Weekly Bulletin - Blyth Christian Reformed Church


Weekly Bulletin - Blyth Christian Reformed Church
Sunday, Jan 25, 2015
Bulletin # 04
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I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you
and your descendants after you for the generations to come,
to be your God and the God of your descendants after you. Genesis 17: 7
Welcome: We would like to welcome everyone to our services today. On this Sunday, we give
thanks to God for allowing us to be able to worship Him and celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Please
join us downstairs following the morning service for coffee and a time of fellowship, so that we
may become better acquainted with you.
Welcome and Announcements
* Song #518(LUYH): Praise the Lord,
Sing Hallelujah
Celebration of Communion
Profession of Faith – Apostles’ Creed
Song of Anticipation #682(LUYH):
Before the Throne of God Above
Celebration of Communion
Song of Praise #336(LUYH): You Are
Before Me Lord
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Song #755(LUYH): Speak, O Lord
(children, Grade 1 and younger
come forward for children’s time)
Children’s Time
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture Reading: Genesis 17
Message: Brought into the Family
Prayer of Application
* Song #659(LUYH): Nearer, Still Nearer
Prayer for God’s People
Offertory Prayer
Offering: Huron Christian School
* Song #545 (LUYH): Make Me a
Channel of Your Peace
* Benediction
* Doxology #946(LUYH): Go, My
Children with My Blessing
The PreK – gr 1 age children will be leaving after the
children’s message for Sunday School. (exit at the FRONT of the sanctuary)
The rest of the Sunday School children and teachers will leave during the parting hymn.
Pastor Gary Van Leeuwen will be leading us in both services. This morning
we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper.
Next Sunday:
Pastor Gary Van Leeuwen will be leading us in both services.
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* Call to Worship
* God’s Greeting
* Song #604(LUYH) To God Be the
Songs #538(LUYH) Holy, Holy, Holy!
Lord God Almighty
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture Reading: Judges 6,
Hebrews 11:32
Message: Gideon: Trusting in God Alone
Prayer of Application
* Song #603(LUYH) Shout to the Lord
Prayer Requests and Prayer
* Song #772(LUYH) My Hope Is Built on
Nothing Less
* Benediction
* Prayer in Song #932(LUYH) Saviour,
Again to Your Dear Name we Raise
(1) Church (2) Huron Christian School
Next Week:
(1) Church (2) Friendship Ministries (Goderich)
Our contribution is used for the purchase of Bible-study material, and supplies for crafts.
The group currently consists of 42 participants, and around 20 mentors.
Additional volunteers, both male and female, will be most welcome!
Future offerings – Feb 8: Cadets; Feb 15: Listowel Christian School;
Feb 22: Huron Campus Ministry
Congratulations to all those celebrating birthdays this week:
Darwin Buffinga and Brooke Bouman – January 26
Ed Salverda – January 28
Evan Hoonaard, Denise Thalen, Jesse Baarda and Victoria VanGent – January 29
Jan Paul Van Dorp and Leendert Van Dorp – January 30
Ben Nonkes returned home this past week after his last week of therapy in Toronto. Let us
give thanks for God’s grace in his life and in the life of his family.
Andy Lubbers continues to suffer from back pain. Pray for patience and healing for him.
Remember those who suffer from arthritis and other chronic illnesses that cause pain. We
thank God for pain medication, but we know that there are often difficult side effects. We pray
that God would grant healing, strength, and comfort for all who suffer constant pain.
Sunday, Jan 25, 2015
Bulletin # 04
Jan 25
Next Week
Feb 1
Lord’s Supper
Music- am
JK – gr 1
SS Helper
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Two Weeks
Feb 8
Cadet Sunday
Henk & Ellen
Mark & Dianne
Desirae Verburg &
McKayla Nonkes
Gaye Datema
Dan Baarda
Brooke Bouman
Tony Verburg &
Sylvia Nonkes
Martin & Janie
Raymond & Kendra
Jesse Baarda
Merv Datema
Brian Wiersma
Justin Shortreed
Emily W
Richard Bergsma
Audrey Bos
Kyle Bos
Helen Van Leeuwen
Victoria VanGent
Alex Boven
Emily W
Andrew Bos
Cheryl Bakelaar
David Passchier
Barb Bos
Liam Shortreed
Chantal Van Schaik
Micah Nonkes
Mark Siertsema
Jacob Nonkes
Kirsten Passchier
Jacob Wiersma
Desirae Verburg
John & Tina
Clarence & Becky
Luke & Shirley
Celebrating 90 yrs! Have cake with your coffee this morning to celebrate Femmy’s
90th Birthday.
Pre-Authorized Remittance Anyone wishing to use PAR or update your
automatic withdrawal please notify Tony Verburg before the 10th of any month. Withdrawals
occur on the 20th of each month.
Social: Do you enjoy socializing with games? Then let’s join each other at the church on Tuesday
Jan. 27, @1.30 p.m. Coffee and cookies will be served. Please bring your favourite board or card
Cadets: Reminder that Saturday January 31, 2015 is the SNOW DERBY. Please
meet at the old Blyth Public School at 8:15am. Counsellors will be driving Cadets
to Morrison Dam, Exeter. We will be returning at 4pm. Please arrange to have
your Cadet picked up at the school at that time. Be sure to dress warm this is
an ALL DAY OUT-DOOR event. Lunch is provided.
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Lost & Found: Exeter CRC is hosting an informational night about the reality of addiction and
alcoholism in our churches, in our families, and in our communities. Please come on out on
January 30, 2015 at 7:00pm to learn how one addict found his way back to new life and how to
help those affected by alcoholism and addiction. (332 Huron St West, Exeter, ON.)
“All-You-Can-Eat” Pancake and Sausage Supper: held at the Huron Christian
School on Friday, February 6, 2015 from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Meet friends and eat
lots of pancakes and sausages. Test your skills in the games room to support
students traveling to Ottawa and Montreal. Join us for an evening of good food
and fellowship.
“of Rack and Room”, a thrift store located in Clinton and affiliated with Huron Christian School, is
looking for a part-time co-manager to oversee the operations of the store. Because of the store’s
association with the school, applicants must be professing Christians with membership in a Bible
believing church. Please send your cover letter and resume (include 3 references, one of which
must be a pastor's reference) to Irene Dykstra at aickldyk@tcc.on.ca by Monday, January 26,
2015. A full job description can be found on the school’s website at www.huronchristianschool.ca
Attention Curlers: You are invited to be part of the annual LDCSS Curling Bonspiel, February
14, 2015, at the Aylmer Curling Club. Cost $500.00 per team, sponsors are encouraged. All
snacks and lunch provided free for curlers. To register, please contact Albert at 519-773-3238 or
email agweesjes@gmail.com by Jan. 26, 2015.
Mark the Date! LDCSS invites you to enjoy ‘An evening in Paris’
at their Spring Fund Raising Banquet on Saturday, March 7th. For details visit www.ldcss.ca
‘Welcome Wednesdays’ come to LDCSS! Grades 9-12 Admissions Open Houses. Dates:
February 4, March 4, April 1, and May 6, 9:30-11:30 AM, 12:30-2:30 PM. Come experience
LDCSS in action!
Please RSVP: 519-455-4360 ext.231 or admissions@ldcss.ca
LDCSS school tours are also available by appointment.
It's time again when you have the opportunity to show your support for the protection of life by
purchasing a Right to Life Membership. The money raised will help to support Campaign Life
Coalition, Ramoth Center, Euthenasia Prevention Coalition and much, much more. Our aim is to
educate and support programs that protect life from conception to natural death. The cost for
membership is $20/family and $10/single. If you have any questions or would like to purchase a
membership please talk to Brenda Sjaarda. Again, we appreciate your support and convet your
April 22, 2015: Save the Date: 41st Annual Pro-Life Banquet 6:45 p.m. Wingham Columbus
Centre. Speaker: Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition.
Blyth Youth Group – alternate Thursdays from 8:30 – 9:00 pm
Faith Instruction - alternate Tuesdays from 7:30 – 8:30 pm
Young Adults: meets every other Thursday at 7:30pm.
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Next YOUTH EXECUTIVE meeting: this Wednesday, January 28th @ 7:30 PM at Becky's house
to do our planning for the winter/spring.
Next CATECHISM will be Tuesday, January 27th @ 7:30 PM. Chantal & Marielle are on snacks.
Next YOUTH GROUP: Thursday, February 5. Details TBA.
Next TRILLIUM FORMAL meeting will be Tuesday, Feb 3 @ 7:30PM at Becky's house.
Young People Hockey:
Sat, Jan 31
Sat, Feb 7
Sat, Feb 14
Blyth off
in Blyth vs Palmerston
in Blyth vs Exeter
Sat, Feb 21
make up games or playoffs in Blyth
at 9:30 pm
at 9:30 pm
Trillium Huron Youth website: www.trilliumhuronyouth.com
Butterfly Palace by Colleen Cable
Abandoned by the love of her life, and mourning the loss of her mother, Lily comes to Austin,
Texas for a fresh start in her life, working as a kitchen maid. Then, while serving at a dinner party,
she recognizes the man who abandoned her, among the distinguished guests. Before she can
get an explanation, the Servant Girl Killer swerves very close to the Butterfly Palace and Lily feels
trapped. How can she know who to trust?
LIBERTAS MALE CHOIR SPRING CONCERTS - Martin Mans, director; Andre Knevel, organ;
Liselotte Rokyta, panflute: March 11, Instrumental concert at Ancaster CRC, 70 Garner Rd. E.,
Ancaster; Choir concerts: March 12, St. Clements Church, 745 Duke St., Cambridge, Ont. ; March
13, Georgetown CRC, 11611 Trafalgar Rd, Georgetown; March 14, Talbot St. CRC, 513 Talbot
St. London. Concerts begin at 7:30 p.m. Tickets: order online at www.libertasvoices.com,
info@libertasvoices.com , 905-522-0001, or at the door. Adults $18, Youth $10. Under 10, free.
GROUNDWORK - Service and Giving: On today’s Groundwork we’ll study passages from
Matthew and Luke to help us understand the spiritual discipline of giving – giving of time, service,
and money. Join the weekly conversation: subscribe for free weekly email notifications at
ListenToGroundwork.com; visit GroundworkOnline.com to find a local radio station or listen now.
KIDS CORNER - Don't Judge a Book by its Cover: Liz and Lucille visit the Basilisk family—who
have a reputation of being a little strange. But they find they have more in common than they
thought. Follow the Kids Corner adventures of Liz and his pals every week: subscribe for free at
getkidscorner.com. Find more great resources for kids and parents at kidscorner.net.
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FAMILY FIRE - is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws,
blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at familyfire.com.
Subscribe for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook.
Special Needs SERVE - July 4-9, 2015 – Ottawa - A spiritual journey for youth 14-26. This
unique SERVE project is for young people with special needs, who will spend time on work
projects, worship, and prayer. The events of SERVE are tailored to individual ability so that each
person can experience the joy that comes from serving God. Please contact Joanna at
jo_janssen_8@hotmail.com or Pastor Ron at youthpastor@calvincrc.ca or 613-225-2889 Ext.3.
For information, see: http://www.ronhosmar.blogspot.ca/2014/07/ottawa-serve-2014-day-6-fancydinner.html and look in the July 2014 entries.
Special Needs SERVE - July 3-9, 2014 – Ottawa - Mentors Needed: We are seeking youth and
young adults who would like to walk alongside a participant who has a special need. Your help is
needed to encourage the participants in all areas of their journey. We look forward to some great
work sites, worship, and sight-seeing! For information, please contact Ron Hosmar at
youthpastor@calvincrc.ca or 613-225-2889 ext.3.
Position Opening - World Renew has a part-time opening for an Advocacy Manager, in
Burlington, Ontario. This position will assist with rolling out and encouraging involvement in the
Canadian Foodgrains Bank “Good Soil” agricultural funding advocacy campaign with World
Renew constituents, church members, and the Canadian government. Please visit our website at
www.crcna.org/jobs for information; to apply, submit your current resume and cover letter to
sshaheen@worldrenew.net by February 16.
Cycle to End Poverty! - Registration is now open for the 10th anniversary ride of the Sea to Sea
Bicycle Tour. Join other cyclists this summer for a 6-day ride in Ontario or a 10-day ride in Alberta,
and raise money for the fight against poverty. Proceeds will fund ministry by World Renew,
Partners Worldwide, International Justice Mission, and local poverty initiatives in communities
along the route. Volunteers are also urgently needed to assist with both rides. For information or
to register, visit seatosea.org.
CAMP SHALOM SUMMER STAFF - If you love Jesus and like working with individuals with
special needs, then apply to be a missionary at Camp Shalom this summer. Located just outside
of Cambridge, Camp Shalom offers programming for kids and adults with special needs. We are
now accepting applications for our summer staff positions. All positions are paid and you must be
17 before Dec. 31st, 2015 to apply. Visit www.countrysidecamp.com to apply. Interviews will start
February 14th. Questions? Contact Adrian at adriancountryside@gmail.com.
Special Needs SERVE Mentor - Walk alongside 'special needs' SERVE participants and
encourage them at SERVE sites, in worship, in small groups and even sightseeing. It's a beautiful
week of learning and serving together in our nation’s capital city, Ottawa from July 3 – 9, 2015.
Both mentors and participants are between ages 14 – 26. Check out crcna.org/servicelink (Ref.#
CAN165) or email volunteer@crcna.org for more information.
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VBS IN THE ORIENT - Millions of children in Asia have not heard yet that Jesus loves them. Will
you go and share the good news? If you love kids and VBS, this 5 week volunteer opportunity
from July 2-August 9, 2015 is perfect for you! More information is available at www.crwm.org or
BUS TRIP—are you looking for a trip with fellow Christians this summer? Join us to discover the
beautiful Gaspé Peninsula, August 4-12, 2015.
For details contact Johanna at 519-482-9948 or hramaker@tcc.on.ca
Sunday School (Pre K –gr 1) ...................................................................... after the children’s time
Sunday School / Faith Instruction Classes (gr 2 – gr. 8).........................................after am service
Sunday Services ................................................................................................... 10 am & 7:30 pm
Exercise group .................................................................................................................... 9:30 am
Games Social...................................................................................................................... 1:30 pm
Faith Instruction / Catechism Class (gr 9 +) ............................................................ 7:30 – 8:30 pm
Coffee Break ............................................................................................................ 10 – 11:30 am
Evening Coffee Break ............................................................................................. 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Gems (girls gr. 4-8) .................................................................................................. 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Cadets (boys gr. 4-8) ............................................................................................... 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Youth Executive Meeting at Becky’s ................................................................................... 7:30 pm
Time of Prayer at Quartel’s .............................................................................................. 10:00 am
Bulletin Deadline ................................................................................................................. 5:00 pm
Exercise group .................................................................................................................... 9:30 am
Cadet Snow Derby (meet at school) ................................................................... 8:15am – 4:00 pm
Tykes Hockey at the Blyth Arena ........................................................................................ 7:00 pm
Church & Minister: 519-523-4743
Minister: Pastor Gary Van Leeuwen email: garyvl68@gmail.com .
Home: 226-523-5566 and cell: 519-441-7805
Clerk Mr. Rick Steele 519-526-7446 e-mail: blythcrcclerk@tcc.on.ca
Blyth CRC Web Site: www.blythcrc.ca
Bulletin Announcements: call Anita Boven: 519-523-9492 or e-mail
kboven@tcc.on.ca before 5:00 pm on Thursday.