Greetings from the Secretary Greetings All,


Greetings from the Secretary Greetings All,
Proudly Serving Pennsylvanians for Over 35 Years!
Oct. 10, 2014
Greetings from the Secretary
Greetings All,
The Pike County Elder Justice Task Force held its first Elder Justice Day in Dingman’s
Ferry on Tuesday. All paused to remember Trooper Bryon Dickson and his family. I
shared Governor Tom Corbett’s message of ensuring that our older residents remain safe in
their homes and communities through his commitment to older Pennsylvanians. I also
provided remarks on the importance of preventing abuse in all its forms and gave an
overview of what the department’s role is related to ombudsman and protective services.
My thanks to fellow speakers District Attorney Raymond Tonkin, Linda Mill, CFE of
Temple University Harrisburg, and Diane Quintiliani from Advocacy Alliance. Thanks also
to Executive Director Robin LoDolce and her staff from Pike County Area Agency on Aging
and all in attendance.
We are grateful to the staff and volunteers of the Pike County AAA who have experienced
some changes related to the ongoing search. Time was also taken during the visit to meet
with participants of the Blooming Grove Senior Center.
While there I let participants, staff and volunteers know they are in our thoughts and that
we are available to help. We also discussed a grant of $21,880 through the FY 2014-15
Senior Community Center grant awards, which will be used to purchase, install, and
implement a Copilot touch screen data collection system. The grant will improve the
quality of center programs by offering efficient tracking and evaluation tools to center
programming coordinators. My thanks to center director Lana Romeo and her staff for
helping to coordinate my visit, and to all in attendance.
The department held a celebration on Wednesday in honor of PACE’s 30th anniversary in
the main rotunda of the Capitol. Since its inception, PACE has reimbursed more than 300
million prescriptions. Senator Randy Vulakovich, Majority Chair, Senate Aging and Youth
Committee and Representative Tim Hennessey, Majority Chair, House Aging and Older
Adult Services Committee and Representative Steve Samuelson, Democratic Chair of the
House Aging and Older Adult Services Committee provided their congratulations as did
Representative Peter J. Daley, who was present at the time the legislation creating PACE
was signed. My thanks to Senator Vulakovich, Representatives Hennessey, Samuelson and
Daley for their remarks; Representative Michele Brooks for her continued contribution to
the House committee; Representative Seth Grove, who was the prime sponsor of HB 777
(PACE Moratorium); Director of PACE Tom Snedden; and the PACE team, and to all of our
partners in the aging network for coming out to celebrate this momentous event.
I then traveled to Spring Grove, York County, where I spoke to those present at Windy Hill
on the Campus senior center, which was awarded $33,459 to transform the current lobby
into a library, internet café and coffee/conversation area. The grant will be used to develop
a technology-based intergenerational program, allowing high school students to train older
adults on how to use iPads. Grants to other Senior Community Centers in York County
were also announced including the Red Land Senior Center, September House,
Stewartstown Area Senior Center, Susquehanna Area Senior Center, White Rose Senior
Center and the Yorktown Senior Center, Inc.
In addition to the grant announcement, I provided remarks on Governor Corbett’s
commitment to older Pennsylvanians, the need for pension reform, and information on the
implementation of the State Plan for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders. My
thanks to York County Commissioners Steve Chronister and Doug Hoke; Windy Hill Board
President Donna Hake; Director of the Windy Hill Senior Center Tammy Miller, and York
County AAA Director Dianna Benaknin; and all in attendance.
On Thursday I traveled to Bloomsburg for the Columbia/Montour volunteer recognition
luncheon. This annual event, which celebrates Residents’ Rights Month, acknowledges
those who volunteer as PEERs and ombudsmen, as well as the staff at assisted living
facilities, personal care homes, and nursing facilities. I congratulated attendees for their
efforts and thanked them for their unwavering dedication to serving those in Columbia and
Montour counties. My thanks to Columbia County Commissioners Chris Young, Rich
Ridgway and David Kovach, who also serves on the board of Columbia/Montour Aging
Services, Inc.; board members Robert Levan, Joanne Hunt and Iris Bird; Agency Director
Kathi Lynn; Ombudsman Supervisor Nancy Irons; Ombudsman Chris Kutza and all in
Harry Forbes of Governor Corbett’s Northeastern Pennsylvania Office and Wilmarie
Gonzalez, State Long Term Care Ombudsman joined me in presenting a proclamation from
Governor Tom Corbett naming October as Residents Rights Month to Mr. Don Drumm
resident of the Geisinger Bloomsburg Health Care Center, for his efforts as a PEER
volunteer and assistance in expanding the PEER program.
This morning, the Long-Term Care Commission held a meeting in Harrisburg to continue
their work. Commission members have until December 31, 2014, to submit their
recommendations to the governor. To learn more about the commission, click here.
I wish you a safe and pleasant weekend.
Brian M. Duke
Happy Birthday, PACE!
The Pennsylvania Department of Aging joined the Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for
the Elderly Program (PACE) for an event at the Capitol on Wednesday to celebrate its 30th
anniversary. The press release from the event can be found by clicking here.
Since the program began in 1984, PACE has provided Pennsylvanians in need with
assistance for prescriptions that, in some cases, are lifesaving. For more information on
PACE, click here.
Legislative Update
Next Tuesday and Wednesday, October 14 and 15th are the final scheduled voting
days for the 2014-15 session.
HB 1702: (Rep. Ross) The PA Community Respite Program. This week the Senate
passed HB 1702 by a vote of 50 to 0. The PA House concurred on the bill by a vote
of 192-0. The bill now goes to Governor Corbett for consideration.
To view HB 1702 click here.
HB 2110, The Senate bill HB 2110 will amend the State Lottery Law to reduce the
statutorily mandated rate of return. This amending will ensure that the PA Lottery system
has sufficient revenue to continue to fund necessary programs and services for older
Pennsylvanians. The bill is on the Senate calendar for 10/14/14. If passed by the
Senate, the bill will return to the PA House for concurrence on the Senate
To view HB 2110 click here.
Keith Hanisek and Jerry Kasunic, program specialist contractors in the Adult Protective
Services program’s Northern and Western Regions, respectively, are resigning on 10/10/14.
Education and Outreach Office
Medicare Open Enrollment – Don’t Forget!
The Pennsylvania Department of Aging’s APPRISE program is running radio ads about
Open Enrollment for Medicare and it’s running dates; October 15 - December 7. Visit the
following links for more information on open enrollment and how the Department of Aging
can assist those in need.
PrimeTime Health
The PrimeTime Health program focuses on health promotion and disease prevention
activities for older Pennsylvanians with a special focus on health risk screening, nutrition,
chronic conditions, fall risk, exercise and strengthening to prevent fall-related injury,
behavioral health, and medication management. To view upcoming programs offered
through your local Area Agency on Aging, click here.
In September The Pennsylvania Department of Aging’s Healthy Steps falls prevention
program was endorsed by Silver & Fit. Silver & Fit is an exercise and healthy aging
program providing unique, evidence-based fitness and health education activities for
Medicare beneficiaries.
What does this mean? It means that our senior centers may now become endorsed centers,
offering evidence-based programs and receive compensation from the corporate center,
American Specialty Health (ASH).
Benefits of participating are:
 Attract new members
 Receive priority listing in the network directory for facilities offering at least two
classes weekly
 Reimbursement from ASH Fitness within 30-days of receipt of monthly membervisits invoice
PA Link to Aging and Disability Resources
Monday, October 13 at 6:00 pm, the Manheim Township Public Library, in collaboration
with the Pennsylvania Link to Aging and Disability Resources and the Red Rose Chapter of
the Blind, will be showing Going Blind: The Movie, a documentary that examines vision
loss in America. Watch the movie and stay for discussion and refreshments. Register online
by clicking here, or call the library, 717.560-6441 or call/text the Lancaster County Link
coordinator at 717.380.9714.
Life and Independence for Today (LIFT) – Ramp Drive Campaign
The PA Link to Aging and Disability Resources is proud to remind the public and service
providers of the Ramp Drive Campaign being held by Life and Independence for Today
(LIFT), a Center for Independent Living and a partner to the PA Link. Through its Ramp
Drive, LIFT is raising funds to purchase temporary ramps to be loaned out to individuals
who meet the assessment guidelines within the six-county service area (Cameron,
Clearfield, Elk, Jefferson, McKean and Potter). LIFT has multiple six-foot ramps and tenfoot ramps that can be borrowed temporarily to assist people in gaining access to their
residence. LIFT is able to assist users to find a permanent solution to their accessibility
issue. For more information, or to request an assessment for a temporary ramp, please
contact Hope Weichman at LIFT - (814) 781-3050.
Life and Independence for Today (LIFT), a Center for Independent Living and a partner to
the PA Link to Aging and Disability Resources, is proud to announce its new “Within Your
Reach” program. “Within Your Reach” is made possible from a grant that LIFT was
awarded through Office of Vocational Rehabilitation to bring Assistive Technology (AT)
devices and education to libraries in the six counties LIFT serves. In the first year of this
grant, LIFT will be working with libraries in Elk County and Jefferson County. AT device
displays will be set up at participating libraries. LIFT’s Assistive Technology Coordinator
(ATC) will provide information on accessing and funding these devices as well as filling out
applications. LIFT’s ATC will also provide training and assistance to individuals who have
accessed a device. The next demonstration and education session will be held at Mengle
Memorial Library in Brockway (Jefferson County) on Monday, October 6th, at 1pm. Launch
dates set for Elk County Libraries are as follows: Wilcox Public Library-Tuesday, October
14 at 1 pm; Johnsonburg Public Library- Tuesday, October 21 at 1 pm; and Ridgway Public
Library-Tuesday, October 28 at 1pm. In future years of the grant, “Within Your Reach” will
be expanded into other counties served by LIFT including Clearfield, McKean, Cameron
and Potter counties. For more information on “Within Your Reach” program, or for
information on libraries participating at this time, please contact Charlie Williamson at
LIFT - (814) 781–3050.
PA Link to Aging and Disability Resources will be sponsoring a partner meeting and
training in Schuylkill County on Tuesday, October 14, 2014, from 10:00 am to 11:30 am at
the Pinebrook Personal Care Home and Retirement Center, 2 Woodbridge Rd. Orwigsburg.
Erin Walters, aging services specialist from PA Department of Aging, will present on Adult
Protective Services. There will also be updates on PA ADRC, and time for networking.
Please RSVP to
The Lebanon Community Library and the Pennsylvania Link to Aging and Disability
Resources is presenting an emergency preparedness workshop for persons over age 60,
persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities, family members, and caregivers on
Tuesday, October 14 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. The program, Feeling Safe, Being Safe in
Lebanon County is a two hour, hands-on workshop at the Lebanon Community Library.
This workshop is free. Registration is required. Call the Library at 273-7624 or the
Pennsylvania Link to Aging & Disability Resources Lebanon County partners network
coordinator at 380-9714 to register or for more information.
The Pennsylvania Link to Aging and Disability Resources is sponsoring a FREE crosstraining meeting on “Peer Support: what happens when people with similar experiences
offer each other encouragement, resources, and support” on Thursday, October 16, 2014 at
Senior Living at Lancaster, 120 Rider Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17603. CEO of Recovery
InSight, Inc. and Board President of The Pennsylvania Peer Support Coalition, Diana
Fullem, is the presenter. The meeting begins at 1:00 pm. RSVP to the Link coordinator
please via phone or text: 717.380.9714 or email If you require
accommodations, please notify the Link coordinator.
The Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging, Inc., a partner to the PA Link to Aging and
Disability Resources, is teaming up with the American Association of Retired Persons
(AARP) to offer individuals in Clearfield County aged 50 and older the opportunity to take
the AARP Driver Safety Program refresher course if previous training has passed the
three-year mark The course was developed by AARP to educate drivers on ways to remain
safe on today’s roads. Additionally, it provides a three-year discount on the eligible course
graduate’s car insurance. The original, eight-hour class will be held at the Coalport Center
for Active Living, located in the Glendale Medical Center Complex, 850 Rear Main St.,
Coalport, PA. This four-hour refresher course will be offered on October 14th from 5:00pm
to 9:00pm at the Coalport Center for Active Living. The AARP Driver Safety Program
course is open to all drivers age 50+. AARP members pay $15 while non-AARP members
will pay $20. Checks should be made payable to AARP and are to the given to the instructor
on the first day of the class. As class size is limited, registration is required and is taken on
a first-come, first-served basis. You may register by contacting the Coalport Center for
Active Living at 814-672-3574, or by contacting the Clearfield County Area Agency on
Aging office at 814-765-2696 or 1-800-225-8571. It is important to note that couples who
both have a driver’s license are required to each be certified in the program in order to be
eligible for the discount, and that AARP membership is not a requirement for taking the
The PA Link to Aging and Disability Resources encourages the public to attend the
2nd Annual OVR Open House in celebration of National Disability Employment Awareness
Month – NDEAM. The event will be held on Friday, October 17th, at the PA Office of
Vocational Rehabilitation DuBois District Office located at 199 Beaver Dr., DuBois, from
10am to 2pm. The OVR DuBois District Office serves Clearfield, Jefferson, Elk, Cameron
and McKean counties. The public is invited to meet with some OVR staff and learn about
the Vocational Rehabilitation services that OVR provides to assist Pennsylvanians with
disabilities in securing and maintaining employment and independence. Information will be
available about their Vocational Rehabilitation services, their Business Services Team,
their Blindness and Visual Services, Assistive Technology, Transition, and much more.
Staff will be on hand to answer questions from individuals with disabilities, students,
school personnel, employers, service providers, family members, community leaders and the
general public. All are welcome to this free event. ASL interpreter will be available. If any
other accommodations are required please inform. For more information, please contact
Chris Palmer, Assistant District Administrator, at 814-371-7340 or
The partners of the PA Link to Aging and Disability Resources in Centre County and the
Centre County Gazette are sponsoring a Community Super Fair, on Saturday October 18,
from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Mount Nittany Middle School. Over 125 exhibitors will be
available regarding community services. Food and prizes will be a part of this family day.
For more information visit the website
The Pennsylvania Link to Aging and Disability Resources is sponsoring a FREE crosstraining meeting on Brain injury and programs that may benefit persons with brain injury.
The meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at Neighborhood Housing Services
of Greater Berks, Inc., 213 North Fifth Street, Suite 1030, Reading, PA 19601. Barb Dively,
executive director of the Acquired Brain Injury Network of Pennsylvania, Inc. , is the
presenter. The meeting begins at 9:00 am. RSVP to the Link coordinator, Ann Barlett, at
610-478-6500 or email If you require accommodations, please notify the
Link coordinator.
In observance of October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Victim Outreach
Intervention Center (VOICe), a partner to the Pennsylvania Link to Aging and Disability
Resources, is seeking original artwork for inclusion in an art show that will celebrate the
strength of domestic violence survivors and their families. Artwork will be on display at the
Art Center for the Associated Artists of Butler County (Rittelmann Gallery located at 334
S. Main St., Butler, PA 16001) with viewing scheduled from October 22nd through 25th and
October 29th through November 1st. An Artists Reception and Candlelight Vigil will be
held on Friday, October 24th from 7pm to 9pm at the Art Center. Artwork from all ages and
levels of experience is welcome and it should reflect the journey and healing experience of
survivors of domestic violence and/or their children. Submission of artwork is FREE and
entries can be dropped off on October 18th from 12 to 4 p.m. at the Art Center. VOICe does
reserve the right to not accept all entries. For more information, please contact Gloria at
(724) 283 – 8700.
The PA Link to Aging and Disability Resources, and Department of Public Welfare are
hosting a Suicide Prevention Training on Wednesday October 22, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at
the Ladore Camp off of Owego Turnpike in Wayne County. Learn to identify the crisis and
warning signs that someone may be contemplating suicide. Breakfast is available, and
there is a $2 cost for training booklet. RSVP to Juliann Doyle at
The PA Link to Aging and Disability Resources encourages the public to attend the annual
Senior Expo in Warren County, hosted by the Warren/Forest Eldercare Council. The event
is slated for Friday, October 31, 2014, from 9am to 1pm, at the Allegheny Community
Center at 42 Clark Street, at Warren. Dozens of vendors will be on hand representing a
wide variety of healthcare and human service providers. Balance assessments and flu shots
will be available as well. Seniors, caregivers and family members are encouraged to attend
the event to learn more about the great services offered by area and regional providers. For
more information on the Senior Expo, please contact The Allegheny Community Center at
PA Link to Aging and Disability Resources will be sponsoring a workshop on Emergency
Planning and Partnership in Northampton County, on Friday November 7, 2014 from 8:30
– 11:30 am with registration beginning at 8:00 am. This workshop is provided by request
as a follow up from a disaster preparedness workshop held in Juneto provide attendees
with the tools to develop an emergency plan for their business/agencies to recover and
resume. The workshop will be held at the Northampton Community College, Gates Center,
Alumni Hall, 3835 Green Pond Road, Bethlehem. RSVP to Jason Adams at There is no cost, but registration is limited to 40
Lehigh and Northampton:
The PA Link to Aging and Disability Resources conducting training on November 12, 2014
at 10:00 a.m. on Tenant/Landlord Rights and Fair Housing presented by Marybeth
Saporita from North Penn Legal Services. Training will be held at the Fowler Southside
Family Center, 511 E. Third Street in Bethlehem. For more information, contact Kimberly
Melusky at
Bureau of Aging Services
Older Worker Friendly Employers Being Sought by the PA Hall of Fame of
Champions of Older Workers Committee
The PA Hall of Fame of Champions of Older Workers Committee is currently seeking
nominations for employers who provide programs which support workers age 55 and older
for the 2015 Hall of Fame Champions Award. The winner will be honored during the
Pennsylvania Employer Awards Luncheon, held on May 6, 2015.
Please submit nomination forms to Rocco Claroni, PA Department of Aging, 555 Walnut
Street – 5th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17101-1919 or by e-mail to To download
a nomination form or to find out more about the criteria for the award, click on the link
Nomination Form
2015 Nutrition Conference – Save the Date
The 2015 Bureau of Aging Services Nutrition Conference will be held March 16 and 17,
2015 at the Holiday Inn in Grantville, PA. This year’s program, Too Much….Not
Enough….Just Right: The Inconsistencies of Seniors’ Food Choices brings to the network
premier international speakers in the field of geriatric nutrition and sensory, or taste and
smell, research.
Attendees will have an opportunity to hear regional experts discuss program marketing,
diabetes care, and the emotional side of eating. Day two will bring PDA updates, including
sanitation information and a panel presentation by the PA Department of Aging award
The 2015 Prime Time Health Conference will again partner with the Nutrition Conference
in 2015 to share learning and best practices from across the Aging Network. Additional
information about the 2015 Prime Time Health Conference will be available in future
editions of the Friday Wrap-Up.
For more information on the 2015 Nutrition Conference, please contact Mona Lemanski,
RD, LDN, CDE at 717-772-0371, or
Nominations for Nutrition Service Awards
The Pennsylvania Department of Aging announces the opening of nominations for the 2015
Secretary’s Award for Excellence in Nutrition for Older Pennsylvanians (individual) and the
Pennsylvania Department of Aging Award for Best Practices in Nutrition for Older
Pennsylvanians (program).
The Secretary’s Award recognizes people who work to enhance nutrition programs within
Pennsylvania’s aging network. This includes Department of Aging funded nutrition service
program meals such as congregate meals served in senior community centers or satellite
centers and home delivered meals served to homebound consumers. Individuals or
organizations which have made a commitment to improve the quality of health and life of
older Pennsylvanians through new or innovative nutrition services are eligible for this
The Best Practice in Nutrition Award recognizes programs that highlight novel approaches
to enhance nutrition within Pennsylvania’s aging network. This includes Department of
Aging funded nutrition service program meals such as congregate meals served in senior
community centers or satellite centers and home delivered meals served to homebound
consumers. Organizations which have made a commitment to improve the quality of health
and life of older Pennsylvanians are eligible for this award.
This award recognizes novel programming, partnerships, or community outreach in two
1. Congregate Meal programs, including senior community center programs or other
congregate programs which enhance the meal program;
2. Home Delivered Meal programs.
Nominations for these awards are to be submitted by December 12, 2014.
Award nomination forms can be accessed from the following links:
Secretary’s Award for Excellence Nomination Form
Best Practice’s Nomination Form
For more information, please contact Mona Lemanski, RD, LDN, CDE at 717-772-0371, or
An Easy Way to Promote Senior Community Centers
From the National Council on Aging/National Institute on Senior Centers:
Have you thought about nominating your center’s programming for the NISC Programs of
Excellence Awards? Every senior center that sends a program nomination is a winner.
Why? You’ll be able to report to your governance that your center’s program was featured in
a national publication—the 2014 NISC Awards Booklet! All NISC members have access to
the booklet, which has program ideas from centers across the country.
Nominate your program by Oct. 24 | See the 2014 nominees
NISC Programs of Excellence Webinar
Did you miss the Aging Unleashed! 2014 Senior Center Conference? We’re bringing one of
the presentations to you via webinar! Three of last year’s NISC Programs of Excellence
Awardees will present on their outstanding programs. Register
National Senior Center Accreditation
Congratulations to the two senior centers- St. Charles Senior Community Center and the
Norris Square Senior Community Center who received National Senior Center
Accreditation on September 15, 2014. The two centers that were accredited complete a
group of three that pursued accreditation from Catholic Health Care Services (CHCS), part
of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Saint Anne’s Community Center was accredited on June
26, 2014.
Crisis Counseling Hotline Established in Response to Pennsylvania State Police
Shooting in Pike County
The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare (DPW) announced that a crisis counseling
hotline is now available to those affected by the recent state police shooting in Pike County.
Anyone coping with issues related to this incident is encouraged to call: 1-800-985-5990.
The phone number is available to all Pennsylvanians to help ease the stress related to this
situation. Trained professionals will take phone calls to provide emotional support for
callers. The TTY number of for deaf or hearing impaired individuals is: 1-800-846-8517.
Help is also available by texting 66746.
Pennsylvania Events
The 10th Annual Pennsylvania Culture Change Coalition
The 2014 ACCORD an annual all-day learning event, will take place Nov. 6, 2014 at The
Double Tree Hilton (301 W Dekalb Pike King of Prussia, PA 19406) To learn more and
register, go to The theme for the year is "It's a
Wonderful Life." Limited space; register early! Registration deadline: Oct. 30, 2014
Alternative Treatment for Brain Injury Recovery Conference
The Acquired Brain Injury Network of Pennsylvania is holding a conference on October 11,
2014, to explore the alternative treatments for brain injury recovery. For more information,
click here.
The 10th Annual Pennsylvania Culture Change Coalition
The 2014 ACCORD an annual all-day learning event, will take place Nov. 6, 2014 at The
Double Tree Hilton (301 W Dekalb Pike King of Prussia, PA 19406 ) To learn more and
register, go to The theme for the year is "It's a
Wonderful Life." Limited space—register early! Registration Deadline: Oct. 30, 2014
In The News
Pennsylvania Department of Aging celebrates Pharmaceutical Assistance Program’s 30th
PR Newswire
Area Senior Centers Awarded Grants
The Sentinel
** If you have something you wish to include, please contact us. Kindly direct your
comments and suggestions to Christina Reese in the Press Office