The Bulletin - Saint Andrew Church


The Bulletin - Saint Andrew Church
March 1, 2015
Second Sunday of Lent
St. Andrew Announcements
Please join the St. Andrew community today in the Community
Center to discuss and give input
in the most recent Survey from
Pope Francis. Once again we will
be giving feedback about families
and family life. Your thought are
important. Our input will be sent
to the Vatican.
Lost and found items, including
clothes, glasses and books are held
for one month. Items can be found
in the clear bin on
the shelf inside the
sacristy. Please claim
your items or they will
be donated.
The Lord tries us out, even tantalizes
us, before choosing to work with us.
God did this with Abraham, with Peter, James, and John, even with Jesus!
But Jesus, God’s own Son, stands
and pleads for us now that we not be
led into temptation or put to the test
beyond our means. God is on our
side and who now can be against us?
With the Trinity’s prompting and our
willing obedience during this Lent,
we can come closer to salvation.
Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 1997, OCP.
All rights reserved.
Today’s Readings
Genesis 22: 1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18
Romans 8: 31b - 34
Mark 9: 2-10
Prayer Requests
For prayer requests via e-mail,
please contact Louise Kasper at
503.280.2690, or e-mail your request
Religious Education News
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is an approach to the religious
formation of children. It is rooted in
the Bible, the liturgy of the church,
and the educational principles of Maria Montessori. Children gather in an
“atrium,” a room prepared for them,
which contains simple yet beautiful
materials that they use.
David Fikstad and April Sandoval
are leading a level II class this year on
1/3 Sundays of the month between
the Masses, 11-12:15pm with spaces
still available. Level II is for ages 6-9.
If you are interested in learning more
please feel free to
call or email April at
503.281.4429 ext. 23
Mark those calendars! Vacation
Bible Camp will be Monday, July 13th
- Friday, July 17th from 9-12pm
Registration will start Sunday, April
26th after both masses.
Rice Bowls
Hungering for a
Bountiful Earth.
This week CRS Rice
Bowl takes us to the
coffee highlands of
Nicaragua, where we’re
called to protect both
the goodness of creation and the livelihoods
of struggling families. How will this week’s
fast remind us of the sacredness of God’s
creation and our duty to protect it?
Youth Ministry News
Mark your calendars for
the unbeatable March
15 pancake breakfast to
benefit youth ministry, held
after Mass in the community center. Lots of help
This Sunday March 1 will be
the last installment of the season for a Sexuality/Faith Discussion for High Schoolers
with Maria Fleming. There will be cookies
provided in Thea Bowman room after Mass
Looking for youth with minimal stage
fright and good voices who would like to
lead a Lenten reflection at March 8 Mass.
No prep work involved; just be willing to
show up on March 8 at 9am to practice.
Contact Heather if you’re interested.
On March 8 and 22, Jack Kennedy will
host a discussion for
high-schoolers on
faith, doubt, and what
being Catholic really
means. In the Thea
Bowman room after
Parent Support Network
You can find the website at: http://groups.
Bulletin Announcements
In order to ensure timely printing and
delivery for bulletins, materials for next
Sunday’s bulletin must be received by 5 PM
on Monday. Please ensure your items are
proofread and edited before sending your announcements to Joy Wallace at joy.wallace@
St. Andrew E-mail
If you wish to have something announced
to the community, please send your message
to Joy Wallace at
as a Word document that is proofread and
edited before sending.
St. Andrew Welcomes You
To find out about the St. Andrew Parish Community, we invite you to fill out the
Registration Form found on the Hospitality tables at both entrances to the church.
Someone from the Hospitality Committee will call you soon. You can also find
helpful information at our website,
The Catholic Community of St. Andrew
806 NE Alberta Street Portland, OR 97211 Ph. 503-281-4429 Fax 503-281-4411
Sunday Eucharist: 9:30 am (English), 12:30 pm (Spanish)
Weekday Eucharist: 9:00 am (Tuesday-Friday)
Reconciliation: 5:00 pm Saturday
First and third Saturday of each month, 5:30 pm bilingual
Mayan Community Eucharist in Spanish and Kanhoval
Fr. Dave Zegar, ext.11
Director of Stewardship & Administration
Sarah Granger ext. 22
Office Receptionist
Cinthia Ifarraguerri, ext. 10
Karina Felix, ext. 15
Bulletin Editor
Joy Wallace 503-284-2613
Community Center
Joy Ruplinger, ext. 16
Hispanic Ministry Diana Ruiz, ext. 17
Ricky Ford
Michael Prendergast, ext. 12
Religious Education
April Sandoval, ext. 23
Youth Ministry
Heather Moline, ext. 37
Ministries & Programs
Art & Environment
Tom La Voie 503.737.5570
Community Forum
John Villaume 503.282.1705
E-mail Prayers
Louise Kasper 503.280.2690
Emergency Services
Joe Condon, 971.244.0339
Welcoming LGBTQ
Valerie Silliman 503 953-6242
Jerry Deas 503.319.1326 Gospel Choir
Edna Hicks 503.287.2360
Elizabeth Weber 503.493.9271
Infant Baptism
Carmi Lyon 503.231.9140 or
Rite of Christian
Carol Kelley
Initiation of Adults
Senior Ministry
St. Andrew Legal Clinic 503.281.1500
St. Andrew Nativity School 503.335.9600
One Spirit-One Call
La Misa Domingo: 9:30 am (Ingles), 12:30 pm (Español)
La Misa diaria: 9:00 am (Martes-Sábado)
Confesiones: 5:00 pm los Sábados
Primer Sábado del mes, misa bilingue Maya Kanhoval y Español a
las 5:30 pm
Los Ministerios
Asistentes Pastoralesy
Comité Hispano
Diaconoy Ministerio Maya
Grupo de Jovenes
Preparación Bautizos
Promotores de Salud
Diana Ruiz 503.281.4429, ext. 17
Bertha Moseson 503.729.8075
Ramón Jacob 503.288.5913
Romeo Jimenez 971.221.6298
Alejandro Bautista
Esteban e Isabel Ruiz 503.735.4617
Diana Ruiz 503-281-4429. ext. 17
Cesar Geronimo
Martina Murray 503.281.2329
Isabel Camacho 503.737.5192
Council & Committee Chairs
Administrative Council Auction Co-Chairs
John Kelly 503.528.8221
Patty Gardner 503.936.5542 and Casey Boggs 310.403.3941
Building & Maintenance Jerry Lindsay 503.757.6644
Community Center Lisa Hatten 503.880.0116
Management Council
Hispanic Committee
Bertha Moseson 503.729.8075
Liturgy Commission
Michael Prendergast, ext.12
MACG Core Team
Bev Logan 503.922.9481
Pastoral Council
Christy Mason 503.961.2723
Personnel Committee
Joan Miller 503.703.3315
St. Vincent de Paul Joe Condon 971.221.8636
St. Andrew Weekly Calendar March 1 - 7
Coffee and socializing
Centering Prayer
Dental Clinic
8:00 AM
Bible Study
7:30 PM
1st Communion Retreat
9:00 AM
5:00 PM
Mayan Mass
5:30 PM
View our Parish Calendar at
for all meetings and events
St. Andrew Announcements - March 1, 2015
Come to the Grotto During Lent
Fridays in Lent (Except Good Friday):
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament following the noon
Mass, concluding with the Via Matris (Way of Our Sorrowful
Mother) and Benediction at 3 p.m., The Chapel of Mary
Saturdays in Lent:
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) 11 a.m. - 12 noon.
Sunday, March 1
Lenten Prayer Concert
N. Arnel de Pano, singer-composer, with the special
participation of the Filipino Chorale, 3 p.m., Chapel of Mary.
Sunday, March 22
Paschal Lenten Musical Presentation
The Ave Maria Chorus under the direction of Mother Mary
of the Angels, S.R., 4 p.m., The Chapel of Mary
Friday, March 27
St. Catherine’s (St. Paul, Minn.) Choir Concert
7 p.m., The Chapel of Mary
Mount Angel Abbey
“CHRISTIAN ANTHROPOLOGY: The Human Condition–Created/Fallen/Redeemed/Freed” continues on Saturday, March 14, 2015, at 9:00 a.m. in the Mount Angel Abbey
Library, St. Benedict, OR. The cost is $15 for the session;
Students, $5
Sister Gertrude Feick, O.S.B., a member of Queen of
Angels Monastery in Mount Angel, will speak on Humans
who are Redeemed–Basil Hume’s Theology of the Cross.
Basil Hume was a Benedictine monk, abbot, and Cardinal
Archbishop of Westminster who meditated on and lived out
what “redemption by the cross” might mean for the Christian. Sister Gertrude is presently doing her doctoral thesis on
Cardinal Hume. She has recently become a member of the
Christian in the World steering committee and will take an
active role in determining future topics for the lecture series.
Information: Cecile Beckerman 503-393-5041
University of Portland
Visio Divina: Wednesdays during Lent, we’ve part-
nered with Campus Ministry to offer this ancient contemplative prayer form, inspired by illuminated images from our
glorious Saint John’s Bible—12:45 and 7:15PM in the Chapel
of Christ the Teacher. Each session is about 30 minutes long.
(The Wednesdays are March 18 and 25, April 1)
Catholic Cruise to Western Caribbean
Sail away on a 7-night Catholic Western Caribbean Cruise
from Sept. 27 - Oct. 4, 2015 on the Carnival Dream out of
New Orleans. Ports of call: Mahogany Bay, Belize, Cozumel
and back to New Orleans. Prices begin at $1,065 for two
passingers. Daily Mass offered. Deposits $300 per person
will reserve your cabin. For more information contact Doug
or Eileen at 860-399-1785 or doug@catholiccruisesandtours.
By Dale J. Sieverding
What does it mean to “rise
from the dead?” If you have
experienced a significant loss
in your life – the death of a
dear friend or member of
your family, this promise may
seem to be for them…and it
is. However, grieving the loss of a friend, or mourning the break-up of a relationship is about dying and
rising. Hopes dashed, dreams unfulfilled, an emptiness
deep inside…not filled, not taken away by God, but left
there as a reminder that in time becomes a tranquil joy
for the love shared, the good times celebrated and the
life given in and through that particular relationship.
Imagine the horrified look on Abraham’s face in putting his son on the altar. Imagine the frightened look
on the disciples’ faces. Yet, “the truth is out there,” only
in dying to self, in making the ultimate sacrifice, shall
we know the life that comes from God.
© 2003, OCP. All rights reserved.
We tend to think of Lenten resolutions as things that we
will give up for Lent, like chocolate, or sweets in general, or
coffee. We think it should be something that feels like a true
sacrifice. These can be good things to do to build our will
power and to help us focus on what is important in our lives.
Instead, or in addition, it might be a good idea to do something extra for Lent. One can join a Bible study group or
other parish discussion groups that will help us grow in our
spirituality or prayer life. We can also sacrifice our time to do
things that will help others. We can offer to drive people to
church, or to doctor appointments. We can cook a meal for
someone who is ill. Just think about what might be a benefit
to others and give it a try.
Lenten Giving
Please bring nonperishable food,
diapers, and toiletry items and drop
them in the St. Vincent de Paul barrels in the entryway of the church each
Sunday. Please place individual cans of
food or other small
packaged items in
the basket that
is held in front of
the ambo while the
collection is being
St. Andrew Announcements, Continued
St. Vincent de Paul/St. Andrew Emergency Services
Something More in the Cross
“Take up your cross daily, and follow me.” Lent begins,
and we already get a hint of the cross that awaits us on
Good Friday.
At first glance, it’s odd that the early Christian community
settled on the cross – instrument of torture, a sign of defeat – as their identifying symbol. With the eyes of faith,
however, they saw something more. The cross is a sign of
faithful love. Jesus’ mission to teach and live the kingdom
of God – the reign of justice, peace, and love – led him to
the cross. And from this cross God’s faithful love brought us life.
If we follow Jesus, crosses are inevitable: struggles with illness, depression, or
addiction; family issues; income worries; broken relationships. Through faith and
God’s grace, we can carry these crosses with courage and with hope that suffering
and loss do not have the last word.
Sometimes we help to carry another’s cross, not as an act of heroism but as a
gesture of love. To do this, we must get better at seeing the invisible crosses people
lug around.
During Lent, we can practice in small, concrete ways both accepting our own
crosses and relieving the burden of another’s cross, if only for a time. Then do we
truly appreciate what the cross of Good Friday is all about.
--Fr. Kevin O’Brien (Vice President for Mission and Ministry at Georgetown University.
Excerpted from Give us this Day, Feb. 2015, p. 205
Society of St. Vincent de Paul:
All donations to the St. Andrew Conference of St. Vincent de Paul support those in
need in our community. Please write checks to St. Vincent de Paul/St.Andrew so it
goes to emergency services of our parish.
Reconcilation Chapel
Before Vatican II the Sacrament of Reconciliation, at that time called the Sacrament of Penance, or confession, was associated with a small dark room where the
penitent maintained anonymity. The priest also could not be seen, and the two
spoke to one another through a screen. Since Vatican II churches have incorporated
larger rooms known as reconciliation chapels where the priest and penitent can sit
together, share Scripture and celebrate the sacrament, now known as reconciliation.
This provides more of an opportunity for the penitent to ask questions. Our chapel
is located in the daily Mass chapel and the sacrament of Penance is celebrated every
Saturday at 5:00 PM.
Gospel Choir News
The St. Andrew Gospel Choir will rehearse Wednesday March 11th
and 18th at 7:00 pm in the church. The choir will sing at mass on 4th
Sunday March 22nd. Anyone wishing to join the choir please come
to rehearsal. If coming for the first time please call ahead to 503-4770424 as we sometimes have last minute changes.
Birthdays This Week
Today: Joe Condon, Grace Cooper, Sara Gallizio, Oscar Interiain, Feliciana
Mendoza, Federico Ramierez, David Rodriguez, and Sara Short.
Next week: Eva Lopez, Niki Lopez, Gabriela Avila, Hollie
Fisher, Ruth Marciano, Bill Langenes, Enichycaraty Barrera, Eddie
Murphy, Anthony Rosas, Kelly McCollum, and Caitlyn Weisensee.
No Anniversaries This Week
Preparación pre-bautismal es cada
segundo sábado de mes a las 7pm. Y los
bautizos son cada cuarto domingo del
mes (excepto durante cuaresma). Llame
a Diana al 503-281-4429 ext 17 para
Primera Comunión Las clases inician en
el mes de octubre, los miércoles de 6:30
a 7:45. Registraciones están cerradas.
Se realizan cada tercer sábado del mes.
Tienen que ser miembros de la parroquia y tener la primera comunión hecha.
Llame a Diana al 503-281-4429 ext 17
para registrarse y confirmar la fecha.
Comunicarse directamente con Padre
David al 503-281-4429 ext 11.
El 3 de diciembre iniciamos la novena
a la virgen de Guadalupe. Asegúrese de
llevar el calendario con fechas y direcciones.
The meaning of confirmation has
changed over the years. Originally it
was celebrated as part of baptism, one
of the parts of the initiation ritual.
As the bishop became no longer the
primary minister of baptism due to the
large numbers of people, confirmation
became separated from baptism and
became the bishop’s confirmation of
the baptism ministered by the priest.
Gradually as it was celebrated later in
life, further removed from baptism, it
became thought of as a teenage right
of passage, a change for the individual
to make a personal commitment. With
the Vatican II reinstatement of the
catechumenate, the original order and
meaning of the sacrament was restored
with confirmation following immediately after baptism as a sacrament of
initiation. In some countries the two
sacraments were never separated, but
have always remained linked.
Bible Study
Fr. Dave is leading a Thursday scripture
study, exploring each book of the Hebrew Scriptures (The Old Testament).
Please feel free to join with us each
Thursday evening at 7:30 pm in the
church office. If interested, please contact Jeff
Gosda at 503-953-3113