2015 COCE Undergraduate Commencement Program


2015 COCE Undergraduate Commencement Program
Southern New Hampshire
College of Online and Continuing Education
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Verizon Wireless Arena
Manchester, New Hampshire
“The future belongs to
those who believe in the
beauty of their dreams.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
New Hampshire Pipes and Drums, Mace Bearer, Faculty Marshal, Trustees
and the President’s Party, Faculty, Administration, Degree Candidates by unit:
Arts and Sciences, Business, and Nursing and Health Professions
The National Anthem
Samantha Enescu
The audience is asked to remain standing during the processional,
the singing of The National Anthem, and the invocation.
The Invocation
The Rev. Bruce Collard, Director of Campus Ministry
Greetings and Introduction of Platform Guests
Paul J. LeBlanc, President of Southern New Hampshire University
Student Address
Jennifer L. Morris, Graduate Student
Honorary Degree Recipient
Lisa Marsh Ryerson
President of AARP Foundation
Presented by Mark A. Ouellette, Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Conferred by Paul J. LeBlanc, President of Southern New Hampshire University
Hooded by Patricia Lynott, Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
The Commencement Address
Lisa Marsh Ryerson
Award Citations – Excellence in Teaching Award
Presentation of Degree Candidates
Patricia Lynott, Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Conferral of Degrees
Paul J. LeBlanc, President of Southern New Hampshire University
Reading of Degrees
Dan Poulin
Gary Carkin
Welcome to New Alumni
Tim Gerardi ’04, Director of the Alumni Association
The Rev. Bruce Collard, Director of Campus Ministry
The audience is requested to remain seated until the recessional is completed.
Please join us for a reception on the SNHU campus immediately following commencement.
The reception is being held in the Banquet Hall,
located on the second floor of the Dining Hall.
Commencement Dignitaries
Paul J. LeBlanc
Mace Bearer
Dr. Mary Westwater
Faculty Marshal
Dr. Mark Hobson
Unit Marshals
Nursing and Health Professionals
Karen Brooks
Arts and Sciences
Dr. Christopher Lee
Dr. Richard Schultz
President’s Marshal
Patricia Lynott, Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
A professional photographer will take a picture of each student.
Each graduate will then be sent a color photograph.
Honorary Degree Recipient
Lisa Marsh Ryerson
Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters
Lisa Marsh Ryerson is President of AARP Foundation and a
member of the Executive Leadership Team at AARP. She
is responsible for setting the strategic direction for AARP
Foundation and leading the organization’s comprehensive development and social impact
As the charitable 501(c)(3) affiliate of AARP, AARP Foundation helps millions of struggling older adults win back opportunity by focusing on the critical interrelated areas of
hunger, income, housing and isolation. A proven leader, fundraiser and driver of economic
development, Ms. Ryerson has continued to grow the Foundation’s work and maximize its
impact across the nation.
Prior to joining AARP Foundation in late 2013, Ms. Ryerson served eighteen years as
president and CEO of Wells College in Aurora, New York. She elevated the college’s standing
as a leader in providing an excellent liberal arts education, increased enrollment by 45 percent, fueled the economic revitalization of the community, and completed the largest and
most successful fundraising effort in the college’s history.
She led initiatives that resulted in substantial improvements to the Wells campus; the
revitalization of commercial properties in the village of Aurora; a successful transition to
coeducation after more than a century as a women’s college; the launch of an endowed Center
for Business and Entrepreneurship; and expanded programs and opportunities for students.
Under her leadership, the college increased enrollment and enjoyed consistently high
national rankings.
Ms. Ryerson’s philanthropic and volunteer roles span national, regional and local organizations. Her affiliations include serving as board member for L.A. Kitchen and the Congressional Hunger Center. She has also served on the Council of Independent Colleges; the
Middle States Commission on Higher Education; and the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, for whom she chaired the accountability committee. In addition, she served on the NCAA Division III President’s Council, as chair of the North Eastern
Athletic Conference President’s Council, and as board chair for the Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities of New York State.
Her achievements have earned her numerous awards, including recognition by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, Girls Inc. of Central New York, the Public
Relations Society of America, and the New York State Senate. In 2013, Ms. Marsh Ryerson
was named president emerita by the Wells College Board of Trustees.
Ms. Ryerson holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Wells College and a Master of Science
degree from the State University of New York College at Cortland. She received an Honorary
Doctor of Humane Letters from the State University of New York for having “met and
exceeded each of John Quincy Adams’ standards for leadership.”
Jennifer L. Morris
Master of Science in Community and Mental Health
Selected to make remarks on behalf of the
graduate class.
Good afternoon graduates.
My experience at SNHU has truly changed my life in ways
I’d never imagined. From the decision to apply, to actually
starting the program — it was like a dare I never thought I
could actually finish. Each hurdle, each step of the way, was a
small goal accomplished.
This journey has not been without sacrifices. When my newborn twins were barely six
months old and I was never home; working essentially two full-time jobs but only getting paid
for one during the double-internship-days I not-so-fondly refer to as “hell,” I held onto a
belief inside me that it would all be worth it in the end. I kept the faith that my own life experiences, coupled with this incredible high quality education, was a powerful combination that
could actually help people.
My husband, like all your families, truly supported me. Our supportive families are the
unsung heroes of this graduation ceremony. If it wasn’t for them and their commitment to our
educational goals, none of us would likely be here right now celebrating this amazing accomplishment.
Since I found recovery from alcohol and drug addiction through sobriety over a dozen
years ago, what I believed then but know now is that you can always reinvent yourself and
start over. In fact, we all can reinvent ourselves. I’d be willing to bet that all of us actually
have in some way. By choosing to begin working towards our individual Masters degrees,
each and every one of us has made a decision to start a new adventure; to begin a new chapter
in our lives.
The adversity my own family continues to face gives me a depth of compassion. I’m in an
interracial marriage and we have twin daughters that are literally two different skin colors.
Many SNHU students have a depth of character that comes from overcoming adversity. In the
serenity prayer, Reinhold Niebuhr calls it “…accepting hardships as a pathway to peace.” I
have found that to be very true lately. I am beginning to enjoy a stage of my life that Niebuhr
might call peace. I credit this in large part to the pride and great sense of achievement from
finishing my Masters degree.
Diversity in age, gender and race are what people notice and talk about, but the diversity
in our life experience is more important. I learned and I know you all have learned from the
diverse backgrounds and ideas of your faculty and fellow students. Our best professors would
admit that sometimes they were learning from us too. This reminds us that every human
being has a unique purpose and value.
I would not recommend getting pregnant with twins and starting grad school at the same
time to my worst enemy. Nevertheless, I understand we’re all stronger than we think we are
and I have proved to myself that the harder the struggle, the greater the reward.
Congratulations everyone and enjoy this moment, because this moment is all we have.
Carpe Diem!
The Excellence In Teaching Award
Southern New Hampshire University traditionally has recognized outstanding teaching in
its many degree programs. Following an extensive selection process, a full-time faculty member and an adjunct faculty member in COCE are honored with the Excellence in Teaching
Award, which is announced during the May commencement ceremony. The process is student-driven with all nominations coming from the student body. A committee of administrators, faculty, and students used the nomination information and the following criteria to
select the winners:
Effectiveness as a classroom teacher.
Commitment to advising and/or tutoring students beyond what might be expected.
Professional development to remain current in the discipline and teaching.
Contributions toward building the reputation or image of the university.
General attitude toward students that demonstrates a concern for their welfare.
The finalists for the 2015 Excellence in Teaching Award for the College of Online and Continuing
Education Adjunct Faculty are:
Joseph Amdahl — Language Arts
Sheri Chessani — Nursing
Margaret Donahue — Business
Amy Farnum — STEM
Academic Regalia
The academic costume worn today originated in the universities of the Middle Ages, when
a warm gown and hood were useful for scholars and clerics in unheated buildings. The
distinctive gown served to set the student apart from his fellow citizens, hence the perennial
controversy between ‘town and gown.’
Until after the Civil War, students at most American universities wore caps and gowns
daily while in residence. These varied in design until standardized by the American
Intercollegiate Commission in 1894. At that time it was decided that all robes would be
black; bachelor’s gowns would have long, pointed sleeves; master’s gowns would have long,
closed sleeves with slits for the arms at the elbows; and doctor’s gowns would have very full,
bell-shaped sleeves, each with three velvet bands matching the velvet facing of the gown
The length of hoods varies with the degree. The lining of the hood indicates the university
by the colors. The border of the hood indicates the academic discipline in which the degree
was earned.
The colors for academic fields established by the American Council on Education
Agriculture maize
Arts, Letters and Humanities white
Business, Commerce and Accounting light brown
Dentistry lilac
Economics copper
Education light blue
Engineering orange
Fine Arts brown
Forestry russet
Journalism crimson
Law purple
Library Science lemon
Medicine green
Music pink
Nursing apricot
Oratory silver gray
Pharmacy olive green
Philosophy dark blue
Physical Education sage green
Public Administration peacock blue
Science golden yellow
Social Work citron
Theology scarlet
Veterinary Science gray
(Caps and gowns representing degrees from foreign universities may be quite different
from those described. The most obvious difference may be in the cap, which is often a soft,
round hat of the style worn by medieval scholars.)
Graduation Procession
A procession of the various participants begins and ends our formal graduation ceremony.
Individuals are arranged to reflect the order of academic rank in the hierarchy of the traditional European university.
At SNHU the Mace Bearer leads the procession. He or she is followed by the Faculty
Marshals, the Platform Party, and then the Faculty of the schools arranged in order by seniority beginning with the senior faculty. The procession is concluded by the degree candidates.
They enter in groups representing their schools, led by a gonfalon (flag) and walking in rank.
Ceremonial Mace
The mace was first used as a weapon. The word comes from the Latin ‘mateola,’ meaning
mallet or staff. It consisted of a long club with a ball of steel or brass at one end. As newer
weapons came into use, the mace lost its prime purpose as an instrument of war. It had,
however, become a symbol of authority and power.
Universities in Europe with roots in the Middle Ages adopted maces as symbols of
authority and unity. Since then, other institutions of higher learning have come to use the
mace in their ceremonies.
Southern New Hampshire University commissioned David Elwell, a New Hampshire
silversmith, to create a mace to commemorate the university’s 50th anniversary
commencement. This mace is made of brass, aluminum, copper and bronze, with a staff of
ebony and African padauk.
The Presidential Medallion
The Presidential Medallion, worn by the president with academic regalia, is a symbolic
representation of the authority and responsibility vested by the university in the president. It
is a symbol of office that dates from medieval times and is worn by the president at all
ceremonial occasions.
The Presidential Medallion is a permanent possession of the university and is presented
to successive presidents at their inaugurations by the chairman of the Board of Trustees.
The chain and medallion are fabricated from sterling silver. The university emblem, in
relief, is the central design on the medallion. It is surrounded by a border of entwined wires,
similar in texture to the chain links, and finished with a square raised edge. The heavy,
twisted links of the chain bear four oval plates on each side. The background of the entire
piece is oxidized to highlight the relief design and textures. The names of those who have
held the office are engraved on the reverse side of the medallion.
The Presidential Medallion was designed and fabricated in 1987 by award-winning New
Hampshire metalsmith Jacquelyn Ferrency of Milford.
Southern New Hampshire University
Honor Societies
Delta Mu Delta
The Southern New Hampshire University Honor Society for business students is the
Gamma Nu Chapter of Delta Mu Delta, an International Honorary Society in Business
Administration. Its purpose is to promote and recognize training for business and to reward
scholastic achievement in business subjects.
Membership is restricted to business students of good character who are candidates for
the master degree and have achieved a cumulative grade-point average of 3.6 and are in the
top 20 percent of their respective class.
The following graduates have been inducted into the Gamma Nu Chapter of Delta Mu
Noura Alkhamis
Paige-Elizabeth Anderson
Jaclyn Anderson
Christopher Babbitt
Sharon Barber
Neusa Barros
Theodore Barta
Cheryl Barton
Jason Bays
Geoffrey Beauparlant
Patrick Bennett
Laura Bielitz
Karen Bolton
Heidy Bordom
Joseph Bouchard
Jamie Braddock
Stacey Breton
Kelsey Brooks
Sarah Bundzinski
Alyssa Bunnell
Kraig Bye
William Calhoun
Jeffrey Candito
Craig Carr
Robert Carr
Kelly Carrigan
Jackie Catalano
Brian Church
Shawn Clark
Phoebe Clark
Renee Clement
Colin Coates
Samantha Colby
Kristen Collard
Helen Cooley
Mary Cooper
Daniel Courant
Robyn Curdie
Amy Currier
Heidi Curry
Karen Cushman
Kristen Daisey
James Danforth
Casidhe Daniels
Mitch Daulton
Marcus Davis
Chrissi Davis
Cindy Dayley
Suzanne Delica
Bradley Demers
Hemant Deshpande
James Diemer
Bradford Diver
Theresa Diver
Laura Doran
Vinicius Dos Santos
Sarah Dubois
Robert Duncan
Sharon Duplayee
Bethany Dupree
Elizabeth Dutton
Steven Dykeman
Scott Egan
Demet Erol Guzeloglu
Stephen Fink
Pamela Fletcher
Sarah Florino
William Forbes
Regina Ford
Jacqueline Frey
Bradley Frey
Jesse Fromosky
Charles Fulghum
Lani Fullerton
George Furdyna
Andre Garron
Wendy George-Phippen
Seyedreza Ghazinourinaeini
Cheryl Goulet
Malcolm Graham
Amanda Gramer
Lisa Gray
Jaclyn Green
Melanie Green
Kristen Grenier
Andrew Groh
Paula Guillette
Andrew Haglin
Matthew Harris
Avia Haynes
Ryan Hazen
Dina Helbig
Cheryl Hemric
Francis Henkel
Heather Hodgson
Patricia Holben
David Holden
Paul Holleran
Hayden Hopkin
Ellen Houston-Pozek
David Hurlburt
Rena Jackson
Andrea Johnson
Alysia Johnston
Dennis Jones
Michele Jones
Lucas Kahungwa
Jamie Kaplan
Theresa Kearns
William Kennedy
Zubair Khan
Michael Klein
Brianne Kokinda
Christopher Kuleci
Alexander Labrie
Drema Langdon
Amanda LaPietra
Amy Leander
Natasha LeCours
Julia Lee Hong Looi
Lisa Kaye Levan
William Libby
Litian Liu
Daniel Lococo
Lemmoar Lovett
Kate Ly
Allison MacAulay
Trina Mackey
Lauren MacNeil
Rachel Martus
Jessica Mason
Kara Massingham
Karen McArthur
Taylor McNeely
Mary Metivier
Katherine Mongan
Ryan Mooers
Carla Moreau
Amy Mowers
Sean Murphy
Loan Nguyen
Kristine Nicholson
Sarah Nipwoda
Faiza Noor
Katie O’Brien
Deneen O’Leary
Stephanie Ondus
Kyle Palo
Reuben Parker
Lori Pelletier
Lance Pelley
Sean Perryman
Valerie Picco
Larissa Pickett
Tongtip Pingeesakikul
Stacey Plamondon
Karen Plum
Fernando Poe
Timothy Prymak
Roxanne Raeside-Wilton
Christine Rametta
Trevin Rard
Darleen Ratte
Mary Reddinger
Rachell Relyea
Sabine Remick
Julian Riano
Christopher Rice
Jennifer Richardi
Zachary Richards
Marek Rivero
Marek Rivero
Richard Robicheau
Edianne Rodriguez
Kristen Rowles
Aisha Saleem
Ali Sanjabi
Antonio Saric
Laura Scafati
Maurice Scafe
Nancy Scandura
Robert Shanahan
Joanne Marie Shaw
Kesha Sinsabaugh
Theresa Smith
Joseph Soldano
Federica Sotgiu
Karthikeyan Srinivasan
Alyson St Amand
Susan St Amand
Corey Steadman
Terrence Stevens
Tobey Strauch
Matthew Sturtevant
Melissa Sullivan
Dani Summerford
Megan Symes
Haley Tamburo
Michael Tano
Lizzette Tarver
April Thibault
Christin Thompson
Gladys Thompson
Dana Torsey
John Tran
Tammy Traniello
Helle Tychsen
Jennaffer Vanzee
Robert Walker
Diana White
Patricia Whitney
Nicole Wilkinson
Akeem Williams
Lori Wood
Michael Wystepek
Mary Yanocsko
Xinyi Zhang
The National Society of Leadership and Success
The Society is the nation’s largest leadership honor society. Students are selected by
SNHU for membership based on either academic standing or leadership potential. Nominated Graduate students must have at least a 3.5 GPA. Candidacy is a nationally recognized
achievement of honorable distinction.
With 472 chapters, the Society currently has 419,794 members nationwide. In addition to
honorable distinction, the Society provides a step-by-step program for members to build their
leadership skills through participation at their campus or online. Upon completion of the
program, members receive their leadership certificate and take their place among the top
student leaders at their campus and across the country. Members are able to list their affiliations on all statements of personal accomplishment, including their resume.
Christina Abebreseh
Yolanda Abokhai
Shawndel Agrippa
David Akindele
Melissa Alicea
Noura Alkhamis
Aeshah Alkhelaiwi
Kathryn Allaire
Krystal Allen
Amy Allen
Reginald Allen
Ric Allen
Emad Al Rshaidat
Daniel Ambrosio
Kojo Anim
Samuel Ankrah
Nadeem Ansari
Oluwaseun Apanisile
Hedei Arias
Patrick Arida
Brett Armstrong
Emily Artman
Kwabena Asante-Frimpong
Valentina Astakhov
Michael Atkins
William Auchter
Dana Aulds
Rogene Avery
Anthony Awuviri
Moussa Ba
Christopher Babbitt
Kristy Bain
Alexis Baker
Alexis Balamani
Nora Balas
Titilayo Bamidele-Ibrahim
Belal Bani Yassin
Ephrem Bankashe
Maria Barbagallo
Sharon Barber
John Barker
Sarah Barnes
Raina Barnett
Veronica Barron
Neusa Barros
Theodore Barta
Cheryl Barton
Praveen Basnet
Amanda Bass
Emily Bastress
Melissa Battersby
Taylor Baude
Alexander Baydoun
Jennifer Bearer
Geoffrey Beauparlant
David Beck
Cara Bedore
Kent Belcher
Leonard Bell
Victoria Bell
Michael Bernhardt
Angie Berrios
James Bessette
Dorothy Bethea
Robert Betts
Mohammad Bhuiyan
Seth Bickford
Laura Bielitz
Irina Biese
Timothy Bilodeau
Sharon Bishop
Autumn Bishop
Neetika Bista
Nathaly Bitar
Melissa Blank
Heather Boccalino
Mary Bochichio
Karen Bolton
Sharon Bond
Shannon Bonsey
Janette Bosetin
Haven Bouton
Bryan Bove
Matthew Bowe
Allison Bowen
Mary Bowers
Devin Bradley
Wendy Bradley
Eric Brame
Regina Breier
Michelle Breitigan
Kathleen Bresnahan
Caitlin Brinkman
Jamicheal Brooks
Jamie Brousseau
William Brown
Nicole Brown
Frederick Bruce
Melissa Brule
Michael Bruno
Catie Buchanan
Samphors Bun
Sarah Bundzinski
Linda Burgos Neacato
Misty Burke
Carol Buss
Megan Buthelezi
Eisherat Butt
Monica Bycroft
Kraig Bye
Theresa Byrne
Nathaniel Byrum
Nicole Caggiano
William Calhoun
Mohamed Camara
Teresa Cambare
Peter Cao
Kimberly Capel
Christine Caporale
Raquel Carbonell
Ashley Carelli
Amanda Carey-Thompson
Thomas Carlson
Andrea Carnahan
Philip Caron
Robert Carr
Craig Carr
Kelly Carrigan
Anthony Carter
Shaneka Carter
Elizabeth Cassarino
Geraldine Castillo
Cheryl Cavanaugh
Lisa Celaya
Tamara Cella
Michele Cerami
Rebecca Cerbone
Christina Chacon
Nicola Chambers-Holder
Amanda Champagne
Amy Chaput
Gail Chauncey
Justin Childress
Sandeep Chunduru
Sara Cipriano
Emily Clark
Jeff Clark
Shawn Clark
Kelly Clifton
Megan Closson
Colin Coates
Catherine Cody
Vanessa Coelho
Shirrill Cofrin
Elena Cohen
Shanice Cole
Deanna Cole
Lori Cole
Iantha Coleman
Christopher Collibee
Lannie Collins
Marcos Collins
Orlando Colon
Omayra Comas
Jason Comeau
Angela Compton
Amanda Conceicao
Mary Condon
Joeby Connell
Deborah Cook
Dustin Cook
Jessica Cooper
Mary Cooper
Megan Cooper
Ante Cop
Benjamin Cornelius
Nicole Corry
Briana Cousins
Amy Couzzins-Rawson
Michael Coyle
Sharon Craig
April Croteau
Taylor Crowley
Kerry Crutchley
Yufeng Cui
Christopher Cunniff
Robyn Curdie
Tessa Curry
Heidi Curry
Karen Cushman
Stephanie Cutter
Ginelle Czerula
Kristen Daisey
Casidhe Daniels
Erin Davey
Bonnie Davis
Melissa Davis
Cindy Dayley
Thomas Deady
Thomas Defelice
Robert Defeo
Danielle DeGarmo
Leah DeGregorio
Suzanne Delica
Julie Delice
Carmel DeLitizia
Cheryle Demaria
Courtney Demers
Bradley Demers
Sigrid Denhardt
Pierre Desanges
Hemant Deshpande
Jennifer De Sousa
Jason Despier
Kylie Desrosiers
Marsha Deussen
Julie Devincenzi
Renee Deyermond
Thomas Diamond
Johanna Dibley
Virginia Dill
Laura Dinsdale
Donald Dionne
Ahmed Dirshe
Junnior Dishmey
Bradford Diver
Theresa Diver
Ellen Donahue
Roberto Done
Amanda Donovan
William Dooley
Laura Doran
Francesse Dorval
Caitlin Dougherty
Utahya Drye
Krisstofer Dugan
Robert Duncan
Elizabeth Dunham
Elizabeth Dutton
Chelsea Eads
Denise Edwards
Scott Egan
Kati Eggert
Peter Egya-Ansah
Amani Elmawed
Joanne Eskreis
Jennifer Evans
Sumiko Evans
Krista Everdon
Beth Falder
Rachel Faris
Grace Fecteau
Abigail Fernandes
Lindsay Ferris
Michael Field
John Fier
Michael Finkley
Steven Finnegan
Nicole Fiorino
David Fischer
Lindsay Flanagan
Pamela Fletcher
Yourry Fleurant
Tiffany Flinn
Sarah Florino
William Flynn
William Fongang
Regina Ford
Elizabeth Foss
Samantha Foster
Gregg Freauff
Brittney Freckleton
Jesse Fromosky
Michael Frost
Paige Fucello
Charles Fulghum
Amy Furtado
Anthony Fusco
Anastasia Gallardo
Sara Gallotto
Jiaqi Gao
Robert Garrahan
Erika Gavin
Rebecca Gawron
Stephanie Gee
Geanice Gee
Seyedreza Ghazinourinaeini
Meghan Giarnese
Alycia Gibson
Frank Gill
Sarah Gimilaro
Kirk Glasgow
Katie Glasheen
Lynette Glenn
Joe Goff
Katrina Gomes
Carrie Goodsell
Dawn Goodwin
Heather Gordon
Jessica Gould
Samone Gould
Laurie Gouthro
Michael Grabski
Angela Grace
Twanda Grace
Malcolm Graham
Amanda Gramer
Meghan Gray
Tonya Grayson
Jaclyn Green
Brandon Green
Victor Groner
Erin Groppe
Margarita Guerra Engel
Sara Gunkel
Jennifer Gunter
Miguel Gutierrez
Elizabeth Guyette
David Hackman
Andrew Haglin
Janice Hamscher
Tiffany Han
Jananisri Harendran
Tanine Harmony
Shane Harphant
Kristopher Harris
Michael Harris
Avia Haynes
Ryan Hazen
Alicia Healey
Mandy Height
Dina Helbig
Cheryl Hemric
Stewart Henry
John Hernandez
Kiirsten Hernandez
Sherri Hill
Joshua Hill
William Hinrichsen
Brandon Hoffman
Holly Hoffner
Alana Hokans
James Hornaday
Kent Howard
Molly Howe
Kyrie Hubbard
Monica Hubler
Sheila Hudson
Martha Hunn
Marianne Hurley
Frank Iaconetti
Debra Jankowsky
Blanca Jauregui-Gonzalez
Christy Jefferson
Giselle Jeffries
Katherine Jellum
David Jenkins
Lee Jennings
Kathleen Jensen
Erin Jipner
Andrea Johnson
Tara Johnson
Jeffrey Johnson
Kaibeh Johnson
Aabett Johnson
Melanie Johnson
Christina Johnson
Alysia Johnston
Wacharaporn Jomrit
Dennis Jones
Tammy Jones
Stacey Jones
Tanya Jordan
Ispolien Joseph
Lane Judy
Mamun Kabir
Stefanos Kabouris
Lucas Kahungwa
Sedinam Kakrada
Christina Kane
Shaena Kanion
Jamie Kaplan
Sandra Kashmar
Kaytie Keane
Zamira Keating
Janice Keefe
Ethan Kelly
William Kennedy
John Kennedy
Molly Kerr
Ryan Kesler
Zubair Khan
Gabrielle Kilponen
David King
Tamara Kirk
Christopher Kirwin
Jessica Kittle
Michael Klein
Ayawo Klousse
Eileen Koecher
Brianne Kokinda
Lenore Kolar
Kristen Kole
Konstantinos Korinis
Jan Koslowsky
Luke Kroeger
Boreth Kul
Christopher Kuleci
Katherine Kuzma-Beck
Jennifer Laatsch
Alexander Labrie
Ryan Lachance
Raven Ladon
Walter Lahair
Melissa Lair
Henok Lakew
Vickie Lam
Jessica Laughlin
Gloria Lauture
TA Marie Lawrence
Donald Layden
Thanh Le
Tai Le
Ariana Leblanc
Julia Lee Hong Looi
Kristen Lepore
Lisa Kaye Levan
Kristin Lewis
Melissa Lima
Megan Lofton
Darren Longley
Amy Lopes
Allison Lord
Jennifer Lord-Paquin
Sheila Loren
Colette Loud
Cheryl Loux
Roy Lowe
Angela Lowrey
Joanne Lucas
Shaina Lucas
Michelle Lund
Carolyn MacDonald
Maria MacIas
Janelle Maciejewski
Jessica Mackey
Sandra MacKey
Nicholas MacLeay
Jade MacLeish
Vanessa Madore
Hilary Maes
Lauren Magaw
Oana Man
Julie Mandello
Mounica Mandhadi
Sean Maples
Charles Maranga
Kelly Marcum
Krysta Mardon
Kelly Marshall
Katie Martel
Chelsea Martin
Kara Massingham
Hollie Mathias
Lera Mathis-Ford
Katherine Matos Montes
Kelsey Maybury
Joseph McCalvin
Michael McCann
Jennifer McCartin
Joseph McCay
Jason McCormick
Carolyn McCormick
Megan McCullum
Karim McDougall
Corey McGee
Tracy McGill
Kelly McGraw
Jonie McGraw
Taylor McNeely
Margaret McNellis
Shaun Mellett
Amanda Mello
Laura Mendez
Adriaen Mercer
Vanessa Meredith
Amanda Meredith
Tonya Merrill
Michael Meserve
Meleisha Mignott
Brandon Miles
Daniel Miller
Ken Miller
Sandra Milliken
Rhonda Mills
Jennifer Mitchell
Cassandra Monahan
Katherine Mongan
Alyssa Moniz
Ryan Mooers
Kelly Moore
James Moore
Jack Moorhouse
Maria Mora Canal
Wilfredo Moran
Samir Morani
Amy Morgan
Ihsan Moroy
Chad Morrison
Shauna Morrison
Cecilia Mosher
Paul Mound
Isadora Moustata
Sandra Mullen
Michael Muller
Rodrigo Munoz
Sean Murphy
Tracey Murphy
Kathryn Murphy
Carolyn Murphy
Kevin Murphy
Julianna Murray
Sarah Murray
Scott Murray
Paul Myers
Justin Nadolski
Noreen Nafuna
Deborah Nagel
Victoria Nagy
Christa Naso
Mercy Ndua
Tyler Neese
Matthew Nelson
Abimana Ngira
Kristine Nicholson
David Nieves
Sarah Nipwoda
Yui Nishimura
Mark Noble
Nicholas Nocida
Galen Norman
Stacy Norris
Kelly Norton
Susan Norton
Taif Nouri
Agnes Nyakundi
Katie O’Brien
Shannon O’Brien
Donrell Oketokun
Shotaro Okuda
Nana Kwame OkyereTawiah
Deneen O’Leary
Alicia Olson
Jessica Oltman
Job Ombati
Stephanie Ondus
James Onduso
Brittany O’Neil
Jocelynn Only
Danielle Opalka
Marion Orcutt
Nosakhare Orobaton
John O’Rourke
Julie Ostuno
Kenneth Ouellette
Alicia Ouellette
Gerald Overby
Aliu Oyakire
Oluyomi Oyekunle
Yahya Ozyazgan
Jessica Pace
Laura Pacheco
Calista Palmer
Ida Parker
Aaron Parson
Dhruv Patel
Pratikkumar Patel
Kristina Patterson
Nicole Patterson
Benjamin Patz
Mara Paul
Sara Paz
Jeymy Pena
Krystal Perez
Kristie Perreault
Dana Perry
Roy Peters
Deborah Peters
Tenaya Peters
Amber Petrizzo
Eunice Philbin-King
Gregory Pickus
Eric Place
Stacey Plamondon
Rachael Plock
Shandra Plourde
Brandy Polinick
Melisa Porter
Loring Porter
Christina Porter
Samantha Potter
Clinton Powell
Justin Power
Emily Prange
Bret Price
Susan Primrose
Miranda Prizio
Radha Madhavi Putnala
Suzanne Quick
Seifu Ragassa
Ruth Ragatz
Christine Ralph
Maria Ramirez
Gary Ramsdell
Terri Randall
Suzanne Rapoza
Stephen Rapp
Sarah Rasheed
Huey Ratcliff
Ducarmel Rateau
Paul Rau
James Ray
Brian Reiner
Jillian Rensvold
Debbie Reppucci
Jon Rhan
Katie Ricciardi
Nina Richardson
Richard Rissetto
Jorge Rivasplata
Marek Rivero
Bianca Rizzo
Stephen Robbins
Kristina Robert
Jessica Robertson
Danette Robinson
Jillian Robinson
Amelia Rodriguez
Scott Rogerson
Marinda Romesser
Craig Rondeau
Melissa Rosario
Jessica Ross
Ashley Rossi
Nia Rothmaller
Lynn Rowan
Jesse Roy
John Ryan
Timothy Ryan
Joseph Salamone
Aisha Saleem
Marie Salvaggione
Danielle Sanborn
Ali Sanjabi
Akash Sankepally
Nelson Santana
Abel Santana
Nana Sarkwa
Katrina Savage
Veranika Savitskaya
Laura Scafati
Nancy Scandura
Joseph Schliesser
Michael Schmalzer
Sarah Schollgen
Jacob Schoonmaker
Michele Schrier
Thomas Scott
Amy Scott
Rosalyn Scott
Megan Scott
Victoria Seamans
Kitiara See
Milton Segarra Mejia
Sarah Shabo
Robert Shanahan
John Sharkey
Kimberly Shaw
Joanne Marie Shaw
Abdullah Shbeer
Linda Shea
Sarah Shelmidine
Nicole Sheppard
Michael Short
Philip Simmons
Dora Simpson
Denise Simpson
Jessica Simpson
Jacquelynn Sims
Aparna Singh
Kesha Sinsabaugh
Brian Siu
John Sizemore
Ashley Skerry
Aimee Smith
Charlene Smith
Theresa Smith
Kyana Smith
Bradley Smith
Ronnesha Smith-Burrell
Anastasia Smothers
Maureen Snyder
Christopher Soden
Amy Somerfield
Federica Sotgiu
Eric Soucy
James Southern
Samantha Souza
Brian Sowakinas
David Spicer
Jodi Springer
Karthikeyan Srinivasan
Eric Stanley
Thomas Stanton
Brittany St Bernard
David Steber
Jeremy Steffensen
Sylvia Stein
Terrence Stevens
Suhailah Stevenson
Tiffany Stewart
Jonathan Stiers
Tobey Strauch
Deborah Stroman
Matthew Sturtevant
Melissa Sullivan
Richard Swan
Heather Sweeney
Megan Symes
Ernest Taku
Jeffrey Talbot
Brandon Tank
Lizzette Tarver
Jada Taylor
Byron Taylor
Elise Tebbetts
Shruti Thakur
May Yen Tham
Veronica Thomas
Christin Thompson
Shannon Thompson
Kenya Thompson
Gladys Thompson
Jacobo Torres Gálvez
Dana Torsey
Jack Tralongo
John Tran
Tammy Traniello
Julie Traynor
Matthew Trombley
Brittany Tucker
Caitlin Turecek
Alyson Turner
Justine Turner
Arianne Turnmire
Stephanie Tuttle
Joseph Tweeddale
Helle Tychsen
Melissa Ulbricht
Harrison Uwadia
Jason Valente
Aaron Valliere
Arthur Vanderminden
Michelle Varga
Katerina Vazan
Trent Vellella
Danielle Veno
Lauren Verge
Andrea Vomacka
Ethan Wall
Kelvin Wallace
Aaron Wallace
Jennifer Walsh
Nicole Walton-Trujillo
Dale Wampler
Caroline Wanjohi
Bradford Wankewicz
Jeannette Washington
Kortney Watkins
Matthew Watson
Nicholas Watson
Alysha Watson
Nancy Wayland
Carly Welch
Kylie Welsh
Robert Wescott
Timothy West
Charles West
Brian Westmoreland
Diana White
Abby Whitten
Anthony Whitten
Sophia Wiedermann
Holly Wielsma
Emily Wilkes
Michael Williams
Akeem Williams
Jennifer Wilson
Brian Winslow
Christopher Winter
Brian Wixted
Bryan Womack
Caroline Wood
Megan Wootton
Kara Wyman
Joseph Wysocki
Michael Wystepek
Ranran Xiao
Mary Yanocsko
Jessica Yelle
Christopher Zabala
Raul Zanabria
George Zegalia
Pi Lambda Theta
Founded in 1910, Pi Lambda Theta is the most selective honor society for educators. Pi
Lambda Theta recognizes the academic achievement and outstanding disposition of graduating education students.
The accomplishments of exemplary education students are honored through this induction. Candidates’ development of knowledge, skills, professionalism, and leadership are promoted and supported through their membership in Pi Lambda Theta, a member of Phi Delta
Kappa International.
At Southern New Hampshire University, there is a direct honors program where Pi
Lambda Theta extends membership to graduating students who have been identified by
School of Education faculty as having satisfied the eligibility requirements. Graduate students must have earned a 3.9 or above. All candidates must have demonstrated exceptional
disposition through their education program
Sheli Aldridge
Beth Allen
Jennifer Anastasov
Alexis Baker
Alison Bancroft
Kimberly Capel
Emily Clark
Catherine Clermont
April Croteau
Ryan Farnsworth
Abigail Fernandes
Joshua Hill
Alana Hokans
Debra Jankowsky
Kelsey Maybury
Jessica Oltman
Alicia Ouellette
Gary Ramsdell
John Ryan
Michael Short
Rachel Valenza
Jill Whittemore
Emily Wilkes
Psi Chi
Psi Chi is the International Honor Society in psychology and was founded in 1929. The
purpose of Psi Chi is to encourage, stimulate and maintain excellence in scholarship and in
advancing the science of psychology. Membership is open to graduate and undergraduate
students who are making the study of psychology a major interest. All undergraduate psychology majors/minors who are in the upper 35% of their class and have a minimum 3.0
GPA, as well as graduate psychology students who have minimum overall 3.0 GPA are eligible for membership.
Psi Chi is a member of The Association of College Honor Societies and is an affiliate of
the American Psychological Association and the American Psychological Society.
Jennifer Morris
Sigma Tau Delta
Sigma Tau Delta is the International English Honors Society. SNHU established its own
chapter, Alpha Phi Beta, in the spring of 2015. The Honors Society provides eligible English
Language and Literature and Creative Writing majors, minors, and graduate students with
critical academic and professional opportunities such as attending and presenting at conferences, publishing research, taking field trips, and creating valuable networking opportunities.
Sigma Tau Delta undergraduate inductees have completed at least three semesters at
SNHU, have completed more than two literature courses beyond the General Education
requirements, and have maintained a minimum 3.3 G.P.A. Graduate inductees have completed at least six semester hours at SNHU and have maintained a minimum 3.3 G.P.A.
Nanette Allen
Brett Armstrong
Leola Barrolle
Jeremiah Bass
Theresa Birmingham
Sharon Bishop
Taryn Blake
Melissa Blank
Heather Bodiford
Eric Brame
Nicole Caggiano
Sara Cipriano
Benjamin Cox
Bonnie Davis
Carmel DeLitizia
Alison Downs
Joanne Eskreis
Kira Franklin
William Gamble
Gina Gentry
Benjamin Gillespie
Dawn Goodwin
Sara Gunkel
Jennifer Gunter
Kiirsten Hernandez
Jon Jackson
Jasmine Jackson
Lee Jennings
Stacey Jones
Alice Justice
Sandra Kashmar
Darren Longley
Cheryl Loux
Angela Lowrey
Shaina Lucas
Lauren Magaw
Jamiel Maze
Jonie McGraw
Margaret McNellis
James Moore
Alexander Neely
Keoki Nunies
Frank Pafume
Michelle Roberti
Jill Schaefer
Amber Shakur
Michael Short
Jacquelynn Sims
John Sizemore
Sylvia Stein
Corinna Stone
Candice Tapia
Arianne Turnmire
Bethany Veith
Andrea Warren
Nancy Wayland
The Order of Omega
Southern New Hampshire University became a member of Order of Omega in May of
2009, in the fiftieth year of this national organization, joining hundreds of other Universities
and colleges around the nation. Order of Omega is an honor society exclusively for Greek
Letter Organizations, so to become a member of this group one must be actively involved in a
fraternity or sorority. The purpose of this organization is to recognize fraternity men and
women who have displayed a strong sense of leadership in their Greek activities and have a
strong character and academic standing, to encourage them to continue their success and to
inspire others to do the same.
Membership in Order of Omega is open to all students in the Greek Community who have
completed at least one half of the work required for a baccalaureate degree. Student must be
in the top 15 percent of fraternities and sororities and membership is based on character,
leadership in the Greek Community as a whole, philanthropy and brother and sister values.
Sarah Bundzinski
Samantha Colby
Bettina Gay
Kyle Palo
Jillian Rensvold
The list of commencement participants is not a complete list of Honor Society members.
Changes in the official list may occur following the publication date of this program.
Arts and Sciences
Master of Arts
Maria Abadir
Danielle Abell
David F. Akindele
Dania Tareq Al Husseini
Daivee-Chantel Allen
Nanette Allen
Raoul Bourdeau Altidor
Brett Armstrong
Dawn Arrington
Deborah Kay White Atkinson
Tera Auch
William Auchter
Keandra August
Carol Azaka
Amy Bachert
Joshua Bailey
Kristy Bain
Alexis Balamani
Cody Matthew Baldridge
Eduardo Balseiro
Kimberley Bancroft
Ephrem Gebremichael Bankashe
Kate Barber
David Barker
Erin Barnes
Leola Barrolle
Amy Barry
Brian Barth
Jeremiah Bass
Ani Bazdekian
Brooke Beland
Maria Belotti
Brandi Bennett
Irina Biese
Morgan Billings
Theresa Birmingham
Sharon R. Bishop
Jasmine Blackwell
Taryn Leigh Blake
Shannon Blameuser
Melissa Mateo Blank
Daniel Dickson Kwame Boateng
Heather Bodiford
Margaret York Bogdan
Gregory Bond
Janette Bosetin
Bryan Thomas Bove
Shelby Bowen
Devin Bradley
Eric Matthew Brame
Amanda Brannigan
Samantha J. Brooks
David Brown
Laura Elizabeth Brown
Jason Bryan
Erica Buell
Misty Dawn Burke
Cameron Burry
Jefferson Burson
Monica Bycroft
Theresa Byrne
Nicole Caggiano
Tanika Cain
Anna B. Caldwell
Crystal Cantu
Christine Caporale
Amanda Carey-Thompson
Sarah Carson
Jessica Carter
Patricia Casey
Emily Cave
Lisa L. Celaya
Rebecca Cerbone
Justin Childress
Tiffaney Chilton
Sara Cipriano
Jackie Clark
Adriane Clarke
Cena Codega
Lori Cole
David Coleman
Juan Collado
Jennifer Collins
Omayra Comas
Larissa Cooney
Megan Cooper
Alina F. Corrigan
Benjamin Cox
Bonnie Davis
Bradford N. Davis
Jennifer Davis
Lauren Davis
Melissa Davis
Josiah G. Dawley
Thomas Deady
Carmel Delitizia
Cody A. Delles
Veronica Deveau
Elizabeth A. Devine
Laura Rae Dinsdale
Rebekah Dodson
Ann Marie Dolor
William Patrick Donovan
Paula L. Dorrell
Alison Downs
Kenneth M. Durham
Jonathan Ellis
Patricia Ann Embro
Jessica Encinias
Joanne Eskreis
Krista Everdon
Amanda Faris
Joann King Farley
Melissa Farrell
Byron Martin Fields
Andrea Finney
Lindsay Clyde Flanagan
Alison Elizabeth Flewelling
Kira Franklin
Gregg Freauff
Chazarrae Samuel Freeman
Larry Joseph Frownfelter
Linda Mallin Frydl
Victoria Rae Funk
Anastasia Gallardo
William E. Gamble
Kelly A. Garinger
Rebecca Gawron
Geanice Gee
Alexander Gentile
Gina L. Gentry
Kathleen George
Morgan E. George
Alycia Gibson
Frank Gill
Benjamin D Gillespie
Robert Gillian
Megan Girimonti
Matthew Gober
Dawn Goodwin
Kathrine Graham
Oswald G. Graham
Karly Michelle Gray
Meghan S. Gray
Victor Groner
Sara Jessica Gunkel
Jennifer Hight Gunter
Alyssa Guzik
Gabrielle Hall
Cassandra Hamilton
Zahra Hammoud
Jerry Grant Hardy
Tanine Harmony
Kristopher Harris
Tami A. Hartman
Elizabeth B. Hayward
Richard Heiman
Kevin Jacob Heintz
Lara Katherine Helton
Kiirsten Hernandez
Jamie Renae Hicks
Patricia Himmel
Scott Hoenstine
Stacey May Hogberg
Leo Howell
Belinda Hoyle
Kyrie Dawn Hubbard
Cassandra Hudley
Sheila Hudson
Christopher K. Huntington
Jasmine Jackson
Jon Jackson
Graham Jaehnig
Melissa Ann James
Giselle Jeffries
Katherine Jellum
Lee Meredith Jennings
Christina Johnson
James Scot Johnson
Tamika Johnson
Kelsey Kabrina Jones
Nicarra Jones
Sharon Jones
Stacey Jones
Tammy Roshell Jones
Jeanina Joseph
Laurie Joseph
Marie Mona Joseph
Chance Lee Joyner
Alice Justice
Tambu S. Kahari
Sedinam Kakrada
Christina Kane
Sandra Kashmar
Kaytie Keane
Gabrielle Kilponen
Meskerem Kinfe
Tamara Kirk
Melissa Kloempken
Kristen Kole
Kristina Kolshak
Katherine Kuzma-Beck
Alexandria Kwiek
Rae Michelle-Elizabeth Kyle
Lisha Lansberry
Jessica Laughlin
Noelle Pruit Lawing
T.A. Marie Lawrence
Melanie A. Leaver
Ashley Lemak
Erika Denise Lemke
Gregory Lenza
Kristin Lewis
Jessica Listi
Darren W. Longley
Cheryl Lee Loudermelt
Cheryl Loux
Donnetta Letitia Lowe
Angelia Katherine Lowrey
Jo-Anne Lucas
Shaina Ashley Lucas
Amanda Ludkiewicz
Meredith Jean Lusk
Victor Maccharoli
Jade MacLeish
Lauren Ashley Magaw
Michelle Malinovsky
Jaren Maluyo
Cristina Luisa Mancillas
Michael Marriott
Amanda Marsico
Chelsea Martin
Daniel Jeffrey Martino
Alexander Marx
Catherine Masaoka
Gregory L. Massey
Todd Mayville
Jamiel Maze
Sara McCartney
Charlotte McDonnell
Brian McGhee
Tracy Lynn McGill
Jonie J. McGraw
April L. McHugh
Michelle Alicia McLean
Margaret McNellis
Santisha L. McRae
Amanda Mello
Laura Menard
Toni Menden
Tonya G. Merrill
Tammy Annette Michael
Dwight Lane Mills
Rhonda Mills
Christopher Misterka
James T. Moore, Jr.
Amy Morgan
Joanie Joy Morgan
Kimberly Michelle Morgan
Mary Morgan
Isadora A. Moustata
Genese Lynett Muse
Trent Nakata
Alexander Neely
Matthew Neely
Tyler Guy Neese
Susan Nelson
Alena Cristina Nestler
Coreena Lee Neumire
Sarah Nichol
Krystal Nies
Tisha Noel
Jessica Noonan
Keoki Nunies
Adam O'Connor
Lakesha Oliver
James Olverson
Kelly Lynn O'Neill
Danielle R. Opalka
Nosakhare Orobaton
Ian Ouziel
Caleb Owens
Ashley Padgett
Frank N. Pafume
Katherine T Parker
Monica Parks
Stephanie Patterson
Kelly Peppard
Krystal Perez
Rachel Perley
Mark Petersen
Jocelyn Elise Phillips
Dana Picard
Gregory Pickus
Percival Constantine Pollard
Lori Polydoros
Miranda R. E. Prizio
Suzanne Carole Quick
Mariah Rackliff
Jillian Rensvold
Michael A. Rhodes
Andrea Daniene Rhyner
Ashley Brooke Richmond Kimmelman
Amanda Riisager
Jennifer Lynne Roach
Michelle Roberti
Don E. Robinson
Amelia E. Rodriguez
Anna E. Rogers
Melissa A. Rohen
Marinda Romesser
Jessica J. Ross
Andrew D. Rottino
Valerie Nicole Sanchez
Melissa Annette Santiago
James Santore
Shawnna Sanzo
Dana Sato
Robert Saucedo, Jr.
Jill Lynn Schaefer
Christopher Schillig
Shaunna Brittany Schnitker
Michele Schrier
Jennifer J Schroeder
Amy Scott
Desiree Scott
Megan Scott
Carissa Sechrist
Kimberly Shakallis
Amber Shakur
Sheri Shannon
Linda Anne Shea
Jacob Sherwood
Michelle Marie Shreeve
Joseph P. Silva, Jr.
Philip Simmons
Peter Simon
Dora J. Simpson
Jacquelynn Sims
John Sizemore
Joanne Skeen
Allison J. Smedley
Afyia Smith
David Smith
Prentiss Smith
Anastasia Smothers
Lacy Sneller
Richard A. Sockey IV
Brian Sowakinas
Cory Spells
Jodi Springer
Barbara Sprott
Dedra Steele
Jeremy Steffensen
Sylvia Stein
Robert Stewart
Michele Stornello
Erik Strommen
Matthew Sudduth
Patrick Sullivan
Danielle Swanson
Jeffrey Talbot
Brandon Montgomery Tank
Candice Tapia
Byron Taylor
Steven Terrill
Laquanda Thomas
Kenya Yolanda Thompson
Michael Thompson
Shannon Thompson
Pete Tijerina
Michael Todorovich
Melanie Tokar
Andrew Toussaint
Aundrea Trotter
Alyson Marie Turner
Arianne Turnmire
Mark Devone Tyler
Jordann Uasila'a Vaha
Harrison Uwadia
Melissa Valencia
Michelle Van Slyke
Bethany Sue Veith
Dulcie David Veluthukaran
Anthony Ventola
Anne Volmering
Victoria Waitt
Barbara Lease Walker
Eboni Walker
Andrea K. Warren
Kortney Yvonne Watkins
Nancy Wayland
Lydia L. Wayman
Carly Elizabeth Welch
James T. White, II
Holly Wielsma
Samantha Wiggins
Corinna D. Wilcox
Lauren Wilkinson
Abagail K. Williams
Caitlin Williams
Joseph Wilson
Sharon Francis Witt
Bryan Fitzhugh Womack
Caroline Wood
Kathy Faith Yang
George Michael-Philip Zegalia
Jacob Wayne Zufelt
Robert Zumbrun
Brian Nicholas Zwart
Master of Arts in Teaching
Kelsy Lynn Ferdinando
Nicholas Munyan-Penney
Michael Robert Short
Jada Taylor
Caitlin Turecek
Master of Education
Anita McPherson Agan
Sheli Aldridge
Alaa Alghamdi
Aeshah Alkhelaiwi
Cassandra M. Allder
Beth Christine Allen
Jennifer Lynn Anastasov
Charles Anthony Angwin
Alyssa Y Armstrong
Michael J Atkins
Stephanie Aucoin
Jean Bahls
Alexis Baker
Andrea Lynn Balser
Alison Bancroft
Marissa Annan Bassett
Jennifer Battista
Richard Baucom
Courtney M.C. Beach
Jennifer Bearer
Catherine L. Belanger
Deborah Marie Belanger
Heather Bell
Leonard Bell
Joe Bellino
Miriam Bialik Van Wees
Amber L. Bishop
Sonya F. Black
Chrigus I. Boezeman
Brandon Boggs
Ashley Bouchard
Matthew J. Bowe
Allison D. Bowen
Kathleen P. Breen
Julia Brito
Nicole Brown
Susan Bureau
Jennifer Burnette
Ryan Burns
Lauren Byers
Alison Caouette
Kimberly Elizabeth Capel
Lisa Chaloner
Amy Chaput
Kelly Chiappetta
Emily A. Clark
Catherine Clermont
Laurie A. Cloutier
Christine Cochrane
Michelle R. Cohen
Mary Condon
Michael Coyle
Virginia M. Crook
April A. Croteau
Brian Patrick Crowley
Maureen Curran
Ginelle Czerula
Jessica-Lynn Daly
Matthew S. Davis
Kimberly M. de la Flor
Cassie Hayes
Melike Demir
Lindsey A. DePorter
Jason Despier
Marsha Deussen
Michelle Devine
Ellen Donahue
Sandra Doucette
Sarah K. Dubois
Elizabeth A. Dunham
Jessie Marie D'Urso
Emily Dustin
Amani Elmawed
Ryan Farnsworth
Caitlin Sarah Fehr
Abigail Fernandes
Kathleen Finklea
Michael Des'mond Finkley
Tina M. Fleming
Deborah Fournier
Brittney L. Freckleton
Adam F. French
Nicole J. Funicella
Megan Gagne
Jacob Gagnon
Julie Gallo
Ann Marie Gaudet
Darren Gauger
Jessica Genninger
Ryan Michael Gilpatrick
Catherine Elizabeth Goodman
Alexandra Grab
Anne-Marie Graves
Lindsey Greene
Hayley Grenier
Meaghan Guanci
Lyndsie Hammond
Emily L. Hartmann
Emily Haynes
Catherine D. Hayward
Mandy L. Height
Sarah Elizabeth Hicks
Joshua D. Hill
Alana Hokans
Jason Holcomb
Kelly Holmes
Jennifer H. Horne
Michele Ducharme Hossack
Kristen Houghton
Feng Chi Huang
Debra A. Jankowsky
Elizabeth Johnsen
Ehrin S. Kelly
John Joseph Kennedy
Jessica Kittle
Melissa A. Kolenski
Shawn Kraus
Matthew Kunk
Lisa Labreche
Jamie E. Lafond
Melissa Lair
Robert LaMontagne
Shala Lamothe
Irene K. Lanchester
Elizabeth Landingham
Ashley Langelier
Gloria Lauture
Anila Lawrence
Kate Leonas
Samantha J. Leone
Melissa A. Lewis
Marie Libby
Kristin Lockhart
Alison Catlyn Lotterhos
Jennifer Lussier
Olivia H. MacDonald
Louis J. Mailloux
Marielle Maisch
Jennifer Manning
Jeffrey Marasca
Katie E. Martel
Kelsey Maybury
Robert D McGowan
Caitlyn McKay
Cynthia C. Medeiros
Mary Menard
Katherine Merva
Meghan Elizabeth Meszkat
Jeffrey P. Miller
Tammy Miller
Virginia Lynn Mobley
William R. Moher
Kerry Momnie
Jaclyn Moore
Jaime Morris
Joseph Mundy
Sarah Hull Murray
Tam T. Ngo
Susan C. Norton
Carrie Nunez
Shannon O’Brien
Sean M. O’Hearn
Jessica L. Oltman
Brittany O’Neil
Ryan Orcutt
Lindsey Lemay Otocka
Alicia L. Ouellette
Michael W. Ouellette
Kamille Parker
Mara Lynn Paul
Vilija Pauliukonis
Rachel Peck
Mark Pedersen
Jillian Pellerin
Kristie Perreault
Samantha Pevna
Beth A. Philcrantz
Cynthia L. Pitkin
Chelsey Pollock
Loring Porter
Bess Powers
Jill M. Puchacz
Gary Kenneth Ramsdell
Terri Randall
Sarah Rasheed
Deborah Raymond
Sean Patrick Reardon
Christopher Rheault
Katherine Ricciardi
Leah Michelle Rice
Christopher Ritter
Jessica Elyse Robertson
Jenifer Robinson
Jillian Elizabeth Robinson
Rebecca L. Robinson
Michael Robledo
Nancy K. Romero
Kimberly Ross
Colleen Culliton Rush
Lauren Russo
John Ryan
Sarah Ann Sarja
Kate Saunders
Whitney Sawin
Lisanne Schmidt
Johanna Maureen Seeba
Elyse P. Seward
Crystalyn Michelle Shea
Nicole M. Sheppard
Jill E. Silano
James V. Southern
Samantha Erin Souza
Ashley Samone Sparks
Corinne L. Starling
Deva Stevens
Shannon M. Stevens
Jessica Stewart
Kathryn Stone
Natasha Stoyak
Elian Strachan
Maura Reilly Sullivan
Mandi Jo Sutton
Andy Tafua
Kathleen T. Theriault
Kerri Tonry
Rebecca L. Trainor
Tomoko Tsujimoto
Justine Turner
Rachel L. Valenza
Cassie Ann Veillette
Danielle Veno
Heith Vierow
Keri Wallace
Debra Walter
Xiaolu Wang
Jeannette Washington
Matthew Waters
Nicholas Watson
Bernadette Weltsek
Charles Patrick West
Patrick West
Jill Whittemore
Christina L. Wilczewski
Sheila Wilhelmi
Emily D. Wilkes
Nicole Ella Wilmot
Benjaporn Wongnoppharatlert
Jocelyn Woods
Yangyang Zhang
Master of Science
Robert M. Abalos Jr.
Leigh Abel
Michael A. Adam
Ama Adjei Bona
Jayanth Reddy Aeradla
Charu Agarwal
Shawndel Agrippa
Jennifer Ahlstrom
Kristin L Aiken
Nikitha Akula
Aravind Akula Venkatesham
Hassan M. Alamri
Amy Albright
Melissa Alicea
Reginald Allen
Paul Alleyne
Praveen Kumar R. Alumalla
Sandeep Ambati
Laxmi Deepak Reddy Amireddy
Anas Amireh
Paige-Elizabeth E. Anderson
Seth G. Andre
Aaron Antanavica
Vinay Kumar Reddy Anumula
Oluwaseun Samuel Apanisile
Robert Cie Arell
Kwabena Asante-Frimpong
RaShaunda D. Ashford
Aissam Assarrane
Nagendra Athukuri
Hammood Nadheer Mansoor Ati
Paul Aversano
Rogene Avery
Vaishnavi Aysola
Rajiv R. Ayyam
Moussa V. Ba
Christopher Babbitt
Christine Bacon
Sara Lee Baker
Lavakishore Babu Balagani
R Sumanth Varma Balagopala
Nora Balas
Heidi Ballard
Maria Barbagallo
Michael Barnes
Sarah M. Barnes
Shawn Barry
Karyn G. Bartholomew-Fuller
Cheryl L. Barton
Praveen Basnet
Emily Bastress
Sowmya Batineni
Waylon Robert Baumgardner
Alexander Baydoun
Jenille Beato-Weaver
Victoria Bell
Allison Bennett
Talia Bercovitch-Adika
Abigail Marie Bergeron
Michael Bernhardt
Angie Berrios
Dorothy Crystal Bethea
Katie Bettencourt
Robert J Betts
Michael Bey
Julie Bickford
Scott W. Bishop
Gayathri Boddupally
Omodoyinsola T. Bode-Fakunle
Angela Marie Bolster
Shannon Bonsey
Solamon Bonthu
Daniel Borgia
Amy Botzek
Patrick Boucher
Amber Bouvier
Janelle Amelia Bowers
Jared Boynton
Wendy S. Bradley
Regina Breier
Michelle Breitigan
Shannon M Briggs
Caitlin E. Brinkman
Richard D. Brion
Jamicheal Brooks
Kelsey Brooks
Kristina Brooks
Sara D. Brown
Michael R. Bruno
Jennifer Brush-Brager
Maja Brusin Kelly
Erica L. Bryant
Catie Rowena Buchanan
Samphors Bun
Sarah Elizabeth Bundzinski
Alyssa Bunnell
Nicole Buono
April Robin Burge
Crystal Burnam
William Burns
Brooke Businsky
Kraig W. Bye
Nathaniel Byrum
Jahari LaVonne Cain
Jessica Caldwell
Nufynna R. Callahan
Joseph Cameron
Rebecca L. Camire
Nicholas Cantara
Raquel Lynn Carbonell
Steven G. Carley
Derek R. Carlson
Thomas Carlson
Curtis George Carmichael
Andrea Carnahan
Annette Caron Nash
Craig Alan Carr
Crystal Carranza-Davis
Erin Carroll
Jennifer Marie Carroll
Kathleen Case
Elizabeth Cassarino
Geraldine Castillo
Kathleen Casucci
Cheryl Ann Cavanaugh
Alejandro Centeno
Venkata N. Chada
Hari Krishna Chakali
Colleen P. Chalifour
Mary Chambers
Nicola Chambers-Holder
Amanda G. Champagne
Raji Chandran
Jason Chattmon
Gail Chauncey
Swetha Reddy Chidurala
Krishna Mohan Chiluveru
Kanittha Chinakanont
Crystal Chretien
Melissa N. Christmas
Benjamin Christopherson
Michael Chroney
Chase M. Ciechon
Anthony J. Ciervo
Kelly Clifton
Colin Coates
Catherine Cody
Elena Cohen
Samantha E. Colby
Lannie Collins
Marcos Collins
Jason Comeau
Trista Marie Commeau
Angela Compton
Amanda J. Conceicao
Casey Conway
Mary Elizabeth Cooper
Ante D. Cop
Weston Corbitt
Todd J. Cormier
Mahasse Cornelius
Nicole M. Corry
Christopher Coulter
Daniel W. Courant
Perry Courter
Amy Couzzins-Rawson
Sharon A. Craig
Kerry Crutchley
Tanya L. Cruz
Anner M. Cunningham
Heidi Curry
Tessa Curry
Stephanie Cutter
Melinda Dalton
Mitchel D. Daulton
Erin Elizabeth Davey
Jessica David
Sean M. Davidson
Bradley Davis
Dennis Davis
Marcus Davis
Mitchell Davis
Erin N Day
Abigail E. Dean
Derek Decoux
Kelley J. Delaney
Suzanne Delaney
Julie Elizabeth Delice
Rebecca Demmons
Sigrid Denhardt
Angela D. Denney
Melanie Depoian
Pierre Antoine Desanges
Julie Anne DeVincenzi
Renee Deyermond
Thomas Diamond
Jeremy Dickson
Nefferitti Taifa Dieng
Brooke P. DiFormato
Virginia Dill
Anthony W Dillon Jr
Brenda J. Dimatteo
Donald L. Dionne
Theresa Marie Diver
Goverdhan Dodda
Uday K. Domalapally
Nikki C. Donahue
Jerria Donelson
Jonathan Dones
Ken Donesasorith
Kelly A. Dunbar
Amanda Donovan
Laura L. Doran
Vinicius Dos Santos
Ian Doumas
Utahya Shacona Drye
Eric Michael Dugas
Robert Duncan
Tyrone Duncan
Sharon A. Duplayee
Muhamed Durakovic
Ryan J. Durocher
Abhishek Dutta
Chelsea Sierra Ausland Eads
Lanisha Easter
Kate M. Eastman
Denise Dee Edwards
Daud Eftin
Jill Egan
Bridget E. Egan-Cardin
Kati Eggert
Peter Egya-Ansah
Ryan Eller
Janetta Lynn Ellis
Ashley Marie Endy
Jessica L. Erb
Marcia Erickson
Lauren Estep
Eric Evans
Lorraine Ann Evans
Justin Fairbanks
Andrew Clayton Fales III
Lauren Fay
Michelle Fernandes
Nicole Fiorino
David Fischer
Aislynn Flowers
William YV Fongang
Michelle Ford
Regina L. Ford
Robert J. Ford
Christopher G. Frances
Lacey Frye
Paige N. Fucello
Charles B. Fulghum
Christopher R. Fuller
Priyanka Gadiraju
Malcolm L. Gaines
Anudeep Y. Gali
Pradeep Kumar Reddy Gali
Scott M. Gallant
Crystal L. Gallo
Sara Lorraine Gallotto
Katherine B. Gamblin
Bhanu Prakash Gandi
Riley Ganshorn
Marcus Ganthier
Holly D. Garcia
Shashidhar Reddy Gavva
Stephanie C. Gee
Julie Geissler
Bharath G. Gelivi
Amanda Gensur
Michele A. Gesualdo
Seyyed Reza Ghazinouri Naeini
A’shanti Fayshel Gholar
Jeffrey Paul Gibbons
Marcus A. Gibson
Casundra M. Gilder
Maria Gionis
Jamie Giovinali
Kirk Glasgow
Lynette Joyner Glenn
Joseph N. Godbout
Soo Ziao Goh
Swapna Gollapally
Megan L. Gomperts
Atanacio R. Gonzalez
Jorge Gonzalez Quijano
Rashida Renae Gordon
Kortne Gosha
Samone Lakisha Gould
Cheryl Goulet
Angela Grace
Malcolm P. Graham
Brandon Green
Kevin Green
Melanie Green
Jeffrey Greenland
Damon Griffin
Erin Groppe
Sai Kiran Gumpalli
Bikash Gurung
Haney Hosny Hamdy
Brittany Hamer
Derrell Hand
Liwei Hao
Jananisri Harendran
Shane Harphant
Rachael V. Harriman
Michael J. Harrington
Anthony Harris
Kynan Harris
Matthew M. Harris
Michael A. Harris
Lisa Jane Harrison
Matthew Brian Hart
Seif Hatamleh
Luma M. Hawamdah
April Haxhija
Shanna Noel Hayes
Darrin M. Heald
Alicia Healey
Michael Hein
Dina Jo Helbig
John Hentschell
Destini Hernandez
Melissa D. Hernandez
Stephen Hiller
Jacob Hobrock
Brandon James Hoffman
Chi-Hang Thomson Hoi
Patricia Holben
Agnieszka Holda
Chaitanya K. Hollakal
Dale Holland
Carolyn Davies Holt
Brooke Holton
Hayden Hopkin
James R. Hornaday II
Lyne A. Horseman
Thomas Edwin Howland IV
Tracy ChunChing Hsieh
Michael Hughes
Anna Hullinger
Martha Sasser Hunn
Marianne Hurley
Diego Ibarra
Brian James Ibsen-Johnson
Harsha Indukuri
Crystal Irish
Stefanie Jacobs
Jessica L. Jacqueson
S.R. Raju Jampani
Varun Raj Jannaikoda
Vasubabu Jarugula
Chaithanya Javvaji
Pedly Jean-Pierre
David G. Jenkins
Kathleen M. Jensen
Celina Catherine Jimenez
Matthew S. Jimenez
Stephanie Jimmo
Erin Jipner
Shravan Kumar Joginipalli
Brittany JoHansen
Aabett Johnson
Adam C. Johnson
Elise Julianna Johnson
Kaibeh Mavia Johnson
Melvin H. Johnson
Tiffany Johnson
Cory Don Johnston
Chad Jones
Tracey Jones-Brooks
Patrina Jordan
Mungyu Jun
Michael G. Kacos
Bhanu C. Kakani
Prashanth Kakkerla
Viplava Kanagala
Rama Rao Kandregula
Shashank Kankanala
Pavan K. Kannekanti
Mouna Kanukula
Anirudh Kanukuntla
Kori N. Karamanoogian
Siva S. Karangula
Benjamin Karnish
Gopinath Kata
Sai Kranthi Kumar Katherashala
Abhinaya Katikaneni
Srikanth Reddy Katta
Demond Jack Kauffman
Sowmya Kaukuntla
John Kayler
Paula J. Keating
Zamira Keating
Janice Keefe
Ethan Kenneth Kelly
Ryan Christopher Kelly
Benjamin Kemble
Jolyn Renee Kemp
Molly Kerr
Stephanie Kersta
Sudamsh R. Kesara
Courtney O’Byrne King
David A. King
Matthew Kirk
Bailey Knesley
Jacquelyn Knight
Daniel Leroy Knowles
Asheley D. Knowlton
Joshua R. Knowlton
Sunny K. Koduri
Eileen Patricia Koecher
Brianne M. Kokinda
Swetha Komatwar
Naga V. Konda
Sravanthi Reddy Konda
Siva Prasada R. Konduru
Sireesh Kumar Raju Konduru Srinivasa
Ziyan Kong
Manikanth Reddy Koora
Edmund Paul Kopaczynski
Shanti R. Kopuri
Joseph Peter Kosteczko
Rajavardhan Reddy Kotha
Srinivas Kotha
Raja Kothapalli
Maura A. Kotowski
Maheswara Reddy Kottala Nallannagari
Varunkumar Koyalakonda
Joshua Krohn
Christopher A. Kuleci
Hazari Shravan Kumar
Alexander Joseph Velt Labrie
Jeffrey Lagueux
Walter R Lahair, Jr.
Sheila Lambert
Candace Landroche
Anthony Lane
Debi Jeanne Langlais
Pradeep Lanka
Shelbi LaPlante
Benjamin Larson
Jennifer Lavalliere
Grace A. Lavigne
Felisa Lawrence
Amy L. Leander
Julien Lecadou
Cora Katherine LeClair
Natasha LeCours
Cherrelle Lee
I-Lin Lee
Michelle D Lee
Wei Li Lee
Natthachai Leerapongnant
Jessica Lepianka
Kristen Michelle Lepore
Peter A. Levengood
Erin Elizabeth Lewis
Tsung Ju Li
Michael Lilkas
Bradley Lilly
Melissa Lima
Sandeep Lingampally
Nicole Linton
Litian Liu
Armando N. Lopez
Jennifer Lord-Paquin
Sheila A. Loren
R. Micheal Lowe
Michelle Lund
Richard Lupher, Jr.
Brian M. Lusignan
Jim Lynch
Danielle Maaser
Allison MacAulay
Jon MacGregor
Trina Cradle Mackey
Alicia MacLennan
Lauren K. MacNeil
Joanna Maddox
Hilary E. Maes
Brianna Mahoney
Sumamsh Reddy Mallesh
Christopher G. Maloney
Mounica Mandhadi
Norman Mangubat
Sean Maples
Courtney Marchelletta
Ravi Kumar Mariserla
Craig M. Marriro, Jr.
Kelly Marshall
Patricia R. Martin
Edmundo E Martinez Figueras
Hollie Mathias
Katherine Matos Montes
Kevin Matthews
Jeffrey Alan Maurer
Marcel D Mayberry
Mana Mazar
Karen McArthur
Emily McCarron
Jennifer McCartin
Joseph L. McCay
Shawne Matthew McCoy
Sydney McCoy
Megan McCullum
Cassandra McDaniel
Andrew McFall III
Corey McGee
Khadijah S McGill
Erin N. McGonagle
Kelly McGraw
Corey McKean
Jeffrey C. Meade
Robert Melasky
Aaron Mendez
Adriaen M. Mercer
Samara Merchant
Aditya Mettu
Mary A Michaud
Melinda Danielle Mickens
Meleisha Mignott
Brandon Miles
Ken Miller
Sandra L. Milliken
Amy S. Minnick
Christopher Miscio
Veera Sukumar Mokshagundam
Kathleen Mommsen
Cassandra Monahan
Mema Monroe
Clarabel Montero
Kelly Moore
Raheema Moore
Victoria L. Moore
Jack Moorhouse
Samir Morani
Maggie Morgan
Jennifer Lyn Morris
Victoria Kathryn Morrison
Paul D. Mound
Rahul Mudapaka
Sandra Mullen
Michael Muller
Rodrigo S. Munoz
Vamsi K. Muppa
Carolyn Murphy
Casey Murphy
Erin K. Murphy
Kathryn Murphy
Lisa Murray-Williams
Nandakumar Murugesan
Megan Marie Myers
Naresh Kumar Nadendla
Justin William Nadolski
Hari Venkata P. Nalamati
Christa M. Naso
Karin Neal
Henry C Nelson
Matthew Nelson
Brent Newcomb
Lee-Ann E. Newcomb
Michael Stephen Newcomb
Peter G. Nickless
Morgan Nielsen
Paul Michael Nigro
Nicholas Nocida
Emelia Nolan
Abhiram Nomula
Faiza Noor
Galen Norman
Sarah Normand
Mehdi Norouzi
Gregory T. Norton
Kelly Alison Norton
Brian Nosbisch
Pichanon Numnam
Agnes Nyakundi
Jaimie Nyhuis
Timothy O'Donnell
Olawole Ogunmola
Shotaro Okuda
Nana Kwame Okyere-Tawiah
Amanda Old
Deneen A. O'Leary
Kevin O'Leary
Alicia Olson
Job S. Ombati
Stephanie E. Ondus
Marion B. Orcutt
Ekundayo Q. Osagie
Le’Asa Me’Sean Otey
Gerald Overby
Oluyomi Oyekunle
Poonnapop Pakkong
Rithvik Paladugu
Mani K. Pallerla
Audrey Elizabeth Palmer
Alicia M. Palmisano
Kyle A. Palo
Tanvi Paripelli
Angela Denise Parker
Aaron Craig Parson
Stephanie L. Parsons
Mounika Naidu Pasupuleti
Ankita P. Patel
Dhruv Patel
Sanjog S. Pathak
Nicole V. Patterson
Carrington Brooke Pearson
Harish Reddy Peddapatla
Lori Pelletier
Amanda Pennewell
Sean Perryman
Korinne N. Peterson
Jared Phelps
Stephanie Pickinpaugh
Juliann Elizabeth Pico
Venkata Sai Rama Murthy Pilli
David Duane Pippen
Rajesh K. Pittala
Stacey A. Plamondon
Aravind Kumar Pogaku
Sudheer Ponugoti
Daniel Stephen Popovic
Paknaporn Porncharoen
Christina Marie Porter
Kishore V. Pothuri
Clinton Powell
Ellen S. Pozek
Emily Prange
Adam Charles Pride
Jason Proske
Desiree' Danielle Provost
Kartheek Pulavarthi
Saran Baswanth Puppala
Radha Madhavi Putnala
Sivani Puvvala
Feiyu Qi
Roxanne Raeside-Wilton
Seifu H. Ragassa
Brandon Ramirez
Maria Ramirez
Christopher Ramos
Xiongfei Ran
Sabrina Randin
Stephen Rapp
Huey Shalom Ratcliff
Ducarmel Rateau
Darleen R. Ratté
Srividhya Ravichandran
Sowjanya Ravinuthala
James R. Ray
Pradhyuth R. Reddymalli
Rasagnaa Reddyreddy
Brian M. Reeves
John J. Regan
Brian Reiner
Jeremy Reynolds
Christopher Rice
Richard Rissetto
Andrew H. Rissler
Marek F. Rivero
Kristina Robert
Richard J. Robicheau
Danette Robinson
Leslie Anne Rocheleau
Jonathan Natt Rockwell
Tanya Thompson Rose
Ashley Rossi
Nia J. Rothmaller
James Rowntree
Courtney E. Roy
Jesse T. Roy
Meghan Taylor Rozanski
Toni Nicole Runci
Richard M. Russo
Todd Brandon Rutledge
Timothy Ryan
William Rybczyk
Katherine E. Rys
Saba Shereen
Preethi Seshu Sala
Nicholas Sama
Aravind Sri Sai Prasad Sankaramanchi
Nelson Nixon Santana
Antonio Saric
Cameron Satterwhite
Veranika Savitskaya
Brian Schaefer
Michael Schmalzer
Joshua William John Schultz
Rosalyn Marie Scott
Aubrey Sears
Kitiara See
Kishore K. Serala
Charvi H. Shah
Meet S. Shah
Reekta B. Shah
Prasanna Shankara Vadivel
Clinton Shannon
John F. Sharkey
Luciana Levinia Shaw
Michael Shaw
Sravan Kumar Sheelam
Sarah Shelmidine
William Shephard
Karan J. Sheth
Sunil Anand Shinde
Romit Shringarpure
Jingjing Shui
Osha Shukla
Kevin Shyrer
Gustavo Silva
Brandon Simmons
Denise Michell Simpson
Jessica Simpson
Trenton Sims
Shivasai Sindhe
Aditya Singampally
Pravallika Singampally
Aparna Singh
Preethi Singh
Jason P. Siudut
Jeremy H. Sloate
Lauren K Sly
Amanda Smith
Charlene R. Smith
Dylan E. Smith
Kyana Smith
Nicole Renee' Smith
Ronnesha Shavon Smith-Burrell
Jasmine Smoot-Agee
Maureen Snyder
Anirudh R. Solipuram
Prasanth Kumar Somasani
Amy L. Somerfield
Federica Sotgiu
Catherine Southergill
Matthew Southerton
Heather Sparks
Welton N. Spratley Jr.
Mrudula Sreenath
Deepika Sripalle
Daniel Staggs
Alyson Patricia St. Amand
Susan Mary Saint Amand
Derrick C. Stanfield Kivoi
Khary Stanley
Thomas Stanton, Jr.
Corey P. Steadman
Fella Stevani
Suhailah Stevenson
Tiffany A. Stewart
Jonathan Stiers
Vanessa Stilt
Joshua Stone
Kelley Story
Deborah Stroman
David L. Stuart, II
Kimberly A. Stuart
Cynthia Sturks
Adam W. Sugar
Rajesh Sukamanchi
Santosh Sulibhavi
Brenna Kay Sullivan
Melissa Ballard Sullivan
Dani Marie Summerford
Kathleen Susat
Alexandra Beverley Suvanto
Wajahath Rasool Syed
Shari D. Sylvester
Megan Gayle Symes
Tomohiro Tada
Thanapat Tangsittiprasert
Kristen Taylor
Holly Teague
Elise Tebbetts
Ariel Teixeira
Venkata Sai S. Telu
April Lee Thibault
Jennifer J. Thielker
Alesha Thomas
Nikhil Thudi
Bala Dheeraj Reddy Thumma
Joshua Tims
Srinath Tirunagari
Douglas Mark Tomlin
Deborah J. Tranten
Patrick Travis
Stephanie Trent
Candace Tribble
Ramkumar K. Tummidi
Jason Turcotte
Jason Tuttle
Stephanie Tuttle
Joseph W. Tweeddale
Katherine Tylus
Melissa J. Ulbricht
Tiffany L. Upshaw
Kavya Sri Vadde
Aaron D. Valliere
Sai Sankeerth R. Vangala
Makenzie VanGorder
Michelle E. Varga
Amanda Vasilakos
Nitesh Vavilala
Katerina Vazan
Bhagya Lakshmi Vegiraju
Siddartha Prasad Veldurthi
Daniel D. Velez
Manoj Prabhakar Venkatapuram
Donna Vieira
Alekhya Vinjamuri
Andrea J. Vomacka
Jason Wagner
Elizabeth Walker
Ethan Wall
Kelvin Wallace, Jr.
Mia Jeanne Wallace
Michon Walls
Matt Walter
Chun Wang
Yun Hsing Wang
James Francis Wani
Najar Danielle Washington
Prach Watanaareyagit
Kunihiko Watanabe
Alysha Watson
Evelyn Esther Snider Waymire
Jennifer Webb
Douglas Weed
Phasinee Weerakunwatana
Thipaporn Weerasiriwat
Emily L Welch
Paul Wheeler
Amanda L White
Jennifer White
Lisa White
Patricia Whitney
Abby Whitten
Callum George Williams
Charlotte Williams
Denise Williams
Jason Williams
Lisa M. Williams
Michael Leon Williams
Chanya Wimolchaijit
Christopher Winter
Lori Withrow
Kara Wyman
Crystallynn Ann Young
Christopher Zabala
Dongyang Zhang
Zheng Zhou
Master of Business Administration
Christopher John Abbott
Nashwa Abdalla
Christina Abebreseh
Yolanda I. Abokhai
Michael Abood
Rana Abourizk
Ahmad H. Abugosh
Michelle Ann Adams
John Agudelo
James J. Aicher, Jr.
Christopher Aitken
Lawer Akrofi
Alexander Alabachian
Natalie L. Alarcon
Kelvin Alcantara
Hiba Ali
Anas Aljajeh
Noura T. Alkhamis
Krystal Allen
Teneil Allen
Raghed Alnounou
Zubeyir Alp
Emad Sameer AL Rshaidat
Ahmed Muayad Al Shaikhli
Shekera Alvarado
Daniel Ambrosio
Nicholas S. Amrose
Nora Anajarian
Cheryl Anderson
Gary Gerard Anderson
Jay Darren Anderson
Joseph Andolena
Jason John Andreoli
Kojo Anim
Samuel Nii Ankrah
Nadeem Riaz Ansari
Patrick Anyaegbunam
Sule Arifagaoglu
Lana J. Armirotto
Gregory Armstrong
Jaclyn S. Arnold
William Arnold
Emily C. Artman
Kwabena Asante-Frimpong
James W. Atkinson
Joshua D. Aubin
Kenneth A. Aubin II
Danielle Avent
Anthony W. Awuviri
Michael T. Ayotte
Craig R. Bachler
Stanley J. Bajerski, II
Belal Bani Yassin
Sharon Diane Barber
John Barker
Raina Marie Barnett
Theron J. Barr
Veronica Barron
Theodore Ross Barta
Amanda Bass
Shawn C Bates
Sowmya Batineni
Melissa W. Battersby
Jason G. Bays
Matthew P. Beaulieu
Geoffrey Justin Beauparlant
Jared Beausoleil
David E. Beck
Shawn Becker
Jeremy R. Beckett
Cara Ann Bedore
Eric Beiswenger
Kent M Belcher
Philip Bernardo
Jay S. Berry
Mohammad Omar Farooque Bhuiyan
Seth Bickford
Laura A. Bielitz
Mark Billeci Jr.
Derek J. Bilodeau
Timothy N. Bilodeau
Francine Elaine Bio
Barry R. Bishop
Neetika S. Bista
Nathaly Bitar
David Bizewski
Meaghan Eileen Blaikie
Michael Blair
Michael D. Blair
Jeffrey J Blanchard
Heather Boccalino
Allison A. Bogosh
Neeranut Boonyanuwat
Ebony Booth
Heidy S. Bordom
Jason Lee Boston
Joseph C. Bouchard
Nicole Bouchard
Theresa M. Bourque
Haven Bouton
Elizabeth Bowens
Mary E. Hunter Bowers
Jamie Braddock
Walter Bradley
Erin Brearley
Ronald Breen
Kurt Brenner
Ana Brenson
Kathleen E. Bresnahan
Janet Brickey
Leanne Britton
Pamela Brodsack
Aubrey Brooks
Kevin Brooks
Jamie Brousseau
Kadian Brown
William Albert Brown, Jr.
Beverly Bruce
Frances Buerkens
Linda J. Burgos N.
Lauren Burke
Elizabeth A. Burlingame
Joseph Burns
Eisherat Hanif Butt
Daniel Caciolo
Daniel Cafferty
Laura DiVasta Calvo
Teresa Cambare
Jermaine Cameron
Dawn Caminiti
Christopher Campbell
Peter Cao
Mark Caplan
Marvin Gene Carder, II
Teresa Carenza
Philip Caron
Robert P. Carr
Kelly Lea Carrigan
James Carroll
Trisha Cartier
Brian Casey
Matthew A. Casey
Jackie Catalano
Tamara J. Cella
Sung Wook Cha
Christina Chacon
Christopher Joseph Champeau
Lai Yen Chang
Cheryl Chapman
Amanda Chase
Rachel Cheben
Zhengguo Chen
Ngoni S. Chikomba
William P. Chisholm
Jung Min Cho
Sheila Chua-Maravilla
Sandeep Chunduru
Victoria Chung
Brian Alexander Church
Sarah Church
Zahra M. Cichon
Brian Ciofrone
Brian Michael Cisneros
Jonatan Cisneros
Harriet Claiborne
Jeffery S. Clark
Shawn Michael Clark
Victoria Clark
Tallis Clarkson
Gwendolyn Clayton
Renee M. Clement
Melissa Clickner
Jered M. Clifford
Megan Closson
Richard Clover
Irvin R. Co
Mitchell G. Coffman
Stephanie Cohen
Deanna Cole
Shanice Leetoya Cole
Iantha Coleman
Kristen R. Collard
Christopher Collibee
Jacqueline Collins
John Colon
Orlando Colon
Reyana Colson
Edward S. Combes
Ashley Commiso
Joeby J. Connell
Corrie L. Cook
Deborah Cook
Jennifer M. Cooke
Helen Cooley
Jessica M. Cooper
Jeffrey Cope
Jimela Coring
Benjamin Coughlin
Briana V. Cousins
Stephanie Cox
Steven Crafts
Sarah E Creaney
Courtney Croce
Justin Crockett
Thomas James Crossman
Chelsea Marie Croteau
Brad Crough
Taylor Crowley
Jill Marie Culbertson
Edward Cullen
Christopher Cunniff
Robyn L. Curdie
Karen Irene Cushman
Neila DaCruz
Thomas Dahlberg
Jon Daley
James P. Danforth
Casidhe Daniels
Agnes R. Davis
Sunchae Davis
Trevor Davis
Creg A. Dawkins
Nicole Danielle Dawson
Daniel B. Day
Gage Daye
Dean Debolt
Thomas Aaron DeFelice
Brian DeFeo
Robert M. Defeo, Jr.
Leah M. DeGregorio
Freeda DeJesus
Suzanne F. Delica
Vivian L. Delisle
Yesenia De Los Santos
James W. Dembkoski
Bradley Demers
Courtney Demers
Sandra J. Dennison
John Bryan Derrick
Hemant Deshpande
Kylie Desrosiers
John R. Devine
Boubacar Diarra
Albert Alexander Diaz
Johanna Dibley
Edwin E. Dickelman
James Reed Diemer
Nefferitti Dieng
Christopher Difranco
Steven Diggins
William A. DiIeso
Ahmed Dirshe
Bradford Douglas Diver
Tyron Dixon
Soumya Doddapaneni
Danielle Dodier
William F. Dooley Jr.
Francesse Dorval
Sarina DosSantos
Xinyu Dou
Andrea Susan Doyon
Amanda Drew
Charlene Dudley
Krisstofer Dugan
Heather A. Brasch
Jennifer R. Duhaine
Maranda Duncan
Marcie J. Dupont
Bethany Dupree
Muhamed Durakovic
Paul Durfee
James Durkin
Alyssa Christine D'Urso
Carolyn Dutcher
Elizabeth A. Dutton
John G. Dykeman
Steven James Dykeman
Devon Ann Dzicek
Sudharshan Eathiraj
Dara Michelle Edge
Christopher Eldridge
Mark Ellingson
Richard Honfon Eng
Demet Erol Guzeloglu
Batool Esmael
Joseph Estelle
Andrea Estes
Jennifer Elizabeth Evans
Leon Evans
Kelly Fairbrother
Beth Falder
Jacob Farmer
Yadong Feng
Lindsay Ferris
John Fier
Matthew Fisher
Stacey Ellen Fitch
Brent Fletcher
Pamela M. Fletcher
Yourry J Fleurant
Tiffany Flinn
Jaclyn M Forbes
William P. Forbes Jr.
Robert Allan Forte Jr.
Crystal O. Foster
Samantha Ann Foster
Kristopher J. Fournier
Jean Claude Francois, Jr.
Stephen Frazier
Joel M. Freedman
Gregory Freeman
Joseph C. Fremeau
Christopher French
Jessica Frenette
Bradley C. Frey
Danielle Nolan Frey
Yudai Fujino
Dianne C. Fuller
Lani Jo Fullerton
Amanda R. Fulling
Jon-Matthew Funicella
George Furdyna
Anthony Fusco
Brett Gabari
John Gabriel
Kathryn Gallo
Jessica M. Gambone
Amy E. Gannett
Elizabeth Garcia
Harim Garcia
Mariethin E. Garcia Zambrano
Robert Garrahan
Dejenaba A. Gass
Terrance Gass
Joshua Gaugler
Erika Gaura
Mathew Gavin
Bettina L. Gay
Stephanie M Geary
Kevin M. Geoffrion
Karen George
Wendy M. George-Phippen
Peter Joseph Giambanco II
Andrew C. Gilbert
Colin Gillam
Sarah E. Gimilaro
Roger L. Gindlesperger Jr.
Caitlin Ann Gleason
Joe Russell Goff
Soo Ziao Goh
Katrina K. Gomes
Krystle O. Goodman
Tyler R. Goodrow
Carrie Goodsell
Sandra Goranovic
Kazue Goto
Brian Goulet
Laurie Gouthro
Michael Grabski
Twanda Grace
Christopher Graham
Amanda Gramer
Dallas Leigh Grant
Cody Gray
Lisa D. Gray
Richard Greaney
Christopher P. Greeke
Jaclyn Green
Jessica E. Greenwood
Kristen Grenier
Andrew James Groh
Peter Groth
Yihuan Gu
Richard Guest, Jr.
Paula Guillette
Miguel Gutierrez
Taylor Gys
David K. Hackman
Jason N. Murshed Haddad
Andrew Thomas Haglin
Jennifer L. Haigh
Cindy Halpern-Cohen
Janice Hamscher
Edwin A. Han
Derrick J. Hancock
Jared Lawrence Haney
Timothy Hanigan
Danielle Marie Hanks
Danielle Marcella Hanna
Alexandra Hanscom
Richard F. Hanson, III
Joel Hartshorn
Mohamed A. Hassan
Christine Hassard
Dwight Haynes
Ryan Hazen
James Hazlett
Kristen M. Hemphill
Klarissa K. Hendrix
Francis Martin Henkel
Stewart R. Henry Jr.
Terri Hensley
Jennifer Hess
Kent Hickman
Shawn S. Hill
William Hinrichsen
Harold Hirtle
Heather Allison Hodgson
Keith Hodson
Heather J. Hoffacker
Holly A. Hoffner
David A. Holden
Paul Richard Holleran
Eric Hope-Ross
Jennifer Horgan
Eric Hortness
Kent E. Howard
Tiffany Hoyt
Hsiuli Hu
Chunning Huang
Kai Huang
Wentao Huang
David N. Hurlburt
Mathew Huxel
Thao Tran Hanh Huynh
Robert J. Hylton
Frank Iaconetti
Michael Ickowski
Erin Jackson
Rena McPherson Jackson
Esther Jean-Baptiste
Christy Jefferson
Zhenghui Jiang
Tanapat Jitmaitre
Pawarit Jitphongsaikul
Alisha Johnson
Christopher Johnson
Jeffrey Kyle Johnson
Jennifer A. Johnson
Jenny R. Johnson
Melanie Johnson
Raymond A. Johnson
Tara L. Johnson
Dennis E. Jones, Jr.
Patricia Jones
Shanna Jones
Tanya E. Jordan
Ispolien Joseph
Venkatesh Joshi
Lane Judy
Stefanos Kabouris
Smitkumar Kadakia
Lucas Kahungwa
Natalie Kane
Patrick J. Kawonczyk
Theresa M. Kearns
Zachary Sean Kecy
William Keeley
William F. Kennedy
Maura Kenny
Ryan Kesler
Hanane Khlifi
Kye Li Khoo
Justin L. Kilmer
Jay H. Kim
Amanda Kimball
Karen Kind
Debra E. King
Raymond Bruce King III
Thomas J. King
Jennifer Kipp
Christopher Kirwin
Richard Klabough
Michael Klein
Ayawo Klousse
Julie Knapp
John P. Knowles
Joshua R. Knowlton
Lenore Barbara Kolar
Punnasiri Komarapajkul
Konstantinos John Korinis
Jan D. Koslowsky
Scott D. Krehbiel
Stephanie Kreisberg
Boreth Kul
Nicholas Kulakowski
Martin Kulig
Aya Kurimoto
Nikolin Kutrolli
Jennifer Laatsch
Geneviève L’Abbé
Janka LaBrecque
Ryan Lachance
Matthew Christopher Lacy
Raven Ladon
Francis Laffey
Sathyanarayana Bhasker Lakshmikanth
Vickie Lam
Kaylyn M. Lambert
Jenaleigh A. Landers
Michael Lane
Drema F. Langdon
Jean-Marc Lapierre
Amanda Lynn LaPietra
Roland R. Laroche
Angela M. Lattime
Kenny-Kehinde Lawal
Donald Mark Layden II
Tai Le
Evan B. Leach
Ariana LeBlanc
Jeff LeBlanc
Jennifer LeClair
Norman G. LeDuc
Suzanne LeDuc
Julia Lee Hong Looi
Eric J. Legro
Roberta Lemay
Lisa Kaye Levan
Adam J. Levesque
Jeffrey Lewia
Derreka Lewis
Kei Yean Liang
Ryan Libby
William F. Libby Jr.
Sabrina Lillywhite
Yi Chen Lin
David Litchfield
Jane Elizabeth Lobel
Mark Lockman
Carl Longmire
Colette Kristine Loud
Lemmoar R. Lovett
Joseph Lozada
Hak Luong
Michael Lyon
John Machatha
Janelle K. Maciejewski
Jessica M. Mackey
Nicholas I. MacNeil
Nicholas J. Macrigeanis
Vanessa C. Madore
Gerald W. Mahan
Danni Mai
Kristen Main
Ellen A. Malatesta
Lindsey Malinowski
Leanne Malsbury
Oana F. Man
Kevin Allen Manalo
Larina Mangrum
Charles Maranga
Kelly Marcum
Catherine A. Marsolais
Brandon J. Martin
Cheryl Martin
John Martin
Matthew Martin
Troy Martin
Kristina Marie Martinez
Thomas Martini
Rachel E. Martus
Anne Marz
Kara B. Massingham
Elizabeth Edith Masson
Christie Mathew
Lera Mathis-Ford
Ashley Matthews
Matthew M. Maurer
Teresa Mayo
Karen M. Mayotte
Lila A. Mazzola
Leslie A. McCabe
Patrick N. McCafferty
Michael J. McCann
Matt McCarthy
Naomi McCarthy
Sidnei McCarty
Kathryn McCullough
Ashley McDonald
Jeremy McDonald
Karim McDougall
Stacey McKay
Dennis McKeon
Taylor Lee McNeely
Aimi Masliza Md Mydin
Jonathan P. Melanson
Shaun Mellett
Damian W. Mello
Zhe Meng
Amanda Meredith
Vanessa Rhea Meredith
Anthony R. Merlino
Michael Meserve
Michael J. Messina
Stephanie L. Metcalf
Mary J. Clark Metivier
Sean Michalski
Christopher Millard
Jamie M. Millard
Daniel Eric Miller
Heather Miller
Melissa Miller Emerson
John Matthew Mills II
Laura Ashley Mimms
Philip Anthony Minichiello, Jr.
Bibhu Prasad Mishra
Katherine Ann Mongan
Alyssa Moniz
Ryan Mooers
Laurie A. Moon
Daniel Mooney
James Lawrence Rolfe Moore
Karen E. Moore
Maria Alejandra Mora Canal
Wilfredo Moran
Andrew J Moreau
Matthew Morgan
Christopher W. Morin
Ihsan G. Moroy
Clement C. Mou
Teto Moulton
Amy Mowers
Matthew P. Mrnak
Benjamin Mueller
Justin Tess Munson
Sean William Murphy
Julianna M. Murray
Scott Murray
Jeffrey Myers
Paul Myers
Noreen E. Nafuna
Victoria Nagy
Reghu Nair
Daniel Alphonse Nash
Mercy Ndua
Christina Nealey
Eric Nelson
Jaime Nelson
Daniel Newman
Abimana Z. Ngira
Amanda Nicholson
Kyle Nicholson
Kevin Nickl
David R. Nieves
Sarah Nipwoda
Yui Nishimura
Mark Noble
Kristin L. Nolan
Heather A. Nolen
Taif S. Nouri
Matthew Noyes
Jaime O'Bannon
Kevin M. O'Banyel
Katie McDonnell O'Brien
Marsha-Lyn Ruth O'Brien
Seth Odell
Mai Ogiso
Bababunmi Ogunlana
Kazuki Ohmura
Olaoluwa Ojo
Donrell Oketokun
Andrew Olds
Jocelynn Brianne Only
John J. O'Rourke
Samuel Orr
Hector Ortiz
Robert O. Oryem
Katherine E. Osgood
Julie Ostuno
Adama Soungari Tabalifolo Ouattara
Kenneth J. Ouellette
Nicholas George Ouellette
Jamie H. Owen
Aliu Harven Oyakire
Yahya Sinan Ozyazgan
Jessica Lynn Pace
Thitikorn Padhanarath
Gregorio Padilla
Nicole A. Palermo
Ariane A.C. Palmer
Calista M. Palmer
Jolly Kirtikumar Pandya
Derek A. Pano
Pamela J. Pantelakos
Oki Janelle Pantin
Leo Rocco Paquin
Kristen L. Parent
Reuben Parker
Stephan Parretti
Awais Parvez
Fenilkumar B. Patel
Nirali P. Patel
Pratikkumar M. Patel
Karen Paulik
Benjamin C. Pease
Monica M. Peeler
Mani Chandrika Pendam
Benjamin A. Pepper
Jamie Pereira
Luz Perez
James M. Perkins
Miranda Perkins
Patrick Perkins
Dana Perry
Michael Perry
Christine Persad
Deborah C. H. Peters
Roy Peters Jr.
Bradley Petersen
David Peterson
Benson Petit-Clair
Keith D. Petrin
Yosida Phaypanya
Eunice Nora Philbin-King
Quiana Philogene
George D. Phipps
Kondwani Phiri
Larissa Pickett
Melody Y. Pierrissaint
Manuel E. Pintado
Kayla Plante
Cheriann Plapis
Rachael Elizabeth Plock
Michael Pocock
Nateysha Poindexter
Brandy Polinick
Richard J. Polish
Melisa A. Porter
Jeremy Posgai
Beth Posocco
Justin Power
Lisa Preston
Bret Lewis Price
Susan Primrose
John F. Prochilo
Jeromy T. Proulx
Timothy J. Prymak
Qijun Pu
Nataliya Pynylo
Kaitlin Quinn
Saidur Rahman
Abdullah Hussein Rajab
Christine E. Ralph
Matthew James Rand
Armando Rangel
Jamie Rao
Kelly Raposo
Trevin Rard
Daniel M. Rashid
Avinash D. Rathi
Jamie L. Ray
Christina Reddix
Jodi L Redmun
Catherine Reed
Rachell Relyea
Sabine A. Remick
Debbie Reppucci
Jon Adam Rhan
Nicole M. Rheault
Julian David Riano Cruz
Jonathan A Richard
Jennifer A. Richardi
Paula Richardson
Shawn Richardson
Latease Rikard
Marek F. Rivero
Tara Rix
Stephen Robbins
Kimberly M. Robinson
Amanda Robitaille
Edward J. Rocco
Frank Rodrigues
Pedro Rodrigues, Jr.
Edianne Sol Sapinoso Rodriguez
Kennedy R. Rodriguez
Sarah Kelley Rolinson
Maria Ronan
Craig R. Rondeau
Michael G. Rooks
Noel M. Rosamilio
Maria Rosario
Melissa Rosario
Lynn Rowan
Kristen Nicole Rowles
Daya Rudhramoorthi
Brian Ruggles
Clifford A. Russell
Sarah K. Russell
Matthew Ryan
Philip A. Sack
Brian E. Salesky
Nayef Hayel Sallloum
Kelly Sanger
Ali Sanjabi
Akash Reddy Sankepally
Abel Santana, Jr.
Diane E. Sargent
Nana Adu Sarkwa
Katrina Savage
Laura Scafati
Maurice E. Scafe
Nancy Ann Scandura
Samantha Scarf
Peter Schiller
Jessica Fearn Schniepp
Matthew Schoenthaler
Sarah L. Schollgen
Jacob K. Schoonmaker
Nicholas Schuman
Anna Scott
Jack Jacoby Scott
Thomas Henry Scott
Benjamin Seal
Milton David Segarra Mejia
Katelyn Sentner
Victoria N. Sepe
Sarah Shabo
Dorsa Shahrestani
Robert Shanahan
Tracy Elizabeth Shapiro
Kimberly A. Shaw
Abdullah Mossa M Shbeer
Sean David Shea
Irfan Ejaz Sheikh
Tai Shell
Floide Shelly
Linzi Sheng
Meredith Shepard
Evan Sideris
Christopher W. Silva
Visley Silva
Amanda Silvrants
Michael D. Simard
Rachelle Simmers
Edouard N. Simon
Suzanne K. Simzer
Gagandeep Singh
Kesha Sinsabaugh
Zachary R. Sisneros
Brian Siu
Ashley Skerry
Travis Slack
Naseem Smairat
Christel Smit
Aimee M. Smith
Bradley Smith
Theresa Smith
Thomas Smith
Wendy P. Smolinsky
Mitchell Snyder
Scott A. Snyder
Christopher D. Soden
Joseph Soldano
Harshkumar B. Soni
Eric Soucy
Ryan Spagnuolo
Jaime Sparrow
Jarrell Spence
Shaniya Spencer
David Spicer
Karthikeyan Srinivasan
Supani Srivardhana
Elizabeth Carey Stamp
Eric Matthew Stanley
Lisa Marie Stanton
Brittany St Bernard
David Steber
Brett Steigerwald
Katie Steimel
Robert Stetson
Terrence Stevens
Eric St Hilaire
Jeremy Stinson
Kenneth Stone
Jeremy D. Stout
Tobey Strauch
Zara Strickler
Matthew B Sturtevant Sr.
Takuya Sugimoto
Colin Sullivan
Kathrine Bridget Sullivan
Man Sun
Xiaoyin Sun
Ying Sun
Heather Sweeney
Patrick R. Sylvia
Amber Tabas
Natsuko Takeuchi
Ernest Manyoh Taku
Haley Tamburo
Mayurkumar M. Tandel
Sirasit Tangjitgamol
Michael Tano
Lizzette Mckenzie Tarver
Andrew R. Tattersall
Priya M. Tawczynski
Chris Teixeira
Byron E. Telage
Edith Tenaso
Christina M. Terruso
Shruti Thakur
May Yen Tham
Gaurab Raj Thapaliya
Blake Elliot Thomas
Nadine N. Thomas
Larissa Thomas Womack
Christin Quay Thompson
David H. Thompson
Gladys A. Thompson
Akshay J. Thotangare
Angela Tillis
Jason J. Tognarina
Annette Marie Tolbert
Richard Tom
Win Seng Tong
Daniel Toro
Ana Y. Torres
Jacobo F. Torres Gálvez
Dana Torsey
Jack Tralongo Jr
John K. Tran
Lynn Tran
Tammy Miller Traniello
Julie Traynor
Matthew Ryan Trombley
Bryant James Trombly
Holly L. Troyer
Maria Truly Sanders
Brittany M. Tucker
Cihan Turkoz
Helle Tychsen
William K. Tyler
Yusuke Uchida
Stanley C. Umeh
Selman Usta
Assel Uteyeva
Carter Vaillancourt
Ghazaleh Vakili
Jason Valente
Sotiria Valkanos
Aaron Williams Van de Car
Arthur A. Vanderminden
Elizabeth J. Van Hooydonk
Jennaffer Van Zee
Rakshit Vedia
Trent Eugene Vellella
Jean Pierre Vera
Daniel VerBout
Martha Verdugo
Adam Charles Veres
Michael Vislocky
Christina K. Vossbrink
Andrea S. Voyer
Stephen Vultaggio
Brian Wach
Andrew Waddel
Kirk Waldron
Denise Walker
Robert Walker
Aaron Christopher Wallace
Charlie Waller III
Jennifer Walsh
Nicole Walton-Trujillo
Dale Wayne Wampler
Fa Wang
Jian Wang
Renke Wang
Caroline Wanjohi
Bradford Wankewicz
Kyle Warne
Deborah Warren
Matthew J. Watson
Marion Julius Belton Weaver, III
Brian Webb
Wm. Todd Wehner
Stacy Weinberg
Kylie Ann Welsh
Robert Wescott
Kelly M. Wessells
Timothy T. West
Brian Westmoreland
Christine M. Wheeler
Diana Tai Yan White
Harriet P. White
Sophia E. Wiedermann
Ronald B. Wight
Nicole E. Wilkinson
Dana Allan Williams
Sheryl Elizabeth Williams
Geoffrey Williamson
Katherine E. Wilson
Kristine A. Wilson
Marlon Xavier Witherspoon
Brian Wixted
Eric Richard Wolpert
Lori B. Wood
Mahlon J. Wood IV
Stephanie M. Woods
David K. Woolrich Jr.
Megan Wootton
Sara C. Worley
Jared J. Wright
Lauren Wright
Lionel Wright
Tamika Wright
Reginald L Wynne Jr.
Joseph A. Wysocki
Michael Wystepek
Zejun Xiang
Chihiro Yamanaka
Serine Yamout
Alexandra Yang
Dongni Ye
Jessica Yelle
Carolyn Yoho
Beverly Renee Young
Brian Young
Shanorm Young
Julie Hackert Zahn
Raul Zanabria
Erin Marie Zayac
Christine Zemanek Ryder
Zhenhao Zhang
Yao Zhou
Ammon Zitting
Master of Science
Hazim M. Abu Mehsen
Melissa J. Adams
Hassan A. Aden
Kathryn R. Allaire
David J. Alldredge
Amy Marie Allen
Nora Anajarian
Andrea del Carmen Anders
Jaclyn Victoria Anderson
Katrina J. Angell
Kate Angis
Hedei Luann Arias
Patrick M. Arida
Elyse Arrigo
Scott T. Arris
Weno Angga Prahasta Asnan
Wendy L. Augur
Julie Lyn Austin
Ahmad Raslan Bani Yaseen
Alexandra N. Barba
Tracy Jennifer Barillas
Stephanie E. Barnes
Neusa M Barros
Erin L. Barth
Taylor Mei Baude
Phillip Bays
Sandra Lee Beckley
Victor Belcher
Robert Irwin Bell
Patrick Russell Bennett
Alexander Bernardo
Lindsay Blakey
Mary LaFrance Bochichio
Pamela Bohanan
Karen Bolton
Justine Bonitatibus
Samitar Boonjam
Nicole Bouchard
Robert Bowers
Andrew F. Brangiel
Stacey Nicole Breton
Seth Evan Brody
James Ray Brooks
Christopher A. Broome
Caro Marcelle Brown
Carri Brown
Jordan Brown
Frederick Bruce
Paul Bruno
Jeanna Bryan
Melissa R. Buchanan
Tiffany Bullis
Isaac John Bundy
Kimberly Bushek
Carol Buss
Megan Buthelezi
Kimberly A. Butland
Deirdre Cabral
Michelle Caiazzi
Jasmine Caldero
William W. Calhoun
Valorie Callan
Jeffrey L. Candito
Ashley M. Carelli
Alyssa S. Carlson
Jennifer A. Caron
Linda Marie Carr
Anthony Charles Carter
Shaneka Lizette Carter
Tiana Chahelli
Stacey Chan
Han Yuan Chang
Vichaipol Chantasirivet
Ashtin Charles
Binh C. Chau
Phoebe E. Clark
Laura Lynne Clary
Vanessa Coelho
Andrew Cohen
Susan D. Colella
Kali Coleman
Mary Collier
Christie Conticchio
Ryan Thomas Cooley
Jon Cooper
Greta Copeland-Hill
Benjamin D. Cornelius
Tiffany Nichole Cotton
Danielle J. Courtemanche
Lisa Crockett
Katrina Enes Crowell
Yufeng Cui
Patrick Michael Curley
Jacquelyn R. Curran
Amy D. Currier
Weiru Dai
Kristen Augusta Daisey
Chrissi Leann Davis
Cindy L. Dayley
Megan E Dearmon
Danielle DeGarmo
Jaime L. DeGaspe
Brian Del Fierro
Giulianna Depace
Amanda Britney Devlin
Marianne Di Cicco
Dominic A. DiMaggio
Junnior Dishmey Perez
Alan Dixon
Becky Dolley
Roberto Done
Caitlin J. Dougherty
Scott E. Egan
Timothy Egan
Anthony Ellis
Sumiko K. Evans
Rachel Faris
Grace Fecteau
Ginnifer Fenuccio
Amber Fernandez
Michael Field
Stephen Fink
Saphire Finzel
Courtney Elizabeth Fisher
Sarah H. Florino
Belinda Floyd
William Flynn
Elizabeth R. Foss
Kerry-Ann S. Francis
Valerie Francisco
Bridget L. Franciscovich
Jacqueline Frey
Selina Daylene Fritter
Jesse Fromosky
Michael Frost
Amy Furtado
Ashley Gamble
Andrei Ganea
Jiaqi Gao
Tianfu Gao
Andre Garron
Steffanie Garza
Erika Gavin
Eric Geisheimer
Anthony J. Gengo
Meera K. Gokhale
David Golia
Laurette G. Gonet
Jeffrey Gorman
Jessica L. Gould
Maurice Grable
Brent Gray
Tonya Grayson
Charles A Graytok
Christopher Green
Margarita Gonzales Guerra Engel
Damian P Gunther
Zhengyang Guo
Hiwa Habibi
Asaad F. Hamid
Brandi Hamilton
Tiffany Han
Angela M. Hardin
Travis Hare
Melissa Leigh Hargett
Patricia Harness
Andrea R. Harris
Stephanie Harris
Harb M. Hasan
Avia Haynes
Laura Jean Hazelton
Yanli He
Cheryl Beth Hemric
Kevin David Henderson
John Charles Hernandez
Brian Hess
Jamie Hinrichs
Harold Hirtle
Nicole Hjerpe
Peter Hofmann
Michael Saejong Holder
Andrea J. Holland
David Hood
Shacovia R. Howell
Haixia Hu
Jiawei Hu
Xin Hu
Monica Hubler
Cheryl Hunte
Richard Hyde
Cristian D. Iftode
Kristopher Ingram
Abdullah Isel
Andrew R. Jacobson
Gul-e-Zehra Jafri
Devin S. Jaglal
Blanca Estela Jauregui-Gonzalez
Tingyu Ji
Yibo Jiang
Yuxi Jin
Douglas Jockers
Andrea M. Johnson
Casey Johnson
Ernest L. Johnson Jr.
Alysia A. Johnston
Wacharaporn Jomrit
Michele L. Jones
Shaena R. Kanion
Tiffany Kannard
Jamie L. Kaplan
Brett S. Kelly
Daniel Kelly
Jennifer Kessler
Sandy Kessloff
Zubair Khan
Cher King
Fanfei Kong
Alexandra Konspore
Nishanth Kothuru
Daliborka Kresovic
Luke Kroeger
Sean William Kushigian
Hollianne Lagueux
Shan Lai
Victoria G. Lajoie
Henok Lakew
Danielle J. Lambert
Robert Lanton
Stephen Lanza
Thanh Kim Le
George Leach
Gregory Lamont Lee II
Mo Li
Shang Li
Shanhua Li
Tongyi Li
Yunhan Li
Jeffrey Lile
Kathleen Litman
Heng Liu
Hsu Feng Liu
Daniel Joseph Lococo
Latisha Nicole Loncke
Erin Longanbach
Allison M. Lord
Andrea Lorincz
Jinze Lu
James Lustig
Kate N. Ly
Junye Lyu
Carolyn L. MacDonald
Maria MacIas
James A. MacKay
Nicholas S. MacLeay
Elizabeth A Mahoney
Julie K. Mandello
Zachary Manning
Krysta Mardon
Carly Martell
Jessica M. Mason
William Masuck
Kimberly A. Maxfield
Courtney Maxwell
Janel Maysonet
Barbara McClendon
Carolyn C McCormick
Jason McCormick
Amber D. McDonald
Benjamin McGaw
Ryan McGinniss
Kevin C. McGovern
Mark McHugh
Mills D. McIlroy
Roy Medico
Laura Evelyn Mendez
Ephraim Mensah
Iliana Mileva
Aaron Milne
David Milne
Jennifer Mitchell
Kathleen Moffett
Thupten Monlam
Anne Moorer
Carla Moreau
Justin Morgan
Chad R. Morrison
Christopher J. Morton
Cecilia Mosher
Christina S. Moss
Brendan Mumford
Wilbert Murph
Kevin Murphy
Tracey Murphy
Jesse M. Nazer
Avala Luetta Nealy
Christopher Nelson
Jared John Nesbit
Bruce Neumann
Davis V Nguyen
Dieu Nguyen
Loan Thi Phuong Nguyen
Kristine E. Nicholson
Valerie Nicoll
Robert O'Connor
Ezeka Nnam Okafor
James Dauglas Onduso
Peter K. Orne
Ida Parker
Kristina Patterson
Benjamin Patz
Vanessa M. Pearl
Ronaldo J. Pelchat
Lance C. Pelley
Jeymy Pena
Zhongyuan Peng
Ashley Airis Penick
Tenaya Richelle Peters
Amber Petrizzo
Valerie Picco
Sushrith Reddy Piduru
Tongtip Pingeesakikul
Eric P. Place
Trever Plant
Shandra N. Plourde
Karen D. Plum
Fernando Poe, IV
Chad Postema
Samantha M. Potter
Lisa Prodywus
Sriprapa Prommayon
Xue Qiao
Amanda Quirk
Griffin Lloyd Ramsdell
Joseph Randlett
Robert K. Ray
Tatyana Razumov
Paul J. Reardon
Timothy J. Reddan
Mary Reddinger
Zachary A. Richards
Nina M. Richardson
Steven Ringland
Lourdes Riva
Jorge C Rivasplata Becerra
Bianca Rizzo
Elyse Yvette Robinson
Samantha Rodriguez
Robert Rogers
Scott Rogerson
Oxana Roy
Nicki Alexa Runci
Joseph Salamone
Aisha Saleem
Jamel Salter
Marie Salvaggione
Keith Samek
Danielle M. Sanborn
Michele Santorelli
Natishka Saunders
Rebecca C. Scalera
Joseph Schliesser
Anna Seacat
Victoria Seamans
Andrea Serrano
Robert Shaw
Patrick Shea
Brooke Shendell
Brittany Shirley
Brian T. Shoer
Maricris Shuman
Mukiti Sikute
Patjira Simanontaprinya
Lyndie-Lee C. Simpson
Tushima Sims
Anna Sladkova
James R. Smith
Robin Smith
Chardee Sneed
Jessica Soares
Renee Suzanne Spadaro
Chad A. Staelens
Jennifer Stamos
Erin Szewc
Mosfek S. Talukder
Valeriya Tarasenko
Elma Tejada
Nicholas Terranova
Lori Tess
Travis Therrien
Andrew B. Topliffe
Coumba Traore
Jeremy Trujillo
Kathleen Marie Turvin
Michelle L Tuttle
Emily Vail
Edith M. Valeri
Lauren K Verge
Fabricio Viquez
Geovanny Viquez
Alevtyna Vykhodtseva
Bradley Walker
Fa Wang
Jing Wang
Yilin Wang
James Samuel Wax
Mickey Weaver
Andrea Webb
Angela Weir
Mary Beth Westenfield
Brendan White
Anthony Whitten
Catrice S. Wickham
Akeem Jason Williams
Jennifer Maria Wilson
Brian B. Winslow Jr.
Autumn Woodward
Jie Wu
Brian Wybieralla
Ranran Xiao
Tengmin Xiao
Yingting Xie
Nai Wen Xing
Xiao Hui Xu
Xiaorong Yang
Mary Yanocsko
Lei Ye
Banu Yildirim
Feng Yu
Theodore Raymond Zabek
Xinyi Zhang
Yinan Zhang
Zhaoming Zhang
Ernest H. Zintel, Sr.
Nursing and Health
Master of Science in Management
Joseph Ackerman
Sarah Ackerman
Ric Allen
Valentina S Astakhov
James Bachich
Laura Badia
Titilayo T. Bamidele-Ibrahim
Catherine Barlette
Angel Bateman
Matthew T. Beaulac
James David Bessette, Jr.
Autumn Bishop
Sandra J. Boatswele
Sharon Bond
Linda M. Brink
Kristin Brooks
Tamala Brown
Melissa Sue Brule
Mohamed Elmahady Camara
Heather Canett
Michele Cerami
Eun Jin Chung
Leighann Clark
Shirrill Prunier Cofrin
Dustin Shane Cook
Lenora R. Crum
Michelle Cunningham
Keith Alden Curran II
Mark T Danielson
Anthony Demers
Jennifer De Sousa
Victoria M. Dussault
Ayesha Adnan Ekram
Latoya S. Evans
Steven Finnegan
Theresa Floody
Sanita Floyd
Peter Forcelli
Katelynn Freeman
Sarah Ghazanfari
Meghan P. Giarnese
Kathleen Gingras
Heather G.S. Gordon
Shantay Greene
Elizabeth Guyette
Sherri Lynne Hill
Nathan J Hough
Kathy Howard
Molly Howe
James P. Imhoff Jr.
Cana Johnson
Shaney Johnson
Kenya Jones
Mamun Kabir
Olayinka Kolawole
Megan Lofton
Deborah L. Logan
Amy Lopes
Joseph McCalvin
Daniel McCollum
Tatiana Millett
Kayla Moehrle
Shauna Morrison
Deborah Nagel
Stacy Norris
Kiana Oatman
Timothy O’Steen
Laura Pacheco
Sara Nicole Paz
Ruth Ragatz
Suzanne N. Rapoza
Paul Rau
Talana Sabbakhan
Megan Scott
Joanne Marie Shaw
Robert O. Sills Jr.
Nilea Silva
Brian J. Simonis
Shiela Smith
Gaganjot Sooch
Melissa Christine Stilian
Sara Swahn
Richard J. Swan
Stacey Swanson
Jenna Elizabeth Tarara
Nicole Ashley Taxel
Ashley Taylor
Veronica Thomas
Maggie Thorpe
Tristy Tisdale
Susan Valliere
Henry Viloria
Stacey Kidd Walker
Kamilah Weaver
Master of Science in Nursing
Dana Aulds
Cheryle Demaria
Katie Lynn Glasheen
Aimee Hutchinson
Linda Knorr
Sandra Jean Mackey
Kerry Thayer
The list of names published in this program is not an official list of degree recipients. Names listed here include those
who have completed all of their degree requirements as well as those who are expected to complete their
degree requirements by October 31, 2015. An official list of degrees conferred is maintained by the
Office of the University Registrar.
Join Us For a Reception
Please join us for a reception on the SNHU campus immediately following commencement. Light food and beverages will be served. There will be ample opportunity for photos
and networking.
The reception is being held in the Banquet Hall, located on the second floor of the Dining
Nor th R er Roa
Southern New Hampshire University
2500 North River Road
m St.
n St.
Cross Elm St. onto Granite St.
Take first right onto Canal St.
Canal St. turns into N. River Road.
Four miles to SNHU.
te St.
Manchester, NH 03106
1. Leave Verizon Wireless Arena at 555 Elm Street Manchester NH
2. Head north on Elm Street toward Granite Street
3. Take the 1st left onto Granite Street
4. Take the 1st right onto Canal Street
5. Continue on Canal Street, which will turn into River Road
6. Follow River Road for approximately 3 miles
7. Southern New Hampshire University will be on your left
8. Follow signs for parking
Welcome To New Alumni
Congratulations to the Class of 2015!
We are excited to welcome you to the alumni community, and we hope you’re as
proud as we are of your efforts and accomplishments to get here.
As a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University, you are officially part of
the SNHU Alumni Association. Your membership connects you with more than
60,000 alumni throughout the world, and provides you access to library resources,
professional development, networking, volunteer and social events throughout the
year. We hope to see you on campus for Homecoming Weekend this fall, October 16–18, 2015 or as
part of the many opportunities to engage with other alumni and the SNHU Community both locally and on the road.
Stay connected and make sure your alumni profile is up to date at
Kristi Durette, Director of Alumni Relations
Jeff Penta ’05, ’08, ’11, President, SNHU Alumni Association
Share your #SNHU2015 moments
• Invite your family and friends to celebrate your success with you by watching the live broadcast of today’s Commencement ceremony at
• Congratulate the Class of 2015 and share today’s highlights using #SNHU2015
when posting to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
• We would love to include your Commencement photos in our official
#SNHU2015 Facebook photo album. Email your photos to photos@snhu.edu.
Southern New Hampshire University
2500 North River Road
Manchester, New Hampshire 03106-1045

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