Agricultural Market Agency
Agricultural Market Agency
Agricultural Market Agency 2014 Building of Conference and Office Complex – the Headquarters of the ARR Agencja Rynku Rolnego ul. Nowy Świat 6/12 00-400 Warszawa Poland Agricultural Market Agency (ARR) is a public body supporting agricultural production in Poland. Since 1990 the ARR has been carrying out activities aimed at supporting and maintaining economic balance in the Polish agri-food sector. In 2004 the Agency was accredited as the EU Paying Agency and since then it has been distributing financial support and conducting controls of production of agricultural products under the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The Agency is supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Finance within the scope of the CAP and related tasks. ARR tasks • Distribution of aid to the beneficiaries under selected Comon Agricultural Policy and national schemes focused on securing agri-food market stabilisation • Promotion of agri-food products in the EU and third countries • Activities aimed at strengthening the development of external trade exchange • Information activities relating to the relevant EU Common Agricultural Policy and national schemes implementation • Agri-food markets analysis • Participation in the EU decision-making process as regards relevant policy areas • Institutional support under pre-accession assistance programmes for the agri-food sector institutions of the EU Candidate Countries as well as expert support for the institutions of developing countries Agricultural Market Agency • 1 Beneficiaries ARR expenditure for agri-food sector in May 2004 – June 2014 The beneficiaries of ARR activities are: farmers, market operators involved in production, processing or trade in agricultural and food products, branch organisations, consumers and educational establishments. Expenditure financed from the state budget 33% 0.9 billion Sources of funding EUR Total 2.7 billion EUR 1.8 billion EUR Expenditure financed from the EU budget 67% Average exchange rate PLN-EUR 2013 published by the National Bank of Poland is applied to all figures expressed in EUR in this brochure (1 EUR = 4,1975 PLN) 2 • Agricultural Market Agency CAP schemes administered by the ARR are mainly financed or co-financed from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF). Funds for co-financing of certain measures come from the State budget, from funds of organisations which associate producers, processors and operators, or from the beneficiaries themselves. National aid programmes are fully financed from the State budget. The institutional support activities are financed from the EU funds provided under the Instrument for PreAccession Assistance (IPA), the European Neighbourhood Policy Instrument (ENPI) as well as from the State budget under the Polish Development Cooperation Programme. ARR PRESIDENT Deputy President Deputy President Deputy President Organisation and Legal Department Control Department Finance and Administration Department Analyses and Intervention Department European Cooperation and External Trade Department Quotas Management Department Legal Office Internal Audit Office Finance and Accounting Office Plant Products Office International Cooperation Office Milk Quota Administration Office Human Resources Management Office Technical Control Office IT Office Consumption Support Office External Trade Office Quality Systems Office Internal Control Office Administration Office Animal Products Office Food Promotion Office Sugar and Biofuels Office Analyses and Programming Office Organisation of the Arr The ARR consists of the Headquarters and 16 Regional Branches located in each voivodship (administrative district of Poland). The Agency’s head is the President who represents the Agency and manages its activities. The ARR’s organisational structure has been founded on a basic objective to ensure flexibility, effective operations and full absorption of the Agency’s resources. The transfer of decisions making process to lower organisational levels allows for direct contact with stakeholders and facilitates the identification of real customer needs, which has a positive influence on performance of tasks. The structure of the ARR ensures clear division between the Agency’s functions as an institution verifying applications, carrying out controls and making effecting payments. Agricultural Market Agency • 3 Highest standards of work The quality of work of the Agency is ensured by compliance with a range of standards: • certified quality management system based on the PN-EN ISO 9001:2009 standard, • information security management regulations in accordance with PN-ISO/IEC 17799:2007 standard, • System Management Certification – Preventing Corruption Risk within administration of the CAP schemes, national schemes and promotion funds. Processes in the ARR are subject to continuous controls, analysis and assessments. ARR’s internal control services work to verify and assure that all the processes in the Agency are in line with the procedures and the relevant CAP and national schemes are implemented in compliance with the requirements of the EU and national law. Results of inspections and audits performed by the EU and domestic control bodies and services are an important source of information for the introduction of changes to optimise the functioning of the Agency and to improve its standards of work. ARR activities I. Aid for consumption Two CAP schemes support increase in consumption – School Milk Scheme or School Fruit and Vegetables Scheme. Both schemes are provided for children of school and preschool age and aimed at developing healthy eating habits in the society. School Milk Scheme Payments made by the ARR under the scheme allow children and the youth attending preschools and 4 • Agricultural Market Agency school (except institutions of higher education) to consume “a glass of milk” per day, at no fee or for a symbolic payment. The range of products under the scheme includes plain and flavoured milk, cheese, cottage cheese and yoghurt. There are three sources of funding the scheme in Poland: the EU budget, the State budget and the Milk Promotion Fund. Structure of expedinture for “School Milk Scheme” from May 2004 till June 2014 EU AID National Aid 28% 69% Total 255 3% million EUR Milk Promotion Fund Source: ARR data Since Poland’s accession to the EU, the “School Milk Scheme” has been the subject of growing interest. The number of pupils covered by the scheme is systematically growing, and the basic assumptions of the scheme are being implemented on an increasingly larger scale. Since the school year 2007/2008 Poland has been a leading country in the European Union in terms of the consumed dairy products covered by the scheme. In the school year 2013/2014, the aid was granted to over 2.4 million children and pupils, including 2.2 million pupils from primary schools. It is four times more than in the school year 2004/2005 when the scheme started. Since the implementation of the School Milk Scheme in Poland by the end of June 2014 the Agency has paid nearly EUR 255 million of financial aid in framework of the scheme. School Fruit and Vegetables Scheme “School Fruit and Vegetables Scheme” started in September 2009 under the name “School Fruit Scheme” – as the programme of the Common Agricultural Policy aiming at improvement of health condition and dietary habits of the EU inhabitants, mainly children. Main goal of the scheme is to increase the proportion of vegetables and fruits in children’s daily diet as well as to promote healthy eating habits by educational programmes. In Poland, pupils in primary schools covered by the scheme may receive fresh fruit (apples, pears, strawberries), fresh vegetables (carrots, radishes, sweet peppers) and fruit and vegetable juices. All portions are free of charge. Pupils and primary schools in School Fruit and Vegetables Scheme Primary schools (in thou.) Increase 319% 8,2 Pupils (in thou.) Increase 400% 8,6 9,2 10,0 10,4 10,6 10,8 9,7 891,7 917,8 950,8 968,0 976,6 5,6 2,6 297,5 571,1 I sem. II sem. 2009/2010 767,0 792,1 I sem. II sem. 2010/2011 859,0 I sem. II sem. 2011/2012 I sem. II sem. 2012/2013 I sem. II sem. 2013/2014 Source: ARR data Agricultural Market Agency • 5 Financing of the “School Fruit and Vegetables Scheme” from the EU budget in the school years 2009/10 and 2014/15 (in EUR million) 2012/2013 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2013/2014 Budget for the EU • 20 512 2009/2010 – EUR 90 million (10,25% for Poland) 2014/2015 – EUR 150 million (13,67% for Poland) • 9 223 Italy Poland Germany France Spain Czech Rep. Romania Hungary Belgium The Bulgaria Netherlands The obligatory activities including promotion, education and evaluation of scheme effectiveness are also carried out under the scheme. Similarly to the School Milk Scheme, the interest of the beneficiaries in the scheme has been gradually growing. In the school year 2013/2014 number of pupils taking part in the scheme increased over three times compared with the school year 2009/2010. Slovakia Portugal Denmark Greece Lithuania Austria Latvia Croatia Others United Kingdom The payment in the framework of the School Fruit and Vegetables Scheme made by the Agency since the launch of the scheme in Poland amounts to 48.8 million. Distribution of food to the most deprived persons in the eu Cooperating with Polish charity organisations such as the Federation of Polish Food Banks (Federacja Polskich Banków Żywności), Caritas Poland (Caritas Polska). The Polish Red Cross (Polski Czerwony Krzyż) The Food Distribution programme for the Most Deprived Persons and the Polish Social Assistance Commitof the Community as implemented in Poland in period 2004–2013 tee (Polski Komitet Pomocy Społecznej), the Agricultural Market Agency, in conjunction with a wide range of local orEntrepreneurs Intervention ganisations, in the years 2004–2013 destocks livered – under the EU Food Distribution EUR programme for the Most Deprived Per596 million 926 thou. 3.5 million granted of most deprived sons of the Community – food products tones to Poland persons yearly of food to the most deprived persons entitled to products social assistance. Charity organizations 6 • Agricultural Market Agency The range of products delivered under the scheme has been changing throughout the period following Poland’s accession into the EU. In 2004 those products included mainly rice, pasta and skimmed milk powder. In 2013 the range of products amounted to 21. Since Poland’s accession to the EU, the most deprived (about 3 million persons yearly) have received 926 thousand tonnes of food products such as i.e. pasta, wheat flour, barley groats, rice, sugar, ripening cheese, processed cheese, cornflakes, jams and prepared dishes. In the period May 2004 – June 2014 the food products of the value of EUR 571 million were distributed under the programme. In the new EU financial perspective 2014–2020 in Poland programme “Distribution of food to the most deprived persons in the European Union” will be replaced by the operational programme “Food Aid 2014–2020” financed from Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) and national budget. The ARR will be the intermediary institution responsible for information and communication activities as well as cooperation with partner organisations and entrepreneurs under the programme. II. Promotion of agri-food products The promotion and information activities are aimed not only at enlarging the volume of food export, but also at developing the internal market – by increasing the added value of the agri-food sector and its contribution to the European economy. Agricultural Market Agency • 7 Budgets of Polish branch campaigns in period May 2004 – April 2014 by product group (in thou. EUR) Beef, pigmeat, poultry 10 Fruit and vegetables (fresh, frozen, processed) 3 Milk and milk products 5 Regional and traditional products 2 32 722 14 952 14 171 5 358 Organic products 3 027 Pasta 3 000 Carrot juice 1 769 Rapeseed oil 1 650 Honey and apiary products 683 Total 77.3 million EUR for 25 campaigns 2 number of campaigns Source: data on the basis of decisions of European Commission The Agency’s activities within this scope are directed at local and regional markets, the EU internal market as well as markets of third countries. The ARR supports the promotion of agri-food products by cofinancing the promotion and information campaigns carried out by branch organisations. Moreover, it initiates promotion activities intended for development of local production – with particular emphasis on regional, traditional and organic food, as well as products produced under food quality systems. The financing comes from the EU budget, State budget and from nine promotion funds administered by the Agency. Support for promotion and information activities on the markets of selected agricultural products The Common Agricultural Policy provides support for information and promotion activities carried out on the market of agri-food products. The organisations of producers, processors and distributors, representative for the agricultural industry may apply for a grant for promotion campaigns implemented in the EU or on third country markets. 8 • Agricultural Market Agency Under this scheme, from Poland’s accession to the EU tot the end of 2013, the Agency has provided financial support for the implementation of 22 campaigns (12 finished campaigns, 10 still in progress). In the first half of 2014 the Agency has started implementation of 2 new campaigns. The promotion and information campaigns currently supported by the ARR are: • Trade Milk – promoting milk products such as flavoured milk, milk powder, yoghurts, ripening cheese on the markets of China and Russia; • Quality Assurance QAFP – informing on culinary pork and meat products produced under QAFP system on the Polish market; CIALITY D RA T RO • •P ORIGI N ECTED G A N •T OF • OTECTED PR • RAPHIC NDICATIO LI G EO ARANTEE SIGNATIO N DE D E SP GU ITIONA L • Tradition and quality of European meat – continuation of the campaign promoting fresh, chilled, frozen beef and pork meat and their products on the markets of South Korea, USA and Vietnam; • European meat – tradition, quality and taste – continuation of the campaign promoting fresh, chilled, frozen meat and meat products (beef, pork and poultry) on the markets of Russia, China and the United Arab Emirates; • Three marks of taste – campaign on the market of Poland informing on the European systems for protection of regional and traditional products on the market of Poland; • I am crazy about milk – promoting milk and milk products in Poland; • QMP – always good beef – promoting fresh, chilled and frozen beef produced under national quality system QMP on the Polish market; • Pasta of Europe – addressed to the Ukrainian market and promoting pasta; • Apples every day – promoting apples on the markets of Russia and Ukraine; • New quality in the poultry industry – informing on poultry meat produced under QAFP quality system on the markets of Poland and Germany; • 5 portions of vegetables, juices and fruits – continuation of the campaign promoting vegetables, fruit and juices on the markets of Poland and Romania, • Love rapeseed oil – promoting rapeseed oil on the markets of Poland and Latvia. From Poland’s accession to the EU to end of June 2014 the ARR provided aid in the amount of EUR 38.3 million as a support given to branch organisations for the implementation of promotion and information campaigns, out of which EUR 23.30 million was from the EU budget and EUR 15 million from the State budget. Promotion funds for agri-food products The Agricultural Market Agency administers 9 promotion funds for the following agri-food products: milk pigmeat, beef, horsemeat, sheepmeat, grains of cereals and processed cereal products, fruit and vegetables, poultry and fish. The funds have been created in order to ensure the relevant financial resources for branch contribution to promotion, supporting agricultural marketing and consumption growth of agricultural and food products. These objectives are accomplished for example by: financing the information and promotion campaigns, promoting consumption of selected products, providing education for target groups (mainly young people and children), conducting scientific and market research as well as carrying out development activities to improve the quality of food products, Agricultural Market Agency • 9 • quality schemes and to increase consumer interest in the EU food quality issues, specific characteristics and advantages of European food products, as well as high standards of animal welfare. The support may be granted to groups of producers who manufacture high quality food under the EU certification systems such as Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) and Traditional Specialities Guaranteed (TSG) as well as organic farming or recognised national certification systems such as Integrated Plant Production, Quality and Tradition as well as Quality Meat Program (QMP). From September 2009 toz August 2014 the ARR has concluded 25 contracts under this form of support for the amount of over EUR 3.34 million. financing trainings for producers and processors, and by supporting national branch organisations. arr own measures relating to the promotion of agricultural and agri-food products The manner of allotting the financial means from the promotion funds is solely determined by the representatives of branch organisations representing agricultural producers and processors operating in the sector. The ARR’s own information and promotion activities are intended for Polish, as well as the EU and third country markets and are primarily aimed at promot- The value of expenditure from agri-food products promotion funds in the period May 2004 – June 2014* amounts to EUR 62.4 million. In 2013 the expenditures of the promotion funds amounted to EUR 12 243 million. Measure 133 “Information and Publicity” of the Polish rural development programme for years 2007–2013 The measure is aimed at supporting groups of food producers in their information and promotion activities carried out to promote products under food * Between May 2004 and June 2009 the expenditure relates only to Milk Promotion Fund, whereas since 1 July 2009 it relates to 9 agri-food products promotion funds. 10 • Agricultural Market Agency ing the unique characteristics and value of Polish food products. The ARR supports the development of trade in agricultural and food products by organising Polish food promotion events, conferences and meetings, mainly during the important and worldknown food trade fairs and exhibitions. In recent years, promotional activities were organised on such markets as Algerian, Canadian, Chinese and in selected EU countries. Poland’s stand at Food Expo 2014 in Hongkong (14–18 August 2014) The ARR own promotion activities carried out on the national level are targeted at the broad group of CAP schemes participants and the general public. Such activities carried out by the ARR include e.g. workshops and cooking shows of educational character for students of primary and catering schools, lectures on healthy and balanced nutrition, conferences, seminars and trainings for food producers and teachers, meetings promoting high quality agri-food products at fairs and festivities, contests relating to agri-food products and food quality systems, and many other activities aimed at promotion of agricultural and agri-food products. Activities devoted to development of external trade The Agency provides the Polish entrepreneurs interested in commercial cooperation with foreign partners with information on markets of agri-food products. For this purpose, the ARR acquires, analyzes and distributes materials and information obtained from other domestic and foreign institutions and diplomatic posts on the possibility of institutional, economic and commercial cooperation with foreign partners. Seminar on Polish food sector during DJAZAGRO Food Fair (Algiers, 21 April 2014) Information collected by the Agency is distributed to Polish entrepreneurs through the ARR website: (tab “Foreign trade” and the main web page) as well as to unions and associations of producers and processors or individual agrifood producers via e-mail: Agricultural Market Agency • 11 Sector Promotion Programme for Polish Food Specialities Since 2012 the ARR has been carrying out a three-year Sector Promotion Programme for Polish Food Specialities as a part of the Ministry of Economy system project entitled: “Promotion of Polish Economy on International Markets” under the Innovative Economy Operational Programme. The activities are implemented in years 2012–2015 and provide Polish companies with an opportunity to promote extensiveMr. Marek Sawicki, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development opening the Polish national stand at SIAL CHINA in Shanghai (May 2014) ly their products abroad. Promotion Programme for Polish Food Specialities Sector is intended to create new strong By organising economic missions and business meetPolish brands which will be recognisable all over the ings for Polish entrepreneurs of the agri-food sector, world and, therefore, associated with the country and providing the entrepreneurs with an opportunity of origin. Activities carried out under the proto participate in exhibitions and trade fairs abroad, the gramme are targeted in particular at the marAgency enables operators to benefit from the instrukets of France, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, ments of financial support offered by the Ministry China and the United Arab Emirates and of Economy under aid schemes covered by the EU consist in participation in fairs and funds and national aid. exhibitions such as World Food Moscow, SIAL Paris, Gulffood, Each year the Agency coordinates or takes part in organising a variety of international economic forums, trade missions and business seminars like the Annual Polish-Russian Entrepreneurs Forums of Agri-Food Sector and Polish-Belarusian Economic Forums “Good Neighbourship”. In 2014 the ARR also organised economic missions for Polish producers of agri-food products under trade fairs in Algeria (DJAZAGRO) and Hong Kong (Food Expo) as well as the participation of entrepreneurs of agri-food sector in the first edition of the fair World Food Warsaw in Poland. 12 • Agricultural Market Agency SIAL China, World Food Ukraine, Anuga, participation in the economic missions, seminars and conferences as well as distribution of promotional brochures and film on Polish Food Specialities sectors and organisation of Polish study tours for foreign journalists. The programme is aimed at promoting the domestic products such as: meat, fruit and vegetables, milk, cheese, milled cereal products, bread and fresh cakes, pasta, cocoa, chocolate, confectionery, tea and coffee, vodkas, cider, fruit wines, beer. markets, the trends in external trade in agri-food products, as well as the prognosis for the development of basic agri-food markets in Poland. ARR experts analyse the entrepreneurs’ interest in external markets in order to support their participation in the agri-food branch operations undertaken to promote external trade development. Trade infor- III. Analytical and information activities The ARR fulfils an important role in performing and distributing information on agricultural and food markets. ARR specialists cooperate with independent market experts to analyse the situation on agri-food markets. They conduct studies and prepare reports on price fluctuations, changes in demand vs. supply on the basic agri-food mation is obtained and distributed during conferences and seminars organised by the Agency. It is also published on the Agency’s website. The ARR reports, analyses and market forecasts are of great interest to institutions and associations connected with the agriculture and food economy as well as the media. Polish national stand at World Food Moscow 2014 (September 2014) ARR also publishes information on possibilities of profiting from the CAP and national funds as well as the information on current ARR activities. The information can be found on the ARR website, in brochures, in ARR Information Agricultural Market Agency • 13 Private storage This scheme ensures stability of market prices by compensating expenditure incurred by private operators for purchase and storage of commodities for defined period indicated in the EU provisions. It may be applied to the markets in butter, white sugar, beef products, pigmeat, sheepmeat and goatmeat, skimmed milk powder, cheese, and flax fibre. The scheme is launched upon the European Commission decision in case of a difficult situation on the market. Measures for specific market support In the occurrence of particularly difficult circumstances on the agricultural markets caused by livestock diseases as well as other unexpected disturbances, the ARR may – upon the European Commission decision – grant financial support provided in the EU legislation to operators or other market participants. Bulletin and other printed or electronic publications. A popular source of information is the ARR Call Center (+48 22 661 7272), widely used by beneficiaries. IV. Safety net measures Market intervention Intervention measures of CAP schemes apply to the markets in cereals, skimmed milk powder, butter and beef products. Such activities consist in the purchase of eligible products at intervention price or under tender procedures, their storage, and then – upon the European Commission decision – reintroduction to the market through a tender or use within the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD). 14 • Agricultural Market Agency In 2014 the ARR granted such an exceptional support to those beneficiaries who suffered losses because of African swine fever (ASF) outbreak affecting pig populations in the eastern regions of Poland. Specific support may be also launched in the framework of state aid. In the years 2007–2011 the ARR granted aid for sowing or planting seed of the basic seed or certified seed categories. The measure was directed to farmers who suffered severe losses due to natural disasters such as droughts, floods or landslides that occurred in Poland in the aforementioned period. State aid The Treaty on the functioning of the European Union lays down the possibility of providing state aid by its Member States. Such aid is adapted to local needs and fully financed from national budgets. Currently, the ARR beneficiaries may take advantage of the state aid for sowing or planting basic or certified seeds in the form of de minimis assistance. The amount of aid for a beneficiary cannot exceed EUR 15 000 in a three-year period. Monitoring ad control of agricultural production and processing The Agency administers the CAP schemes aimed at monitoring and limiting the volume of agricultural production in certain areas. The limits of production have been established in milk and sugar sectors for the purpose of limiting the supply to the level ensuring not only market balance but also restricting support to such a level of production that is adapted to market needs. The Agency grants producers the right to produce within production limits and monitors the quantity of production with respect to the milk and sugar markets1. The Agency’s ongoing activities include also the supervision over the fulfilment of responsibilities that are imposed by national and EU legislation on participants of particular sectors of the agricultural and food market. To fulfil this task, the ARR: • carries out the distribution of fruit and vegetables not intended for sale; • monitors the wine production potential of vineyards in Poland; • monitors and controls the use of quota and out-of-quota sugar, the use of industrial sugar and the refinement of raw cane-sugar imported from third countries; • monitors the production of agricultural biogas and the market for biocomponents and liquid biofuels produced by farmers for their own use; • collects information on energy infrastructure producing biofuel components and energy from agricultural biogas. 1 The sugar production limits are allocated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Agricultural Market Agency • 15 V. Support for the beekeeping sector Acting on the basis of the EU National Apiculture Programmes, each year, the Agency grants financial support for a range of projects carried out by associations, unions, cooperatives and other groups of beekeepers, as well as by R&D institutions involved in apiculture-related issues. Assistance given in the framework of this programme is intended to improve honey quality, as well as to strengthen particular factors related to the production and marketing of apiculture products. Projects receiving financing from the ARR are: purchase of bees and medical treatment against varroasis, conferences and training sessions, quality analysis of honey, purchase of beekeeping equipment and trailers for transport of hives as well as purchase of laboratory equipment and applied research programmes in the field of beekeeping. Support for beekeeping sector in 2005-2013* Number of contracts Net expenditures (in thou. EUR) Total 335 331 34.4 million 344 EUR 272 232 210 199 217 178 2 237 3 240 3 755 3 545 3 948 3 905 4 353 4 889 4 529 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 * The payments end on 15 October each year VI. Trade with third countries Poland and the other Member States of the European Union form a customs union. Trade between Member States requires the submission of a statistical declaration to the INTRASTAT system whereas trade between EU Member States and countries outside the EU is considered to be external trade. In the framework of CAP schemes, the Agency administers trade with third countries, including the issue and clearing of export and import licences as well as payment of export refunds supporting the export of agri-food products. Import and export licences Trade with third countries in some agrifood products is subject to possessing a relevant licence. 16 • Agricultural Market Agency Market structure of products to which the ARR issued import licences from May 2004 to June 2014 • Beef and veal market market • Bananas market 10% Total • Wine market • Poultry and eggs market • Rice market 1% • Poultry 2% 14% and eggs 27% 12.8 thou. licences 15% 14% • Pigmeat market 1% • Other markets 13% 1% • Fresh fruits and vegetables market • Fresh fruit and vegetables market 16% • Sugar market Market structure of products to which the ARR issued export licences from May 2004 to June 2014 • Cereals market 12% 8% 8% 6% • Milk and diary 13% products • Cereals market 1% • Other markets Total 38 thou. licences market • Sugar market 38% • Beef and veel market • Milk and diary products market In order to ensure monitoring of quantities of agri-food products exported to third countries, the ARR issues obligatory export licences which enable the completion of customs formalities necessary for export transactions. products as: cereals, rice, beef and veal, pigmeat, eggs, poultry, milk and dairy product as well as to Non-Annex I products – i.e. agricultural products incorporated in the manufacture of processed goods exported to third countries. In the framework of administering of imports of agrifood products, the ARR issues also: Export refunds and the levels of their rates are established upon a decision taken by the European Commission. In the period 2011–2013 the European Commission has gradually reduced the rates of export refunds for all products to “0” level – due to the favourable market price situation for the products concerned. • obligatory import licences under monitoring of the volume of agri-food products released to the EU market, • import licences that confirm the operator’s entitlement to benefit from import tariff quotas, i.e. to import a particular quantity of commodities on favourable terms (at zero rate/reduced import duties). Export refunds Export refunds aim to cover partially or fully the differences between prices on the world and Community markets. They may be paid, in accordance with limitations resulting from WTO agreements, for such Agricultural Market Agency • 17 Agency collaborates in the framework of promotion of the food sector. The Agency also delivers expert support for developing countries and those striving for integration with the European Union. Cooperation in the framework of the European Union 6th Information Meeting for the Representatives of the Embassies of the EU Member States and Candidate Countries (Warsaw, 6 December 2013) VII. International cooperation The Agency closely cooperates with paying agencies and other bodies from the EU Member States, within bilateral agreements as well as broader forums. The ARR has also close relationships with many partners from outside the European Union, with whom the The Agency is an active participant of EU paying agencies forums – the meetings that bring together Baltic EU Member States, as well as the Conferences of the Directors of the EU Paying Agencies – aimed at the discussion of the improvement of paying agencies functioning and the issues connected with the challenges of the CAP development and implementation. The Agency is a member of “Panta Rhei” – organisation whose activities are dedicated to the exchange of experience and conceptions related to IT and technical aspects of CAP implementation process. The ARR also cooperates within the paying agencies’ coalition “Learning Network”, whose essential area of activity is an exchange of knowledge and experience as well as working on the proposals for a technical simplification of the CAP schemes. Study visit of experts from Czech paying agency SZIF (Warsaw, 16–18 April 2013) 18 • Agricultural Market Agency On a daily basis the ARR closely cooperates with other EU paying agencies through undertaking joint projects and initiatives and through partnership exchange of information and experience in relation to the implementation of CAP schemes. Participation in the EU decision-making process ARR’s experts participate in the meetings of European Commission and EU Council preparatory bodies and are actively involved in drawing up Poland’s positions presented during these meetings. The Agency’s contribution to the EU decision-making process makes it possible to influence the shape of EU legislation in the best interests of the agricultural and food sector and of CAP schemes beneficiaries. Furthermore, this process allows, on an ongoing basis, to obtain information necessary for the ARR to perform its statutory tasks as well as supporting the analytical and information activities. ARR activities in this area are carried out in full cooperation with the Ministry for Agriculture and Rural Development. The specific area of EU decision-making process, in which ARR experts are involved is simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy, especially within sector measures. Basic purpose of this process is to reduce the unnecessary burden imposed on beneficiaries and Member States administrations. It is implemented on both political and technical levels. ARR experts participate in the meetings of European Commission’s Simplification Expert Group. ARR activity and involvement has helped legal provisions to be more transparent, as well as to reduce the administrative burden imposed on CAP beneficiaries VIII. Support for third countries Since the moment Poland joined the EU and the ARR received the status of an accredited paying agency, the Agency participates in the EU and Polish assistance programmes designed to deliver expert support to developing countries as well as to countries aiming at becoming members of the European Union. Twinning Study visit of representatives of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Macedonia (Warsaw, 14–17 May 2013) While preparing to fulfil an obligation steaming from a status of the EU paying agency, the ARR undertook 5 pre-accession projects under the Phare pro- Agricultural Market Agency • 19 gramme involving ‘twinning’ projects to support the administration of CAP schemes. During this period the ARR benefited from an expertise and experience of the British and Dutch paying agencies, as well as experts from Italy, France, Austria, Denmark, Greece and Sweden. The experience gained during the pre-accession period has allowed the ARR to participate in similar projects addressed to countries preparing for the membership of the European Union. The ARR is not only an active and visible player in twinning partnerships, but also a valued partner for other institutions. in preparation of Croatian paying agency to the process of adopting the legislation laying down the single common market organisation under the CAP. Development assistance Within the framework of programme of Polish development assistance coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Agency has been involved in supporting developing countries, especially those striving for tighter integration with the EU. So far the Agency has provided expert assistance for the institutions such as: the Ukrainian Ministry of Agricultural Policy, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Palestinian National Authority. Thanks to the projects implemented by the ARR it was possible to create an intervention and paying agency in Moldova as well as to promote the idea of establishing and functioning of system of agricultural producer groups in that country. The Agency experts’ knowledge and involvement enabled the ARR to successfully join British partners in delivering assistance to the Romanian paying agency in obtaining accreditation. The ARR also participated 20 • Agricultural Market Agency Moreover, currently ARR participates in the works of bilateral working groups and international economic commissions in the framework of international cooperation conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Contact information Agencja Rynku Rolnego ul. Nowy Świat 6/12 00-400 Warszawa Poland ARR International Cooperation Office phone: + 48 22 661 72 26 email: Agricultural Market Agency © ARR October 2014 ISBN 978-83-64002-48-9