S Pleas about t stra rem today of a po Reminder - Lee-on-the
S Pleas about t stra rem today of a po Reminder - Lee-on-the
scho Dear Parents, It doesn’t seem possible that we are already coming to the end of the second week of the Summer Term! The children are really enjoying spending time outside learning in the sunshine. We are very excited about our new Facebook page, please log on and ‘like’ us if you haven’t already. Our Business Manager, Mrs Selmes will be keeping it up to date with school news. Lots will be happening this term, first and foremost there are the assessments and tests to measure progress that we have to complete with all children. I would urge you all to ensure that your children are in school on every possible occasion as this is a crucial time for all of our children. Individual year groups will update you on the specific process. The Pirate Ship is proving very popular with the children. Can I remind you that the playground gate will be locked and the Pirate Ship must be vacated by 3.30pm as Woodpeckers need to use it after this time. FLIS are busy planning and organising the Summer Fair. They are also planning a summer term magic show as well as fundraising to provide more resources. Our children really benefit from the resources they provide. The Pirate Ship would not exist without their contributions. Please see the FLIS Newsletter and contact them if you are able to offer some time no matter how small to support them. th VE Day Celebrations – Friday 8 May As you will be aware, VE Day is at the end of next week. We have decided to come to school dressed in clothes from the time to help make our learning about it more realistic. I know a lot of families will still have outfits from the D Day celebrations last year. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for photographs from the day. Classes endeavour to update their blogs regularly, please visit them and comment on the children’s learning. Children really enjoy reading the comments you make. Wishing you all a warm and sunny May Day. Reminder Children should be in school ready to start learning by 8.50am. Classroom doors will open at 8.45am and will be closed at 8.55am. Children arriving after that time should be taken to the office. Lee-on-the-Solent Infant School Upcoming Dates and Important Information June 2015 May 2015 Monday 1 – Return to School Monday 4 – May Day School Closed New YR Children - 5.00pm-6.00pm Friday 12 – Coffee Morning – 9.00am Tuesday 14 – Rocksteady Concert – Monday 15 – Y2 Parents Meeting at Junior School - 1.30pm-3.00pm Thursday 14 – Class Photographs New Reception Year 2015 Meeting Tuesday 16 – Y2 Parents Meeting at Junior School - 1.30pm-3.00pm - 6.00pm – 7.30pm Friday 22 – School Breaks up for Half Term – 3.00pm finish Thursday 9 - Drop in Play Session Thursday 4 – Drop in Play Session New YR Children – 1.45pm-2.45pm Friday 8 – VE Day 1940’s Clothing Coffee Afternoon – 2.30pm July 2015 Tuesday 23 – Sports Day – Timings to be confirmed Thursday 25 – Drop in Play Session New YR Children – 5.00pm-6.00pm Friday 26 – Coffee Afternoon – 2.30pm PIRATE SHIP If you allow your child to use the Pirate ship after school it will be your responsibility to ensure they are safe. As you are aware, we take children’s safety very seriously so would ask you to remind your children of the safety rules when they are using the pirate ship under your 2.15pm (parents of musicians welcome) Thursday 16 - Drop in Play Session New YR Children – 9.15am-10.15am Tuesday 21 July – Last day of Term 3.00pm finish School Office Please be aware that the office is open from 8.30am until 4.00pm. 02392 551767 When sending in money to the school office, please ensure it is in a sealed named envelope, with class name, purpose and amount to avoid any confusion. supervision. Please vacate the playground by 3.30pm when the gate will be locked for the Youth Hut safeguarding of children attending Woodpeckers. Your support and understanding in these If you would like to hire the youth hut for your child’s party, Please contact either school office. matters is appreciated. Year One Staff Contact details ageorge@los-infants.co.uk gselmes@los-infants.co.uk edadminoffice2630@hants.gov.uk Camp Madagascar - mrochon@los-infants.co.uk Camp Borneo lallen@los-infants.co.uk Camp Amazon kdolton@los-infants.co.uk jroche@los-infants.co.uk Unicorns acrampton@los-infants.co.uk Dragons vgiles@los-infants.co.uk Wizards rbailey@los-infants.co.uk Year R Seahorses Dolphins Starfish - Office & Admin Year Two nricketts@los-infants.co.uk jsmith@los-infants.co.uk itopps@los-infants.co.uk In case of urgent matters please contact the school office Infant School – 02392 551767 Junior School – 02392 550551 Parking at school The barrier will go down at 8.30am and up again at 9.15am. In the afternoon it will go down at 2.45pm and up again at 3.20pm. The main gates will remain locked during the day when the children are in school. People with mobility problems who need access to the site should telephone the school office (02392 551767) and ask for someone to come and open the gate. 02392 551767 Don’t forget to check out our class blogs; www.lotsblogs.co.uk to find out what the children have been up to in school. They really enjoy reading the comments written by parents about their activities.