Reach StarsGala Sponsor Registration


Reach StarsGala Sponsor Registration
11th Annual
for the
Friday, October 24, 2014 • Heinz Field West Club Lounge
Sponsor Registration
Sponsorship Level:
Program Booklet Ads:
Universal $40,000
Cosmic $25,000
Celestial $15,000
Solar $10,000
Lunar $5,000
Full Page Ad $400
Half Page Ad $200
Quarter Page Ad $100
Tribute Ad $50
Acknowledge that special DePaul School
student in your life with a tribute ad!
Table Sponsor $2,500
I am unable to commit to a
sponsorship this year, but please
accept my donation in the amount
of ________________.
Ad Specifications:
Full Page: (with bleed) 5” wide x 7” high
(without bleed) 4.5” wide x 6.5” high
Half Page: 4.5” wide x 3” high
Quarter Page: 2” wide x 3” high
All ads print Four-Color (CMYK)
Please provide a High-Resolution (300
dpi) file in one of the following formats:
Please submit program artwork to: by
October 10, 2014.
Company Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________
As you wish it to appear on event signage and printed materials.
Please select a payment option:
My check is enclosed in the amount of $__________________.
•Please bill my VISA or MASTERCARD for $_________________.
Checks made payable to DePaul School for Hearing and Speech.
Name (as it appears on card) _____________________________________________________________
Credit Card Number _______________________________________________________________________
Exp. Date __________________________ 3-digit code ____________
•Please send me an invoice for $ _________________________.
Contact Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________________ State: ___________________ Zip: ____________________
Phone: _______________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________
Please return this form and payment information by October 10th to:
DePaul School for Hearing and Speech
Attn: Kayla Madden, Events Manager
6202 Alder Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15206
(412) 924-1012 /
For more information, visit
11th Annual
for the
Friday, October 24, 2014 • Heinz Field West Club Lounge
Sponsor Levels
•Premier seating for two tables* with signature drink service
•VIP Reception admittance for each of your guests
•Two complimentary drink tickets for each of your guests
•Opportunity to sponsor the evening’s VIP Reception with your
company’s name/logo on guests’ champagne glasses
•Recognition in all pre- and post-Gala press releases
•Sponsor recognition on the website, including link to your website
•Full page ad on the back cover of the event program booklet
•Prominent display of corporate identity throughout the event and
event printed materials
Cosmic $25,000
(One available)
•Premier seating for two tables*
•VIP Reception admittance for each of your guests
•Two complimentary drink tickets for each of your guests
•Sponsor recognition on the website, including link to your website
•Full page ad in the event program booklet with prominent placement
•Prominent display of corporate identity throughout the event
and event printed materials
•Opportunity to provide a promotional item to be distributed
at the Gala
•On stage recognition during Gala dinner program
•Sponsorship of the DePaul School monthly e-newsletter for
six months
•Recognition in DePaul School’s Skyline Society and as an elite
corporate partner for one year
(Two Available)
•Premier seating for one table*
•VIP Reception admittance for each of your guests
•Two complimentary drink tickets for each of your guests
•Sponsor recognition on website, including link to your website
•Full page ad in the event program booklet
•Prominent display of corporate identity on event signage
•Opportunity to sponsor Reach for the Stars Gala food stations
or silent auction with signage recognition
•Recognition in DePaul School’s Skyline Society and as an elite
corporate partner for one year
(One available)
•On stage recognition during Gala dinner program
•Opportunity to provide a promotional item to be distributed
at the Gala
•Special recognition in the DePaul School Spring 2015 newsletter
distributed to over 5,500 people
•One year sponsorship of DePaul School’s Preschool Music Program
which aims to develop phonological awareness, vocabulary,
auditory comprehension and speech production
•Recognition in DePaul School’s Skyline Society and as an elite
corporate partner for one year
Solar $10,000
(Two Available)
•Premier seating for one table*
•VIP Reception admittance for four guests
•Two complimentary drink tickets for each of your guests
•Sponsor recognition on website, including link to your website
•Full page ad in the event program booklet
•Prominent display of corporate identity on event signage
Lunar $5,000
•One table*
•VIP Reception admittance for four guests
•Two complimentary drink tickets for each of your guests
•Full page ad in the event program booklet
•Prominent display of corporate identity on event signage
Table Sponsor $2,500
•One table*
•VIP Reception admittance for two guests
•One complimentary drink ticket for each of your guests
•Half page ad in the event program booklet
•Prominent display of corporate identity on event signage
* All
tables seat 10 guests
Questions? Contact Kayla Madden at (412) 924-1012