Document 6560336


Document 6560336
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Bulletin # 41
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By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of
Pharaoh’s daughter. He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God
rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time. He regarded disgrace for
the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt,
because he was looking ahead to his reward. Hebrews 11:24-26
Welcome: A sincere and heartfelt welcome to each and everyone who has come to worship our
loving and faithful God. With joy and thanks to God Kendra Bos will make public profession of her
faith this morning. If you are visiting, we extend a special welcome and please join us downstairs
for coffee and a time of fellowship after the morning worship service.
Gathering Songs
Welcome and Announcements
* #398(LUYH) Sing to the Lord of
* Call to Worship
* God’s Greeting
* Prayer
* #412(LUYH) You Are My Hiding Place
Profession of Faith of Kendra Bos
#738(LUYH) Jesus, All for Jesus
Presentation of Bible and Devotional
Prayer for Illumination
Children’s Time
Scripture Reading: Hebrews 11:24-27,
Exodus 2:11-22
Message: Who Will You Serve?
Prayer of Application
* #172(LUYH) Ah, Holy Jesus,
How Have You Offended
Prayer for God’s People
Offertory Prayer
Offering: (1) Church (2) World Renew
* #219(LUYH),1,2,3,4 Jesus Shall Reign
* Benediction
* Doxology #219(LUYH), 5 Jesus Shall
The PreK – gr 1 age children will be leaving after the
children’s message for Sunday School. (exit at the FRONT of the sanctuary)
The rest of the Sunday School children and teachers will leave during the parting hymn.
Pastor Gary Van Leeuwen will be leading us in the morning service.
Kendra Bos will be professing her faith. **There is no evening service.**
Thanksgiving Day : Monday, Oct 13 at 10:00 am we will gather for worship to praise God for
his daily provision for us. Let us take this opportunity as a community to direct our thanks toward
God. In celebration of Thanksgiving the deacons have organized a food drive, and the food we
bring in will be brought forward by the children of our church as part of the offering on
Thanksgiving Day.
Next Sunday:
Pastor Gary Van Leeuwen will be leading us in both services.
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Bulletin # 41
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(1) Church (2) World Renew
Thanks giving Day: North Huron Food Bank
North Huron Food Share, located behind the Upper Deck Youth Centre, on Josephine Street in
Wingham. The Food Share is open Wednesday mornings from 9 AM to 1 PM. Last year they
served a total of 1,495 households, an increase of 5 % from the previous year. So far this year,
they have seen 106 new households coming in for support, people who have never used Food
Share before. The need continues to grow.
100% of Monday’s offering will go to support the work of the North Huron Community Food Share.
Next Week:
(1) Church (2) Disability Concerns
October 12
Next Week
October 19
Two Weeks
October 26
Mark & Diana
Rick & Margaret
Herman & Jessica
Eric Nonkes
Peter Uyl
Deb & Darlene
Paul & Heleen
Henk & Ellen
Mark & Dianne
Shawn Reinink
Luke Bouman
Praise Team
Desirae Verburg &
McKayla Nonkes
Tony Verburg &
Sylvia Nonkes
Martin & Janie
Gaye Datema
Dan Baarda
Laurina and Freinds
Jamie / Tina
*No evening service*
Andy Lubbers
Audrey Bos
Kyle Bos
Becky Bosma
Desirae Verburg
Liam Shortreed
Praise Team
Hillie / Jessica
Micah Nonkes
Mark Siertsema
Jacob Nonkes
Kirsten Passchier
Chantal Van Schaik
Casey Van Dorp
Hillie / Laurina
Douwe Top
Jamie Reinink
Justin Baarda
Kendra Wilts
Kyle Bos
Marielle Van Schaik
Marissa Nonkes
Douwe & Jannie
Andy & Darlene
Henk & Ellen
Profession of
Music- am
JK – gr 1
SS Helper
Thanksgiving (Monday, Oct 13)
Greeters : North- Douwe & Jannie Top , South- Fred & Henrietta VanderSterre , Back – Andy
& Darlene VanderVeen
Ushers: Lisa Baarda and Hillie VanAmersfoort
Pre service Singing: Top family
Piano: Tracy
PA: Andrew Bos Projector- Cheryl Bakelaar Camera- David Passchier
Nursery: Barb Bos, Marissa Nonkes and Jordan Shortreed
Coffee Servers: Fred & Henrietta VanderSterre
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Congratulations to all those celebrating birthdays this week:
Rick Steele – Oct 15
Erica Thalen – Oct 16
Casey Van Dorp – Oct 18
On this Thanksgiving weekend, we gather with family and friends and fellow believers to
remember that everything we have is from God’s hand. May our Thanksgiving celebrations
be an example to others as we recognize by our words and actions that it is God who has
provided for us. Let’s pray for those around us who are richly blessed but who do not know
to whom to turn to give thanks.
During this Thanksgiving season, we can take time to rejoice and praise the Lord
for the great abundance He has blessed us with!
However, there are those in our communities who struggle to put food on the table
and we are called by our Lord to provide for and serve these individuals and
families as well.
The deacons would like to thank the congregation, on behalf of our local foodbanks, for the
ongoing generosity through our Food Box.
In this spirit, we would invite you to once again become involved in our annual Thanksgiving Food
Drive. This is a very tangible means of offering – serving those in need, bringing glory to God, and
demonstrating to our children the love of Jesus we bring to others!
This year’s food contributions will go to the Salvation Army Foodbank in Wingham.
They are serving at least 65-75 families monthly, covering a wide area, including Blyth, Walton,
Brussels, and up to Clifford, Ripley and Lucknow.
Articles that are specifically requested are:
Instant coffee (many families do not have a coffee-maker)
Items for the kids’ lunches
Canned pasta
Please place your food donations in and around the Food Box at the back of the sanctuary. (Also
check the due date on the containers. No expired food, or dinted cans are accepted!)
The Board of Stewards is in the process of preparing their 2015 Budget. If any Committee /
Group requires a change in what they receive, please contact one of the following committee
members, Louis Greidanus, Mark Sjaarda or Tony Verburg.
Ladies Society ‘Priscilla’ meeting on Tuesday Oct 14th at 1:30 pm. Study Episode 1 of lesson 5
of ‘Esther’. Roll call word: surprise. After recess by Corrie Bos.
Reformation Day Service: Please join us at the Clinton CRC on November 2nd at 7:00pm for
our annual Reformation Day Service. Note the date has been changed to the week after
Reformation Day.
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Blyth Tykes Hockey: will be starting October 18th every Saturday until Feb
or March from 7-8 pm for ages 5-14 at the Blyth arena. Please contact
Raymond Wilts 519-523-4226 or email for information.
Invite your friends! Volunteers and parents needed to help out.
Attention! Attention!: Do you have extra bottles, baby food, or formula laying around? Are you
willing to make a small purchase for a baby in need? If so, the GEMS need you!! We are holding
a baby drive as part of our service project this year. There will be a box under the mailboxes for a
few weeks so please bring anything a new mom might need for her baby.
(Other ideas include: diapers, wipes, socks, or baby cookies). Thank you on behalf of the GEMS!!
(Items are needed by Oct. 15th)
Huron SERVE: Huron SERVE will be held June 28-July 4, 2015 at the Vanastra church! We
have people from Clinton, Blyth, Exeter and Vanastra willing to work together to form a team to
get organized and ready for an exciting week of work, praise and worship! Our speaker will be Gil
Clelland from Sanctuary London and the Vanastra CCRC praise band will be leading us in music.
Anyone interested in being a part of the team is welcome to come out for a meeting on Oct. 21 at
7:30 at Vanastra CCRC. If you can't make that date please leave a message with Mary Jane
Greidanus at 519-522-2191.
Goods and Services Auction: Today in your mailboxes you will find the auction booklet, so take
some time to browse the items and mark down your favourites. Remember to come out to Huron
Christian School on Friday, October 24, 2014 for the fun, food and bidding! Doors open at 6:30!!
HCS Fundraiser: The Huron Christian School is selling croquetten, chocolate letters and
Cinnabon as a fundraiser for tuition relief. Please contact your church rep, Tina Bos, if interested
in supporting Christian education by placing an order. Orders due to church reps by Sunday,
November 2nd or to the school by Monday, November 3rd. Pick-up at the school November 21st
between 3 and 8pm or from your church rep the Sunday following.
Join us for Senior Appreciation Day at London District Christian Secondary School this
Wednesday! All seniors (friends, supporters, and grandparents) are invited to visit us this
Wednesday, October 22 (9:30 a.m. – 1p.m.), to celebrate God’s faithfulness in Christian
Education. We look forward to showing you around, and treating you to lunch and a special
assembly just for you.
Grade 8 day at LDCSS- Current Grade 8 students are invited to be a student at LDCSS for the
day on Wednesday November 5th. For more information visit
Correction for September 2014 Offerings
Sept. 7 Calvin College
Sept. 14 Canadian Food Grains Bank
Sept. 21 Listowel Christian School
Sept. 28 Safe Church
Church offerings
Actual Income to Sept. 30
Budget to Sept. 30
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TUESDAY (October 14): Faith Instruction @ church 7:30-8:30
"EVERFOUND" CONCERT: This Wednesday, October 15, Bethel CRC Youth Group, along with
Unite Tonite and Youth For Christ are hosting a concert in Bethel CRC (Listowel). The headline
act will be Everfound. Everfound is a Christian-rock band based in Denver, Colorado, consisting of
the 3 Russian Odnoralov brothers. Their family moved to Colorado in 1996 from
Russia. Everfound was at the All Ontario Youth Convention and at Kingdom Bound this past
summer. They will be touring with another band, About A Mile. We are planning to go as a group.
Tickets will be $12. Carpool at the church - meet at 6:30PM.
YOUTH/SENIOR MIXER NIGHT: Attention Seniors aged 60+ (or those who feel old at heart) Come join the youth on Thursday, October 23 @ 7:30 PM for a games night at church. We'll
provide the games, the food, and the company - see you there!
SERVE 2015: Deposits of $60 due at Youth on Thursday, October 23 to reserve a spot.
Young People Hockey:
Saturday, October 18
Saturday, October 25
Saturday, November 1
Saturday, November 8
in Blyth vs Clinton
at 8:00 pm
in Harriston Blyth vs Drayton at 8:30 pm
Possibly a Practice for Blyth?
In Palmerston
at 9:30pm
Trillium Huron Youth website:
Gathering Shadows by Nancy Mehl
Wynter Evans is a reporter for a T.V. station, whose young brother disappeared 9 yrs ago. She
sees a picture of a young Mennonite boy with a resemblance to him in a small town called
Sanctuary. When she arrives there, she meets Rueben King, the young mayor and together they
begin their search, but someone is determined to stop them, even threatening Wynter’s life.
Hearts Awakening by Delia Parr
Two people in desperate circumstances. One unlikely proposal. Elvira Kilmer needs work and
Jackson Smith a housekeeper. When Jackson makes an unusual offer, will Ellie look beyond
mere necessity and risk opening her heart?
Coming soon! A Fabulous Fundraising Progressive Dinner is being held Saturday October 25 at
5:00pm starting point is at the Huron Chapel Church in Auburn. Money that is raised will go
directly to purchase supplies to build homes in El Salvador. Tickets are $30/person and available
from Yvonne Wilts or 519 523-4939 or at Huron Chapel.
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On Sunday, October 19, River City Church in Cambridge will be hosting its first ever “Evening of
Worship and Praise,” and we’re inviting sisters and brothers in Christ from neighbouring churches
to join us! This event will be held at Maranatha Church (94 Elgin St. S., Cambridge) and will run
from 7-8:30 p.m. (doors will open at 6:30 p.m., and a light reception will follow). The River City
worship team, which will be joined by several guest musicians and vocalists, will lead us in 90
minutes of worship and praise, as together we exalt our God who is worthy! At this event we’ll be
taking a freewill offering, all proceeds of which will go toward making much needed updates of
River City Church’s equipment used for worship. Since the CRTC recently introduced new rules
requiring us to stop using the equipment we have for monitors, one item we must purchase is a
new digital soundboard (which costs $8,300). Of course a digital soundboard will enable us to do
more than simply replace the equipment we have for monitors, it’ll also enable us to do portable
church more effectively and efficiently. If you enjoy worship and praise, come out to this event
yourself; better yet, bring a friend!
WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT EBOLA? - The world is experiencing the worst Ebola epidemic in
history. In the midst of this darkness, God’s light is shining. Please join Christian Reformed World
Missions and World Renew in praying for those infected and those on the front lines of caring for
them. Please also support CRWM and World Renew’s Ebola response with your gifts. CRWM is
working with the Timothy Leadership Institute to train local pastors to face the Ebola epidemic with
a Biblically-minded approach. World Renew is working in Liberia to provide training and medical
supplies to 18 health centers through its local partner, the Christian Health Association of Liberia.
They are also working through partners in Sierra Leone in Ebola “hot spots” to train community
members on what Ebola is and how to respond to it. This includes the distribution of sanitizer,
bleach, and hand washing stations. To learn more or to donate, visit
SAFE CHURCH CONFERENCE in Ancaster Nov. 1 - You are invited to a Safe Church
Conference at Ancaster CRC on November 1 from 9 am to 2 pm. Come learn about healthy
ministry relationships, healthy sexuality, and creating safer environments for our children and
youth. This conference is for council members, pastors, children/youth ministry leaders, and YOU.
$10 registration fee includes lunch and workshop materials. For more information or to register,
REFORMATION SUNDAY OCT. 26 - On October 26, Reformation Sunday, Christian Reformed
Churches across North America will pray and give in support of Home Missions. Exciting things
are happening in your area, and new challenges to ministry are arising. Please join Christian
Reformed Home Missions in praying for campus ministries, church plants, missional communities,
and leadership development networks through which the Gospel is shared and spread. Learn
more about ministries in your area at
ANNUAL DAY OF ENCOURAGEMENT - Coming this Saturday! Don't miss out! You can still
register for the Day of Encouragement being held Oct. 18, at the Hamilton District Christian High
School in Ancaster. The wide variety of workshops, service sites and chatrooms provide many
opportunities for learning and growth, and the fellowship is inspiring. Snacks and lunch are
included in your registration. Register online at, or in person at the
school on October 18.
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This week:
Next week:
Acts 4 - 5
Acts 18 - 19
Acts 6 - 7
Acts 20 - 21
Acts 8 - 9
Acts 22 - 23
Acts 10 - 11
Acts 24 - 26
Acts 12 - 13
Acts 27 - 28
Acts 14 - 15
Romans 1 - 3
Acts 16 - 17
Romans 4 - 7
Sunday School (Pre K –gr 1) ................................................................................. after the offering
Sunday School / Faith Instruction Classes (gr 2 – gr. 8).........................................after am service
Sunday Service ................................................................................................................. 10:00 am
Thanksgiving Service ........................................................................................................ 10:00 am
Ladies Society ‘Priscilla’ ........................................................................................... 1:30 – 3:00 pm
Faith Instruction / Catechism Class (gr 9 +) ............................................................ 7:30 – 8:30 pm
Coffee Break ............................................................................................................ 10 – 11:30 am
Evening Coffee Break ............................................................................................. 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Gems (girls gr. 4-8) .................................................................................................. 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Cadets (boys gr. 4-8) ............................................................................................... 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Time of Prayer at Quartel’s .................................................................................. 10:00 – 11:00 am
Bulletin Deadline ................................................................................................................. 5:00 pm
Exercise group .................................................................................................................... 9:30 am
Tykes Hockey at the Blyth Arena ........................................................................................ 7:00 pm
Young People Hockey in Blyth ............................................................................................ 8:00 pm
Church & Minister: 519-523-4743
Minister: Pastor Gary Van Leeuwen email: .
Home: 226-523-5566 and cell: 519-441-7805
Clerk Mr. Rick Steele 519-526-7446 e-mail:
Blyth CRC Web Site:
Bulletin Announcements: call Anita Boven: 519-523-9492 or e-mail before 5:00 pm on Thursday.
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PARLEZ VOUS FRANCAIS? - Are you also interested in gender issues, sexual abuse
prevention, trauma healing and food security? Come alongside World Renew staff for 18 months
in Mali and see your BA degree come alive with hands-on experience as you bless others. Details
on this partially funded volunteer position can be found at or contact
DO YOU EVER WONDER - what life is like for children with disabilities in other countries, and
want to make things better for them? Volunteer with World Missions in Nicaragua as a special
needs assistant or vocational trainer and you can help these precious treasures of God become
valuable in their society. Details for these volunteer opportunities can be found at
or contact
FREE WEBINAR - Join us on October 15 when Graham Seel presents '"Every Square Inch" in
the Workplace'. This webinar will explore ways in which the church and its leaders can equip and
encourage members to see God in their workplace and to live out their faith as Kingdom workers
there. For more details and registration for this free, one-hour event visit
POSITION OPENING - The Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA) has a full-time
(37.5 hrs/wk) opening for a Communications Assistant in Burlington, Ontario. This position will
manage, organize and execute administrative support for the Director of Communications (DC);
as well as serve as a resource for both internal and external communications, as assigned by the
DC. For more information regarding this position or to apply, please visit For
consideration complete an on-line application, attaching a cover letter and resume by Oct. 15.
THANK YOU FOR FREEING FAMILIES - Happy Thanksgiving! World Renew would like to say
“thank you” to you and your church for helping families around the world find new strength and
overcome poverty through the Free A Family® program. Together with you, World Renew is
equipping families with training in agriculture, health, literacy, and income generation, so parents
and children can break free from poverty for the long-term. Your support is a vital part of this Godhonouring ministry. As you celebrate our generous God, please prayerfully consider a gift to
support World Renew’s Free A Family® program. Find out more at
North America (CRCNA) is seeking nominees and applicants for the position of Director of
Ministries and Administration. For more information visit To apply
send cover letter and resume to Michelle DeBie, Director of Human Resources at by November 28, 2014.
KIDS CORNER - Epic Story (Part 4): The exciting series comes to an end. Loomis, the
Professor’s assistant, is not who everyone thought he was. In addition to saving Cole, the KC
crew unravels who this Loomis really is. In the end, we find out what the meaning of this dome is
all about. Check out the program at Contact Kids Corner at P.O. Box 5070,
Burlington ON L7R3Y8 or go to for your very own Bible study.
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GROUNDWORK - Israel's Deliverance: The Groundwork discussion of Moses continues. With the
Almighty God of the universe as the wind beneath Moses’ sails, you’d expect things would go
smoothly once Moses asks Pharaoh to release God’s people. But things got worse before they
got better, and the final release did not happen until God engaged Pharaoh in one of the most
dramatic high-stakes showdowns in history. Tune in and join the Groundwork conversation – find
a local radio station or listen online at
WORLD MISSIONS - Service Opportunity in Asia: Give two weeks of your summer away!
Children are most impressionable and open to the Gospel between the ages of six and eight.
Make an impact in their lives that could make an eternal difference! CRWM is seeking a team to
lead Vacation Bible School in Asia, July 22- August 9, 2015. Join our career missionaries on a
fascinating intercultural, life-changing experience. For more information, contact Lisa Sochacki at
CALVIN SYMPOSIUM ON WORSHIP - You are invited to attend the annual Calvin Symposium
on Worship, Jan. 29-31, 2015, at Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary. This year's
worship theme is based on 2 Corinthians. Preachers include M. Craig Barnes, Tim Blackmon,
Denise Kingdom Grier, Meg Jenista, and Pablo Jimenez. Excellent rates for students and groups
from churches. All worship services are free and open to the public, including the Friday night
service (7:00 p.m. in the Covenant Fine Arts Center). See
for complete information. If you would be interested in volunteering, please email or phone 616-526-6088.