Linwood Public Charter School


Linwood Public Charter School
Warrior News
Volume 1, Issue 1
Linwood Public
Charter School
Inside this issue:
Tips for a Great Year
Candy Donations
Student Life Events
Flu Season
Parent –Teacher Con- 3
Special points of interest:
 Parent -Teacher Conference: No School for
 Professional Development: Students will be
dismissed at 12 noon.
 Fall Break: Monday,
October 20, 2014 - No
Friday, October 10, 2014
The Director’s Corner
It is an honor and privilege
to serve such outstanding
students, parents, and faculty
that make up the community
of Linwood Public Charter
School. At LPCS, I think you
will feel and experience a
sense of excitement as you
walk through the halls of our
school. I hope that you will
feel welcomed as you become involved with your
child’s school experiences.
Throughout the school year
you can stay on top of your
child’s progress through Parent-Teacher Conferences and
communication with your
child’s Academic Quality
Controller (AQC). Look for
diaries coming home from
school each day—
newsletters, invitations, updates, tips, and reminders.
Your communication
with us is very important. Please do
not hesitate to contact your child’s
AQC, whenever you
have a question or
I know you will take
part in your child’s
education by inquiring about their time spent at
school. Get involved as they
complete their homework or
seek your help on special
projects. Encourage your
child to read at least 20
minutes every night, and
quiz them on their notes. I
am confident that your child
will demonstrate greater motivation as you continue to
show interest in their academic and social experiences.
2014: Lights, Camera, Action!
We will certainly work on
our end to provide your
child with the best education
possible. Let’s work together
to make this an excellent
school year in every way!
Thank you for your support.
Vickie Carroll
SABIS® Educational System
SABIS® Educational Systems manages Linwood Public Charter
School as well as 80+ other schools with approximately 60,000+ students in 15
countries and over 4,500 employees around the world.
The distinguishing mark of our schools is the implementation of the SABIS ® Educational System. It is a system that offers a rigorous, internationally-oriented, college-preparatory curriculum for students aged 3 to 18+ focusing primarily on the
core subjects of English, mathematics, sciences, and world languages.
Page 2
Warrior News
Counselor’s Corner
Tips for a Great School Year!
Linwood Public Charter School is
a wonderful, exciting adventure.
Kindergarten and first grade
students are exposed to structured and organized learning environments while
middle school students have more
freedom, independence, and responsibility. Both groups
have fun and learn Counselor’s are
here for guida great deal. No
matter what the grade level,
many students may feel a little
anxiety about the school year.
Below are some tips that may
ease the anxiety and help make
this year a great one.
Be in school every day. Attendance is the #1 success factor.
Be organized. Every student
has more than one teacher.
Keep up with everything by
bringing a backpack to school..
Get involved in school activities. Getting involved in activities will help you meet new people, develop new skills, and have
Take advantage of tutoring
opportunities. After school tutoring will help strengthen those
skills in subjects where you may
need a little extra help.
Give your best effort every
day. Work hard in your classes.
You want to have an academic
record that you can be proud
Use these tips to have a great
school year!
Romilda Jenkins, Counselor
Aundrial Booker, Social Worker
Candy Donations
Parent Connection will sponsor our Halloween Boo Bag sell, which is fast approaching on October 31, 2014.We are
requesting donations from teachers,
staff, and parents to assist with making
this a successful fundraising event.
Please donate any and all varieties of
candy. Please send your donations to
Mrs. Williams by October 27th.
Boo Bags are on sale now for $1. Dead-
line to purchase a Boo-Bag is Friday,
October 24.
and support of Parent Connection!
Thanks in advance for your donation
From the Student Life Office
October 22: Donuts with Dads
(6:30am for 6th—8th Gr.) (7:30am for
K—1st Gr.)
October 30: Pizza by the Slice (All
Grade Levels)
October 31: Fall Harvest Dance (6th 8th Gr. Only)
Box Top for Education
Please continue to collect/send box
tops, coke product-bottle caps, Capri
Sun and Kool-Aid Jammer pouches.
The school will receive materials, supplies and monetary donations for
school use.
Remain on the lookout for more ways
you can assist us with fundraising.
Fun Happens in Student Life...
Volume 1, Issue 1
Page 3
Health Watch
Don’t Let the Flu Get Your Child
If your child has ever had the flu, you
know how bad it can make you feel.
To help avoid all that misery — as
well as possible health complications
— doctors now recommend that all
teens through age 18 get a flu vaccine
every year.
The flu season is from November to
April, with most cases occurring between late December and early March,
but the vaccine is usually offered between September and mid-November.
Getting the shot before the flu season
is in full force gives the body a chance
to build up immunity or protection
from the virus.
The Linwood SchoolBased Health Center will
begin offering flu shots to
all students within the
upcoming weeks. Flu
shot consent forms will
be sent home during the
first week of October.
Parents must complete
and sign the consent
form in order to have
their child(ren) receive
the flu shot. Remember
that the single best way
to protect your child
against the flu is to have
him/her vaccinated each
year. Parents may contact the Health Center at
868-4552 to have questions answered regarding the flu shot.
Get Your Flu Shot, This
Tea Day !
Par feren oachi
From the Desk of The Academic Quality Controller’s (AQC)
After School/Extended Day Tutoring
Parent-Teacher Conference Day will be
Friday, October 17 from 8:00a.m. 4:45p.m. Contact the front office or
your designated AQC to schedule an
appointment to meet with your child’s
track for postsecondary success. PARCC
focuses on the Common Core State Standards and is given in ELA and math.
Step 4:
Choose the grade level you desire your
child to practice
Please visit the following site
for practice: http://
(6th - 8th Grade) This year your child will
take the Partnership for Assessment of
Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC). The PARCC high stakes
quality assessments will allow parents and
educators to see how children are progressing in school and whether they are on
This site gives students and parents access
to PARCC style questions.
Please contact your child’s Academic
Quality Controller (AQC) if you have
any questions regarding your child’s
academic progress.
6th Grade: Mrs. Cruse - 683-2578
Step 2: Click practice tests.
7th Grade: Mr. Montellano - 683-2530
Step 3: Choose English Language Arts or
8th Grade: Ms. Wilson - 683-2542
Linwood Public Charter School
401 West 70th Street
Visit Us on the web:
Shreveport, LA 71106
Phone: 318.683.2500
Fax: 318.865.0452
K - 1st Grade: Ms. Johnson - 683-2537
Step 1: Enter the link into the browser.
For all of the latest information on upcoming events...please Like Us on
Facebook @ linwood charter.
Business Name
Primary Business Address
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Address Line 4
This would be a good place
to insert a short paragraph about your organizat
ion. It might include the
purpose of the organization
, its mission, founding
date, and a brief history. You
could also include a
brief list of the types of pro
ducts, services, or programs your organization off
ers, the geographic area
covered (for example, weste
rn U.S. or European
markets), and a profile of the
types of customers or
members served.
It would also be useful to inc
lude a contact name
for readers who want more
information about the
Phone: 555-555-5555
Fax: 555-555-5555
Business Tagline or Motto
We’re on the Web!
Back Page Story Headline
This story can fit 175-225 words.
If your newsletter is folded and
mailed, this story will appear on the
back. So, it’s a good idea to make it
easy to read at a glance.
A question and answer session is a
good way to quickly capture the attention of readers. You can either compile
questions that you’ve received since
the last edition or you can summarize
some generic questions that are frequently asked about your organization.
listing of those here. You may want to
refer your readers to any other forms
of communication that you’ve created
for your organization.
regular event, such as a breakfast
meeting for vendors every third Tuesday of the month, or a biannual charity auction.
You can also use this space to remind
readers to mark their calendars for a
If space is available, this is a good
place to insert a clip art image or
some other graphic.
A listing of names and titles of managers in your organization is a good
way to give your newsletter a personal
touch. If your organization is small,
you may want to list the names of all
If you have any prices of standard
products or services, you can include a
Caption describing picture or graphic.