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Lori Schultz, Principal 970-1910 Heidi Lopez, Secretary 970-1905 Carolyn Faland, Attendance 970-1916 Website: www.waukesha.k12.wi.us Go to the middle of the page Scroll down and click on: Lowell Website OCTOBER 2014 Lowell Elementary School NO SCHOOL— SCHOOL—OCTOBER 30th and OCTOBER 31st Staff Development Day 5th GRADE CROSS COUNTRY RUN PRACTICE SCHEDULE OCTOBER 1, 2 OCTOBER 6,7, 8, 9, 10 OCTOBER 13 3:45 - 4:45 3:45 - 4:45 3:45 - 4:45 OCTOBER 15 1 1/4 mile practice run RACE DAY! STUDENT PICK UP AT END OF THE DAY THERE ARE 2 ISSUES THAT NEED TO BE ADDRESSED CONCERNING STUDENT PICK UP AT THE END OF THE DAY. 1.) High school and middle school students are NOT ALLOWED on school grounds after they are released from school. If your middle or high school student comes to pick up their younger sibling after school, they must wait on the sidewalk closest to the door that their sibling is dismissed from. When the bell rings, and they see their sibling, they may approach the door to meet them. But not before the final bell rings. Please understand, we do this for the safety of your child. If we allow some students on the grounds, others assume they are allowed to come. Before you know it, we have middle and high school students that shouldn’t be here, loitering after school. Your cooperation helps us to assure the safety of our Lowell students and your children. 2.) The new dismissal time is 3:40. Please be on time. Often staff has an after school meeting and it isn’t in our school budget to pay overtime to staff. Thank you for your help and cooperation. Annual Asbestos Notification September 2014 As a result of the federal law AHERA (Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act) all primary and secondary schools are required to develop and implement a plan for managing all building materials which contain asbestos. Included in the AHERA Act is the requirement to notify all parents, guardians and staff members, as well as organizations representing them, of activities and events with the asbestos containing building materials annually as well as make them aware of the availability of the districts asbestos management plan. Asbestos has been used in many building materials due to its outstanding insulating and strengthening properties. When it is undisturbed or intact, it poses little hazard to human health. It is only when damage has or may occur that the quality of the school’s management program becomes an issue. In 1988, all buildings owned, leased, or “under the control of” the School District of Waukesha were inspected by EPA accredited inspectors, with building material samples analyzed by an independent laboratory. Based on the inspection, the School District of Waukesha prepared and the state approved a comprehensive management plan for administering the asbestos located within its buildings, safely and responsibly. Once every three years, certified inspectors must re-inspect remaining materials. In addition, the rule requires a periodic walkthrough (called “surveillance”) in each area containing asbestos every six months. Short-term workers (outside contractors e.g. telephone repair workers, electricians, etc.) must be provided information regarding the location of asbestos in which they may come into contact. All short-term workers shall contact the lead maintenance person before commencing work. The School District of Waukesha has a list of the location(s) and type(s) of asbestos containing materials found in the building and a description and timetable for their proper management. A copy of the Asbestos Management Plan is available for review in the school office. Copies are available at twenty-five (25) cents per page. Our goal is to be in full compliance with AHERA. It is our policy to maintain a safe and healthful environment for our students and our staff members. This shall be accomplished by strict enforcement of the policies regarding asbestos by the asbestos manager and the school officials. The School District of Waukesha also requires that all new building materials introduced into the School District of Waukesha are free from asbestos. For all new buildings/additions, the architect responsible for the design certifies that to the best of their knowledge, no asbestos containing materials are used. If new buildings are acquired, they too will be inspected. Within the last year, the School District of Waukesha has completed a 6-Month Asbestos Surveillance of remaining materials. Asbestos removal has been conducted in cooperation with the on-going construction activities at: Banting Elementary School Blair Elementary School Hawthorne Elementary School Heyer Elementary School Lowell Elementary School Prairie Elementary School Harvey Philip School South High School Mr. Glen Norder Asbestos Designated Person 262-970-4311 2 Distrito Escolar de Waukesha Notificación anual del asbesto Septiembre 2014 Como resultado a la ley federal AHERA (acto de respuesta emergencia al peligro de asbesto) se requiere que todas las escuelas primarias y secundarias desarrollen e implementen un plan para manejar todos los materiales que contengan asbestos en los edificios. Se incluye en el acto de AHERA el requisito de notificar a todos los padres, guardias y los miembros de personal, así como las organizaciones que las representan, de actividades y de acontecimientos con los materiales que contienen asbesto anualmente. Incluye también que se les informe a todos que hay copias disponibles acerca del plan del distrito para cómo manejar asbestos. El asbesto se ha utilizado en muchos materiales de construcción debido a su aislamiento excepcional y sus características de la durabilidad. Cuando está intacto, causa muy poco riesgo a la salud humana. Es solamente cuando se a deteriorado o a punto de deteriorarse que puede causar riesgos o comprometer la cualidad del ambiente en el edificio o escuela. En 1988, todos los edificios que pertenecen al distrito escolar de Waukesha alquilados o ocupados por el distrito, fueron examinados por inspectores acreditados por el EPA, cogieron muestras de los materiales del edificio y fueron analizadas por un laboratorio independiente. Basado en los resultados de la inspección, el distrito escolar de Waukesha preparó up plan que fue aprobado por el estado acerca de como manejar los asbestos en los edificios de una manera responsable y segura. Una vez cada tres años, los inspectores certificados deben reinspeccionar los materiales. Además, la regla requiere un recorrido periódico (llamado “vigilancia ") en cada área que contiene el asbesto cada seis meses. Los trabajadores a corto plazo deben recibir información acerca de la localización de los materiales que contienen asbestos a los que ellos puedan estar expuestos o con los que puedan tener contacto. Todos los trabajadores a corto plazo estarán en contacto con a la persona del mantenimiento del plomo antes de comenzar el trabajo. El distrito escolar de Waukesha tiene una lista de las localizaciones y los tipos de asbesto que contienen los materiales en el edificio, una descripción y fechas de mantenimiento. Una copia del plan del distrito para manejar asbestos está disponible en la oficina de la escuela. Copias del plan están disponibles a veinticinco (25) centavos por página. Deseamos seguir por completo las regulaciones de AHERA. Es nuestra meta para poder mantener un ambiente seguro y saludable para nuestros estudiantes y nuestros miembros de personal. Esto será logrado si seguimos estrictamente las regulaciones mencionadas en el plan con respecto al asbesto que nos ha dado la persona designada al plan de asbesto y los funcionarios de la escuela. El distrito escolar de Waukesha también requiere que todos los materiales nuevos de construcción en el distrito escolar de Waukesha estén libres del asbesto. Para todos los nuevos edificios/adiciones, el arquitecto responsable del diseño certifica que no se utilizan materiales que contengan asbesto de los que el este enterado. Si se adquieren los nuevos edificios, serán examinados también. El año pasado, el distrito escolar de Waukesha completo la vigilancia de seis meses de los materiales que todavía tienen asbesto. El retiro de asbesto se ha conducido en cooperación con las actividades en curso de la construcción en: Escuela primaria de Banting Escuela primaria de Blair Escuela primaria de Hawthorne Escuela primaria de Heyer Escuela primaria de Lowell Escuela primaria de Prairie Escuela de Harvey Philip Escuela Secundaria de South Mr. Glen Norder Persona designada a casos de asbesto 262-970-4311 3 BOOK STORE HOURS The Book Store is open on Tuesday and Thursday mornings LOWELL SPIRIT NIGHTS PTO EVENTS Tuesday, October 14- CULVER’S 2600 N. GRANDVIEW Lowell earns 10% on all sales from 5 - 8 p.m. Please put your receipt in the bucket so Culver’s can track our success! Dine in, drive thru or carry out. Friday, October 24 - MASQUERADE BALL 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. \ LOWELL FAMILY FUN NIGHT MASQUERADE BALL Friday, October 24TH 6:00 - 8:00 View details on Lowell website PTO link Get your costume ready! from 8:20 -8:30 am. NOTE: Parent volunteers are always welcome. If interested, please stop in to see Roseanna Balistreri one morning, or drop a note in the Book Store mailbox found in the office. AFTER DEVOTING MANY YEARS OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, MRS. BALISTRERI WILL NO LONGER BE DOING THE BOOK STORE NEXT YEAR. PLEASE CONSIDER VOLUNTEERING FOR THIS POSITION. CONTACT ERIC DUNST OR MRS. BALISTRERI IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN LEARNING ABOUT THE POSITION. PTO MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1 6:30 ROOM 119 SPIRITWEAR SHOULD ARRIVE IN MID-OCTOBER 4 SCHOOL HOURS and PARKING The school hours have changed from last year, they are as follows: Morning bell rings at 8:35 a.m. Second bell rings at 8:40 a.m. Classes begin at 8:40 a.m. for all grades PK-5. If your child is coming for breakfast, it is served from 8:00 - 8:20 a.m. Students are in school until 3:40 p.m. when all classes are dismissed. Please remember that you should not send your child to school until 8:20 a.m. (Unless your child is going to the breakfast program.) This is the time that supervision is provided on the playground. Recently, there have been students dropped off before 8:20 and there is NO SUPERVISION at that time. This time is designated for staff meetings, etc. Parents, please make other arrangements if you need to leave for work before that time. Remember, during the upcoming cold weather, students are not allowed into the building until the bell rings. Please drop your student off in the north parking lot or the tennis court parking lot. These areas are strictly drop off points. Please DO NOT PARK IN THE TURN AROUNDS! The police can ticket you for parking. For the safety of the children please drop your children) off and keep the traffic moving. Should you need to park, extra spaces can usually be found in the tennis court parking lot, on the North side of Madison Street or on Michigan Avenue. Please DO NOT drop your students off directly in front of the building on Grandview Blvd. This area is designated for bus use only. The buses are met by school staff and they must be able to get to the buses easily. Due to the tremendous safety concern, the Waukesha Police Department will no longer be lenient with this policy. You will be ticketed. Thank you for your help and cooperation. Dress for the Weather This is the time of year that the weather changes daily so please, watch the weather report so that your children come to school dressed appropriately for the weather! Please make sure that all of your child’s clothing and items are properly marked with their name, grade, and teacher! We have an abundance of clothing and items left at the end of every year! If names were marked on the items, we could returned them to the student. Thank you for your cooperation! 5 6 Christmas Clearing Council The Christmas Clearing Council of Waukesha County (CCC) promotes and coordinates giving to families in need during the Christmas season. The CCC provides a clearinghouse that matches these families with area groups, families, businesses, and individuals who wish to help people on a person -to-person basis. Christmas Clearing Council applica ons will be sent home in the near future with the youngest child in the family. Only one applica on is needed per family. The deadline to return the applica ons to CCC is Wednesday, November 19th. Guidelines to determine if you are eligible include the following: • Client must reside with their child or children in Waukesha County. • Families must qualify for the reduced lunch program per the federal guidelines. • Eligible children are those from birth to Senior in high school. When you receive the applica on from school, please complete and return to school as soon as you can so we can get them to CCC in plenty of me before the deadline. If you have any ques ons please contact Stephanie Kaebisch, School Social Worker, at 970-1626. INFINITE CAMPUS ACTIVATION Parents, just a reminder that if you haven’t already activated your Infinite Campus activation code, please do ASAP. Teachers are now beginning to enter grades. This is also where you can find your child’s teachers, apply money to a lunch account, pay fees, etc. This is a valuable tool to keep up to date with information on your child. If you have not already received your code, please stop in the office an see Mrs. Lopez. Due to security reasons, the code can only be handed directly to the person the code is assigned too. Thank you! 7 Welcome to the Lowell Wellness Blog! The Lowell Wellness Blog was created for students to provide an authentic avenue for developing their Literacy skills – With a Wellness theme. Mr. Kirsch and Ms. Witte (student teacher) will introduce blogging to the students, starting with grades 3-4-5. Skills to be taught will include, but are not limited to: -Internet Safety -Blog Rules and Procedures -Characteristics of a quality comment Please feel free to contact Mr. Kirsch with any comments or concerns about the Lowell Wellness Blog. Email: bkirsch@waukesha.k12.wi.us Phone: 262-970-1987 Lowell Wellness Blog General Guidelines: 1. Students’ first names, photos, videos, work, and school name CAN/WILL be included in the blog. 2. Students’ last names, address, email address, phone number, specific plans, date of birth, and other personal information WILL NOT be included in the blog. 3. All comments will be screened and approved before they are included on the blog. 4. All comments must be polite, respectful, courteous, and relate to the post. At this time, students will not be allowed to post – They will only comment. 5. Parents are asked to proofread comments that the students write at home. How the Lowell Wellness Blog will work: 1. The Lowell Wellness Blog will be introduced during gym. Students will learn: -Rules of the blog -How to access the blog -How to write a quality comment that includes main idea and supporting details. 2. Students will take this sheet home. 3. Students must follow all School District of Waukesha Technology agreements. 4. New Wellness-related posts will be added periodically for the students to study, discuss, and comment on. 8 How to get started on the Lowell Wellness blog: After receiving your password: 1. Go to: kidblog.org/LowellWellness3-5 2. Click “Log in” found in the upper right corner 3. Locate your username from the dropdown menu 4. Enter your password and click “Log in” 5. Click on a post that you want to comment on. 6. Write your comment in the box under “Leave a Comment”. Be sure to include main idea and supporting details. When you finish your comment, click “Submit Comment”. 7. If you want to review your blog activity or any recent posts/comments, click on “Control Panel” in the upper right on the 1st page. 8. Click “Log out” when finished. 9 With Sincere Gratitude and Thanks The following organizations donated many needed school supplies for Lowell students. Next time you are at their facility, please let them know how thankful we are for their continued and needed support. ♦ Dr. Jocelyn Hallen, Dr. Renee Jacquett and the Badger Health Center Staff The entire Lowell community thanks you for your continued support. You really do make a difference in our community! The Families and Staff of Lowell Elementary Picture re-take day is scheduled for Friday, October 17th If you were absent on the original picture day, please have your photo taken today! If you need an order envelope please pick one up in the office. If you simply want a re-take. Please have your child bring the complete picture packet that you received and hand it to the photographer. BOX TOP WINNERS FOR THE MONTH OF FREE AND REDUCED LUNCH APPLICATIONS DUE SEPTEMBER 2014 October 15th LOGAN GRUBER 2K LUCY SCHWAB 4C BRADY SUMNER 1AB CONNOR WILKUM 2K If you intend to apply for free and reduced lunch for your child and you haven’t already done so, please be sure that your application is completed and returned to Mrs. Lopez in the office. October 15th is the deadline for students to receive free or reduced lunch without a completed form on file. A new form must be completed on a yearly basis unless your child is Direct Certified. Applications are available in the office or online. Thank you. 10 LOWELL BUCK WINNERS - SEPTEMBER BALISTERRI, PAYTON BALISTRERI, SIENNA BOLDEN, PARIS BOLLER, EVAN BRENSEL, ABBY BRUECKNER, BRAYDEN BUEHL, KAMRYN CARTER, BROOKLYN CHANEY, GABE CLARK, HAILEY CLARKE, KIAH CROCKETT, JUNIOR DANCER, CAPONE DAVIDSON, TIERNAN DELRIO, ANTONIO DOCHER, IZIARA ELDER, EDYN ELLESTAD, LILY ERDMAN, VICTORIA ESCOBAR, CHRISTIAN FUGARO, NICK FUGARO, SOPHIA GIBSON, OLIVIA GIENKE, KEVIN GONZALES, ELIANA HAHN, KYLIE HARRIS, TRISTIAN HODGKINS, SAMANTHA HOLLEY, RIDLEY JANSSEN, JULIA JONES, LEARIA JUAREZ, LIZZIE JUMP, HAILEE KORTH, LEAH KULICH, JEALYNN 2M 5K 5K 4C 3P KZ 1M 4MON 5O 2K KZ 1AB KS KZ 3MOORE 5K 2M 1AB 2K 3P 4MON 4MON 3P 1M 3MOORE KZ 4C 4MON KS 5K 1AB 5O 1AB 4MON KS KULICH, TANNER LANCASTER, ALEX LARSEN, WILL LEE, PRINCESS LEFLORE, LONDON LUDTKE, JULIANNE MAPHIS, LANDON MAROO, CHLOE MERCADO, SAMANTHA MERIGOLD, LEILA METCALF, SAVANNAH MINTER, MAX OTTESEN, DANNY PEREZ, MARIO RADEBAUGH, OLIVIA RAMIREZ, KAI REILLY, IZZY RIVERA, JADIEN SAYLES, GAVIN SCHULZ, JACK SEESE, MORGAN SLOMINSKI, DAVID STAVER, RILEY VALDEZ, JAIRO VARGAS, ANNA VARGAS, TRINITY VERTZ, ALESHA VOSS, AUTUMN WALTENBERRY, JACOB WASHINGTON, AN'TONE WEBER, NORAH WILKUM, COOPER WILLIAMS, RHIANNA ZIPFEL, JOHN ZWICKY, ADILYN 1AB 4C 2K 2K 3MOORE 3MOORE 4C 2K 5K KS 2M KS 2K 5O 5O 2M 3MOORE 2M 1M 4MON 4C 3P KZ 4C 5O 3P 3MOORE 3P 1M 5O KS KZ 1AB 5K 2M L O W E L L B U C K S 11 Meet Ms. Witte! Hello Lowell Parents and Students!! My name is Alicia Witte and I am the Physical Education student teacher at Lowell for the first quarter of the 2014-2015 school year. I am currently finishing up my Bachelor’s Degree in Physical and Health Education with a certification in Specially Designed P.E. and I will be graduated in December of this year. A little about myself: I am originally from Arlington Heights, IL but have recently moved to Waukesha this past March. I love being active, spending time with my friends and family, and going to Brewer Games. I have a fairly large family with 6 siblings and I am right in the middle as the third oldest. I also have a black Scottish Terrier named Cubby who always greets you with a snorting smile. I love Starbucks coffee and my favorite sport to play is volleyball. Lowell is such a unique and diverse environment to learn and grow from. I am so happy and thankful to have the opportunity to be a part of it! I hope that everyone has a fun and memorable school year! Go Leopards!!! 12 OCTOBER 2014 Monday Tuesday WATCH FOR THE MARCUS MOVIE TICKET SALE IN NOVEMBER! Wednesday 1 A Day Cross Country Run Practice 3;45 - 4:45 Lowell playground PTO MEETING Room 119 6:30 pm 6 A Day All school assembly HARLEM AMBASSADORS 2:15 - 3:00 in GYM Cross Country Run Practice 3:45 - 4:45 Lowell playground 13 C Day Cross Country Run Practice 3;45 - 4:45 Lowell playground 20 B Day 7 B Day BOOKSTORE OPEN 8:20 - 8:30 PLANETARIUM Grade 2 10:30 - 11:30 Cross Country Run Practice 3;45 - 4:45 Lowell playground 2 B Day BOOKSTORE OPEN 8:20 - 8:30 Cross Country Run Practice 3;45 - 4:45 Lowell playground 9 A Day Friday 3 C Day 4K TO BUSY BARN FARM 9:00 - 1:00 10 B Day BOOKSTORE OPEN 8:20 - 8:30 Cross Country Run Practice 3;45 - 4:45 Lowell playground Cross Country Run Practice 3:45 - 4:45 Lowell playground 14 A Day 15 B Day 16 C Day 17 A Day BOOKSTORE OPEN 8:20 - 8:30 CROSS COUNTRY RUN BOOKSTORE OPEN 8:20 - 8:30 PICTURE RE-TAKE DAY CULVER’S NIGHT 2600 N. Grandview 5 - 8 pm 21 C Day BOOKSTORE OPEN 8:20 - 8:30 CONFERENCES 9 - 12 Noon 12:30 - 3:30 pm 27 A Day 8 C Day Thursday 28 B Day BOOKSTORE OPEN 8:20 - 8:30 PUMPKIN FARM KINDERGARTEN 22 A Day CONFERENCES 9 - 12 Noon 12:30 - 3:30 pm 23 B Day 24 C Day BOOKSTORE OPEN 8:20 - 8:30 DISCOVERY WORLD Grades 3 & 4 9;00—3:30 CONFERENCES 4:00 - 7:30 pm 4K TO EBERTS FARM MASQUERADE BALL 6:00 - 8:00 PM 29 C Day 30 NO SCHOOL Staff Development 31 NO SCHOOL 13 Staff Development
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