bass on his yahrzeit Shalosh Seudah in the Sukkah is being sponsored by Congregation Rodfei Sholom Next Shabbat, Kiddush Lunch will be sponsored by the Friedman, Sheiness, and Blatt families Y 2014/5775 EREV SUKKOT Wednesday, October 8 Erev Sukkot 6:45 PM Candle Lighting 6:55 PM INTERMEDIATE WEEKDAYS Monday & Tuesday, October 13 & 14 Morning Services 6:30 AM Mincha/Ma’ariv 6:30 PM SUKKOT Thursday, October 9 Morning Services Mincha/Ma’ariv Candle Lighting 9:00 AM 6:45 PM 7:54 PM HOSHANA RABBA Wednesday, October 15 Morning Services Mincha/Ma’ariv Candle Lighting Friday, October 10 Morning Services Kabbalat Shabbat Candle Lighting 9:00 AM 6:30 PM 6:52 PM CHOL HA-MOED SUKKOT Saturday, October 11 Morning Services 9:00 AM Mincha/Ma’ariv 6:30 PM Sunday, October 12 Morning Services Mincha/Ma’ariv 8:00 AM 6:30 PM 6:30 AM 6:30 PM 6:47 PM YIZKOR/SHEMINI ATZERET Thursday, October 16 Morning Services 9:00 AM Yizkor Services 10:30 AM Mincha/Ma’ariv 6:30 PM Candle Lighting 7:46 PM Hakafot-Simchat Torah 8:00 PM SIMCHAT TORAH Friday, October 17 Morning Services Kabbalat Shabbat Candle Lighting 9:00 AM 6:45 PM 6:45 PM R odf ei Sh olom NCSY odfei Sholom L ’Chayim Chayim Cl ub Club Moth er/Daughter Trip to th merald C ity Mother/Daughter thee E Emerald City “T he W izard of Oz” Brun ch iin n the runch Sukkah Sunday, N ov ember 2 at 3:00 pp.m .m layh ouse Nov ovember .m.. at San Pedro P Playh layhouse If attending, you must RSVP by Monday, October 13, to eisa gmail .com or 210.493.3557 in order to sit with th rodfeisa eisa@gmail thee group . rodf Save the Date! Sunday, January 11, 2015 Rodfei Sholom Annual Fundraiser Featuring World Renown Cantor Isaac Helfgot In the Tuesday, October 14 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. At the home of Rabbi Aryeh & Judy Scheinberg (14142 Sholom Place) No charge! E v er elco me! eryy one is w welco elcom