2010 commencement - Kaplan University
2010 COMMENCEMENT Saturday, January 30, 2010 James L. Knight International Center | 400 SE Second Avenue, Miami, FL 33131 COMMENCEMENT CONVOCATION SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 2010 | 9:00 AM Processional (Please Stand) “Pomp and Circumstance”..............................................................................................................................Sir Edward Elgar Order of Exercise Color Bearers, Mace Bearer, Convocation Speakers, Board of Trustees, Faculty, Candidates for Graduation Presentation of Colors “Star Spangled Banner”...................................................................................................................................................Francis Scott Key Dr. Roger J. Geronimo, Faculty, School of Business and Management, Tenor Please remove hats during the “Star Spangled Banner.” President’s Welcome.................................................................................................................Dr. Wade Dyke, Interim President Commencement Address..........................................................................................................................General Colin L. Powell Announcement of Faculty Awards..........................................Dr. Donna Liljegren, Dean of Faculty and Executive Director Announcement of Student Awards................................................................................................Dr. David Clinefelter, Provost Student Speaker.......................................................................................................................................................... Ms. Lisa Evert Conferring of Degrees ....................................................................................................................Dr. David Clinefelter, Provost Ms. Sara Sander, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Dr. Betty Vandenbosch, Interim Dean, School of Business and Management Dr. Ahmed Naumaan, Dean, School of Information Systems and Technology Mr. Frank DiMarino, Dean, School of Criminal Justice Dr. Drew Ross, Dean, School of Graduate Education Dr. Keith Smith, Dean, School of Health Sciences Mr. William Weston, Dean, School of Legal Studies Ms. Sheila Burke, Dean, School of Nursing Closing Remarks...............................................................................................................................Dr. David Clinefelter, Provost Recessional (All guests to remain standing until the last graduate has exited.) 1 As a courtesy… • Please remain seated throughout the ceremony. Professional photographers will take photographs of each graduate as he or she receives a diploma. Photographs and video recordings of the ceremony will be available for purchase at a later date. • For everyone’s safety, please do not stand in the aisles or on the chairs. • Please turn off all cell phones or set them to vibrate. • To ensure everyone’s enjoyment of the event, we ask that crying or disruptive children be taken outside. Please join us for the reception immediately following the ceremony in the following locations: Arts, Education, and Health Sciences......................................................................................................................Jasmine Room Business and Technology................................................................................................................................... Regency Ballroom Criminal Justice and Legal Studies..........................................................................................................................Riverfront Hall Nursing....................................................................................................................................................................... Orchid Rooms Free Gift for Graduates Graduates are invited to stop by the Alumni Booth, located on the outside terrace, during the reception to receive their gift. A Special Gift for Those Who Have Served Our Country All graduates who have served in the United States Armed Forces or who are spouses of active-duty servicemembers are invited to stop by the Military Student Support Center Booth during the reception to receive a gift in honor of their achievement. 2 Kaplan University Board and Administration KAPLAN UNIVERSITY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Ronald Blumenthal Paul Bott Larry David Lucien Gosselin Kay K. Runge (Chair) Gregory Marino KAPLAN UNIVERSITY EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Andrew S. Rosen, JD, Chief Executive Officer, Kaplan, Inc. Jeffrey Conlon, MBA, Chief Executive Officer, Kaplan Higher Education Gregory Marino, MBA, President, Kaplan University Group Wade Dyke, PhD, Interim President, Kaplan University David Clinefelter, PhD, Provost Barry Currier, JD, President, Kaplan Legal Education; President and Dean, Concord Law School John Staten, MBA, CPA, Chief Financial Officer Sophie Vlessing, MBA, Senior Vice President, Strategic Marketing and Student Experience Scott Kilgore, MBA, Senior Vice President, Enrollment and Student Services Suzanne Calfee, BA, Vice President, Human Resources Michael Lorenz, MA, Executive Director, Registrar Kathryn McFarland, MFA, Vice President, Student Affairs Betty Vandenbosch, PhD, Vice President, Business and Technology Connie Bosse, MBA, Vice President, Arts, Education, and Health Sciences Christopher Caywood, JD, Chief Operating Officer, Kaplan Legal Education John Danaher, MD, President, Kaplan School of Nursing KAPLAN UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC DEANS Sara Sander, MA, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Betty Vandenbosch, PhD, Interim Dean, School of Business and Management Ahmed Naumaan, PhD, Dean, School of Information Systems and Technology Frank DiMarino, JD, LLM, Dean, School of Criminal Justice Kara VanDam, PhD, Dean, School of General Education (continued on next page) 3 Kaplan University Academic Deans (continued from previous page) Drew Ross, PhD, Dean, School of Graduate Education Keith Smith, EdD, Dean, School of Health Sciences William Weston, JD, Dean, School of Legal Studies Sheila Burke, RN, MSN, MBA, Dean, School of Nursing Barry Currier, JD, President and Dean, Concord Law School Donna Liljegren, EdD, Dean of Faculty and Executive Director PROCESSIONAL Macebearer: Tina Serafini, DSc, President of the Faculty Senate Readers: Connie Bosse, MBA, Vice President, Arts, Education, and Health Sciences Christopher Caywood, JD, Chief Operating Officer, Kaplan Legal Education Assisting with Diplomas: John Danaher, MD, President, Kaplan School of Nursing Marshals: Alfred Basta, PhD, School of General Education Amy Hilbelink, PhD, School of Nursing Tanya Peterson, MA, College of Arts and Sciences Jean Kotsiovos, MS, School of Information Systems and Technology Acknowledgments: Presentation of Colors by:United States Marine Corps Detachment 4, 4th Tank Battalion, 4th Marine Division Hialeah, FL Music Provided by:Miami Brass Quintet Trumpets: Tom Stancampiano and John Geogini Trombone: Jason Pyle Bass Trombone: Mike Balogh French Horn: Jeff Fleischman Sign Language Interpreters:Caroline Partin Keith Muller Photography: Students will be contacted via email by Jolesch Photography for picture orders. Ceremony Video: Video of the ceremony will be available online within the next few weeks. An email will be distributed to all graduates and faculty who attended the ceremony. A copy of the DVD can be purchased through the Student Store located at the base of the escalators in the Hyatt Regency or online at www.allinview.com/kaplan. 4 ACADEMIC HONORS Students earning an associate’s or bachelor’s degree are eligible to receive academic honors according to the following criteria: * Cum Laude: Students graduating with a 3.50 to 3.69 cumulative grade point average. ** Magna Cum Laude: Students graduating with a 3.70 to 3.79 cumulative grade point average. ^ Summa Cum Laude: Students graduating with a 3.80 to 4.0 cumulative grade point average. ^^ Kaplan University Award of Excellence: Students graduating with a 4.0 cumulative grade point average. Please note that participation in the graduation ceremony is not a confirmation of graduation. All requirements must be met and verified by the Registrar. HONOR SOCIETIES Cords 2010 Alpha Beta Kappa Honor Society.............................................................................................................................. Red and Blue Alpha Phi Sigma Honor Society.................................................................................... Rich Royal Blue and Gold Intertwined Ambassadors and Leaders . .................................................................................................................................. Black and White Epsilon Delta Pi ....................................................................................................................................................... Blue and White Golden Key International Honour Society............................................................................................................. Blue and Gold Kappa Delta Pi.......................................................................................................................... Purple and Green with Ornament Lambda Pi Eta Honor Society ...............................................................................................................................White and Red National Society of Collegiate Scholars ................................................................................Maroon and Gold with Ornament Kaplan University School of Nursing International Honor Society ............................................................ Orchid and White Sigma Beta Delta Honor Society .......................................................................................................................... Green and Gold Stoles 2010 Golden Key International Honour Society ............................................................................................... Gold and Blue Letters Iota Sigma Tau Honor Society.................................................................................................................... Blue and Silver Letters Kappa Lambda Honor Society.......................................................................................................... Royal Blue and Gold Letters Sigma Beta Delta Honor Society............................................................................................................. Green and Gold Letters Please note these students were invited to join the above honor societies while attending Kaplan University because they met the academic requirements to join. HONORS PROGRAM In Cursu Honorum..........................................................................................................................................................Purple Cord Students who are enrolled in specific programs within the College of Arts and Sciences or the School of Health Sciences, and who meet entry requirements, are invited to join the honors program. 5 Kaplan University Graduates ARTS AND SCIENCES Bachelor of Science Alphonse, Angela Bonilla, Christian ^ Caughey, Cari ^ Cordova, Alma R. ^ Dabo, Nene ^ Daniels, Kimberly ^ Denson, Loshiner Ditto, Hannah L. Dressler, Amber ^ Ekman, Cindy ^ Evans, Mallory Evert, Lisa ^^ Gossett, Dennis * Harris, Bernice ^ Hernandez, Rebecca ^ Hickson, Cheryl ^ Humlick, Sharon ^ Ingram, Lynette Y. Jarvis, Jessica ^ John, Antoinette Johnson, Sara Josephs, Annette Keller, Jordan Kirschner, Kathi ^^ Kozlow, Lua ^ LaMone, Jasmine Lebsack, Rebecca Levins, Colleen Lomas-Spencer, Marissa Mann-Iiames, Linda ^ Marx, Kathleen ^^ McKinley, Shane Membrila, Genis R. ^ Meredith, Hope Miller, Ashley ** Pinnock, Tracy * Pulliam, Janis ^ Robinson, Jacinta Rochester-Murray, Sherry * Ronquillo, Matt * Sabree, Saleema ^ Seebold, Moriah Angeline Sterchi, Chelsey Stewart, Novlette * Stoner, Corey ^ Summerson, Janice ^ Taylor, Jodi L. ** Terry, Jennifer ^ Thomas, Heidi ** Tolman, Steven ^^ Tyburski-Hickman, Kathleen W. ^^ Walker, Olivia * Walker, Sherika Walsh, Deric ** Weiss, Christine L. ^ Whitaker, Michael R. ^ Wilson, Patricia Bassett, Renee Battaglia, Jennifer ^ Bean, Joseph L. * Berry, Virginia * Bishop, Janey ^^ Blas, Rosalyn ^ Bohrer, Richard ^ Boot, Tara ^ Bossette, Donna Bowers, Lori ** Boyd, Tiesha Boyer, Donna * Brashear, Sarah M. Brisbon, Marieno Bristol, Drianita T. Brown, Earlene ^ Brown, Katreasa ** Brown, Kenyatta Bryson, Tinish ^ Buhlinger, Katherine ** Byers, Brandi Caine, Stefanie Cain Wales, Kimberly ^ Caldwell, Deloise Canada, Melissa * Cardenas, Barbara Carley, Joanne * Carlone, Angela C. Carpenter, Tzadda Carraher, Rita Castaldi, Rosangela Charles, Tiffany ^ Chavez, Sherina Chavoen, Ashly Cheek, Kelly Cheng, Ju Chin Christiansen, Jessica E. * Connell, Laura Croker, Jamie Cunningham, Erin Associate of Science Adams, Nicole Albright, Dawn ^ Allen, Kathleen Allen, Michelle Amerson, Kimberly Amu, Melinda ** Anderson, Shiwanda Antu, Belinda R. * Aplin, Konnie L. ^ Arey, Nicole Armstrong, Gloria * Arrington, Earlene Artis, April Kimyetta Atkins, Twana Backes, Kidron B. Bailey, Heather 6 Czaplinski, Lura Davis-Alsobrook, Kelli ** Delcastillo, Mary DeLeon, Bernice Dillard, Marlene J. Ditzer, Staci Donnawell, Sharon * Drummond, Melissa Dunn, Mark W. Durfee, Rita ** Duval, Summer Dyer, Tinisha M. Edwards, Tamika Eisa, Susie ^ Elder, Theresa ^ Ellenberger, Lisa ^ Emerick, Bridgette ^ Engle, Maria Escalera, Jennifer A. ^ Evans, Miracle Feggins, Patricia ^ Feliz, Mayelin Fenton, Jasmine Fielding, Erica K. * Fischer, Kari ^ Fotu, Anna Fox, Patricia Freeman, Gweneth Furches, Erin ** Gabryshak, Jolene ^ Gambrell, Yanesia Gish, Alison ** Glenn, Tabitha Goodnight, Cristie Graham, Kameke Gray, Brandee Green, Carole ^ Green-Fuller, Youlonda ^ Griffin, Tiffany Hammons, Jacqueline Hampton, Melissa ^ Hanson, Durwin D. ^ Hargis, Dorothy L. Harp, Angelica B. * Harris, Marquita Harris, Pamala Harris, Tawana Harris, Thalia ^ Harris-Nixon, Vanilla ^ Henson, Elishia Hill, Judy ^ Hine-Easler, Lisa * Hofhenke, Geraldine Hogan, Lauren ** Holbrook, Amy ** Holder, Latoia Hopson-Wilson, Mary ^ Howard, Amy Howard, Laura ^ Howard, Leola Hoyos, Maria * Huggins-Benthall, Cynthia ^ Hutchinson, Christine * Jackson, Jessie * Jackson-Gay, Dawn Johnson, Catherine ^ Johnson, Sylvia ^ Jones, Centeno Jones, Martha Juarez, Elizabeth * June, Jennifer Kasmer, Nicole Keigans, Bonnie * Kelley, Latoshia King, Linda King-Gearing, Jerris Kittrell, Samantha Klocek, Lukasz ^ Klut, Rachel ^ Knabe, Ryan R. ^ Kolyvas, Kallie E. ^ Konstantinidis, Emmanouil ^^ Kozlowski, Susan ** Kundrat, Margaret ^^ Lambdin, Ronnie ^ Lambert, Khord Lawrence, Candy ^ Lawson, Kate ^^ Leayman, Erica Lee, Genette Lee, Melissa Lewis, Janine * Lindsey, Estherlyn P. Link, Rabeka Long, Maxine ^ Loring, Kelly * Luckett, Jessica Maguire, Janice Mahadeo, Harry Marshall, Dianna M. ^^ Mathiasen, Christine Mayo, Kathy ** Mayssonett, Barbara Mcconnell, Iesha ** McDowd, Aimee M. Mcintosh, Annie ^ McKennon, Melissa ^ McMillan, Monica * Mcpherson, Denise T. Menard, Dalana * Merian, Candia M. Miller, Lisa ^^ Miller, Lucille Millsap, Nikki N. ** Milson, Frank E. ^^ Milton, Zandria ** Mingo, Michelle Mitchell, Kelly * Mobley, Lakisha Mohler, Frank * Morain, Bambii * Moreno, Scott ** Morman, Natalie Morris, Cari Morris, Melissa Moser, Jeanne M. Murray, Daniel * Myers, Elizabeth ^^ Nakamura, Andrea L. ^ Navarrete, Stacey Newland, Suzanne ** Nicholas, Daniel W. ** Nichols, Patricia N. Nielsen, Michelle A. Nunn, Patrina Onesty, Regina * Ortiz, Jacqueline * Osborne, Tiffany Osborne, Tina ** Pacheco, AnnaLeigh ^ Pahmeyer, Amber Parker, Helen * Paz, Carmen ^ Pedersen, Carrie * Peeno, Fawn * Pemberton, Delcina Pennacchiotti, Sonia Perrin, Alyson Peters, Debra ^ Phillips, Jennifer Pope, Jamie Rochelle** Porter-Dean, Anatalie Powell, Suzanne Prins, Denise A. ** Rael, Julie I. ^ Reed, Peter Reeves, Robin Reinheimer, Lynn Retic, Marsha Ricks, Charlie * Ridenour, Bonnie Roark, Tonya ^ Robbins, Menucha Robbins, Rita Robinson, Vallon Rood, Monica * Roode, Jason Rosner, Elaine ^ Ross, Jennifer 7 Rowland, Brenda* Roy, Tammy ** Ruffo, Joanna ^^ Saab, Meleia ^ Salas, Adriana Samples, Helen * Sanders, Laina Santana, Elizabeth Santiago, Precious Santos, Rebecca ^^ Sasinoski, Emily Savage, Stefani B. Savoie, Tenaj ^^ Schoendorf, Eric * Scott, Chanta Seals, Tiffany Semon, Lora Shaw, Elizabeth ^ Shay, Victoria ** Sheys, Harold Shuler, Tammy ^ Shumpert, Matthew Silas, Neomi ^^ Silva, Maria Simon, Syretta Simper, Debbie Sinico, Amy M. ^^ Smith, Bobbie O. Smith, Erin ^^ Smith, Janet ^ Smith, Lorri Smith, Nichele Smith, Stephen Springer, Cathy * Spurling, Lauren ^ Stanton, Jennifer ^ Steadman, Karen ^ Stejzygier, Aneta * Stonestreet, Janet * Strandquist, Carol ** Temple, Patricia ^ Terry, Tiwanna N. Texada, Nikita Tipton, Keisha ^ Torrence-Beason, Yolanda Traylor, Deborah Trimble, Imelda ^ Trinkman, Samuel ^ Tucker, Wendy R. Turnquest, Jenny M. Underwood, Mary K. ^^ Vega-Guobadia, Amy ^^ Vickers, Gretchen Villasenor, Ysela Vogel, Erin * Walsh, Nancy Ward, Jenet M. Warren, Rebecca ^^ Weaver, Robbie Weaver-Jones, Jessica Weller, Jessica M. Wells, Daphne Wendling, Katherine H. White, Antionette ** White, Jennifer ^ White, Joyce Whorley, Jennifer Wilkerson, Alinia ^^ Wilkes, Brenda * Williams, Carmen Williams, Courtney Williams, Lakesha Williams, Mariko ^ Williams, Melissa Williams, Rachel Williamson, Diane ^ Wilson, Brandi Wilson, Dawn Wilson, Rochelle ** Wilson, Tanya ** Winemiller, Troy Duane ^ Wright, Terrell Zbikowski, Anthony Zelewsky-Rivera, Carol ** Zellner, Elaine Clifton, Brittany Cobble, JoNall Coker, Debra L. Cokley, Patrice Conover, Ebonie Cox, Mildred Cox, Mollie Curry, Dianne Dannen, Julie A. Davis, Benjamin Davis, Claude Davis, Lynette Davis, Paula De La Rosa, Virginia Deola, Rebecca L. Diaz, Bo Domingo, Carmelia Dominguez, Alberto Donnelly, Nina Drakeford, Tory Duck, Michael Dunn, Gloria Eboe-Osuji, Shannon Edmonds, Joseph Edwards, Ann Ellis, Merrie V. Esnard, Diane Espiritu, Eiko Ewing, Adam Farar, Johnny Ferguson, Sandra Jo Ficklin, Wendell Fisbeck, Tina Fleming, Coretta Foreman, Natasha Frederick, Larry (Mike) Freeman, June M. Gallien, Erin L. Gass, Jeffrey Geller, Abraham Givens, Joseph Glover, Lashanda Goodridge, Dewonna SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Master of Business Administration Adams, Melissa Aiken, David Alabbasi, Salah Ali, Laith Andersen, Tiffinie Anderson, Krystle R. Anglin, Regina G. Baggett, Ted Baldwin, Courtney Banner, Kristin Baris, Chris Barouch, Cathy Bartsch, Derek Berkowitz, Edward Berryman, Dawn M. Billings, John Birman, Ellen Bloom, Tyler Bowens, Trease A. Bradford, Kayla Jo Bright, Heather Brown, Cheryl A. Brown, Stephanie Browne, Onica Bruscia, Cara Bujak, David Butler, Sonia Caldwell, Terrence H. Cameron, Christina Cao, Mable Carr, Amanda Carter, Kawanda Cash, Jon Charlot, Joseph Cherry-Cox, Beverly A. Christensen, Jamie Clement, Margaret G. 8 Gray, Q’Juan Greenlee, Patricia Griffin, Erika-Lynn Griffith, Louise Gundersen, Jennifer Gustafson, Dan Gutschmidt, Dale F. Hale, Kara L. Haley, John Hall, Jeremy Hampton, Julie Hanchard, Iricia Harrington, Robert Hayes, Christal Hector, Wilene Hemrick, Janel Hickman, Cynthia Highland, Cheryl Hobgood, Sherlyn Hodges, Alicia Holleran, Garret Hollmann, Angela Horr, Russ Hunter, TaWanda Israel, Pauline Jackson, LaNessa Jackson, Sylvia Jacobs, Rebecca Jacobson, Janet Jarrett, Gesica Jendzio, Sarah Jinneman, Julie D. John, Emery Avery John, Kara Johnbaptiste, Daphne Johnson-Polite, Julia Jones, Stephanie Kerr, Stephanie King, Treva Kirkpatrick, Sam Knapke, Gerald Kovacevic, Elena Kuhel, Kim LaMothe, LaRonda A. Le, Alan Lewis, Nakeshia Linson, Itell Livingston, Pamela Lohia, Amit Long, Anson Lopez, Guadalupe Love, Tiara Malolepszy, Delyla A. Marburger, Joseph Mardesich, Andrea Martinez, Evelyn Matton, Desiree J. Mazza, Philip McCullough, Thomas McGrail, Kellie S. McHugh, Brian Mckinney-Rawlins, Jean Melton, William D. Mil, Christina Miller, Michelle Miller, Rosemarie Mincey, Audrey Mitchell, Al’Vincent Trevese Moore, Sheila Moran, Emily Morrison, Vanessa L. Muhlheim, Stephanie N. Mullin, Richard E. Munro, Cathy Murphy, Corine C. Nare, Lena Nelson, Lee Nevins, Peter Newland, Laurie Niccum, Rhonda Norton, Shawna Odgis, Donna Odom, Charlene Oleforo, Charles Oteri, Oghenero E. Ozen, Zenobia Pangani, Ndaipamo Ella Pannell, Katrina Parent, Krista Parker, Katabitha Patrick, Nicholas Perez-Del Valle, Jesse Pindar, Kassandra J. Pink, Sarah Prater, Johnnie C. Pruitt, Lance Quetant, Dominique Raphael, Paul Reardon, David Reed, Patricia Reeves, Doug Reid, Paul Richardson, Rita Richmond, Jacques Riley, Jennifer Ros, Kim Runyon, Judith Sadler, Paul Sanders, Gregory Sanford III, Alf Sarumova, Anjelika Schwarz, Daisy Sharma, Durga Sherman, Robert J. Smith, Anita Smith, Justin Smith, Sean Smith, Teri Spencer, Jasmin Spruill, Darnell Spurlock, Melissa A. Stein, Joanna Stephens, Phyllis Stephens, Wendy H. Stewart, Donna Stovall, Barbara A. Strong, Laura Sullivan, Constance Sumner, Sarah Swander, Darla Sykes, Staci Taylor, Donald Taylor, Jennifer Taylor, Keith Tran, Oanh Tupling, Amy Turner, Thomas Valderrama, David Vega, Aileen Velazquez, George A. Wade, Carla Wagner, Jeremy Walker, Mia Wang, Jing Wang, Richard Washington, Marquita Watkins, David Welker, Katie L. Weymuth, Christy Wheeldon-Reece, Brooke White, John White, Makacha Wilkie, Dawn Wilkins, Charlene Williams, Channon Williams, Corey Williams, James Williams, Tonya Williams, Willie D. Wilson-Aska, Kim Yarbrough, Patricia Yuskiw, Christopher Zickefoose, Ron Master of Science Bivins, Maisha Breeden, Kendra Brittain, Ruth Buford, Donte Burnley, Felisha Carter, Miccharance F. 9 Cochran, Sandra Coleman, Tameka Craighead, Carolyn Cunningham, Cynthia Dannug, Roman Dinello, Michael Dmitriyeva, Yelena Dyer, Emily Eberly, Carolyn A. Echols, Vonda Edingburg, Tenell Ellison, Rachel Ewing, Alycia Fisher, Tarik Govardhan, Jaigopi Harris, Donna Hector, Deborah A. Hoffman, Lynne Hooker, Charles Hunt-Jackson, Rawline Jones, Wanda King-Mcallister, Stephanie Lau, Sheryl A. Lindez, David Newsome-Lee, Michelle A. Noel, Emily Padgett, Jason Perkins, Amanda Richmond, LaYvonne Y. Rider, Steve Robinson, April Sadler, Sheila Salyers, Debra Sayavongchanh, Phensy Smith, Jenny E. Sok, Jennifer Spain, Ashley Stolfo, Brandiann Thavakumar, Tharaha Titus, Ralph L. Urtz, Daniel Williams, Tisa Bachelor of Science Adams, Jennifer Adcock, Kristi Agaman, Rhonda M. * Allen, Sonia ^ Almasan, Kinga ^^ Anderson-Williams, Kimberly Annett, Nicole P. Anteau, Angela D. * Anthony, Collin Armstrong, Daniel * Arndt, Vicki ^^ Arnold, Chastity Arsa Artha, Frances ^^ Arvey, Thomas L. * Ash, Jennifer Ashby, James * Ayers, Charity D. Bacelo, Enzo Badalyan, Armen * Barlow, Catherine Barnes, Stephanie Baron, Kelsha Barr, Mia S. Barreto-Enriquez, Nereida B. Bates, Diane Baum,Poleigh Bayne, Matt ^ Benavides, Diana * Bennett, Christine Bernard, Rebekah Beroog, Deomatie ^ Berrian, Napoleon Bingham, Sally J. Bishop, David ^ Bishop, Tierra Blancarte, Melissa * Bode, Melissa ^ Bohanon, Deborah ^ Bolton, Jacqueline Boone-Petersen, Lauren ^ Booth, Irena * Booth, Whitney * Borchardt, Dale Bothell, Jennifer Bovian, Joy ** Bowen, Sandra Boyd, Gloria J. * Boyd, Tammy J. ^ Boyd, Gloria* Brainard, Joseph R. Brandt, Amanda Brenner, Gwen ^ Brittian III, Robert Brown, Michael A.* Brown, Peggy ^ Brown, Richard Brown, Nicole Bullock, Aleta Bullock, Heather G. ^ Bullock, Kady Burkiett, Annette M. Burnett, Taralee Butler, Sherry ^ Butler, Tiffany D. Byron, Jeanne ** Cabrera, Michelle H. Cain, Kimberly S. * Caldwell, Jennifer L. Camatti, Doug Campagna, Donald ^ Campbell, Adam ^ Campbell, Denita L. Campbell, Kailyn J. Cannata, Marie C. * Capriola, James ^ Carr -Walton, Bette J. * Casara, Alvina Cassell, Nicole ^ Casso, Anna G. * Ceasar, Janice ** Cecil, Vicki ^ Chadd, Terrance S. Champa, Maria T. Chapman, Shaunikka Chaves, Lisa ** Cheek, Robie ^^ Chudd, Jennifer A. Ciullo, Steve ^ Clapson, Courtney Clark, Trisha L. ^ Clawson, Lisa Claytor, Stephanie * Cobb, Rita Coffman, Jessica Colby, Larry ^ Colby, Larry Royce ^ Combs, Andrea Cover, Marcelle * Covey, LaDonna Crane, Wesley ^ Crites, Kenneth Croley, Denise Croteau, Heike B. Curtis, Patricia Dailey, Terra C Danberg, Arthur * Darnell, Erin ^ Daufelt, Dawn * Davenport, Kasie Dawson, Joan Deady, Stacy A. * DeNapoli, Patricia A. ** Diaz, Ana F. Diaz, Evelys ^ Diaz, Joshua Diederich, Janell S. DiGalbo, Melissa A. Dillard, Shameka Doll, Shannon Dow, Tameka * Drake, Maria D. Duffalo, Deborah L. Durand, Kathleen ^ Dvorak, Alexia Elicea, Erika Ellis, Cheryl ^ Ellis, Richard E. ^ 10 Ellison, Tange T. Ernst, Jennifer M. ** Espinosa, Marlene G. ^ Fadiora, Kadija * Ferguson, Steven ^ Fermin, Yulieth Y. Ferreiro, Christina T. Ferrington, Barbara A. ^ Fields, Lasheenia ^ Fink, Brian K. ^ Flach, Stacey ^ Floor II, Carl Flores, Cindy Flynn, Regina D. ^ Forbis, Steven ^ Forchion, Raymond L. Foster-Requejo, Angela ** Fowler, Debra Frank, Geralyn Freeze, Teena Fudali, Barbara Fudge, Christa L. Funderburg, Patricia A. Funderburk, Kimberly * Gadson, Wendy S. Gainey, Wendy Garrett, Jennifer Gasche, Daniel S. Gates, Shirley * Gawlik, Michelle R. Gentry, Debra L. Gergel, Michael ^ Ghitelman, Igal * Giarmoleo, Cynthia Gifford, Mike Gilliard, Denise Glover, Cheneda Goodwin, LouAnn ^ Gould, Amanda Graf-Friloux, Catherine ^ Gray, Regina J. Grecco, Jennifer R. ^ Green, Erin E. ^^ Green, Stephen Greenland, Amanda C. * Greer, Mary A. Groff-Koenig, Brenda Gross, Michael Gross, Treece A. Gruber, Aaron M. ^ Guia, Anita Guillory, Theresa * Gulsby, Deborah C. ^ Gunn-Conner, Doris Guste, Juliet ** Hair, Kelly * Hakey, Teresa * Hall, Donna M. ^ Hamilton, Rebecca * Handy, Stewart W. ^ Hanson, April Hardway, Ashley N. Harris, Akiva ** Harris, Anita * Haynie, Lois Henderson, Corey Henderson, Karen ^ Henkel, Lisa M. Herm, Howard Herring, Valarie ^ Hiepler, Eric Hinds-Hanson, Janice Nicola * Hoelsher, Jennifer ** Hooker, Bobbi * Horton Jr., Ronald ^ Howard, Tonjua Howard, Rena Howell, Melissa Hoy, Catherine Hubbard, Stacey Hull, Stephanie Humphrey, Brian Hunt, Maharisha Nikeka Hurt, Angie Hutchison, Debra M. Iglesias, Jada ^ Jackson, Sheila James, Hilton A. Jarrell, Pam John-Jones, Emerlyne * Johnson, Gary ^ Johnson, Jauana D. Johnson, Sharelle D. Johnson, Tommy B. Johnson, Shatika Charone Johnson-Hasty, Shana Joles, David ^^ Jones, James ^ Jones, London ^ Jones, Paula Juiliano, Kimberly Jane Kahren, Cheryl * Kanouse, Patricia ^ Keller, Michele ** Khan, Nisar * Khumalo, Sandra O. Kilanga-Cheatham, Rita Kincaid, Melissa * King, Brandie Kirkpatrick, Erica Klos, Diana R. Koonts, Peggy Lacy, Elaine LaGrange, Tammy ^ Laibe, Kim M. * Laming, Aaron Langley, James * Larch, Deborah ** Lavoie, Megan P. * Lawson, Tina * Leach, Pamela J. Leader, Louise A. LeBrun, Amy ^ Lee, Dionne Lehman, Melissa A. ** Lehmann, Giselle ^ Leonard, Stephanie D. ^ Lewis, Benita R. Lewis, Loretta * Lewis, Ronald Lewis, Sophia Ley, Richard ** Liegl, Chris * Lieurance, Henri R. Light, Rollie C. ^ Lizon, Robert ^ Lockhart, Monique ^ Long, Becky * Long, Miranda ** Louis, Juvigny * Lucero, Addie ^ Luciano, Geormari * Lundervold, Katrina M. Lynn, Stacie * Maddox, Karren Maharaj, Vera * Mahlum-Romero, Jessica L. ^ Manalac, Alfred Manzo, Dennis Marchbanks, Deserie S. ^ Marcotte, Theresa Martin, Mariya ^ Martindale, Tonja ^ Martinez, Jose Martinez, Sherry Ann ^ Mask, Michelle Mathis, Jeffrey ^ Maynard, Doreen McCaleb, Anne ^ McCarthy, Larissa D. McCoach, Monica T. ^ McDonald-Powell, Yolandra S. McDowell, Kelli J. McEachern, Tracey * McIntosh, Ericka McKinney, Tiffany * McMahon, Carol ^ Mcpherson, Julie * Medrano, Oscar Melendez, Allyns ^ Merrill, Rebecca 11 Metzger, Arla Michel, Joel Middlebrooks, Danette Miller, Angela M. Miller, Gretchen Miller, Nadia Mills, Brenda Mims, Stacie ^ Mitchell, Karen Y. Mochrie, Leslie ^ Moening, Bayleigh J. Montgomery, Kimberly ^ Montti, Paugen Moore, Theola M. Morales, Jennifer * Morales, Priscilla * Mose, Charonne ^ Moskwa, Colette ^ Murray, Kelly * Murtha, Brandy ^ Myers, Tami L. ^ Neely, Nacolia New, Jennifer ^ Newman, Melody Nguyenlam, Andy T. Nickell, Leah ^ Nitta, Melissa * Novicky, Troy J. ^ Nunez, Joyce P. ^ Oakley, Amber Odom, Selena Olayinka, Noah A. Olivas, Jerene * Oliver, Samantha O’Neill, Matthew D. Orlando, Stephanie Otto, Valerie * Owens, Tatiana * Pak, Christy Bouvier * Pategas, Sherry Patel, Bhavini Patel, Shashi Patrick, Shelby ^ Pearson, Carla ** Pearson, Leah Pellum, Tameka Pereira, John ^^ Perrin, Jodeen Perry, Charles Perry, Jeanna Y. Phan, Nykhol ^ Phelps, Anjanita ^ Phelps, Yolanda A. Piccirillo, Anthony * Pierini, Aaron Pierre, Eudora ** Pilkington, Chelsie Pincock, Joanne * Pipkins, Ramona Pittman, Kasandra * Popu, Mario ^ Porter, Lindamae D. Powell, Michelle ^^ Presley, Brian K. ^ Priest, Cassie Prout, Kristina Purcell, Sara * Rainville, Tammy Rambo, Andrew Ramirez, Charlene * Randazzo, Joseph A. ** Ray, Roxanne G. ^ Ray, Sabrina ** Regis, Tessa ** Renkel, Sandra ^ Rettinger, Malinda ^ Revilla, Radames ** Reynolds, Carmen Rhodes, Karen * Rigdon, Kim G. ^^ Rivera, Xiomara Roberts, Erica Robinson-Minor, Jennifer L. ^ Robson, Michele * Rohrbaugh, Whitney ^ Rolin, Teri Roma, Nadia ** Rudy, Christina Russell, Bobbi Lee ** Sanabria, Janet Sanchez, Christina ** Santana, Tanya Santiago, Jo Santiago, Lannie ** Sarkett, Dave Schliesman, Donna * Schultz, Joyce A. ^ Scott, Shawna M. Scott-Wiggins, Cleo Sczerzen, Candace M. Sellers, Justin K. Sepulveda, Erica K. Shad, Fakhar * Shelton, Shanika Siuda, Nicholas Skelly, Stacy * Smallwood, Jubilee * Smetana, Amanda K. ^ Smith, Carolyn M. ^ Smith, Karen Smith, Lynette Smith, Melanie Smith, Kenneth Allan ^ Snead, R. Sterling Soto, Carlos ^ Sottile Jr., Francesco Soyoh, Justine ^ Spears, Linwood D. Steed, Robert R. ** Steiner, Christine ^ Sterner, Jayme ** Stevenson, Korean Stewart, Joy ^ Stokes, Mary Strous, Trisha ^^ Sutton, Scott A. ^ Tabb, Montara Talley, Brenda Tarver, Yolanda Taylor, Geraldine F. Taylor, Nadine V. Tennie, Johnnie Teodosio, Jerri ^ Thompson, Derek Thompson, Terra D. Thong, Charlene L. Todaro, Christopher M. ^ Toussaint, Alethea M. ** Townsend-McDonald, Samaria Turman, Rodney Tuzzio, Joseph Tyler, Maria Unger, Joshua Uzzell, Scott * Vallance, Galen ^ Van Hoozen, Jason L. ** Vanharen, Nicole M. ^ Velarde, Jason Verworn, Stephanie M. Von Falkenstein, Deborah J. Voorhies, Christina Vu, Huy Q. Wallace, Belinda Wampole, Duane ^ Ward, Samuel ^ Wardeh, Khaleel Weekes, Rose Weiger, Clint * Welch, Joann Wells, Rodney Wesson, Shelley West, Ellen White, Donna White, Laura Williams, April Williams, Theresa * Williams, Monique Williams-Decotis, Catherine A. Witek, Paul ^ Wolford, Greg 12 Woodard, Carole ** Woodard, Kaitlin Yancey, Rebecca^^ Yao, Michael Young, Prentiss N. ^ Zapien, Patricia * Associate of Applied Science Abraham, Guerty Adams, Boyd Admire, Denise ^ Akins, April Alaniz, Lisa ^ Allen, Todd Anderson, Bennie Anderson, Chorne * Anderson, Robyn Anderson, Sharon P. Armour, Darlene Ashford, Betty * Baker, Lisa Ball, Beverly Ballinger, Kristi Baney, Bruce ^^ Barber, Jessica Bays, Faith C. Bell, Jeannine L. ** Bell, Kelly * Bell-Cooper, Sherry Bergevin, Raymond Bickley, Sandra ^ Bickoff, Drew Blauvelt, Katharine * Boges, Freshonda * Boirard, Jeanine Bolin, Troy L. Bond, Julie Borglin, Danelle A. Bouse, Audra L. * Bowen, Brenda Bowman, Leia D. Bradford, Rachel A. Brown, Clinith Brown, Karen * Brown, Leah S. Brown, Quanda ^ Brown, Ronetta Brumback, Nelson Bryant, Emily Budzinski, Ana Burgess-Hardwick, Sharon Butler, Joe I. Bychurch, Michelle D. Calvert, Dawn R. Cannon, Latreacia Caples, Teena Casseus, Silotte Catalano, Robert ** Chace-Rodgers, Rachel Chappel, Jonah L. Christian, James Clements, Dianthe Cogan, Michelle Coleman, Ronald L. Coleman, Steven Combs Jr., Charles Contreras, Jackie Conyers, Lakeesha D. Copeland, Graig Cornealius, Felicia Correal, Angela M. Cotton, Jean Cox, Rodney Curtis, Dionne C. Daffron, Brandy Daniels, Dianne M. Decker, Michael DeFalco, Kimberly ** DeLeo, Keith ** DelPonte, Robert Dents, Dashelle DeWitt, Amber * Dickerson, Stephanie Dingman, Kim * Disman, April L. Dodson, Jynnifer Dorman, Shawna Douglas, Joshua Doyle, Kathleen Drayton, April C. Driscoll, Gary ^ Dunkley, Cecile M. Dye, Lindsay Edmison, Bobbie N. Ehlers, Carol ^^ Ergott, Jennifer ^ Erickson, Stephanie A. * Esteves, Ramon Fancote, Jamey * Farietta, Freddy Farmer, Billy ^ Fischesser, Amy E. ^ Flatts, Rhon ^ Fleshman, Linda Floyd, Carol Forinash, Valerie ^ Foster, Cassandra ** Fray, Mary Fregiste, Juanita Froisland, Keri Frost, Debra * Fry, Carolyn Fye, Roberta ^ Gaines, Renee * Ganus, Rachel Garafola, Chris ^ Gardner, Denise L. Gaugler, Matthew A. ^ Gavin, Cheri Gentner, Rachelle E. Gibson-Jones, Minnie Giddings, Faith Giesinger, Jamie Glenn-Zachery, Deborah Glover, Niamalika R. Gober, Rachael Goff, Patricia Lynn Gold, Steven ** Goldston, Tina Gonzales, Patricia * Gonzalez, Esmeralda Grant, Joan Greagor, Natalie P. Gregory, Vickye Gumbs, Ruth Hall, Belinda Hamilton, Helen * Hamlin, Sharon Hanges, Phoebe Harlan, Carmilee Harrison, Denise C. Hayes, William Hedrick, Bethmarie Henry, Lori Hindman, Julie Hoagland, Tina R. Hofler, Lori ^ Holley, Adam Hong, Diana * Houser-Carter, Sharan * Howard, Tiffany Huggins, Edie * Humphries, Verlinda * Ickes, Timothy Ingram, Michelle Isaac, Juliet * Iverson, Chrissy M. Jackson, Kathlene Jacobucci, Cynthia * James, Shaque Jamison, Sandra Jennings, Kaletha Jeyaselvan, Thiruthambigai ** Johnson, Stacy * Johnson, Vicki * Johnson, Stacey * Johnston, Francis G. Jones, Dewana Jones, Joy Jones, Reginald Jones, Sheree 13 Jones-Allen, Sequencia Jordan, Kristina M. Jordan, Ladafrica Kaple, Leah Kearse, Christopher Khreis, Robin Kidwell, Jodi Kinnee, Terri L. Kittelmann, Melodee J. Knight, Kristi * Koedel, Rita J. Koonts, Debra J. Koska, Chris G. ** Kucmierczyk, Melissa Nyatero Lambert, Joanita Landers, Holly M. Lewis, Sebastian T. Linzy, Phillip C. Little-Potter, Rebecca Long, Amber R. * Longdon, Christie Lopez Dunn, Jorge Love, Kristy Lumar, Sonya Lyons, John Mac Millan, Andrew ^ Maduro, Bianca Majer, Terry Malone, Mona Martin, Cyndi Martin, Jennifer Martin, Margie Martinez, Sherri Martin-Wilder, Aletha Mason III, Carroll * Mason, Holly * Mathews, Margie Mcclashie, Theisha McClintock, Tamy T. McKeever, David Mclaughlin, Theresa ** Melillo, Jaclyn Melton, Vanessa N. Mendez, Kim Menson, Alicia Mercado, Melissa ^ Miller, Eric Miller, Shanna Miller, Sue Miller, Tamara Miller, Velma Millican, Kenneth Mills, Chelsey Mims, Stephanie Minter, Elizabeth Molnar, Brian Montgomery, Lynnette Moore, Judy Mora, Beatriz Morris, Kenneth ^^ Morrison, James * Moye-Daniels, Sonya Nast, Kathryn J. ^ Neitzel, Michael Nelson, Patricia * Nichols, Robert Norcross, Ethan Odoms, Linda Ohara, Donalda Ong, Trang O’Rourke, Elizabeth ^ Owens, Sahara Padgett, Wendy Parker, Lovella Paul, Crystal * Paulhill, Angela M. Pease, Tasha L. ^ Perez, Karla * Perez, Susan * Perkins, Tamara Peterson, Angela Pettit, Victoria Ann Phillippi, Cynthia ^^ Pierre, Vincent Polina, Susana Poyner, Viviana Andrea Preucel, Samantha ^ Pulido, Wanda Quintana, Sol Maria * Quiros, Lauren * Ramirez, Melinda Ramsey, Damien Rattray, Sharon ^ Reckner, Pam ** Rein, Linda Rendon, Jennifer L. Rios, Deidre Roach, Raymond Roberts, Jershaun Robinson-Truitt, Ashaki T. * Rohe, Jeremy Rolf, Melissa Ruffo, John * Russo, Kimberly A. Ryckman, Robert ^ Ryczek, Kari * Sanders, Frances A. * Sands, Jewell Sasser, Deanna * Schmidt, Jaysa Schopman, Tammy * Schwab, Michelle Seimet, Janise Self, Christy ^ Sewell, Elizabeth Shell, Andrea * Shenouda, Marilena Sherrod, Edith Shoultz, Jeri Shuff, Kiha Siebels, Elizabeth M. ^ Simmons, Tara ^ Simon, Mary Singer, Troy * Sites, Michelle A. * Siu, Andrew ^ Slater, Jenny Slavin, Michelle Smalls, Nicole Smith, Elma Smith, Floyd Smith, Kertrina Smith, Sandra M. ** Smith, Summer Smith, Damian Smith-Thomas, Sandra LaNell* Snider, Brooke N. ** Soroka, Teri ** Stanley, Amy Stanley, Lisa Sullivan, Jessica ^ Swain, Brittany K. ^ Tanner, Bethany E. Tassone, William Taylor, Jeff Thellman, Anneris Thibodeau, Paulette ** Thomas, Cookie Thomas, Dawn Thomas, Roberta** Thompson, Alexis Thompson, David Thrift, Tisha Tingling, Novlette Torres, Fanny Torruella, Marisol Tozer, John ** Treadaway, Trinity Tsai, Rong Tulloch, Mitchell * Turner, Nicole * Vance, Gabrielle L. Vasquez, Vickie Vaughn, Lonna Velazquez, Caressa Vereze, Joshua K. Vigil, Margaret Villa, Antonino * Villalon, Maria Villena, Thelma Voorhis, Robin 14 Wendt, Ronda Wilkie, Sara Willhite, Angela Williams Jr., Willie Wilson, Fannie Wilson, Patricia ** Winton, Katherine ^ Woahloe, Thomas Woeber, Emely Wood-Cheatham, Mary J. Woorster, Susie L. Wright, Satia Young-Arias, Johanna Zerbe, Melissa ^ SCHOOL OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE Master of Science Alabi, Niger Cecelia Allison, Tracey Ashu, Philip Ayotte, Pamela Banks, Andrew Barrington, Lamia Beach, Jenny L. Belle, Starkisha Berro, Karen Besson, Candida Betty, Ian Floyd Bradley, Robert Bradshaw, Afi N. Bradshaw, Arlene Brant, Carrie Brownfield, Nichole Burdett, Janis Burke, Rhonda Burns, Toni Byrd, Kaarina Callan, Bevin Cardoso, Paul Cay, Elizabeth Charles, Erika Clark, Cynthia L. Clemente, Janice K. Cline, Courtney M. Clinton, Peter Cox, Steve K. Crim, Ruthann Dambrogio, Jerry DeHoyos, Beatris Dickens, Meri M. Diehlman, Gregory Eggerson, Traci El-Halabi, Khalil Espana, Claudia Fanuaea, Rosa Feldman, Stanley Flores, Cassie E. Garcia, Jerome Garrett, Kimberly Goad, Lori Gomez, Rita Harris-Hawkes, Shirley Haynes, Shannon Hernandez, Lindamarie Hewitt, Kevin A. Hill, Angelo Hines, Patricia Holowiak, Anna Z. Hough, Jeremy M. Hoye-Flaherty, Jessica M. Hunter-Richard, Marcey Johnson, Frank Johnson, Tulina A. Jones, Tamara Keller, Mecca Kennedy, Davida Knutsen, Kellie Leach, Jeremy Lewis, Gillian Mahon, Marty Manyang, James A. Mardirosian, Rubena Martin, Kristie Mayo Burton, Venicia S. McCloskey, Brandon A. McCoy, Shane W. Meek, Franklin Mego, Valerie Mellard, Lindsey Meraz Jr., Eduardo Miller, Craig Mitchell, Melinda Moore, Jolaine Muffett, Amber Musacchio, John Negron, Carlos Neitzke, Melissa Norton, Annette O’Harran, Michael Owens, Ja Carie Parise, Michelle M. Parker, Shaquetta Chatel Pascal, Linda Pearson, Sherry Peters, Gladys F. Peterson, Darrin Phillips, Kellen J. Phipps, Jennifer Phipps, Keba Ann Pierce, Allonda Potter, Edward Powell, Armetha Prather, Chandra Quetel-Davis, Mary Ragsdale, Icia Rawls, Nadine Rubottom, Jessica Rumage, Denise Scaffidi, Maria Nicole Sears, Aaron Sibley, Josephine Singleton, Shelley Smith, Peggy Terry, Karen M. Tinker, Laura Toussaint, Clifford K. Tullos-Johnson, LaMore Valentine, Latoya K. Walters, Jynette Weaver, Julie Wenger, Jessica Wigley, Kirsten Wilkinson, Carla R. Williams, Cynthia Willingham Jr., Russell M. Womack, Susan D. Wright, Kimarie Yarroll, Sean Yohman, Donna Zumwalt, Don Bachelor of Science Abey, Tiara Abrego, Ana ^ Adams, Melissa M. Adrian, Catherine ** Albaghdadi, Pamela ^ Alcivar, Kathy ^ Alegria, Erick * Alphonso, Theresa L. ^ Amick, Kelly ^^ Anderson, Cynthia * Andrews, Scott B. ** Arcos, Stacey L. Argueta, James A. * Arkin, Amanda Armstrong, Kasey E. ^ Armstrong, Pamala Atkins, Amy Ayre, Amy ^ Badger, Sharina ^ Baldo, Luiggi ^ Balogh, Jennifer ^^ Banks, Susan ** Barber, Matthew Barrett, Carolena Barrett, Jeffrey ^ Baudek, Daniel ^ 15 Bedore, Nichole Beguin, Jennifer ^ Begun, Barbara * Bell, Valerie * Bellamy, Rena ^ Bittner, Christine ^^ Black, Adria Blair, Carrie ^ Blinn, Dennita ^ Bloxham, Terri ^^ Bowman, Christopher S. ** Bowman, Krystoffer L. Boyd, Candice R. Brewer, Matthew ^ Brewster, Thomas ^^ Bridges, Glen ** Brin, Simone V. ^ Briscoe, Andrea Britt, Kajuana Brodina, Matthew Bronson, Katie Brooks, Sultaana T. Brown, Anthony F. ^ Brown, April Brown, Sharon ^ Brown-Rey, Elisha D. Bruce, Stephanie ^ Brusenbach, Gretchen Burk, Tim ^ Burnett, Veretta J. Burton, Alex B. Burton, Diana ^ Buxton, Jennifer S. Caba, Maximo Cabrera, Ana Sofia * Cadiz, Jacquelyn ^ Calamease, Brian Campbell, Tony ** Cannon, Joanna ^ Cansino, Christopher * Carley, Christopher ^ Carpenter, James A. ^^ Carrasco, Maria Carter, Cynthia E. Carter, Florence ^ Cary, Dana R. Cecala, Salvatore ^ Cervantes, Rebecca M. ^ Chambers, Ronald D. Champlain, Mary Kathleen * Chaplin, Charlene Chapman, Terri L. Clark, Cynthia J. ^ Cocke, Judith A. ^ Coder, Tiffany Collins, Renee M. ^ Coston, Sarah Coverston, Katie ^ Crone, Sean D. ^ Crowe, Patrick W. ^ Culbreth, Tamara * Cunningham, Brandi Cunningham, Ilka M. ^ Dabney, Maria Dagg, Lauretta ^ Danford, Holly * Darnold, Heather * Davis, Heather ^ Davis, Larry * Davis, Virginia De Avila, Paola Decker, William DeJesus, Leslie Delaney, Kristine M. ^ Dempsey, Dawn ^ Denette, Maria A. ^ Denner, Veronica G. ^ Devins, Andra Dewey, Martina Diaz, Brian M. Diaz, Nelly ^ Dickerson, William R. Dillon, Michele. Divido, Darren A. Dodd, Christine M. Dupree, Elizabeth M. Duran, Ramona * Durham, Fatima East, Joy Edwards, L’Tanya D. Ego, Tawny ^ Ellerd, Danelle D. Ellis, Stacy ^ Erickson, Troy ** Estes, Stacy Fabbri, Stefanie ^ Featherstone, Karl R. Ferguson, Elizabeth A. ^ Fernandez, Teresa Fiorentino, Theresa A. ^ Flanagan, Michael P. ^ Fletcher, Jessica L. ^ Foster, Alisha C. Francis, Heather * Frantz, Ashley ^ Freund, Petra ^ Fruge, Martin * Fuentes, Michael Furman, Chris D. ** Gansel, Lori ^ Garcia, Evelyn * Garmon, Ruth ** Garrett, Julie ^ George, Darius George, Jody ^^ Godbey, Athena L. ^ Godshalk, Christopher ^ Goeddertz Jr., James K. Gomez, Richard Goodsen, Brett D. * Gordon, Kathleen ^ Gray, Laura Peaches ^ Griffin, Candace * Griffin, Rhonda L. ^ Grigsby, Vanessa ^^ Gryglas, Amanda R. ** Gutierrez, David * Hall, Adina ** Hall, Kyle ^ Hall, Sarah Haman, Kelly ** Handy, Terri * Hanks, Stephanie ^ Hart, Tina Harvey, Rebecca L. ^ Headley, Kelli Heath, Antonio Heflin, Vicki * Hella, Janine E. * Henderson, Erica J. * Hendrick, Jennifer Henley, Tamara ^ Hernandez, Adrian A. * Higginbotham, Jason ^ Hodges, Tanya * Hoeger, Tina ** Holub, Donya H. Horn, James ^ Howe, Kristine M. ^ Hughes, Kim ^ Innes, David ^ Jackson, Jimea ^ Jackson, Star S. Janicek, Tracy * Jefferson, Misty ^ Jensen, Traci Jester, Sabrina ^ Johnson, Erica Johnson, William * Jones, Shawnetta L. ^ Keller, Shannon B. ^ Kelly, Heather * Ketchev, Ingrid ^ Khouri, Stephanie * Kim, Linda ^ King, Froney ** Kirk, Joyce ^ Knutson, Jennifer P. Koolthong, Donna L. ** Kulp, Evelyn Lammertin, Nicole R. ^ Lamourt, Jessica * 16 Lane, Alicia Lane, Simona R. ** Lanyo, Desmond Cliff C. ** Larsen, Elizabeth ^^ Lautenbach, Rick ^ Law, Kelly Lawless, Heather ^ Lebiedz, Michelle N. * Lee, Tanya Leonard, Amanda Lewis, Maria Lewis, Shirley A. * Lewis, Tranessa * Logan, Robyn K. Lokker, Scott A. Lopez, Brenda Lowry, Anita Lukowski, Dakri M. Macon, Catrina Macy, Harvey L. ^ Magnusson, Cheryl A. ^ Malisa, Joan Mann, Misty Manocchio, Glenn A. ^ Massafra, Maureen ^^ Mathis, Peggy Matthews, Robert ** Mauricio, Francisco McDermed, Carolyn ^^ McPherson-Bishop, Latichia R. Medrano, Felicia N. Melendez, Veronica Y. Michalski, Judith K. ^ Miller, Kate * Miller, Melissa M. * Milliron, Michelle Mimnagh, Sherri ^ Minahan, Nicole J. Mitchell-Gray, Othello Moore, Yvette C. Morris, Debbie J. ^ Morris, Michael Mullaney, Shannon E. Murphy, Loli ^ Myers, Mark L. ^ Myers, Matthew * Nardi, Neva Nauseef, Joseph Neal, Cathi ^ Nelson, Tonya Niemann, Dan * Norman, Desirae Norris, Cleo ^ Oglesby, Tara O’Hara, Lisa ** Oliver, Ommie M. * Oppelt, Richard D. ^ Ortega, Jessie Ortiz, Carmelo Owens, Danielle ^ Pacholke, Chas ^ Parker, Bernard M. * Patrick, Morris Pedigo, Corey Pennington, Sara * Pereira,Rodolfo Perfors, Cynthia ** Perry, Sara M. * Piscitelli, Vincent ^ Plaisance, Steve ^^ Potts, Christopher Powell, Alleta Prasad-Bhat, Shirley S. ^^ Price, Jason L. Quick, Keri ^ Ralston, Theresa E. * Ramirez, Felicia * Ramon, Richard Rand, Jennifer ^ Randolph, Lovetta Rasco-Bryant, JIllian Rash, Trisha * Rautert, Frederick J. Reed, Jame Renstrom, Misti L. Reyes, Arlene * Riphenburg, Jason C. Ritchie, Vickijean D. * Roberts, Lynette ^ Roberts, Michael D. Robinson, Jessica M. ^ Robison, Timothy L. ^^ Roche, Sarah ** Rodriguez, Sheen Rose, Courtney D. Rosenberry, Jennifer Ross, Antoinette ^ Royal, Gecorrie Ruminski, Thomas ** Runge, Amber L. ^ Russ, Jennifer ^ Salgado, Rene D. Saunders, Deanna ^ Scalise, David G. * Schell, Courtney Schuck, Dawn M. ^ Schwab, John Scott, Amber Seigars, Christine ** Shields, Shaun M. ^ Shine, Peter D. ^ Sims, Carl * Singleton, Noel ^ Siver, Rodger W. ^ Skidmore, Chris E. ** Slafter, Brian * Sloan, Clara R. * Smith, Ryan L. ^^ Sneed, Deborah M. ^ Sommeling, Dawn ^ Southerland-Childs, DeWanda Souza, Mariela Stangroom, Heather L. ^ Steele, Trent ^^ Steinbacher, Jessica M. Stevens, Christopher J. * Stevens, Tonya * Stokes, Laura M. ^ Stolze, Katherine ^ Stringham, Matthew Tatum, Jeffrey Terhorst, Louise ^ Terlop, Constance Thomas, Scott Thomas, Shenika Thompson, April ^ Thompson, Cheryl ** Tomaszewski, Justin * Tranate, Michael Turley, Scott Turner, Jason R. Umphenour, Donna Lynn Unruh, Marshall ^^ Vargas, India Voorhees, Shelby ** Wager, Gordon Walker, Savoy Walsh, Joan Wampole, Jessica S. ** Ward, LaToya Weaver, Melisa B. Weber, Mikaela Wells, Tracy Kim Wentworth, Andrew Wheeler, Victoria J. ** Whiting, Kelley M. ^ Wiersma, Kathy Wilkerson, Dawn M. Willard, Sherry Williams, Pearl Wilslef, Kelli S. Wilson, BeAnka ^ Wilson, Victoria A. * Wingert, Rushele ^ Winston, Katie ^ Woods, Naomi A. ** Wooten, Jane N. Yarnold, Jami ** Yocum, Irene C. Associate of Applied Science Aakre, Mary ^ Abel, Holly J. ^ 17 Aguilar, Christine Alston, Ashley B. ^ Alston, Deborah * Anderson, Lisa Andrews, Corinne Arroyo, Marlene Ayers, Tiffany Badger, Cinamon Baker, Pamela R. * Barnette, Anessa Bath, Jason E. Battle, Angelaina * Beavers, Jessica ** Beman, Corrine Bentley-Morton, Cynthia Bibb, Thomas W. ^^ Bonner, Thomas J. Bowstring, Emily Brown, Chad Brown, Tina Burkett, Tabi S. ^^ Burris, Rosellia A. Burton-Hunt, Stephanie Butler, Brenda Caldwell, Christa * Cantrell, Timothy J. ^ Carey, Willie A. ^ Carthon, Barbara Cebelenski, Jason Comstock, Zachary * Conroy, Lee R. ^ Conway, Jeremy R. ** Cooper, Surina Cotter, James Coward, Andrew Coy, Barbara ^ Crain, Robert Cregg, Larry Cruz, Maria ^ Cunningham, Tiffany D’Addio, Jennifer Dickinson, Kathryn Dietzman, Melissa Doolin-Helm, Sandra * Douglas, Justin * Dunn, George ** Edwards, Syreeta * Ehlert, Kimberly * Ellis, Adonis Ellis, Sheritha ^ Eloe, Mary Evans, Dinardo A. Farmer, Gloria ** Faue, Jessica ** Fisher, Christopher Fleming-Wilson, Latasha G. Forbes, Deangela * Forrey, Angela Francis, Rita * Frank, Jeremy D. * Franklin, Jamie Fratto, Nicolaus Freeman, Ron Freeman, Angela Frias, John Garcia, Edwardo M. ^ Garrison, Kenyatta * Geers, Cheryl ^ Gelbart, Helen L. Gerena, Richard Gilkes, Tamara Gillett, Roger Givens, Joanne Glennon, Indira D. Goenne, Shantay Gray, Brian ^ Green, John T. ** Green-Mike, Celina Groff, Carolyn Grundstrom, Brent ** Guadagni, Antonio Guerrero, Rachel Hairston, Roshanna B. Hardemon, Phillip Hardimon, Ursula Harris, Eva * Haynes, Christy L Headington, Larry ^ Henry, Tewanda ** Hernandez, Juan Hernandez, Stacie Hernandez, Zoe ^^ Holder, Atty Horton, Chanda * Houghton, Robert ^^ Howard, Walter ^ Hughes, Josephine Jackson, Rudi * Jacoby, Coreena E. Jarman, Virginia Johnson, Daniel Johnson-Williams, Eunice Jolly, Mark ^^ Jordan, Christina Kane, Christopher Kladder, Nancy Kling, Allen M. Klingelberger, Fredrick H. Knight, Carlene Knott, Barton Kollock, Deborah Kourliouros, Eleftheria A. LaForest, Karen * Lambert, Tiffany Lane, Stephanie Lavergne, Sheral Ann ^ LeFiles, Denise Lett, Jackie L. Leys, Kimberly ^ Little, Crystal Lloyd Jr., Jimmie Long, Adam Long, Henry Longmire, Katrina Lopez, Diana Love, Lareasha * Lundgren, Justin * Madaski, Shana ^ Malik, Josephine * Maples Cole, Phyllis Ann A. Marshall, Barbara ** Martin, Brandy Martinez, Christopher * Martinez, Paula S. Massey, Kaprice Matthews, Vendelyn * McCallum, David McClellan, Megan ^ McCloe, Jennifer * Melendez, Israel Miles, Marsha Miller, Beverly Miller-Grinstead, Mary Mills, James ^ Moncada, Fernando ** Muslimovic, Anita Nuri, Todd Obregon, Gladys Oshinyemi, Victor * Pemberton, Tiffany K. Person, Kenyata M. Peterson, Kelly M. ^ Phillips, Samantha Pickar, Cassandra ^ Pierre, Burbran Pinedo, Vince ** Porter, Kyle A. Raburn, Regina * Rains, Chelsey ^ Renner, Shirley ** Ribbecke, Jessica Rice, Brooke ** Richmond, Samuel Riggen, Amber ** Rivera, Melissa Roberson, Kimberly Roberts, Naomi ^ Robinson, Mark ** Rodgers, Ivory * Rodriguez, Della 18 Rodriguez, Robert Roper, Thomas Salas, Leonardo Sammons, Fred ^^ Samuels, Eric Sanders, Shawna * Scafe, Skeeter ^ Scott, Brian Scott, Jo Scurek, Steven Serrano, Odessa Serrano, Ruben * Sheehan, Kim Shifflett, Elisabeth Siebert, Sara Smith, Gloria * Smith, Wade G. ^ Smolen, Robert Spain, John Span, Ira * Specht, Michael ^^ Steele, Adam Strange, Scott W. Strickland, Sherri Stumbaugh, Jessica ^ Sullivan, III, Paul J. ^ Sumner, Philip B. ^ Surginer, Nicole ** Sweeney, Gary Teepe, Melissia Thompson, Mary Traore, Ibrahim Trujillo, Dean Turner, Rose ^ Tyler, Aaron ^ Tyler, Patricia J. * Ulve, Tim ** Vance, Brian * Vereen, Leslie L. Villalobos, Tanya Wallace, John Walsh, W. Brian Walters, Lenora E. * Walters, Leslie Wedde, Adam Wesley, Adrienne Whatley, April Williams, Emily Young, Denise ^ Zeitler, Carissa ^ Certificate Bauer, Mary J. Holt, Keith D. Jammal, Noura Jones, Candice G. Kupisch, Tara Laney, Kenitha Larson, Melanie Martinez, Paula Merriweather, Teresa Morgan, Debra A. SCHOOL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY Master of Science Bluhm, Kendra Cherian, Jerry Gunn, Karen Y. Williams, Candice Bachelor of Science Aiello, Sabrina ** Alcayde, Deanna Alexander, Larry ^ Alozie, Obinna A. Andren, Rob ^ Arias, Elaine ^ Armstrong, Linda ^ Arnold, Frank E. ^^ Asby, Emma Bailey Jr., Albert ^ Barler, Dawn M. ^ Barnes, Erica Baro, Kabine Beasley, Jeffrey * Bennett, Leonard Bess, Deborah ** Beverly, Donna Boddy, John L. ^ Boone, Selenthia S. Bowens-Knight, LaTonya Bowman, Lawrence ^ Bradley, Julia ^^ Brown, Cade W. ^ Brown, Carmella Brown, Warren T. * Brown, Wesley D. ^ Buckingham Jr., Raymond E. * Buckner, Erik Bush, Nadine * Caple, Sharon P. Carter, Carla ^ Carter, Michelle * Cassidy, Melissa Christensen, John David ^ Conner, Colby ^ Cook, Kimberlee Crabtree, Joseph Davis, Doll * Delaguila, Rolando Delgado, Francisco J. ^ Dodson, Adam R. ** Downs, Kevin ** Dugar, Zawdie Dutton, Paul ** Edwards, Candace ^^ Eiferd, Bryan Ellman, Henri * English, Jovon D. * Evans, Danielle Farris, Phil ** Fink, Todd Fitzsimmons, Kathleen Flager, Heather Fobia, Anthony R. Ford, Joseph R. ^ Fowble, Maurice J. ^^ Fox, Damona * Fries-Starling, Belinda ^ Gentry, Rick M. Gerbereux, David ^^ Ghattas, Joseph G. Glenn, Patricia Gonzalez, Mark R. ^ Gray, Roberta Green, Cynthia Hailey-Ussery, LaDansa Heath, Paula * Hendricks, Bryan P. Herbster, Christie ^ Heriveaux, Herve ** Hinchman, Brice ^ Hinke, Jessica M. * Hiraldo, Mario ** Hoerger, Michael F. ^ Hoscheit, Jon C. Howard, Robert ^ Icenhour, Troy Johnson, Earnelle D. Johnson, Susan Jones, Lisa D. ^^ Jones, Tonia R. ^ Kaplan, Frank L. King, Jacob ^ Klap, Chumrum Klarman, Scott ^ Krasniqi, Besian ** LaDuca III, Nicholas J. * Lancaster, Susan M. Lemieux Sr., Daniel ^ Leybin, Roman ** Littelman, Jeff ^^ Macias, Maria ** Martinez, Erick ^ 19 Mcdonald, Matthew * Meeker, Jamie Millheim, Joseph Mills, Ken ^ Miner, Michele ^ Mixco, George A. Morris, Marion Moschetto, Kyle ^^ Mouriz, Derek * Newton, John Northcutt, Crystal ^^ Oakes, Josh ^^ Osmond, James ^^ Paxton, Michele * Perrone, Len Piccicuto, Steven Porter, Andrew ^ Pringle, Rahsaan Rabon, Jeremy ^ Ramos, Aixa ^ Redman, Michael Reed, Crystal ^ Rider, Brant Rovinski, Joe Rubio, Michael Ruehl, Kimberly ^ Samson, Eric ^ Sanders, Dana M. * Schmidt, Curtis ^^ Sellars, Leighton O. Shank, Crispin C. ^ Sharp, Richard E. Smallwood, Corey Smith, Charles C. ^ Smith, Mark A. * Somers, Jonathan ^ Sooter, Mike ** Spoelstra, Randal ^ Stanbery, Jason M. ^ Stokes, Ronald R. * Storey, Jeff ^ Taitingfong, Vincent ^ Tandy, Derek Taulbee, Nicole C. ^ Terrell, John R. Thomas, Kendra ^ Thurlo, Debra Villarreal, Abel G. Walker, John Webber, David J. ** Wiley, April ^ Williams, Kyle Zulaski, Ryan Associate of Applied Science Ahmed, Afee Ahmed, Fatin O. * Alcin, Charles Allen, Arreba Anderson, Alisa F. Anderson, Michael * Arnold, Tom ** Ayyash, Miriam * Ballard, Jimmy ** Barry, Danielle ^^ Bartee, Deanna A. ^^ Beattie, Ashlyn ^ Bell, Tangela T. Bethel, Gwen * Blanding, Jeremiah Bobeck Jr., Jeffrey M. Borland, Mary Bozeman, Carolyn * Brannon, Stacy Brown, Antonio Brown, Melissa Brusseau, Nycole ^ Bryant, Jason G. ^^ Burgos, Jeannette V. Carmichael, Yasin Cartwright, Lolita ^ Certain, Jonathan Churchill, James Codd, David J. Coffey, William ^ Cortes, Marylin Crowder, Harold S. ^ Dahl, Tracy ** Damon, Carlton DeJean, Garrigues A. ^ Delong, Jeanine ** DeMoss, Zachary R. Douglas, Marolotta ^ Echols, Thaddious Engstrom, Rhea D. ^ Evans, LaQuita Fairchild, Lisa Ferguson, Michael ^ Ford, Breanne ** Fox, Pamela Friedman, Shaye Friend, William ** Furlonge-Rostant, Richard ^^ Gagne, Patricia Gale, Maurice L. Garakani, Parrish ^ Gearheart, Michelle L. Gillespie-Thompson, Marcella ^ Gonzalez, Jhoan Graham, Bobby ** Graham, Michael Griffin, Aria ^ Grinnell, Tina Haight, Jennifer M. ^ Hammond, Kenneth T. ^ Harris, Sameed Hayes, Georgianna Helsel, Steve Hendrickson, Richard A. ^ Higgins, Daniel * Hill, William ^ Hobbs, Catres A. Hoffman, Bruce * Hollar, Brent ^ Hopkins-Clark, Beth Hull, Sheldon L. ^^ Hutchins, Catrina Jackson, Leslie Jarrett, Alonzo Jenkins, Christopher Johnson, Damion Jointer, Carolyn Kelly, Bernard Kent, Andrew Kohlhagen, Lisa Krowiarzova, Sarka ^ Langley, Steven L. ^ Leasman, Nicole Letner, Michael ^ Loebel, Lisette R. Luna, Tracy Martin, Steven McAdoo, Tekilya McCain, Kevin McElhannon, Melonie Mcleod, Shannon McManus, Christopher Mendiola, Trinidad B. * Meredith, Kevin Mills, Christina Mills, David ^ Mortensen, Daniel ^ Murdock, Devin Nelson, Louise Norris-Mills, Linda M. On, Gordon ^^ Ortiz, Celina Parenteau, Jeff * Patterson, Wade Penney, Tina * Pettey, Tiffany Pfau, Pamela R. ** Phillips, Dexter Pilley, Thomas Pons, Lisa * Porter, Michael ** Powell, Lela Raitano, Robert ^^ Ray, Anthony ^ Richardson, Kelvin L. Robinson, Colin ** 20 Robinson, Ju-el E. Robledo, Ana M. Ruch, David * Rudeseal, Charles ** Rutherford, DuVerne * Saito, Sean S. ^^ Samuel, Matthew Sanders, Anthony Sarrgent, Christopher ** Searl, Darryl Seta, Marie ^ Sims, Jason * Sivers, Tricia L. Sjoberg, Nephi Smith, Felicia N. ^ Stack, Heather Steffy, Andrea ^ Stennis, Phillip * Strange, Robert ^ Terry, Tami Thompson, Dorothy Timberlake, Brian Tomek, Lisa * Turner, Harry ^ Uphoff, Mckenzie Valeros, Dustin Vandegrift, John E. Venskoske, Richard * Vincent, Cindy Vroman, Joy E. ^ Warner, Christian * Watters, Brandon G. Welch, Tarik Welsh, Angela C. ^^ West, Alicia * White, Brittany White, Robert ^ Wilkin, Chad Williams, Marvin ^ Williams-Mackey, Sharon L. ^ Wright III, Ben Youngs, Leah Certificate Beazley, Karen Brady, Kayla Cummins, Brent Dominguez, Julio Fedarko, Christi R. Flood, Janet Foutz, Dietra Frederick, Daniel Markowski, John Martin, Melanie McTyre, Carmela Miller, Mitchell Pringle, Randy E. Reynolds, Kevin Rivieccio, Jr., Walter Roberts, Wendy Sirawan, Mohamed Kair Stephens, Chadlee Umstetter, Kelliann Warwick, Michelle Wood, Michael SCHOOL OF GRADUATE EDUCATION Master of Arts Andersen, Georgiann Anderson, Stacey Austin, Lakeisha Bailey, Erin Baker, Melanie Barry, Susan Behnia, Kymberlee Bertsch, Christine Bochman, Kathryn Brown, Zachary Camm, Karen Caples, Stephanie Coleman, Lucinda Master of Science Day, Marsha Edwards, Erika Ferber, Nadine Fullington, Sara Ghanoo, Carlene Gilbert, Elizabeth Goins, Vyrice Goodin, Melissa Gordon, Paul Haskan, Tanya Howard, Kerri Iverson, Heather Jean-Pierre, Jackmine Jones Mobark, Latisha Kessler, Patrick King, Matthew Luker, Kelly Mellen, Lindsey Milloy, Genenda Monteith, John Murphy, Christle Nichols, Philip Nieves-Sullivan, Cynthia Ann O’ Brien, Cara-Lynn Olivo, Selina Oren, Janna Rodriguez, Jose Sanchez, Lourdes Spears, James Styles, Meghan Thomas, Gregory Vilamar, Elischeba Walker, Veronica Ward, Stacey Wilder, Elisabeth Wright, Crystal Adamczyk, Bradley Averyt, Courtney Balfour, Jerome Bradley, Monica Decker, Amber Delija, Agron Domis, Michael Douglas, Derek Durand, Amber Evernham, Kimberly Fitzgerald, Liz Flentroy-Parker, Tanya Frishberg, Leslie Ann Fuentes, Johanna Giese, Ranae Grieder, Trista Harris, Camille Hitchens, Mary Hlavaty, Doreen Humbert, Ruth Ishmael, Annisah Jacks, Monica Judkins, Linda Junior, Cindy Kelly, Danielle Kelly, Jennifer Kemmou, Najia Langdon, Jessica Love, Patrice-Maria Martin-Williams, Andrea Mayberry, Mary McLaughlin, Patricia Miller, Katherine Morris, Towanda Morrow, Carole Nether, Sharon Newton, Gary Piparo, Dominick Putchio, Lisa Rains, Sandra Rankin, Tabatha Richardson, Zandra Master of Education Crews, Nancy Holub, Heath Solinger, Jess Thompson, Corey 21 Royster, Etta Ryan, Anne Schumacher, Melissa Simmons, Kelly Spencer, Christian Stone, Meredith Ward, Gloria Warner, Charlyn Wertman, Thomas Weston, Ellen Whittaker, Norris Wiley, Micajah Winney, Linda Witteman, Michael Leon Certificate Lutovsky, Robin Smith, Juliana Tyler, Chris SCHOOL OF LEGAL STUDIES Bachelor of Science Abascal-Montalvo, Isidro ** Abraham, Cheri ^^ Akers, Jeanette * Allen, Arlene ** Allen, Chiquinta L. Allford, Vicki S. ^ Altenhofen, Sophia A. Arlan, Iris ** Armstrong, Holly Baker, Eddie * Barnard, Heidi ^ Barrick, Jamie Barta-Gessner, Christy L. * Basile, Candace Bausell, Michele ^ Baylor, Jedidiah ^ Beale, Melissa T. ^^ Bell, Robert Benton, Elevia P. Bentz, Karen ^ Bodkin, Melissa L. * Borowski, Renae Boston, Belinda Bouplon, Victoria ^ Boyd, Arlene Bradley, Melissa ^^ Breen, Ricky * Brown, Pamela A. Brown, Shakiar ^ Bryan-Walters-Strachan, Colleen R. ** Burdine, Dorinda Busch, Lesley ^ Campbell, Danielle L. Cardona, Wanda I. * Carmichael, Jennifer A. ^ Carnes, Carolyn Carpenter, Michelle T. * Casalino, Nancy Christian, Robin ^ Clausen, Jodi ^ Coleman, Stacy Colon, Vanessa Coney, Anthony Cox, Teresa A. * Crews, Carol Davis, Felicia * DeLorme, Deborah ^^ Depp, Christina Derounian, John R. ** Dillingham, Lakisha Dixon, Nordene * Dolce, Marla ** Dominguez, Amaris Douglas, Michele ^ Dumas, Michelle * Durham, Suiwava Earl, Michelle Eaton, Ellen Edman, Derrick Edwards, Natalie * Ellis, Vicki L. Esteron, Tara B. * Evans, Angela M. * Fail, AShasa Firor, Erin Fogle, Tonyanika Foster, Jacky * Fox-Priest, Mindy M. Freeman, Belinda B. Gagnon, John A. ^ Galvano, Jenell Gardner, Erica ^ Gardner, Leila Gentzel, Carey Gibson, Mary Gierek, Kristy ^^ Gillett, Andrea Gipson, Zelma D. Goble, Candi ^ Gomez, Claudia Gomez, Iracema * Good, Theresa M. ^ Goodman, Alyssa M. * Gordon, Lora ^ Graca, Stephanie D. * Graham, Melody * Grimmer, Tawnya L. Hague, Maxine Handy, Brandon * Harlin, Jeremy ^ Hasbrouck, Dawn * Hearin, Deborah J. ^ Hensley, Heather Hernandez, Shawna Hoffman, Constance ^ Hoffman, William ^ Holloway, LaShanta F. * Irsik-Good, Sarah ^ Jakaila, Nequai ^^ Jamison, Mandy * Janoski, Mary Ann * Janosko, Frederick ** Jenkins, Sair Johnson-Ross, Sherie ^^ Joseph, Melissa L. ^ Kacevic, Enver Kately, Christina ^ Keehnen, JillAnn ^ Kelvie, Kathy ^ King, Lisa Knauff, Amanda R. ^ Kommer, Jane ** Langman, Evan ^^ Lawson, Laura ^ Livingston, Graciela Lockhart Calpito, Kimberly Locorini, Stacy ^ Lonngi Champion, Patricio Lopez, Michele Lottmann, Joseph ^ Macemore, Daniel T. ^^ Marion, Latoria McCaig, Donna * Mccullough, Portia McCurdy, Andrea M. McElroy, Nancy ^^ McGriff, Portia McKenzie, Suzzanne McLean, Sheree Mello, Shanna ^ Miller, Claire F. Milliron, Susan ^ Monkhouse, Christine Moon, Tammy D. * Moreland, DeAnna * Morgan, Michelle Morris, Charlene F. Moser, Jacqueline ^ Mullins, Angela * Mumford, Karen * Murphy, Donna ^ Navas, Licio Nelson, Crystal Nestved, Jennifer Niknam, Honey ^^ 22 Olson, Ashley ^ Ortega, Isela Osgood, Laurel Perez-Ochoa, Marcela Perkins, Diane Phillips, Audra C. Phillips, Ben Pitts, Tonya Pope, Tonya Powell, Yolanda ** Powers, Tracey Puglia, Dawn ^ Randler, Janet Reed, Kathryn L. Reilly, Grace Marie * Riley, Carrie-Ann ** Roberts, Jessica ^ Rodriguez, Maria Rojas, Claudia * Russell, Lauren L. Saint-Pierre, Latasha Salinas, Candace Seaboch, Joan ^ Severcool, Sheena Shapiro, Leticia ** Sherrills, Lavona Jean D. Shirey, Abby ^^ Shirley, Dallas ^ Sims, Bessie Smiley, Debbylynn ** Smith, Cynthia D. Smith, Kitara Smith, Ronald L. Spates, Tamera Spears, Felicia B. Spencer, Sheila M. ^ Stassi, Phyllis Stevers, Melissa Danielle D. Stinson, Kimberly E. ^ Summers, Karen O. ** Sutherland, Susan L. ^ Swan, Amanda F. ^ Tapp, Kelly Thekkumthala, Jennifer S. ^ Thomas, Rufus Turcios, Linda * Underwood, Tanya Valentine, Pamela ** Vaught, Robert G. Venable, Traci ** Wall, Gwendolyn H. ^ Warren, Janice * Washington, Ethel ^ Washington-Bell, Samantha Watson, Patricia ** Webb, Katherine L. Welch, Marcellus Whipple, Roberta M. ^^ White, Felicia Williams-Giffin, Martha S. Williams, Amy Williams, Derek J. * Wintruba, Shannon ^ Woodard, Amy M. ** Young, Loren ^ Young, Lori ^ Young, Loren Rolle ^ Associate of Applied Science Acevedo, Lourdes Alexander, Joet Allen, A. Hilda * Alspach, Sheila Alvey, Christine ^ Amori, Casey E. Anderson, Antoinette * Anthony, Cassia Baker, Tammy ^ Banks, Tamica Baumann, Jennifer Beauleau, Aliesha Becker, Lacey ** Beecham, Amanda Beeson, Douglas Belter, Erica* Benanzer, Becky ^ Benard, Aric ^ Benz, Sonja ^ Berner, Tina* Biggar, Tamberlin ^ Blackwell, Cheryl Blount, Rhonda Brooks, Amanda Broussard, Ebony * Carey, Jeana Carneal, Nancy ^ Carter, Renee Chong, Crystal E. ** Coffman-Kurtz, Shauna ** Coleman, Candice ** Collins, Melissa ^^ Combs, Dana A. ^ Cooke, Donal Crafton, September ^ Crampton, Kimberly ^ Crawford, Garry Crawl, Stephanie * Cullins, Dawn Curtis, Susan J. D’angelo, Lynne * Daniels, Susan ^ Darden, Heather Daves, Latosha Dean, Shaun DelGreco, James * Diggs-McKinney, Yvette R. ** Dilks, Carolyn Dillon, Sandra ^ Divine, Tiffany Domagauer, Donna F. Doty, Rodney ^ Drakeford, Chicquita Drobikov, Dima Duncan-Banks, Heather Falkowsky, Kirstin Farr, Darlene Farrel, Molly Fay, Sharon ^^ Fermin, Derek Fetko, Lisa ^ Foran, Melissa Forster, John T. Gaffney, Jenna ^ Garcia, Hokulani Gary, Ronald George, April ^^ Giesler, Tracy * Gilley, Linda Givens, Lavinia Glover, Jon T. * Gondo, Wolaya ** Gonzalez, Sylvia Gordon, Helen D. ^ Harrison, Alex * Hawes, Jessica Hawkins, Donna ** Hayes-Williams, Candace ** Hefner, Donna ^ Heidenreich, Brittany E. Hendrickson, Lydia ^ Hendy, Deron Hildreth, Myra K. * Hobbs, Deborah^^ Hodge, Kai ^ Hopper, Melissa Hoskin, James ^ Howard, Melody Ibekwe, Keri Jean Baptiste, Olanie Jeffery, April Jenkins, Michelle Jimenez, Maribel Johnson, Latoya Johnson, Rashida Jones, Sharri ** Juillerat, Paula ^ June, Antaleta Keller-Landon, Lynn ^ Kennedy, Bridget * Kim, Jessica * King-Woods, Gloria Jean 23 Kleinschmidt, Matthew S. Krum, Carrie Anne ^ Kulwicki, Corinna B. Long, Marlene Lopez, Karina A. Lugo, Jennifer ^ Ma, Nhi Macdonald, Natalie ** Madden, Michael * Mancillas, Joseph M. Mangold, Paula ^^ Manning, Latoya Manzer, Amy ^ Martinez, Yolanda L. Martinez, Yolanda Ivette Martino, Nicole M. McBride, Kimberly ^ McCombs, Corey McGruder, Gregory McHan, Brandi ^ Mendez, Melissa Merrill-White, Jessica Money, Trishia Morris, Arlene Myrick, Susan ^ Nichols, Janna Nier, Kimberly Nugent, Melina * Nyaga, Gaterina ^ Ollis, Quantana Ortega, Monica Ortiz, Johanna Ortiz, Vanessa ** Ousley, Carletha Owensby, Malinda ^ Parrish, Desiree Y. Patin, April Persoma, Shannon Peterson, Crystal Peterson, Jennifer ^ Pick, Rebecca S. ** Plourde, Hilary ^ Porter, Jessica Pratt, Lauren * Pringle, April Pritchard, Melissa ^ Rawles, Madeline Reid, Avis * Renner, Victoria Rhodes, Judy Richards, Brenda L. Richardson, Tanya Rivarde, Monique Robinson, Catina * Robinson, Kendra * Robinson-Al’Qawwee, Jamilah Rodriguez, Linda Samson, Susanna ^ Sanders, Melody B. ^ Schreiner, Molly Scott, Clover Shaver, Tammy Shifflett, Ashley Slattery, Samantha Smith, Catherine A. * Sneed, Deborah Soliday, Connie ^ Spezzaferro, Dana ** Stevenson, Linda Stewart, Alvina LaKiisha Stewart-Elliott, Alvina L. Suggs, Sheila Suhr, Nancy Sullivan, Kathleen ** Tharp, Elsie M. Thomas, Elena VanKemseke, Renee ^ VanTassel, Krisi ^ Varney Ernst, Lisa * Villalpando, Angela M. * Waite, Michelle Walker, Audrey M. Walker, Catherine Walter, Bettyann Walters, Michelle ** Watson, Maristella Wigg, Donald J. Wilcoxon, Jason ^ Wiley, Sharmaine Wilson, Latoya Winger, Stacey ^ Wise, Marion L. Wolfe, Rosanna M. ** Woodard, Candice Wright, Tracie L. * Northern, Jami N. Patterson, Stephanie Paul, Erin Rhodes, DoLinda Rogers, Catherine Rudolph, Deborah Salazar, Lorena Sharrieff, Yashua Shumate, Lee Smith, Kellee St. John, Acene Thornton, Kenya R. Tims, Takolya Vazquez, Leonel Walker, Sandra Witte, Kelly Yates, Courtnee Zachritz, Brittany Zielinski, Bethany Certificate Anderson, Khalilah Arndt, Patrick Burise, Bashita Burks, Christina Cadenas, Hilda Calkins, Lynette L. Castner, Brijet Cook, Angelica Crawford, Lakisha Davis, Donna Dunn, Susan Gay, Natasha Geiersbach, Jennifer Gorman, Elizabeth Hall, Misty Haynes, Amelia J. Heard, Patricia Hearne, Lani Holloway, Karin Hood, Nicole Hughes, Rory Ippolito, Toni Jenkins, James Jenkins, Kristine Jordan, Portia Lorenzen, Mary Marine, LaVondra Meyers, Robert Millon, Vicki Millon-Jones, Andrea Morales, Marisol Norfolk, Paige SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES Bachelor of Science Begley, Megan ^ Campbell, Danica D. * Coles, Carmela ^ Dullea, Robin A. ^ Goode, Shannon ^ Grabek, Nichole * Hernandez, Magaly Hill, Kellie ^^ Honea, Susan ^^ Jones-Hooker, Rosetta Nelson, Debra Payne, Hope Sarantos, Sara * Shepard, Melissa A. Snyder, Erika * Williams, Katie ^^ 24 Associate of Applied Science Allara, Tracy ^^ Anderson, Alisha Babel, Theresa * Beamer, Janice R. ^ Beck, Chris ^ Beckman, Carolyn * Boylan, Michelle ** Brown, Janet Bugarin, Sandra P. * Burke, Unilda ** Byrd, Lynda ^^ Caruso, Danielle ^ Chenoweth, Tessa * Ciarrocchi, Nicole Clary, Sara Clauson, Susan Coffman, Ron * Colwell, Luequiten D. * Covarrubias, Sonya A. Cox, Kathleen * Creekmore, Peggy Cross, Kelly * Dale, Johanna Davidson, Sarah ** Dempsey, Ramonia Eckel, Heidi Ergang-Coalter, Jen M. * Espinosa, Celia Farenga, Terri Ferguson, Linda Fields, Bryan ^ Frady, Vicki Frossard, Catherine ^ Gann, Susan Gardner, Belinda * Garrett, Tricia George, Andrea ** Griffin, Jennifer M. Haley, Kara S. ^ Hall, Laverne Harris, Tanya * Haskell, Brenda Hays, Cathy Heine, Christine Hodges, Lisa ^ Hostetter, Talitha * Howard, Deanna * Ibrahim, Khawla * Illerbrun, Erin M. * Irish, Helen ** Jackson, Jennifer ^ Jackson, LaKeisa ** Jacobs, Lena L. Jaeger, Allison ^ Johnson, Lynn A. Johnson, Tonya ** Jones, Dorothea * Jordan, Mary * Jordan, Pamela ^ Journell, Tory ^ Kinley, Kelly Kit, Faith L. ^ Klingensmith, Melanie * Koeum-Trexler, Annie M. Kuhn, Rhonda ^ Lamer, Anna * Larsen, Tammie Lawler, Autumn * Leonard, Jennifer R. Lewellen, Brandi Lindner, Linn ** Lopez, Marilyn Lorenz, Julie ^ Lucka, Pamela ^ Lynn, Devon L. ** Mapes, Tanisha Lynn ^ Markle, Kara * Mason, Theresa May, Icie ^ McDougal, Lisa ^ McDowell, Shannon ^ McKinley, Heather Mclendon, Stacey Merchant, Tina * Moon, Gretchen ^^ Neal, Tanya ** Nolder, Susan ** O’Leary, Tara * Parsons, Karen Patterson, Kristina * Patton, Andrea Payney, Nichole R. Pittman, Joann Pontow, Nicole ** Prince-Williams, Kailah Proffitt, Jennifer Ramirez, Laura ^ Ramsey, Sharon Reed, Sandra ^ Reese, Francine * Reese, Tamika * Reichert, Rebecca Reny, Sheena Rivera, Maria * Robertson, Veronica * Robson, Amanda ^^ Rodriguez, Christine S. * Russell, Anne Russell, Kathryn Sackett, Jody * Scheitler, Kelly * Schneider, Jamie Schoenberg, Michele K. Short, Angela ^ Shuman, Lori A. ^ Simmons, Tiffany Sisk, Belinda ^ Slade, Yolanda Smalley, Amy ** Smarra, Jennifer ^ Smith, Jane Smith, Jessica Smith, Sonjia ** Sommer, Paulette L. Stankovic, Aleksandra Starr, Tina ** Stiegelmeier, Kim M. * Szwydek, Nancy ^^ Tarbox, Keitha L. Thomas, Samantha Thompson, Pauline ** Threats, Cheryl ^ Tibbetts, Kaylin ^ Tolbert, Penny Vanderbilt, Emily J. * Vecchio, Jennifer ^ Walker, Lorene Walker, Melinda K. * Wassom, Taffy L. * Watts, Kristie Lee * Waugh, Jennifer R. Whitehurst, Elana Williams, Renee * Willoughby, Barbara * Wilson, Lisa SCHOOL OF NURSING Bachelor of Science Abreo-Perkins, Adrienne Ajay, Geetha * Allen, Jennifer ^^ Araza, Aileen ^ Arnold, Katrina * Arnold, Meghan ^ Bernal, Rachel ^ Blackburn, Angela Bogert, Danielle ^ Bowman, Linda ^ Boyd,Lisa Mary^ Brady, Kassandra ^ Bramstedt, Stacy ^^ Brown, Susan ^ Burt, Laura ^ Butler, Cecelia ^^ Byl, Helen ** Canfield, Kristina * 25 Cappadonia, Julee * Carlson, Paula ^ Carter, Stefanie L. Centeno, Amyrica ^ Cherenfant, Kettia Chi, Hermes * Clarke, Shaundel ^ Coleman, Keri ^ Colliflower, Tricia Compton, Jane Cook, Joely ^ Cooke, Glynda * Covatta, Katherine ^^ Dantzler, Monica * Davis-Logan, Nikia ^ Demeyer, William ** Dibagio, Christopher * Dippner-Robertson, Vicki ^ Duncan, Yonette ^ Dusenbery, Christine * Dusold, Rachel A. ^^ Earnest, Jr., Tommy ^ Ebbert, Melanie ^^ Everett, Heather ^^ Fairbanks, Kelly ^ Fears, Joanne ^ Feliciano, Sandra * Fennessey, Melanie ^^ Fisher, Paula ^^ Flynn, Linda K. * Force, Rosemarie ^ Ford, Corliss ^ Gard, Emily ** Geisler, Patricia Darlene ^ George, Bonnie ** Gray, Stephanie ^ Haley, Gloria ^ Hall, Lynn ^^ Hayden, Darlene K. ^ Herbert, Rachael ^ Herring, Michele Hicks, LaShawn * Highfield, Linda ^^ Hodgson, Jessica ^ Holbert, Vicki ^ Holt, MaryLynn ^ Hurtado, Vivian Issac, Baiju * Johnson, Audrey ^ Johnson, Katherine ^ Jones, Deborah ^^ Jurisprudencia-Ampig, Jazzie Justice, Patricia Kanary, Kelly ** La Greca, Maria * LaPoint, Rita ^ Larson, Brian ** Leeds, Chelsea ^^ Lowery, Anthony ^^ Lutz, Tara ^ Macchio, Angela ^ MacDonald, Joan ^^ Mallory, Sarah ^ Marinan, Ursala ^ Martin, Carmen ^ Martin-Linnard, Tamara J. ^^ McCloy, Margaret ^^ McFarlane, Denise Mckeon, Cathleen ^ McLeod, Sharon ^ Medure, Valerie ^ Moise, Andree A. ^ Nenne, Karen ^ Nettleton, Mellissa ** Nwuha, Cordelia N. Nyagaya, Bertha ^ Octavien, Farah * Padurets, Iosif ** Patel, Parul ^^ Paul, Lisa ** Pena, Chrystal ^ Porter, Stephanie ** Quackenbush, Alicia ^ Rangasammy, Jeniffer ^ Reed, Judith ^^ Remmer, Mary ^^ Rerko, Charlotte ^ Roberts, Kimberli Robinson, Heather Rock, Sharon ^ Ruiz, Cynthia ^^ Rupe, Amber ^ Scott, Deborah * Searl, Frank ^ Shipley, Mary C. ** Sisemore, Tracy ^ Sjolander, Veronica ^ Skajem, Joyce ^ Smalls, Patricia E. Smith, Shirleen ^ Sonza, Patrick ^^ Spicher, Shandra ^^ Stewart, Sharone Stille, Peggy ^^ 26 Tabron, Sundrell ^ Teising, Rebecca Ternes, Cynthia ^ Thurnau, Judy ^^ Tindall, Leistey Tomoiaga, Ana Maria * Tulloch-Franklyn, Belinda U. ^ Uwakwe, Jane ** Wait, Rikki R. ^ Walker, Kendra ^ Ward-Lee, Ana ^ Warner, Laura ^ West, Paul ^ Wilkinson, Tammy L. * Williams-Gunter, Lisa ^^ Wilson, Gaye ^^ Woods-Fiscus, Pauline ^ Yearwood, Carlene * Young, Pamela ^^ KAPLAN UNIVERSITY FACULTY ARTS AND SCIENCES Aleem, Yasmeen, MS Archer, Judy, EdD Bauer, Joanna, MA Baughman, Patricia, EDS Baysinger, Cheryl, PhD Becker, Lori, MS Belcher, Joseph, PhD Benites, Mary Ann, MEd Bertke, Nicole, MS Bonnevier, Nancy, MA Bradt-Hyland, Cheryl, MS Brand, Miranda, EdD Brien, Deborah, MS Cameron, Ginger, MA Clark, Liz, PhD Crush, Deborah, MA Davis, Lisa, MAT DelliCarpini, Margo, PhD Donnellan, Beth, MEd Fischer, Michelle, MSW Flood, Nancy Bo, PhD Fortney, Marsha, MA Fowler, Dianne, MBA Fox, Amanda, MA Fuller, Charitie, MS Funk, JoAnn , PhD Gerardy, Lisa, MA Grace, Patti, MS Gregg, Fran, MA Gruskin, Sande, MS Halem, Chris, MA Hannigan, Carrie, MS Hanor, Deborah, MS Jewell, Jennifer, MA Jordan, Tibe, MA Kelley, Brian, MA King, Tom, PhD Knight, Carol, MS Langton, Diana, MS Leonard, Kristina, MA, MS Manock, Julianne, MS Manock, Mike, EDS Marshall, Catharina, MA Mason, James, MA Matlock, Jeryl, PhD Matthews, Elizabeth, PhD Mayfield, Carol, MOM McAlister, Gordon, PhD McLain, Shannon, MS Mitchell Motes, Lindsay, MS Moretti, Nancy, MS Neigenfind, Vicki, MS Pape, Nabilah, MA Peterson, Tanya, MA Rhoades, Jason, PhD Rice, Lori, MA Riley, Julie, MS Ruble, Verlinda, MA Russell, Nancy, MSW Sanger, Katherine, MA Schmidt, Jennifer, MSEd Stallard, Jan, MA Stevenson, Carolyn, EdD Streit, Mary, PhD Tempelmeyer, Teresa, PhD Thompson, Stephanie, PhD White, Diana, MEd Wright, Lisa, PhD Allen, Tina, DPA Atsidis-(Howard), Deborah, MSW Barta, Marguerite, PhD Beasley, Sheri, PhD Bjorling, Terra, MS Brown, Sharon, MBA Brubaker, Sarah, MBA Byrd, Kimberly, MBA Cates, Steven, DBA Chagala, Jennifer, MA Chavez, Kym, MBA Cochran, Bradley, MS Cojanu, Kevin, PhD Dana, Heather, MBA Davis, Wendy, MPA Delotell, Pamela, MBA DeSeno, James, MFA DiGiammarino, Sam, MBA Doyle, Sean, MBA Driskell Wright, Lanie, MBA Elkins, Kelly, JD Fail, Charles, MBA Felder-Strauss, Jaclyn, MS Fiermonte, Guido, PhD Flores, Jimmie, PhD Flynn, Catherine, PhD Gagnon, Caroline, MS Gates, Sandra, PhD Geronimo, Roger, PhD Gilchrist, Tom, MPA Goodman, Michelle, MAT Gunzelman, Rita, MBA Harper, Ashley, MS Heller, Nathan, PhD Henderson, Jane, EdD Herman, Rebecca, PhD Hewett, Thomas, PhD Hochanadel, Aaron, MBA BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Abate, Jason, MBA Abeyta, Derek, MS, MBA Achilles, Wendy, PhD 27 Hochanadel, Cathleen, CPA, MBA Howell, Robert, MBA Janowich, Joan, MS Javarinis, Thomas, PhD Kaiser, Alethea, MEd Kelly, Judy, MS Kofron, Kia Beth, MBA Krishnan, Rathi, MA Lerner, Elaine, JD Machuca, Ana, PhD Martin, Kerry, MS Martin, Gillian, MOM McCoy, Craig, PhD McDermott, Martin, MBA McKenna, Barbara, MEd Millam, Loretta, MBA Miller, Mitchell, DBA Mulnix, Michael, PhD Nicks, Robin, PhD Norris, Ernest, DoM Okrepkie, Bill, MS Olson, Joel, PhD Pavone, Theresa, PhD Pettine, Susan, PhD Phillips, JoDee, MBA Reinhardt, Michelle, MA Rexach, Gretchen, MS Runyon, Nicole, PhD Schaefer, Thomas, DBA Schoenherr, Denise, MBA Snow, Ken, MBA Sparks, George, PhD Spotts, Thomas, PhD Starcher, Toni, JD Starnes, David, MBA Strouble, Dennis, PhD Taylor, Jerry, MBA Taylor, Sandra, PhD Tyler, Jeff, MSM Vice, Josef, MA Wallace, Lisa, PhD Walters, Kimberly, PhD Wasfy, Khairy, MBA Watson, Terry, MBA Wilson, Eric, MS Wise, Leonel, MBA Yudasz, Mitch, MLS Zgourides, Christie, MA Zurick, Andryce, PhD CRIMINAL JUSTICE Burke, Joan, MA Campbell, Terry, MPA Clay, Adam, PhD Collie, Fred, MS Cuevas, Jessie, MCJ Ellsworth, Erica, MA Globokar, Julie, MA Guyant, Christopher, MSA Halley, Fred, MS Hulvat, Jennifer, JD Kopczynski, Robert, MS Kozyra, Timothy, JD Major, Aline, MS McGovern, Carolyn, MS Miller, Cloud, PhD Morley, Patrick, JD Moyle, Laura, MS Pardue, Timothy, MS Price, Jamie, MS Quixley, Charles, JD Reich, Ann, MA Roberson, Clifford, PhD Roberts, Jeffrey, MBA Rudeen, Scott, MBA Ruth, Michael, MS Ryon, Stephanie Bontrager, PhD Surber, Amy, MSMFT Tysick, Noah, MA Vah Seliskar, Holli, MS Vice, Josef, PhD Wienecke, Angel, MA Winters, Robert, JD Zucker, Marc, PsyD ohnson, Nancy, MAE Johnston, Mark, EdD Kelly, Teresa Marie, MAT Kingsbury, Jeff, MD Laska, Mary, PhD Leonard, Thea, MS Lockwood, Bob, PhD Mitchell, Dave, PhD Mitchell, Sherrie, MS O’Neill, Patricia, PhD Orr, Penny, PhD Rafalovich, Adam, PhD Robinson, Jeffery, DMin Rodriguez, Cathy, MA Rosenberry, Lea, MAEd Santiago Bass, Celine, PhD Shank, Kira, MEd Silver, Jennifer, PhD Stepp, Elizabeth, PhD Tsapara, Irene, PhD Vaughan, Robert, DMin Villareal, Linda, MA Wall, Donna, MS Whiffen, Charles, MS Zientara, Sue, PhD GENERAL EDUCATION Adams, April, PhD Arnold-Wyche, Erica, MA Basta, Alfred, PhD Beach, Brenda, PhD Bliss, Eric, PhD Brabson, Elizabeth, MS Breiter, Abbe, MS Brown, Susan, EdD Carroll, Marnie, PhD Cercone, Kathleen, PhD Cline, Kenneth, MS Coller, Susan, MS Cross, Debbie, MA Daghighi, Abdol, MA Dagwell, John, MAT Dekorte, Jodene, PhD DeLong, David, MS Dlabach, Gregory, EdD Donnelly, Sharon, MBA Duke, Betsy, PhD Erickson, Paige, MA Eyster, Tamara, MA Fail, Russell, MDiv Foley, Maureen, MS Fordyce, Louisa, PhD Foster, Angela M., EdD Hall, Alan, MA Halstead, Marge, MS Harper, Ginger, MEd Harrison, Jennifer, MA Hofegartner, Crystal, MA GRADUATE EDUCATION Bowden, Randall, PhD Brown, Mary, EdD Connolly, Sara, PhD Gray, Rick, EdD James, Robin, PhD Kahrhoff, Jahna, EdD Lombardo, Charles, PhD Massenzio, Lynn, PhD Morgan, Margaret, MEd Payne, Mary, EdD Robey-Graham, Anne, EdD Rubel, Carol, EdD Zucker, Gloria, EdD 28 HEALTH SCIENCES Alexander, Trisha, MA Andrade, Jeanette, MS Benton, Brooke, MS Berry, Tricia, MA Bonefas, Rebecca, MA Claire, Jennifer, MS Cummings, Raquel, MA Dantzler-Harris, Carol, MEd Epperson, David, MBA Friesen, Lisa, MEd Hamdan, Saeed, PhD Harrington, Jill, MS Harrison, Betty, MA Hollander, Christine, MA Honea, Susan, MA Hoover, Tina, MPH Iannelli, Grant, DC Jex, Wendyanne, MPA Koslo, Jennifer, MS Lovelace, Barbara Tai, MA Manning, Ellen, MA Martinez, Rebecca, PharmD Maule, Mark, MS Miller, Kelly, MPH Morales-Negron, Hector, PhD Niemiec, Nicole, MBA Parker, Holly, MA Prakash, Jaya, MD Prejean, A., PhD Quarles, Lee, MSN Samples, Oreta, DHSc Shaffer, Lee, DC Shanholtzer, Marybeth, MA Simon-Shipman, Rochelle, MEd Stevens, Christo, PharmD Turner, Douglas, PhD Walter, Gayle, MPH Wells, Carrie, MA Wiome, Beth, MBA INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY Albert, Connie, MS Anderson, Dana, MEd Barilovits, Karlyn, PhD Beyer, Stephen, PhD Blatt, Jay, MA Caddel-Liles, Sydney, MS, MA Cunningham, Dara, MA DePriest, Desiree, PhD Edwards-Walcott, Carol, MEd Fenick, Michael, MIT Freeland, Panagiota, MFA Fudge, Tamara, DM Giannoni, Dawn, PhD Glenn-Cotton, Cynthia, MAS Hall, Linnea, JD Jenewein, Glen, MS Kotsiovos, Jean, MA Leete, Denise, MEd Loonan, Rochelle, MA Loret de Mola, Antonio, MS McDanolds, Jan, MS McKee, Theresa, MBA Miller, Terry, MS Norris, Susan, MBA Orsega, Michael, PhD Remus, Brenda, MITE Renick, Michael, MS Ryba, Brad, MBA Selby, Allison, MS Serafini, Tina, DS Sluymers, Monique, MITE Smith, David, MEd Smith, Kimberly, MS Tilden, Carol, MSIT Tuccinardi, Sandro, JD, MITE Valenza, Keith, MS Ward, Lisa, MS Wilkins, Jerry, MSIT Williams, Lynne Y., PhD 29 LEGAL STUDIES NURSING Basmajian, Pam, JD Berube, John, JD Buenger, Holly, JD Burnette, Sara, JD Chiacchia, Monique, JD Clark, Renee, JD Cohen, Barbara, JD Connor, Martin, JD D’Ambrosio, Rich, JD Devine, Ginger, JD Gray, John, JD Ingmire, Susan, JD Jensen, Michael, MA Lorenzo, Penny, JD McElligott, Jane, JD Nygren, Donna, MBA Olsen, Cheryl, JD Paglino, Jane, JD Parrish, Sarah, JD Reiley, Bo, LLM Smith, Jamie, JD Thornton, Jamie, MEd Wolak, Roseann, MA Gunderson, Barbara, MSN Kieffer, Susan, MSN Legg, Timothy, PhD Mason, Wendy, MSN Morrison, Jeanne, PhD Philip, Reena, MSN Roberts, Heather, MSN Sklar, Jody, MA Thomas-Eckroade, Melissa, MSN Whitworth, Bobbie, MSN The Mace The mace was originally a medieval weapon that was carried by bishops of the church into battle as a protective device. The mace has survived for more than 900 years in a shape similar to that of a club, which commemorates its very early use. In later times, the mace was carried by sergeants-at-arms who were bodyguards of kings and others of high rank. Both Richard I of England and Phillip II of France ordered their sergeant-at-arms to carry a ceremonial mace. Legislative bodies, such as the English Parliament, also adopted the ceremonial mace as part of the pomp and circumstance associated with opening the meeting of the body. As universities developed during this same period, they too adopted the mace for use in academic processions. Today, the mace is carried by the “Macebearer” who leads the platform party, which includes the University President and other dignitaries, onto the stage for the graduation ceremony. Throughout history, special craftsmen were presented with the task of decorating the mace so it carefully embodied the history, traditions, and symbols of the academic institution. Often, leading citizens or alumni of a university would donate the mace at the time of a special event. 30 Academic Regalia and Dress Robes and hoods worn during the commencement are steeped in a tradition that dates back to the eleventh century, when the monks who administered Oxford University in England wore shoulder capes to protect themselves from scratches when they gathered alms and hoods to protect their shaven heads from the cold. Eventually, the garb became daily attire and served as insulation from the damp and cold inside the University’s walls, and as identification that one had permission to pass into specific college buildings. In the United States, the academic robes and hoods were first adopted as ceremonial attire for college officials in 1754 at the institution now known as Columbia University. In 1885, students in many of the country’s colleges and universities launched a movement to permit graduating candidates to wear robes and caps during the commencement. Eight years later, an intercollegiate commission of university officials adopted the country’s first code of color and design for the academic garb. Faculty soon adopted the custom of wearing gowns at commencement and other academic ceremonies. Although the code has been revised many times, today’s academic regalia represent those modifications accepted in 1960 and adopted by nearly 95 percent of the nation’s postsecondary institutions. In the United States today, the academic robe is most often black; some institutions, however, sanction the use of specific colors. The length of the robe, the width of the sleeves’ borders, and the length of the hood all increase with each advanced degree. Colors in the hood identify both the specific field of study in which the degree was earned, as shown by the velvet border, as well as the institution that granted it, as shown by the lining. The following color table provides a key to the fields of study according to the Intercollegiate Code: COLOR OF THE HOOD’S VELVET BORDER AND THE REPRESENTED FIELD OF STUDY Apricot........................................................................ Nursing Blue, Dark..............................................................Philosophy Blue, Light.............................................................. Education Blue, Peacock.................................... Public Administration Brown......................................... Fine Arts and Architecture Cardinal, Dark.......................................... Home Economics Citron................................................................Social Science Copper...................................................................Economics Drab................................................ Business Administration Gold (Golden Yellow).......................................Criminology Gold (Golden Yellow)................................................ Science Green.........................................................................Medicine Green, Olive............................................................Pharmacy Green, Sage..............................................Physical Education Grey...........................................................Veterinary Science Grey, Silver.................................................Speech (Oratory) Lemon............................................................ Library Science Lilac...........................................................................Dentistry Maize..................................................................... Agriculture Maroon..................................................................Journalism Orange.................................................................Engineering Pink, Salmon.................................................... Public Health Pink.................................................................................Music Purple................................................................................. Law Red.........................................................................Technology Russet..........................................................................Forestry Scarlet................................................... Theology or Divinity White......................................Arts, Letters, and Humanities 31 Hyatt Regency Miami Map 32 Reception Locations Arts and Sciences.................................................................................................................................................... Jasmine Room Business and Management...............................................................................................................................Regency Ballroom Criminal Justice...................................................................................................................................................... Riverfront Hall Education................................................................................................................................................................. Jasmine Room Health Sciences........................................................................................................................................................ Jasmine Room Information Systems and Technology............................................................................................................Regency Ballroom Legal Studies........................................................................................................................................................... Riverfront Hall Nursing.....................................................................................................................................................................Orchid Rooms Other Locations Student Store......................................................................................................................................................Upper Promenade Alumni Booth.................................................................................................................................................................. Riverwalk Graduation........................................................................................................................ James L. Knight International Center 33 Notes Notes Notes
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