Sunday Bulletin - Faith Christian Church


Sunday Bulletin - Faith Christian Church
Faith Christian Church
N3302 US Hwy 15 New London, WI 54961 920-982-3101
Sunday January 25th, 2015
Proclaiming God’s Work:
Praising God’s Name:
Preaching God’s Word:
Practicing God’s Life:
welcome / announcements / sharing
hymns of adoration and praise
“Go For the Gold, Go For God”
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
break up in small groups
Pastor Paul
Faith in Action
Sunday, January 25th
9:00 AM Youth Study
10:00 AM Worship Service
6:30 PM Romans Bible Study at Schumde’s home
Monday, January 26th
6:30 PM Mom’s prayer at Rawhide
Wednesday, January 28th 6:30 PM Exodus Study at Hermsen’s home
6:30 PM Beyond Belief Youth Group at NLHS
Sunday, February 1st
9:00 AM Youth Study
10:00 AM Worship Service
Areas of Church Service
Janitorial: 1/31st Luciano family / 2/7th Lopez family
Nursery: today: Today: Melissa and Reegan / 2/1st Hermsen’s
Worship leading next week: ?
Fellowship Meal: 2/22nd Emily Horn
Administration of Faith Christian Church
Pastor Paul Franzmeier 920-472-9570
Elder Dale Schlais 920-982-2747
Elder Mike Hermsen 920-538-1001
Financial Secretary June Sawall 920-982-0492
An offering box is located in the back of the sanctuary
Last Week’s offering: $635.00
Announcements . . .
All guests are encouraged to sign their name in our guest book located
on information table outside the sanctuary of the church. Welcome to
each of you with us today.
All important announcements and schedules are posted in the bulletin
and on our web listing at Please read
over the bulletin thoroughly each week as well as weekly checking on
the website.
A 2015 Worship Schedule is being put together and we would love to
open the schedule up to anyone who would like to help lead the
congregation in worship.
Mike Hermsen is willing to lead a Wednesday night Bible Study on the
book of Exodus in his home beginning from 6:30-8:00PM . Gary
Schumde is also willing to facilitate a Sunday Bible Study at his home
on the book of Romans. This study will take place every other Sunday.
If you are interested in joining up with either of these studies or interested in another study or want to grow in your relationship with God in
another way that we could encourage you, please let us know. Please
sign up on the clipboard on the sound table for these two opportunities
to grow in your faith.
Your year end giving statements are available for you to pick up on the
sound table.
A sign up to order 2015 SEEK GOD FOR THE CITY 40 day prayer
adventure is on the sound table. We are joining Living Water’s Church
Iglesias de Christo, and New Life Church in this prayer adventure and
have planed three Thursday nights during the journey to pray together.
A flyer is posted on the Church website and in this bulletin for you to
look at. Please make it a high priority to participate in joint prayer with
several other congregations in the New London community.
Praise the Lord for William George Sudbrink’s birth 7:24 AM Last Sunday morning. William weighed in at 9lbs 8 ox and stretched out 22.5
inches. Mom and dad are doing great. Contact Paula Titterton if you
would like to provide them a meal during the next couple of weeks.
“Go For the Gold, Go For God”
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Pastor Paul 1/25/15
A future to embrace (eyes)
A fight to be “all in” about (head to toe & hand to hand)
A force to reckon with (body)
A fear to have (heart)