Welcome to Harvest Life! MINISTRY WORKERS FOR NEXT SUNDAY October 19, 2014
Welcome to Harvest Life! MINISTRY WORKERS FOR NEXT SUNDAY October 19, 2014
Welcome to Harvest Life! If you are new to Harvest Life, we want you to know that we are honored to have you with us. Our meetings are our special times of drawing near to the presence of our God and we hope that you’ll have an amazing experience with Him in this place today. We may not be like other churches that you have visited so if something happens that you are not familiar with, don’t be afraid to say, “What’s up with that?” to someone. Also, following the meeting, prayer teams will be ready to pray with you for any need that you may have. Our God is still in the miracle working business and we believe that He loves you and wants something wonderful for you today! What About My Children? Children are important to us as a church and we have a NURSERY (ages 0 to 3 years) and a CHILDREN’S CHURCH (ages 4 through 2nd grade) staffed with caring Christians to minister to our youngest members. The Nursery is made available during the worship and preaching ministry time. The children in Children's Church are dismissed after the worship time. Please pick up your children immediately following the service. Text, email or call: To send a testimony: testimonies@harvestlife.net To send a prophecy: ministry@harvestlife.net To send a dream for interpretation: dreams@ harvestlife.net For prayer requests: call the church office at 419-784-5433, call Pastor Tim at 419-438-6673 or Joan at 419-784-0283. MINISTRY WORKERS FOR NEXT SUNDAY October 19, 2014 Ushers: Dave Hinesley Jeremiah Greve Betty Hinesley Ken Florence Greeters: Bernie Florence Dave & Betty Hinesley Prayer Team Ministry: Mark & Melissa Schnitkey Offering Counters: Nursery: Paul Karnes Joan Steinmetz Wed. Nursery, Oct 15 Attendance General Offering Harold Steinmetz Kaitie March Alyssa Greve Oct 5 Oct 5 97 2300.64 HOUSE WARMING OPEN HOUSE Saturday, Nov. 1, 2014 3 pm to 7 pm Jeremiah & Alyssa Greve cordially invite you to their House Warming Open House at 08216 Ashpacher Road in Defiance on Saturday, Nov. 1 from 3 pm to 7 pm. Light refreshments will be served. SMALL GROUPS HARVEST LIFELINE WISE GUYS MEETING (Men “55” and UP” Meeting) We meet every other week at Arby’s. The next meeting will be on Thursday, Oct. 23rd at 2:00 pm. “On Earth as it is in Heaven” THE FIRE CRACKERS (Ladies “55 and UP”) “Sparking a light for His Name” Meetings are every 1st and 3rd Monday’s at 2:00 pm at Arby’s. Next meeting is Monday, Oct. 20 THE HIDING…For youth and young adults who want to find out and know who God is and who you are. We meet at Amber & Joel’s house, 919 Davidson every other Sunday at 6:00 pm. Next meeting to be announced. October 12, 2014 Sunday Worship………………………10:00 a.m. LADIES GET TOGETHER st The Thursday women’s group will be meeting the 1 Thurs. of each month at 7:00 pm at the North side McDonald’s. The next meeting will be Thursday, November 6th. DREAM TEAM Next meeting date to be announced. At Matt & Lesa Davis home, 26646 Arena Drive, Defiance Enter Session – A time of soaking and prayer for those who want to prepare their hearts for worship. 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. in the youth room before the Sunday Worship Meeting. Wednesday Evening Family Growth...7:00 p.m. STAFF Tim Hacker, Senior Leader Joel Greve, Youth Pastor Julie Suffel needs a ride to church on Sunday mornings. She lives on West High Street and her phone number is 419-9671778. If you can give her a ride, please give her a call. . HARVEST LIFE FELLOWSHIP 20000 County Road 424, Defiance, OH 43512 419-784-LIFE (5433) Toll Free 1-800-BE WISER (239-4737) Web site – www.harvestlife.net Email – gotochurch@harvestlife.net HARVEST CRAFT SHOW Saturday, November 1, 2014 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Harvest Life Youth Room HARVEST PARTY Sunday, October 26, 2014 5:00 p.m. This will be a time of fun and fellowship for the whole family. There will be Hot Dogs and Sloppy Joes and games for the children. Since Halloween is over, kids do not need to wear costumes. Signup sheets for food and help with games and clean up will be passed around during the service today. All Hand-Made Crafts, vendors from the tri-state area, and lunch available. Lunch proceeds will benefit the Harvest Life youth group. Join us for the Harvest Craft Show! Bethel Video Leaders Advance Thursday & Friday, Nov. 6 & 7, 2014 Here at Harvest Life Fellowship We will be hosting the Fall Leaders Advance for area pastors on Thursday and Friday, November 6 & 7. If you wish to attend this conference, you must pre-register by emailing the church or letting the office know so that we know how much food is needed. You do not have to register if you are only coming to the sessions. More information on session times forthcoming. Community “Unity” Prayer Room At The Gathering Place (formerly the Valentine Theater) 5th floor (There is elevator access.) Bruce & Vicki Lewis are the facilitators on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 6:00 to 7:30 pm. They would like to invite the church to join them for a time of individual soaking and prayer focusing on our community, region, & nation. LADIES GET TOGETHER Sunday, October 19th – 6:00 pm All ladies are invited to come for a night out at Lisa Hacker’s home at 310 W. Sherwood Drive, Defiance. Ladies with last name initials of A-J are to bring a side dish or veggie to go with hot chicken sandwiches and those with K-Z are to bring a dessert. 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