The Catholic Communities Of Keith County St. Luke’s Catholic Church


The Catholic Communities Of Keith County St. Luke’s Catholic Church
The Catholic Communities
Of Keith County
Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Luke’s Catholic Church
417 East 3rd Street, Ogallala, NE
Office Staff
Pastor — Rev. Bryan Ernest 284-3196
Office — 417 East 3rd Street 284-3196
Secretary — Joan Krause 284-3196
Dir. of Faith Formation — Lori Beckius 284-3196
St. Luke’s School — Sr. Loretta Krajewski 284-4841
Parish Council Pres. — Stan Roberts 284-8449
St. Luke’s School Bd. Pres. —Laci Mueller
School Endowment Fund—Dr. Scott Weber
Pro-Life Representative—Barb Meismer
Music Ministry — Carol Kraus 284-6473
Knight’s of Columbus — Paul Ruhlman 284-6919
Prayer Chain — Joanie Halligan 284-2330
For Information — Call the Parish Office at 284-3196
Office Hours — Mon. thru Thurs. 9:00 a.m. — 12:00 &
1:00 p.m. — 4:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. — 12:00 noon
Website —
Welcome Parishioners!
Newcomers, please register at the Office.
You are most welcome and we do want to
meet you.
October 12, 2014
Eucharistic & Sacramental Celebrations
5:00 p.m. Ogallala
8:00 a.m. in Paxton & 10:00 a.m. in Ogallala
DAILY MASSES 8:00 a.m. in Ogallala Mon. thru Fri.
(Tues. Communion Service)
HOLY DAY MASSES As announced
Saturdays from 4:00 p.m. or by appointment.
Call Father for an appointment to do Baptismal
Please call the Parish Office.
MARRIAGES Arrangements must be made 4 months in
St. Patrick’s Catholic Church
301 East 4th St., Paxton, NE
Mission of St. Luke’s, Ogallala, NE
Pastor — Rev. Bryan Ernest 284-3196
Paxton Church—308-239-4337
Office — 308-386-4300
410 Poplar St., Sutherland, NE
Secretary - Caroline Spurgin 308-239-4558
Religious Education
Elementary — Pattie Perlinger
High School — Jan Spurgin
Parish Council President—Kim Elder
Pro-Life Representative — Alex McConnell
Oct. 13th
Oct. 14th
Oct. 15th
Oct. 16th
Oct. 17th
Oct. 18th
Oct. 19th
8:00 a.m.
Nancy Jasnoch
8:00 a.m.
Communion Service
8:00 a.m.
Rose Vasa
8:00 a.m.
William Bartlett
8:00 a.m.
Rod Boss
5:00 p.m.
Special Intention
8:00 a.m. (Paxton) People of God
10:00 a.m.
Edward Murphy
A special welcome to Bishop Dendinger as we
celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation at St.
Luke’s. Thanks to Tim Nowak for his stewardship
as a catechist for this program. Thank you to the 4th degree
Knight’s for the honor guard and to the Knights choir and to those
who made breakfast for the celebration.
Also to St. Patrick’s for another great Fall Dinner and Bazaar.
Great time by all! See you at St. Luke’s Dinner next week!
Peace & All Good,
Fr. Bryan
LECTORS: October 18-19th
5:00 p.m.—Steve Krajewski & Peg Thalken
10:00 a.m.—Tim Nowak & Doug Havermann
5:00 p.m.—Paul Foy, Bernie & Jeanette Krajewski,
Joe & Sheila McBride
10:00 a.m.—Gerry & Shari Kraus, Sarah Himrich, Kate Diaz,
Matt Havermann
GREETERS: October 18-19th
5:00 p.m.—Ron & Nancy Hollmann, Norma Quick
10:00 a.m.—Tom & Sharon Struckman, Joni Pelster
SERVERS: October 18-19th
5:00 p.m.—Trevan Rut & Whitely Rut
10:00 a.m.—Thomas Perrin Conner Stevens
Weekday Servers: 8:00 a.m. Masses Mon. thru Fri.
Week of October 13th—Emma Jones & Elyce Talavera
MINISTRY TO THE SHUT-INS: 9:00 a.m. Sunday
October 19th—Sherri Tickle, Jim & Jean Wunschel
Cindy Johnson & Pearl Seal
The Knights of Columbus & the St. Patrick's
Catholic Church Altar Society are sponsoring
a “Fundraiser” breakfast this Sunday, October
12, 2014 at St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Paxton from 9:00 am
to 1:00 pm. Free will donations will be accepted; in addition a
50/50 raffle will be held! for the Gerald Spurgin family. They
incurred transportation, lodging, and meal expenses during the
time that Gerald was receiving cancer treatments in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Mother of Sorrows Fall Festival
739 Garfield Ave., Grant, NE
Sunday, Oct. 12th, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Roast Beef or Ham dinner, raffles and other fun activities. Adults$8 Children (age 10 & under)-$5, Preschoolers-FREE. Come join
us for food, fun & fellowship!
St. Luke’s Fall Dinner!!
Sunday, October 19th, 2014
Sign up to help: Poster in the entryway of church on the bulletin
board. Please sign up to bake a turkey, desserts, salads, setting up
on Saturday, or working the dinner on Sunday. We need your
Take Out Turkey 284-8211
COUNTRY STORE — St. Luke’s Prayer Shawl Group needs
Weekend Collection 10/5/2014
Reg. Envelopes—$5144.00 Plate—$213.62
Children—$45.38 Auto Bank—$1075.00
Vision 20/20—$2066.00
In order to meet our 2014-2015 budget for St. Luke’s we need
$8238.46 weekly for all revenue. This is an estimated amount for
all budgeted & non-budgeted items for the fiscal year.
Thanks for all your support!
your help supplying the Country Store which will be held during the St. Luke’s Turkey Dinner on October 19th. Any homemade jams & jellies, salsa, pickles, canned goods, baked goods,
fresh eggs, craft items, plants, pumpkins to decorate, Fall and
holiday decorations, anything else to help the cause are welcome.
There will be a container in the back of church for your donations
or drop them off at the Silver Thimble. Proceeds help fund the
Prayer Shawl and Baptismal Blanket Ministry as well as the Mission Fund. You can call Julie Petersen at 284-6429 and leave a
message. Thank you for your help with this project.
Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Congratulations! To all our High School
Seniors who have received the Sacrament
of Confirmation this weekend.
Kenneth Carey, Brody Cleveland, Austin Clough, Cooper
Nowak, Jenna Paloucek, William Parker, Zackery Schnabel, Tanner Smith, Sydni Stevens, Katherine Torres, Taylor
Vasa, and Shelby Welsh.
Lectors: Brody Cleveland and Jenna Paloucek
EM’s: Shelby Welsh, Taylor Vasa, Sydni Stevens and Tim Nowak
Gift Bearers: Cooper Nowak, Will Parker, Tanner Smith and
Katherine Torres
Faith Formation Classes – Wed. Oct. 15th - K-5 & 6-8!
K-5th will meet 4:30-5:30; grades 6-8th will meet 7:00-8:00.
High School CYM – Wed., Oct. 15th - 6:30-8:00 PM
We will meet in the church basement to plan our strategy for the
year so you might want to be thinking about what kind of service
projects, fundraisers and fun activities you might want to bring to
the table for discussion. Pizza will be served so bring an appetite!
Parents and Students! All closing and cancellation announcements will be published on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Just
search Saint Luke’s Catholic Church, Saint Luke’s Catholic
School and Saint Luke’s Faith Formation on Facebook. Or if you
prefer to tweet, search @StLuke_Ogallala on Twitter. Keep up on
current events, commentaries and closings by following us on
social media.
Congratulations! Ward Kroeger is this weeks winners of the
St. Luke’s School calendar drawing.
Next Weekend—World Mission Sunday!
On World Mission Sunday, Catholics of the world unite at
Mass to recommit ourselves to our vocation, through Baptism, to
be missionaries. We are called in a special way to be missionaries through prayer and participation in the Eucharist, and by giving generously to the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith.
Our brothers and sisters in the Missions themselves offer their
prayers and sacrifices so that others may come to know Jesus!
In a world where so much divides us, World Mission Sunday
rejoices in our unity as missionaries! It provides an opportunity
to support the life giving presence of the Church among the poor
and suffering in more that 1,150 mission dioceses.
Thank you for your generosity!
During the month of October the Rosary will be recited before the 5:00 p.m. & 10:00 a.m. weekend
masses. There is a sign up sheet in the back of church
for volunteers to lead the rosary.
October 12, 2014
The Bishop's Pastoral Plan for Pro Life Activities regrets to inform you that in Nebraska, 204
babies were killed by induced abortion during
April; 226 during May; 168 in June and 191 In
July. Unfortunately, the year to date total is 8% higher than the
same time frame in 2013. Since 1973, there have been 181,499
babies killed by induced abortions in Nebraska. Nationally, more
than 55 million abortions have been done since 1973. Please
pray for an end to this destruction of human life and for the
spiritual and psychological healing of all persons wounded by
Is there an abortion in your past? Do you feel a sense of
loss? Despair? Alienation and guilt? Do you feel distant from
your Church? PROJECT RACHEL can help heal the wounds
of abortion. For private, sensitive and confidential counseling
and/or reconciliation, call 1-800-456-HOPE (4673). More information is available online at
Thank you to all our advertisers on the back of the St. Luke’s
Church Bulletin. Please read the back of the bulletin and give our
advertisers a call if needed. We appreciate the support!
There are many Christian ministries needed in the Church and in
the world. The first Christian ministry for all believers is the
Worship of God. All of us are given a talent or gift for specific
roles in assisting the Community in prayer. If you are willing to
serve in one of the following liturgical ministries, please mail or
bring this form back as a part of your parish contribution.
Time Preference: 5:45 p.m.______
Eucharistic Minister______
Ministry to the Shut-ins______
Choir member______
Song Leader_______