The Link What's On Health Advice Mobile Phone
The Link What's On Health Advice Mobile Phone
The Link YOUR FREE MAGAZINE! ISSUE 8, OCTOBER 2014 What's On in Naas & Newbridge Mobile Phone Pricewatch Health Advice Do I Need Planning Permission? Bake The Perfect Soda Bread Your Beauty Questions Answered Plus Much More... Delivered free to 16,000 homes & businesses every month ‘Your Local Advertiser’ Covering Naas & Newbridge The Link The Link Magazine Rates (Serving Naas & Newbridge) DESCRIPTION PREMIUM ADVERTISEMENT Full Page Advertisement Half Page Advertisement Quarter Page Advertisement TRADE AND SERVICES Single Advert Double Advert If you have an event or function you would like to share please email or call Kieran on 01 4019704 or 087 262 7055 ONE ISSUE THREE ISSUES One Issue €395 Three Issues €350 Per Issue One Issue €250 Three Issues €225 Per Issue One Issue €135 Three Issues €120 Per Issue One Issue €35 Three Issues €25 Per Issue One Issue €60 Three Issues €45 Per Issue Welcome to the October edition of the Naas & Newbridge Link. We have articles and ads mixed for your perusal and enjoyment. Fruit 4U have their usual great offers and as usual, their briquettes are the best value in the county at 5 bales for only €20 and not 4 for twenty as last month’s ad stated. This is very much a local magazine and we are strong believers in local businesses – they are the heartbeat of our two towns. We urge you to trawl through the pages and consider making your purchases here at home where you live. Local businesses employ local people and, of course, plough We have a new regular contributor, Ger Fahy, a professionally qual- their profits back into local trades and services. ified and experienced planner whose first article here, “Do I Need Planning Permission?” is a must-read if you are thinking of building We welcome comments and suggestions, feel free on or converting. Look out for her monthly planning advice. Denis to contact us at The Link, we try to answer all corLacey loves his mother-in-law and her soda bread and will be a regu- respondence. lar contributor too – and lots more. Pre-pay Mobile Phones How much do YOU pay? Pre-pay mobile phone – what does €20 get you? Supplier: Vodafone Wading through websites and catalogues trying to determine what mobile ‘phone purchase plan offers the best value is an exhausting and thankless task. If I were cynical, I would think the plethora of information available from suppliers was published to confuse, not to inform… Option 1: Free Vodafone Calls, Vodafone Texts and 250 Mb internet Option 2: Free Any Network Texts, free 250 Mb Internet Supplier: Meteor Mix and Match from the following: Unlimited Calls, Unlimited Texts, Unlimited Internet – choose from any 2 for €20 (favourites with my three children) Most children and young adults I know use the €20 option – they are on various pre-pay schemes and they bung in €20 credit every thirty days or so. This seems to suit all ages, from young teens to twenties, so this month I’ve laid out the most common options to help you choose. This list is not exhaustive and is intended as a guide only. The figures assume you own your own equipment – the types and prices of handsets available is truly dazzling – and the price does not include purchase of a SIM. The deals all seem to be reasonable – with one notable exception. Supplier: Three *BEST BUY Unlimited internet, Unlimited Texts, Free Three Calls & Unlimited Calls any network on weekends Supplier: O2 Option 1: Free texts to any network Option 2: Free calls & Texts to O2 Supplier: eMobile €20 Bundles 250 Minutes talk (Unlimited talk to eMobile & Meteor) plus Unlimited Landline Calls, 250 Texts Thanks to Gary in Carphone Warehouse, Naas (beside Remax) for his assistance – any mistakes are mine. Didn’t get a copy of The Link? Please phone or email us with your details and we will get a copy to you. Email or call Kieran on 01 4019704 or 087 262 7055 2 PREMIUM ADVERTISING With 16,000 copies FREE every issue, you are guaranteed to be seen Don’t Miss out! DISCOUNT ● designer tiles & bathrooms FLOOR & WALL TILES MARBLE PORCELAIN LIMESTONE MOSAIC ● ● ● ● VISIT OUR 5,000 sq ft SHOWROOM AUTUMNSAle SALE NOW ON AuguSt Now oN from €199 €199 from FEBRUAR SPECIALS FEBRUARY YSPECIALS SPECIALS FEBRUAR FEBRUAR YY SPECIALS Ceramic Ceramic Tiles Tiles from from e3.99 e3.99 JANUARY SALE NOW ON Quality Ceramic CeramicTiles Tilesfrom frome3.99 e3.99 Polished Polished Porcelain Porcelain from from e8.99 e8.99 Polished Porcelain from e8.99 Polished Porcelain from e8.99 Our Our prices prices will will not not be be beaten beaten Our prices will not be beaten Our prices will not be beaten HUGE REDUCTIONS ON cReAm poliSheD poRcelAiN €12.50 yd inc vat ceRAmic tileS FRom 20kw BoileR Stove BAthRoom wARe 10% oFF TILES €7.99 yd inc vat €899 inc vat • WALL AND FLOOR RIP OUT YOUR OLD BATHROOM... •it&POLISHED PORCELAIN "Supply Fit" new one from asaslittle asas€2000 & Replace witha aBRAND BRAND new one from little €2,000! • LAMINATE FLOORING If you received The Link Magazine through your door - this means • weSHOWER are only 10 mins drive away from you! DOORS Locally Owned Business - 100 FREE Parking Spaces • TOILETS AND HAND BASIN SETS OPENING HOURS: Mon - Thurs 9am - 6pm ❙ Fri 9am - 5pm ❙ Sat 10am - 5pm ❙ PICTURES USED IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES Guaranteed! - EASY ACCESS OFF EXIT 8 OR 9 OFF M7 • Wall and Floor Tiles - Large Selection of Ceramic, Porcelain and Natural Stone • Stoves • Laminate Flooring • Bathroom Accessories Ex Johnstown Conservatories Building - Johnstown, Naas, Co. Kildare | Tel: 045 844 900 | Fax: 045 844 879 OPENING HOURS: Mon - Thurs 9am - 6pm | Fri 9am - 5pm | Sat 10am - 5pm | Sun 2pm - 5pm | DONT MISS OUT RIP OUT YOUR OLD BATHROOM... NAAS FAMILY NUTRITION AND WEIGHT MANAGEMENT CENTRE & Replace it with a BRAND new one from as little as €2,000! Are you worried about Johnstown - Junction 8 & 9 (M7), Johnstown, Naas, Co. Kildare | Tel: 045 844 900 Fax: 045 844 879 OPENING HOURS: Monday to Friday: 9am - 6pm | Saturday: 10am - 5pm | Sunday: 2pm - 5pm your child’s weight? VISIT OUR 5,000 sq ft SHOWROOM: | If you’re reading this, you might be thinking about making changes to your child and family’s lifestyle. You may be wondering where to begin. And if so, this information will help you start. • An initial assessment of your child’s nutrition and exercise habits will take 45 minutes • We will develop a tailored plan with parent and child focusing on lifestyle and physical assessment • A follow up session will focus on highlighted issues and take steps to regain a healthy weight After a complete assessment of your child’s nutrition and exercise habits, we will develop a tailored plan designed to meet your child’s needs. An initial assessment will take 45 minutes. The initial introductory conversation with both the parent and child is followed by a one on one lifestyle and physical assessment questionnaire of the child. The follow up session will then work through highlighted issues and steps to regain a healthy weight. Baseline height and weight information will also be taken to estimate BMI and enable quantitative assessments of improvements over time. CONTACT US TODAY TO START A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE... Neal Murphy, BSc Sports Science, MBS Dublin City University. Naas, Co. Kildare. Phone: 085 8676501 Email: Web: 3 FREE INITIAL ASSESSMENT Please mention THE LINK to advertisers PREMIUM ADVERTISING With 16,000 copies FREE every issue, you are guaranteed to be seen DO I NEED PLANNING PERMISSION? Carrying out renovations or improvement works to your house? Confused about whether you need planning permission? Some house extensions do not require planning permission as they are considered Exempted Development under the Planning and Development Regulations. Here are some of your questions answered: Are there any restrictions on windows? Yes at ground floor level windows must be more than 1m from the boundary and upstairs windows must be more than 11 metres from the boundary. What types of extensions can I carry out under the Exempted Development provisions? You can extend a house to the rear or you can convert any garage, store or similar structure to the side of the house. The roof of the extension cannot be used as a balcony or a roof garden. What size extension can I build at ground floor level without needing to apply for permission? Where a house has not previously been extended the maximum floor area you can build is up to 40m² (approx. 430 square feet). If a house has been previously extended, the size of that previous extension and your proposed new extension cannot be greater than 40m². What size extension can I build upstairs to the back of my house without needing permission? If it is a terraced or a semi-detached house you can build up to 12m² without planning permission. If it is a detached house you can build up to 20m². What other restrictions apply? You cannot build an extension which would reduce your back garden to less than 25m² or planning permission would be required. Check the original planning permission for your house it may have Conditions attached which do not allow you to carry out an extension. Can I check whether my proposed extension needs planning permission? Yes you can seek a Declaration from the Planning Authority on any Exempted Development. About the Author: Ger Fahy is a Professional Planning Consultant with 12 years experience in private practice. Dealing with all aspects of the process including Planning Applications, Appeals, Enforcement, Development Plan Submissions and advice on planning legislation. Clients include: Residential, Commercial, Agricultural, Waste, Tourism, Infrastructure and Retail. For all enquiries Tel: 086 8288370 or email You must take into account any previous extensions when calculating the maximum floor. I am building a new house, can I add on the 40m² extension while I am building the house? No. The Exempted Development rules only apply to an existing house not to a new build. Any extension built while you are building a new house must be on your plans or it would be unauthorised. What height can the extension be? The height of the walls of the extension cannot be higher than the height of the back wall of the house. In a flat roofed extension the walls cannot be higher than the highest part of the roof of the dwelling. If the back wall of your house is a gable then the height of the extension walls cannot be higher than the side walls of the house. Please mention THE LINK to advertisers 4 Disclaimer: The above information is for guidance purposes only and does not purport to be a definitive statement of the law. No liability is accepted for reliance placed on the information contained in this article. Professional advice should always be sought before proceeding. The legal status of any development/exempted development can only be confirmed by a site inspection and by a Section 5 declaration. It is the owner/ occupiers responsibility to ensure that planning law is complied with. o-Illustrator-labo. esell or redistribute it in any way. PREMIUM ADVERTISING With 16,000 copies FREE every issue, you are guaranteed to be seen Spooktacular Service loween from your Naas Re/max Office! FIONA ALDWELL - Broker/Owner ine. com z a g a M ign Free Des Being awarded most successful RE/MAX Newcomer soon after joining the RE/MAX family, Fiona is a natural Real Estate Professional. She has a proven record in sales and negotiation, and always puts her clients first, The opportunity to open her own RE/MAX office in Naas was an easy YES for Fiona. Let Fiona put her experience to work for you! Wolfe Tone Street REMAX th or ai N McDonalds Lawlors Hotel a Fri – Broker/Owner ry T: M: E: M et tre nS Blessington Road Sallins Road RE/MAX Platinum Ro ad 5 Please mention THE LINK to advertisers Have you got an event in November you would like to advertise for FREE? WHAT'S ON OCTOBER Please contact Kieran 087 262 7055 or NAAS & NEWBRIDGE LIBRARIES All events at our libraries are FREE, booking in advance may be required. Adult Book Club Newbridge Community Library on Tuesday 21st October at 7pm. New members welcome. Contact the library for more details on ph. 045-448353 or e-mail The wonderful children’s author Dale Treadwell will be visiting Newbridge Community Library on Saturday 11th October at 11am. Come along and hear stories about wildlife! Contact the library to book a place at this FREE event on ph. 045-448353 or e-mail newbridgelib@ Musical Tots Tuesday 28th October, 10.30 - 11.30am Join Karen for music, dancing and lots of fun. Suitable for pre-school children. Places are limited for this FREE event. Contact Naas Community Library on ph. 045-879111 or to book your place. New Perspectives - Writing & Publishing in the 21st Century Panel discussion with John MacKenna, Anthony Glavin, Martin Malone and Mary O’Donnell Friday 17th October 5.30pm. This is a Fringe Event at our Readers Festival (see our ad in this magazine). Digitise-The-Nation Basic Introduction to Computers for adults. A 2 hour, four week course every Thursday beginning 9th October. Participants will learn computer layout, e-mail, searching the internet and more. iPads provided will be provided for class. Places are limited for this FREE course and booking is essential. Contact Naas Community Library on ph. 045-879111 or to book your place. THE MOAT THEATRE, NAAS Phone: 045 88 30 30 Email: (Do check the website for changes) Music for an Autumn s Eve Wonderland Drama Club The Lonesome West The Gospel As Sung By Elvis Jackula The Lunchbox Naas One Act Drama Festival Sunday 19th October Monday 20th October 14th - 24th October (8 shows) Sunday 26th October Sunday 26th October Monday 27th October 30th October - 1st November (4 shows) “From Page to Stage” A two hour musical workshop featuring Wicked, Legally Blonde: The Musical and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - The New Musical. Learn the songs and act out the scenes from a collection of musicals that are all book based! Friday 31st October 10am - 12pm. Suitable for 7 - 12 year olds. Places are limited for this FREE event. Contact Naas Community Library on ph. 045-879111 or to book your place. The Lonesome By Martin McDonagh Directed by Eugene Delaney WesT at 8pm Tue 14th – Sat 18th Oct Oct at 8pm Wed 22nd - Fri 24thavailab le from Box Office Tickets €15/€12 Booking 045 88 30 30 book online Remember you can now THE RIVERBANK, NEWBRIDGE Phone 045 44 83 30 Email: www. (Do check the website for changes) 4th - 26th October Saturday 11th October Saturday 11th October Monday 13th October Wednesday 15th October (see ad opposite) Thursday 16th October Monday 20th October Thursday 23rd October Saturday 25th October 29th - 30th October 10am (This list is not exhaustive. Visit for more details) Please mention THE LINK to advertisers Spooky Adventure for 7 - 12 year olds Wednesday 29th October 11.45am - 12.45pm Spooky Make and do workshop with Liadain involving betwitched coat hangers and scary bags... All materials supplied. Places are limited for this FREE event. Contact Naas Community Library on ph. 045-879111 or to book your place. enTs The MoaT Club pres ing Comedy The hilariously side splitt (These lists are not exhaustive. Visit & for more details and listings of shows/times/prices etc) Kildare Artist Notebook Project 2014 The Way Back Home Dolly Parton – The Show, The Story Gett, The Trial Of Viviane Ansalem All About Eva Kildare Readers Festival 2014 Fiddle & Film Show Ladder to Damascus Johny McEvoy – Evening of Nostagia Dee Book-A-Doodle-Book Workshop Shadow Puppetry Workshop for 7-10 year olds Scare the socks off your friends this Halloween. Torn paper, fabrics, masking tape and bamboo skewers will bring your spooky monster to life!! Tuesday 28th October 1.30 - 2.30pm. All materials will be supplied. Places are limited for this FREE event. Contact Naas Community Library on ph. 045-879111 or to book your place. 6 PREMIUM ADVERTISING With 16,000 copies FREE every issue, you are guaranteed to be seen 17th - 19th October 2014 It gives us great pleasure at Kildare Library & Arts Service to invite YOU to Kildare Readers Festival 2014. This weekend represents one of the highlights of our calendar and we are very excited to present this year’s programme. Whether you are a library borrower, a book club member, an eBook downloader, an audio-book listener, a first-time or a seasoned festival visitor, we will be delighted to be in your company and to introduce you to our wonderful line-up of guests at the Riverbank Arts Centre. And last, but by no means least, we are delighted to invite you to join Dermot Bolger for an intimate and relaxed Sunday morning interview with one of the foremost Irish writers of her generation, Jennifer Johnston. Also, check out our Fringe Events starting with an evening celebrating the work of poet, essayist and critic Dennis O’Driscoll in Alice’s Café, Naas. Tracy Pigott will facilitate a discussion on All About Eva, the drama of making a movie. There will be a Blogging workshop with Jennie McGinn and we will have the KRF Notebook Launch too! This year, we introduced FREE library membership for all in Kildare We have Francis Brennan from RTE’s television series At Your Libraries, so if you are not already a member, now is the perfect Service with Susan Boyle, performer, playwright, arts facilita- time to check out one of our 16 libraries throughout the county to see what is on offer. A full list of all our libraries and our events protor and arts project manager will discuss ‘the little things’. gramme are available on our website, All of Journalist Róisín Ingle and author / musician Peter Murphy our fantastic Readers Festival events are also FREE, so come along, share a thoroughly entertaining look at 10 Books You Should enjoy and allow us to inspire you on your reading journey for the Read. year ahead! Then meet the Queens of Crime, Niamh O’Connor, author and journalist from the Sunday World and best selling and award-winning author Louise Phillips. See you there! Join us for an insight into how Mental Health Issues are represented through film and literature with Professor Jim Lucey, author Carol Coffey, Mary McEvoy and Cathal Black. World War I and its influences on Ireland, Kildare and Literature will be discussed by Padraig Yeates, former Industry and Employment Correspondent of The Irish Times; James Durney, award winning author, local and military historian and historical consultant; Mary P. Corcoran, Professor of Sociology at the National University of Ireland. Philip Scott, renowned local tenor will bring songs from the era. There will be an entertaining discussion on Sister Carvaggio, a ‘whodunnit’ set in an abbey in Co. Kildare with Neil Donnelly, Mary O’Donnell and Peter Sheridan. 7 PREMIUM ADVERTISING With 16,000 copies FREE every issue, you are guaranteed to be seen Jingles 34 North Main Street, Naas, Co. Kildare. Tel: 045 889514 Autumn has arrived at last! Winter Felt Hats, Scarves & Gloves - Huge Selection To Choose From! a HATS a SCARVES a GLOVES a PASHMINAS a JEWELLERY a HANDBAGS 10 WINTER SKINCARE TIPS... For many people, the cold clear days of winter bring more than just a rosy glow to the cheeks. They also bring uncomfortable dryness to the skin of the face, hands, and feet. For some people, the problem is worse than just a general tight, dry feeling: They get skin so dry it results in flaking, cracking, even eczema (in which the skin becomes inflamed). 1. Seek a Specialist: It can be difficult to find a salesperson in your local pharmacy who can give you good advice on skin-care. That’s why going to a beauty therapist or dermatologist even once is a good investment. Such a specialist can analyse your skin type, troubleshoot your current skin care regimen, and give you advice on the skin care products you should be using. 2. Moisturise More: You may have found a moisturizer that works just fine in spring and summer. But as weather conditions change, so, too, should your skin care routine. Find an “ointment” moisturizer that’s oil-based, rather than water-based, as the oil will create a protective layer on the skin that retains more moisture than a cream or lotion. (Hint: Many lotions labelled as “night creams” are oil-based.) However - choose your oils with care because not all oils are appropriate for the face. Look for “non-clogging” oils such as avocado oil, mineral oil, primrose oil, or almond oil. Shea oil or butter is controversial, because it can clog facial pores. You should also look for lotions containing “humectants,” a class of substances (including glycerine, sorbitol, and alphahydroxy acids) that attract moisture to your skin. 3. Slather on the Sunscreen: No, sunscreen isn’t just for summertime. Winter sun combined with snow glare can still damage your skin. Try applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen to your face and your hands (if they’re exposed) about 30 minutes before going outside. Reapply frequently if you stay outside a long time. 4. Give Your Hands a Hand: The skin on your hands is thinner than on most parts of the body and has fewer oil glands. That means it’s harder to keep your hands moist, especially in cold, dry weather. This can lead to itchiness and cracking. Wear gloves when you go outside; if you need to wear wool to keep your hands warm, slip on a thin cotton glove first, to avoid any irritation the wool might cause. 5. Avoid Wet Gloves and Socks: Wet socks and gloves can irritate your skin and cause itching, cracking, sores, or even a flare-up of eczema. 6. Hook Up the Humidifier: Central heating systems (as well as space heaters) blast hot dry air throughout our homes and offices. Humidifiers get more moisture in the air, which helps prevent your skin from drying out. Place several small humidifiers throughout your home; they help disperse the moisture more evenly. 7. Hydrate for Your Health, Not for Your Skin: If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times: “drinking water helps your skin stay young looking”. Fact: it’s a myth. Water is good for your overall health and the skin of someone who is severely dehydrated will benefit from fluids. 8. Grease Up Your Feet: Yes, those minty foot lotions are lovely in the hot summer months, but during the winter, your feet need stronger stuff. Try finding lotions that contain petroleum jelly or glycerine instead. Use exfoliants to get the dead skin off periodically; this helps any moisturizers you use to sink in faster and deeper. 9. Pace the Peels: If your facial skin is uncomfortably dry, avoid using harsh peels, masks, and alcohol-based toners or astringents, all of which can strip vital oil from your skin. Instead, find a cleansing milk or mild foaming cleanser, a toner with no alcohol, and masks that are “deeply hydrating,” rather than clay-based, which tends to draw moisture out of the face. And use them a little less often. 10. Ban Superhot Baths: Sure, soaking in a burning-hot bath feels great after frolicking out in the cold. But the intense heat of a hot shower or bath actually breaks down the lipid barriers in the skin, which can lead to a loss of moisture. You’re better off with just warm water and staying in the water a shorter amount of time. A lukewarm bath with oatmeal or baking soda, can help relieve skin that is so dry it has become itchy. So, too, can periodically reapplying your moisturizer. Written for The Link by Jacqueline Strong, The Beauty Hub. Tel: 045 409133 W7C Ladytown Business Park, Naas, Co. Kildare (same premises as Elaine Byrne Laser & Skin) Please mention THE LINK to advertisers 8 PREMIUM ADVERTISING With 16,000 copies FREE every issue, you are guaranteed to be seen KNITWEAR ANNEMACS C A S UA L W E A R Autumn & Winter Collection l l KNITWEAR FROM: Via Appia Viento Donna Di Strick Lauren Vidal Kapalua Lady Laura STOCKIST OF: Gardeur Trousers & Jeans l l l l l Unit 3, The Crossings, Naas (Beside Maxol Garage) Tel: 045 874 716 email: 9 PREMIUM ADVERTISING With 16,000 copies FREE every issue, you are guaranteed to be seen DUBLIN ROAD • NAAS • CO. KILDARE 10KG NEW SEASON ROOSTERS only €2.99 BORD NA MÓNA BRIQUETTES 10KG NEW SEASON QUEENS 5 Bales €20 DAY LOGS / TURF only €2.99 TRAY OF 20 LARGE EGGS 5 Bags €15 2 for €5 Large Range of New Season IRISH Produce Now in Stock! NOW ACCEPTING: FREE PARKING FOR ALL CUSTOMERS Please mention THE LINK to advertisers 10 PREMIUM ADVERTISING With 16,000 copies FREE every issue, you are guaranteed to be seen Best in Leinster! Open 9am – 5.30am Monday – Friday (Saturdays 9am -1pm by appointment) Autowise: Winner Award – Best Independent Workshop of the Year in Leinster (excl Dublin) 2015 Autowise is officially Leinster’s leading independent…actually, let us tell you what our customers say: “(I) Recommend Eugene at Autowise in the industrial estate opposite the Storm cinema. No connection but very happy with work done over the years.” Dos 1965 ( “(I) Most definitely second Eugene O’Shea (Proprietor) also” Ghandee ( “Got the service done with Autowise, only charged me for an intermediate service instead of the full service as they said that was all that was needed” Benny Cake (Moderator, Boards,ie) “Eugene. I was in your office the other day and I overheard a lady twice asking you what price was labour on your quote. Once for tyres, once for pads/disks. I overheard you say, twice, “Labour is included”. That’s why I drive fifteen miles to get my car looked after by you.” Kieran, Maynooth “Google” comments on Autowise. Find out what our customers think of us. u Car Service u Repairs u Tyres u Batteries u Shocks u Clutches u Hands-Free Kits We have diagnostics for all models. We Service New Cars WITHOUT affecting Warranty! Autowise, Naas Industrial Estate, Naas, Co. Kildare Tel: 045 856050/856655 11 THE LINK MAGAZINE With 16,000 copies FREE every issue, you are guaranteed to be seen Lily’s Soda Bread By Denis Lacey My grandmother made the best soda bread ever – or so I thought, until I met my mother-in-law. “Lily”, sez I to her last week, “How do you make that bread?” “Well” sez she, “I mix the flour and the milk and the bread soda together and I bake it in the oven”. “Lily”, sez I, “What temperature do you bake it at?” “Hot enough” sez she “Lily, how much flour? How much milk?” “Just the right amount”. For the sake of this article I attended the last bread-making session, to try and ascertain the exact recipe for the perfect soda bread. To be sure, Lily was not lying to me, she had the oven set at “just hot enough” and the ingredients were mixed by hand without reference to measuring spoon, measuring jug or weighing scales. With a skill born of long practice, she melded the ingredients together and in under an hour we were buttering slices of hot & delicious soda bread – better than Granny used to make. As best I can tell, the following is how Lily made her bread. Tweak the ingredients and oven temperatures a little here and a little there and you, too, may eventually bake the perfect soda bread. Ingredients: 1 lb white flour 1 level teaspoon salt 1 level teaspoon breadsoda . Buttermilk 12 fl oz (350 ml) approx e. - keep a little more ready just in cas dry ingredients and Preheat your oven to 230ºC. Sieve the tre. Pour most of mix them. Make a little well in the cen the sides of the the milk in at once. Mix in the flour from The dough should bowl, adding more milk if necessary. together, turn it be soft, not sticky. When it all comes . Knead lightly for out onto a well -floured work-surface about 1½ inches a moment. Pat the dough into a round hy? I dunno. It’s (2.5cm) deep and cut a cross on it (W always been done that way). n down the oven to Bake at 230ºC for 15 minutes, then tur . If you are in doubt, 200ºC for 30 minutes or until cooked ked it will sound tap the bottom of the bread: if it is coo hollow. really old fashioned, Leave on a wire tray to cool. If you’re in a cotton tea-towel leave it on the windowsill. Wrapping will help keep the crust soft. Slice the bread. Get the morning papers. Wet the tea. Butter it with real butter. Eat. 2/3 of the white Tip: If you prefer brown bread, replace flour with wholemeal flour. What a start to the day! Please mention THE LINK to advertisers 12 PREMIUM ADVERTISING With 16,000 copies FREE every issue, you are guaranteed to be seen TINA’S PETS Unit 4, Friary Business Park, Naas Tel: 045 876727 s! Bestseller for kids over 8 year Don’t forget your Garden Birds this Winter! IRELAND’S ONLY LASER TAG ACTIVITY IN BUMPY BOATS! Best Value Ever on Wild Bird Food and Feeders! ‘Primary Times Star Award 2012 & 2013 for Best Party Venue’ 3 Kg. Peanuts €6.95 3 Kg Wild Bird Seed €4.95 2.5 Kg. Niger Seed €6.95 Robin Food 1 Kg. €2.95 3 Kg. Sunflower Seeds €6.95 Fat Balls 6 Pk. €1.50 Live Meal Worms €3.95 (tub) On a 3 level Play Structure! This exclusive offer includes the all new battle storm laser guns, sumo wrestling, soft ball soccer & an Xfactor style presentation at the finish! Huge Selection of Wild Bird Feeders! Spend €20 or more on Wild Bird Feed or Feeders & get a Book a party with this voucher Exclusive offer from 6pm-8pm daily! W11 Toughers Business Park, Newhall, Naas Tel: 045 409192 FREE PACK OF FAT BALLS Chapelizod Medical Centre Mind & Body Solutions Embroidery & Print World Ltd. 22 Hills Industrial Estate, Lucan, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Tel: (01) 6280092 Fax: (01) 6281307 Email: SUPPLIER OF PERSONALISED GARMENTS & PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS Embroidery & Print World Ltd. Ireland’s One-Stop Clothing Supplier of Corporate, Casual, Sports, School & Promotional Wear SCHOOL WEAR PROMO WEAR CORPORATE WEAR CASUAL WEAR Personal Difficulties • Confidence • Social Anxiety • Relationship Coaching • Exam Stress • Life Direction • Happiness David is an IACP accredited Counselling Psychotherapist, a Certified Relationship Counsellor and a NLP Mind Coach. He is trained in CBT, Reality Therapy, Emotion Focused Therapy and CBT-E which is specifically for Eating Disorders. He works with clients to transform and revitalise their lives enabling them to feel better and to achieve their goals and dreams. CBT Counselling for • Anxiety • Depression • Bullying • Self Esteem • Confidence • Self Harming ACCESSORIES Life Coaching • Smoking Cessation • Insomnia • Abusive Drinking • Separation • Drugs Use • Eating Disorders • Weight Management TEAM WEAR IN HOUSE EMBROIDERY & CUSTOM PRINT Call us on 087 262 7055 and we’d be delighted to call out to you in your place of business 22 Hills Industrial Estate, Lucan, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Tel +353 (0)1 628 0092 Mobile +353 (0)87 262 7055 Email: Emotional Difficulties • Panic Attacks • Anxiety • Depression • Low Self Esteem • Stress • Suicidal Tendency • Relationships Fears and Phobias • Flying • Heights • Social • Fears • Sport & Art Performance • Sexual Performance Mind & Body Solutions “Helping You to Help Yourself” Contact David @ 085 7637059 13 To Advertise in this Publication Tel: 086 345 7887 9 PREMIUM ADVERTISING With 16,000 copies FREE every issue, you are guaranteed to be seen Living with Type 1 Diabetes - A Forgotten Disease! An estimated 190,000 people have Type 2 diabetes in Ireland. – that is an epidemic. Lost in the discussion of how to reverse this mounting problem, however, are the 14,000 with Type1 Diabetes. Both types are similar at first glance, but they are worlds apart. Type 1 Diabetes can occur at any stage in life from young babies to middle-age and beyond, but is predominantly seen in children and young adults. The onset of Type 1 Diabetes is sudden and a person can become very ill, very quickly. Being diagnosed with Type1 Diabetes has nothing to do with eating too much sugar, or drinking full sugar drinks. If you come across someone diagnosed with Type 1, chances are they are slim, healthy and active - so don’t assume they got Type 1 Diabetes because of their diet – they didn’t and comments about “too much sugar” can be very upsetting, especially for a child and their family. Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes: Abnormal thirst and a dry mouth Frequent urination Bed Wetting Extreme tiredness/lack of energy Constant hunger Sudden weight loss Slow-healing wounds Recurrent infections Blurred vision Please mention THE LINK to advertisers What to do if you suspect any of these symptoms? Be aware! Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes can come on very suddenly. You may think it’s a bad flu. Take no chances, go to your GP and insist on a Blood Glucose Test. All GPs should have a Blood Glucose Meter in their practice. Bring a morning sample of urine if you can, as a simple test can confirm glucose presence which should not normally be there. There is no cure for Type 1 Diabetes yet! Just when someone with Type 1 Diabetes thinks they have it all worked out, along comes something that can cause blood glucose to both rise and fall, such as alcohol, impaired digestion, puberty, menstruation, travel, irregular sleep, menopause, sports and exercise, pregnancy, stress, upset, shock, heat, cold, infection and a host of other things life throws at us! This article has been produced by representatives of ‘Diabetes T1 Ireland.’ Find us on facebook: Web site: And representatives of ‘Parents of Children & Teens with T1 Diabetes in Ireland’ 14 TRADE AND SERVICES With 16,000 copies FREE every issue, you are guaranteed to be seen ‘that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope’ Naas Baptist Fellowship Meeting upstairs in the Naas GAA Sunday mornings at 11.00am Contact Roger on 045 894771 or 087 2719007 NaasBaptist @naasbaptist George Mullins The Link Serving NAAS - NEWBRIDGE This space for only €25 per month FUNERALS Funeral Home, Kilcullen Road, Naas, Co. Kildare Tel: 045 894 123 24 Hours: 087 255 7299 MEMBER IAFD www. NILU MAHARAJAH Poster May 2013 13/06/2013 14:53 Page 1 NILU MAHARAJAH Indian Cuisine Main Street, Naas, Co. Kildare. Phone: 045 897926 €35 voucher RESTAURANT Meal for Two SPECIALS SITDOWN Bring this voucher One is FREE! 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