October 12, 2014 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Woody McCallister and


October 12, 2014 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Woody McCallister and
October 12, 2014
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Woody McCallister and
Deacon Tim Shamrell
welcome you!
360-695-1366 www.ollparish.org
Vancouver, Washington
“When you invest in Catholic education, you invest in the lives of a
lot of people…you invest in the students, but more importantly,
the people whose lives they will touch and change.”
Scholarships - Greatest Needs - Endowment
Ron Edwards, Principal and Chemistry Teacher,
Pope John Paul II High School
If you visit Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School on any school day, you will find yourself in a happy, safe, and healthy
environment, filled with children who are respectful, full of curiosity, and eager to learn! You will see students who are actively
building a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as they learn about our Catholic faith through prayer, attending mass, and
serving those in need. You will see the students who will grow up to become parents, church leaders, teachers, businessmen and
women, professionals, politicians, and more. You will see the very people that will be educating the minds, hearts and spirits of
the generations to follow.
As Catholic educators, parents, and parish members, all of us have a hand in ensuring that every child has the foundation they need
to learn and to live their lives in faith and service. After all, if not us, then who?
Today and everyday, we have an opportunity to help parents provide a Lourdes Catholic education for their children by giving to
the Angels for Education Annual Campaign. We can choose to donate to scholarship funds that provide annual tuition assistance,
to the endowment fund we are building for the future, or to the Lourdes Fund, which will allow the school to use our donations
where needed most.
IT IS EASY TO GIVE! Supporting the Angels for Education Campaign is easy with online giving! Regular giving is easy when
you give online through www.lourdesvan.org. Just click the DONATE button at the top of our homepage and follow the prompts!
Thank you for supporting students at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School!
2014 Jog-A-Thon - Students are already giving to the next generation as they run to build the School Endowment Fund!
Oct 14-28
Parish Pilgrimage
Oct 8
Women’s Fellowship
9:30am Past. Center
6:45pm Parish
Oct 18
That Man is You!
Oct 18
Movie Night
and Potluck
6pm, Gym
Oct 18-19
World Mission
Faith Opportunities
Upcoming Events
Halloween Carnival
Prayer Requests
It is a tradition here at Our Lady of Lourdes for those going on the
pilgrimage to pray for the special intentions of our parishioners at the
Masses they attend while on pilgrimage. Please write your intentions
on one of the cards at the doors of the church and place it in the collection basket or send it to the Parish Office by October 13th.
It’s that spooky fun time of year again and
along with it comes our annual Halloween
Carnival on Saturday, October 25th from
6-9 pm. Purchase wristbands, raffle tickets
and food vouchers after Mass on October
11/12 and 18/19. Everyone is welcome!
Funds raised support 7th graders earning
money for their Washington DC trip.
Family Faith Formation
Catechists AND volunteers are needed for this year’s Family Faith Formation program. Please consider joining in the fun of helping kids learn
about our Catholic faith. Contact Katelyn at the Parish Office.
Thanksgiving Food Baskets
The current campaign to save unborn babies from abortion runs until
November 2nd. Join in a peaceful, prayerful vigil at the local Planned
Parenthood (11516 SE Mill Plain Blvd) Monday through Friday between the hours of 8am-6pm. Contact Frank at 360-666-1947 or
St. Vincent de Paul is once again providing food baskets to needy families this
Thanksgiving. Donations of non-perishable
food items may be placed in the SVDP barrel in the hallway. Money can be donated
via the SVDP envelope, online (www.svdpvancouverusa.com) or sent directly to the
SVDP office. If you know of a family in need
of a Thanksgiving Food Basket, mail their
name, address, phone number and family
size to SVDP (2456 SE Stapleton Road,
Vancouver, WA 98661) by November 11th.
Please make sure they will accept a basket
before submitting their names.
Theology on Tap
Seton Catholic Open House
Women’s Fellowship
Women are invited to join for prayer, support, and scripture study of
the upcoming Sunday readings on Wednesday morning at 9:30 in the
Pastoral Center or Wednesday evening at 6:45 in the Parish Lounge.
Questions: call Anne Thomas 360-910-4869 or Carol Padgett 253-3553367.
40 Days for Life
Tour the school, meet faculty, staff and
coaches on Thursday, October 23rd from
6:30-8:00 pm. 8th graders can sign up for
the High School Placement Test and Student Visits! Contact Keri Kutch at 360-2581932 x224 or kkutch@setonhigh.org. Seton
is located at 811 NE 112th Avenue, Suite
Celebrate Seton
200, Vancouver, WA 98684.
Sunday, October 26th, 2014 at The Heathman
er: Author, Poet, Editor-Brian Doyle, Editor of “Portland” (The University of Portland Magazine). Ticket price will include dinner, wine, student
performances, and an opportunity to help support your Catholic College Prep High School here in SW Washington. 100% of the proceeds
Youth Ministry
benefit Seton Catholic Prep. Go to www.setonhigh.org for more inforAll 6th through 12th grade students are
mation or call 360-258-1932 to purchase tickets.
welcome at our youth group nights. The
middle school students (6th-8th) meet most
Adapted Mass for People With Disabilities
An adapted liturgy with Fr. Thomas Nathe presiding will be held at Holy Wednesday evenings during the year and
Redeember Church (17010 NE 9th St., Vancouver) on Saturday, Oc- high school students (9th-12th) meet most
tober 18th, at 10:30 am. Opportunity for spiritual and emotional sup- Sunday evenings. To get on the email list or
port during hospitality time following the Mass. For information, contact get more information, please contact Karen
Mary Sutter at 360-892-0951, email: sutt4@aol.com.
All adults in their 20’s & 30’s (single & married) are invited to meet
every Thursday in October at the Brickhouse Bar & Grill to listen to
Catholic guest speakers talk on various topics (Heaven, Truth, Faith
in Action, Organized Religion, Just War). Social time begins at 7 pm;
speakers at 7:30 pm. Contact: Joseph Salazar, 360-693-3052.
Youth Activities
Offer Your Prayers
Support our AV project and the World
Mission Sunday collection by using the
envelopes in the pews or donate online
at www.ollparish.org/onlinegiving.
Emmy White, Megan Wood, Christel Greer,
Kandy Thomas, Donald & Betty Lillard, Terry
Thomas, Stephanie Hollmer, Amanda Okazaki,
Sue Amann, Michele Riedy West, Ross Rubbelke,
Doug Albrich, Tim White, Donna Mattes, Dorothy
Erickson, Erin Redd, Chris Ramsey & Family,
Natalie Eldridge, Cheryl Beck, Rita Ulrich, Hart
Eisenbeis, Mary Vavrosky, Lois Garwood, Angelo
Della, Virginia Barber, Bill Gruber, Payton Desormeaux, Milton Nelson,
Bea Peterson, Edith Powers, Elija Amies, Ed Bustamante, Yvonne
Martin, Jake Dutton, Donna Brooks, Genevieve Ahles, Albert Mancuso,
Romen Rey, Helen Mulloy, Meadow Hunt, Emma Sherburne, Joan Blair,
Elaine Heimbigner, David Petersen, AJ Schiefelbein, Tony Cemelich,
Katie King, Barbara, Madison, Fred and Brad Walker, Frank Divers, Tom
Duhigg, Dave Grove, Rose Ridgik, Claire Quero, JoJo Chavez, Marcella
Rubbelke, Carol Schmidt, Jerry Kocina, Betty Brusseau, Lisa Wheatley,
Don & Karen Rose, Ryan Evans, Debbie Connell, Mary Crosley, Wayne
& Carol Anderson, Laura Sherburne, Mary White, Linda Troxel, George &
Elizabeth Vandeberg and all in need of our prayers. Call extension 102.
Mission Sunday
Mass Intentions:
Sunday Collection
Children’s Collection
AV Project
Build Hope
Next weekend we take up the World Mission Collection. Your prayers and support
directly benefit the Church in places lacking
resources for its outreach to families and
those in need, helping to build schools and
churches, train catechists, run medical centers, providing skills training classes, etc.
Use the envelopes in the pews or donate on
our website: www.ollparish.org.
Thank you
The need for blood is constant and the 17
units collected at our Blood Drive last weekend will help ensure a safe and stable blood
supply is available for people in need. Blood
donors can give every 56 days. If you are
eligible and would like to donate go to redcrossblood.org.
Marriage Help
Retrouvaille has helped tens of thousands
of couples at all stages of disillusionment
or misery in their marriage. To register for
the program on Oct. 17-19, call 1-503-2259191 or visit www.helpourmarriage.org.
Christian in the World Lecture
“You Are Peter, . . .” Exploring the Petrine
Office,” continues its lecture series on Saturday, October 18, 2014, at 9:00 am in the
Mount Angel Abbey Library. The cost is $15
a session; Students, $5. This presentation,
unlike the others, will be on the 3rd Saturday of the month.
October 13 Morning Prayer & Communion, 8:30 am
October 14 Morning Prayer & Communion, 8:30 am
Ocober 15 Morning Prayer & Communion, 8:30 am
October 16 Morning Prayer & Communion, 8:30 am
October 17 Morning Prayer & Communion, 8:30 am
October 18 Mass for Robert Bottassi, 5:00 pm
October 19 Mass for Dan Rigney+, 9:00 am
October 19 Mass for Anna Marie Hurley+, 11:00 am
October 19 Mass for OLL Community, 5:00 pm
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
Saturday Vigil 5:00pm
Sunday 9:00am, 11:00am, 5:00pm
Monday Morning Prayer with Communion 8:30am
Tuesday Morning Prayer 8:30am
Tuesday Evening Mass 7:00pm
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Mass 8:30am
Confessions: Saturday 3:30 - 4:30pm or by appointment.
Sacrament of the Sick:
Available after any Mass by appointment or call
Parish Office.
Eucharistic Adoration:
Every Tuesday: 7:30am - 8:30am
First Friday: 9:00 am - 10:00pm
Pastoral Care and Funerals: Contact Sue McDonald at ext. 306
Contact the Parish Office, ext. 102
Baptisms: Contact Fr. Woody at ext. 100
Principal Dr. Diane Cronin
Parish School:
4723 NW Franklin St., Vancouver, WA 98663
Phone 360-695-1366 www.ollparish.org