Diary Dates


Diary Dates
Diary Dates
Tuesday 18th November
9.30 - 11.30am Kernow Credit Union.
10.00 - 12.00
Coffee Morning –Pipers Pool
Tuesday Group
Wednesday 19th November
10.00am-12.00 Chattabox for under 5’s. £1 per child.
& 1.00pm-3.00
Wednesday Fellowship –
Rev Malcolm Jones
Thursday 20th November
10.00 - 12.00
The Stanbury’s drop in coffee morning.
Tel: 777661.
Friday 21st November
Junior Club (5-11 year old)
Sunday 23rd November
Club 4:2:11
Morning Service
Mr Andrew Baker
Mr Sam Beazley
2-4-5 Kids
Welcome to Central.
We trust you will know the presence of God as
you share in worship with us today.
A crèche is available during morning worship as
are toy bags for under 5’s. If your child would
like a toy bag please ask a steward.
If this is your first time at Central please fill
in the slip on the back page and place it in the
offertory box so we can remember you in our
Sunday 16th November 2014
Church Contact Details
Minister: Every member: Revd Malcolm Jones 776603
Children’s & Family Worker: Marguerite Smith 07745 467146
Circuit Youth Worker: Sam Beazley 07540 107655
Senior Steward: Mrs Evelyn Sandercock 772846
Site Steward: Mr Glen Douce 774969
Church Website: www.central-methodist.org.uk
Circuit website: www.lamc.org.uk contact David Rogerson
01579 370412, email david@lamc.org.uk
Circuit office: Richard Wright 772797 admin@lamc.org.uk
(STD is 01566 unless otherwise stated)
Club 4:2:11
Morning Service
Mrs Sue Rowell
Evening Service
Rev Keith Roberts
Please note that items for the news-sheet need to be placed in the box
in the Junior Church porch by 9.00am each Thursday
or e-mail to: circuitsec@btconnect.com or admin@lamc.org.uk
Please also ensure that items have a name & telephone contact.
The goal of Central Methodist Church is to respond
to the gospel of God’s love in Christ through worship,
discipleship, evangelism and mission.
Tear here.........................................................................................
Please tick: Visiting the area □
Would like a home visit □
This week: Jud.4:1-7; Ps.123; 1Thess.5:1-11; Matt.25:14-30.
Home Church........................................................................
Next week: Ez.34:11-16,20-24; Ps.95:1-7a; Eph.1:15-23;
For Your Thoughts and Prayers
Those who are unwell: Mary Barriball,
Elsie Penhale, June Davey
Toddie Irving & Gwen Prout.
Pamela Adams in Kernow House
Also for Mabel Mills & Margery Welsford
Barbara Pearce, Mary Barriball & Sheila Brand.
Please pray for our Ministers, lay workers and all
who share in the work and ministry of our circuit
together with our local preachers: Jenny Parnell,
Chris Paxman, Elizabeth Rodgers, Toni Cox
& Tony Howe.
My sincere thanks to all who have prayed for my
daughter Ruth. I am pleased to say that she
continues to make a steady progress, Pat Mogford.
Caring Friends - for help & support for anyone going through
a difficult time, please phone 777661.
Circuit Prayer Chain - Please contact Audrey on 01566 86446
or Sheila on 01566 776466.
Today’s Bible readings are brought to us by
Events and Diary Dates
Tuesday Group: at our next meeting on Tuesday 18th
November, Mrs Jen Spettigue will be demonstrating
Christmas crafts. Members are asked to bring a simple
sewing kit with them (scissors, needle and thread). All
ladies will be made very welcome - we meet in the
Dingley Hall at 7.30pm.
Will anyone wishing to donate knitted items or toiletries
for the Fish and Chip Babies please hand to me by
Sunday next, 23rd November. Thankyou Sylvia Duke.
There is to be a retirement collection after the morning
service on 23rd November for the Disasters Emergency
Committee Appeal for the relief of suffering from ebola.
Operation Christmas Child: please note that the last
day for passing in boxes is today, 16th November. Many
thanks to all who have contributed. Thanks again Derek
and Marion Cole, Tel:774121.
Advent Sacred Space each Friday from 28th
November 2014, 12-12.30pm, in the Dingley Hall. A time
to reflect and pray in the lead up to Christmas. Light
Link Road Project: Come and have a look at the
updated designs from the architect and share your
thoughts and views over a cup of tea and a piece of cake.
Venue: Lifton Methodist Church 2.00-4.00pm on 29th
Jean Mansell & Trevor Barriball
Cards For Good Causes: Multi-Charity Christmas Card
Shop at Central in the porch throughout November.
Mon-Fri 10.00am to 4.00pm, Saturday 10.00am to
Flowers this week have been donated by
Does your chapel have a nativity you would like to display
at Coads Green Nativity Festival on November 29th &
30th? If so please ring Becky Stephens on 01566
Joan Cotterell
Coffee & Tea is available after the service.
This week served by: Rosemary Dunning & team
Next week: Joan Cotterell & team
Christian Aid: you are invited to attend a viewing of
the film "No Impact Man" on Wednesday 19th November
at 7.00pm at 6 Tamar View, Launceston PL15 9EX. The
film is based on a New York couple who decide to "Go
Green" for a year and what they learn. It has been
described as one of the most contemporary and light
hearted observations and proof that Eco and
entertainment aren't mutually exclusive. Please note
places are limited, so please book by contacting Trevor
Cook on 07796 865651 to confirm you are coming. Thank
Fellowship and Bible Study Groups:
Roydon Road
Newport Square
Milltown Farm
Paxman 775901
Gilbert 772224
Robbins 772446
If you would like to join one of our House groups
please telephone the organiser to check on timings
and availability.
If Thursday is not a convenient day for you, have you
considered starting another group with one or two
friends from Central? If so, please pass details to
Richard Wright in the church office and he will ensure
the details are made available to everyone.
If you are already part of another group, please consider
including details in the weekly notices.
The Tuesday coffee morning on 4th November raised
£292.60 and the Nibbles & Knowledge evening on 8th
£230.50, both for Church funds.
These events were organised by the Action Committee
who would like to thank everyone who helped and
supported in any way.
Donations from the Film Night amounted to £68.