Parish of the Sacred Heart and St Oswald
Parish of the Sacred Heart and St Oswald
Parish of the Sacred Heart and St Oswald Fr Thomas J Walton: Parish Priest The Presbytery (01733 322750) Frances Swanson: Pastoral Assistant (01733 263534) Angela Clark: Secretary (01733 322750) FOR A PRIEST IN AN EMERGENCY if no reply from the Presbytery please ring 01733 562528 / 01733 370877 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)—Prisoners’ Sunday Saturday 11 Sunday 12 1800 1000 1200 1400 Monday 13 1000 Tuesday 14 1800 1830 Wednesday 15 0900 S Teresa of Jesus 0930 Thursday 16 0915 1000 1130 Friday 17 0910 0930 S Ignatius of Mass (Lisa Hunt RIP) Mass (James Blaney RIP-anniv.) Mass (School) (Tony Jones RIP) Rosary in Lady Chapel Rosary Mass (Francesco Pacifico RIP-anniv.) Rosary Rosary Mass (Mrs Hughes) Mass (School) (People of the parish) Rosary Mass (City Hospital) Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Succour Mass (Kitty Driscoll) Antioch Saturday 18 1100 Holy Hour with confessions S Luke 1145 Benediction 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)—World Mission Day Saturday 18 1700 Confessions until 1730 1740 Evening Prayer 1800 Mass (Mackie Swanson RIP- anniv.) Sunday 19 1000 Mass (Elizabeth & Tony Molloy) 1200 Mass (School) (Mrs Richards) Coffee & Tea are served after Masses at St Oswald’s and at School after 1200 Mass on 3rd Sunday of the month WORLD MISSION SUNDAY—Next Sunday, the Holy Father invites all Catholics to contribute to a special collection for Missio, his official charity for overseas mission. World Mission Sunday is a special day that unites Catholics all over the world in prayer, celebration and care for the mission of the Church. Thanks to the sacrifice and witness of missionaries, the Catholic Church is growing and many Churches can now take care of themselves. However, four out of every ten parishes worldwide still need your help to survive. By supporting World Mission Sunday you are directly helping over 1,000 dioceses bring hope and new life to people yearning to hear of God’s love for them. You will be able to Gift Aid all donations by using envelopes provided by Missio at back of church/hall. Thank you. WINNERS—BONUS BALL Saturday 4 October No. 10 Katie Howell £24.50. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2015—Enrolment forms are available, at back of church/hall, for children in Year 3 or above who wish to prepare for First Holy Communion in 2015. Completed forms must be received by 26 October 2015. CONFIRMATION 2015— Enrolment forms are available to those in year 8 or above wishing to prepare for Confirmation. Completed forms must be received by 26 October. READERS & MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION— There will be an hour of prayer, reflection and benediction beginning at 7pm on Thursday 23 October, if you are unable to attend please advise Fr Tom. THE GREAT ADVENTURE-MATTHEW BIBLE STUDY PLEASE PRAY FOR those who anniversaries occur at this resumes this Monday 13 October 7pm in Sacred Heart School. time: Teresa Jwansky, Francesco Pacifico, John Bowker, Mary MONTH OF THE HOLY SOULS—November is the month Hibbert, Ruby Hart, James Cummins, Dorothy Cox, Matthew of the Holy Souls, envelopes are available to list the names of Clarke, Larry Vella, Mackie Swanson, Bill Kearney, Michael deceased relatives and friends. Please return envelopes by All Murray, Dorothy Harris, Danny Dunkley, Terence Romeo, Souls Monday 3 November. The 3 Masses on All Souls will Maud Steel, Nora Love. May they rest in peace. then be offered for the deceased. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Shelagh Bradley, John CHRISTMAS GRAND DRAW—Tickets will be available Breen, Susan Butler, Bellina Casagrande, June Clay, Linda next weekend for our Grand Draw on Saturday 29 November. Cleary, Patricia Clifton, Mary Clynch, Matthew Coen, John Tickets cost £1 each or £5 for a book of five. Donations for the Cox, Cora Crawford, Jack Dancy, Brian Dutton, Monica cash prizes of £200, £100 & £50 would be much appreciated. Dutton, Michael Fitzgerald, Margaret Garford, Richard Grant, John Hadleigh, Gordon Higginbotham, Emma Holmes, OUR CHRISTMAS BAZAAR will be held on Saturday 29 Christopher Joyce, Ritt Ketland, Stephen Lawson, James November. If you would like to help in any way, please join Lipscombe, Florence Lowden, Margaret Martin, Sylvia Jonathan Theobalds who is holding a short meeting after Norbury, Eileen O’Sullivan, Susan Riseley, David Ritchie, evening Mass on Tuesday 21 October. Hanna Spragg, Joan Stevenson, Veronica Sutherland, Peter ROSARY—We pray the Rosary before the Blessed Tomkin, Philip Tomkin, Paul Townsend, Beth Walker, Peter Sacrament on Wednesdays before Mass. In addition the Walker, Pat Wallis, Dora Watkins, Victoria Watts, Sylvia Rosary will be prayed this Sunday 12 October at 2pm in the Zaluska. Lady Chapel and at 10am this Monday 13 October, after Mass DIOCESAN CYCLE OF PRAYER—This week we are asked this coming Tuesday 14 October and 10am Thursday 16 to pray for Revv. Paul Chanh, Stephen Pomeroy and the October. As October is the special month of the Holy Rosary, parishioners of Lowestoft and Prison Chaplaincies. why not join us in this devotion to Our Blessed Mother. THANK YOU for last week’s contribution: Thought for the week Gift Aid Envelopes; £255.40 You can give without loving but you cannot Loose Plate & Envelopes; £436.36 Standing Orders: £552.00 love without giving Total: £1243.76 CAFOD £457.46 933 Lincoln Road, Walton, Peterborough, PE4 6AE —parish——Registered charity no. 278742 Sacred Heart School Hall, Tollgate, Bretton, Peterborough, PE3 9XD (1200 Mass on Sundays) 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) 12th October 2014 – 6.00pm ENTRANCE 204 Lord Jesus, think on me COMMUNION 956 I watch the sunrise OFFERTORY 627 This is my body, broken for you RECESSIONAL Mary most Holy (Inside last page of hymn book) PRISONERS’ SUNDAY is this Sunday 12 October when we are asked to pray for Prisoners’ and their families. Every year 200,000 children experience the imprisonment of a parent. The personal and social impact of this is often colossal, poverty, social exclusion and sometimes complete family breakdown. Perhaps the most disturbing consequence is that it will dramatically increase the risk that a child will follow a parent into a life of crime. Pact (Prison Advice and Care Trust) support prisoners, ex-offenders, their children and families to make a fresh start and help reduce the harm caused by imprisonment, particularly for the children who are left behind. There will be a second collection to support the work of Pact next weekend, for further information visit FOODBANK APPEAL—Thank you for your interest following the recent talk on Foodbank. As a result a box will be available in the foyer of the church/hall for any food items you wish to donate. Food lists are available at back of church/hall. THE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE will be celebrating their Diamond Jubilee this Wednesday 15 October at St Peters & All Souls church with Mass at 7pm followed by a Cheese & Wine Party with music by the Collaborators. We hope many of you will be able to join us for this celebration. Tickets for the party are £5.00 For more detail please call Margaret Cianni on 01733 252195 WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016—ARE YOU COMING? Bishop Alan is inviting all young people over 16 by July 2016 to join him on Pilgrimage to World Youth Day (WYD) in Krakow culminating in Mass with Pope Francis. There is an Information Afternoon in Newmarket Parish Centre on Sunday 12th October starting at 1.00pm (please bring a packed lunch) and ending at 4.30pm after Mass. See for more information, or pick up a leaflet at back of church/hall. CALLING ALL NFP INSTRUCTORS!—Are you a qualified instructor in any method of natural family planning or fertility awareness (even if you have not practised for a while)? We would like to invite you to a diocesan day on Nov 8th, where we will gather and discuss ideas for the provision of NFP programmes and resources in our diocese. Bishop Alan will speak to the group, and lunch will be provided. For further information, please contact Kerry Urdzik at Parish of The Sacred Heart and St Oswald Copyright licences Calamus No 0310, CCL No 1404714