2014 Surf Rescue Certificate Bronze Medallion Courses and at Mentone LSC


2014 Surf Rescue Certificate Bronze Medallion Courses and at Mentone LSC
2014 Surf Rescue Certificate and Bronze Medallion Courses at Mentone LSC
The Mentone Life Saving Club values the contribution of its members and each year we train new and existing
members to gain either their Life Saving Bronze Medallion or Surf Rescue Certificate. Each of these awards
gives the successful candidate the satisfaction of being able to provide an important community service by
patrolling our beach. Obtaining this award will also qualify you to compete at carnivals (U14 and above) and
continue to learn and improve on your life saving skills. In addition to this, Life Saving Bronze Medallion holders
are able to complete their Workplace Certificate II in Public Safety (Aquatic Rescue), a Nationally Accredited VET
To register for any of the following courses, please turn up to the first session.
Surf Rescue Certificate
Bronze Medallion (U18)
Bronze Medallion (over 18)
BM (U18)
BM (adults)
and first
[If needed, do swim assessment on Tues 7 October – see details below]
Thursday 9th October 2014, 5:00-7:00pm.
Please bring to first/registration session: pen, completed medical/code of conduct form, and proof of swim
proficiency (forms on following pages).
Every Thurs and/or Friday 5-7pm (must attend at least one) for completing workbook; and
every Saturday AND Sunday 10am-3pm, for 3 weeks
Sunday 26th October 10:00am-3:00pm (estimated finish time).
Uniforms will be presented at the first nippers session: 10am Sunday 9th November.
$25 Course Fee to be paid by all.
Course costs
$34 Course Manual: Public Safety and Aquatic Rescue. There is a new edition available this year, 34th
edition, however you can still use the 33rd edition, which you may have from previous years or may be able
to borrow. Newly purchased manuals will be the 34th edition.
Please pay by Oct 16th via life-saving online and clearly indicate what your payment is for - BM/SRC
course fee only, or course fee plus manual.
1. Mentone or Anglesea LSC membership fees paid for 2014/15. That is, in your life-saving online account,
registered season=2014. Membership fee payment instructions are on Mentone LSC’s website. Members
over 18 are required to have a WWCC as a requirement of membership.
2. Swim requirements have been achieved (see next point).
3. SRC: Turn 13 by 31/12/14.
3. BM: Turn 15 by 31/12/14.
It is compulsory for all BM & SRC candidates to meet the required swimming levels prior to commencing
any water activities within their course.
SRC: 200m within 5 minutes
BM: 400m within 9 minutes
Pool swim
Regular squad participants may bring a signed note from their accredited coach verifying they are
currently able to meet the pool swim requirements for their Award. This note must include the date,
distance, time achieved, and state the signatory is an accredited coach.
Others must attend Firbank Aquastars pool on Tues 7th October at 7:30pm, to do their timed swim.
Please be on time! Same location as per Pool Swimming Training – see interactive map via
Bring to each
Course manual and workbook, pen, snacks/food, drink, gear for beach/water training such as bathers,
goggles, wetsuit (optional), towel, change of clothes, etc.
Andy Waters, Chief Instructor, Mentone LSC
M: 0419-228-414
E: andy_waters@bigpond.com
Louise Kinnaird, Assisting Chief Instructor
E: kinnaird.uehara@gmail.com
We understand that not everyone will be able to make every minute of every session. As we are running this in
an intensive format, we request you do your best to attend every session as it is only for 3 weeks. Please let us
know at registration if you are unable to attend any session/s or parts of session/s so we can arrange make up
If you will be missing too much of the course, please register to do the SRC/BM with another club. Check course
dates with other Kingston District clubs or consider the week-long live-in Bronze camp at Anglesea over 13-20
Dec ($595 includes course fees, accommodation and all meals http://www.bronzecamp.com.au/ ).
Please complete the following forms and bring them to the first session.
Please circle
your course:
Personal Details:
BM U18
BM Adult
Phone No. (h)…………………..…..(w)………..…………………(m)………………………………
Emergency Contact Details:
Phone No. (h)…………………..…..(w)………..…………………(m)………………………………
Medicare No………………….……………………………………………………………………..…
Health Ins. Name & Membership No. (if applicable)……………….…………………………………
Ambulance Subscription No. (if applicable)…………………………………..……………………….
Family Doctor:…………………………………………...……….Phone:…………………………….
Known allergies:……………………………………………………………………………………….
Medical History:
Any recent injuries that may inhibit physical activity?…………………………………………….…
Any recent operations that may inhibit physical activity?…………………………………………….
Any medical ailments (such as asthma) that need medication?……………….………………………
 Candidates shall not consume any kind of alcohol or non prescription drugs whilst participating in Bronze/SRC training.
 Candidates will respect the equipment and facilities provided by the Mentone Life Saving Club and report any damage to
equipment, and maintain general cleanliness of facilities
 Candidates will inform their instructor of their whereabouts at all times
 Candidates will behave in accordance with SLSA/LSV Member Protection Policy
 Candidates will respect other candidates/instructors at all times
I (insert name)………………………………………………….have carefully read and understand the contents of the
Mentone LSC Code Of Behaviour and agree to abide by the conditions contained therein.