Rodfei Sholom Congregation
Rodfei Sholom Congregation
Rabbi: Aryeh Scheinberg Assistant Rabbi: Avraham Scheinberg President: Jodi Starr Executive Director: Gina Zinser-Meishar Gabba’im: Ronen Bass, Howard Feinberg, Dr. Joseph Furman, Dr. Morris Spector Congregation Rodfei Sholom tel. 210.493.3557 fax 210.492.0629 e-mail: 22 Tishrei 5775 - October 16, 2014 Shemini Atzeret/ Yizkor 24 Tishrei -- October 18 Mrs. Pat Kalmans, for her grandmother, Raye Rabinowitz Dr. Rosalind Horowitz, for her uncle, Jack Hartman Mrs. Rivka Schechter, for her brother-in-law, Rabbi Harold Schechter Torah Reading: Deuteronomy 14:22 - 16:17, page 1012 Maftir: Numbers 29:35 - 30:1, page 896 Haftarah: I Kings 8:54 - 9:1, page 1245 23 Tishrei 5775 - October 17, 2014 Simchat Torah 25 Tishrei -- October 19 Mr. Hyman Friedman, for his father, Yacov Friedman 26 Tishrei -- October 20 Mrs. Helen Chasan, for her mother, Dora Levine Mr. Charles Gurinsky, for his grandmother, Ida Gurinsky 28 Tishrei -- October 22 Mr. Harold Berg, for his aunt, Jean Barnett Mrs. Aviva Bass, for her husband, Shmuel Bass Mr. Ronen Bass, for his father, Shmuel Bass Congregation Rodfei Sholom The office will be closed: October 16 &17 for Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah 29 Tishrei -- October 23 Dr. Richard Lazor, for his father, Dave Lazor Mrs. Annette Goldberg, for her grandfather, Marcus Adler 30 Tishrei -- October 24 Dr. Rochelle Shain, for her mother, Molly Newman Mrs. Judy Levine-Holley, for her sister, Sherry Krug R odf ei Sh olom NCSY odfei Sholom Moth er/Daughter Trip to th merald C ity Mother/Daughter thee E Emerald City “T he W izard of Oz” Torah Reading: Deuteronomy 33:1 - 34:12, Genesis 1:1 - 2:3, page 1112 Maftir: Numbers 29:35 - 30:1, page 896 Haftarah: Joshua 1:1 - 18, page 1246 24 Tishrei 5775 - October 18, 2014 Parsha: Bereshit - pages 2 - 29 Haftarah: page 1130 Candle Lighting Times Wednesday, October 15 - 6:47 p.m. Thursday, October 16 - 7:46 p.m. Friday, October 17 - 6:45 p.m. Havdalah, October 18 - 7:46 p.m. Friday, October 24 - 6:36 p.m. The SEED Boys are back! Shemini Atzeret Thursday, October 16 S unday, N ov ember 2 at 3:00 pp.m .m . Nov ovember San Pedro P layh ouse Playh layhouse RSVP extended to Monday, October 20 to rodf eisa gmail .com rodfeisa eisa@gmail or 210.493.3557 in order to sit with th thee group group.. Adults: $32, seniors (age 60+): $25, students: $17, children (ages 12 and under): $14, military: $25 Thursday, October 16, 2014 Services at 7:45 p.m. — Hakafot at 8:00 p.m. Friday, October 17, 2014 Services at 9:00 a.m. — Hakafot at 10:00 a.m Please join us for spirited dancing and singing! REGULAR WEEKLY SERVICE TIMES Weekday Morning ................................................................ Weekday Mincha / Ma’ariv ................................................. Kabbalat Shabbat ........................................................ Shabbat Morning Services ................................................... Shabbat Mincha/ Ma’ariv .............................................. Sunday Morning................................................................... 6:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. Women’s Tehillim Group Thursday, October 16 - 5:30 p.m. ~ Friday, October 17 - After Lunch October 18 (Shabbat) - 5:30 p.m. at the home of Megan Fisher Kluger SHA B BA ONS ORS SHAB BATT KIDDUSH SP SPONS ONSO Shabbat Kiddush lunch is being sponsored by the Friedman, Sheiness, and Blatt families in celebration of their Uncle Hy Friedman’s 105th birthday Shalosh Seudah will be sponsored by Congregation Rodfei Sholom Next Shabbat, Kiddush and Shalosh Seudah are available for sponsorship Simchat Torah - Friday, October 17 Four Torah Readings: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Lobby Main Sanctuary Day Chapel Conference Room - Women’s Torah Reading Save the Date! Sunday, January 11, 2015 Rodfei Sholom Annual Fundraiser Featuring World-Renowned Cantor Isaac Helfgot Honoring: Deborah & Reuben Bar Yadin Diana & Pastor John Hagee Tzipi Bar Yadin & Dr. Yaacov Herszage Raquel & Lenny Holzman Judge Rose & Dr. Morris Spector Rebecca & Dr. Nissim Elbaz Arlene & Dr. David Starr Pearl & Israel Fogiel Event chaired by Building Committee Chairman, Dave Fisher HIGH HOLIDAYS Y 2014/5775 HOSHANA RABBA Wednesday, October 15 Mincha/Ma’ariv Candle Lighting 6:30 PM 6:47 PM Movie Night at Rodfei Sa turda ovember 8 Saturda turdayy, N November 7:30 P.M. Fill The Void Torn Between H er Her Hea rt eart and H er Her Famil amilyy YIZKOR/SHEMINI ATZERET Thursday, October 16 Morning Services 9:00 AM Yizkor Services 10:30 AM Mincha/Ma’ariv 6:30 PM A 2012 Israeli film drama, written and directed by Candle Lighting 7:46 PM Rama Burshtein, it tells the story of an Orthodox Hakafot-Simchat Torah 8:00 PM Hassidic family from Tel Aviv. Hadas Yaron stars as SIMCHAT TORAH Friday, October 17 Morning Services Kabbalat Shabbat Candle Lighting 9:00 AM 6:30 PM 6:45 PM Shira Mendelman, an 18-year-old girl who is pressured to marry her deceased older sister’s husband following the death of her sister in childbirth. It won several Israeli Academy Awards, including Best Feature film, Best Director, Best Actress, Best Screenplay, and Best Cinematography. Lead actress Hadas Yaron won Best Actress for her portrayal of Shira at the Venice Film Festival. Rama Burshtein became the first Orthodox woman to direct a film intended for wide distribution. Spend an evening with your friends at “the movies” enjoying popcorn, nachos, and sodas! RS VP by W ednesda ovember 5, to RSV Wednesda ednesdayy, N November rodfeisa or 210.493.3557. Welcome to the Month of Cheshvan Celebrate Rosh Chodesh with an Oneg Shabbat Friday, October 24, 2014 at 9:00 p.m. If attending, RSVP by Tuesday, October 21, to or 210.493.3557.