Document 6556155


Document 6556155
Volume 41, Issue 10
October 10, 2014
October Events
Reflections From John
I find it fascinating that the very first words spoken
to human beings created in the Image of God are, “Be
fruitful…” We tend to receive such as a directive to
populate the world with children. But I am convinced
that God always wants to teach us of the deeper
things about life, employing the world He has created
as a teaching tool to do so. Rather than an either/or
approach to things He says, we do well to understand
a both/and approach to be in order.
Our God is interested in the world going on; yes, He
desires our world to flourish with human beings created in His Image. His charge to us to be fruitful includes both the directive to have families and to embrace the Great Commission (“Go therefore and make
disciples of all the nations …”), fulfilling God’s desire
and purpose for us, as those created in His Image.
We are to be His ambassadors of reconciliation, helping Him to reconcile broken relationships of all kinds,
be they between God and His children or between us
and one another. That’s a tall order, and we can be
forever grateful that He’s promised us His Presence
and His guidance empowering us to be faithful.
As His Church family, we become wise as we become
willing to believe what God says to us. We do well to
ask ourselves, “Are we being fruitful?” That’s a good
question for us as individuals AND as a community of
faith. I thank each one of you who has been serious
about our exploration of the five practices of fruitful
congregations. To all of you who have graciously invested yourself in providing leadership in this regard,
THANK YOU! We have explored areas of Intentional Faith Development, and Radical Hospitality thus far, and as you receive this we will soon
be looking into Risk-taking Mission and Service, Passionate Worship, and Extravagant Generosity. Our
reasons for delving into these areas of ministry have revolved
around a sincere desire to be faithful and fruitful. God longs
for us to be those kinds of people.
His WORD is clear: Unless the LORD builds the house, the
laborers labor in vain. (Psalm 127:1) We dare not miss the
essential significance of our need to be filled with the Holy
Spirit in order for us to truly be fruitful. Jesus was emphatic:
“I am the True Vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every
branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every
branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more
fruit…Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear
fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you,
unless you abide in Me…He who abides in Me, and I in him,
bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” (John
15: 1-5)
No, I don’t think Jesus enjoys pulling the rug out from underneath us, poking holes in our self-sufficient pride. Without a
doubt, human beings are capable of remarkable accomplishments. But Jesus wants us to be well aware that when it comes
to those things that matter --- Eternally --- we cannot be fruitful without Him. He loves us enough to make sure we do not
miss that fact.
Invite Jesus, the King of kings and LORD of lords, to fill you
with His Spirit, enabling and empowering you to be fruitful.
As He makes good on His Promises to each one of us, we, as
His Church, will be fruitful in our intentional faith development, radical hospitality, passionate worship, risk-taking mission and service, and extravagant generosity. And the world
will become a better place!
Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in the Parlor
Beginning Wednesday, September 10
Books are available in the church office.
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Music Ministry Notes
Sunday, September 28 in the
Sanctuary, 9:00 – 9:30 am
Joyful Joyful
Raymond Wells in recital Devotions and
Improvisations on familiar hymn tunes
Sunday, October 19, 4:00 pm in the Sanctuary
Lonnie Reed, tenor, in recital
We are please to welcome Lonnie Reed back to PFUMC. We all enjoyed his
fabulous singing at the hymn festival this past March. He will be giving a
full recital, including a wide variety of music. We will also be featuring two
students from our Fine Arts Academy at intermission, and there will be a reception following the concert. A free-will offering will be received to benefit
the Fine Arts Academy scholarship fund and the CROP Walk.
Friday, October 24
6:00 pm
Fellowship Hall
$5 per family for pizza,
popcorn, games, fellowship,
and fun
Bring your friends and come to the Fellowship Hall for a
night of pizza, popcorn, games, friendship, and movie fun. We will
be ordering the pizza and popping the corn but would love it if
you would bring a bottle of juice, a plate of cookies, or finger
friendly veggies/fruits.
Please RSVP to
or return the bottom of this form to the church office.
Plymouth 1st United Methodist Church
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The Season of Learning
Wow! Where did the summer go? It seems like
only a couple of weeks ago we were congratulating
our graduates. Now we’re blessing the backpacks
and sending the kids back to school.
Yes, it’s the season to get back to learning. So the big
question for the month is, what class are you going to
take? Just like students returning to school, it’s time for
all us church members to return to our classes. That’s
the thing about being a committed Christian, there’s always more to learn.
So what’s it going to be? How are you going to go
back to school? One way is to join one of the Sunday
morning classes. If you’re going to make the drive to
church anyway, why not get here a little earlier and
spend some time in fellowship and discussion about
some aspect of how God is in our lives. In addition to
all the children and youth classes, there are also several
classes for adults. There’s a class for parents of young
children, and another for parents with tweens and teens.
There’s the Journey through the Bible class. Plus one of
my favorites, Movie and a Message. All of these classes
are open to all levels of biblical expertise.
If you can’t do a Sunday morning class, we have offerings during the week. On Monday morning, the Monday Morning Women’s group meets. I’m teaching a
Disciple 1 class on Monday evenings.
Wednesday is another day with several class options.
On Wednesday mornings, there are both Men’s and
Women’s prayer breakfasts. In the evening Pastor John
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teaches a class, and there’s a men’s
Bible study as well.
If you want to try a shorter term commitment, there are several small
groups of people that have taken it upon
themselves to host a 4 to 6 week class on an
area that interests them. In the past such
books as, “They Like Jesus but Not the
Church ,“The Celebration of Discipline”,
and “Chasing God” have served to be the
basis of these short-term classes. If there’s
a topic or book that interests you, let me
know. I’m sure other people would be interested as well, and we could start one of
these classes.
So now, that I’ve told you what’s available,
let me explain why it’s important that you
attend a class. Mainly because we want you
and your experiences there. All these
classes work best when there’s a dialog
among a number of people attending. Everyone brings different thoughts and experiences to the conversation, and it’s through
discussing those experiences that we learn
and grow.
Now I bet you thought I was going to say
you had to go because you needed to learn
more about God. Well, while my hope is
that you will take in information while you
learn, I’m really more excited about what
you can give the rest of us through sharing
and talking.
So why don’t you come join the rest of us
students, and let’s start sharing…
Mondays at 7:00 pm in the Parlor
Beginning Monday, September 8
Books are available in the church office.
P a g e
Growing a Christian life takes more than
just one hour a week sitting in the pew for
worship. It’s about a life that has been
transformed by the Word of God. How can
we be transformed if we are not spending
time studying His Word?
Room L04
PFUMC challenges everyone to
spend an additional hour each week in
Bible study, Small Group, Sunday School
Class, or a Christian accountability group.
If you are not a part of a group contact
Amy Triebwasser at
Room 104/106
Room L09
Room 302
Game Room
Room L08
Grow, Proclaim, Serve! Grow Your Faith
by Leaps and Bounds incorporates Bible
stories, activities, crafts, media, and
games into a full faith experience for children. With Grow, Proclaim, Serve! children will develop the skills to unlock the
Bible message and grow their faith by
leaps and bounds.
Room 312
(newborn to 2 year old)
2 to 3 year olds Room 313
4 year old—K
1st—2nd grade
3rd—4th grade
5th—6th grade
Rm 311
Rm 306/308
Rm 307/309
Rm 108
Beginning of God’s People
Know that the Lord is God– he
made us; we belong to him. We
are his people, the sheep of his
own pasture.
Psalm 100:3
Abraham and Sarah
Isaac Is Born
Twin Brothers
Jacob’s Ladder
4 yr olds—K
Rm 311
1st—2nd grade Rm 306/308
5:30 pm
Area 56 is a place for 5th & 6th Graders to experience
meaningful Bible Study, Life Changing Fellowship, Outrageous Games, Important Service Projects, & Wacky Snacks
P a g e
First Step is a safe house in Wayne County for battered/abused women and their children. Jennifer Hartke Hetzel, a daughter of this congregation and Chair of First Step, will speak
at our "Pearl of Great Price" catered dinner on October 17th. Come to learn about the
broad scope of their care and ministry.
Donations for First Step can be brought in through October 17th.
Especially needed are new underwear for women and children and personal hygiene
items. First Step is always grateful for gift cards as well, so they can purchase items in bulk.
Mason Family Farm
10582 N. Territorial Rd
Please contact Amy at with ?’s or to
PLEASE BRING: *Chairs for around the
campfire *Extra wood for the fire! *If
your last name ends with…A-G ~ dessert H-O ~ appetizer P-Z ~ apple cider
or other family friendly beverage
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B e a c o n
Financial Update for
August 2014
Income = $ 84,342
Expenses = $ 55,940
YTD Income = $ 629,986
YTD Expenses = $ 576,858
Kroger Reward
points earned
Don’t forget to
shop at both locations for reward
9 am Sunday School
9:30 am Monday Morning
10:10 am Worship
Women Bible Study
11:30 am Fellowship Time
5:30 pm FUSION youth
5 World Wide Communion
BSF leaders
11:30 am 60+ lunch
7 pm—Disciple 1
6:50 pm Evangelism
5:30 pm— 5 Practices
5:30 pm FUSION
7 pm Disciple 1
5:30 pm FUSION
7 pm Disciple 1
Rummage Sale
Rummage Sale
Rummage Sale
5:30 pm - 5 Practices
5:30 pm FUSION
5:30 pm FUSION
Please have all of your pledges and
donations in for the year 2014 no later
than December 30, 2014. The church
office will be closed December 25, 26,
& 31, 2014 and January 1, 2015. If any
donations are received for the year
2014 in January 2015, it will be applied to the new year of 2015. We need
to do this in order to balance out our
records and send out annual statements promptly. If you should have
any questions, please contact Susan
Henry, Financial Secretary in the
church office. Thank you.
7 pm Disciple 1
Fund-raising Collection Request Form
There is a form that will need to be completed for ALL fund-raising efforts at the church. The
Fund-raising Collection Request forms are located in the office, the office of Susan Henry,
Financial Secretary, and on the church website under “Members.” Completed forms should
be given to Susan who will pass them on to the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee
will review the requests and either approve, deny, or approve with a change to a different
date. This process will avoid numerous fund-raisers going on at the same time and allow an
organized approach within our church calendar.
Thank you,
Susan Henry, Financial Secretary
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Wednesday Thursday
6 am Prayer Breakfast
5:45 pm Jubilate Choir
6 pm Cherub Choir
6 pm Bible Study
6 pm Impact Band Practice
7:30 pm Chancel Choir
5:20 pm Holy Yoga
6:25 pm Prayer Meeting
7:30 pm Festival Bells
7 pm—Staff parish
2:00 pm Knit & Crochet
6pm—Bible Study
7 pm Christian Ed
1 pm—PFUMC Quilting
7 pm Church Council
6—Women at Risk Dinner
2 pm Knit & Crochet
6pm—Bible Study
6 pm Finance
6pm—Bible Study
Rummage Sale
Fall is finally here, and it’s time to get knitting! If you want to learn to knit, refresh
your skills, or just be part of the fun, come and join us on Wednesday evenings
starting on November 5th. We will be meeting in room 302 from 6:30 - 8:30pm.
If you are a new knitter, please bring a skein of light colored, medium weight
yarn (i.e. worsted weight), and a size 7 or 8 needle. I recommend a
medium length, straight needle, either wood or metal. If you are a seasoned
knitter, bring your projects with you and show us what you have been doing.
If you have any questions, call Ruth Cook at home, 734-451-9485;
or my cell phone, 734-718-1114
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CATERED DINNER ~ $15 (child care
6:00 p.m. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17TH
Every single one of us is God's "Pearl of Great
Price" for whom He paid it all through His precious Son Jesus. Millions of other precious
"pearls" are buried in the dark places of human
labor trafficking and sex trafficking. Men and
boys, women and girls have no choices because
they are victims of trafficking, with abuse and
threats on their lives, as well as on the lives of
their families. And it happens even in good
families and safe neighborhoods like ours.
We can do so much more than wring our hands
over these heinous sins. Come to learn how we
can help prevent trafficking, help in rescuing,
and help in after care and building new
lives. EVERYONE can do something!!! Although every organization needs
funds to do their work, there is so much more
we can do as well.
Mission Opportunities for the WHOLE Family!
We had wonderful support for the NOAH Project
making bagged lunches as we’ve kicked off Family
Missions this year, and now we want to highlight
some other opportunities you have to serve TOGETHER this fall!
Saturday, October 4th: Hands4Detroit (an outreach & mission event by the Detroit Renaissance
District of the UMC; sign-up your family individually at for specific
Sunday, October 5th immediately after church:
Mission Fair (a chance to see displays from a host
of organizations and to talk to your kids about opportunities to serve both in and outside the church
… all while enjoying snacks and prizes!)
Becoming educated about and participating in
stemming the riptide of human trafficking is
PFUMC's major new mission emphasis. The lives of
your children, grandchildren, or every child you
know may be at stake. Come find out what you can
do to protect them. (We are planning events for the
teens at a later date.)
Fine food prepared by master chef Andrew Lehman
Gathering music by Barbara Theurer
Program music by our Impact Band
Boutique in the Parlor, items made by rescued
women (think Christmas)
WAR, International (Women At Risk, International)
First Step
Tickets on sale in the great hall or call Marge Rousseau (248-348-1804) Think about your friends and
extended family members who also need to protect
their children and teens and invite them.
Sunday, October 12th at 2PM: CROP Hunger Walk (sign
up on the sheet at church to walk with other families to raise
money and awareness for Church World Service and their
mission to end hunger both locally and abroad)
Saturday, November 1 st at 8AM: Rake N Go with the
Plymouth United Way (meet at the church with gloves,
rakes, and other yard tools and head over as a group to a
homeowner in need of help; even the youngest can take a
turn putting leaves in provided yard bags! Stay as long as
the family is able and willing!)
Monday, November 17th: Guest Week (Rotating Winter
Homeless Shelter) at PFUMC (opportunity to help make and
serve dinner for the guests coming to the church for the
night; includes time to socialize and play board games with
our guests)
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Mission and Ministry Fair immediately following Worship on
World Communion Sunday, October 5th
2014 Plymouth/Canton CROP Walk
“In everything I have shown you that, by working hard, we must help the weak. In this way we
remember the Lord Jesus’ words: ‘It is more
blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35 CEB
Sunday, October 12, 2014 at 1:30 pm
God placed a call on my heart to explore international ministry. With the help of Ron and Pam
Fair, I connected with the Rafiki organization and
completed the Rafiki mini-missionary training in
their Florida facility during the spring of 2012. In
the summer of 2012, I served at the Rafiki orphan
village in Kenya, Africa. What a privilege to
serve as a teacher to so many fine Kenyan children. Then, in the summer of 2013 I had privilege
to serve at the Rafiki orphan village in Malawi,
Africa and serve those fine children of Malawi
and be where Ron and Pam Fair were serving for
about 16 months. I will continue to listen for
God's direction and look forward to more missionary opportunities. I was privileged to work
with the fine orphaned children of Malawi .
- Jeannie Martin
Jeanne’s testimony reminds us that mission work
starts by simply making ourselves available to
God’s call. As members of a community of believers, God calls us all to faithfully love and
serve others. This fall during our 5 Practices
study, we will be reviewing God’s call for us to
partake in risk-taking mission and service. As
part of this study, the Missions Committee invites
every member of our church (young and old) to
participate in the Mission and Ministry Fair being
held directly after Worship on Sunday, October
5th in the Fellowship Hall. Please plan to stay
after service for 30 minutes and learn about the
more than 30 organizations that PFUMC has
partnered with to provide each of us an opportunity to be blessed by showing Christ to the world.
Soup Kitchen Ministry
Are you interested in helping with a future soup kitchen? Future
dates are: 10/12 and 12/14 at Baldwin in Pontiac. To sign up,
email Melissa at mmhenderson@ameritech,net,
call 455-4227, sign up on the kiosk at church, or
on this website:
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60 + NEWS
60+ had a very auspicious September beginning of the
2014-15 season. Almost all the usual suspects arrived,
along with a number of new ones (we hope will become
regulars), Chef Cheryl provided her usual bodacious
lunch, and we were enlightened and informed by our
very knowledgeable guest speaker Cynthia Khan.
Cynthia was born into a Christian family of Hindu background. Her husband, Khurram, was also raised a
Christian with a Muslim background. His grandfather
became a believer when he heard a street missionary
speak the words from Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first
the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all
these things shall be added unto you.”, and he asked for
and was given a Bible to study in his own language.
Cynthia and Khurram also lived in Saudi Arabia where
sharia is the ruling law and women are completely repressed, she being subjected to wearing the required
black clothing which totally covered women when in
public. However, because she was not a Saudi, she was
spared having to completely cover her face. From Saudi
Arabia where Cynthia was a teacher and Khurram was
an engineer, they were called to mission work for Christ
and in 1994 immigrated to America to pursue that call-
ing. While they are free here, Christian family members and
friends are living in potentially dangerous circumstances
since Pakistan in recent years has also come under sharia law.
During her talk Cynthia gave us helpful information about
how to sensitively and meaningfully dialogue with a Muslim
as such opportunities may become more and more frequent
for many of us.
Cynthia’s love for Christ is inspiring, as is her love for and
mission to bring Christ to others, especially Muslim women.
She is the Women’s & Youth Ministries Director of POBLO
International an organization originated in Dearborn whose
mission is to make disciples for Christ, both abroad and at
home. One of the projects is outreach to refugees and immigrants through Friendship Centers offering hospitality and
friendship, English as a second language, sewing, computer
and citizenship classes. Cynthia is helping to set up and train
volunteers for a center in the Living Word church, our
neighbor up the street. You can learn more about her work
and POBLO by visiting their website at
Next month we look forward to our guest Bob Nelson who
will present a program about he and Nancy’s dream trip up
the Danube and down the Rhine last May. Reservation sheet
is in the great hall or you can call Mary (248-374-0369) or
Sandy (734-459-5471). See you October 6th!
10/1 Ron Fair
Dr. John Robertson
10/2 Chloe Dobson
Morgan Dobson
Karen Peckrul
Jimmy Wilbur
10/4 Diane Anderson
Nick Berlanga
Isaac Schmitt
Jarret Swales
Jeff Townley
Raymond Weston
10/5 Sandra DeWitt
Madison Rivera
Anthony Sayers
10/6 Michael
Lynda Moore
10/7 Jami Lukasik
Sarah Pushies
Judith Rumpel
10/8 Karen Krot
Elizabeth Lajoie
Alexis Panizzoli
Patricia Richter
10/9 Michael Wilder
10/10 Susan Aldrich
Bradley Blunden
Jonathan Blunden
Melissa Henderson
Sara Hubbard
Doris Kuhns
Stephen Nyquist
10/11 John Anderson
Abigail Lewis
Ava Marble
Kimberly Mason
Mercy Okai
10/12 Margaret Hakala
Susan Henry
10/13 Elizabeth McCully
Marsha Mursch—Nardone
Ryan Rowe
10/14 Amy Brown
Donna Edwards
Jonathan Nardone
10/15 Katherine Lawrence
Tina Powell
Ryan Siegler
Agnes Szeromski
10/16 Brandon Hoard
Jean Miller
B i r t h d a y s
Monte Shettler
Sarah Smith
10/17 Karen Burton
Sandra Goga
Denise Gomrick
Caitlin Russell
10/18 Danielle Goud
Jacob Kast
10/19 Charles McIIhargey
10/20 Mary Ruth Bird
David Lehmer
Annemarie Linares
Holly McManimon
Andrew Newsome
Tessa Quinlan
10/21 Doug Foss
Megan Hakala
Kyle Zander
10/22 Fern Edgar
John Grenfell IV
Alexander Harden
Susan Novak
10/23 Vicky Berlanga
LeAnna Christenson
Martha Daigneau
David Neil Jr.
Laura Pollack
10/24 Chuck Green
Richard Wilson
10/25 Keith Cox
Lily Linares
Lorraine Dermyre
Elizabeth Ferrill
Don Keski-Hynnila
Lynn Pruitt
Katelin Thomas
Julia Triebwasser
10/27 Patricia Green
Michelle Paulsen
Andrew Wilder
10/28 Pharold Haist
Carole Thomas
10/29 Erik Bird
Timarie Freeman
Kathleen Herald
Linda Muse
Elizabeth Pruitt
Paige Quinlan
10/30 Cindy Blake
Dennis Bullock
Robert Wright IV
10/31 Marisa Berlanga
Jonathon McDonald
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Prayer concerns
Beverly Booker
Pat Carne
Sandy Fine
Timarie Freeman
Janice Groat
Sandy Hackett
Gary Krueger
David Loveland
Alex Magee
Vince Maiorana
Carol Meszaros
Marsha Nardone
Justin Atkinson
Kevin Clafton (Strobridge)
Linda Erickson
Danielle Gomrick
Nathan King
Austin McCall
Andrew D. Piggott
Evan Ray (Ramsay)
Dan & Ashley Schmitt
Marshall Gartner
Bob Nulty
John Paul
Nancy Remick
Glendora Rice
Esther Richards
Earl Rickard
Kathleen Salla
Jean Scheppele
Peter Slazinski
Barbara Stinebaugh
Garrett & Sarah Sutphin
Meredith VanValkenburgh
Sanford Burr
Calvin Gress
Joann Gress
Pharold Haist
Harriet Hotchkin
Mel Litke
Rev. Bob Selberg
Helen Sorensen
Ned Stirton
Carol Thomas
Paul Worley
Carolyn Anulewics, friend of Chuck &
Jan Migyanka & Jan Kavulich
Deb, Marcia Van Oyen’s sister-in-law
Herb Head, brother of Kathy Berliner
Janie Aylsworth, sister of Janet Robinson
Jim C., friend of Tammie Todd
Mary, friend of Michelle Best
Nolan Wertz, nephew of
Jeff & Natalie Mclaughlin
Sandy Cook, friend of Wes Kappler
Scott D., friend of Tammy Todd
Shirley Morgan, friend of Linda Piggott
Kris & Sarah Kappler
Churches in Russia & Poland
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Dear Church family, I am blessed to be covered in prayer from my church family. Over the past few months my battle with cancer has been difficult, but I have
known that I have a great support system from my family and my church friends.
I fell covered with prayer. I appreciate all the cards, the Men’s and Women’s
prayer breakfast extra prayers, pastor visits, the beautiful prayer shawl, and the
love and support from each and everyone one of you who are praying for me. I
know that still I have a long journey ahead of me, but with the support from my
family and my church friends I am learning to Trust and obey God. He will take
care of me! Thank you. With Love, Janice Groat
Beacon & Calendar deadlines:
Plymouth First
United Methodist Church
45201 N. Territorial Rd
Plymouth, MI 48170-6528
(734) 453-5280
Fax: (734) 453-0375
E-mail articles by 5 pm on the 10th
of the month to
Dated Material—Please do not delay.
Periodical postage paid.
Postmaster please send address corrections.
USPS 34-050
Mailed: Once Monthly
SUNDAYS, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 28 ~ Radical Hospitality
Oct. 12 ~ Risk Taking Mission & Service
Oct. 26 ~ Extravagant Generosity
Nov. 9 ~ Passionate Worship
A free will offering will be collected for the meals.
Dinner in the Fellowship Hall.
Sign–up at Church today. Space is limited.
Children and Youth are included!
Sign them up today. They will have their
own discussion and activities after dinner. Nursery is available upon request.