V{âÜv{ Éy ft|Çà `tÜç 40 Spring Mount Road Schwenksville, PA 19473-1739


V{âÜv{ Éy ft|Çà `tÜç 40 Spring Mount Road Schwenksville, PA 19473-1739
V{âÜv{ Éy
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40 Spring Mount Road
Schwenksville, PA 19473-1739
Phone 610-287-8156  Fax 610-287-4226
October 12, 2014
St. Mary's Parish is a community of Catholics,
striving to be an open and caring people, living
our faith, spreading God's word, and serving
as Jesus' disciples to our families, our parish
and our surrounding communities.
Sacrament of Baptism: Baptisms are
celebrated on the second and fourth
Sundays of each month immediately
following the Noon Mass. For more
information, please contact the Parish
Sacrament of Marriage: Parishioners
must contact the Parish House at least
six months prior to the wedding date.
Pre-Cana session is required.
Pastoral Care of the Sick: If you
know of anyone who is sick, elderly or
homebound, please call the Parish
House and let us know so that we can
minister to them.
Adoration: All day, every day in our
Rosary: The Rosary will be prayed
daily before the 9:00 a.m. Mass and on
Sunday’s before the Noon Mass.
Divine Mercy Holy Hour: The
Thursday before the first Friday of the
month from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays
after the 9:00 a.m. Mass
New Parishioners:
If you have
recently moved into our community,
welcome! Please call the Parish House
to register.
Rev. Louis P. Bellopede
Rev. Charles J. McElroy
Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Brian M. Kean
In Residence
Deacon Donald O. Nichols
Permanent Deacon
Sister Marie Rose Gibson, RSM
Spiritual Ministry
Mrs. Mary Beth O’Connor
Business Manager
Miss Stephanie Leichner
Administrative Asst to Pastor
Mrs. Kathleen Wasniewski
Coordinator, PREP; Business
Manager Assistant
Mr. Kevin Conwell
Principal of St. Mary School
Mr. Eric Lenz
Facilities Manager
Sunday Mass Schedule
Vigil (Saturday evening)  4:00 p.m.
Sunday Morning  7:30 a.m. † 9:00 a.m. † 10:30 a.m. † 12:00 p.m.
Weekday Mass Schedule
Monday through Saturday  9:00 a.m.
Confession Schedule
Saturday  9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. † 2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
St. Mary School Website
Religious Education (PREP)
PREP Classes
Little Church (Ages 4 and 5)
Youth Group
6:30 - 7:45 p.m. Mon or Tues
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
First and Third Sundays
4:00 p.m.
October 11
People of Saint Mary Parish
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
October 12 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dorothy E Hart - Mary Shofran
Robert Reger- Dan and Annamae O’Callaghan
Joseph T Dzuiba - Jennifer and Joe Dzuiba
Fred Geller Jr - Eugene Kelch
9:00 a.m.
October 13 Weekday
Lillian and Pasquale Torzane - Sam and Pat
9:00 a.m.
October 14 Saint Callistus I
Matthew Kirby - The Kirby Family
Wednesday October 15 Saint Teresa of Jesus
9:00 a.m.
Thomas H Gallagher - Gail Gallagher
9:00 a.m.
October 16 Saint Hedwig, Saint Margaret
Living/deceased members of the Baier Family
9:00 a.m.
October 17 Saint Ignatious of Antioch
Mini Christoff - Terry and Todd Aldefer
9:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
October 18 Saint Luke
Virginia John - Mr and Mrs John Maloney
Patrick and Sally McCafferty - The McCafferty Family
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
October 19 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
People of Saint Mary Parish
Thomas Sadano (Living) - his sister
Gerry Urick - Ed Urick
Edmund Wizmirski Sr - Ed Wizmirski and Family
Kimberly DiPietro Alexander, Marisa Allen, Infants Matthew and Mya
Allen, Margaret Bajor, Patricia Beauchamp, Janelle Bergandino,
Christine Broadwell, Infant Brendan Brisar, Joe Brady, Bruno
Capobianchi, (granddaughter) Kathryn Capobianchi, Sabrina
Capperella, Lisa Caruso, Art Chandler, Patricia Chermela, Anthony
Corbicz, Randy Cornell, Jeremy Cosgrove, Rosemarie DeRosa,
Diana DeSantis, Madeline Dobbs, Tony Downey, Derek Dvorjak,
Charles Fries, Anthony Gdonski, Nancy Grubb, Mark Giambrone,
Grace Guckin, Thomas B. Hammer, Anne Hale, Jennifer Harleigh,
Abby Heilman, Ed Heilman, Anton Hevener, Mateo Heye, Art Hinson,
Michael Holva, Sr Patricia Hoey, Richard Hood, Charlotte Hvorecky,
Aileen Hyden, Justin Michael Johnson, Virginia John, Lisa Keeder,
Thomas Kees, Chris Krinvick, Nicholas Kumpf, Eleanor Kunz, Frank
Larkins, Joe Lepone, Maryann Lepone, Pearl Loch, Ed Loughery,
Charles and Doris Marsh, Anthony Martin, Margaret (Maggie)
McCallum, Margaret Murphy, Matthew McGann, Jerry McGee,
Francis and Helen McHugh, Pat McMahon, Joan Mooney, Priscilla
Miller, Nicholas Noel, Fred Nubbemyer, Susan Ondo, Teresa Ott,
Frank and Dianne Ponzio, Scott Rafter, Patricia Reigner, Dorothy
Rush, Brendan Saboe Jr., Mary Ellen Salerno, Joan Santello,
Anthony Sammartino, Dave Schumaker, Clay Sebra, Richard
Sinclair, Tom Shilling, Katherine Veneziano, Joshua Stern, Ron
Szewczak, Anna Taglianetti, Lorraine Tausz, Baby Emanuel Thomas,
Baby Nicholas Trojanski, George Tyler, Jane and Dennis Vicchio,
Shannon Yockel, Lois Walterhammer, Walter Wasilwski, Frank
Wilson Jr, Ed Woods, Beverly Ann and Joseph Zapata, Paul and
Dawn Zottoli
Dear Parish Family,
A warm welcome to you, our faithful parishioners
and all who may be joining us today for Mass. Please
know you always have a home at the Church of Saint
PASTORAL COUNCIL: The Pastoral Council of the
Church of Saint Mary will be meeting this Thursday at 7PM
in the Parish House. The Pastoral Council meets 5 times a
year to discuss the Pastoral plan of our parish. The pastoral
plan is divided into 7 categories: 1. Worship 2. Christian
Community 3. Evangelization 4. Teaching 5. Christian
Service 6. Leadership 7. Stewardship
The Pastoral Council's Membership:
Pastoral Leadership
Reverend Fr. Louis P. Bellopede, Pastor and Chair
Deacon Donald Donald O. Nichols, Parish Deacon and
Vice Chair
Kathy Wasniewski, Coordinator of Religious Education
Michelle Beck, Member of the Parish Finance Council
Appointed by Pastor
Mike Creeden (Facilitator)
Mike Zandier
Maggie Bickel
Elected by the Parishioners
Tom Dewees
Anamaria Hazel
Chris Imms
David Janis
Tim Truckley
De Yarrison
Council Secretary
Cindy Brady
October 18 at 10AM in the Catholic Education Center
(school) Saint Mary's Office of Religious Education will be
offering a sacramental workshop for parents whose
children are candidates for the Sacraments of Penance,
Eucharist and Confirmation. This workshop, however, is
open to all parishioners. Presentations will be given by
catechists in areas of Sacramental formation. The St. Jude
Shop from Havertown, PA will be at the Workshop as a
convenience for parents who would like to pick up some
items in preparation for the Sacramental day of their child
ANOINTING OF THE SICK: The Sacrament of the
Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated in the context of
Mass on Saturday, October 25 at 11:00AM in our Church.
Any parishioner or friend of Saint Mary who is ill in body,
mind or spirit is welcomed to receive the healing presence
of Jesus Christ in this sacrament.
Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, October 26, 27 & 28 The
Church of Saint Mary will conduct its Annual 40 Hours
Eucharistic Devotions. All children who will be receiving a
Sacrament this year are required to attend the closing
Ceremony on Tuesday evening; Father Dennis Carbonaro
will be a guest homilist.
CORRECTION: In last week's bulletin there was an
error concerning whose memory the Saint Joseph Candle
Stand was donated. The St. Joseph Stand was donated by
Kathy & Cindi in memory of their parents, Owen and Ruth.
Have a nice week, everyone!
Love and prayers,
A. B. & P. Vince
4:00 PM
Fr. Bellopede
Kim LaGuardia
Moyer, Swantek, Bradbury,
Bushey, Davis, Freed
7:30 AM
Fr. Bellopede
Bob Paolucci
Kirby, Kosiorek, McCloskey,
McGeeney, Shofran, Zandier
M. & M. Hughes
9:00 AM
Fr. Kean
Joe Cahill
Bickel, Bickel, Cahill,
Dyson, Saboe, Storti
J. & J. Antosh,
Folk Music
10:30 AM
Fr. Bellopede
Sean Chalmers
Leichner, McCarron, McHugh,
O’Donnell, Pirrall, Bintner
J. M. & N. Bakey
12:00 PM
Fr. Kean
William John
Schnaubelt, Smart, Uhl,
Watt, Hamel, Klisch
G. N. & T. John
Spirit Choir
Bickel, Butler, Roberts
Spirit Choir
4:00 PM
Fr. Bellopede
Bill Bushey
Freed, Gdonski, Grossbauer,
Hines, Hinson, Matthews
7:30 AM
Fr. Badeaux
Hank Fox
Chalmers, Coneghen, Dewees,
Kelly, Kirby, Kosiorek
Brady, Jacobs, Petro
9:00 AM
Fr. Bellopede
Pete Conte
Walsh, Bickel, Bickel,
Cahill, Dyson, Forsyth
C & C Caiola, Delciotto
Bell Choir
10:30 AM
Fr. Bellopede
Emily Little
Cornely, Gentner, Gibson,
Kling, Leichner, McCarron
J & M Cutrona
12:00 PM
Fr. Kean
Kim LaGuardia
Longua, Luckenbach, Keller,
Smart, Uhl, Watt
A, K & T Bryant
The Rose For Life in the front of the Blessed Mother statue has been donated in honor of Peggy Hinson at the
request of Denise and Gene.
The Vigil light in our Chapel is burning next to an image of our Blessed Mother is in memory of ___ at the request
of ___ .
The Sanctuary Lamp burning next to our tabernacle in the Church is in thanksgiving for healing at the request of
Kate and Earl Long.
The Sanctuary Lamp burning next to our tabernacle in our Chapel is in memory of ___ at the request of ___ .
The Altar Candles burning on the Altar in our Church this week are is in honor of Linda Nichols at the request of
Mary Shofran.
The Altar Candles burning on the Altar in our Chapel this week are in honor of Jan Kolesky at the request of Mary
The Altar Bread and Wine donated this week is in memory of Matthew Kirby at the request of the Kirby family.
The Altar Flowers are donated this week is in memory of ___ at the request of ___ .
If you are interested in having Memorials in memory of a loved one, please contact the Parish House. Memorials are for one week.
Donations: Rose for Life, Vigil Light are $5, Sanctuary Lamps are $10, Altar Candles are $20, Bread and Wine is $50, Altar Flowers are $175
Tim Fitzgerald
Yaphet Blair
Frank P. Roth
Michael Hood
David Sinnk
Brian Dunn
Keith E. Mason
Timothy Ryan McGinnis
Lauren Shaw
Ryan Nolan
Madeline Augustine
Albert Joseph Augustine
Blaise Fountaine
Kayla Carroll
Fr. David A. Daigle
Eric Himmel
David Casas
Matthew Foley
John Walsh
John Weaver
Jonathan Minkler
William Ian Holdsworth
Michael E. Ingram
Wayne Cherry, Jr.
Kyra Chamberlain
Dominic D. Zottoli
David Gentner
Bridgette Augustine
Travis R. Quimby
Andrew Schnaubelt
Shawn O’Connor
Brian Sinclair
Bobby McCall
Jim Gotlewski
Gerard Pettine
Brian Smith
Brett R. Karkheck
Michael Boehret
Joseph Wolf
George Lockbaum
Collin Hamel
Matthew Kearney
Charles Joseph Maloney III
Thomas Fisher
Tim Murray
Tom Gutherman
Jackie Perrie
Aaron Hart
Geoff Ostrowski
Jennifer Foley
Richard Granozio
Sharon Hyland Keyser
Ed Loughery Jr.
Jacob McLendon
Ian Keyser
Michael Regan
Ryan Decker
William Schweitzer
Eric Funk
Kevin K. O’Malley
Matthew Dager
Kyle Houchins
Kyle Kearney
Brian Murray
Kevin Kochanski
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
"Jesus in the Eucharist is like a divine
storehouse filled with every virtue; God
has placed Him in the world so that
everyone may draw from Him." (St Peter
Julian Eymard) We still have open hours
and not enough additional adorers or substitutes.
Please call MaryKay @ 484-415-0338.
Buy Gift Cards through Saint Mary’s!
Do you know that you can buy gift cards
though Saint Mary’s? AND you can get
money to pay for tuition! When you purchase scrip,
you’re actually buying gift cards that are used just like
cash. You can use scrip to purchase everyday
expenses like food and clothing, or you can buy them
for gifts, such as teacher gifts, or birthdays! Visit the
website, Scrip Office or the Parish House for more
Rosary Before Masses– Please Join Us!
Boscov’s Friends Helping Friends Shopping Pass
On Tuesday, Oct. 21, from 9am to 11pm, Boscov’s
will be hosting their annual Friends Helping Friends
Shopping Day. The Shopping Pass entitles you to a
25% discount, as well as refreshments, entertainment,
and a chance to win fabulous prizes! The pass is only
$5.00! Please purchase your shopping pass after
all Masses the weekend of Oct. 18 – 19.
Passes may also be purchased at the
Parish House. All proceeds will
At all masses this weekend the Knights of Columbus will
the St. Mary Marketing
be speaking and asking for contributions for a Rose for
Life, symbol of the Pro-Life movement. Remember, you Committee. Thanks for your support!
The Rosary will be recited before daily
mass, Saturday evening and Sunday
Masses in October. We invite you to join us! Please
be considerate of the leaders and the people who wish
to participate in praying the Rosary. Once it has
started please hold your conversation in the vestibule
of the Church. THANK YOU
Knights of Columbus ~ Rose for Life
are not “buying a rose” but offering support to Birthright, a
LAST FATIMA DAY ~ Monday, October 13
Pottstown pro-life pregnancy center, A Baby’s Breath, a
Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa
pro-life pregnancy center with two offices in the
Norristown-Collegeville area, and other pro-life activities. St. Mary’s parish would like to invite you to join us
on Monday evening, October 13, 2014 for the sixth
Your help is greatly needed to save unborn babies.
Father Chuck’s Challenge
Father Chuck’s Challenge celebrates the memory
and ministry of Father Chuck Pfeffer, a deceased,
beloved priest of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. For
the past five years, we have been working to move Fr.
Pfeffer’s mission forward. Next weekend, Msgr.
Francis X. Schmidt and Fr. Charles J. Kennedy will
be at St. Mary’s to speak to us about the progress so
far with St. Mary’s Fishing Village at LaGonave
Haiti. The people of this village were previously
living virtually homeless, in an area frequently
ravished by tropical storms, with no clean drinking
water or sanitation.
To date, through the generosity of our
Confirmation students’ “Walk for the Poor” and the
donors of St. Mary’s, 25 homes and four fullyequipped fishing boats were provided to the
desperately poor of St. Mary’s Fishing Village.
Additional homes are in progress for the remaining 32
families. Please help us to promote Pope Francis’
favorite theme of helping the poor…..“With Jesus, let
us reach out to those most in need… For when we
reach out to others our heart grows bigger.”
and final month for an evening Mass, a candlelight
procession and recitation of the Holy Rosary starting
at 7:00 P.M. at the National Shrine of Our Lady of
Czestochowa. We will meet at St. Mary’s parking lot
and carpool to the Shrine. For more information
please call Suzette Moyer 484-680-0669
Hayride at Saint Marys!
Come support St. Mary’s CYO for some good ole’
fashioned family fun at the CYO Hayride on Friday
October 17. Hayrides depart every hour starting at
6:45. Second and third hayrides
will follow. Before and after
gather in the gym for hot food,
games and music. Rides are $5
per person or $20 per family
WANTED – singers to support our music liturgy at
special liturgical events such as Holy Thursday,
Confirmation, etc, throughout the year. Rehearsals are
TBD, and would be event specific. All adults and high
school students who are interested in joining their voices
Weidemoyer at jweidemoyer@smsk8.org! Thank-you!!!
The St. Mary St. Vincent DePaul Society are in need for the
following items: Diapers sizes 3, 4, 5, 6 & Pull-ups, Food
Certificates, Cash or Checks. Families in our parish need the
following items– please mark the Client Number on the
bags and drop off items in the sizes requested at the Parish
Client #40— Man (age 18), XL casual shirts,
L jogging pants
Client #2— Medical lift chair (recliner)
Client #187— Girl’s clothing, size 6x or 7,
Women’s shirts, size XL
Women’s pant, size 16 or 18 petite
Client #157— Women’s clothes size 16 or 18
Client #66— Adult female diapers,
small and medium
We are in need of many items! We specifically need:
dish soap, hand soap (liquid), men’s and woman’s deodorant, conditioner, razors, shaving cream, toilet paper,
napkins, paper towels, tissues, toothbrush, toothpaste,
cleaning supplies. Thanksgiving is quickly approaching
and Saint Vincent DePaul is in need of Thanksgiving
items (such as stuffing, soup, potatoes, broth, ect). Also
don’t forget to save and donate your turkey certificates
from local grocery stores!
World Meeting of the Families Prayer
God and Father of us all,
in Jesus, your Son and our Savior,
you have made us
your sons and daughters
in the family of the Church.
May your grace and love
help our families
in every part of the world
be united to one another
in fidelity to the Gospel.
May the example of the Holy Family,
with the aid of your Holy Spirit,
guide all families, especially those most troubled,
to be homes of communion and prayer
and to always seek your truth and live in your love.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us!
Don’t let sexual violence silence you. Healing can
start with a call. Visit www.pacrimevictims.com/
healing or call 1-888-800-8780.
5 –004
Collection for October 5, 2014
Week 14
Target Needed for the 14-15 Fiscal Year…….... $957,000.00
Weekend Collection
Target Needed Weekly for 14-15 Fiscal Year…… $18,135.00
Collection for Weekend of October 5……....….. $14,931.59
Electronic Funds Transfer (Parish Giving)……..... $1,478.00
Over (Under) Target............................................... ($1,725.41)
Hands Together Capital Campaign
Target Needed Weekly………………………...… $1,856.00
Collection for Weekend of October 5……....….. $692.00
Over (Under) Target............................................... ($1,164.00)
Total Collected To Date........................................ $233,400.13
Total Envelopes Mailed.......................................... 659
Total Envelopes Used............................................. 310
Mortgage Owed for Catholic Education Center…. $1,847,789.18
Debt......................................................................... $799,082.52
Debt Reduction Envelopes…………………………..... $360.00
New Debt Total…………………………………... $798,722.52
All of our parishioners are invited to use our
new option of electronic funds transfer by logging onto our
website and clicking ‘PARISH GIVING’.
PLANNED GIVING: All parishioners and friends of The Church
of Saint Mary are kindly asked to include Saint Mary Parish in
their will and estate planning. We kindly thank you in advance
for remembering this great community of faith in your will so its
mission and ministry may continue in the years ahead.
From September 24 – November
2, our community will take part
in 40 Days for Life… a groundbreaking, coordinated
international mobilization. For more information please
visit: http://40daysforlife.com/local-campaigns/norristown
Saint Aloysius Parish School is seeking of qualified
individuals to fill the following positions for the current
school year. If inter ested please submit a r esume with
letter of interest via email to: Mrs. Sarah Kerins, Principal,
Saint Aloysius Parish School, skerins@saintaloysius.net
Interested and qualified candidates should visiting the
parish school website www.saintaloysiusschool.com. For
more information.
2nd Grade Classroom Aide: Saint Aloysius Parish School
is seeking a second grade classroom aide. A minimum of
an associate’s degree in education is preferred.
Director of Extended Care (PT): Saint Aloysius Parish
School is seeking a part-time program director for the
CARES extended day program and summer camp. School
year hours are 2:00 PM-6:00 PM with some morning/
daytime flexibility. A minimum of an associate’s degree in
education and CDA/CCP certification is preferred. The
candidate must be a practicing Catholic
Saint Mary Parish
In historic Schwenksville, PA
Voice: 610.287.8156 | Fax: 610.287.4226
Web site: www.churchofsaintmary.org
Father Carbonaro
Guest Homilist
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Eucharistic Devotions
Sunday | October ₂₆, ₂₀₁₄
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12:00 p.m. | Solemn Opening Mass
followed by Exposition/Adoration
7:00 p.m. | Evening Prayer
Homily and Benediction
Followed by Nocturnal Adoration
Monday | October ₂₇, ₂₀₁₄
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9:00 a.m. | Holy Mass
followed by Exposition/Adoration
7:00 p.m.| Evening Prayer
Homily and Benediction
followed by Nocturnal Adoration
Tuesday | October ₂₈, ₂₀₁₄
9:00 a.m. | Holy Mass
followed by Exposition/Adoration
7:00 p.m.| Solemn Closing
Evening Prayer, Homily, Eucharistic Procession,
Benediction, and Reposition
in our Perpetual Adoration Chapel
Refreshments follow in the Parish Hall.