
 Twenty‐Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 1 MASS FOR THE WEEK
October 11 – October 18
SAT., 10/11 St. John XXIII, Pope
5:30 Mary T. Portee, Living/Rita S. Truex
SUN.,10/12 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
7:00 Ellen Brennan/Her Family
8:15 James J. Edelen, Jr./Rosemary Edelen
9:30 Barbara Callanan/Her Family
10:45 Special Remembrances of the Week
12:00 Dolores E. Seuffert/Deacon Bryan &
Bernadette Davis
5:30 The People of the Parish
6:25 Charles A. Mulcahy/Francis R. Lewis
8:00 Rudolph Sama/His Family
TUES.,10/14 St. Callistus I, Pope & Martyr
6:25 Arthur Sardini/Mary Jo Surges
8:00 Rose Rappaort/Her Family
WEDS., 10/15 St. Teresa of Jesus, Virgin &
Doctor of the Church
6:25 Susan Tarsitano/Her Daughter
8:00 Alice & Michael Bergin/Their Family
THURS.,10/16 St. Hedwig, Religious;
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin
6:25 Alex Primavera&Margaret Primavera/Anne
8:00 Marie A. Contey/Rosemary Edelen
FRI.,10/17 St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop &
6:25 Regina Koerkel/Dave & Marie Gould
8:00 Barbara Norton/Her Family
SAT., 10/18 St. Luke, Evangelist
6:25 Charlotte Hurley/Pat Dailey
8:00 Daniel Callahan/His Parents
5:30 Annabel Connor/Doug Cavanaugh
SUN.,10/19 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary
7:00 Terance McGowan/Sara Carroll
8:15 Margaret Foley/Mary Welch
9:30 Joseph E. Lang/His Wife
10:45 Special Remembrances of the Week
12:00 John Redmond & Mickey McCahill/The
McCahill Family
5:30 The People of the Parish
Mass Readings
Sun.,10/12 Is 25:6-10a Ps 23:1-6 Phil 4:12-14, 19-20
Mt 22:1-14
Mon.,10/13 Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 – 5:1 Ps 113:1b-5a,
6-7 Lk 11:29-32
Tues., 10/14 Gal 5:1-6 Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48
Lk 11:37-41
Wed .,10/15 Gal 5:18-25 Ps 1:1-4, 6 Lk 11:42-46
Thurs., 10/16 Eph 1:1-10 Ps 98:1-6 Lk 11:47-54
Fri., 10/17 Eph 1:11-14 Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13
Lk 12:1-7
Sat., 10/18 1Tm 4:10-17b Ps 145:10-13, 17-18
Lk 10:1-9
Sun.,10/19 Is 45:1, 4-6 Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10
1 Thes 1:1-5b Mt 22:15-21
Ad Marjorem Dei Gloriam
The Sanctuary Candle Is In Loving Memory of
Ellen Brennan by Her Family
MASS REMEMBRANCES. This Sunday at the
10:45 Mass, we remember our special intentions of
the week: Doris Nogueira (Living)/Rectory Staff;
Barbara Norton/Family; A Special Intention; Bill &
Kate Plegeman & Family, Living; Kevin Rex
Gimotea, B’day./Rex Gimotea Family; Jesse
Murrell/Charles & Margaret Kauffman; Anthony
Biliaca/Charles & Margaret Kauffman; Denis
Bock/Tom & Roseann Ignoscia; Muriel
Becassio/Tom & Roseann Ignoscia; Thomas F.
Flynn/Marie & Bob Halloran; David Torres/Mary
Guba; Margaret LaRose/Mary Guba; J. Cilia/Mary
Guba; Charlotte Sudzina/Mary Guba; Dr. Israel
Bolanos/Mary Guba; Bob Laveratt, Living/Kay
Magill; Elinor Sweeney;
Twenty‐Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 2 Banns of Marriage: The following couples
are preparing to celebrate the sacrament of
Marriage as they answer God’s call to live in his
Time: Matthew Casey & Elise Greeley
The parish family of St. James welcomes
Into the Catholic faith those baptized last Sunday:
Colten Kenneth Froehlich, child of Adam & Kristen
Emily Lauren Pierce, child of Kevin & Jenna
Joaquin Arthur Walker, child of Juan & Jacquelyn
Please Pray for the Sick
Come to us, O risen Savior, faithful physician of
our bodies and souls, and grant relief to our sick
and aging who suffer: Florence Rogicki; Anna
Fitzpatrick; Kathy; Doug Cavanaugh; Tom; John
Attridge; Lawrence Clark, III; Lala Vadalla; Charles
S. Paris; Philip P. Munning, Sr.;Paul; Kathy Cleary;
Aunt Mary; Clair Byrne; Msgr. Lowery; Janet A.
Mastal; Debbie Fitzpatrick; Imre Friesz; Donna
Halse; Gerard (Jerry) Ryan; Angelo; Florence Ivan;
James Mueller; Adore Roa; Joe; LJ; Connie Petrone;
Gary Baggarly; Jennifer; John Ducey;
Please Pray for the Recently Deceased
Deceased Parishioners, Family and Friends of St.
James Parish: John G. McMahon.
Please pray for the men and women of our armed
forces, especially Capt. Conor Browne, 1LT. Cristin
Browne, (brother & sister);Capt. Steven Carbone,
Cpl. Matthew D’Alessandro, Steven James Gluth,
Owen Michael (Bergin) McCann USN, Jason
Palendrano, Staff Sgt. Matthew Roberts, Jonathan
Welch, Shane Martin Dalton, USMC., USMC.,
Capt. Nicholas Abbate & Capt. Justin Abbate
(brothers), Captains Brian C. Jones(Truex) &
Crystal Jones (Husband & Wife);Capt. Josh
Pershing; Brendan Gilroy; Lcpl. Brian Dilger, Jr.,
USMC, Maj. Robert Duchaine, Capt. Michael
Duchaine; Maj. Carlo Brancato, USMC; 2Lt Robert
Beery, 2Lt Thomas Beery; 1st Lt. Sean Screen; SPFC
Eric Trust; Sgt. James Conklin (Afghanistan); 1st Lt.
Cooper Lewis, USMC; Pvt. Robert Bartos, Army;
Spec E4 Thomas F. Welch, V; Navy AOAA Brian J.
FOCUS: Will you accept God’s invitation to his
banquet? It begins now and continues in the life to
LITURGY OF THE WORD: Isaiah foretells the
bounty that the Lord will provide for his people
when they accept his invitation to come back to the
Lord. Jesus, in today’s Gospel, also tells of God’s
bounty. If we accept the Lord’s invitation to live
life in him, we will be filled with joy.
BSA (Broad Street Auditorium) HS(High School)
REP; Gr. K-7, 9:15-10:30AM, 8th Gr., 9-10:30AM
3PM, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Church
7:30 PM, Folk Choir, Church
6 PM, Rosary Prayer Cenacle, the Convent
7 PM, St. James Choir, Church
7:30-9M, Peace of Christ Prayer Grp., HS Mtg. Rm.
6:30-8:30AM, That Man is You, Student Center
REP; Gr. K-7, 9:15-10:30AM, 8th Gr., 9-10:30AM
3PM, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Church
6:30-8PM Youth Group Meeting, Student Center.
The Rectory Office is closed Monday, October
13th for the holiday.
Confirmation Retreat: To all parishioners; on
Saturday, October 25th our Confirmandi will be
attending a retreat in the schools. The retreat will
begin with their attendance at the 8AM Mass. All
are welcome to attend and give witness to this step
in their Confirmation journey.
Divine Mercy Chaplet: Join us each Sunday at
3PM in the Church for the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Twenty‐Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 3 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY
If anyone is interested in exploring the
option of joining the Saint Vincent de Paul Society
of Saint James Church, please call the rectory @
Please register with the Diocese of Trenton
Vocation Office at
or by calling 609/406-7449. Join us at this exciting
time as you discover and respond to His invitation.
say the Whole Rosary, sing hymns to Our Lady
and read the meditation every Wednesday at 6PM
in the Convent.
say the Rosary every 2nd & 4th Monday, 2 to 3 PM at
the Meridian Rehab Center, Shrewsbury. Call Lucy
Rounds, 732/747-9044 for information.
Families must be registered in St. James Parish in
order to enroll children in this program and submit
a copy of the Baptism certificate for new students
who were not baptized here. Call 732 747-6006 for
information and forms. Classes meet on Sunday
mornings from September through April.
Is God Calling You? Vocational discernment
groups meet to assist young men who are
discerning the possibility that God may be calling
them to a life of priestly ministry. These groups are
designed to explore a priestly vocation with other
like-minded men through prayer and sharing
vocation stories and experiences. The group
meetings aren’t meant to convince anyone that the
priesthood is their vocation. They are designed to
assist you in discovering if the priesthood is your
true vocation and build your relationship with
Christ along the way. If you are a faithful, single,
Roman Catholic man, between the ages of 18 and
40, and are asking yourself whether God is calling
you to be a priest, you are encouraged to attend the
discernment meeting which will be held on
October 26th, 4PM-6PM at St. Gregory the Great
Parish, 4620 Nottingham Way, Hamilton Square.
Join Rev. Michael McClane & Rev. Tom Vala, as
they share their experiences of the priesthood,
followed by prayer and concluding with a great
meal and conversation.
You are invited to our Open House on Sunday,
October 19th, 2 to 4:30PM and Monday, October
20th, 4:30 to 7PM.
If you have an interested student, they are
welcome to visit the high school on these days.
At Open House the student will be able to meet
faculty, coaches, students and administration to
answer any and all questions about academics,
athletics, student service projects, and what it
means to be a “Casey.” Please visit the Red Bank
Catholic High School website at for more information.
Saint James School
Open House for Prospective Families October 23
Our first Open House date for Preschool,
Kindergarten, and Grade 1 through Grade 8 is
Thursday, October 23 from 9:00 – 11:00 AM.
On Thursday, October 23rd Saint James School is
hosting an ‘active day’ Open House designed to
showcase its programs and curriculum. We are
excited to invite prospective students and their
families into our classrooms so they can see our
school in action. For parents considering a new
school, it’s a very important decision. We believe
that this format allows students and parents to get
a better sense of who we are. There will be faculty,
staff, and students available to answer your
questions about curriculum and programs. Tours
will be provided by our student Royal
Ambassadors. Come take a tour and get a feel for
what we’re all about. We look forward to
welcoming you and sharing the journey of a Saint
James School education.
Read, Rock and Roll!
Searching for a good Preschool? We have it right
Saint James School is hosting a fun filled free
program called “Read, Rock, and Roll!” for parent
Twenty‐Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 4 and child! This preschool program incorporates
story time, a music session, and a gym class
allowing your little one to experience the
excitement of being in a friendly learning ‘school’
environment. Getting a head start on preschool
education is key and will ensure your child’s
readiness to enter a fall school program that will be
fun and enjoyable.
The Read, Rock, & Roll! program is held for 6
weeks starting October 8 and meeting on select
Wednesdays from 10 – 11 AM at Saint James
School. We welcome children ages 2 ½ - 5 but space
is limited. Please register your child by calling 732
741-3363 ext. #2. Although these story times and
activities are aimed at preschool children, younger
siblings are welcome. So come and visit our
exceptional preschool learning program, explore
the space, meet new families and see all that we
have to offer! Visit our website at for more information.
Blood Drive: The Red Bank Council of the Knights
of Columbus in partnership with the Fair Haven
Business Association is hosting a blood drive for
the Central New Jersey Blood Center at the council
hall, 200 Fair Haven Rd, Fair Haven, on Saturday,
October 25th. Representatives will be on hand to
collect donations from 9AM until 2PM. Please visit
schedule/3775 to secure a time slot, or call Leigh
Wilkins at 732/842-5720, ext. 270. You must
present signature ID, be healthy, at least 17 years of
age & weigh at least 120 lbs to donate. Call Ken
Ern, 732/890-0639 or Leigh Wilkins, for more
World Mission Sunday: Next weekend our parish
will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we
are invited to reach out and help build the Church
in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic
Church, as well as local churches throughout the
Missions, in the most remote areas across our
world. Through the work of these churches, and
their witness to Christ, the poor receive practical
help and experience God’s love and mercy, His
hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your
daily prayers. Please come prepared to give
generously in the collection for the Society for the
Propagation of the Faith. For more information,
please visit
Divine Mercy Chaplet & Benediction: St. Mary
Chapel, New Monmouth, Thursday, October 16th,
The St. James Senior Citizens Club meets the 1st
& 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Red Bank
Senior Center at 1 PM. Call Sr. Ethel for more
information, 732/741-0724.
Sisters of Charity Harvest Festival
The Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth are hosting
a Harvest Festival at The Madison Hotel,
Morristown, NJ, on Thursday, October 23, 2014
from 6:30 – 10:00 p.m. Guests will enjoy cocktails,
dinner, and dancing, and special honorees are
Mary Mazzarella DeMayo, MD and Tim McLoone.
Cost for the dinner is $200 per person. Harvest
Festival Raffle tickets, with a first prize of a $5000
Travel Voucher, are available for $50 per ticket, and
winner need not be present to win. For dinner or
raffle tickets please contact the Sisters of Charity
Development Office at 973-290-5409.
Men’s Retreat: Marianist Family Retreat Center,
November 14-16, Cape May Point. This weekend,
open to men from al walks of life, focuses on
unique male issues on the spiritual journey. The
retreat will consist of Eucharist and other prayer,
input, quiet time, small group sharing, socializing,
and fun within a supportive, intentional
community of men. $125 per person, double occ.
609/884-3829 or
Universal: That the Lord may grant peace to those
parts of the world most battered by war and
For Evangelization: That World Mission Day may
rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the
Gospel into all the world.