. YHRIM Newsletter 15


. YHRIM Newsletter 15
YHRIM Newsletter
15th Day – 7th Month – 5996s.c.
Shabbat Shalom Yahsharel/Yisrael!
Last evening at the going down of the sun/sunset, Yahuah's Two Witnesses which He placed in the
heavens, the Sun and Moon, to Speak Forth His Calendar, has declared this to be the the 15th Day
Weekly Shabbat/Sabbath of the 7th Month in this the Scriptural Year 5996 s.c. (since the
creation of Ahdam/Adam) (pagan roman dates of sunset of 3rd day oct. 2014 – through – sunset of the
4th day oct. 2014).
Which today, the 15th day of the 7th month, is Also an Annual Shabbat as it is
1st Day of Chag Sukkot/Feast of Tabernacles!
At this time of year, there is a common subject and teaching that makes its rounds through-out
many/most messianic assemblies. It usually goes something like this:
"...This is the Feast of Tabernacles and is the birthday of the messiah, and we celebrate his birth
during this time, because it is when the messiah came down from heaven to tabernacle with man..."
The only problem is, NONE of those things are in Yahuahs Word!
#1 We as Yahsharel/Yisrael are NOT to celebrate ANY 'birthdays', as that is directly from pagan
origins, which we should have absolutely no part of. The only time you see birthdays being
celebrated in Yahuahs Word, is when it is being done by people who did Not serve Yahuah, and/or
where there was a human sacrifice performed. Such as was the case at herods birthday when Yochanan
the Immerser/John the baptist was beheaded, among other Scriptural examples.
#2 Yahusha ha Moshiach/Messiah was NOT born during Sukkot! The Word is Very Clear on the Time
of His Birth, and it was NOT in the fall.
If you want to know when Yahuahs Word shows the Messiah was really born, Last Days Watchman
Moshe EliYahu the overseer of YHRIM, wrote a teaching several years ago, which he first taught more
than 25+ years ago.
This teaching is simply titled: Yahusha's Earthly Birth Month
This teaching is on our main website on the Teaching Publications Page.
The Direct Link to this Teaching is:
We hope that Yahsharel/Yisrael gains the correct understanding of this and All Restoration Truths
from Yahuahs Word.
And also, even in the mist of the Multitudes of Major Events Occurring All Around Us Each and
Everyday, that Yahuah blesses His People who are seeking Him and trying to become Obedient to His
Word, during this time of Chag Sukkot.
Everyone who is keeping this Chag Sukkot at Yahuahs Appointed time, this is a time of Rest &
Rejoicing! As this week represents the Millennial Kingdom! So we pray that you have a
Blessed and Joyful Sukkot!
~Shabbat Shalom
Yahusha ben Moshe EliYahu
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"No Scripture Ever Contradicts another Scripture, if it seems to we just need to
adjust our perspective until we can see them clearly. Unless you can use All of
Yahuahs Word without throwing any out, you can't Teach that subject Fully or
Ahmos /Amos 9:9-11 "For, see, I will command, and I will sift Beit Yisrael among all
nations, like corn is sifted in a sieve, yet the least kernel of grain shall not fall upon the earth. 10
All the sinners of My people shall die by the sword, who say, The evil shall not overtake nor
find us. 11 In that day I will raise up the Sukkah of David that has fallen, and close up the
breaches of it; and I will raise up its ruins, and I will rebuild it as in the days of old:”
Luka/Luke 21:28 ”And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up
your heads; for your Geulah/Redemption draws near.”
Hoshea/Hosea 14:1-9 “4 I will heal their backsliding, I will love them instantly: for My anger
will be turned away from him.”
Yahuahs House of Refuge International Ministries
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