St. Andrew Announcements Ignatian Prayer Experience Offertory Collections - Nov. 2
St. Andrew Announcements Ignatian Prayer Experience Offertory Collections - Nov. 2
November 16, 2014 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Andrew Announcements Ignatian Prayer Experience Offertory Collections - Nov. 2 Received Budgeted St. Ignatius invited people to prayer that included scriptural meditation, $8,891.77 $6,019.23 imagination in prayer, and the ExaYear to men of Consciousness. During this $113,310.72 $114,365.37 four-week series, you will learn prayer Date practices that are best for you. Final Commendation Come learn new ways to pray. Come A funeral Mass usually ends with the final to experience Ignatian Prayer. Come commendation. This collection of prayers to deepen your prayer life. Each evening will include a presenta- and symbols bridges the prayer in church with tion on prayer, quiet time to practice the procession to the place of committal. It focuses our attention on the deceased as we the prayer form presented, and an commend him or her to the mercy of God. opportunity for faith sharing for STAY AWAKE The final commendation usually follows the those who wish. prayer after communion. The ordinary ending Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30PM Today we are told to use the gifts November 19, December 3, 10, 17 of Mass (greeting, blessing, and dismissal) is God gives each of us. They are not Meeting Location: St. Thomas More omitted. The commendation has several parts: The priest invites everyone to pray. All do so Catholic Church, 3525 SW Patton to be hoarded or ignored but used silently. Signs of farewell are made: usually the Road, Portland, OR 97221 and nurtured for the good of God’s Free Will Offering incensation of the coffin, but this may be prekingdom. We are to stay wide awake ceded by sprinkling holy water on it, especially gratefully and sober awaiting the coming of the if this was not done earlier in the ceremony. accepted Lord, for he will come suddenly. The Advance registration Meanwhile, all sing a song of farewell. The perfect wife of Proverbs is God’s short ritual concludes with a prayer of comis encouraged. spouse, his church and people, caring Call 503-223-4190 or mendation. for creation and all the talents the The most memorable element of the final email info@seelporLord gives. This hard-to-find perfect commendation is probably the incensation. wife is highly praised because she Many parishes do not use incense very often, Bulletin Deadlines but virtually all parishes use it for funerals. It hears God’s word and keeps it. In order to ensure timely printing Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, S.T.D. © 2002, gives the Catholic service a distinctive aroma and delivery for bulletins, materials OCP. All rights reserved. and feature. The song during the incensation for next Sunday’s bulletin must be is important. Several options are suggested for Today’s Readings received by 5 PM on Monday. Please this, almost all including a refrain or response Proverbs 31: 10-13, 19-20, 30-31; 1 for the people. Each parish tries to keep one ensure your items are proofread Thessalonians 5:1-6; Matthew 25:14- and edited before sending your anor more of these in its repertoire. One of the most common includes a text addressed to 30 nouncements to Joy Wallace at joy. angels: “Receive his/her soul and present him/ GENEROUS JUDGE her to God the Most High.” Christ Jesus is judge of heaven and The final commendation may take place in Children’s Liturgy Needs earth. To each of us he gives talents, its entirety at the cemetery. However, beWe need leaders for liturgy of gifts, callings, crosses—to some cause the incensation is more easily and safely the Word for Children. We need more, to others less. Is he demandconducted at church, it commonly takes place catechists/leaders for grades K-2 there. The prayer that coning and unfair, as the master in today’s parable seems to be? He robs and 3-5. This is a once a month, fun cludes the commendation commitment working with children. puts into words specifically from the poor and gives to the rich! what the mourners are asking Much support is given. Contact But what is the wealth of the good God: “Open the gates of April Sandoval. and faithful servant? Faith! That paradise to your servant.” by Baptism Information servant trusted the master, appreciFor more information on having your Paul Turner ated his gifts, and used them wisely Copyright © 2012 Resource Publicachild baptized at the parish, please to increase his initial investment. contact Carmi Lyon at 503.231-9140 tions, Inc., 160 E. Virginia St. #170, In the end, it’s true—God isn’t fair. San Jose, CA 95112, (408) 286-8505. or He gives us superabundant wealth, Join Us beyond our deserving—the seed To find out about the St. Andrew Parish Community, we invite you to fill out the Regof faith, his only begotten Son, and istration Form found on the Hospitality tables at both entrances to the church. Someheaven itself! Lord, increase our one from the Hospitality/Welcoming Committee will call you soon. You can also find faith! © 2011, OCP. All rights reserved. helpful information at our website, The Catholic Community of St. Andrew 806 NE Alberta Street Portland, OR 97211 Ph. 503-281-4429 Fax 503-281-4411 Servicios Services Sunday Eucharist: 9:30 am (English), 12:30 pm (Spanish) Weekday Eucharist: 9:00 am (Tuesday-Friday) Reconciliation: 5:00 pm Saturday First Saturday of each month, the 5:30 pm bilingual Mayan Community Eucharist is in Spanish and Kanhoval Pastor Staff Fr. Dave Zegar, ext.11 Bookkeeper Karina Felix, ext. 15 Community Center Joy Ruplinger, ext. 16 Emergency Services Joe Condon, 971.244.0339 Hispanic Ministry Diana Ruiz, ext. 17 Janitor Ricky Ford, ext. 10 Liturgy/Music Michael Prendergast, ext. 12 Office Manager Robbie Bello, ext. 10 Religious Education April Sandoval, ext. 23 Safe Team representative Security Angel Pulido, ext. 10 Youth Ministry Heather Moline, ext. 37 Ministries & Programs Art & Environment Tom La Voie 503.737.5570 Community Forum John Villaume 503.282.1705 E-mail Prayers Louise Kasper 503.280.2690 Gay/Lesbian Ministry Valerie Silliman 503 953-6242 Jerry Deas 503.319.1326 Gospel Choir Edna Hicks 503.287.2360 Hospitality Elizabeth Weber 503.493.9271 Liturgical Music Michael Prendergast, ext. 12 Infant Baptism Carmi Lyon 503.231.9140 or Rite of Christian Carol Kelley Initiation of Adults Senior Ministry Lucinda Tate St. Andrew Legal Clinic 503.281.1500 St. Andrew Nativity School 503.335.9600 One Spirit-One Call La Misa Domingo: 9:30 am (Ingles), 12:30 pm (Español) La Misa diaria: 9:00 am (Martes-Sábado) Confesiones: 5:00 pm los Sábados Primer Sábado del mes, misa bilingue Maya Kanhoval y Español a las 5:30 pm Los Ministerios Asistentes Pastoralesy Comité Hispano Diana Ruiz 503.281.4429, ext. 17 Bertha Moseson 503.729.8075 Crecimiento Familiar - Isabel Cruz 503.287.6818 Cristiano Deácono Ramón Jacob 503.288.5913 Deaconoy Ministerio Maya Romeo Jimenez 971.221.6298 Grupo de Jovenes Lectores Esteban e Isabel Ruiz 503.735.4617 Preparación Bautizos Diana Ruiz 503-281-4429. ext. 17 Promotores de Salud Imelda Cervantes Martina Murray 503.281.2329 Council & Committee Chairs Administrative Council Auction Co-Chairs John Kelly 503.528.8221 Patty Gardner 503.936.5542 and Casey Boggs 310.403.3941 Building & Maintenance Jerry Lindsay 503.757.6644 Community Center Lisa Hatten 503.880.0116 Management Council Hispanic Committee Bertha Moseson 503.729.8075 Liturgy Commission Michael Prendergast, ext.12 MACG Core Team Bev Logan 503.922.9481 Pastoral Council Christy Mason 503.961.2723 Personnel Committee Joan Miller 503.703.3315 St. Vincent de Paul Joe Condon 503.288.3290 St. Andrew Weekly Calendar Nov. 16 - 22 Today: Coffee and socializing Pancake Breakfast Monday Centering Prayer 6:30 PM Wednesday Gospel Choir Practice 7:00 PM Thursday Dental Clinic 8:00 AM Scripture Study 7:30 PM Friday Emergency Services Dinner for Volunteers 6:30 PM View our Parish Calendar at for all meetings and events St. Andrew Announcements, Continued St. Vincent de Paul/St. Andrew Emergency Services HISPANO MINISTERIOS Bautizos: Risk Taking Preparación pre-bautismal es cada Discipleship is not just a comfortable holding onto the segundo sábado de mes a las 7pm. Y los gifts that God has given us. It challenges us to action, to risk taking, to increasing the yield of good works and shar- bautizos son cada cuarto domingo del mes (excepto durante cuaresma). Llame ing these with others, and to refraining from excuses for a Diana al 503-281-4429 ext 17 para our failures. The risks that earn us affirmation as “good and trustwor- registrarse. thy” servants are the ordinary kingdom exchanges of daily Primera Comunión Las clases inician en life: forgiving rather than burying a grudge in our hearts; el mes de octubre, los miércoles de 6:30 a 7:45. Registraciones están cerradas. standing by another in times of sorrow, failure or misunderstanding; giving someone the benefit of the doubt; associating with those whom Quinceañeras: many consider the “wrong kind” of unacceptable people; laying down one’s life for Se realizan cada tercer sábado del mes. Tienen que ser miembros de la parroanother—perhaps a misunderstood friend, rebellious child, a terminally ill spouse, quia y tener la primera comunión hecha. aged parents. Llame a Diana al 503-281-4429 ext 17 All this “now” effort is preparing us for the “not yet” entry into the kingdom. Sr. Verna Holyhead, an Australian Sister of the Good Samaritan of the Order of St. para registrarse y confirmar la fecha. Bodas: Comunicarse directamente con benedict. Padre David al 503-281-4429 ext 11. Christmas Food Box Program is around the corner: • Sign ups for a Christmas food box began Wednesday, Nov. 5. They end on St. Andrew E-mail Dec. 12, 2014. Communications • A maximum of 150 families who are living within our service boundaries; If you wish to have something an• Delivery day is Saturday, Dec. 20, from 9 – 12 pm nounced to the community, please send • Sign-ups to donate turkeys or cash are in December after the 9:30 a.m. your message to Joy Wallace at Mass. as a Word (Did you know that last year, the two holiday food box programs, Christmas and document that is proofread and edited Epiphany, provided 194 families with food boxes? Fed 905 folks? Distributed more before sending. than 300 chickens and 40 turkeys? Not to mention the scores of gifts and books Prayer Requests given to more than 200 children? Thank you for these wonderful gifts to our comFor prayer requests via e-mail, please munity!) contact Louise Kasper at 503.280.2690, Youth Ministry News! or e-mail your request to lgkasper@ Fall pancake breakfast fundraiser TODAY Sun- day, Nov 16. Come very hungry. Middle-schoolers are invited to join both St. Andrew and Holy Redeemer youth groups for a trip to CALLED! Middle School youth rally on Saturday, December 13, in the afternoon and evening. Email CYM Heather with questions. Save the date of Sunday, Nov 23, at 2pm, when youth/families are invited to a Thanksgiving service trip to St. Francis Dining hall. Gospel Choir The St. Andrew Gospel Choir will rehearse Wednesday 19 at 7:00 pm in the church. The choir will sing at mass on 4th Sunday Nov. 23rd. Anyone wishing to join the choir please come to rehearsal. If coming for the first time please call ahead to 503-477-0424 as we sometimes have last minute changes. Birthdays This Week Today: Sharon Bishop, Bobby Cochran, Eridani Gutierrez, Don Porter, and Natalie Ullman. Next week: Rose Hambuchen, Isaac Kersey-Bronec, Joan Miller, Michael Creighton, Jane Hagan, Yarith Hernandez, Francis Stretch, Maria Elena Alvarado, Jesse Hernandez, Jose Hernandez, Ramon Jacob, Camila Valle, Joannah Vaughan, Jason Franklin, Anahi Gomez Hernandez, Roberto & Barbara Suarez, Chris Ryan, Claudia Tacuba, Rosalina Walker, Frances Sexton, Andy Noethe, Alison Hilkiah Rafael Francisco Pascual, Elijah Johnson, and Christopher Warner. Anniversaries This Week Beth Davis and Ruth Traut MLK Award Nominations It’s time again to receive nominations for the annual St Andrew MLK Jr Awards. We have two awards: the Community Service Award and Award for St Andrew Parishioner. We recognize individuals or an organization that works in the spirt of Dr. King. Dr. King followed Christ’s teachings on non-violence, justice and love. His work brought systemic change and social and economic justice for African Americans and all citizens. Nominations will be received through December 1. Nomination forms and the ballot boxes will be located at the entrances of the church. Contact Tony Jones at tonyjonz61@ if you have any questions. Parent Support Network You can find the website at: http://
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