This Week`s Bulletin - Salem Reformed Church


This Week`s Bulletin - Salem Reformed Church
Pastor Dustin Sperlich
June 14, 2015
9:30 – Worship Service
Organ Prelude
Call to Worship
*Gloria Patri
*Salutation & Greeting
*Hymn #16 – “How Great Thou Art”
VBS Video
Responsive Reading
Pastoral Prayer, Lord’s Prayer
Offertory Prayer
Children’s Message
*Hymn #136 – “We’re Marching to Zion”
Scripture: Acts 2:42-47 pg. 1694
Message: “A Perfect Messy Church”
Prayer of Blessing
*Hymn #255 – “Jesus Paid It All”
*Congregation stands
GREETINGS to all who worship with us. Please welcome one another as Christ
has welcomed you. We ask visitors to sign our guest register in the narthex.
Pastor Dustin will be gone from June 16th - 28th attending RCA
classes in Holland, MI. If you need anything, please feel free to
email him or contact an elder.
Offering: General
Offering from June 7 – General: $ 1,925.00 Mission: $1,700.00
Ushers: Robert Dreesen, Brad Nagel, Nathan Peters, Josh Haken
Librarian: Evelyn Kruse
Greeters: Art & Connie Heronemus, Tom & Corinne Lonneman
Sound/Video: Jerry & Candy Sandbulte
Please join us immediately following the service today for a dinner to
welcome Dustin & Ashley Sperlich to our church and our community!
Serving will begin at 11:15 at the shelter house in the new park.
Hamburgers, brats, potato salad and chips will be served. The congregation
is invited to bring pre-cut desserts to the shelter house.
Games including sand volleyball and beanbags will be available, so you
might want to consider a change of clothes.
(In case of inclement weather, the dinner will be at the City Hall.
Night of Music
Hope Reformed Church invites everyone to their summer night of music on
Sunday, June 14th, at 7:00 p.m. Root beer floats will be served following the
program. Please join us for a variety of musical talent and fellowship!
Monday, June 15th
Consistory Meeting at 7:30 p.m. We welcome all who wish to publicly profess
their faith in Jesus Christ.
Bart DeBoer will be leading our morning worship
Offering: General
Ushers: Bill Ver Steeg, Doug Brinkhous, Steve Habben, Ross Wiertsema
Library: Wilma Kruse
Greeters: Kent & Julie Peters, Darwin & Sheila Klaassen
Sound/Video: Greg Venenga/Melia Winter
Dwaine Kruse has become a resident of Parkview Manor in Ellsworth as of last
week. Please pray for both Dwaine and Wilma as they make this transition.
The family of John R. and Ruth Boender are requesting a card shower for their
60th wedding anniversary on June 16. Their address is:
Fieldcrest Room 228
E. 6th St.
Sheldon, IA 51201
Our heartfelt sympathy is extended to the family of Nina Voss as she passed
away on Thursday. Please pray for comfort during this difficult time.
Kelli Klaassen’s prayers were answered this week, as her tests showed she is now
in remission! Kelli would like to thank everyone for all the prayers that were lifted
up on her behalf.
Additional Prayer Requests: Zach Voss, JoAnn & Lyle Gerken, Sylvia
Harberts, Delbert Wieman, Dorothy Schubert, Dwight Leemkuil, Elmer
Kanengieter, Pastor Dave Vander Laan, Travis Klaassen, Ted Venenga, Craig,
Block, Lola Voss, Ed Mayland, and Kelli Jo Klaassen.
Happy Birthday:
Kim Clark – June 14
Darlene Brinkhuis – June 14
Timothy Schroeder – June 14
Ross Wiertsema – June 17
Cash Sandbulte – June 18
Evelyn Kruse – June 18
Layton & Dawn Arends – June 15
Verlyn & Betty Venenga – June 17
Dennis & Crystal Clark – June 18
Steve & Crystal Olson – June 20
The June Atlas donations are diapers and/or diaper wipes. Please place on the
table in the narthex.
Another year of Bible School is complete. A Big “Thank You” to Ashley Peters
for directing, Amy Kruse for organizing the crafts and ceramics, Jen Greve and
Amy Haken for leading music, Molly Schilling for leading games, and all of the
many, many volunteers who gave of their time to make this week a successful one!
Your love for children and your willingness to share your time and effort will have
an eternal impact! Thank you!
Changes in church email:
New church emails have been set up! You can email Kim with any
bulletin/website/email announcements, etc. and can contact Pastor Dustin
directly about any pastoral matters. I will continue to monitor the old
address until everyone gets things switched, but please make the changes in
your address book.
Kim's new email:
Pastor Dustin's new email:
RiseFest 2015
This fun, family-friendly festival will be held in Sheldon on June 19-20
Activities include: Christian bands, sand volleyball, Kid’s Zone(inflatables, games,
etc.), seminars, Youth Tent, food vendors and more!
Check out the following link for more information
July Night of Music
Master’s Voice Quartet will present a concert of gospel music at Bethel Reformed
Church on Sunday, July 12th at 7:00 p.m. An ice cream social will follow.
New Salem Pictorial Directory
Pictures for the new directory will be taken on the following dates:
Sunday, June 14
Sunday, June 21
Sunday, June 28
Monday, June 15
Tuesday, June 16
Pictures will be taken before and after the morning
Pictures will be taken from 5:30-8:00 p.m.
On Sunday, June 28, we will be taking pictures of the choirs, Bible Study groups,
librarians, organists & pianists after the morning worship service.
We will have a “sign-up” table for picture times on Sunday, June 14.
You may submit your own picture if you would like. Please email the file to
If you have any questions, please contact Karen Winter at 479.2818 or
Thank you.