LECTURE BLOCK Thursday 9th October 2014
LECTURE BLOCK Thursday 9th October 2014
LECTURE BLOCK Thursday 9th October 2014 09:30 - coffee and tea 10:00 - opening of the conference 10:30 - Christoph Zellweger (CH) What’s Up with Jewellery / News from the Edge 11:30 - Liesbeth den Besten (NL) Co-creation in jewellery 12:30 - lunch, coffee and tea 14:00 - Hanna Hedman, Rut-Malin Barklund (SE) ALLA - An action to investigate the brooch’s ability to stimulate discussions about racism 15:00 - Pavol Prekop (SK) Die Slowakische Schmuckmannschaft TOPIC/ TÉMA: 16:00 - Dialogue Collective (UK) More Than One Word Makes a Sentence THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF CONTEMPORARY JEWELLERY IN BRATISLAVA _ ŠPERK STRET´14, FOLLOWS RUNNING TRADITION, EVOLVES CONSCIOUSNESS IN THIS ART DISCIPLINE AND CREATES THE SPACE FOR MEETING OF PROFESSIONAL ARTIST-JEWELLERS AND THEORISTS IN THIS SPHERE. THIS YEAR THE MAIN TOPIC OF THE CONFERENCE “GROUPS VS. INDIVIDUALS” WILL BE REFLECTING FIELD OF ART JEWELLERY FROM DIFFERENT POINTS OF VIEW AND CONNECTIONS. THE AIM IS TO ENCOURAGE A SEARCH ACROSS DISCIPLINES FOR NEW INSPIRATION AND OFFERS A FORUM FOR DIALOGUE AND DISCUSSION. IT IS A TWO DAY CONFERENCE ACCOMPANIED BY SEVERAL EXHIBITIONS. ŠPERK STRET CONFERENCE 2014 ORGANIZED BY THE STUDIO S+M+L_XL METAL AND JEWELLERY WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS AND DESIGN IN BRATISLAVA, HVIEZDOSLAVOVO SQUARE 18, ROOM NO.135. ŠIESTA MEDZINÁRODNÁ KONFERENCIA SÚČASNÉHO ŠPERKU V BRATISLAVE _ ŠPERK STRET´14 NADVÄZUJE NA TRADÍCIU ROZVÍJANIA POVEDOMIA O TEJTO VÝTVARNEJ DISCIPLÍNE. ŠPERK STRET JE STRETNUTÍM PROFESIONÁLNYCH UMELCOV A ODBORNÍKOV Z OBLASTI SÚČASNÉHO VÝTVARNÉHO ŠPERKU A DIZAJNU. TOHTOROČNÝ PREDNÁŠKOVÝ CYKLUS NA TÉMU “SKUPINY VERZUS INDIVIDUALITY” PREDSTAVÍ RÔZNORODÉ POHĽADY A PRÍSTUPY NA TVORBU SÚČASNÉHO ŠPERKU. CIEĽOM PROJEKTU JE PODNIETIŤ INTERDISCIPLINÁRNY VÝSKUM A OTVORIŤ FÓRUM PRE DIALÓG A DISKUSIU. ŠIESTY ROČNÍK PODUJATIA, KTORÉ ORGANIZUJE ATELIÉR S+M+L_XL KOV A ŠPERK SA BUDE KONAŤ NA VYSOKEJ ŠKOLE VÝTVARNÝCH UMENÍ V BRATISLAVE, HVIEZDOSLAVOVO NÁMESTIE 18, MIESTNOSŤ ČÍSLO 135. Friday 10th October 2014 09:30 - coffee and tea 10:00 - Timothy Veske-McMahon (USA) Rampant Placelessness 11:00 - Petra Matějovičová (CZ) The ‘Individual’ and the ‘Collective’ Dimensions of Art Jewellery in Czech Museum Projects Today 12:00 - lunch, coffee and tea 13:30 - Kristýna Španihelová (CZ) Materiality of Being 14:30 - Invisible contribution by Monica Gaspar (SP) 15:30 - End of the conference PROGRAM Wednesday 8th October 2014 16:00 Galéria Cit – Skryté síly / Hidden powers Mája Steffanová a Hana Polívková 1. Co-creation together with users, based on the exchange of goods, knowledge and skills. 2. Industrial design, based on the sharing of designs, reflections and knowledge of the designer, the producer, the craftsman and the user. Exhibition of two young jewellers with common theme - nature. Mája creates jewelry and objects on the motto: „Proper camouflage in nature is a matter of life and death.“ Hana present jewellery with a touch of shamanism, raw land and its hidden strength. 12:30 - lunch, coffee and tea 08.10. - 10.10. 2014 Galéria Cit, Heydukova 15, M0 – FR 13:00 – 18:00 www.galeriacit.sk Project Alla was initiated and curated by two Swedish jewellers Rut-Malin Barklund and Hanna Hedman. The main theme - xenophobia, was a challenging assignment for Swedish jewellers to create author brooches. Created jewellery should react to the unreasoned fear of unknown and strange. Collective exhibition of thirty artifacts took place in Göteborg, Malmö, Gustavsberg accompanied by lectures on the subject. 17:00 K Gallery / Jana Machatová – Peter Machata Jana Machatová in her jewelry advocates private and public, historical and contemporary, or nostalgic in cutting plants extracted figural compositions. Peter Machata creates rather ambiguous spaces, which consist of multiply layers, sometimes with particular reference (teeth, noses), other times he focuses specifically on the experiment with reduced design embossed on the base. 08.10. - 10.10.2014 K Gallery, Ventúrska 8, M0 – FR 14:00 – 18:00 www.kgallery.sk 14:00 - Hanna Hedman, Rut-Malin Barklund (SE) ALLA ALLA started as a reaction to the results of the 2010 parliamentary election in Sweden, where for the first time, a racist party was designated to be part of the parliament. We asked ourselves how we, two jewellery artists, could use our expertise to create a platform for promoting a joint action against racism? We decided to invite a group of colleagues to join us in this, each of them was asked to produce a brooch on the subject of racism and intolerance. Our hope was that we would be able to pave the way for dialogue about a difficult and highly charged subject, in an action held with the brooches. ALLA has now become a result of an extended multidisciplinary collaboration with artist, photographers, a graphic designer, fellow travelers and the public. 18:00 Galéria X / Jac-Jac Exhibition of jewelery design by German group JAC - Jewellery Art Concept. The group was founded in 2006, consist of 11 members who are linked to each other by the concept of JAC in-the-box, limited edition collection of unique jewelry. 09.10. - 25.10. 2014 Galéria X, Zámočnícka 5, TU – SA 14:00 – 18:00 www.facebook.com/GaleriaX www.JAC-JAC.de 19:00 Flatgallery / Good Parts Timothy Veske-McMahon A selection of new works by Timothy Veske-McMahon drawn from fundamental needs—of communication, of relationships, of the home—to create basic elements of a visual lexicon representing the delicate balance of adult life. 08.10. - 10.10. 2014 Flatgallery, Baštová 1, ring the bell www.facebook.com/Flatgallery 20:00 Everyday treasures Quotidian drawn notes on jewellery and life by students of smlXL Metal and Jewellery Department. Dinner and welcome party Pod kamenným stromom, Sedlárska 10 Thursday 9th October 2014 09:30 - coffee and tea 10:00 - opening of the conference 10:30 - Christoph Zellweger (CH) What’s Up with Jewellery / News from the Edge Christoph Zellweger´s work and artistic research generates a debate on the new direction of social rituals, the relationship between design and science, and the issues that arise when aesthetics meets ethics. He also runs short experimental workshops in many leading European Universities and Design & Art Academies every year. Jewellery provides a valuable perspective on how body-related objects can deal with perception of identity, beauty, meaning and distinction. As a trained goldsmith I make use of this ‘jewellery perspective’ in order to pose questions on how people nowadays aesthetically optimise their bodies and customise their appearance through chirurgical interventions for as many reasons as there has been jewellery produced in the past. My work adopts different scales and materialities, ranging from fictional products, sculptural artefacts to site-specific installations, which reference the visual language of jewellery as much as domestic and medical environments. In this talk I will introduce my long-standing practice ‘at the edge’, taking art jewellery practices out of the conventional specialised circles into new contexts and audiences, ranging from artistic venues to scientific ones. Following the topic of the conference ‘individuals vs. collectives’ I will also report on my double-life as a studio-based individual practitioner and at the same time team-player in interdisciplinary collectives at the University, where the exchange and collaboration has offered me valuable insights on the complexities behind simply ‘adorning the body’. This talk is aiming to trigger a discussion about the jewellery field as a newly to define potentially expanding profession. 11:30 - Liesbeth den Besten (NL) Co-creation in jewellery Liesbeth den Besten is a Dutch art historian, writer and lecturer in the field of contemporary design, applied arts and jewellery. Since 1985 she has been working as a freelance journalist for Dutch and international art and design magazines, and exhibition catalogs. Presently, she teaches at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam. She is the chairwoman of the Françoise van den Bosch Foundation for contemporary jewelry, a founding member of Think Tank, a European Initiative for the Applied Arts. Presenting jewellery is an issue, but creating jewellery is another issue. This lecture addresses other ways of collaboration, which are known as cocreation, co-reflection and co-design. Today craftsmanship and new technologies can be used to co-create, together with colleagues, companies and users. Also small scale industrial design and production, as a way of co-creation will be discussed. I will focus on two strategies: 15:00 - Pavol Prekop (SK) Die Slowakische Schmuckmannschaft Die Slovakische Schmuckmannschaft was founded by Pavol Prekop and Matej Bezúch in 2010. The group presents projects that disturb conventional attitudes and points of view about contemporary jewellery, with the aim of stimulating a dialogue between the audience and the artists. The project Die Slowakische Schmuckmannschaft was found at the Studio S+M+L_XL Metal and Jewellery at AFAD in Bratislava during a radiant atmosphere of the Winter Olympics in Vancouver 2010. The collective project of young Slovak authors present jewellery to the audience as a way of thinking and as a social and spatial intervention. This approach is unique in Europe, therefore they have an important role in the comprehensive understanding of this artistic discipline. of collective consciousness, which is concealed in infinitely many forms deep within his or her own mind as well as the viewers’ , from which each of them shares in making the work. The ‘individual’ and the ‘collective’ are indivisible here. Even a purely contemporary work, fleeting in its physical existence or completely immaterial, also enters our cultural memory by giving something to the viewers. 12:00 - lunch, coffee and tea 13:30 - Kristýna Španihelová (CZ) Materiality of Being Dialogue Collective was formed by a London based group of artists with a jewellery and silversmithing background. A changing group of artists participate in each event, as well as invited guests, all of whom have a connection to London Metropolitan University aka The Cass. Their mission is to develop different and interesting ways to create and show jewellery and silversmithing through collaborative process and discussion. Also, to develop ways of bringing contemporary art objects to a wider audience. The infinite dialogue theorem states that a dialogue collective member hitting metal at a bench for an infinite amount of time will almost surely make something that is better than anything else that has ever been made before out of metal. We think... Organzátori/Organizers: Slavomíra Ondrušová (s.ondusova@gmail.com) Mária H. Nepšinská (nepsinska@yahoo.com) Dizajn/ Design: ©Lucia Pelikantová 2014 Projekt vznikol vďaka/ The project is realized thanks to: Kristýna Španihelová is a Czech jewellery artists graduated from the studio S+M+L_XL Metal and jewellery at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, where she is teaching in present time. In her works she deals with feminity in reference to alchemy and hidden meanings of the materials. „The individual means nothing, only the whole means everything!“ No. „The individual means everything and everything means the whole.“ Karel Čapek I will tell you a story about the way of one individual who roams the universe, like dancing under the stars and see the whole as the set of individuals, when individuality creates a subjective view of the whole being, which I show through the Materia and transform it into jewellery. S podporou/ With the support of: 14:30 - Invisible contribution by Monica Gaspar (SP) Monica Gaspar holds a MA in art history from the University of Barcelona and a MAS in cultural studies from Zurich University of the Arts. Besides working internationally as a curator and writer, she lectures in design and cultural theory at Zurich University of the Arts. She is also a member of the International Association of Art Critics and Think Tank, an European Initiative for the Applied Arts. Franz Kafka‘s one-paragraph story „Fellowship“, published in 1909, depicts a group of five friends responding to an „annoying“ man who would join them as a sixth. This short story raises questions about why these five men stand together, why this latecomer wants to join them, and why they resist accepting him as their sixth, bringing up questions of shared identity and what it takes to create a community. How do we connect with those who are different from us? Why is difference sometimes threatening? What do people gain from joining a group? What do they lose? What does it mean to be a stranger or an outsider? What does it feel like? Who gets left out and why? 15:30 - End of the conference 18:00 Galéria Čin Čin / Kata Kissoczy – Kissochy 16:00 - Dialogue Collective (UK) More Than One Word Makes a Sentence Kontakt/ Contact: Academy Of Fine Arts And Design / Vysoká Škola Výtvarných Umení, Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, Bratislava (Sk) www.afad.sk, tel.+421 907 333 063 1 Academy of Fine Arts and Design Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18 2 Galéria Medium Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18 WE/FR/SA/SU 10:00 – 17:00, TU/TH 12:00 – 19:00 Falling Cabinet, 9.10. - 26.10.2014 3 Café VERNE, Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18 Kata Kissoczy presents a collection of objects from recycled iron small statues demonstrating overlap sculptures to jewelry, lightweight architectural skeletons, color-galanty, puzzles, Kissoczy with a distinctive handwriting. 4 Galéria Cit 10.10. - 31.10. 2014 Galéria Čin Čin, Podjavorinskej 4a, MO – FR 13.00 – 18.00 www.galeriacincin.sk 5 K Gallery Heydukova 15 M0 – FR 13:00 – 18:00 Hiden powers, 8.10. - 10.10.2014 Ventúrska 8 M0 – FR 14:00 – 18:00 Jana Machatová – Peter Machata, 8.10. - 10.10.2014 20:00 Šperk Stret Party at Atelier EM:) Gorazdova 31 6 Galéria X Zámočnícka 5 TU – SA 14:00 – 18:00 Jac-Jac, 9.10. - 25.10. 2014 10 7 Flatgallery 18:00 Galéria Medium / Falling Cabinet Baštová 1 ring the bell Good Parts, 8.10. - 10.10.2014 Falling Cabinet is the exhibition to the occasion of the 6th International Conference Šperk Stret 2014. It presents three internationally composed groups dealing with collaborative forms of presentation: social, political and personal. Common concepts will be presented by ALLA group from Sweden, Dialogue Collective from Great Britain and Die Slowakische Schmuckmannschaft from Slovakia. 8 Galéria Čin Čin Podjavorinskej 4a MO – FR 13.00 – 18.00 Kata Kissoczy – Kissochy, 10.10. - 31.10. 2014 9 Pod kamenným stromom 09.10. - 26.10. 2014 Galéria Medium, Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, WE/FR/SA/SU 10:00 – 17:00, TU/TH 12:00 – 19:00 www.vsvu.sk/vystavy/galeria-medium/ Sedlárska 10 Everyday treasures 10 Atelier EM Gorazdova 31 20:00 dinner and afterparty café VERNE Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18 Friday 10th October 2014 09:30 - coffee and tea 10:00 - Timothy Veske-McMahon (USA) Rampant Placelessness Timothy Veske-McMahon is a Brooklyn-based conceptual jewellery artist originally from Schenectady, NY. Timothy has earned his MFA in Metalsmithing from Cranbrook Academy of Art and taken opportunities to travel abroad, most recently spending three months as an artist-in-residence at the Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn. Veske-McMahon will speak of the placelessness that inspires and frustrates his life, practice, and work. Residing in limbo creates an impulse—to find, define, or create a place for one’s self—but parsing the influences between internal and external raises more questions than it answers. Even though the origin is highly personal, he sees his work as a form of communication, a summons for the viewer to superimpose their own hungers, assurances and anxieties onto the vaguely implied context. 11:00 - Petra Matějovičová (CZ) The ‘Individual’ and the ‘Collective’ Dimensions of Art Jewellery in Czech Museum Projects Today Petra Matějovičová works as a curator of the Collection of precious metals and other materials at the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague (UPM). Her long-term research project is focused on the influence of the ancient culture in the history of European jewellery. Besides her work as a curator of UPM´s collection, she adverts to contemporary jewellery. The power of free expression by means of a unique work called ‘jewellery’ stems not only from making the connection to the human body a theme but also from the timelessness of this category of art. For we perceive jewellery as something that links generations, spans the centuries, and draws from the misty memories of civilization. The individual artist then encounters a kind 4 8 6 7 9 5 13 2 www.afad.sk www.sperkstret.com
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