2015 COCE Graduate Commencement Program


2015 COCE Graduate Commencement Program
Southern New Hampshire
College of Online and Continuing Education
College For America
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Verizon Wireless Arena
Manchester, New Hampshire
“The future belongs to
those who believe in the
beauty of their dreams.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
New Hampshire Pipes and Drums, Mace Bearer, Faculty Marshal, Trustees
and the President’s Party, Faculty, Administration, Degree Candidates by unit:
Arts and Sciences, Business, and Nursing and Health Professions, College for America
The National Anthem
Kelly Newcomb, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
The audience is asked to remain standing during the processional,
the singing of The National Anthem, and the invocation.
The Invocation
The Rev. Bruce Collard, Director of Campus Ministry
Greetings and Introduction of Platform Guests
Paul J. LeBlanc, President of Southern New Hampshire University
Student Address
Debra Stevens, Undergraduate Student
Honorary Degree Recipients
Bassem Youssef
Political Satirist and Resident Fellow at Harvard University’s Institute of Politics
Presented by Mark A. Ouellette, Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Conferred by Paul J. LeBlanc, President of Southern New Hampshire University
Hooded by Patricia Lynott, Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Fredrick J. Bramante, Jr.
Founder, National Center for Competency-Based Learning
Presented by Mark A. Ouellette, Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Conferred by Paul J. LeBlanc, President of Southern New Hampshire University
Hooded by Patricia Lynott, Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
The Commencement Address
Bassem Youssef
Award Citations – Excellence in Teaching Award
Presentation of Degree Candidates
Patricia Lynott, Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Conferral of Degrees
Paul J. LeBlanc, President of Southern New Hampshire University
Reading of Degrees
Dan Poulin
Jeff Czarnec
Welcome to New Alumni
Mike Warenda ’02, Director of the Alumni Association
The Rev. Bruce Collard, Director of Campus Ministry
The audience is requested to remain seated until the recessional is completed.
Please join us for a reception on the SNHU campus immediately following commencement.
The reception is being held in the Banquet Hall,
located on the second floor of the Dining Hall.
Commencement Dignitaries
Paul J. LeBlanc
Mace Bearer
Jessica Rogers
Faculty Marshal
Dr. Mark Hobson
Unit Marshals
Nursing and Health Professions
Karen Brooks
Arts and Sciences
Dr. Christopher Lee
Dr. Richard Schultz
President’s Marshal
Patricia Lynott, Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
A professional photographer will take a picture of each student.
Each graduate will then be sent a color photograph.
Honorary Degree Recipient
Bassem Youssef
Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters
Bassem Youssef, dubbed the Jon Stewart of the Arab World,
was the host of popular TV show Al-Bernameg — which was the
first of its kind political satire show in the Middle East region.
Originally an online 5-minute show, Al-Bernameg became the most
watched show in the history of Egyptian TV with an average of 40
million viewers every week, in addition to over 2 million subscribers on YouTube and 700 million views on his own channel and other channels.
The B+ show started as a 5-minute show on YouTube in 2011, gaining five million views in
only three months. Nine webisodes later, Egyptian channel ONTV offered Youssef to create a
weekly political satire TV show “Al-Bernameg” which means “the show.” Al-Bernameg received
wide acclaim around the world with coverage in some of the biggest media outlets, topping it off
with Youssef’s appearance on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart in June 2012 for an extended interview and another one in March 2013.
In November 2012, Al-Bernameg moved from ONTV’s smallest studio to Radio Theater in
Cairo’s downtown. The second season, which premiered in November 2012 on CBC network, was
the first live audience show in the Middle East. The show gained tremendous success through its
humorous yet bold criticism of the ruling regime and President Morsi, representing the Muslim
Brotherhood. Soon after the show started airing, complaints were filed against Youssef, accusing
him of insulting Islam, President Morsi, and disrupting public order and peace. Youssef was
issued an arrest warrant in March 2013 and turned himself in the next day where he was questioned for five hours and released on bail. But the complaints continued, in addition to the recurring direct threats and insults to Youssef by many “Islamist” preachers and media figures, putting
more pressure on him and his team. In recognition of his success, Youssef was named among the
Time Magazine most influential list for 2013 — under the “Pioneers” category. In June 2013,
Youssef hosted Jon Stewart on Al-Bernameg in Cairo marking the season’s peak.
After a four-month break, Youssef appeared on air in October 2013, with a show that stirred a
lot of controversy and criticism. In response to the popular criticism and discontent the show has
caused, CBC, the show’s broadcaster, distanced itself from the show and its creators, and decided
to stop airing it on its channels. Meanwhile, more than 120 complaints against Youssef and the
show were filed at the General Prosecutor’s office, accusing him of insulting the Armed Forces,
President Adly Mansour and describing the June 30 revolution as a military coup, in addition to
disrupting public order and peace. The General prosecutor has transferred some of the complaints
for investigation, which remain subject to the prosecutor’s decision and judgment till this moment.
In November 2013 was named one of four recipients by the Committee to Protect Journalists for
the International Press Freedom Award.
Al-Bernameg reappeared on MBC Masr satellite channel on February 7, 2014, achieving
unprecedented weekly viewership ratings for 11 consecutive weeks.
The attacks on Youssef and his show continued. This included lawsuits, public smearing,
putting his theater under siege and even jamming the satellite signal of his show during airing.
The culprit remains officially unknown till this day.
In June 2014, Al-Bernameg team held a press conference where Youssef announced the termination of the show due to pressure on both the show and the airing channel. Although the real
cause was ambiguous and never stated directly, Youssef cited fear for his personal safety and his
family’s safety as strong reasons for him to stop.
Youssef majored in cardiothoracic surgery, passed the United States Medical License Exam
(USMLE) and is a member of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS).
Honorary Degree Recipient
Fredrick J. Bramante, Jr.
Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters
In 1995, Fred Bramante received the Alumni Achievement Award from Keene State
College, where he received his Bachelor’s Degree in Science (1970). In 2009, Fred was given
the Alumni Achievement Award from Plymouth State University where he received his
Masters Degree in Educational Leadership (2006). In 1964, Fred graduated 206th of 212
students in his high school; that year his applications for admission to both colleges were
Fred, a former 8th grade Science teacher, left teaching to put a full-time effort into his
fledgling music business. With his life savings of $600, Fred founded Daddy’s Junky Music
(1972) and grew it from the smallest of over 11,000 music dealers to the 15th largest in
Fred is a former candidate for governor and the past Chairman of the New Hampshire
State Board of Education. Appointed by both Republican and Democratic governors, Fred
served on the State Board of Education longer than anyone in the state’s history. In 2003,
Fred led New Hampshire’s first full-scale effort to redesign public education since 1919.
Fred’s work, chronicled in his book Off the Clock: Moving Education from Time to Competency (Bramante & Colby, Corwin Press. 2011), has received rave reviews in education circles around the nation.
Today, Fred is the Founder and President of the National Center for Competency-Based
Learning (NCCBL) whose vision is “the world as the classroom” and mission is the transformation of public education from a time based system to a system based on learning anytime
and anyplace.
Debra Stevens
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Selected to make remarks on behalf of the
undergraduate class.
Welcome family, friends, faculty, staff, and other supporters of Southern New Hampshire
University’s graduating class of 2015.
Although SNHU students have diverse experiences and backgrounds, we all share one
irrefutable commonality: hope. We have each embarked on a journey at SNHU due to hope.
We all have a vision, founded on the hope of a better future for ourselves, our families, and all
those touched through our circle of influence. Whether we seek our first degree, a new
career, or advancement in our profession, hope has brought us here. Regardless of our differences or individual reasons for attending SNHU, we are bonded by the truth that every one of
us carries hope in our hearts. We are all here with the hope of making our dreams a reality.
Hope is one of the strongest forces in the Universe. Hope heals. In my nursing career, I
have seen how transformative the discovery of hope can be – from fighting for life against the
odds, to finding the motivation to get out of bed during a severe bout of depression, to going
sober after twenty-five years of addiction, to actually thriving through cancer treatment. In
healthcare, hope is the one contagion we want to spread. It is what triggers us to pull out the
paddles to revive a static heart or hold a patient’s hand through the news of a terrifying diagnosis. Hope is not just key to surviving, it is vital to truly being alive.
Hope ignites our passion and gives us the strength to sacrifice in the name of something
greater than ourselves. It grant s us the energy to stay up until 2:00am to finish a research
paper, after we’ve tucked in our children, knowing that we must rise again in a few hours,
report to work, and repeat this process tomorrow. It helps us find the courage to register for
that difficult course we know we may fail. It drives us to forego a Saturday night out with
friends to study for an upcoming exam. Hope in its most divine form, love, provides encouragement and esteem through the faith of our loved ones. It moves us when we don’t believe in
ourselves. Hope makes us tenacious in pursuing success and resilient in our failures. It is
creation, progress, triumph. Hope is life. This is the power of hope.
Whoever we become or whatever we achieve, the ripples we create, will rely on either the
absence or manifestation of hope in our lives. Samuel Taylor Coleridge said, “He is the best
physician who is the most ingenious inspirer of hope.” My hope today, for all of us, is that no
matter where we come from or where we go, we will each aspire to be “the best physicians” in
life and carry the light of hope within us — for ourselves and all we touch. May we all be
“ingenious inspirers of hope.”
The Excellence In Teaching Award
Southern New Hampshire University traditionally has recognized outstanding teaching in
its many degree programs. Following an extensive selection process, a full-time faculty member and an adjunct faculty member in COCE are honored with the Excellence in Teaching
Award, which is announced during the May commencement ceremony. The process is student-driven with all nominations coming from the student body. A committee of administrators, faculty, and students used the nomination information and the following criteria to
select the winners:
Effectiveness as a classroom teacher.
Commitment to advising and/or tutoring students beyond what might be expected.
Professional development to remain current in the discipline and teaching.
Contributions toward building the reputation or image of the university.
General attitude toward students that demonstrates a concern for their welfare.
The finalists for the 2015 Excellence in Teaching Award for the College of Online and Continuing
Education Full-Time Faculty are:
Richard Grego — Language Arts
Karen Wilkinson — Language Arts
Joan Smith — Language Arts
Academic Regalia
The academic costume worn today originated in the universities of the Middle Ages, when
a warm gown and hood were useful for scholars and clerics in unheated buildings. The
distinctive gown served to set the student apart from his fellow citizens, hence the perennial
controversy between ‘town and gown.’
Until after the Civil War, students at most American universities wore caps and gowns
daily while in residence. These varied in design until standardized by the American
Intercollegiate Commission in 1894. At that time it was decided that all robes would be
black; bachelor’s gowns would have long, pointed sleeves; master’s gowns would have long,
closed sleeves with slits for the arms at the elbows; and doctor’s gowns would have very full,
bell-shaped sleeves, each with three velvet bands matching the velvet facing of the gown
The length of hoods varies with the degree. The lining of the hood indicates the university
by the colors. The border of the hood indicates the academic discipline in which the degree
was earned.
The colors for academic fields established by the American Council on Education
Agriculture maize
Arts, Letters and Humanities white
Business, Commerce and Accounting light brown
Dentistry lilac
Economics copper
Education light blue
Engineering orange
Fine Arts brown
Forestry russet
Journalism crimson
Law purple
Library Science lemon
Medicine green
Music pink
Nursing apricot
Oratory silver gray
Pharmacy olive green
Philosophy dark blue
Physical Education sage green
Public Administration peacock blue
Science golden yellow
Social Work citron
Theology scarlet
Veterinary Science gray
(Caps and gowns representing degrees from foreign universities may be quite different
from those described. The most obvious difference may be in the cap, which is often a soft,
round hat of the style worn by medieval scholars.)
Graduation Procession
A procession of the various participants begins and ends our formal graduation ceremony.
Individuals are arranged to reflect the order of academic rank in the hierarchy of the traditional European university.
At SNHU the Mace Bearer leads the procession. He or she is followed by the Faculty
Marshals, the Platform Party, and then the Faculty of the schools arranged in order by seniority beginning with the senior faculty. The procession is concluded by the degree candidates.
They enter in groups representing their schools, led by a gonfalon (flag) and walking in rank.
Ceremonial Mace
The mace was first used as a weapon. The word comes from the Latin ‘mateola,’ meaning
mallet or staff. It consisted of a long club with a ball of steel or brass at one end. As newer
weapons came into use, the mace lost its prime purpose as an instrument of war. It had,
however, become a symbol of authority and power.
Universities in Europe with roots in the Middle Ages adopted maces as symbols of
authority and unity. Since then, other institutions of higher learning have come to use the
mace in their ceremonies.
Southern New Hampshire University commissioned David Elwell, a New Hampshire
silversmith, to create a mace to commemorate the university’s 50th anniversary
commencement. This mace is made of brass, aluminum, copper and bronze, with a staff of
ebony and African padauk.
The Presidential Medallion
The Presidential Medallion, worn by the president with academic regalia, is a symbolic
representation of the authority and responsibility vested by the university in the president. It
is a symbol of office that dates from medieval times and is worn by the president at all
ceremonial occasions.
The Presidential Medallion is a permanent possession of the university and is presented
to successive presidents at their inaugurations by the chairman of the Board of Trustees.
The chain and medallion are fabricated from sterling silver. The university emblem, in
relief, is the central design on the medallion. It is surrounded by a border of entwined wires,
similar in texture to the chain links, and finished with a square raised edge. The heavy,
twisted links of the chain bear four oval plates on each side. The background of the entire
piece is oxidized to highlight the relief design and textures. The names of those who have
held the office are engraved on the reverse side of the medallion.
The Presidential Medallion was designed and fabricated in 1987 by award-winning New
Hampshire metalsmith Jacquelyn Ferrency of Milford.
Southern New Hampshire University
Honor Societies
Alpha Chi
Alpha Chi, Epsilon Chapter, is the National Honor Society for liberal arts majors at Southern New Hampshire University. Alpha Chi recognizes high scholastic achievement, service,
and character. It emphasizes the needs of students byproviding opportunities for academic
scholarships, for participation in national and regional conferences and for a higher initial
grade in civil service jobs.
Membership in Alpha Chi is open to liberal arts majors who have completed at least one
half of the work required for a baccalaureaut degree, who rank in the top 10 percent of their
class and who have earned cumulative grade-point-averages of 3.85 or above.
Meagen Alcorn
Kevin Anderson
Diamond Ash
Marcella Barrows
Gary Beck
Amanda Blanchard
Emily Bocim
Eric Boulay
Deborah Boyles
Laura Brashear
Lorie Bridges
Tracey Burraston
Autumn Byers
Deshani Caldera
Janice Capasso
Amber Cahmberlain
Seth Chamberlin
Emily Chase
Jacey Clark
Elizabeth Conn
Jennifer Connelly
Shannon Conway
Leann Cornell
Kate Cox
Rachael Cox
Michelle Coyne
Jeremy Crandall
Laureen Crews
Brittany Dandrow
Meral Daniel
Janet Day
Clinton DeYoung
Rachel Dimagio
Andrea Diminick
Jim Disbrow
Caitlin Dunham
Michael Evans
Elyse Falco
Jaley Floyd
Leila Fortier
Jennifer Foster
Rebecca Foxon
Annette Franke
Sarah Fucci
Kaycee Gnatowski
Yvette Gobin
Tamara Graver
Carlene Gray
Joseph Guida
Corinne Guilmain
Patrice Harris
Kimberly Henson
Denise Hill
Molly Hobbs
Jessica Hogsed
Pamela Hooverman
Adam James
Aaron Jensen
Rebecca Johnston
Danielle Kellar
Robin Kyek
Lori Lapriola
Alexandra Lazar
Angela Lazarus
Debra Leander
David Lester
Vanessa Lofton
Renee Lynch
Brittany Lynn
Tina Mandrioli
Shannon Margera
Danielle Martin
Jamee Mascia
Amanda Maurier
Thomas McCormack
Melinda McGraner
Timothy McMillan
Marjorie Meisner
Victoria Mendosa
Jennifer Meservey
Nina Miceli
Markell Miller
Madison Mitchell
Kathleen Molitor
Susan Morton
Samuel Moultrie
Merriell Moyer
Marybeth Murdock
Erick Nielsen
Rebecca Norman-Droll
Andrea O’Malley
Padmini Pappu
Oren Patterson
Vaughna Pelliccia
Amber Pendarvis
Heather Pendry
Katherine Perry
Sandra Phillips
Stacy Pitman
Joanne Pomper
Steven Pomper
Amylee Raddin
Jennifer Ramirez Robson
Joan Raymond
Sheila Reitano
Amanda Rivera
Karen Rizkallah
Devon Salmen Jackson
Megan Serencha
Nicole Smith
Steven Smith
Bridget Smithers
Carly Snodgrass
Tammy Stephens
Tara Stone
Michele Tapper-Racine
LisaAnn Tber
Aimee Thompson
Heather Vargas
Kari Wall
Jamie Weaver
Jill Wieck
Lindsay Wilcox
Christopher Winn
Jihyun Woodward
Alpha Sigma Lambda
First in Scholarship and Leadership
Every year, Southern New Hampshire University’s outstanding adult and non-traditional
students are invited to join the Sigma Psi chapter of Alpha Sigma Lambda.
In 1946, Rollin Posey, Dean of Continuing Education at Northwestern, founded the society to honor superior scholarship and leadership within the division of continuing education.
It provides a prestigious opportunity to recognize adult students who accomplish academic
excellence while balancing the competing interest of family, work and community. It is the
oldest and largest chapter-based honor society for adult students. Students who have earned
at least 24 credits at SNHU and are in the top 20% of their class are eligible for membership.
Joan Abbott
Jessica Adcock
Meagen Alcorn
Suzanne Avella
Anthony Baldi
Adam Bastian
Sarah Bauer
Tammy Belanger
Dennis Berry
Justin Blackford
Amanda Blanchard
Margaret Blundon
Emily Bocim
Janet Bonesteel
Mark Boothman
Robert Bosnyak
Deborah Boyles
Laura Brashear
Zohray Brennan
Joseph Broussard
Brett Broyles
Joseph Brulotte
Tracey Burraston
Autumn Byers
Renae Byrd
Leonard Calaman
Deshani Caldera
Caitlin Carey
Elizabeth Casagrande
Amber Chamberlain
Emily Chase
Rachid Chrichem
Melissa Condry
Shannon Conway
Alicia Coviello
Kate Cox
Michelle Coyne
Sherri Crain
Kathleen Crombleholme
Jennifer Cuevas
Meral Daniel
Lee Davis
Maureen Davis
Michael De Los Santos
Frank Devlin
Jim Disbrow
Norbert Dudek
Thomas Dufort
Kathleen Earnest
Kelly Embert
Lucila Fields
Lisa Fiorenza
Wesley Florez
Tammy Foreman
Robert Foster
Geneva Fox
Michael Fox
Rebecca Foxon
Sarah Fucci
Michael Gavin
Jamie Geciauskas
Kaycee Gnatowski
Abby Gorman
Corinne Guilmain
Kelley Guite
Alison Haddock
Jeffrey Hanlon
Glenda Hargrave
David Hazel
Frank Hilliker
Tracy Holzhauer
Alison Johnson
Thomas Johnson
Rebecca Johnston
Jennifer Kiley
Robin Kyek
Chad Labrie
Lori Lapriola
Debra Leander
Susan Lee
Odette Lekien
Robert Lemon
Jessica Lumb
Robin Lykon
Renee Lynch
Patricia MacArthur
Jennifer MacIsso
Juliette Marsh
Jamee Mascia
Beverly Masters
Susan Masters
Kellie McBride
Edward McCauley
Thomas McDonald
Brendon McGahan
Melissa McKenzie
Erin McLaughlin
Crystal Merrifield
Jennifer Meservey
Markell Miller
Catherine Moore
Charlene Moore
Susan Morton
Future Mpundu
Dawn Munson
Jon Murphy
Patrick Myers
Denise Nankivell
Candace Neider
Donna Nelson
Heath Oneal
Violetta Ozeran
Jacob Parker
Susette Parks
Bryan Parmenter
Mellissa Peace
James Peake
Samuel Pennell
Rafael Pereira
Radhia Persaud
Lisa Peterson
Sarah Pilapil
Melissa Pollari
Sean Poloian
Steven Pomper
Joanne Pomper
Daron Pope
Melissa Prefontaine
Steven Purcell
Amylee Raddin
Steven Rangel
Linda Ravgiala
Joan Raymond
Brianna Raymond
Abebe Reddy
Sheila Reitano
Beth Ricci
Kelly Rice
Nicholas Riso
Karen Rizkallah
Marie Sartorelli
Timothy Sawyer
Marc Schetter
Sara Sheran
Elaine Shirley
Ying Simpson
Karen Smith
Steven Smith
Carly Snodgrass
Nissa Spaulding
Jill Stansfield
Kimberly Stiles
Carrie Stiles
Corey Sulzen
Bryan Sykes
Michele Tapper-Racine
Jessie Tate
Kimberly Tate-Louie
LisaAnn Tber
Dina Terrell
Jennifer Tetley
Heather Vargas
Gina Vazquez
Omar Vazquez
David Wagner
McKaylin Walters
Larry Warner
Jason Weber
Tami Webster
Kimberly Weihrauch
Michelle Wellington
Derek Wennerstrand
Jerold White
Renee White
Gina Whitney
Lindsay Wilcox
Trudy-Ann Wilson
Nichelle Womble
Daniel Woolworth
Delta Mu Delta
The Southern New Hampshire University Honor Society for business students is the
Gamma Nu Chapter of Delta Mu Delta, an International Honorary Society in Business
Administration. Its purpose is to promote and recognize training for business and to reward
scholastic achievement in business subjects.
Membership is restricted to business students of good character who are candidates for
the baccalaureate degree and have achieved a cumulative grade-point average of 3.6 and are
in the top 20 percent of their respective class. Members of the Gamma Nu Chapter of Delta
Mu Delta are honored by a gold cord or gold/purple cord adorning their academic regalia.
The following graduates have been inducted into the Gamma Nu Chapter of Delta Mu
Jessica Adcock
Rebecca Archambault
Suzanne Avella
Belinda Backstrom
Adam Bastian
David Benoit
Keith Bernier
Dennis Berry
Caixia Bethune
Stephanie Bigcraft
Margaret Blundon
Janet Bonesteel
Joseph Broussard
Frank Brown
Joshua Burkett
Michael Burnham
Lori Connolly
Robert Cossairt
Pamela Coutermarsh
Alicia Coviello
Kathleen Crombleholme
Jeremy Davidson
Maureen Davis
Michael De Los Santos
Michael Dehart
Debbi Delaney
Laurene Desjarlais
Michael DiFonzo
Jennifer Drover
Nicole Ellis
Nicole Ellis
Jonathon Esquell
Matthew Fifield
Tammy Foreman
Robert Foster
Tomek Furtak
Derek Giasson
Jessica Hallee
Jennifer Hamm
Callie Harrington
David Hazel
Michael Heffernan
Kristin Heismeyer
Amy Hull
Courtney Johansen
Alison Johnson
Thomas Johnson
Eric Kerr
Jennifer Kiley
Roxanne Klein
Chad Labrie
Kevin Lamb
Robert Lemon
Ashley Leonard
Eleanor Luna
Jonathan Lupinelli
Patricia MacArthur
Jennifer MacIsso
Eric Major
David Martin
Kellie McBride
Chris McCarter
Jamie McCarthy
Thomas McDonald
Brendon McGahan
Crystal Merrifield
Deborah Mills
Michelle Mokos
Jessica Moltmann
Gregory Morris
Dawn Munson
Patrick Myers
Joseph Neumann
Terry O’Brien
Jennifer Orhun
James Peake
Donna Perreault
Lisa Peterson
Rachel Pierce
Brian Poirier
Sean Poloian
Daron Pope
Melissa Prefontaine
Steven Rangel
Brent Renius
Kelly Rice
Nicholas Riso
Gena Roland
Deborah Santos
Raymond Schnell
Susanne Sevowicz
Sara Sheran
Katherine Shine
Elaine Shirley
Ying Simpson
Christopher Smith
Jill Stansfield
Nicole Stefanou
Jennifer Stevens
Kimberly Stiles
Stacy Stokes
Lee Strahler
Britney Streeter
Bridget Streeter
Arthur Tobin
David Urbon
Tami Webster
Michael Wettstein
Daniel Williams
Daniel Woolworth
The National Society of Leadership and Success
The Society is the nation’s largest leadership honor society. Students are selected by
SNHU for membership based on either academic standing or leadership potential. Nominated Undergraduate members must have at least a 3.0 GPA. Candidacy is a nationally recognized achievement of honorable distinction.
With 472 chapters, the Society currently has 419,794 members nationwide. In addition to
honorable distinction, the Society provides a step-by-step program for members to build their
leadership skills through participation at their campus or online. Upon completion of the
program, members receive their leadership certificate and take their place among the top
student leaders at their campus and across the country. Members are able to list their affiliations on all statements of personal accomplishment, including their resume.
Julia D. Absetz
Mustafa Abukhadier
Jessica Adcock
Yilianny Aksabaev
Anthony Alarcon
Codi Albin
Meagen Alcorn
Hethe Allemand
Debra S. Allen
Kelsea E. Allen
Lafay Allen
James W. Allen II
Kyle Alman
Cleo Amos
Dolly Cruz Anderson
Hilary Andrews
Erin Andrews
Mary Lou Andrushchenko
Gail Angellis
Lucia S Arambillete
Eric W. Aramento
Melanie Armas
Wesley Armstrong
Bianca Arnoux
Lisa C. Arpin
Diamond Ash
Shannon Ashe
Dennis Auch
Barbara Audin
Kylie J. Auger
Doreen Austin
Keith A. Ayotte Jr.
Belinda Carol-Anne
Talitha Rose Baer
Carolyn Lee Bailey
Kim Bailey
Andrew Balke
Cheri Ball
Cassandra Nachol Barajas
Courtney J. Barber
Robert Craig Barker
William Barnewitz
Jamie Barraco
Marcella Zito Barrows
Daniel Barry
Matthew Basque
Adam M. Bastian
Carrie Elizabeth Beaton
Christopher Beatson
Jamie Beaulieu
Kathleen Beckham
Melissa Beecy
Tammy Belanger
Charlotte Belisle
Stacey Bell
Tiffany Bennett
Vanessa Bernard
Dennis Brian Berry
Caixia Bethune
Anthony H. Betz
Patricia Bisson
Justin D. Blackford
Amanda Blanchard
Adrianna Blount
Eva Louise Blue
Jason Bluestein
Emily Bocim
Dan Bocook
Tiffany A. Boisvert
Erica Danielle Bonanno
Mark Boothman
Robert A. Bosnyak
Kyle L. Boucher
Simone Boucher
Stephanie Boucher
Timothy Bourgeois
Candace Bowe
Deborah Boyles
Cynthia Branning
Laura Anne Brashear
Lori L. Bray
Ryan David Brennan
Paulette Jean Brennan
Patrick L. Breur
Joshua Briand
Michelle Bric
Lorie Bridges
Sara Marie Bridley
Michael Brigati
Stephanie A. Broadhurst
Kara Broga
Shelley Eva Brookings
Jasaundra Brooks
Joseph Jake Broussard
Kimberly Brown
Charmaine Marie Brown
Veronica V. Brown
Daniel Robert Brown
Simon Brown
Melissa Brown
W. Keith Brown, Jr.
Rebeccah Brown
Teresa Broyer
Melissa Bruce
Joseph Brulotte
Ashley Brutcher
Rachel Buckle
Karie E. Bumford
David R. Burke, Jr.
Kimberly Burkett
Randy Burkhaulter
Angie Burleyson
Michael T. Burnham
Tracey Burraston
Michele Lyn Butcher
Renae Byrd
Margaret Calafos
Leonard Calaman
Deshani Caldera
Craig Campbell
Jennifer Jean Campbell
Roseann Caputo
Caitlin Ann Carey
Scott Caron
Marcia Grace Carpenter
Jacqueline Carr
Sara Carrillo
Jamie Lynn Carty
Samantha A. Case
Edward Caswell, Jr.
Agustin J. Ceniceros Garcia
Kristen Cerbone
Michael Chandler
Daniel A. Chapeck
Jeffrey Charland
Emily Frances Chase
Guadalupe Chavarria
Kelly J. Chouinard
Nicholas Christian
Bradley P. Christy
Anne Marie Claahsen
Cheri Donna Clark
Ashley Cobuzzi
Vanessa Coelho
Justyn P. Cole
Melissa Collazo
Patrick Collins, Jr.
Julianna Comstock
Melissa Condry
Michelle Connors
Barnaby Corriveau
Catherine Elizabeth Cousins
Jennifer B. Couzins
Alicia M Coviello
Elizabeth A. Coville
Lanell Covington-James
Dustin Cox
Ligea Cox
Lori J. Crawley
Jessie Crim
Kathleen E. Crombleholme
Stacy Crooks
Sarah Cross
Warren Crossley
Jose H. Cruz
Jennifer Marie Cuevas
Robert Cullen
Michelle L. Cumbie
Kerry Curtis
Sarah Daiesmaili
Denise Dale
Meral Daniel
Jeremy R. Davidson
Lee Xavier Davis
Patrick Davis
Maureen E. Davis
Brian A. Dayman
Alicia Dean
Michael DeHart
Rafael Antonio De La Cruz Jr.
Michael J. De Los Santos
Robert Dennis
Michael S. Desillier
Laurene R. Desjarlais
Taynan Ramos
Kristen Desrochers
Frank Devlin
Prashant Dhebaria
Brian Dilley
Rachel DiMaggio
Leland C. Dimond
Christina Marie Dion
Jim Disbrow
Sara Dobe
Marissa Podszus
Jennifer M. Doherty
Robert J. Donahue
Justin Donovan
Nicole Dowd
Frances-Ann Dowdell
Kristen Alyse Doyle
Scott Drew
Andre Dubois
Thomas Lewis Dufort
Traci Lyn Dugdale
Tyler Dumais
Marlena R. Dunbar
Darius Dunn
Ashley Anne Dupont
Raymond Duryea
Frank H. Dushame, IV
Kathleen Earnest
Nicole Edwards
Christian Eissele
Kyle Elko
Jennifer Ellis
Desmond Adrian Elmes
Tarik Elsiah
Omar El Yaman
Kelly Ann Embert
Jennifer Englert
Michael J. Enos
Susan Espinoza
Lizmailyn Esquell
Ali Evanson
Megan Jane Louise Eyre
William M. Fairley
Kyleen S. Farrell
Kristie Farrington
David Faulcon
Nicholas J Faxon
Bonnie Fecowicz
Kale Ferguson
Brian Ferns
Sara A. Fiala
Richelle Fichter
Lucila M. Fields
Lori Fisher
Heather M. Flaherty
Matthew Flanagan
Kimberly Flohe
Wesley Florez
Erin C. Ford
Tammy Foreman
Christopher A. Foster
Geneva Fox
Michael Francis
Angela Maire Frankland
Cory Fratus
Charles Frazier
William McGeath Freeman
Sarah H. Frey
Howard Friedman
Matthew Fry
Carol J. Fuller
John P. Furia
Tomek Furtak
Paul C. Gagnier
Aubrey N. Gagnon
Nikki Gainer
Robert Gaiser
George S. Gannon
Ryan Paul Garcia
Christine Garrison
Rose-Marie Gauthier
Bridget Rose Gavaghan
Michael Gavin
Jane E. Gerry
Christopher Gibson
Johanna Gibson
Candace Gibson
Amber Sarah Giles
Ryan Gilley
Laura Gilmore
Sean French Gipson
Norma Gluyas
Kaycee Leigh Gnatowski
Ciera M. Gobron
Eric Gottesman
Steven Patrick Grace Jr.
Tamara Graver
Edward Graziano
Lorin Green
William Anthony Green
Brandy Gregory
Lynn Groenhoff
Darcie Guarino
Joseph Guida
Corinne Guilmain
Jamie Guldner
Hannah M. Gullickson
Michelle Gundy
Debora Gutierrez
Fernando Z. Gutierrez
Pamela J. Guy
René C. Gwinn
Marc Sterling Hagen
Oneida Hagen
Shelby Rae Hall
Brenda A. Hall
Jasmine Hall
Danielle Brandes
Monique Petit
Doris Hamdy
Shawnie Hamer
David Hamilton
Margaret D. Hammond
Jessica Hansler
Chelsea L. Harding
Bryant Harland
Theresa Harley
Callie Harrington
Daniel C. Harris
Paris Harris
Carissa Lynn Harris
Coy Harris
Ashley-Nicole Harris
Samantha Nicole Hartnett
Aaron Gibson Hawkins
Krystal D. Hayes
David Hazel
Charmaine Benjamin Hazell
Diana Lynn Heald
Tammy Healy
Kristin M Heismeyer
Jared Henderson
Jennifer Marie Hennessey
Samantha Hennessy
Helen Hensell
Anderson Hernandez
Brielle D. Hernandez
Cody A. Hesseling
Ken Hicks
Denise Juliann Hill
Dionne Marie Hill
Frank William Hilliker
Molly Hobbs
Jessica Hogan
Jeanne Holgersen
Manuel Holguin
Deborah Horton
Ashley Houle
Timothy Howard
Katie Hubbard
Lauren Hubbell
Karen Hughes
Amy Hull
Amy Hutchins
Derick Ingling
Megan Ivy
Jennifer Izyk
Nadine Jabbour
Gunnar Jacobsen
Eric P. Jacques
Fary Jalili
Samantha Ann Jarok
Aaron Max Jensen
Lynn Marie Jeremiah
Lynn Johns
Alison Kropp Johnson
Kimball Johnson
Lucas Johnson
Dawn Johnson
Lindsay Johnson
Thomas A. Johnson, Jr.
Kimberly Marie Johnson
Erica Johnson
Pamela Lynn Johnson
Jamilah Aisha Jones
Jonathan Jones
Bethany M. Jones
Krystina Jones
Meredith Jones
Baron Jones
Andre Jones
Trevor Jule-Frost
Dillon Kamand
Laurie A. Kandoll
Raymond Kandrack
Michael Kapoian
Jessica Kaprocki
Monica P. Karimattam
Tiffany Kauffman
Karen Keisling
Destiny Keitt
Meghan M. Kelly
Kerry Ann Kelly
Allen R. Kernan, Jr.
Eric Kerr
Mark C. Keyser
Lisa Kiesman
Ruthanne Kight
Angela King
Robert D. Kintigh
Rachel Kiwanuka
Jeannette Cheri Kizzee
Richard Klecka
Cynthia Marie Kluck-Johnson
Michelle Kmiec
Jessica Knop
Brandy Taylor Knowlton
Caitlyn M. Koprowski
Lena T. Kryczkowski
Jacki Reynolds
Chad M. Labrie
Mary Lamarra
Alyssa Noel Lambert
Melinda Lane
Joseph Lane
Adrienne C. Lang
Lisa Lang
Mark Lange
Jennifer Langevin
Annmarie Langlois
Robert Lanier
Lori Lapriola
Amy-Kristin Latter
Joseph La Vecchia
Jasmin Lawrence
Richard Paul Lawson
Peter Leahy
Debra A Leander
Jessica LeBrun
Melanie Leckner
Susan Lee
Nathaniel Philip Lee
Cheryl Lefler
Ryan M. Lehoullier
Robert Lemon
Angela Leon
Ashley M. Leonard
Mary Kate Leonard
Paige Levang
Ray Lewis
Vivian Lewis
Amy Lewis
Hannah Lee Lindahl
Scott M. Lipsett
Cesar Liriano Barrous
Andrew G Livengood
Stephanie Loftus
James G. Lowicz II
Dawn Marie Loy
Jessica B. Lumb
Jonathan Lupinelli
Vincent J. Luppino
Renee Lynch
Brittany Lynn Abdizadeh
Heather R. Lyon
Julie Lyon
Patricia MacArthur
Jennifer Macisso
Danielle Madden
Olivia Magliochetti
Barbara Malaba
Ashleigh Caitlyn Maloney
Sebrina Manning
Ismail Mansaray
Kim-Marie Y. Manseau
Susan Markle
Juliette Marsh
Mari Marte
Courtney Martin
Chris Martin
Jamee Rose Mascia
Joshua Master
Beverly Masters
Susan Masters
Maxim Maximov
Pamela May
Josiane Mbami
Kellie Renee McBride
Chris McCarter
Jamie McCarthy
Patrick McCarty
Judy McCoy
Kelly A. McCulley-Miko
Brittney Erica McCullough
Mark McDaniel
Lisa A. McDaniel
Thomas J. McDonald
Jasmine McDuffie
Carlyn McFeeley
Brendon James McGahan
Sean M. McIntosh
Beth McIntosh
Brianna L. McKenney
Matthew McKoy
Brooke L. McLain
Erin McLaughlin
Anthony McLeod
Megan McNiff
Donald Patrick McQuaid, Jr.
Jose Medeiros
Urime Mehmedi
Catherine Melendy
Keri P. Mellett
Denise M. Mendes-Wilson
Janas Storey Mercer
Autumn Mercer
Julia Anne Merchant
Julana Meredith
Crystal Merrifield
Jennifer Heller Meservey
Eleanor J. Messer
Nina Miceli
Marcus Miller
Markell Miller
Deborah Ann Mills
Carla Minks
Jessica Moltmann
Jason Mong
Jennifer Montague
Pedro Monzon
Ira Moochnick
Andrew J. Moon
Charlene S. Moore
Jessica Moore
Jessica Morales
Sean W. Moran
Sara J. Morin
Christopher Joseph
Michelle Morse
Jeffrey D. Morse
Susan Morton
Douglas Moses
Cass Mowatt
Future Mpundu
Natasha A. Mulford
Marissa Marie Munoz
Jon R. Murphy
Patrick F. Murphy, Jr.
Lois Murphy
Kelly Ann Musto
Brenda Myers
Patrick Myers
Roseann Myers
La Sondra J. Myrick
William Nash
Geoffrey Ndwiga
Candace Neider
Kelly Newcomb
Peter Newell
James Newkirk
Kelly Leigh Newnom
Gary Newton
MyDuyen T. Ngo
Mark Nissen
Jonathon Nixon
Kelly Noel
Kate Nolan
Heathre Nussbaum
Ashley Marie O’Brien
Lori Oliveira
Meghan Olkowski
John Peter O’Malley
Consolata Omingo
Heath O’Neal
Megan Ordway
Susan Lydia Orfanedes
Sadiyyah Osbourne
Cheryl Lahair
Quintin Osuchukwu
Eric Packer
Shelly A. Palmer
William Papa
Cherie L Paquette
Jenna Paradice
Steven D. Parker
Jacob Parker
Susette Parks
Bryan M. Parmenter
Tommy James Parnell
Justin Parrott
Tammy Michelle Pascale
Michele Pasqua
Alisha Patrick
Tamisha Patterson
Donalee Paul
James Peake
Cody Pearson
Matthew Pedersen
Cynthia Pellegrino
Alyson Jenny Pelletier
Amber Jean Pendarvis
Samuel Stuart Pennell
Katherine Elizabeth Perry
Minh Persaud
Lisa Renea Peterson
Renee Peterson
Claudia L. Phillips
Leia Pinsky
Kiersten Pistoor
Jackelyn Pitkin
Matthew Pitkin
Jaiden Breanne Pitts
Faviola Plant
Susan M. Plante
Joan Pluta
Brian J. Poirier
Christopher Joseph Poirier
Anthony M Polito
Steven Pomper
Joanne M. Pomper
Rachael L. Pope
Daron Pope
Nadia Lorelie Portwood
Alexis A. Pratt
Christine Preciado
Melissa Prefontaine
Amber A. Presa-Smalley
Megan Lyn Price
Eric Pride
Rebecca Lauren Prouty
Vicki L. Provencher
Steven James Purcell
Rose L. Rad
Diana Rafferty
Ama K. RahsaanGrandberry
Justin D. Rajotte
Shelly Ralston
Jennifer Ramirez Robson
Jessica Ramsey
Stephanie Randall
Steven Rangel
Kristopher Rarden
Joan Marie Raymond
Abebe Anthony Reddy
Joycelyn Reid
Katie Reily
Jeffery A. Reynolds
Ceili Rian
Beth Ricci
Brooke Leigh Richards
Omar Richardson
Michael Richardson
Humberto Rios
Karen Rizkallah
Sarah Theresa Rizza
Victoria Robbins
Christine Roberts
Clifton-Charles Robinson
Whitney Rocha
Davielle L. Rodgers
Katelyn M. Rodgers
Luz Rodriguez
Robert Rodriguez
Matthew Ropeter
Alfredo Rosado
Brittany Ross
Donald P Rostad
Shawn Rough
Rhonda Rounds
Kimberly Jennie Rowe
Kristen Roy
Diana L. Ruggiero
Natalie Runyon
Debora Ryan
Minerva Sabin
Zjavvone Sackey
Juan J. Salazar
Summer Sampedro
Chelsey Sampson
Christal Samson
Lee A. Sanchez
John Robert Sanders
Deborah A. Santos
Paula Kiri Sassone
Tara Sauerwald
Jillian R. Saunders
Berkley A. Savage, Jr.
Joseph Scafidi
John Schaefer
Melissa Schiavone
Raymond Schnell
Susan Schomer
Chantel Nicole Schubert
Dawn Schweitzer
Alana Sciortino
Nichelle Scott-Williams
Lauren Scribner
Sky Sebik
Eric David Seer
Melanie Semple
Joan Sena
Brittany Severn
Andre Shannon
Sarah J. Sharpe
Lakesha Shirille Sheard
Michael Sheehan
Michelle J Sheffield
Justin Shelton
Maggie Shepardson
Katherine Ann Shine
Emily Shores
Steven Siewert
Ashish Sijapati
Lindsay E. Simone
Rashelle Simpson
Geralyn Sincavage
Kristyn Lynn Sizemore
Catherine Loretta Skeen
Rhonda Smairat
Christopher Smerdon
Heidi S. Smith
Christopher Cody Smith
Steven W. Smith
Janessa Smith
Leslye Ronika Williams Smith
Phallon Kristine Smith
Ryan Smyth
Carly Snodgrass
Jennifer S. Snyder
Agnes Sorce
Amy Sorrough
David Soucy
Chelsea Spears
Denise G. Speechley
William Spettmann, III
Susan Splaine
Patricia Stamas
Tamara Stanfield
Cathy Stangroom
Jill A. Stansfield
Jonathan Stein
Jennifer A. Stevens
Leesa Ann Stewart
Corey Stewart
Melissa Stiefel
Carrie R. Stiles
Holly Stinnett
Justin St. Laurent
Nativita St. Louis
Omega Stockdale
Devon Stolon
Barry Stolzman
Lee C. Strahler
Bridget S. Streeter
Patricia Stroke
Melissa Suarez
Marie C. Sullivan
Valerie Sullivan
Corey Michael Sulzen
Erin Swann
Kaitlin M. Szacik
Lauren Nichole Tague
Keri Tallerico
Donald Tanner
Justin Tanos
Michele Tapper-Racine
Sharon L.Tardiff
Jessie A. Tate
Kimberly S. Tate-Louie
Olivia Teabout
Cynthia Tebo
Maria Tedeschi
Michael Tennant
Amy Lynn Terrio
Nardella Thomas
Chere Thompson
Julia Thompson
Tiena Marie Thompson
Rebecca Thompson
Cristina Thomson
Danielle Justine Thurby
Rainatou Tiendrebeogo
Robert Tiongson
German Titov
Anita Isenhour Toflinski
Nicole Tone
Hillary Torchia
Leanna Totten
Jessica Michelle Tow
Shawna Toye
William Trabue
Sarah Treadwell
Arlene Trevathan
Michel G. Trochalakis
Nora J. Trudeau
Caitlyn M. Tuggey
Brian Christopher Tully
Joshua T. Turpin
James Underwood
Mark David Urbon
Jesse Valenciano Jr.
Amber Valett
Jennifer K. VanSchalkwyk
Timothy Axel VanWart
Heather J. Vargas
Arthur Hart Vincent Jr.
Sarah Walston
McKaylin L. Felton
Taylor E. Wasierski
Alissa D Watson
Jessica Waycaster
Michael E. Ways
Tami Webster
Kathleen Webster
Cheryl J. Weeks
Kimberly Weihrauch
Jamie Weiland
Nancy Weirich
Johnathon Hunter Welch
Derek F. Wennerstrand
Scott A. Wheeler
Allison E. Riis
Christopher Wheeler
Emily E. White
Jerold L. White
Renee White
Gerri M. Widener
Frank G. Widner Jr.
Nathan Wildman
Marc Williams
Daniel Williams
Chad Williams
Linda Williams
Lin Willis
Maritta Wilson
Breana Nikoll Wilson
Wendy Winchester
Francis Joseph Wintruba
Samuel Wittberg
Courtney P. Wolf
Steven Wolff
T. Jeffrey Wolters
Nichelle Lynn Womble
Edward J. Wood II
Debbie Woodrum
Jihyun Woodward
Julie Worsham
Joanne M. Wrede
Katrina D. Wright
Kevin Wright
Hope Sileen Wright
Cory Wright
Bernice LaVerne Ybarra
Joy Latrice Young
Firdowsa Yusuf
Renee Zegarski
Brandi Zelenka
Kurt Zielinski
Megan E. Zimmerer
Linda Zukowski
Brian Oliver Zupancic
Pi Lambda Theta
Founded in 1910, Pi Lambda Theta is the most selective honor society for educators. Pi
Lambda Theta recognizes the academic achievement and outstanding disposition of graduating education students.
The accomplishments of exemplary education students are honored through this induction. Candidates’ development of knowledge, skills, professionalism, and leadership are promoted and supported through their membership in Pi Lambda Theta, a member of Phi Delta
Kappa International.
At Southern New Hampshire University, there is a direct honors program where Pi
Lambda Theta extends membership to graduating students who have been identified by
School of Education faculty as having satisfied the eligibility requirements. Undergraduate
students must have earned a 3.5 or above. All candidates must have demonstrated exceptional disposition through their education program.
Elizabeth Coville
Sarah Thibodeau
Phi Theta Kappa
The Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society recognizes and encourages scholarship
for students in two-year associate degree programs. Phi Theta Kappa attains its goals by
developing opportunities for leadership, fellowship, and service, as well as by providing an
intellectual climate for continued academic excellence. Students must earn grade-point
averages of 3.5 to be invited to join Phi Theta Kappa.
Larry Andrews
Jaclyn Angelino
Michelle Barnhart
Stephanie Borgatti
Michelle Bric
Maria Camargo
Kathleen Crombleholme
Capri Delvaux
Annette Dolbeare
Stephan Dow
Ryan Greenhalgh
Kelley Guite
Hannah Gullickson
Harold Judd
Ericka Koehler
Garron Lohman
Beverly Masters
Chad Melton
Paul Nederhoed
Rachel Ouellette
Derek Parkinen
Tricia Perry
Nadia Portwood
Wesley Reichardt
Nicholas Riso
Kristen Roy
Monica Sheppard
Marianne Sylvester
Larry Warner
Kevin Wheeler
Leslie Wiley
Christopher Winn
Jessica Wright
Larry Andrews
Jaclyn Angelino
Michelle Barnhart
Stephanie Borgatti
Michelle Bric
Maria Camargo
Kathleen Crombleholme
Capri Delvaux
Annette Dolbeare
Stephan Dow
Ryan Greenhalgh
Kelley Guite
Hannah Gullickson
Harold Judd
Ericka Koehler
Garron Lohman
Beverly Masters
Chad Melton
Paul Nederhoed
Rachel Ouellette
Derek Parkinen
Tricia Perry
Nadia Portwood
Wesley Reichardt
Nicholas Riso
Kristen Roy
Monica Sheppard
Marianne Sylvester
Larry Warner
Kevin Wheeler
Leslie Wiley
Christopher Winn
Jessica Wright
Sigma Tau Delta
Sigma Tau Delta is the International English Honors Society. SNHU established its own
chapter, Alpha Phi Beta, in the spring of 2015. The Honors Society provides eligible English
Language and Literature and Creative Writing majors, minors, and graduate students with
critical academic and professional opportunities such as attending and presenting at conferences, publishing research, taking field trips, and creating valuable networking opportunities.
Sigma Tau Delta undergraduate inductees have completed at least three semesters at
SNHU, have completed more than two literature courses beyond the General Education
requirements, and have maintained a minimum 3.3 G.P.A. Graduate inductees have completed at least six semester hours at SNHU and have maintained a minimum 3.3 G.P.A.
Meagen Alcorn
Cleo Amos
Amber Box
Laura Brashear
Autumn Byers
Roseann Caputo
Bradley Christy
Tanya Colburn
Shannon Conway
Darius Dunn
Susan Espinoza
Kaycee Gnatowski
Felecia Golden-Thomas
Corinne Guilmain
Shawnie Hamer
Samantha Hennessy
Rick Huff
Alec James
Sebrina Manning
Susan Morton
Pamela Moul
Stephanie Oneilstraight
William Papa
Steven Pomper
Ceili Rian
Nichelle Scott-Williams
Mika Sugano
Michele Tapper-Racine
Danielle Thurby
Nora Trudeau
Larry Warner
Nichelle Womble
The Order of Omega
Southern New Hampshire University became a member of Order of Omega in May of
2009, in the fiftieth year of this national organization, joining hundreds of other Universities
and colleges around the nation. Order of Omega is an honor society exclusively for Greek
Letter Organizations, so to become a member of this group one must be actively involved in a
fraternity or sorority. The purpose of this organization is to recognize fraternity men and
women who have displayed a strong sense of leadership in their Greek activities and have a
strong character and academic standing, to encourage them to continue their success and to
inspire others to do the same.
Membership in Order of Omega is open to all students in the Greek Community who have
completed at least one half of the work required for a baccalaureate degree. Student must be
in the top 15 percent of fraternities and sororities and membership is based on character,
leadership in the Greek Community as a whole, philanthropy and brother and sister values.
Aubrey Gagnon
The list of commencement participants is not a complete list of Honor Society members.
Changes in the official list may occur following the publication date of this program.
Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Arts
Nicole Abatiell
Joan Abbott***
Brittany Lynn Abdizadeh***
Abigail Aboytez**
Jonathan Acampora***
Ashley Lee Adams
Laporsche Adams
Sarah Adams
Susan K. Adams
Ryan David Adcock
Laurie Addoms
David Leonard Adelman
Lora Adkins*
Yelena Adlaryan
Jorge N. Agobian
Alexander Akers
Kenneth H. Akiyama
Meagen Alcorn***
Michael Alfano
Cassandra Allen
Mary Almeida
Cleo Amos
Austin Anderson
Kevin Anderson
Sharla Anderson
Tiffany Marie Anderson
Hilary Andrews
Jaclyn Angelino***
Gail Angellis**
Camile F. Araujo***
Melanie Armas
Wesley Armstrong*
Heather Asadoorian
Diamond Ash***
Shannon Ashe
Christer Ask
Jesusa C. Atalig
Stephanie Denise Atkins
Maria Avila
Colleen Backman***
Courtney Bae
Mary Aldee Lunasin Baja
Briana J. Balboni
Courtney J. Barber**
Kathryn Bargeron
Tod L. Barker
Justin Barnes*
Edward Baroffio
Jamie Barraco
Alexandra Barrera
Marcella Zito Barrows **
Sarah Bastin***
Sarah Bauer
Eleanor Baughman
Angela Kae Bearor**
Jamie Beaulieu
Kathleen Beckham
Thomas Beecham
Melissa Beecy*
Colette Belanger**
Stacey Bell
John Lee Bellamy Jr.
Heather Benabbou
Victoria M. Benson**
Lauren Benward***
Robert Bernard***
Derek J. Bettencourt
Kim Edward Bevier***
Dorothy Bevins
Robyn Bieber
Melanie Bigelow
Amy Biggs
Marie L. Bilodeau
Stephanie J. Black
Justin D. Blackford
Tamara Lynn Blackwell *
Callie Blagman
Amanda Blanchard***
Danielle E. Blinn*
Adrianna Blount**
Eva Louise Blue
Jason Bluestein
Vaughn Bobbitt
Emily Bocim
Dan Bocook***
Christina Boling
Kisha Bonner**
Samantha Boone***
Courtney Marie Booth
Stephanie R. Borgatti**
Casey Boudreau
Eric L. Boulay***
Brian J. Boutot
Candace Bowe
Jacob Bowling
Amber Box***
Brandy Boyer
Deborah Boyles***
Emily Brady
Danielle Brandes
Sandra Branson
Brigitte Nicole Brantley
Laura Anne Brashear**
Lori L. Bray
Gary Wyman Brent**
Alyssa E. Brewer*
Casey Bridge
David Daryl Bridges
Lorie Bridges***
Daniel Briere***
Nathan A. Brisbois
Sarah Brist*
Lori Brockhoeft
Kara Broga**
Jasaundra Brooks
Amealia Brousseau
Anna Brown
Charmaine Marie Brown
Lorene Brown
Lynn Brown***
Melissa Brown**
Nicole Elizabeth Brown
Vernon Brown
Melissa Bruce
Renee D. Brunelle
Ch’Koia L. Bryan
Rachel Buckle
Jennifer Buckley
Dat Bui
Tammy Jean Bumps
Julie-Ann Burdge
Melanie R. Burger
Jerod Burghart
Randy Burkhaulter
Tracey Burraston
Autumn Byers***
Christye Cagle
Deshani Caldera***
Rebecca A. Calhoun***
La Toya Callier
Alisia Camp
Jeremy D. Campbell
Michelle Campbell
Tamara Canal
Roseann Caputo*
Benjamin Thomas Cardwell
Caitlin Ann Carey***
Krysta Carlson
Robert Craig Carlson Jr.
Joseph Hugh Carroll
Derek J. Castaño
Jamie M. Cavanagh
Kristen Cerbone**
Amber Chamberlain
Seth Chamberlin**
Genaviv Chapdelaine
Emily Frances Chase***
Christopher W. Cheek***
Michaelle Cherisol
Emily Chhouy
Jennifer Chiocchi
Tracey Chiriboga
Nicholas Christian
Bradley P. Christy**
Alexander Churchward
Lisa Chute
David S. Clark**
Kathleen Clark**
Ashley Cobuzzi
Rodney Coe
Kerri E. Coghill
Bruno Cognetti
Tanya Marie Colburn
Alecia Coleman
C.Jay Coles
Melissa Collazo
Maryoi Tairone Collier
Laurie Ann Collins
Julianna Comstock
Jennifer N. Connelly
Shannon Conway***
Carmen Copeland Johnston
Brian G. Cornellier
Barnaby Corriveau
Hector Cortes
Jennifer R. Courcy*
Catherine Elizabeth Cousins
Elizabeth A. Coville**
Dustin Cox***
Kate Cox***
Marie V. Coye
Michelle Elizabeth Coyne***
Patrice Crenshaw***
Jessie Crim
Theresa Crockett
Mary Ann Crockford
Kayla Croft
Sarah Cross
Warren Crossley
Erica Crouch***
James Crow
Janet Crudden**
Michelle L. Cumbie
Sheri Cunan
Larsira Lamil Cunningham
Joshua Cupp
Robert Curiel
Cherri Czajkowski
L. Marie Dabbs
Denise Dale
Meral Daniel***
Krista Dawn Daniels
Kristen Barbara Dapkus
Cleverton Da Veiga
Shayn A. Davenport*
Dana Davidson*
Jill Davies
Jaime Davilis
Daniel Davis
Elisabeth France Davis**
Jeffery Davis***
Oma Eliza Davis
Therese Marie Davis**
Jeremiah Deborde
Jeremiah T Deborde
Brian Defelice
Sarah Delbiondo
Michael J. De Los Santos***
Capri M. Delvaux*
Allison B. Demaree-Coale**
Danielle Dempsey
James Dennewitz**
Angela Denton ***
Alaa H. Dhahir
Prashant Dhebaria
Tiffany DiBurro
Zachary M. DiDio
Scott Diggle
Kieffer B. Dillon
Rachel DiMaggio***
Joseph Michael Di Marius***
Andrea Diminick***
Tammara Dimond
Christina Marie Dion
Jim Disbrow*
Ashley Lauren Dismuke
Rebecca Dixon
Sara Dobe*
Genevieve Dobson
Allan F. Dodsworth Jr.
Kenny Dominguez
Jamie Lynn Donahue
Justin Donovan
Jessica Douglas
Brandon Dowless**
Kristen Alyse Doyle
Tennille Louise Doyle
Luchia Dragosh
Justin G. Drengberg
Andre DuBois**
Amber Dunn
Darius Dunn
Ashley Anne Dupont
Mindy Durey
Sherry Durfey
Meredith Marie Edgerly
Melissa Eichelberger*
Andrew Eilertson*
Brahim Elarabi
Tarik Elsiah
Kelly Ann Embert**
Katharyn Engers
Jennifer Englert***
Nicole Ervin
Susan Espinoza**
Lizmailyn Esquell
Yohanna Estevez
Michael Morse Evans
Emily A. Evenson***
Brian Faitoute**
Elyse Ann Falco***
Diana Fein
Veronica Felipe
Marissa Felker*
McKaylin L. Felton**
Eric Fenske
Philip Ferraro
Richelle Fichter
Erika Fields
Glenasha Fields
Lisa Ann Fiorenza
Samantha L. Fisch
Jenny Lynn Fisk***
Bessie M. Fitzgerald
Michael Fitzgerald
Heather M. Flaherty*
Matthew Flanagan
Megan Marie Fleisner
Wesley Florez
Michael Ryan Foley
Kelly Folliard
Amy Fontenot
Erin Maureen Ford
Trina Ford-May
Brook Foreman**
Jason Fortune**
Leticia S. Fowler
Geneva Fox**
Rebecca L. Foxon***
Angela Maire Frankland
Sarah H. Frey**
Michael Robert Frizzelle
Matthew Fry**
Jorge L. Fuentes, Jr.
John P. Furia
Paul C. Gagnier
Aubrey N. Gagnon*
George S. Gannon**
Megan R. Garcia
Ryan Paul Garcia*
Christine Garrison
Jill Tanner Gast
Shirley Gedney-Rubel
Aaron Geer
Andrea Kierstead Gerrish
Elizabeth H. Gervais*
Fady Gharib
Candace Gibson
Amber Sarah Giles
Laura Giles
Jillien Gittens
Yvette M. Gobin***
Ciera M. Gobron**
Ashvic Godinho
Felecia Golden-Thomas*
Mayra Liz Gomez
Julissa Gonzalez
Abby Gorman***
Angela T. Gorman
Yevonne D. Gorman
Craig Gorzelsky**
Jeremy Goss
Eric Gottesman
Susan M. Blanck Gotwals
Ryan Gould
Letia Graening
Andrew Graham
Christopher Grandmaison
Allison Granger
Vanessa Catherine Gravelle***
Tamara Graver***
David Gravert***
Sharay Taliesha Graves
Michael Gray*
Edward Graziano
Audrey Joy Greathouse**
Anthony Green
Nicholas Greenaway Cirignano**
Brandy Gregory
Michele Fleur Grenier
Benjamin Grimes**
Dijana Grubesic
Jacinta A. Guerreiro-Crocker**
Joseph Guida***
Charlotte Lynn Guilin
Corinne Guilmain***
Crystal Guinette
Kelley L. Guite*
Jonathan Joseph Gulick
Michelle Gundy***
Debora Gutierrez
Katlyn Hade
Brittany Hale
James Hale
Jasmine Hall
Joshua Hall
Mary Hall
Shawnie Hamer
Courtney Lynn Hamilton***
Jessica Elizabeth Hamilton
Richard W. Hammett Jr.
Amy Hanes*
John Hannah
Jessica Hansler
Tabitha Hardin
Chelsea L. Harding
Glenda K. Hargrave*
Bryant Harland
Cynthea Harrah***
Carissa Lynn Harris*
Christina Harris
Devin Harris
Dontrice Harris
Emma M. Harris
Jennifer A. Harris
Tamara Harrison
Christi Hauke***
Aaron Gibson Hawkins
Krystal D. Hayes
Charmaine Benjamin Hazell*
Kaitlyn Headley
Diana Lynn Heald*
Sylvia Healy
Neshaminy Suphronia Heard
Nicole Elizabeth Heck
Nathan Hegedus
Rachel S. Heneault
Samantha Hennessy**
Helen Hensell
Andrew Herb
Valerie Herrick
Scot Herring
Joseph Herzberg Jr.
Cody A. Hesseling
Andrea Hewes
Ken Hicks*
David Hill
Denise Juliann Hill***
Heather Hill***
Heidi Hill**
Kristel Hill
Frank William Hilliker***
MaryKate Hillyard*
Joey Dewayne Hinson
Angela Hiott**
Molly Hobbs***
Jessica Hogan
Manuel Holguin
Justine Holloway**
Tracy D. Holzhauer***
Jacklyn Hopper
Tiffany Horn
Deborah Horton
Katie Hubbard
Lauren Hubbell
Reginald Hudlin***
Earnest Richard Hudson
Melissa Huelbig
Rick Huff***
Faith Huffman
Kerryn Hullstrung
Brittany Humphrey
Dale R. Hurd
Chelisa Huse
Kelechi Ikpeama
Heidi Inkel
Dylan Inserra
Diane Iovino
Megan Ivy
Diane R. Jackson
Ivan Jackson***
Jourdan Jeongco Jackson
Milton Jackson*
Emily A. Jacobson**
Fary Jalili*
Alec James**
Samantha Ann Jarok*
Aaron Max Jensen***
Rebecca Jensen
Autumn Nicole Johnson
Erica Johnson
Kara L. Johnson
Kimball Johnson**
Kimberly Marie Johnson
Mark Johnson
Sarah Ruth Johnson***
Jessica Johnson Wispe
Rebecca Johnston***
Alexander Lee Jones
Andre Jones
Baron Jones
Benjamin Jones*
Bethany M. Jones
Dayana Jones*
Desiree Jones
Hazel Jones
Kantina Walton Jones
Krystina Jones**
Linda Jones*
Meredith Jones
Olympia Jones***
Trevor Jones
William Jones
Brian Joyce
Trevor Jule-Frost
Mindy Allen Kalakis
Raymond Kandrack
Alexandra Kane
Jennifer Kapiloff
Olivia Katbi
Tiffany Kauffman
Lindsey Kayne
Noel Keener
Destiny Keitt
Kyla T. Kelly
Stacey Kidwell
Ruthanne Kight
Stephanie Michelle Kingsbury
Rachel Kiwanuka**
Jeannette Cheri Kizzee
Richard Klecka
Cynthia Marie Kluck-Johnson
Michelle Kmiec
Erica Knapp
Jennifer Rose Knittel**
Jessica Knop
Caitlyn M. Koprowski
Lindsay C. Kusiak
Matthew Kuss
Dimitri Kvinikadze
Robin Kyek***
Kyle Labonte**
Marlena DiMauro Lacourse
Rachel A. Laliberte
Alyssa Noel Lambert
Shelby A. Lambert
Joseph Lane
Adrienne C. Lang
Mark Lange
Jennifer Langevin
Peter Langone
Jill LaPlante
Lori Lapriola***
Mikala Larez
Desiree Larkin
Kimberly R. Lashomb
Summer N. Latham
Alejandra Latour
Melody Lauginiger*
Joseph La Vecchia
Jasmin Lawrence
Stacey Lawrence
Peter Leahy**
Debra A Leander***
Nicole Leavell***
Adam Leavitt
Melanie Leckner
Karissa A. Leclair
Tarrah R. Ledoux
Isis R. Lee**
Mara Leebert
Corine Lehigh***
Scott Lentz
Juliann Leonard***
Mary Kate Leonard
David Lester***
Paige Levang
Melissa L. Liberi
Theresa Libios
Michael D. Lindsay***
Jacob Lipe
Scott M. Lipsett*
Carol Lizotte
Chelsea Locke
Devan Locklear *
Stephanie Loftus
Cedric Logan
William Lokash
Nathan Long
Joseph Longo
Justine Lopez
James G. Lowicz II
Sarah Lowry***
Greg Lucas
Trice Daniel Luker*
Vincent J. Luppino
Renee Lynch***
Karen Macedo*
Cherie Macenka
Taylor Dawn MacMillan
Heather Lynn Mader
Olivia Magliochetti
Barbara Malaba
Francis Garang Angok Malith
Ashleigh Caitlyn Maloney**
Tina R. Mandrioli ***
Ahbygale Mangen
Eshelle Manion***
Amanda Manning
Matthew Manning*
Sebrina Manning
Christina E. Manter
Bret J. Marinko
Karen Marie Marison
Susan Markle
Juliette Marsh**
Mari Marte
Chad Martin
Chris Martin
Courtney Martin
Damon Lee Martin***
Jamee Rose Mascia***
Carla Massa
Joshua Master**
Susan Masters
Amanda Matala
Laura Mathews
Amanda Jane Maurier***
Michele Maurier***
December R. Maxwell
Pamela May
Tina Mayes
Jaclyn McBride
Edward McCauley
Thomas McCormack
Kelly A. McCulley-Miko
Amber McDonald
Jasmine McDuffie*
Grace McEwen
Sharne McFadden
Simone-Jacqueline B. McFall
Carlyn McFeeley
Ryan McGaha*
Iris McGee
Jeremy McGee
Emily Iris McGowan
Beth McIntosh
Sarah McIntyre
Keylah McKinley
Angelica McKinney
Tim McMillan***
Brian Meade
Oscar Medrano**
Heidi Charlotte Meissner
Alyssa Shay Melton
Denise M. Mendes-Wilson*
Victoria Mendonsa***
Amanda Mendoza
Joseph Mercado
Autumn Mercer*
Janas Storey Mercer***
Eron Merritt
Jennifer Heller Meservey***
Nina Miceli***
Jake Miller
Katheryn A. Miller
Markell Miller
Steven F. Miller*
Carla Minks*
Stephanie Misenti
Kathleen Moczerniak***
Sean Mohlmann
Kathleen Clara Molitor***
Angela Montano
Anthony Michael Monteleone*
Jessica Moore
Karmelita Moorer
Jessica Morales***
Lindsey C. Morelli*
Cayce Morgan
Rose Morrison
Susan Morton***
Jacob Dylan Moser
Joshua Michael Moss
Pamela J. Moul*
Samuel Moultrie III***
Cass Mowatt*
Matthew Christopher Mowry
Dawn Mungovan
Marissa Marie Munoz
Debra A. Murphy***
Kimberly Murphy
Paul Murray Pike
Kristin A Musacchio
Jamie Reed Musselwhite
Joy Musunuri**
Brenda Myers
Luke Myers
La Sondra J. Myrick
Katlyn Nagel***
Brian Nelson
Matthew J. Netherton
Dan Neuser
Kelly Leigh Newnom
Gary Newton*
Michael Ngo
Erick Nielsen***
Jessica C. Nish
Jonathon Nixon*
Kelly Noel***
Kate Nolan
Aimee J Norman
Jennifer Nugent
Heathre Nussbaum
Ashley Marie O’Brien
Bruce Okallau
Mark Okeny
Marc E. Olius
Paul Olson
Andrea O’Malley
Stephanie A. Oneilstraight*
Amber O’Rear
Susan Lydia Orfanedes
Vanessa Ortiz
Sadiyyah Osbourne**
Cheryl Lahair
Eric Packer*
Bryan A. Page, Jr.
Gabrielle Pajer
Shelly A. Palmer*
Joseph Pandolfo
Deanna Parker
Emma Parker***
Robert A. Parker*
Bryan M. Parmenter**
Peter F. Parrella, IV
Michele Pasqua
Paula Passerini
Megan Patiry
Amanda Patterson
Mellissa Peace***
Gretchen Pearce*
David F. Pearl
Alyson Jenny Pelletier
Vaughna Pelliccia***
Michael Penate
Amber Jean Pendarvis***
Samuel Stuart Pennell***
Julianita Perez
Richard Perron
Adam Samson Perry
Katherine Elizabeth Perry
Renee Peterson*
Tonya J. Peterson
Monique Petit
Sandra Phillips***
Steven Phillips
Michael Piaseczny
Inauris Picard
Quincy L. Picard**
Emily Nicole Pierce
Nicholas R. Pigeon*
Juliana L. Pinciaro
Leia Pinsky
Kiersten Pistoor
Jackelyn Pitkin*
Stacy Pitman***
Jaiden Breanne Pitts
Sara Louise Plothow
Joanne M. Pomper***
Steven E. Pomper***
Michelle L. Ponce**
Rachael L. Pope
Amanda Porter
Daniel Potter***
Alexis A. Pratt
Christine Preciado
Megan Lyn Price***
Eric Pride**
Steven James Purcell*
Amylee Raddin
Allisa Radula
Ahmad Rahim*
Justin D. Rajotte***
Jerry Bernard Ramirez II
Jennifer Ramirez Robson***
Jessica Ramsey
Steven Rangel***
Robert Rathsam
Joan Marie Raymond***
Jessica Reddell
Tequilla Redmond***
Michael E. Reeser II**
Corey John Reeves*
Joycelyn Reid
Sheila Reitano
Phillip P. Rench
Amber Lynn Renzi**
Juan P. Reyes
Ceili Rian**
Charlotte H. Richard
Christopher Richardson
Courtney M. Richardson
Kayla M. Richardson*
Mignon Richardson
Kasey Richey
Shira Richman
Allison E. Riis
Melissa Laurel Ripley
Karen Rizkallah**
Sarah Theresa Rizza*
Christine Roberts*
Alice Robeson
Annie R. Robins
Clifton-Charles Robinson
Whitney Rocha***
Kevin Rodgers
Christine S. Rodriguez***
Daniel Rodriguez
Kellie Rogers
Joshua Roggie**
Jody Romine
Richard J. Rondeau, III*
Matthew Ropeter
Alfredo Rosado**
Kristen Rosenbaum
Brittany Ross
Daniel Charles Ross
Hannah Ross
Jessica Ross*
Sarah Rotert***
Kassondra L. Rouleau
Rhonda Rounds*
Kimberly Jennie Rowe**
Shawn Rowe*
July Ruiz***
Natalie Runyon*
Mary Rushin
Zjavvone Sackey
Erika Salazar
Devon Salmen Jackson
Istania Samarzia***
Diana L. Sanchez
John Robert Sanders
Alvin Sandles
Mieko Kari Sano
Tara Sauerwald**
Berkley A. Savage, Jr.
Jamie Savage*
Joseph Scafidi*
Cara Scala***
Marc Schetter***
Melissa Schiavone***
Amy Schlottmann
Carrie Schmitz*
Samantha Schroeder*
Chantel Nicole Schubert*
Jacquelyn Schultz**
Dawn Schweitzer**
Josie L. Scott
Nichelle Scott-Williams
Lauren Scribner***
Larry Marcus Sears, Jr.
Kristine Sease
Sky Sebik
Manpreet Sekhon
Caleb Settlage
Brittany Severn
Tracy Shapiro
Breyona Sharpnack*
Justin Shelton
Beth Shepard
Emily Shores
Jessica Showalter
Ashish Sijapati***
Matthew F. Silver
Carly Simon**
Dianthia Simon
Zachary D. Simone II
Sarah Simoneau
Jeff Simonian
Kelsey Simpson
Chris Sjafiroeddin
Catherine Loretta Skeen*
Jillian R. Skene*
Thomas Richard Slider
Rhonda Smairat*
Tammy Smedley
Heidi S. Smith
Kaitlyn M. Smith*
Marissa Smith
Marshandria Smith
Meaghan E. Smith
Nicole Stefany Smith***
Steven W. Smith
Venus D. Smith*
Bridget Kathleen Smithers
Carly Snodgrass
Stephanie Snodgrass
Sharon Elizabeth Snuggs**
Nicole Snyder***
Keri Sojak***
Agnes Sorce**
Amy Sorrough***
Cindy Soto
Nanette Spaedt***
Anneliese Sparks
Jonathan Spitz
Sara Spivey
Tracey Spriggs
Kayla Staires
Tamara Stanfield
Michelle Starcher
Lori Michelle Starling
Jonathan Stein*
Emily Stevens
Leesa Ann Stewart*
Melissa Stiefel**
Ellen Stifter
Holly Stinnett
Maize St John
Tara E. Stone
Jessica Stradwick
Patricia Stroke
Norman Stuart
Stephanie M. Sturgis
Christopher Sturm
Melissa Suarez*
Mika Elise Sugano***
Samuel Sullivan
Corey Michael Sulzen**
Jacquelyn Summers
Brittany Sumpter***
Ronald M. Suttles Jr.
Bryan Sykes
Kaitlin M. Szacik
Haylee S. Szczepkowski
Matthew Tabrizizadeh***
Lauren Nichole Tague
Logan Adam Keiji Taira
Keri Tallerico**
Michele Tapper-Racine***
Jessie A. Tate
Kimberly S. Tate-Louie***
Rachael Taylor
Rebekah Taylor
LisaAnn D. Tber***
Olivia Teabout
Kristi L. Teague*
Cynthia Tebo
Emily Tedore
Sarah Thibodeau*
Kenneth Thomas
Ashly Thompson
Chere Thompson
Julia Thompson
Lionel Robert Thompson II
Rebecca Thompson
Tiena Marie Thompson
Cristina Thomson
Danielle Justine Thurby*
Rachel Thurlow
Aaron W. Tiffany
Robert Tiongson
Taryn Leigh Titcomb
Donna Tober
Aaron V. Todd
Tabitha Crystal Tomala***
Whitney Tomlinson**
Nicole Tone
Jennifer Toomey*
Hillary Torchia
Amanda Susan Toth
Daniel Townsend
Sarah Treadwell
Christine Tribou**
Nora J. Trudeau
Amber Danielle Trukositz*
Caitlyn M. Tuggey**
Keri Tunno
Anneke Turner
Nikkol Vacek
Axel Valentin*
Miguel Valenzuela Jr.***
Amber Valett
Joshua Van Meter
Jennifer K. VanSchalkwyk*
John L. Van Vactor
Heather J. Vargas***
Edgar Vazquez
Elsie Vega
Diana Velasco
Matthew J. Verdeyen
Gabriele Patricia Vernacchio
Mathew Vernon***
Cristina Lynn Via
Lauren Nicole Voisin
Stephanie Vuley
Julia Wade***
Takeyah Wade
David Wagner
Heather Walker*
Jennifer M. Walstad
Kelsey Walther
Dillon Warne
Julia Washington
Leanne Marie Wasleski*
Susan Waters
Alissa D Watson
Ashlyn Wearing
Jason Weber***
Vanessa René Weesner
Kimberly Weihrauch***
Jamie Weiland *
Michelle Wellington***
Lindsay J. Wells***
Sarah Wentz***
Vanessa West
Ylenia West
Kayla M. Weymouth
Krystle Wheeler**
Onie Travis Wheeler
Kasey Leigh White*
Robert C. White*
Justin Whittemore
Sara Widdis*
Jill Cherie Wieck***
Michael J. Wiegand***
Lindsay Elizabeth Wilcox***
Snisha Wilcox
Robert Charles Wilkinson**
Chad Williams**
Emelia Williams
Jasmine Louise Williams
Latoya Lashaye Williams
Paul Theodore Williams
Sheena Williams
Brittany Mize Willis
John Willis
Mark Wilms
Breana Nikoll Wilson
Caitlin N. Wilson
Chandal Wilson
Dustin E. Wilson
Erika Mae Wilson
Kevin Hugh Wilson*
Stephanie Wilson
Wendy Winchester
Christopher Winn
Corina D. Winslow-Powell*
Samuel Wittberg
Courtney P. Wolf
LaZandra P. Wolf*
Joanna Wolford**
Nichelle Lynn Womble
Nina Wooding**
Jihyun Woodward
Julie Worsham**
Courtney Wright
Katrina D. Wright
Houa Xiong
Bernice LaVerne Ybarra*
Tina M. Zabbo**
Mohammad Zahid
Paulette Zander**
Theresa Zarro
Brandi Zelenka***
Samantha Zettler
Megan E. Zimmerer
Marne Zollinger
Megan Zubrzycki*
Linda Zukowski*
Bachelor of Science
Michael Accorto
Stephen Adjarho
Michael Aikens
David C. Ainsworth**
Doug Anderson
Doreen Austin*
Joseph Austin
Peggy Marie Ayala
Keith A. Ayotte Jr.**
Ceslee Aytes***
Talitha Rose Baer
Anthony J. Baldi**
Alexander Baldwin
James R. Ballantyne Jr
Robert John Barrows
Daniel Barry***
Carrie Elizabeth Beaton***
Christopher G. Bell
Kenneth J. Bell***
Melissa Bell
Vanessa Bernard
Keith Bernier***
Anthony H. Betz
Laura Bidwell
Matthew P. Blanchette
Margaret Blundon***
Kristin E. Bohne
Robert A. Bosnyak*
Jeffrey Boucher
Jerrie Bowen
Kevin T. Bowen**
Richard Bowers
Patrick L. Breur**
Michelle Bric*
Bryce A. Broadhurst
Stephanie A. Broadhurst
Michael Brock**
Beth Ann Brown
David R. Burke, Jr.
Brad Burkett**
William Burkett
Sean M. Burns
Gary Bussolari, Jr.
Simon Byrne
Karen E. Cabral
Scott Caron
Joshua Cate**
Christopher Catron
Martina M. Charpentier***
Alexander Chase
Roberto A. Chidiac
Rachid Chrichem**
Megan Cirelli
Anne Cloutier
Justyn P. Cole
Jason Andrew Compton*
Robert Cullen*
Daniele Cunha
Joseph Currao***
Samuel C. Daigle
Michael DeHart**
Robert Dennis**
Michael Tyler Dery**
Michael S. Desillier*
Brad DiCenzo
Brian Dilley
Sarah R. Dotson*
Jodie L. Champagne
Philip A. Easterwood
Carlos Echeverria**
Michael Edmonds
Desmond Adrian Elmes
Benjamin Gray Emery*
Jonathon W Esquell***
William M. Fairley**
Kristie Farrington
Laronda Fisher
Henry Fitzsimmons*
Tammy Foreman***
Alexis Frank***
William T. Gallagher***
Tyler M. Gauthier
Dustin George
Derek Giasson***
Christina Goris*
Katryna Grace
Steven Patrick Grace Jr.
Noemi Granado
William Anthony Green**
Nikki D. Grunst *
Brandon Guilbault
Ronald Haas***
Benjamin Mark LaVon Hailstone*
Kurt G. Hallbach
Nicholas Hanko
Joseph R Hanna
Coy Harris
Matthew Harrison***
Carolyn Haskin***
Shira Hearn***
Brian M. Henderson
Nicholas S. Hiatt
Estus Hibbard
Thomas Hoelscher, Jr.
Jason Michael Holt
Shane Hopps***
Hainan Huang*
Joshua Huang*
Stephen Lee Hudnall
Mark Hughes***
Robert Earl Hunter Jr.
Jamie H. Hutchings
Raymond Irvine
Tomasz Jablonski***
Rafael Jerez
Mark Johnson**
Aaron M. Jones
Jonathan Jones*
Lauren Joyner
Dillon Kamand
Jeffrey Kan**
Laurie A. Kandoll**
Alex Kaufmann
Eleazar Kirby
Alexander Klimarchuk, Jr.***
Sara Kubiniec
Harilaos G. Kutromanos
Jennifer Labrecque
Jordan D. LaFontaine
David LaPointe
Daniel Laramay
Angel Lavin*
Joshua Leath
Cheryl Lefler***
Robert Lemon***
Michael Letendre***
Steven Wade Long***
John Lund
Jonathan Luoni
James Alan Lusk, Sr.**
Stephen D Lussier
Jeffrey MacDonald*
Nicholas A. Machado*
Robert Maddox
Ellen Makkas***
Joseph Markman***
Carol Lee Marshall
Lindsey N Mason***
Paul Matatall**
Charles Matses***
Ballard Mattingly
Andre McAdoo
Patrick McCarty
Lisa McClain
Terri K. McCubbins
Linda McGhee**
John J. McInnes Jr
Ondina McIntosh
Jonathan J. McKendrick
Curtis McLaurin
John Mejia**
Maria L. Mendoza**
Julia Anne Merchant**
Mathieu R. Mercier
James Joseph Monagle
Andrew J. Moon
Ellen Moore*
Emily-Marie B. Morin**
Gregory Troy Morris***
Dennis Moss
Natasha A. Mulford
Greer Murphy
Patrick Myers***
Viji Nair
Michael McKinley Nash
Candace Neider***
Krysta J. Nelson
James Newkirk
Christina Nocito
Alen Omerbegovic
Jacqueline O’Neill**
Peter J. O’Sullivan
Nicholas Page**
Kayla M. Panagopoulos*
Steven D. Parker**
Elton E. Parnell
Tommy James Parnell**
Gaurav V. Patel**
Eric T. Pearson
Wesley C. Pelletier***
Jesus Antonio Perez
Darrin W. Peters***
Danielle Lee Picarski
Margalonide Melissa Pierre
Sarah Pilapil**
Matthew Pilgrim*
Brian J. Poirier***
Christopher Joseph Poirier
Lindsay Pompa
Casey Potter
Miguel Pulecio
Morgan Rabold
Roger Ramirez
Evan Ravenelle
Scott Patrick Reilly*
Amanda Elizabeth Reneau**
Brent Renius*
Kelly Howard Rice
Michael Richardson**
Omar Richardson
Humberto Rios
Roberto Rodriguez
Vanessa K. Rogan**
Diana L. Ruggiero***
Michael Denver Salazar
Jennifer Sanborn
Juan Sanders
Joshua Savoy
Timothy Allen Sawyer*
John Schaefer**
Aleta Schultz
Ryan Arnie Serrano
Chenell Sue Shackelfoot
Salome Shaibu
Alexander C. Sherrill
Emily Shudy
Christopher Simpson***
Geoffrey Duane Sims*
Sukhwinder Singh***
David Soucy
Kenneth G. Stevenson, III
Jeffrey S. St. Jean*
Justin St. Laurent***
Corey M. St. Onge***
Ferdinand V. Suwandy
Sharday Swain
Blaise Swanwick
Abraham Swaray
Domagoj Tadin**
Maria Tedeschi
Jessica Michelle Tow**
Jeffery Charles Trimble II
Michel G. Trochalakis**
Aleigha H. Tucker***
Myat Thu Tun
Bridget Uzar***
Schantal K. Watts
Stephanie Nicole Waycaster***
Cheryl J. Weeks***
Patrick Weinland
Nancy Weirich
Emily Wells
Derek F. Wennerstrand
Robert M. Werkheiser
Jerold L. White***
Gina Christine Whitney
Michael P. Whitney
Gerri M. Widener
Sasha Williams
Rebekah Lee Witt
Steven Wolff***
T. Jeffrey Wolters***
Daniel Woolworth***
Jennifer Ruth Towle***
Araxie Yeretsian*
Hovsep Yeretsian
Daniel Yi***
Jennifer Zandt**
Associate in Arts
Zoe Alexander
Marc R. Arbitelle
David S. Arce, Jr.*
Stephen Joseph Bamberg
Michael Henry Banarhall
Angela Benitez-Getz
Francis Bernath
Nicholas Bishop**
Kelsey Lynette Boatright
Karen Bolduc
Ashton N. Bolser
Nikalle Brenkmann
Ryan David Brennan
Latasha Brown
Meghan M. Calabria*
Jamie Lynn Carty
Shauna Casey
Dawn Clay*
Zachary Collins
Danielle Corey
Shenika Cumberbatch
Catherine P. Cyr
Valerie D’Amato**
Alison L. Dargue
Celena DiTore***
Maegan Dotterer***
Joseph P. Dube
Omar El Yaman
Michael Fetters
Lisa Filmer***
Christopher A. Fisher
Erin C. Ford**
Charles Frazier
Sharon Marie Freeman
Jasmine Frison
Alison M. Fritzsche***
Gavin Gaudet
Amanda Gonzales
Myrna Gonzalez
LaVonda Gordon
Marc Sterling Hagen***
Nathan Kenneth Hahn
Alexandria K. Hammel
Samantha Nicole Hartnett
Jared Henderson
Jennifer Marie Hennessey**
Christopher C. Hickman
Susan Hoffler-Goodman
Karen Hughes***
Kaitelyn R. Jackson
Ronnie Jeffires
Sherri D. Johnson
Michael Kapoian**
Michelle Kinsey
Brandy Taylor Knowlton
Colby J. Larsen
Kaylie A. Lockerman
Jennifer Martinez
Jared Mason
Kenyatta McDaniel
Genesis McKinney
Jacob K. Miller**
Ashley Minor*
Mark Nissen
Onyinyechukwu Obi
Jennifer L. O’Neil
Heather Lee Ormiston
Joshua O’Rourke***
Padmini Pappu***
Emily R. Penney
Amber A. Presa-Smalley**
Jason Robert Prud’homme
Katie Reily***
Victoria Robbins*
David Rogers Jr.*
Barbara Safford-Garrett
Summer Sampedro**
Kristina Sanso
Ryleigh Simms
Patricia Stamas***
Cary Strohecker**
Darci Sturgeon
Christopher Suosso***
Shelby Swanson
Heath Sweat*
Noah Briton Swiderski
Michael Tennant*
Rebecca A. Tetrault*
Nikki Thomas
Rebecca Thomas
Sarah Walston*
Larry Nathaniel Chadwick Warner ***
Danielle Weatherford
Delores Williams
Shawn Williams
Jennifer Woods
Abby E. Wright
Jessica Zapatero
Austin D. Zarzour
Associate in Science
William Adkisson
Christopher Atkinson***
Samuel T. Austin
Ceslee Aytes***
Charles Bailey, Jr.
Michael Barbuto
Alonso Bonifacio
Joseph Boone
Martin R. Boston, Jr.**
Eric A. Boucher
Timothy Bourgeois
Ryan Andrew Bourrie
Amy Brooks
Michele Lyn Butcher
John F. Carmody***
Gabriela Chacon
Kathleen E. Crombleholme**
Kimberly A. DaSilva
Nese Diecidue
Christopher A. Dixon
Stephan D Dow***
Dubraska Duque**
Laura A. Durso
Jacob Robert Edwards
Jenifer Felix
David P. Giguere
Shondel Gordon
Jamarel Grace
Ryan Jeffrey Greenhalgh*
Brian Christopher Guca**
Michael Guidice**
Sean T. Holland
Dalton Jackson
Islande Jacques
Paul R. Johns**
Amber C Johnson
Barbara Johnson
Brandi Jones
Jason Jones**
Philip Juhas**
Karen Keisling***
Austin Kimball
Anthony LaFountain
Solomon Buchanan Langi***
Logan Longardner
James A. Mack Jr.*
Beverly Masters***
Ashley McQuade
Michelle E. Mills*
Tender Nanthong*
John A. Olson
Christian Parker
Darrin M Pelletier*
Jason Pendleton***
Joan Pluta
Joshua Pottle*
Heather Radcliff
Kelsey Rathbun
Christine E. Reinelt
Dan Robert***
Charles W Roberts
Scott A Rodriguez
Nathan Ryan*
Julia Salafia***
Samantha Schneiderman
Andre Shannon*
Jeffrey Sikora
Christian Francis Simard*
Chris Tewalt*
Michael Tieri***
Michael Trow
Jeroen van der Maat*
Joyce Whitzell
William Williams***
Edward J. Wood II
Cory Wright***
Bachelor of Arts
Keshab Acharya
Farahnaz Ahadimajdabadi
Anthony Alarcon
Shueyb Ali
Hethe Allemand
Debra S. Allen
James W. Allen II
Milton Allen
Saul Amezquita
Luisa M. Anderson
Debra J. Andrews
Anthony Antenucci
Dennis Auch
Belinda Carol-Anne Backstrom
Kim Bailey
Robert Craig Barker
William Barnewitz
Tamara Bassett
Assegid Belda
Melissa Bellante
Mary Bellerose
Glenda Belluche
Sivan Ben-Aderet
Katrina Benecke
Christine Jane Bishop***
David Blount
Steven Boisvert
Erica Danielle Bonanno
Lemelia Johnson Bonner
Mark Boothman***
Roderick T. Bourn
Benjamin Box
Valery Brady
Cameron Brafford
Jody P. Bregler
Paulette Jean Brennan
Zohray Brennan
Lauren Brent
Aron Brewer
Taylor Brown
Brett Broyles
Jannette Bruce
Joseph Brulotte**
Janelle Bryson
Katherine Buchholz*
Suraj Budathoki
Kimberly Burkett
Angie Burleyson
Margaret Calafos
Donna Calvanese
Martha Camargo
Patrick Campbell
Lauren Victoria Cantley
Yvonne Carbin
Edward Carr
Misty Carson
Michael Carter
Dennis Cassella
Robert T. Cavan Sr
Valerie A. Celentano
Philip Chan
Whitney Ariana Chandler
Brandon Cheape
Abigail Childers
Shirley Christmas
Marcie Christopher
Gina Cirillo
Eric Ciuca
Anne Marie Claahsen
Alexandra Clark
Cheri Donna Clark
Meghan N. Cleary
Michael Cogliano
Scott Collins
Brendon S. Connelly
Lori A. Connolly
William Cora Gracia
Russell S. Cox
Karen Frederica Craddock
Jason Crandall
Lori J. Crawley
Anne Crites
Chris Crout
Joshua Crowley
Susan Curran
Eddie Cyr**
Lee Xavier Davis
Monica Dean
Lisa Demers
Sharon Deputy
Keith Desouza
Scott Desroches
Stacey Desrosiers***
Frank Devlin
Andrew Dickie
Leland C. Dimond
Daniel Diyaolu
Bevin Douglas
Erica Dreadfulwater
Scott Drew
Melissa Drouin
Alessandra K. Duenas
Tyler Dumais
Veronica Nohemi Durin
Kathleen Earnest
Augustine Ebot
Ashley Jennifer Nicole Edmonds
Eshoo Eivaz
Sheila Elias
Kyle Elko
Billy Dewayne Ellison Jr
Michael J. Enos
Anthony Evangelista
Gokah Evans
Megan Jane Louise Eyre
Jason Fatzinger
David Faulcon
Keila Feaster
Brian Ferns
Stephanie Theresa Ferreira
Joanne B. Fielding
Kimberly Flohe
Areatha Ford
Marion Foster
Paul R. Fournier
Michael Fox
Michael Francis
Gianna Fratto
William McGeath Freeman
Howard Friedman
Nikki Gainer
Beth A. Garcia
Omar Garcia
Teri Garcia
Steven Garrett
Heather Gates Subjeck
Bridget Rose Gavaghan
Michael Gavin
VonEric Gentry
William B. George
Jane E. Gerry
Johanna Gibson
Tomecia L. Gillis
John Golovich
Caryn Elissa Gordon
Linda Graham
Dominique Gray
Lorin Green
Nicholas Guerin
Shelby Rae Hall*
Pamela Dawn Hammond
Russell Hammond
Beenish Haroon
Gary Hartwell
Teresa Hatch
Johnetta V. Heil
Nathan Helfrick
Eric Helms
Philip Helmuth
Staci Ellen Hicks-Fields
Joseph F. Hilburn
Ariane Hiltebrand
Matthew Homoelle
Timothy Howard
Kent Huddleston
Oyetunji Olufihan Ishola
Nadine Jabbour
Angela Keunsuk Jang
Suzanne L. Janitz
Elizabeth Javier-Montanez
Orlando Javier-Montanez
Kevin Jenkins
Lynn Marie Jeremiah
Anthony Jett
Lucas Johnson***
Melanie Anne Johnson
Pamela Lynn Johnson
Pedar Johnson
William Johnson
Jessica Johnston
Maketa Jolly
Kenneth Jones, Jr.
Scott Jones
Shana Jones*
Tina Amber Jones
Allyson M. Kane
Jessica Kaprocki
Michael Karabin
Jayson Keeton
Jianna Kellems*
Tyler Wade Kerby
Mark C. Keyser
Lisa Kiesman
Kioshi O. Kindambu
Stephanie King
Anne Klupshas
Stacie Kneip
Preston A. Knight
Pullarao Konakanchi
Rami Kutum
Danielle Kuzmich
Elizabeth Lanaville*
Andrea Lang
Aubri Elaine Lang
Robert Scott Lanham
Jennifer Lannum
Bruce Joseph Lawrence
Richard Paul Lawson
Rachel Layman
Thuy Le
Christopher Lee
Sean H. LeFave
Angela Leon**
Terry Levine
Eric Lewis
Kimberly Lewis
Erica Loso
Lauren Loughlin
Daina Love
George Lugo
Billie J. Lunt
Michael Joseph Lupo
Evgenia Lussier***
Robin Lykon
Heather R. Lyon
Richard P. Mahoney
Jeffrey James-Timothy Manus
Keely Marie
Paul Markowski
Audrey S. Marsh
David J. Martin
Megan Mason
George Mathu
Cody McAdams
Ryan McCuddy
Ryan McCullough
Lisa A. McDaniel
Mark McDaniel
Aaron Joseph McGuckin
Nicole McKeon
Anthony McLeod
Christopher McNeil
Dawn M. Mello
Monica Miller
Wilson Miller
Jennifer Montague
Lois Monteiro
John W. Montgomery
Pedro Monzon
Erin Moochnick
Justin M. Moore
Elizabeth Morini
Jeffrey D. Morse
Douglas Moses
Audrey D. Sweeney-Mullins
Cynthia M. Murphy
Jon R. Murphy*
Donna R. Nelson
Ronzetta Nelson
Jesse B. Nevarez
Lori A. Noonan
Kevin Nostrates
Sharon R. O’Connell
Ryan Joseph O’Connor
Donald Odell
Jasmine Oglesby
Heather O’Gorman
Vincent Alexander Oliver
Meghan Olkowski
William Papa
Brenda-Jean Paradis
Kiersten Parker
Susette Parks
Jordan Patch
Kedar Patel
Mohini K. Patel
Andrew Patterson
Donalee Paul
Brittany Pemberton*
Juan Pena
Jacklyn C. Penn
Bethany J. Perkins
Danielle A. Perrotta
Minh Persaud**
Worth Peterson
Joseph Piazza
Heather Pierce***
Mandy Pippin
Roger Plothow
Kathleen Popielarczyk
Ankit Puri*
Colleen Quinlan
Ama K. Rahsaan-Grandberry
Elizabeth Ramirez**
Angel R. Ramos
Paula Randall
Matthew E. Ratte
Thomas J. Reid
Allison Renfro
Steven Kent Rhodes
Maryanne Lynn Riano
Timothy Richards
Maudine Richardson
Khagendra Rizal
Robert Rodriguez
Matthew Donald Rogers
Kristin Leigh Rossi
Evan Rotteau
Lisa Rowley
Glenda S. Ryan
Juan J. Salazar***
Mariana Chaoul Saliba*
Paula Kiri Sassone
Michael J. Scanlon
Tyler Joseph Scheuermann
Philip J. Schneider
Susan Schomer
Maureen P. Schroeder
Shelby Seagroves
Joan Sena
Michael J. Shaeffer
Ryan J. Shaw
Gail Sherman*
Sara Rae Shields
Yelizaveta Shipovskiy
Brianna M. Shirley
Mely Sierra
Rashelle Simpson
Mark Smallwood
Eric Smith
Janessa Smith
Laurie Elizabeth Smith
Leslye Ronika Williams Smith
Melissa Smith
Phallon Kristine Smith
Joshua H. Snelling
William Spettmann, III
Susan Splaine
Cathy Stangroom
Andrea Stephens
Michael Stephens
Jody L. Stewart
Carrie R. Stiles***
Nativita St Louis
Barry Wayne Stolzman
Roger N. St Onge
Brenda E. Sturkey
Pamela Sullivan
Robert Neldon Summers
Donald Tanner
Krystle Taylor
Michael Taylor
Michael Terrasi
David Thies
Kaywanna Thomas
Nardella M. Thomas
Tomeka Jenese Thompson*
Rainatou Tiendrebeogo
Holly Tiller
Anita Isenhour Toflinski
Leanna Totten*
Shawna Toye
William Trabue
Arlene Trevathan
Joshua T. Turpin
Teofelia Tyler
Jesse Valenciano Jr.
Tiffany Lise Vancil
Bradley Vanhoose
Fred Van Hoose
Timothy Axel VanWart
Pamela Mays Vavra
Omar Vazquez
Christina L Voigt
Nancy Wade
Julia Wallace-Singleton
Eryn Waltrip
Geoffrey Warrick
Tina Wasmuth
Adam Waters
John Waters
Michael E. Ways
Nicholas Webb
Michael Anthony Weigner
Tamara Weisenberger
Claude Brian Wetherby
Michael C. Wettstein
Christopher Michael Whitcomb
George White
Shannon White
Tracy Whitehead
Andrew Whitmore
Frank G. Widner Jr.
Keeley Daneen Williams
Linda Williams
Marc Williams
Ronald DeAndre Williams
Warren Tyrone Williams
Francis Joseph Wintruba
Richard A. Wojciak
Jeremiah Wolf
Dawn Woodard
Debbie Woodrum
Hope Sileen Wright
Kevin Wright
Shannon Robert Yancey
Maria L. Yanes
Hey Jin Yi
Joy Latrice Young*
Firdowsa Yusuf
Renee Zegarski
Kurt Zielinski
Bachelor of Business Administration
Roscio del Pilar Camavilca Moreno
Maurice Lefevre
Adriana Oliva Caceres
Lorena Polo Pinillos
Rob Shepherd
Bachelor of Science
Julia D. Absetz
Mustafa Abukhadier
Tamika Adams
Jessica Adcock***
Michael R. Addorisio
Eric Kweku Adjei
Irving Aguayo
Yilianny Aksabaev
Dominic C. Albanese**
Jacqueline Albert
Trisha Alexander***
Leila Alkurabi
Kelsea E. Allen
Michelle Allwood
Kyle Alman
Mario Almonte
Carlos D. Alvarez
Edgar Ambroise
Victoria Anctil
Brian Anderson
Dolly Cruz Anderson*
Sara Anderson
Erin Andrews
Mary Lou Andrushchenko
Peny Sules Angutin
James Aquilino
Lucia S Arambillete
Eric W. Aramento
Jessica Araniz
Rebecca A. Archambault*
Amy Aristo
Nathaniel Armstrong
Joseph Arnold
Bianca Arnoux
Dana Askins*
Kylie J. Auger
Aung Aung
Suzanne Marie Avella***
Melanie Badger**
Carolyn Lee Bailey
Waverly Bair**
Jennifer Baker*
Cory Robert Ballard
Richard C Bancroft Jr*
Cassandra Nachol Barajas**
Elizabeth Barlow
Avita D. Barnes
Matthew Basque
Adam M. Bastian**
Jason Bauerschmidt
Tyrrannie Baugh-Thomas
Christopher Beatson
Amanda Beauvais
Xylina Beck
Ryan Beecher
Melissa Marie Behm
Tammy Belanger***
Lilybel Belen
Hannah Bemis***
Keith James Bennett**
Tiffany Bennett
David Joseph Benoit***
Amy Bergen
Joni Bergeron
Shatabya Nicole Bergland
April C. Bernard
Jeffery David Berrier
Dennis Brian Berry***
Matthew Berry
Paul A. Bertrand**
Kristen Berube
Caixia Bethune***
Daniel J. Betts
Melissa A. Bickford*
Stephanie Bigcraft
Karlee L. Biskup
Patricia Bisson
Hope Nicola Blackwood
Christopher K. Blaisdell
Amanda N. Blake
Matthew Daniel Blouin
David Boisvert
Tiffany A. Boisvert
Latoiya Beatrice Bonaby
Janet Bonesteel***
Ian Boone
Dawn M. Boucher
Jennifer N. Boucher
Kyle L. Boucher**
Simone Boucher
Stephanie Boucher*
Amy B. Bourgeois
Travis E. Bourne
Brianna Bowles
Kristin Bowman
Justin Braddock
Danny Brake
Melinda Brasfield
Christy Breeden
Bernard Brennan
Courtney Brennan
Lisa Bresnahan**
Joshua Briand**
Tia Brien
Joseph Jake Broussard***
Courtney Brown
Daniel Robert Brown
Frank Brown***
James Brown
Jeffrey Brown
Jennifer Brown
Kimberly Brown***
Kristine Brown***
Matina M. Brown
Rebeccah Brown
Simon Brown***
W. Keith Brown, Jr.
Alan Browning***
Jeffrey Buchholz*
Jason Paul Buldak***
Nicholas P. Bullard
Brandon Bullock
Joshua Curtis Burkett**
Dean Burnett***
Michael T. Burnham**
Renae Byrd
Carlos Calderon
Daisy Camacho*
Mandy Cameron
Craig Campbell
Jennifer Jean Campbell
Kimberly S. Campbell*
Kristin D. Campbell
Travis R. Campbell**
Ofir Campeanu
Erica Canada***
Kamryn Maureen Candelaria *
Shana Cano
Robinson Cantero
Natasha Carmichael***
Tara Carnes**
Marcia Grace Carpenter*
Jacqueline Carr
Rachel Carr***
Rachel Carragher*
Louis Carranza IV
Sara Carrillo*
Kathryn Carter
Elizabeth Casagrande***
Marialucia Castello**
Katelynn E. Castiglione
Ian Catenzaro
Agustin J. Ceniceros Garcia
Stacey L. Cetaruk
Brandon Chabola**
Michael Chandler**
Daniel A. Chapeck
Jeffrey Charland*
Guadalupe Chavarria*
Mony Chim
Yi-Hsuan Chou***
Kelly J. Chouinard
Brady S. Christianson
Ayax Christopher
Susan Ciotti
Michael R. Clements
Mark F. Clifton, Jr.***
Jeri Cloutier
Vanessa Coelho**
Timothy M. Cofrin***
Dustin W. Colburn*
Allen Coleman
Keisala Coleman
Melissa Collazo
Ryan S. Collette
Patrick Collins, Jr.***
Stephanie E. Confer
Jessica A. Connare
Megan Conner
Michael L. Cook
Nicole Cordaro
Shannon E. Cordeiro
Marcel H. Coronado
Brett A. Cossaboon
Robert Cossairt**
James Cotton**
Caroline R. Count
Patrus Courtesis*
Pamela L. Coutermarsh
Derek P. Couture
Alicia M Coviello**
Lanell Covington-James**
Alexandra Cox**
Joanna E. Cox
Ligea Cox
Phillip James Cox
Tiyaka Cradle**
Sherri R. Crain**
Janine J. Cruz
Jose H. Cruz*
Taren Cunningham
Isiah Curtis
Kerry Curtis*
Melissa Curtis
Nicholas Adam Damas
Alyssa Daniels
Brittany Davidson***
Jeremy R. Davidson***
Albert Davies***
Marsha Davis
Maureen E. Davis**
Raymond Francis Davis
Joseph C. Day**
Brian A. Dayman**
Maureen Deacy***
Alicia Dean*
Michael T. DeGrasse
Rafael Antonio De La Cruz Jr. ***
Jeffrey F. Delangie Sr.***
Nicholas A. Deletetsky
Benjamin DeMark
Amanda DeMayo
Laurie E. DeNauw**
Samy Abdualfatah Dernawi
Julie Desjardins
Laurene R. Desjarlais***
Kristen Desrochers
Timiri J. Dethmann
Kevin Deveraux
Tiffany D. Diamond
Niobys Diaz
Danielle A. Dickert
Michael DiFonzo*
James Diggins**
Cynthia Dilling**
Jennifer M. Doherty
Dawn M. Donahue***
Emily M. Donahue
Robert J. Donahue
Kathi Doucet
Micaela Drewett
Jennifer Drover
Shawn Dube
Amy M. Dubois**
Ryan M. Ducharme*
Norbert Dudek*
Thomas Lewis Dufort***
Traci Lyn Dugdale
Diana Lynn Duke***
Marlena R. Dunbar
Cleve Dunn, Jr.
Roberto C. Duran
Raymond Duryea
Frank H. Dushame, IV
Andrew Economos*
Jordan A. Edmond
Nicole Edwards*
Derek Eichelberger**
Luke David Eisch*
Christian Eissele**
Denis Elezovic*
Jennifer Ellis***
Nicole L. Ellis***
Jordan J. Ely
Dianne Enaire*
Christine Erie
Rebecca Lauren Eskeland
Elizabeth Estey
Katrina Evans
Ali Evanson*
Brandon D. Ezzo
Kyleen S. Farrell
Nicholas J Faxon
Timothy Fenu
Nadia Ferguson*
Sara A. Fiala**
Matthew Fifield
David Fischer***
John Flanagan
Bonnie Flannery*
Derek Eamonn Fleming
Matthew J. Fleming**
Kim Wade Flewelling***
Carol D. Fortin
Christopher A. Foster
Robert Foster***
Sandra L. Fournier*
Lisa Fox
Charity Francis
Yolanda Frazier
Amanda Fuchs
Madeleine Fuentes
Neftalina Fulgencio
Chad A. Fuller**
Maren Furlong
Tomek Furtak***
Trisha Gadson-Petrillo*
Lisa M. Gailunas
Gordon M Gameson
Jonathan Garcia
Jessica Gardner**
Sherri A. Garewal
Jason Gasper
Keri Gauthier-Indeglia**
Rose-Marie Gauthier
Jamie Geciauskas***
Crystal Gelin
Robert Getzinger
Jaimie L. Giarrusso***
Tori Dawn Gifford
Laura Gilmore
Brianna Giorgi
Brian G. Girard
Stefan Giroux
Melissa Glover
Norma Gluyas***
Brett Godshall
Jasmine Golden
David Goloven*
Luciana Goncalves***
Heather Gabrielle Gordeev***
Josephine Gorski***
Daniel Goulet**
Erica L. Gowen
Nicole Lynn Graff
Shea Graham
Robert Grasing
Deborah A. Graves***
Simon Green
Anthony V. Grieco, Jr.
Daniel J. Griffin
Erika Griggs
Kimberly Griswold**
Lynn Groenhoff**
Thomas D. Gross
Darcie Guarino**
Reginald J. Guillory***
Jamie Guldner
Hannah M. Gullickson**
Fernando Z. Gutierrez*
Juan Gutierrez**
René C. Gwinn
Daniel Richard Hadden*
Heather L. Hagar
Christina M. Hale
Aleisha Marie Hall **
Brenda A. Hall**
Jessica A. Hallee**
Erik D. Halvorson**
Doris Hamdy
David S. Hamilton**
Jennifer B. Hamm**
Jeffrey M. Hanlon***
Laura Marie Hanning
Jessie Ann Hardesty***
Theresa Harley
Alicia Ann Harnitz
Callie Harrington**
Ashley Harris
Daniel C. Harris
Joseph Don Harris***
Otis K. Harris
Paris Harris*
Janice Harvey
Quincy L Harvey***
Michele Haslem
Tammara Hastings
David Hazel**
Henghui He
Emily E. Hebert
Michael Heffernan*
Kristin M Heismeyer***
Nicole K. Helmen
Kelsey L. Adams
Jaimee E. Hemphill
Britni Hendricks
Anderson Hernandez
Jenna Hershey
Cynthia A. Hetu*
Celana Odean Higginbottom
Alethea B. Hill*
Dionne Marie Hill
Robin Hirliman*
Diana L. Holland
Michael Hollis
Stephanie Myers Holzhauer*
Trevor Hornbeck
Lauren Howell
Matthew Howes
James H Hudson, III*
Shantale Huffman
Amy Hull***
John Hume
Amy Hutchins
Derick Ingling***
Diana F. Ingram
Joseph A. Isabelle
Eric Jackson
Kathleen A. Jackson
Gunnar Jacobsen**
Carl James*
Erica Jancewicz**
Marc A. Janus
Don Janvrin**
Patricia Jarnagin
Joshua Jeffreys
Sophie M. Jewell
Courtney Johansen***
Alison Kropp Johnson***
Erik Johnson
Glen Johnson*
Shanecer LaCherl Johnson*
Thomas A. Johnson, Jr.***
Ronna Johnson-Davis
Andrew Michael Jones
Jamilah Aisha Jones
Jared Christopher Jones**
Aaron Murray Kamerman***
Brittany Kaminski*
Abigale Kane
Aileen Siobhan Kane
Andrew Kaplan
Monica P. Karimattam
Arun Kannan Karuppan Naikka
Thomas John Keegan II
Ryan Keeley
Angela Mae Keen*
Justin Keeney
Shannon Kelley**
Meghan M. Kelly*
Allen R. Kernan, Jr.
Eric Kerr***
Hadia Khan***
Yasmin Hatim Khashoggi
Linzy Kiefer
Jennifer W Kiley***
Curtis Kilhefner
Kaitlin Kilpeck
William R. Kimball
Angela King
Brittany King
Ryan J. Kinne
Robert D. Kintigh
Dallas Ashley-Paige Kirby
Rebecca Kirk
Roxanne Klein*
Stefan Kljajic*
Valerie N. Knaack
Alexandria Knight***
Samantha Knox
Robert M. Koutelis
Chris Kraczkowski
Anders Kropp
Lena T. Kryczkowski**
Ryan Krystyniak
Vanessa Branson Kuennen
Mark Labombard**
Chad M. Labrie**
Jennifer Labruno
Marco Joseph Laferriere*
Michelle Lago
Kevin Michael Lamb***
Robert Lanier
Jonathan Lascaze
Yasmin Lashley
William Latare
Stephanie Lattin
Danielle Lee Lauginiger
Michelle M. LeBlanc
Melissa Lee
Nathaniel Philip Lee
Susan Lee***
Arielle LeGrand
Patriang Lembert
Joseph Lenney
Ryan G. Lennon
Ashley M. Leonard
Traci Leslie**
Julie A. Levesque*
Jonathan Levy
Brianna V. Lewis
Heidi A. Lewis
Ray Lewis
John Lineberry
Cesar Liriano Barrous
Joseph Francis Lirosi
Andrew G Livengood**
Nathan L. Lockwood
Amanda Long
Hillary A. Long***
Cassandra R. Longo
Samantha Loranger
Darrick Lounder**
Dawn Marie Loy
Marion J. Lucciano
Eleanor Luna**
Jonathan Lupinelli**
Jhanna Lyerly
Patricia MacArthur
Jennifer Macisso***
Roderick Mack
Evan MacPherson
Danielle Madden**
Kathryn Maher***
Kevin Maher
Maureen Mahoney
Nadja Maia*
Eric J. Major***
Kimberly Malette***
Valoree Manetin
Ismail Mansaray
Katherine Mansfield
Christina Marcus
Sharia Marcus-Carter*
Jamie L. Marquis*
Justin Marra
Eric Marshall**
Tamar Marson
Kevin Martin
Mario Martinez
Alexander E. Matthews
Emily Matthews*
David Maxim
Maxim Maximov***
Stephen P. Mayo
Sandra McAndrews
Kellie Renee McBride***
Samantha McCaig
Chris McCarter***
Barbara Jean McCarthy**
Jamie McCarthy***
May H. McCarthy
Susan McCrady**
Jared C. McCrum
Nathan A. McCulley
Brittney Erica McCullough
Brian McDaniel
David Edward McDermott
Meghan Wahlberg-McDonald
Thomas J. McDonald***
Brendon James McGahan***
Jared S. McGrath
Sean M. McIntosh*
Heather McKay
Brianna L. McKenney
Melissa Renee McKenzie**
Raymond J. McKinley
Andrew Martin McKnight
Matthew McKoy
Daniel E McLeod IV
Eric McNeil
Megan McNiff
Tyler McQuade
Donald Patrick McQuaid, Jr.**
Kara Meade
Melissa A. Meadows
Russell E. Meadows
Jose Medeiros**
Robert Medlock, Jr.
Ryan Meek
Jason Melanson*
Stefanie Walther Melerine
Glenna Mellinger
Katherine L. Menard
Julana Meredith
Trisha L. Meriot*
Crystal Merrifield
Tammy Michael*
Scott Edward Michetti***
Marcus Miller*
Deborah Ann Mills***
Heather G. Mills
Mark Mingachos
Joseph J. Modica
Michelle M. Mokos**
Jessica Moltmann
Jason Mong
Jessica Monnard
Mark Montgomery
Amanda J. Moore
Charlene S. Moore**
George Robert Moore
Makinzie M. Moore
Marieliz Moore
Meghan Moore***
Nathan W. Moore
Sean W. Moran
Aline Moras-Langone***
Nicholas Morgan
Sara J. Morin
Brian Morris
Christopher Joseph Morrison**
Joyce Morrison
Michelle Morse*
Jonathan Moscone
Laura Mountain***
Angela Mulhern***
Maura Mulkern
David Mullen
Loyd J. Mullen, III
Dawn B. Munson**
Patrick F. Murphy, Jr.
Sebastian Murphy
Michelle Murray
Muhammad Junaid Murshed
Jasmina Mustafic*
Kelly Ann Musto**
BreAna Mutz
David Mwangi
Susan Case Nadeau
Sandra N. Namuhanda***
Christopher Nangle**
Kelly Napier**
Justin J. Naples
William Nash
Geoffrey Ndwiga
Chad Nelson
Frederick Oscar Nelson**
John R. Nesteruk*
Joseph Taylor Neumann
Peter Newell*
Delaine Nicotra*
Michaela Nocco
Sean Nolan
Marie Noriega
Shonda Cheryl Norris**
Jennifer Dawn Nunan***
Elisa J. Nunez
Christine O’Brien
Terrence W. O’Brien***
Pamela Ochaeta
Cristin Ochoa
Gregory Ociepka**
Michelle L. O’Connell
John A. O’Connor, Jr.
Midori Okubo*
Lori Oliveira**
Jose F. Oliver
Nicole R. Olmstead***
Heath O’Neal***
Mark Ordung***
Megan Ordway
Jennifer Orhun*
John Orio
Edward Osgood*
Quintin Osuchukwu
Steven Reginald Ouellette
Brittany Page*
Jamie L. Page
Samuel Palumbo
Cherie L Paquette**
Mohini Parekh**
Nicole M. Parisi
Brian Parker
James Parkes***
Justin Parrott***
Tammy Michelle Pascale
Christopher Pash***
Hemang Patel
Alisha Patrick*
Tamisha Patterson
James Peake**
Cody Pearson
Nicholas Joseph Peduto
Bryan Peguero
Cynthia Pellegrino**
Zachary Edward Pereira
Michael Perez
Donna M. Perreault
Radhia Persaud***
Chris Person
Nicholas Petersen
Lisa Renea Peterson***
Rosemary Phillips***
Louis Joseph Picone
Rachel A. Pierce**
Rebecca E. Pierce
Tanya L. Pinard***
Paige Pinksten
Matthew Pitkin*
Jeffrey G. Pitre*
Faviola Plant**
Dustin Plomondon***
Marissa Podszus
Amber M. Poe*
Melissa Pollari***
Michael Pollari*
Sean Poloian***
Heather McCray Poole
Daron Pope**
Chelsea Pottle
Danielle K. Pottle
Terri S. Powell
Michael Santino Pratali
Alycia Prefontaine
Melissa Prefontaine
Ekaterini Prepas-Apostle
Vicki L. Provencher
Jon Provost
Paige Pruitt
Elizabeth I. Prybylo
Andrew Quint*
Diana Rafferty
Sigfredo Ramos Andujar
Taynan Ramos
Stephanie Randall**
Kristopher Rarden*
Brittany M. Rathier
Brianna A. Raymond**
Amy Rea
Abebe Anthony Reddy***
Sherrill Reed**
Charity A. Reynolds*
Jacki Reynolds*
Jeffery A. Reynolds**
Beth Ricci
Bryan P. Ricciardi
Emily Rich*
Brooke Leigh Richards**
Lara A. Richards***
Pamela S. Rinkaus
Roxannie M. Rios**
Stephen Ripaldi
Nicholas A. Riso**
Kyle S. Rivera
Ryan Robbins*
Zachary R. Robins
Shawnese Robinson
Ashley Robitaille***
Davielle L. Rodgers
Melanie R. Rodgers
Luz Rodriguez**
Rafael Rodriguez
Aimee Rogers***
Monique Rogers*
Rachelle Rogowski
Gena Roland***
Rebecca L. Roland
Allyson Romano
Joseph C. Romero
Evan R. Rooney
Jine M. Roque
Shawn Rough
David R. Roy
William R. Roy
Joseph Ruitto
Tatum Marie Rustenburg
Colin Ryan*
Corey M. Ryan
Debora Ryan
Zlatko Salcinovic*
Connie J. Sampson***
Christal Samson
Amanda Sanchez Kohl
Melissa M. Sanders
Deborah A. Santos*
Jennifer Elisa Sarno
Ryan Schmidt
Melanie Schneider
Raymond Schnell***
Amanda Elizabeth Schott
Kimberly A. Scott
Eric David Seer*
Jacob Segal
Andrea Sehestedt**
Amanda Sellick
Julie E. Sevigny
Susanne Sevowicz***
Lakesha Shirille Sheard **
Michelle J. Sheffield
Sara Sheran***
Krystie Georgeann Sherwood
Katherine Ann Shine
Elaine Marie Shirley**
Thomas Short**
Michael Siders*
Steven Siewert
Shirley M. Silva-Paige
Joseph M. Simmons
Lindsay E Simone*
Brynn M. Simonetti*
Ying Han Simpson***
Stephen Sims
Cherie M. Sirrianna
Michael Slevin
Chelsea Edana Sliva
Kylee M. Slocum
Alexander Smalley III
Christopher Smerdon**
Audley Woodrow Smith
Christopher Cody Smith*
Paul Smith***
Teresa Lynn Smith
Jennifer S. Snyder***
Theresa M. Solomon
Jaclyn South
Kirk J. Souza
Malissa Souza
Amadou Sowe
Joshua R. Sparks
Nissa Spaulding
Felicia Marie Spiller
Erin Lyn Spinale
Christopher Spinosa
Michael Sprague
Keith Spratling
Philip Stagnone*
Jill A. Stansfield***
Ronald Michael Stanton Jr.
Matthew J. St Cyr
Nicole Stefanou
Maria Stefanova
Lisa Sterling
Jennifer A. Stevens**
Corey Stewart
Omega Stockdale
Cameron Stoddard
Stacy Stokes
Epic Storm
Michael Stover**
Lee C. Strahler***
Christine Stratton***
Bridget S. Streeter***
Britney S. Streeter***
Sheri L. Strickland**
Marie C. Sullivan***
Ryan P. Sullivan
Kimberly Sutton
Erin Swann
Kelly Sweeney
Clinton J. Swett**
Anthony Tamagna
Justin Tanos
Sharon L.Tardiff**
Julie C. Tarigo***
Meghan C. Tate
Kyle Marquise Taylor
Constantia TenHoff
Dina Terrell
Amy Lynn Terrio*
Nancy A. Terry***
Jennifer L. Tetley
Kimberly H. Tetu***
Jacob Thibeault**
Chol Maker Thiong
Abbie Thompson
Tiffany Lynn Thompson
Jennifer Thresher
Stephen T. Tierney
German Titov
Arthur M. Tobin Jr.***
Antoine Tolton
Sharon Dicks Tomlin
Wendy Toney*
Amy Toussaint
Jamie E. Towne
Angie M. Travers***
Conner Tremblay
Edward Kent Truesdell
Jonathan Tucker
Kimberly Tucker***
Brian Christopher Tully
Terri L Turner
Jennifer Turransky
Ashtyn Jaime Briann Tuz **
Scott R. Underhill
David Anthony Urbon
Mark David Urbon**
Hazel Runes Valdez
Laura A. Van Winkle
Lori Vaudry**
Gina Marie Vazquez***
Arthur Hart Vincent Jr.
Michael J. Voss
Tallia M. Wainright
Christine E. Walker**
Elizabeth A. Walker**
Lisa Walker
Melissa Wallis
Mingxian Wang*
Rebecca Warner*
Jason K. Warnke
Stephanie L. Watson*
Marissa R. Waugh
Jessica Waycaster***
Patrick Weaver
Amie J. Weber
William D. Weber, Jr.***
James Webster
Tami Webster***
Christine Wedge*
Johnathon Hunter Welch
Kristan P. Welch
Sarah Welch
Brandon Wells*
Daniel Wentworth***
Kate E. Wentworth
Kevin J. Wheeler***
Scott A. Wheeler*
Emily E. White
Philip J. Whiting
Deborah A. Whitley**
Sean Keith Whitmoyer
Courtney Whittaker**
Diana Marie Wickman
Mark Wilder
Yolanda Wilder
Nathan Wildman*
Alexandria Williams
Chad Ray Williams
Daniel Williams***
Erin Williams
Jessica Williams
Justin Robert Williams
Kristina M. Williams
Matthew Williams
Paul Joseph Williams***
David Wilson, Jr.
Maritta Wilson
Kendra Wilson-Arzika
Ann Wolf
Jack Q. Wolfkill
Kelly Woods
Sara Lynn Wright**
Stephanie Yelle*
Ashley Young
Hilary A. Young
Kimberly Young
Mikki Young*
Fawad Zafar
Alexander Murrieta Zamora
Gonzalo Zorrilla
Brian Oliver Zupancic***
Associate in Science
Codi Albin
Michelle Alexander***
Lafay Allen
Ingrid Alvarez
Mikhail Amanuel
Desiree Amers
Maja Amovic**
Rikecha Armstrong
Nicole Austin*
Maham Aliou Ba
Andrew Balke
Cheri Ball***
William Baptiste, Jr.**
Michelle R. Barnhart***
Richard A. Baumert
Denise Becker
Joshua Beckless
Tiffany Bergstrom
Jeanette Berrios
Theresa Berry
Emilia Blanar*
Angela Bogardus
Melissa J. Boisvert
Brittny D. Bonawitz*
Peter K Borrows Jr
LeKeisha R. Braswell- Spence
Joshua Taylor Briand
Parker Brooks
Lisa M. Brosseau
Sadie Brown*
Erica Bruce
Adam C. Bryant**
Alexander Calkins
Sharon Casey
Edward Caswell, Jr.
Deborah E. Champagne
Danielle Chartier*
Amber Chevrette*
Lauren Companion Uyesato***
Kristen Coolen**
Tamie Cooper
Heather A. Crooks
Laurie G. Crowley
Matthew D. Culberson
Scott Cunningham
Sandra Cuthbert
Paul Darcy
Patrick Davis
Rasheedah Davis
Deborah Delaney***
Jeremy K. Dewell**
Brenda Ivette Diaz
Annette Dolbeare**
Katelyn Donnellan**
Robert Elliott
Nicole L. Ellis***
Robin Finnegan**
Sandra Fitzgerald**
Tammy Fitzgerald
Jonathan A. Fontaine
Cory Fratus
Tessa Freeman
Valerie Fryatt***
Ereka Funkhouser***
Neil Gagnon***
Robert Gaiser*
Christopher J. Gannon
Christopher Gibson
Emma Louise Gilbert**
Ryan Gilley
Jennifer Lyn Pevear Gilligan**
Neriska Yarisdey Gonzalez Campaz
Genise Gonzalez Cruz
Jane Goodwin
Jaime Gott*
Lakeya Shaniece Graves
Jesse Guy**
Jennifer M. Hagerty
Michele Hale***
Tonia Pew Hampton
Shawn Haueisen
Kristan Hebbard*
Jason Hilmanowski
Dorlene Holness**
Christopher Holoman
Diane Holt**
Ashley Houle
Laural Hudson
Joanna Hunt
Nader Husein
Katherine Hutchinson***
Jennifer Izyk
Eric P. Jacques
Michele James
Alissa Rachel Jelley
Jessica S. Johnson*
Marlon Johnson
Richard Johnson
Theresa L. Johnson*
Eric Jurentkuff***
Annick Kapila
Thomas Keefe**
Elizabeth Kennedy
Amroozia Khan
Michele Kingsley
Johnna Knight
Nicole C. Knight
Nicole Korman
Kimberly Kraft***
Heather Labbe
Kimberly Lane**
Melinda Lane**
Alicia LaPorte
Jillian Law
Jessica LeBrun**
Ryan M. Lehoullier**
Janelle Levesque
Kristen A. Lizotte
Kymberlie MacIas**
Bethany A. Majkut
Meaghan Mangiarelli**
Seth Manning**
Kim-Marie Y. Manseau
Michael R. Matzke*
Alicia A. Mazerall
Josiane Mbami
Ann-Marie McCarthy-Evans
Hayley J. Miller
Stacy Mix***
David E. Morbey
Jennifer Morgan
Sharon Mott
Dawn B. Munson**
Rochelle Murphy
Judy Muth
Rabecca Mwania
Denise Nankivell**
Christine Newell*
MyDuyen T. Ngo
Bernice Ocasio
Jessica Oleson
John Peter O’Malley
Rachel L Ouellette
Ariel Adriana Palmer
Joel A. Patten
Matthew Pedersen***
Gina Perry
Aidan Matthew Phillips
Mary Rebecca Pollard
Nadia Lorelie Portwood*
Cookie A. Prive***
Stacy M. Proctor
Tammy J. Provencal
William Pydynkowski Jr.
Carissa Rafols
Erskin Reese
Heidi M Reyes
Richard C. Reynolds***
Betsy Lynne Roberts
Bobby Roberts
Erica Dannielle Roberts***
Quiane A. Robertson
Jennifer Roman**
Thomas Romero
David Joshua Roy
Kristen Roy**
Chhavi Sachdeva**
Chelsey Sampson
Aminta Seay***
Karen Seigars
Sarah J. Sharpe
Michael Sheehan
Doretha Sheffield
Maggie Shepardson
Ricardo Silva
Kristyn Lynn Sizemore
Gerard Smith
Tiffany Smith-Jimenez
Kaylee M. Solano
Laura C. Sollenberger
Chelsea Spears
Denise G. Speechley***
Courtney Spence
Kevin Sprague
Victoria Stamp
Lisa L. Stavropoulos
Amanda E. Stoddard***
Kelsey Sturtevant*
Michelle Marie Swan
Marianne Sylvester***
Robert L. Tanguay III*
Eillen Taveras
Alina Yvette Thomas
Amy Thomas
Candice Thompson***
Shelly Timm**
Andrew Tolley
Lyn Tripp
Margaret Tully*
Kadiatu M. Turay
Tylonn Turner
James Underwood*
Cali Vajrabul
Diana Vergato**
Gary M. Waitt, Jr.
Najib H. Wakim*
Katie F. Ward
Robert Ward
Taylor E. Wasierski
Amy Watson
Zachary Weber
Kathleen Webster***
Christopher Wheeler
Cristy A. Williams
Lakesha Williams
Renee L Wilson*
Lisa A. Winkley*
Sharon M. Woodward*
Joanne M. Wrede***
Brett Michael Wright
Richard Wright**
Patrick Yurek
Nursing and Health
Bachelor of Science
Olubunmi Adeboye
Ronni Alia
Maria J. Alvelo
Kristen Archibald
Lisa C. Arpin
Keri Arrington
Anna Tristan Artley
Rosemarie Asikis
Marc Aube
Barbara Audin
Dena Baldassare
Erin Bashllari
Stacy Michelle Beauchemin
Charlotte Belisle
Alicia Berganti*
Michael J. Bono Jr.
Stephanie Bradbury
Colleen Brady
Alesis Bragg
Cynthia Branning*
Sara Marie Bridley
Michael Brigati
Marcia Brightman
Megan Brock
Shelley Eva Brookings
Christine Brothwell
Veronica V. Brown
Teresa Broyer
Ashley Brutcher**
Karie E. Bumford***
Amy L Burke*
Jeanne Byrne
Leonard Calaman**
Jennifer Calitri
Courtney Michelle Callahan*
Brooke Benson Carmean
Kimberly Carroll
Mary Carroll
Samantha A. Case
Rona Cavallaro
Nicholas V. Cefalo
Yu Mei Chen
Elizabeth Clark
Kylie Coffey
Tina L. Cole***
Dianne E. Collins
Donna L. Comire
Melissa Condry***
Kristin Connolly***
Michelle Connors
Jennifer B. Couzins
Lauren Crome*
Stacy Crooks
Jennifer Marie Cuevas
Lesley Cunningham
Kathy Cyr
Sarah Daiesmaili
Christina Marie Darling
Rodrigo De Aquino
Kathi A. DeGregorio
Jessica D’Entremont
Glen Denzer
Heather L. Derby
Patricia Dill
Joanna Dillon
Carol W. Donoghue
Nicole Dowd
Frances-Ann Dowdell
Kevin Drew
Pamela Dyer**
Jennifer L. Eaton
Christopher England
Yvonne M. Erwin
Mindy Evangelista***
Collette M. Fay*
Bonnie Fecowicz
Kale Ferguson*
Ryan Matthew Loe Fernandez
Lucila M. Fields
Lori Fisher
Kathleen Fiske
Alysson L. Flannery
Michelle Flattes
Jason Forbis
Amber Francoeur
Susan A. Frieda
Carol J. Fuller
Megan Gajewski
Kathryne Gallant
Laura Marie Pierni Garro
Kelsey Gendreau
Atiya Gilchrist
Michael J Gillespie
Jessica Mary Gionet
Sean French Gipson
Marie Girard
Ashlee Goulette
Verna L. Gray
Amy Grigg
Morgan Grubb
Charles S. Gunter, Jr.*
Ellen Gutermuth
Pamela J. Guy*
Alison Haddock
Aimee E. Hadlock
Oneida Hagen
David Hamilton
Margaret D. Hammond
Olivia King Hardin
Ashley-Nicole Harris
Corintha Hartman
Tammy Healy
Jessie Louise Herisse
Brielle D. Hernandez
MaryBeth Hillard
Katharine Hodgkins
Jeanne Holgersen
Janet B. Holton
Jennifer Hughen
Larisa Ilyuk
Rachelle Irish
Mark Jenkins
Sarah Ruth Jerome
Lynn Johns
Carrie A. Johnson
Dawn Johnson
Lindsay Johnson
Merrissa L. Johnson
Tawanna Jones-Clark
Kristyn Justis
Kerry Ann Kelly
Erica Kowalski
Elise Kraus
Colleen Krochmal
Katelyn Kus
Joseph Tommy Kusi-Davies
Mary Lamarra
Lisa Lang
Maria D. Langley*
Annmarie Langlois
Diane E. Lanpher
Amy-Kristin Latter
Roselore Lavaud
Elisabeth Kendel Lee
Odette N. Lekien
Heidi W. Letalien
Alfreda F Lewis
Amy Lewis
Kyra Lewis
Vivian Lewis
Hannah Lee Lindahl
Jessica Lorenze
Danielle M. Lorino
Charlotte E. Lozeau
Krystel Lugenbeel-Blanton
Jessica B. Lumb
Dawna Lundquist**
Julie Lyon
Ivana Alves Machado
Elizabeth Dean MacLellan
Holly E. Maher
Carroll Mann
Jennifer Mapstone
Jennifer Martins
Stephanie Mayo
Amy McCormack
Judy McCoy
Heather McCutchan
Jeanne Marie McHale
Brooke L. McLain
Erin McLaughlin***
Kristie McManus
Urime Mehmedi
Catherine Melendy
Keri P. Mellett
Elizabeth Merritt
Eleanor J. Messer
Cheryl Migliorini
Elizabeth A. Molenda
Karen M. Monaco
Catherine H. Moore
Megan Elizabeth Moore
Michelle A. Moore
Cristina M. Mooshian
Andrea Morrison
Shelly Morrissey
Craig A Morse
Future Mpundu***
Barbara Mulqueen
Lois Murphy
Roseann Myers
Joana D. Neves
Caley Elizabeth Nevin
Kelly Newcomb
Rhonda Marie Noe
Becky-Lee Nordquist
Kaitlin Ashley Notarfrancesco
Monika Nowacka
Antonio Obsequio
Tiffany Ogrodnichek
Kellie Ann E. Oldag
Anna Olivo
Consolata Omingo
Violetta Ozeran***
Lisa Isabelle Palmer
Jenna Paradice
Emmy Paris
Jacob Parker**
Jason M. Pendergast
Rafael Pereira
Christina Pessia
Nicole Graton Peterson
Gregory Pezzuti
Ryan L Phelps
Claudia L. Phillips
Dawn Piecham
Barbara Pierce
Maryanne Pigeon
Angela DeAnn Pigott
Amy Pineiro***
Janelle Pinti
Susan M. Plante
Anthony M Polito
Rose L. Rad***
Shelly Ralston
Linda Ravgiala
Brittany Riordan
Dicksania Rivas
Donna M. Rivers
Timothy W. Robbins
Katelyn M. Rodgers
Alexandria Rodriguez
Francisca Rodriguez
Leah Rogers*
Donald P. Rostad***
Sarah Rotast
Kaitlynn M. Royce
Carol A. Ruggiero***
Tina Ruggiero
Minerva Sabin
Lee A. Sanchez
Lori Saraceno
Marie Sartorelli
Jillian R. Saunders
Connie Sazama
Susan F. Scheibe
Shawn N. Schneider
Alana Sciortino
Tiffany Seigars
Melanie Semple
Maria Mustacchia Serra
Jill Sharp
Abby Shea
Sieara Lee Sheasley
Erin Showstead
Shirley Shumaker
Mildred Simon-Dufault
Geralyn Sincavage
Karen Smith
Natalie Smith
Ross Smith***
Tanna Lawhon Smith
Danielle Smithyman
Ryan Smyth
Sabrina Spindler
Melanie L. Stanley
Debra Lea England Stevens
Devon Stolon
Valerie Sullivan
Jennifer Tang
Kristen Teleau
Samuel Oluwaseyi Thompson
Teresa D. Thomson
Amy Rose Thornton
Kimberly Titzer
Laura Travers
Brie Trefrey
Roberta M. Trindall
Eileen Uberti
Odudu Udoessien
Laura Valenti
Bilha Valenzuela
Laura K. Van Etten
Rebecca L. Waddle
Sherri Walden
Elizabeth Elliott Waldron
Amber Walsh
Kristen L. Waugaman
Lauren E. Waugaman
Monica S. White
Renee White
Cheryl Whitlow
Janice Williams
Lin Willis
Renee Wills
Melissa Anne Wilson
Trudy-Ann Wilson
Gull Zahra**
College for America
Associate in Arts
Debra Babcock
Bonnie J. Barnes
Kendra Baxter
Juliette Benegusenga
Salomon Beza
Amber M. Bissonnette
Carol Brown
Charisse R. Browner
Tina M. Byrnes
Minnie Carpenter
Dyana M. Catania
Rosangely Cintron
James Conner
Judith Crawford
Pasteur B. Cyuzuzo
Kelli Dahlberg
Kevin Dailey
Jonathan Daniels
Donald Desjarlais
Lissandra S. Diaz
Ron Echols
Hafid El Hourti
Joann E. Ferruolo
Donovan Fletcher
Richard M. Folia
Robert E. Frame, Jr.
Ruth Ann Gainey
Theresa Gates
Roxane E. Gerry
Gisele Gihozo
Christina Gregoire
Marc P. Guertin
Jean de Dieu Habaguhirwa
Chad Hales
Megan Hanson
Prince Harindintwali
Keri L. Harrison
Jodie L. Hittle
Jessie Sarah Holder
Markiesha House
Didier Humura
Stella Ibango
Janvier Ishimwe
Jean Ngenzi
Monique Nibagwire
Soline Nibagwire
Patrick Nishyirembere
Antoine Niyigena
Celestin Nkeramihigo
Eric Nshimiyimana
Patrick Nshizirungu
Mariapina Ohannesian
Beverly C. Parent
David Pellot
Linda Petersen
Daphkar Pierre
Colleen M. Ralston
Bobbi Reinking
Jasmine Rich
Janice Richard
Shannon Ruane
Robert T. Salmaci
Maryellen Schueler
Roy L. Shockey
Daniel St. Laurent
Julie Swain
Beatrice Tuyishimire
Ange G. Umuhoza
Fabiola Urwibutso
Sandra Uwamahoro
Pacifique Uwera
Tujiza Uwituze
Leonor Vicente
Jennifer Williams
Mike Woodward
Joselyne Ishimwe
Olivier Ishimwe
Narcisse Izabayo
Patricia R. Kahre
Melita J. Kieffer
Eric Knoth
Karoli Kolokonyi
Tammy L. Kruger
Kara Langlois
Tiffany Lanouette
Jonathan Lee
Robin Liggin
Cathy Loesch
Matthew S. Lushin
Clemence Manirumva
Ricardo Mason
Jennifer McGrath
Kristen McGraw
Mary McTernan
Kimberly Monnar
David Moore
Philemon Mugisha
Ephraim Mukiza
Fred Mukunzi
Theoneste Muragijimana
Veda Murray
Justine Mutuyimana
Joyeuse Muvandimwe
Sylvain Nayituriki
Brian Ndoli
Shanton Ngabire
Sereverien Ngarukiye
Joel Ngendabanga
Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts Degree
*** Summa Cum Laude Required GPA 3.850–4.000
** Magna Cum Laude Required GPA 3.700–3.849
* Cum Laude
Required GPA 3.500–3.699
Associate in Science or Associate in Arts Degree
*** With Highest Honors Required GPA 3.850–4.000
** With High Honors
Required GPA 3.700–3.849
* With Honors
Required GPA 3.500–3.699
The list of names published in this program is not an official list of degree recipients. Names listed here include those
who have completed all of their degree requirements as well as those who are expected to complete their
degree requirements by October 31, 2015. An official list of degrees conferred is maintained by the
Office of the University Registrar.
Join Us For a Reception
Please join us for a reception on the SNHU campus immediately following commencement. Light food and beverages will be served. There will be ample opportunity for photos
and networking.
The reception is being held in the Banquet Hall, located on the second floor of the Dining
Nor th R er Roa
Southern New Hampshire University
2500 North River Road
m St.
n St.
Cross Elm St. onto Granite St.
Take first right onto Canal St.
Canal St. turns into N. River Road.
Four miles to SNHU.
te St.
Manchester, NH 03106
1. Leave Verizon Wireless Arena at 555 Elm Street Manchester NH
2. Head north on Elm Street toward Granite Street
3. Take the 1st left onto Granite Street
4. Take the 1st right onto Canal Street
5. Continue on Canal Street, which will turn into River Road
6. Follow River Road for approximately 3 miles
7. Southern New Hampshire University will be on your left
8. Follow signs for parking
Welcome To New Alumni
Congratulations to the Class of 2015!
We are excited to welcome you to the alumni community, and we hope you’re as
proud as we are of your efforts and accomplishments to get here.
As a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University, you are officially part of
the SNHU Alumni Association. Your membership connects you with more than
60,000 alumni throughout the world, and provides you access to library resources,
professional development, networking, volunteer and social events throughout the
year. We hope to see you on campus for Homecoming Weekend this fall, October 16–18, 2015 or as
part of the many opportunities to engage with other alumni and the SNHU Community both locally and on the road.
Stay connected and make sure your alumni profile is up to date at
Kristi Durette, Director of Alumni Relations
Jeff Penta ’05, ’08, ’11, President, SNHU Alumni Association
Share your #SNHU2015 moments
• Invite your family and friends to celebrate your success with you by
watching the live broadcast of today’s Commencement ceremony at
• Congratulate the Class of 2015 and share today’s highlights using #SNHU2015
when posting to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
• We would love to include your Commencement photos in our official
#SNHU2015 Facebook photo album. Email your photos to photos@snhu.edu.
Southern New Hampshire University
2500 North River Road
Manchester, New Hampshire 03106-1045