Diary Dates


Diary Dates
Diary Dates
Tuesday 14th October
9.30 - 11.30am Kernow Credit Union.
10.00 - 12.00 Coffee Morning – Trebullett
League of Prayer
Wednesday 15th October
10.00am-12.00 Chattabox for under 5’s. £1 per child.
& 1.00pm-3.00
Wednesday Fellowship – Mr Mike Stearn
Thursday 16th October
10.00 - 12.00
The Stanbury’s drop in coffee morning.
Tel: 777661.
Housegroup at Milltown Farm
Children & Youth Committee meeting
Friday 17th October
Junior Club (5-11 year old).
Saturday 18th October
All Age Worship training day
Welcome to Central.
We trust you will know the presence of God as
you share in worship with us today.
A crèche is available during morning worship as
are toy bags for under 5’s. If your child would
like a toy bag please ask a steward.
If this is your first time at Central please fill
in the slip on the back page and place it in the
offertory box so we can remember you in our
Sunday 19th October
Club 4:2:11
Circuit Service
Mr Bob Goody of Spring Harvest
Tea Time Mr John Hogarth
Community Harvest at Town Hall
Sunday 12th October 2014
Club 4:2:11
Morning Service
Mrs Jude Jones
Mr Richard Heard
2-4-5 Kids
Church Contact Details
Minister: Every member: Revd Malcolm Jones 776603
Children’s & Family Worker: Marguerite Smith 07745 467146
Circuit Youth Worker: Sam Beazley 07540 107655
Senior Steward: Mrs Evelyn Sandercock 772846
Site Steward: Mr Glen Douce 774969
Church Website: www.central-methodist.org.uk
Circuit website: www.lamc.org.uk contact David Rogerson
01579 370412, email david@lamc.org.uk
Circuit office: Richard Wright 772797 admin@lamc.org.uk
(STD is 01566 unless otherwise stated)
Please note that items for the news-sheet need to be placed in the box
in the Junior Church porch by 9.00am each Thursday
or e-mail to: circuitsec@btconnect.com or admin@lamc.org.uk
Please also ensure that items have a name & telephone contact.
The goal of Central Methodist Church is to respond
to the gospel of God’s love in Christ through worship,
discipleship, evangelism and mission.
Tear here.........................................................................................
Please tick: Visiting the area □
Would like a home visit □
This week: Ex.32:1-14; Ps.106:1-6,19-23; Phil.4:1-9;
Next week: Ex.33:12-23; Ps.99; 1Thess.1:1-10; Matt.22:15-22.
Home Church........................................................................
Events and Diary Dates
For Your Thoughts and Prayers
Those who are unwell: Mary Barriball,
Elsie Penhale, Valerie Greenslade,
Michael, son of Steve & Dorothy Dolley
Ruth, Pat Mogford’s daughter,
Pauline Metherell & June Davey.
Gladys Harvey in Tystane Care Home, Braunton.
Renee Sandercock & Elsie Cavey in Beaumont Court
Dorothy Littlejohn in Pendownder House, Trebursye
Please pray for our Ministers, lay workers and all
who share in the work and ministry of our circuit
together with our local preachers leading worship
today: Chris Paxman, Andrew Baker,
Elizabeth Rodgers & Marguerite Smith.
Congratulations to Neville Helme who celebrates
his 80th birthday today.
Caring Friends - for help & support for anyone going through
a difficult time, please phone 777661.
Circuit Prayer Chain - Please contact Audrey on 01566 86446
or Sheila on 01566 776466.
Prayer Ministry Team - meet for prayer on the platform
before the service or if you would like someone to pray with
you please go to the prayer station after the service where
someone will join you.
Operation Christmas Child. As in other years we shall
be organizing the annual Children’s Christmas Shoe Box
Appeal. If anyone is interested in filling a box or giving a
donation there are leaflets available. Please contact
Derek or Marion Cole, Tel:774121.
All Age Worship Training Day on October 18th
10.00am to 4.00pm at Central with Bob Goody, Spring
Harvest Worship Leader. Please bring a packed lunch.
A United Service for Cornwall is being held at St
Austell on 16th November 2014 at 3.00p.m. If anyone is
interested in going please contact Evelyn Sandercock on
772846. It is hoped that transport will be arranged by bus.
A Pastoral Meeting for pastoral visitors and church
stewards is on Thursday 23rd October at 7.30.p.m. in the
Dingley Hall.
St Mary’s Christmas Tree Festival December 5th-14th.
If anyone feels they would like to enter a decorated tree
or a crib scene on behalf of Central please would you let
Elaine Wright know. Tel:778608.
The next Children & Youth Committee meeting is on
Thursday 16th October 7.30pm at Central.
Sale of Harvest produce: £180 was raised from the
sale of the Harvest produce on Monday evening. The
money has been sent to 'All We Can' the new name for
the Methodist Relief and Development Fund.
Donations from the last Film Night amounted to £90.
The League of Prayer meets in the Dingley Hall on
Tuesday 14th October at 7.30pm. Speaker: Peter
Today’s Bible readings are brought to us by
Derek & Marion Cole
Flowers this week have been donated by
Jane Rusden
Coffee & Tea is available after the service.
This week served by: Yvonne & Alan Tucker,
Marion Ruse.
Next week: Rosemary & Barry Greenaway
Fellowship and Bible Study Groups:
Roydon Road
Newport Square
Milltown Farm
Paxman 775901
Gilbert 772224
Robbins 772446
If you would like to join one of our House groups
please telephone the organiser to check on timings
and availability.
If Thursday is not a convenient day for you, have you
considered starting another group with one or two
friends from Central? If so, please pass details to
Richard Wright in the church office and he will ensure
the details are made available to everyone.
If you are already part of another group, please consider
including details in the weekly notices.