The United Church of Christ came into... Protestant denominations: The Evangelical ...


The United Church of Christ came into... Protestant denominations: The Evangelical ...
The United Church of Christ came into being in 1957 with the union of two
Protestant denominations: The Evangelical and Reformed Church and the
Congregational Christian Churches. The motto of the United Church of Christ
is found in John 17:21, “That they may all be one.” Part of what we believe is
best summarized by, “In essentials unity, in non-essentials diversity.” The
unity that we seek requires neither an uncritical acceptance of any point of
view, nor rigid formulation of doctrine. That which binds us together, in spite
of our differences, is love. Because faith can be expressed in many different
ways, the United Church of Christ has no formula that is a test of faith.
Regarding the Bible, we believe that the Bible was written in specific historical
times and places. However, we also believe that the Bible still speaks to us
in our present condition and that the study of the Bible is not limited to past
interpretations. We firmly believe that God is still speaking! We also believe
in the priesthood of all believers. All members and friends of the United
Church of Christ are called to minister to one another and to the world.
Ordained ministers guide and instruct but in no way are called to do the work
of ministry on their own. The United Church of Christ also stresses responsible freedom. As members of the Body of Christ, we are free to act in accordance with our perception of God’s will for our lives. But, we are also called to
live in loving, covenantal relationship with one another - gathering in communities of faith, congregations of believers, local churches. And finally, “No
matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome
The Rev. Mr. Todd A. Petty, Senior Minister (ext. 11) -
The Rev. Dr. Patrick Coyle, Minister of Music (ext. 29) -
Gloria Eckert, Director of Children’s Ministry (ext. 14) -
Terrie Hunter, Parish Visitor and Member Engagement (ext. 12) -
Steve Smith, Principal Organist (ext. 24)
Phyllis Miner, Music Associate and Associate Organist (ext. 24)
Cheryl Wells, Music Associate - Director of Carol Choir
Mandy York, Music Associate - Director of Park Singers
Lisa Smith, Executive Assistant to the Senior Minister (ext. 17) -
Natalie Barlas, Administrative Assistant (ext. 18) -
Gene Gess, Director of Finance (ext. 13) -
Marty Butler, Program Staff Assistant -
John Ott, Lead Custodian and Food Service (ext. 26) -
Mark Kelly, Custodian
Rachel Creamer, Custodian
Alexys Race, Custodian
Church Office Email
Sunday, October 12, 2014 / Ten-thirty in the morning
The Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost
An Open and Affirming Congregation
No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey,
you are welcome here!
Statement of Welcome and Inclusion
As Jesus demonstrated by his life and teachings, we fully welcome into
the life of Park Church and value all people regardless of beliefs or
doubts; age, color, gender, sexual orientation or identity; physical,
mental, or emotional ability; or economic status. In fact, we value and
celebrate the rich diversity of all God’s creation. No matter who you
are or where you are on life’s journey, you’re welcome here.
To build a community of relentless compassion and
courageous hope where all are seen and known and the God of
extravagant Love is revealed.
First (Park) Congregational Church, UCC
10 East Park Place NE
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
616.459.3203 /
Festival Worship
Green Prayer Cards
If you would like to share a joy or concern and have it included
in today's Pastoral Prayer, please see one of our ministers
before the start of the service. Otherwise, fill out a Green
Prayer Card and place it in the offering plate. Your joy or
concern will be shared with the staff at their weekly staff
meeting. Thank you.
Weekly Eucharist
You are invited to join the Pastor and a Deacon near
the Children’s Altar in order to receive the Eucharist between
10:15 a.m. and 10:25 a.m.
+Please stand as you are able
Bold = Words spoken in unison
Bold Italics = Words sung in unison
Hearing devices are available from the Ushers upon request.
Gathering Music
Park Winds
Dr. Patrick Coyle, Director
Lead On, O King Eternal
The Welcome
+Passing the Peace and Love of Jesus Christ
Announcements, Joys, and Concerns
Park Winds
The King of Love My Shepherd Is
Arr. Alfred Reed
The Park Singers
Mandy York, Director
Jesus Loves
Arr. Joseph Linn
Adult Education At Park
The Faith Formation committee is pleased to host a series of conversations about Heaven. Join us after worship Oct 12, Nov 9, and Nov 23
over a light lunch to talk about books, perspective, interpretation, and
experience. We have facilitators to guide our discussions and your
participation in as many sessions as you can attend is strongly
encouraged. Books are available in the office for $10.
Three Conversations About Heaven:
Sunday, October 12 at 11:45: Local author Lorilee Craker will
discuss her book My Journey To Heaven, the story of the near-death
experience of Grand Rapids resident Marv Besteman. She will talk
about her friendship with Marv’s family and discuss the encouragement
experienced by so many who were part of his story.
Sunday, November 9 at 11:45: Dr. Gregory Frey will facilitate a book
discussion and conversation about the bestselling Proof of Heaven: A
Neurosurgeon’s Journey Into the Afterlife by Eben Alexander. This
exceptionally popular book is not without controversy. Our discussion
will focus on some the scientific aspects of this narrative. Bring your
Sunday, November 23 at 11:45: Rev. Richard A. Rhem will
facilitate a discussion on faith, life, heaven, and the human experience.
We will talk about classical interpretations of scripture, the progressive
perspective, and whatever else comes to mind. Please join us!
+The Hymn - No. 367
Come, Ye Thankful People, Come
(Verse 4 in Unison)
+Opening Prayer
Gracious and loving God, for one reason or another, we
have been called to this house of prayer. Open us to your
Spirit -- to your still-speaking voice -- that we might hear
what you need us to hear. Convict us. Challenge
us. Comfort us. Draw us close to each other and close to
you. Help us to be your people in thought, word, and
deed. This we pray in the name of the One who calls
people to demonstrate with their lives what they profess
with their lips, even Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
Blessing of the Children
Children and youth are dismissed for Worship Centers and Sunday
School Classes. First time visitors with children and youth: we invite you
to go with your children to see their classrooms and to meet their teachers.
Then come back and join us for worship!
Carry It On
Arr. J. David Moore
Morning Prayer
Free Yoga
Wednesday 6:30 to 8:00 pm - Spindler Dining Room
Join us in Spindler Dining Room from 6:30-8:00pm
for free yoga with instructor Susan Duesbury.
Mats and blankets are provided, or you can bring your own.
Childcare is available upon request. Please contact the office
one week in advance to request childcare.
The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Let us pray…
Our Savior’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done; On earth as it is in
heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us
our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the
kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Choral Response
Hear Our Prayer, O Lord
Scripture Lesson
Deacon Stephen Worst
Matthew 22:1-14
Pew Bible Pg. 856
Large Print Bible Pg. 23
The word of the Lord…
Thanks be to God!
+Gloria Patri
The Rev. Todd A. Petty
Is There Such a Thing as Cheap Grace?
A Moment for Quiet Reflection
+The Hymn - No. 436
Sound: Sam Johnson
Weekly Eucharist: Max Eckard
Docent: Janet Jensen
Flower Care: Sharon Vance
Greeters: Dave and Gloria Haebich, Mike and Janet Mitchell
Parking Lot: Randy Meulenburg
Worship Center Teachers:
Grades Pre-K & K: Lori Riegling, Hilary Meulenberg,
Alicia Johnson, Sheryl Bodien
Grades 1 thru 3: Laura Barnum, Greggory Hampshire,
Amy Virkstis, Emily Laage
Glory be to the Father (Creator),
and to the Son (Christ) and to the Holy Ghost;
as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be.
World without end. Amen.
Serving With You Today
God of Compassion, in Mercy Befriend
Grades 4 & 5: Cindy Myers, Kurt Myers,
Misty Holwerda
Middle School Teachers: Christina Geurkink, Dave Kutsche,
Wendell Kutsche.
High School Teacher: Terrie Hunter
Nursery: Julie Skripka and Erin Wisser
Toddlers (Little Lambs): David Heth and Sarah Kugler
Ushers: Dave Erickson - Captain, Richard Rowe, Cindy Dexter,
Tom Vandenberg, Robert Smith, Susan Sochanek, Chuck
Dietiker, Matt MacGregor.
Receiving of God’s Tithe and Our Offerings
Chancel Choir
Soloists: Rick Bartling, Aaron Garcia,
Thomas Hales, Madison Roesler
The Promised Land
Arr. Ron Staheli
Joys and Concerns of Our Church Family
Rosemary Alland
Scotty Dannison
Katie Haines
John Hanington
Stuart Kutsche Sr.
David Law
Deb Mondry
Sharon Seys
Suzan Smith
Terry Sprenkle
Jon and Lois Wier
Those serving our nation in the
military, especially:
Joe Birkhold
Kit Grant
Kyle Kutsche
Janet Presley
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him (God) all creatures here below;
Praise Him (God) above ye heavenly hosts;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
(Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost). Amen.
+Prayer of Dedication
+The Hymn - No. 838
Standing On the Promises
+Our Common Commission
Let us now go forth into the world in peace; being of
good courage; holding fast to that which is good;
rendering to no one evil for evil; strengthening the faint
hearted; supporting the weak; helping the afflicted;
honoring all people; loving and serving the Lord and
rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.
The service of worship concludes with The Common Commission.
Please join us after the service for coffee and fellowship in Spindler Dining
Room. If you are leaving the Sanctuary during the Postlude, please be
mindful of others. Thank You.
If you are facing surgery and would like
a pre-surgical visit and prayer or if you are
hospitalized and would like a visit
from the pastor, please let us know.
We are here for you.
Steven Smith, Organist
How Firm A Foundation
Gilbert Martin
Today marks the end of Madison Roesler’s tenure with us as a
Choral Scholar. Remember her as she leaves Grand Rapids
tomorrow for her new home in Oakland, California.
Godspeed, Madison – we will miss you!
The Park Winds
After Worship...
Flute: Marty Butler, Gene Gess, Lori Hutchings,
Kathy Osborn, Heather Peterson
You are invited to greet The Rev. Todd Petty
and The Rev. Dr. Patrick Coyle in the Narthex.
Docent Janet Jensen will be waiting to give you
historical information about Park Church.
Thank you for worshiping with us today!
Oboe: Chris Krive, Christopher Parker
Clarinet: Lannie Eisenbrandt
Tenor Saxophone: Lee Henry Hutchings
Horn: Bruce Robey
The Flowers
The flowers on the Altar are in loving memory of
Robert Kuyers, given by his wife Nancy.
The flowers at the Pulpit are in memory of Claude and
Dorothy Heth, given by the Jeff Heth family.
The flowers on the Children’s Altar are in honor of
Meghan Anne MacGregor on her 20th birthday, given
by Matt and Kathy MacGregor.
Harp/Piano: Phyllis Miner
Trumpet: Dennis Baker, Sean Copenhaver, Thomas Hales
Trombone: Dave Wells, Brad Winkler
Tuba: Mark Hagemann
Percussion: John Blakemore
If you have a loved one to whom you would like to bring
flowers, please feel free to take them after the service from
our flower room behind the Children’s Altar.