Judge Frank A. Gulotta Lodge No. 2180
Judge Frank A. Gulotta Lodge No. 2180
Judge Frank A. Gulotta Lodge No. 2180 Order Sons 0f Italy in America NEWSLETTER __ ____ OCTOBER 2014 A Message from our President Ciao Brothers and Sisters, Fall has finally arrived and here we are beginning Italian Heritage Month! A whole month dedicated to celebrating our culture and traditions. This is an exciting time for all Italian Americans, especially OSIA members. Our October Heritage meeting will be held on October 8, 2014 at the Senior Center beginning at 7:30pm. Come and enjoy pasta, sausage, salad, bread, wine, water, coffee and dessert for only $5.00. Brother Ronnie will be on the key board to lead us with an Italian song sing along. If you would like to bring an appetizer or snack that is reminiscent of your culture and heritage, please feel free to do so. Congratulations to Sister Florence Iovino on her new position as Trustee. We look forward to her fresh input at our council meetings and the continued help she’s given at each and every lodge function. Thanks to all those who supported our Bethlehem PA Casino Bus Trip on Saturday, September 27th. A special thank you to Sister Gaetana DiRienzo for her outstanding job chairing this fundraiser. As mentioned in previous newsletters, our lodge is still in need of marchers for the Long Island Columbus Day Parade on Sunday October12th and the New York City Parade Monday October 13th. It is not too late to join us. If you would like to march in either parade, please let me know so that we can arrange a meeting place and car pools. If you are unable to walk and would like to reserve a place in a car for the Huntington Parade, please let me know. We should all take a minute each day to reflect on our Heritage. It is a part of who we are. Take notice of these traditions, some that have become commonplace in our homes and treasure them. Pass them down to your children and be sure to explain their importance. Finally, please inspire another Italian American to join our Lodge. I look forward to seeing you all at our Heritage Celebration with Pasta and Song. Fraternally, Gil DeCosimo Please join us for our general meeting Wednesday October 8, 2014 at 7:30pm, we will be celebrating Italian Heritage Month. Pasta, sausage, salad, bread, wine, water, coffee and dessert for only $5.00. Italian Songs sing a-long, (song books will be provided) at the Senior Center 6 James Street East Rockaway NY 11518 All are Welcome Please bring a friend NYS Grand Lodge Upcoming Events GUESS WHO?A. Gulotta Judge Frank Lodge No. 2180 and win a special gift Tue Oct 14, 2014 @ 8:00AM NY OSIA Annual Golf Outing Order Sons 0f Italy in America Our new guessing game using lodge members baby pictures. Members that have all the pictures identified correctly will be placed in a basket and one winner will be picked at the meeting. Bring this page folded with your guess and your name printed at the top to the October meeting. YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO BE ELIGIBLE TO WIN. Good luck. Sat Oct 25, 2014 @ 8:00AM Fall Plenary Session OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS Antoinette Boehm Florence Iovino Carmella Cacciuottolo OUR PARADE MARCHERS Long island Gil DeCosimo Angela DeCosimo Pat Greco Florence Iovino Nancy Pintabona Frank Nestico Charles Cascino New York City Gilbert DeCosimo Pasquale Greco Ronnie DiRienzo Angela DeCosimo Gaetana DiRienzo Dario Ralph Luberti Rita Corso Phyllis Luberti Luigi Corso Nancy Pintabona Terry Mazzeo Danny Mazzeo Charles Cascino Florence Iovino Announcements Judge Frank A. Gulotta Lodge No. 2180 Deepest Condolences to the Nicolosi and Ippolito Order Sons 0f Italy in America families on the passing of “Nonna”, Maria Nicolosi. ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS Business Card Ad $25 for 12 months Half page Ad $75.00 for 12 months Full page Ad $100.00 for 12 months Contact Gil to DeCosimo Council Meeting be announced. 516-837-8550 or Email: gdecosimo@northfield.com (516) 812-3200 asantino@tohmail.org Sister Antonietta Giacona is a proud Nonna. Granddaughter Noelle is studying a semester abroad in Florence Italy. Granddaughter Gabrielle is a freshman at Boston University and grandson Justin is a freshman at Loyola. Congratulations to James Morris, Jr. son of Sister Carmela and James Morris. On June 21st 2014, James was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout. LODGE CALENDAR OF EVENTS ANTHONY J. SANTINO SENIOR COUNCILMAN – 4TH DISTRICT 10/08/2014 Wednesday 8pm general membership meeting and Italian Heritage Month “Pasta & Song”. TOWN BOARD 1 WASHINGTON STREET TOWN OF HEMPSTEAD HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. 11550-4923 10/22/2014 Wednesday 8pm council meeting. 11/12/2014 Wednesday 8pm general membership meeting. Teresa Campano . Attorney at Law McCabe, Collins, McGeough & Fowler, LLP 346 Westbury Avenue P.O. Box 9000 Carle Place, New York 11514-9000 (516) 741-6266 Fax (516) 873-9496 www.mcmflaw.com 11/08/2014 “CHINESE AUCTION” at Island Buffet 1873 Grand Avenue, Baldwin NY 11510 12:00 to 3:00pm. $20.00 per person includes 10 tickets for the auction, buffet, soda or tea and dessert. For reservations and payment, please contact Angela DeCosimo at 516-837-8550 by October 24th. November Council Meeting to be announced. 12/10/201 Wednesday 8pm Children’s Christmas Get Together. Adult Christmas Party to be announced. December Council Meeting to be announced.