

“RADICAL: What the Gospel Demands”
The Beacon
A Publication of Oak Hill Bible Church
It has been said that with these words, Jesus turned away large crowds who were following Him.
With grace and authority, Jesus beckoned potential followers to consider the demands of discipleship.
That’s something all of us must do!
In a world filled with turmoil and increasing distress – creation’s groaning is getting louder and louder
– many people are standing firm in their faith in Christ, more resolute than ever despite the increasing
persecution. These are not likely citizens of the United States!
In numerous countries around the globe there is a war being waged for the hearts and souls of people. This isn’t just a flesh and blood battle. It’s the battle between good and evil, as the Adversary seeks
to devour and dissuade those who follow Jesus Christ. This comes as no surprise. True followers of Jesus not only recognize the enemy’s presence and work; they also realize the price of following Jesus is
Here are two stories from people in other parts of the world and what their commitment to Jesus has
cost them.
A pastor and his family were attacked in their home in Sri Lanka by a village mob. The family had
filed a complaint with police after four Christians who attended a prayer meeting in the pastor’s house
were harassed. As the Pastor, his family, and the four harassed Christians waited for the police to come,
they heard a public announcement calling the villagers to a meeting. Shortly afterward, 150 people surrounded the pastor’s home and began shouting, calling out slurs against the Christians. Before the police
arrived, about 40 people from the mob broke through the security fence surrounding the house. Taking
poles from the fence, they smashed the pastor’s van. Others poured into the home and attacked those
inside, including the pastor’s wife. The pastor was knocked unconscious with a blow to the back of his
neck. Suddenly afraid that they’d killed him, the crowd immediately fled. The police arrived 10 minutes
after the crowd was gone. They took the Christians to the police station, where they were held for questioning for seven hours. Their attackers were neither questioned nor arrested. The pastor spent four days
in the hospital recovering, and three others were hospitalized for two days.
John Yakubu had nothing. When he and his family were forced to flee Attagara, a village in northeastern Nigeria, after a Boko Haram attack, they were just barely surviving in a refugee camp. Boko
Haram terrorists have viciously killed thousands, destroyed villages, burned homes, businesses and
churches, and kidnapped hundreds of women. With his family facing starvation in the refugee camp, John
decided to make a quick trip back to Attagara to retrieve some of his animals hoping he could sell them to
support his family. Though it was dangerous, there seemed to be no other choice. At home, he decided
to pick up some of the family’s other belongings, including the family Bible. Boko Haram insurgents spotted him entering the house, and quickly captured him. “We know you’re John,” the militants said to him.
“You must convert to Islam or else you will die a painful death.” When John refused, the men tied him to a
tree binding his arms and legs. The men hacked both of John’s hands with a heavy knife and mocked
him. “Can you become a Muslim now?” “You can kill my body, but not my soul,” John shouted in pain.
For many of us, the price of following Jesus in these examples is too high. But it was also too high
and the cost too great for those who heard Jesus speak about discipleship. Not too much has really
changed in the last 2000 years!
The cost of following Jesus has never changed. Neither has the price that people are willing to pay
to follow Him! Do we in contemporary America realize the high price of following Jesus? Do we understand the great cost for all who call themselves followers of Christ? Maybe we need to take a closer look
at the words of Jesus!
“In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple.” (Luke
14:33 NIV) That is not only RADICAL, it is also what the Gospel demands!
Pastor Glenn
“Transforming people into fully devoted followers of Jesus.”
Sunday, November 2nd we will observe the International Day
of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.
October 12, 2014
9:30 am
Oak Hill Bible Church
40 Sacarrappa Rd. ◊ Oxford, MA
FREE Admission!
During the worship service on
Sunday morning; October 12th at 9:30 am
we will be treated to an encore presentation
of this year’s Annual Concert of Hope.
Please plan to attend and invite your
friends and family as we hear about
God’s love & the HOPE that can be found
only in Him!
Christmas Child
This Christmas, you can share
the love and hope of Jesus
Christ with a needy child by
using a simple shoe box. Operation Christmas Child is an easy
mission project that everyone can participate in by bringing a
gift-filled shoe box to the church in November.
Our congregation has been supporting this ministry with such a
great response we would like to provide you with the
opportunity to begin collecting items early to fill this year’s
shoe boxes for our Operation Christmas Child
shoe box collection.
It is our hope that this will make the Christmas season less
stressful filled with the joy of giving.
Pre-wrapped shoe boxes are available for free.
For complete instructions and gift suggestions and / or
to receive a shoe box please see
any member of the Board of Mission and Evangelism.
(Bob Warfield, Kathy L’Heureux or Sandy Sherwood)
Collection: Place a rubber band around each closed
shoe box and bring it to church
at the designated Sunday service on November 16th.
Coming Events:
5th Annual Hay Ride
(Rain date if needed: October 25th)
Saturday, October 18th at 6:30 pm the
entire church family is invited to a fun fall evening out!
We will be having a night of songs, tractor-driven
hay rides, goodies & a camp fire at the Dudley home
of Tim Kallgren’s parents, (64 Airport Road in Dudley—
up the street from Park N’ Shop.)
We would love to have you all there
to enjoy some great fellowship!
Plan to invite your friends, please sign-up in the lobby
or contact the church office so we can
plan our wagons accordingly!
Save the Dates!
On November 12th at 6:30 pm the Wednesday night
Kids program will be packing Thanksgiving dinners
to donate to the Oxford Food Shelf.
We will be collecting donations to be used
for these packages
through Sunday, November 9th.
We are looking for items to be used specifically for
Thanksgiving dinners such as: boxes of stuffing,
cans of vegetables, cans of cranberry sauce,
packages of cookie/dessert mixes etc.
All items can be brought to the church office.
If you have any questions please speak with
Crystal Brown or Stacey Kallgren.
This year’s Christmas Musical: “The Christmas Post”
will be presented on Saturday, December 6th
and on Sunday, December 7th (times to be determined)
We hope to see you there!
Thank you for your help
with this important outreach.
Christmas in October ~ 2014
Strengthening the cause
of Advent Christian
Missions throughout
the world.
Wednesday Night Kids Program
This season we are using our Wednesday nights to prepare our
Annual Christmas pageant for our church, families and friends
to be presented on
Sunday, December 14th at 2:00 pm.
All are welcome to attend this special presentation!
Offering will be
taken on Sunday,
October 26th
Sponsored by the WHFMS of the
Advent Christian Church
Coming Events:
Oak Hill Bible Church
Holiday Craft Fair
9 AM—3 PM * Saturday, November 1st
Crafters still needed!
Come and join us for a day of fun, fellowship and creativity!
Anyone interested in helping with this year’s Craft Fair or renting table space please print and fill out the
forms below and return to Chris Rudman. Questions? Please see Chris!
*We are in need of anyone willing to help: set-up and tear down for the Fair, and help set-up and
price for Grandma’s attic. Also, if you are able to help distribute posters around the
surrounding communities please speak with Chris Rudman.
(All applicants must include at least two photo samples of their work)
I would like to rent space (approximate size is ten feet, cost is $25.00
yes __ no
I would also need to rent an eight foot table for $5.00
yes __ no
I would also like electricity access if possible $5.00
yes __ no
App. #:
Check #:
Amount $:
Booth #:
Please check the one category below that most accurately represents the items you wish to bring to the Fair.
[ ] Christmas/Holiday Décor
[ ] Candles/Potpourri/Glassware
[ ] Soaps/Personal Care Products
[ ] Needlework (quilting, stitchery, knit/ crocheted items)
[ ] Accessories (jewelry, leather goods)
[ ] Ceramics/Pottery
[ ] Clothes (adult, children’s, doll)
[ ] Wood Crafts/Metal Crafts
[ ] Floral Crafts
[ ] Candy/Popcorn/Condiments
[ ] Drawings/Paintings/Photographs/Note Cards
[ ] Toys /Stuffed Animals
[ ] Other
Additional details of the type of crafts I would like to display include:_____________________________
Return your registration form, photo samples and full payment
Checks payable to: “Oakhill Bible Church” no later than October 15 th, 2014
Mail to: Oak Hill Bible Church Attention: Craft Fair Committee PO Box 277 Oxford, MA 01540
After all applications have been returned and the selections have been made, a written confirmation letter with your assigned booth
number will be mailed to you if your application is accepted. (Check will be cashed only for accepted crafters.)
(Applications received after October 15th deadline will be placed on the waiting list.)
School News
Lunch/Recess Monitors
Game Night Fund Raiser (more details to follow) on Thursday November 13th from 6PM-8PM
All volunteers need to have a current background check in place in order to participate in any school activity
Coca-Cola is refreshing their commitment to
supporting education with the new My Coke
Rewards for Schools program, which gives
schools the things they need to provide students with a well-rounded education. Schools
can collect points donated by My Coke Rewards members and redeem them for a variety of rewards including playground equipment, creative supplies, classroom materials
and more. Points are earned by entering
codes found on packages from any of the
twelve participating Coca-Cola products including Coca-Cola®, Sprite®, POWERade®,
Dasani®, and Minute Maid®.
I am so happy to announce that Mrs.
Goodell will be joining the OHCS
team again this year every morning
as the Pre-K teacher.
Since 1996, the Box Tops for Education
program has helped schools across
America earn cash for the things they
need. Support OHCS by cutting out and
sending in your BoxTops and see what
a difference you can make!
Godly Character Trait
Caring people treat others with
Ephesians 4:32
Coming Events:
Sunday October 19th, 2014.
1. Location of start and finish: Oxford First Congregational Church.
2. Registration time for the walkers: 12:30 PM.
3. Walk is scheduled to begin: 1:00 PM.
4. Walk route: Please refer to the attached map file.
We will begin and end at the Oxford First Congregational Church.
The Crop Walk Host Church for this year is
Grace Episcopal Church.
Please see Kathy L’Heureux for more details!
Fall Church Clean-Up Day
Pastor Glenn will begin a new series under the theme “RADICAL.”
Sunday sermons in October
and November will focus on
“Radical Demands” from Luke’s
Saturday, November 15th
The trustees have planned an outdoor
clean-up day for Saturday, November 15th.
(Rain date: November 22nd)
Please save the date and plan to help out as we clean
and beautify our church grounds.
October Birthdays & Anniversaries
1 Peter Dionne
Jean Vezina
John & Margaret Nelson Anniv.
2 Paul & Barbara Nichols Anniv.
5 Konrad & Debbie Wyszynski Anniv.
Sydney Torres
6 Kurt Kauppinen
Joey Kemp
7 Roger Fosgate
9 Bob & Kathy L’Heureux Anniv.
Stacey Kallgren
11 Ken Towle
Margaret Nelson
Bruce & Sue White Anniversary
12 Tracy Powers
13 Teresa Kemp
Bill Stevens
Jim Loghry
Cassie Mongeon
Sandy White
Chris & Laurie Nelson Anniversary
Trisha Wilson
Jim & Miriam Loghry Anniversary
Paul & Cheryl Sweeney Anniv.
Eric Johanson
Glenn Rice
Laurie Nelson
Derian Madaglia
If your birthday or anniversary dates are not here, or
are incorrect, let us know. Phone the church office at
Children’s Corner for October:
Nursery Program
Cherub Church
Junior Church
Age: Birth - 3 years
Age: 3 years—1st grade
Age: 2nd-4th grade
Coordinator : Ashley Bardsley
Coordinator : Cassandra Raszka
Coordinator : Crystal Crossman
Service Time Volunteers
Service Time Volunteers
Service Time Volunteers
5th– TBD
5th– Hollie & Joey Forget, Rachael
5th- Wayne & Liz Gray
12th– Gene & Kristin MacKay
12th– Jean Carrascal, Ronald & Michelle
12th– Christine & Conor MacGinnis
19th– Paul Garon & Chris Rudman
19th– Tracy Potter, Shylynn & Kiana
19th– Bob Warfield & Peter Dionne
26th– Ashley & Isaac Bardsley
26th– Cassie Raszka, Joey & Rachael
26th– Pat Chalifoux & Peter Dionne
OHBC Children’s Ministries
Director of Children’s Ministries ~ Crystal Brown
October is here and fall officially arrived on September 23. Awwwwww, there is nothing like the first
cool morning when you feel the crisp air against your face or when you feel the crunch of fall leaves beneath your feet. God creates an appreciation for every season, so ejoy this Fall season because Christmas is
right around the corner!
Here is a list of top ten things you and your family can do to enjoy this wonderful fall season:
Join our Wednesday Night Kids Club that started September 17, 2013 from 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM as
we begin practicing for our up-coming Children’s Christmas pageant “We Three Spies”. Anyone who is 4 years old through fifth grade is welcome to perform.
Go apple or pumpkin picking.
October 30th is Nation Candy Corn Day – so sweet!
Rake up a big pile of leaves, and then jump in it.
Go on a fall treasure hunt to collect leaves, acorns, and pine cones.
Create a fall craft to decorate your home.
October is also national pizza month, so eat up!
Create your own family fall festival and invite other family members and neighbors.
Go on a HAYRIDE! On October 18 at 6:30 on the Kallgren Farm in Dudley. Come join us for an
evening full of hayrides, s’mores, hot chocolate, and sing-a-longs by the
Thank Jesus daily for giving us such a beautiful season to enjoy.
Happy Fall,
Director of Children’s Ministries,
Crystal Brown
Youth Group Opportunities:
Youth Groups
Director of Student Ministries ~ Craig Hunt
Youth Group Super Bowl ~ 2014
November 7th-8th in Springfield, MA
** (Craig is looking for adult chaperones, please speak
with him directly if you can help out.)
What to Expect:
If the Superbowl were a restaurant, it would be an all-you-can-eat smorgasbord of the most adrenaline pumping, mind bending fun ever contained
in a 12-hour meal. Ice-Hockey, a gospel message, then we move into AMP Time where students compete on the ice in massive games, and then it
is off to two more locations were you will participate in sporting and recreation activities. We give away thousands of dollars in prizes. We start
the night at 7pm Friday night and do not end until 6am Saturday morning. This is definitely not for the weak of heart!
General Event Schedule:
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
9:45 pm
10:45 pm
Check-In Opens
Springfield Falcons Hockey Game
Gospel Message
AMP Time Rally
12:00 am Head to After-Midnight Activities
3:00 am Transition to 2nd Facility
6:00 am Head Home
The cost is $46/per person for people who go to church @ Oak Hill
(your money is due to Craig Hunt by October 20th)
College Care Packages
In mid-October, the Youth Group
will be sending small care packages to our
Oak Hill college students.
If you would like to be involved in packing or providing goodies
to be included in these packages, please speak with Craig.
9:30 AM
Worship Service
11:00 AM
Sunday School
12:00 PM
S.T.I.L.L. Group
1:30-3:30 PM
Musical Rehearsal
7:00 PM
Men’s Basketball
6:30 PM
Adult Bible Study,
Instrumentalist Rehearsal,
Jr. High Youth Group
& Kids Program
6:30 PM
Sr. High Youth Group
6:30 pm
Official Board
7:00 pm
of Hope
9:30 am
Eastern Regional
6:30 pm
Annual Oxford
Crop Walk
1:00 pm
Oak Hill Christian School
8:30 AM—3:00 PM
in October
Board of
6:30 pm