In Him All Things Cohere 18th Sunday of Pentecost October 12, 2014


In Him All Things Cohere 18th Sunday of Pentecost October 12, 2014
In Him All Things Cohere
18th Sunday of Pentecost
October 12, 2014
Covenant Presbyterian Church of Chicago
THEE, God, I come from, to thee go,
All day long I like fountain flow
From thy hand out, swayed about
Mote-like in thy mighty glow.
—Gerard Manley Hopkins
Gather to Worship
For your convenience, we have a staffed nursery for infants and toddlers and a live video feed of
the service in the All Saints Room downstairs. Christian Education for children and adults starts at
10.45am. See the announcements on page 13 for class locations.
Silent moment to prepare for worship
By your power may we, with all the saints, comprehend the breadth and length and
height and depth of the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that we may be
filled with your fullness. Amen.
Call to Worship
O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing, Words: Charles Wesley, 1739. Music: Carl Gläser, 1828, refrain
and arr. by Devin Pogue, 2013
j 1st service, k 2nd service
Sing to Gather, verses 1 - 3
O Worship the King, Words: Ro­bert Grant, 1833, Music: Jo­hann M. Hay­dn (1737-1806)
from on Psalm 71: 22-24
I will praise you with the harp
for your faithfulness, O my God;
I will sing praises to you with the lyre,
O Holy One of Israel.
My lips will shout for joy,
when I sing praises to you;
My tongue will tell of your righteous acts all day long.
Sing to Gather, verse 4
Sacrament of Baptism
There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of you calling, one Lord,
one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all in all. - Ephesians 4:4-6
Sing to Prepare, Ocean of Mercy
Lucas David Bryan, Zoe Evangeline Bryan, and Mercy Kane Bryan, children of
Dave & Beth
Prayer of Congregational Blessing:
Ever-living God, in your mercy you promised to be not only our God but also
the God of our children. We thank you for receiving Lucas, Zoe, and Mercy
by baptism. Keep them always in your love. Guide them as they grow in faith.
Protect them in all the dangers and temptations of life. May they be faithful
disciples of your son Jesus Christ to their life’s end. In Christ’s name, Amen.
Sing to Respond
j 1st service, k 2nd service
Prayer, Pastor Jeff Schneider
Children ages 4-8 are now dismissed for children’s worship.
Confession and Assurance
Confession of Sin,
from 1 John 1:5-10
This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is
light, and in him is no darkness at all.
If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and
do not practice the truth.
Sing to Confess, verses 1 - 2
To Thee I Come, Words: Samuel Medley, 1700s, addl. txt vdbijl, 2014, Music Clint Wells, 2006
Assurance of Pardon,
from Colossians 1: 21-22
You were once alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds.
But now he has reconciled us in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present
us holy and blameless and above reproach before him.
Sing to Assure, “To Thee I Come,” verse 3
Teach the Word
Lessons from the Word, read by Esther Van Dyke j, Pamella Andersen k
Old Testament Lesson -
Psalm 15
Gospel Lesson -
Luke 5.1-11
The Word of the Lord
Thanks be to God
Jesus Thou Joy of Loving Hearts, Words: Bernard of Clairvaux, 1150; Music: Henry Baker, 1854
The Word
Pastor Aaron Baker, Hope of the Gospel
Sermon Text: Colossians 1:21-23
And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds,
he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you
holy and blameless and above reproach before him, if indeed you continue in the
j 1st service, k 2nd service
faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard,
which has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul,
became a minister.
All Sing:
Respond to the Word
“We taste Thee, O thou....,” verse 3 on the facing page
Musical interlude and moment of reflection on the teaching of the Word
All Sing:
How Firm a Foundation, Words: John Rippon, 1787. Music: Early American melody.
Call To Community
Romans 12:4-8: For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have
the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of
another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them...
Passing the Peace
2 Corinthians 13:11-14: Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in
peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you. Greet one another with a holy kiss. All
the saints greet you.
May the love of God the Father, and the grace of Jesus the Son,
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be and abide with you all.
And also with you.
Greet each other in the Name of Christ
King of Heaven, Paul Baloche and Jason Ingram, 2012
j 1st service, k 2nd service
Prayers of the People
Led by Tyler Hallenbeck
A prayer for our community
Lord in your mercy
Hear our Prayer
A prayer for our city
Lord in your mercy
Hear our Prayer
A prayer for our world
Lord in your mercy
Hear our Prayer
All Sing:
The Lord’s Prayer, Words and Music, Paul van der Bijl, 2012, based on the Lord’s Prayer,
verse 3 based on a Latin hymn
In Community
Announcements about Covenant events and opportunities during the coming weeks
The Giving of Our Gifts
Please take a moment to fill out the pew pads found in your seat by the center aisle.
This lets our leadership know of your presence. If you’d like to share a prayer request or
indicate interest in service, a card is available to fill out and place in the plate or in the
box in the back of the Sanctuary.
Doxology, Words: Thomas Ken, 1709, Music, John Hatton, 1793, Chorus, Redeemer Knoxville, 2014
j 1st service, k 2nd service
Go With Joy
A Song to Send, please join on the facing page
Jesus With Thy Church Abide: Words: Thomas Pollock, 1871; Music: Orlando Gibbons, 1623
Musicians at Covenant Today: McKenna Glorioso, violin; Faith Grudziecki, vocal; Steven Haschke,
piano; Krista Thomas, vocal; Paul van der Bijl, guitar, percussion, vocal; Mark Wright, upright bass;
Kylene Young, keys, vocal; P.D. Young, electric guitar, acoustic guitar.
All songs not under public domain are used by permission, CCLI #1776100
Covenant Life
How can you get connected into the life of the church? Here are
the three ways:
Worship. Come to church on Sunday! Ordering our lives together
around the Gospel every Sunday has a profound impact on our lives
during the week. Being here on Sunday also affords opportunities
to develop relationships after the services, in Christian Education
classes, and at Common Ground.
Join a Group. Joining a group is the prime way to receive care
at Covenant, and the best way to begin to have Covenant be a
‘home’ for you. Groups are the lifeblood of the church during the
week. We have lots of groups at Covenant: women’s and men’s
groups, a mom’s group, and mixed small groups that meet in homes.
To find out more about joining a group, contact Pastor David
Salsedo ( If you’re interested
in receiving one-on-one mentoring and discipleship in the faith,
women can contact Beth Reece ( and
men can contact David Salsedo (dsalsedo@covenantchicago.
Serve. Every week there are numerous opportunities to serve at
Covenant and elsewhere listed in the back of the order of worship.
Along with being good for the people and places you serve, using
your gifts side by side with other believers is one of the ways we
grow and mature in the faith.
Welcome to Covenant Presbyterian Church
a church, a city, and a world continually made new by the grace of Christ
Welcome to Covenant Presbyterian Church. We are glad you’re here. Free parking is provided in the lot at
the back of the church and in the surrounding neighborhood.
1st service
2nd service
Worship:9:00am 10:45am
Children’s Worship: (ages 4-8)9:20am
Children’s Sunday School: 10:45am
Youth Sunday School: (6th-12th grade, Ed. Bldg.)
Adult Christian Education (Ed. Bldg)10:45am
Monday Church office closed
Al-Anon, 6pm, Fellowship Hall
AA, 7pm, Gym
Adult Floor Hockey, 7pm, Gym
Parent’s Bible Study, 6.30pm, All Saints Rm.
Mom’s Bible Study, 10am, All Saints Rm.
AA (Women’s), 7pm, All Saints Rm.
The Covenant Connection:
To receive more details on events
and news subscribe to our
newsletter, Covenant Connection.
Send an email with your request
to connection@covenantchicago.
org, or subscribe online at http://
Adult Education - Seeking Justice: A Church, a City, a World. The Mercy Committee is sponsoring an
Adult Education class based on the book, The Invisible, by Arloa Sutter, founder of Breakthrough Urban
Ministries. The class is exploring Scripture’s teaching on justice and how God calls us to participate in seeking
justice. We are meeting every Sunday until October 19 during the 10:45am service, in the Education Building.
Contact if you have questions.
Co-Ed Soccer: Join others from Covenant and the local community for co-ed, mixed skill level soccer. The
group meets Sundays at 5 pm in Wicker Park. Contact Josh Norton at for more
Covenant Volleyball: Join others from Covenant for competitive level volleyball in the gym. We play most
Fridays in the Fall through Memorial Day at 8 pm and everyone is welcome! If you would like more information,
or to be added to the email list, contact Linda Gehrs at
Mom’s Bible Study: The Mom’s Bible Study meets from 10-11:30 each Thursday in the All Saints Room at
Covenant and childcare is available. Email Allison Baker ( for more information or to
be added to the group’s email list.
Trauma Healing Equipping Workshop. As a part of this year’s Mission Conference, the Mission Committee
is hosting a free workshop to introduce participants to ways that restoration can be brought to survivors of
genocide, trafficking, domestic abuse, urban violence, and other traumatic events. It will be led by Dr. Harriet
Hill, program director of the Trauma Healing Institute at American Bible Society; Rebecca Deng, a former
Lost Girl of Sudan and delegate to the UNHCR; and Mona Hennein, producer of the new documentary, Hope
Rising: Stories of Trauma & Healing. Saturday, October 25, 8:30am-2pm, in the Education Building. Lunch
and childcare will be provided. RSVPs and questions can be directed to
2014 Mission Conference: Covenant welcomes American Bible Society’s ministries, She’s My Sister and the
Trauma Healing Institute to speak at our annual mission conference. On Saturday, October 25 from 8:30 am to
2 pm, join others from Covenant for a trauma healing workshop. On Sunday, October 26, Rev. Dr. Bagudekia
Alobeyo, the program director for She’s My Sister in central Africa, will preach during both services. At 10:45
am, Jane Jelgerhuis and Rebecca Deng from She’s My Sister will host a Sunday School class. To learn more,
February 2015 Haiti Trip: The Chicago Metro Presbytery is sponsoring a mission trip to Haiti from February
20-28, 2015. People are needed to provide medical services, children’s activities, and pastor training. The cost
of the trip is approximately $2100. To learn more about this trip, please consider attending an informational
meeting on Sat, Oct 18 at Trinity Hinsdale’s offices (111 W. Chicago Rd, 2nd floor, Hinsdale) from 9 to 11 am.
Meeting RSVPs and questions can be submitted to Colleen De Kraker at Additionally,
if you are interested in being a part of a future Haiti orphanage water purification development team, please
contact Chuck Michalek at
Cavillon Orphan Project: If you currently sponsor an orphan through the Cavillon Orphan Project, please
pick up a newsletter and updated photo of your orphan on the welcome table at the back of the church. Picture
and details from the most recent Haiti trip can be found on the Mission bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. If
you are interested in sponsoring a child at the Cavillon Orphanage, please contact orphanproject12@gmail.
Awana: Our weekly Kids’ Club meets every Wednesday from 6:30 to 8 pm in the Education Building
throughout the school year and trains children in biblical truths, facilitates Bible memorization, and allows
them to participate in fun games. If your child, ages 3 through 6th grade, is interested in participating, contact
Jenny Geishert at
To find out more about service opportunities, please e-mail
Meals Ministry: The Meals Ministry is looking for volunteers to prepare meals for families in need. If interested,
please e-mail
Ushers Wanted: Please consider serving our community as an usher. For details regarding responsibilities
and to join a team, please contact Jay Schommer at
Common Ground Volunteers: Common Ground is Covenant’s fellowship time over bagels and coffee from
10:15-10:45. More volunteers are needed to help slice bagels and brew coffee or help with clean up. Common
Ground volunteers serve once every 4-6 weeks, for a half hour before or after Common Ground. If you, your
family or your small group would be interested in serving in this way, please contact Pamella Andersen at
Musicians: If you are a musician and would like to be involved with Covenant’s music on Sunday mornings
please contact Paul van der Bijl at
Coordinate Meals for Breakthrough: Covenant would like to restart serving dinner at Breakthrough
Men’s Shelter once a month. We are currently looking for a coordinator to organize volunteers and meals
for this monthly service opportunity. If you are interested in helping in this way, please contact mercy@
Partner with World Relief: Covenant is looking for several volunteers to partner with World Relief over
the coming months. Volunteers are needed in November to organize and sort World Relief’s storage area.
Volunteers are also needed for World Relief’s ESL and tutoring program for youth and adults. Tutors are asked
to make a 3 month commitment to tutor once a week, either in the homes of refugees or in the World Relief
Chicago offices. For more information on either service opportunity, please contact mercy@covenantchicago.
org. World Relief is also collecting supplies for refugee families. They are currently in need of winter coats and
boots, blankets, kitchen trash cans, tables and chairs. To schedule a pick up of these items, contact Kendra
Wright at
News & Announcements
Next Week’s Sermon Text: Colossians 1.24-29
Lost and Found: Forgot a dish at the cookout? Lost your Bible at retreat? Left a coffee mug in church? Come
check Covenant’s lost and found for your missing items. Remaining items will be donated on October 15. To
inquire about a missing item, contact Larissa Atkinson at
Meals Ministry: The Meals Ministry provides meals for individuals and families in times of need. If you
have recently had a baby, are in a period of transition, or have suffered a loss, please contact meals@ to request a meal.
Congratulations to Patrick and Jenny Nicole Fisher on the birth of their son, Brendan on October 3!
October 17 - Katie Harrison, October 19 - Katie DeVries, October 28 - Lezlie Mackie, November 26 - Katie
Bozylinsky, December 4 - Patricia Ritsman, December 17 - Beth Nielsen, December 19 - Jessalyn Garvey,
December 24 - Angie Kuna, January 30 - Lesley Stump, February 17 - Sandy Schommer
To be added to this list as a pregnant or adopting mother, please contact the church office (office@
Volunteers for This Week
Ushers 9:00 am - Barry Reece, Will Spiegelberg, Tim McAuley, Pat and Barb McNamara
Ushers 10:45 am - Mike Lindsey, Jonathan Clarke, Brian Locke, Dana and Mark Scheerhorn
Common Ground - Harrison Small Group
Volunteers for Next Week
Ushers 9:00 am - Jay Schommer, Jim Humes, Jerry and Keary Bramwell
Ushers 10:45 am - Barry Brown, Roger Engelmann, Linda Gehrs, Mark Hicks, Jonathan Womack
Common Ground - Paul and Joann Morgun, Abigail Austin, Amy Lewis
Communion Servers - Brad and Amy Lewis (9:00); Linda Gehrs (10:45)
Service Calendar
To sign up or learn more about service opportunities with Covenant, email
Pastoral Staff
Aaron Baker
Pastor: x31,
Share a prayer
request with church
leadership here:
David Salsedo
Associate Pastor: x39,
Jeff Schneider
Assistant Pastor: x24,
Support Staff
Larissa Atkinson
Director of Ministries: x40,
Michele Dillon
Director of Lay Counseling Ministries: x22,
Jenny Geishert
Youth Director: x37,
Tyler Hallenbeck
Seminary Intern:
Gene Pierson
Director of Finance & Property: x35,
Lenae van der Bijl
Director of Children’s Ministries: x38,
Paul van der Bijl
Director of Worship and Music: x33,
Aaron Baker (Moderator), David Dillon, John Loritsch, David Salsedo, Bill Scholtens, Larry Shover
Please direct correspondence for the Session to
Jenna Hania, Lauren Ireland, Brad Lewis, Josh Norton, Patricia Ritsman, Jay Schommer, Tom Smith (Chair),
Jonathan Spalink, Ryan von Drehle
Treasurer: Dana Scheerhorn
- If you’re in need or wish to speak with a deacon, you can email us at
- To make an appointment with a lay counselor please contact Michele Dillon at laycounseling@ or call the church and leave a message on ext. 22 and we will
promptly get back to you.
a church, a city, and a world continually made new by the grace of Christ
2012 W. Dickens, Chicago, IL 60647, (Education Building: 2022 W. Dickens)
phone: 773.486.9590, fax: 773.486.9591
Covenant Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in
America and is located within the bounds of the Chicago Metro Presbytery.