tours theatres websites hot tails of red stick


tours theatres websites hot tails of red stick
hot tails of red stick
New Orleans, LA [504]
Dock, 568.1401, SteamboatNatchez.COM
New Orleans, LA [504]
616 St. Peter, 522.2081
Park,, 525.1052
365 Canal St., 3rd Floor, 522.6545,
Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049,
OFFICIAL GAY MARDI GRAS, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049,
Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049,
OFFICIAL SOUTHERN DECADENCE, 828A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049,
Gay Mardi Gras
by Brad Benedict
Big Plans
know of lots of individuals who
are planning big parties, cook
outs, and even costumes for the
Spanish Town festivities on Saturday,
February 13th. It doesn’t seem possible
that it is almost here. It is a short
season, but that doesn’t keep everyone
from enjoying themselves here or in
other parts of the state. It started here
last week with the annual Spanish Town
Hound Dogs is right in the middle of
everything, so location is a very positive
factor for them. For those people who
are coming into town and don’t have
party invites, they only have to stop in
here for the best drink bargains of the
weekend. It gets to be a bigger party
each year, and James and Kyle know
how to do it up just right. Lots of local
residents will be in no condition to drive
after the day is over, so if they still need
another cool one, they can easily walk
to the bar if they can get through all the
trash that is left behind.
The annual Spanish Town Parade
gets bigger each year too. What used
to be small floats are now huge floats
that can barely make it down the street.
It causes a lot of preparations and cleanup activities to take place, and now
neighbors are reverting to arm bands
like given out in bars to keep uninvited
guests from wandering into homes to
indulge in the foods and bathroom privileges.
Who could have imagined that day
so long ago when a convertible filled with
overly zealous gay guys who went parading up and down the streets of Spanish Town would have evolved into such a
massive party! I do have to admit that it
was a lot nicer with all the smaller floats.
So many of these represented the unique
creations of the local gay bars, gay
krewes, and individuals who shared their
creativity for this occasion. And who
could forget that year when Brandi
Alexander, Miss Gay Louisiana America,
who went on to win the national crown,
adorned one of the convertibles and
brought amazement and wonder to all
who observed her. That was the best
parade ever, and I don’t recall the year,
probably about 1990/1991, but this event
was a first for our capital city. Many may
have forgotten how much in awe everyone was of Brandi’s beauty, and I had to
smile at all the straight guys getting
autographed pictures of her. Did they
even have a clue?
George’s and Splash have activities scheduled too, so if you are still
able to drive, or maybe get a designated
driver, then you can enjoy a fun night
with the guys and gals there. I keep
mentioning the driving and walking because of one thing that happens on
Spanish Town Saturday – lots of drunks
just stagger around all over the place. I
actually think it’s more decadent than
some of the New Orleans events. I don’t
like to say it, but there are those who
don’t know how to act under normal
circumstances, and they really get out
of hand in Spanish Town. I think more
police are needed because our quiet
neighborhood becomes a scene of unruly revelers who have no consideration
for property owners in this nice little
community where the parade starts.
The gay community stands tall in all
this. It’s the out-of-town hicks and rednecked types that make fools out of
themselves. Just my opinion here, but
if the shoe fits, wear it.
With that said, I’ll do like everyone
else – enjoy the day, take pictures,
meet friends, have a drink or two, and
then wait for the scene to return to
[continued on 34]
GayEasterParade.COM • GayNewOrleans.COM • SouthernDecadence.COM • February 9-March 1, 2010 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • 31
Gorgeous Jeremy
Jeremy & Andy
Dynamic trio of friends
Having fun in Red Stick
Snuggling for a snapshot
Cody & a friend
Richard & the studs
Chansley showing hidden talent
Rocky & Jeremy
Philip corners a cutie
Luther welcomes friends to BR
Patrick & Sam
Henry & Richard
Ready for Karaoke
Richard & Ronnie
Happy hour threesome
Having a good time at George’s
32 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • February 9-March 1, 2010 • Official Gay Mardi Gras Guide • GayMardiGras.COM
Enjoying a night out
Dynamic, Gorgeous, Snuggling ~ Baton Rouge, Louisiana ~ Photos by Brad Benedict
Stephen & friends
Michael, Jeremy & Luther
Talent Show Contestants
The Host & Hostess with the mostest
Look, it’s a Rikki-G Sandwich
Wonder Woman!!!
Destacy sings her heart out
Joey & Jason
The Lovely Lucinda
The 3 Muskateers
Adam Lambert everyone!
Sexy Lexy
GayEasterParade.COM • GayNewOrleans.COM • SouthernDecadence.COM • February 9-March 1, 2010 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • 33
Nightlife @ Olympus Bar ~ Alexandria, Louisiana
hot tails of red stick ...from 31
normal – well, not completely normal,
but close.
People Plans
y friend Kenneth is busy
completing his book on
Tennessee Williams. I
hope to get down to see him soon. It will
probably be after Mardi Gras when things
are on a quieter note. That way we can
sit in his library and talk of old times and good times. I’m anxious
to see the Williams book completed. I had thought Virginia
Spencer Carr was going to do one on this literary giant, but it
doesn’t look as if that will happen. I think Kenneth is going to
come up with a fabulous book, and I’ll add it to my collection just
as I’ve done his other works. He is a brilliant man and a great
friend. He was my house guest after the levees broke following
Katrina, and he was so worried about his home during this period.
However, all was well, and his property was not touched.
I’m hoping Kevin stays around New Orleans for this holiday
season. I have a book for him that I compiled and published
several years ago. The reason the subject even came up was
because I had permission to publish a rare interview with J.D.
Salinger that a friend of mine obtained. It is the story
of how this all came about, but it is a wonderful read.
I’ll go ahead and mail Kevin a copy because I may not
be able to meet up with him when I do make it down
to the Crescent City. Kevin is an avid reader, and I need
to compile a box of other books for him. We have a
tendency to collect so many things, and I can assure
you that one of my weaknesses is acquiring books,
many of which are being donated to a special library
collection in my home parish.
Ernie is another friend who is a fabulous collector.
His expertise is in the field of antiques. It is so nice to
visit with him and observe all the ornate things that are
in view. The lower level of his home was flooded when
the levees gave way, but most of the rare pieces of his
collection were on the upper level. I need to invite Sam
to join me and just head down for a visit. There are so
many things to do and so little time to get all these
things accomplished. It’s just nice to be able to sit
down and relax with a friend and recall the past
especially all the leather balls and parties we’ve
I always like to hang out with friends at the
Phoenix too. There have been so many great parties
here, mostly those connected to the Lords of Leather
activities. I really miss Jamie here, but time changes
everything, and he moved on to better things. I will
always miss Chuck. He was such a beautiful human
being who left us too soon, but he really made going
to the Phoenix something really special. I have a lot of
pictures of him when he won the Mr. Louisiana Leather
contest, an event I photographed for a number of
years. Those were happy times, good times, with lots
of wonderful memories.
Of course, I like to recall the good times with
George and Danny too, and some of the outrageous
events that took place in their home. One in particular
I just can’t reveal in detail here, but it involved this
beautiful man who wasn’t shy at all. In fact, he was one
of the most sharing guys I’ve ever met. I ran into him
a year or so later while in San Francisco, and we
recalled this event with much laughter. I’ve often
[continued on 35]
34 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • February 9-March 1, 2010 • Official Gay Mardi Gras Guide • GayMardiGras.COM
hot tails of red stick ...from 34
wondered what happened to him. This
was the last time I saw him, but each
time I visit the City by the Bay, I think of
him and watch for him in the Castro or
along Market Street. I guess some
things just aren’t meant to be, but I do
wish him well wherever he is. He was
just simply a very nice guy.
There are so many times when I
wish I still had my slave quarter apartment in the French Quarter. I’ve spent
lots of happy times here too. Of course,
I did a lot of my most creative writing
while closing myself away from the
outside world. I will never forget the
phone message that night about the fire
next door and that my apartment was
okay but did have damage. That was
one of the longest drives I’ve ever made
from my home in Harahan to the Quarter to check things out. Firemen had
gone into the upper level of my apartment to get to the fire that was in the
adjoining building. The damage was not
done by the fire, and I understand why
it had to be done in this way, but it was
the end of my time in the Quarter. I still
miss that little apartment and have
often thought of renting another one, but
I don’t think it would be the same. We
move on, and our priorities change.
Other Plans
heater life in Baton Rouge is in full
swing now. By the time you read
this, The Elephant Man will have completed its run here as will that of Mamma
Mia in New Orleans. Next up here is
Camelot, and the same ticket date for me
is with Wicked in New Orleans. Since I
have season passes to plays in both
cities, I have had to miss one or the other
due to conflicts. I can’t change the dates,
so I have to make choices and give my
other tickets away.
The ball season has presented conflicts too. Do we go to a major parade like
Bacchus? Or do we do the Lords of
Leather? There has to be a way to do both
of these. Maybe I can do Bacchus early
and then head over for the LOL bal masque.
Decisions! Decisions!
Sam and I have tickets for the LOL
ball, and we also want to do some of the
parades too. It was so easy when I lived in
New Orleans. I really miss my apartment
in the French Quarter and my house out in
Harahan. It was a fun time when it seemed
as if I was in the middle of everything. It was
just a convenient situation, and I loved that
period a lot. I still recall so many happy
times here, racing across town to catch a
parade, and then rushing around to catch
another one.
A friend of mine at the Times-Picayune had a home on Nashville, and even
after moving to Baton Rouge, I had a direct
connection with the city and had a place to
stay any time I wanted to return for the
events there. Time changes things. Interests and activities change. It is all part of
Have a happy and safe holiday. Enjoy
the sights and sounds. You will only find
this enjoyable event in the great city of New
Orleans. Welcome!
GayEasterParade.COM • GayNewOrleans.COM • SouthernDecadence.COM • February 9-March 1, 2010 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • 35