Document 6563946


Document 6563946
I would like to thank all of our pupils who helped last Saturday at the Open Morning; all of those involved
were an absolute credit to Lomond School and it was lovely to hear so much positive feedback about
them from our visitors. I would also like to thank those parents who were able to come and support the
school on Saturday. Our staff and pupils had worked extremely hard in the run up, as well as on the
day of Open Morning; we were proud to show all of our visitors Lomond School at its best and hear
how much people enjoyed their day.
I cannot believe that we are almost at half-term. It has been a very busy but enjoyable one for me. I
would like to say a personal thank you to everyone for making me feel so welcome. It feels like I have
been here for far longer than two months, yet I am also keenly aware of how much there still is to learn
about Lomond School! The next half of the term is a very busy and exciting time for our pupils with
Hallowe’en and, dare I say, Christmas festivities as well as a busy time academically. Our Fourth Year
in particular have their prelims in December and this is their first practice run at their National exams.
It is important that they start revising after half-term in preparation for these exams. I hope that pupils,
staff and parents are able to enjoy some rest over the half-term and I wish every member of our
community a very enjoyable October week.
I would like to remind parents that, if they have any subject-specific enquiries, then they should direct
these to either the class teacher or Head of Department in the first instance. If there are any pastoral
enquiries or more general academic enquiries, for example those that span across a range of
subjects, then please direct these to the appropriate Head of Year.
S1 & S2
S3 & S4
S5 & S6
Mrs Guy
Mr Dunlop
Mr Dodson
I would also like to give you advance notice of some school charity events:
 Friday 10 October
 Tuesday 28 October
S3 charity bake sale
T1 & T2 Hallowe’en Party; S1 - S3 and S4 - S6 Hallowe’en
discos in aid of school charities
From the end of October onwards, poppies will be on sale both in Clarendon and St Bride's.
Progress Reports
Our progress reports will be sent electronically to parents via email by Friday 10 October. If any
parent does not receive this email, then please contact the school either by telephoning Mrs Willis on
01436 672476 or via email (
Mr Thomas, our IT Support Manager, will be issuing all of the pupils who have not used their school
email this session with a new password. It is very important that all of these pupils follow these
instructions to set up their school email and change their temporary password. All Lomond pupils
from T2 - S6 will also be sent an email on Friday to remind them how to use the school printing
facilities for both PC and iPad.
During the Open Morning, the Physics Department ran a competition for fastest lap and top speed on
our Scalextric experiment and posted these on Edmodo in a group made for the Open Morning to
allow visitors to join and experience the use of 'possible' VLE's at the school. The fastest recorded
lap was Rory Sullivan from S1 (2.06 seconds); two visitors, Kyle and Findlay, achieved the top speed
(2.82 m/s).
Open Morning
I would like to extend a huge thank you to all those who helped to make our Open Morning such a
roaring success on Saturday. The feedback regarding the children who volunteered to assist with
demonstrations and tours was very positive; they really do show off what this special learning
environment produces! It was nice to see that some current and many prospective families enjoyed
the activities and received a warm welcome from our staff.
Parents’ Evening Thursday 23 October, 6.00 - 8.00 pm
As Parents’ Evening is quickly upon us after our return from half-term, please note that a letter
outlining all arrangements will be distributed this week, so please keep an eye out. We will also place
a copy on the website to aid any parents who find their child’s goes astray! Sign-up sheets will be
available on Monday 20 October in Clarendon for J1-J5 classes as well as Mrs Bell and Mrs
Greaves, and similarly Transitus forms will be in St Bride’s reception.
Uniform Reminder
Please note that Mrs Urqhart’s uniform advice in a recent newsletter (24 September) supersedes all
other information on this matter. Therefore, all Junior School pupils should arrive for school in full
school uniform and not PE kit. They should also leave in uniform at the end of the formal school day.
The only difference within the Junior School is that J1 to J3 are still permitted to wear their light blue
logo embroidered polo-shirts on PE days. As we embrace the lower temperatures of this time of year,
I would also like to remind parents that jackets, hats, scarves and gloves should all be in keeping with
school colours (navy or black) if you choose not to purchase the school issue items. Many thanks for
your co-operation with all uniform matters.
We are still collecting Morrison’s vouchers. Please drop in any collected vouchers to Mrs Ferguson;
thank you for your continued support.
Wee Bridie’s Library
Mrs Wells kindly co-ordinates the library lending scheme in Clarendon. She would very much
welcome and appreciate some new volunteers to help, in particular on a Wednesday lunchtime from
12.20 to 12.55 pm. If anyone would like to come along and see how they operate or would like to
know more, please contact Mrs Wells ( or Mrs Ferguson in the Junior School
office (
T1 iPads
I am aware that T1 pupils are desperate to have their iPads issued and I appreciate how patient both
parents and pupils have been to date. All of the iPads have been ready for issue for some time, but
we have been let down by the supplier of the protective covers. The IT Department is working hard
to rectify the situation and we will issue the iPads as soon as the covers arrive. (Ailsa Lawn)
Next week is the half-term holiday, so the Nursery will be closed on Monday 13 to Friday 17 October;
we will re-open as usual on Monday 20 October. We hope you all enjoy your break.
On Friday 31 October the Nursery will be holding its annual Hallowe’en party. The children are
invited to dress up for the occasion. We are also looking for any parent helpers who would like to
come in and join in the fun, or donate decorations or party food. There is a sign in sheet in the
Nursery, so don't forget to sign up before the half-term break! Thank you.
Date for the Diary
Wednesday 12 November is parents’ evening in the Nursery from 4.30 pm to 7.00 pm. This will give
you an opportunity to speak to your child's keyworker about their learning and development. An
appointment sheet will be available in the Nursery after half-term.
Individual Pupil Photographs are now available to order online (, before
Monday 13 October 2014. Please follow the instructions which are clearly given on the proof forms
distributed to your child via their form teacher.
Iceland 2015
With the recruitment of new pupils, we are able to take a third member of staff; Mr Kilday will now join
Mrs Taylor and myself. This also increases the likelihood that the total price at £850 will remain the
same; please ensure that this has been paid in full by the end of the autumn term. I would like to
remind parents that the scheduled October payment of £200 is now due. Payments can be made by
cheque or credit card via Mrs Carroll (G Taylor).
All careers books and resources borrowed from the Careers Adviser should be returned no later than
after two weeks, therefore allowing resources from the careers library to be shared amongst pupils.
Please return all books to Mrs Barrett-Bunnage, who is available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays or
place in her pigeonhole in the General Office after half-term. Pupils may be charged for unreturned
Mrs Barrett-Bunnage
Thursday 9 & Friday 10 October
S2 Hockey & S1/S2 Rugby Trip to King's School,
Return on Friday at 3.25 pm
All pupils should have received a letter and consent form for the trip.
Wednesday 5 November
Scottish Swimming Championship Trials 2014
 The trials will be held at Helensburgh pool.
 The event starts at 10.00 am and the organisers are looking for any volunteers to help with
the officiating on the day.
 Please give your names to Mrs Taylor as soon as possible. Swimmers must give their name
and times for their chosen events by today, Wednesday, as the closing day is Friday and
Mrs Taylor will not be in school.
Wednesday 22 October
 Ardencaple at 3.00 pm.
1st XI Cup match v St Aloysius' College
Thursday 23 October
1st XI friendly match v Grosvenor Grammar School, Belfast
 Ardencaple at 3.00 pm.
 5th & 6th Years are invited to join the squad for a meal up at the main building at 5.00 pm.
 Please bring showering kit and change back into school uniform after the match.
Friday 24 October
Friendly match v Ballyclare High School, Belfast
 Ardencaple at 4.00 pm.
 Match teas upstairs in the Dance Studio. Players to provide home baking.
 Finish at 6.00 pm.
Saturday 25 October
Hockey v Wellington School, Ayr
 1st XI, 2nd XI & 3rd Year 'A/B' - Away at Ayr
 2nd Year 'A' & 1st Yr 'A/B' - Home at Ardencaple
Saturday 25 October
Hockey v Hamilton College
 3 /4th Year team, 1st/2nd Year team & T1/T2 team all travel to Hamilton.
 More details in next week’s newsletter.
Saturday 25 October
SSAA Primary Schools' Road Relay Championships 2014
 This event is at Grangemouth and the school has entered a Transitus 1 boys’ and a Transitus
2 boys’ team for the above event.
 The following boys have been selected: T1 Peter Swigciski, Andrew Jackson- Leach,
Alastair McCartney with Finlay Macken reserve; T2 Monty Jamieson, Tavish Hicks,
Louis Paige with Ben Malcolm reserve. There are only 3 runners in a team.
 The PE Department may require help in transporting these pupils to Grangemouth on this
date. Please contact Mrs Taylor on
Saturday 8 November
Rugby v Belmont House
 Please note that this is an additional fixture for U16s at home.
Saturday 8 November - SSAA Secondary Schools' Road Relay Championships.
 More details to follow.
Wednesday 5 November
Scottish Schools’ Swimming Championship Trials 2014
 These will take place at Helensburgh Pool on Wednesday 5 November from 10am onwards.
Rugby cancellation line: 07518 430155
Hockey cancellation line: 07518 430319 (please phone after 7.00 am)
Silver DofE 2014/15 Applicants – There are still a few spaces for anyone interested in joining
the silver level of the DofE Award, whether you’ve completed Bronze first (even if it isn’t quite
finished!) or are looking at coming in as Silver Direct; please complete a consent and medical
form and return it with the accompanying payment to Mrs Willis in the General Office as soon
as possible.
ALL DofE Participants – Could all existing bronze, silver and gold participants please sign on
to your eDofE account and ensure that all of your sections have been signed off, having
uploaded your evidence; this should ensure that you can complete the level as soon as
possible! Any problems with your eDofE account, please see Mrs Harwood in H&FT
Match Teas – A Plea for Helpers!
We are still looking for volunteers to fill the following gaps. If anyone would be able to offer their
assistance, please contact Lucy Swigciski ( or text 07768 898784
detailing your preferred date/-s)! Usual timings are 9.30 am – 12.30 pm. If you cannot manage your
chosen date, please give at least 7 days’ notice or arrange for a replacement yourself. It would be
helpful if any changes to the following are emailed to Lucy at the earliest possible opportunity:
25 October
1 November
8 November
22 November
29 November
6 December
13 December
10 January
17 January
24 January
31 January
Kathy Watters
Claire Rowan
Linda Ramsay
Carol Moore
Janet Macleod
Patricia Allwood
Karen Thornton
Donna Siems
Helen Buri
Shona Malcolm
Rhona Hamilton
Emma Bull
Elaine Lindsay
Freda Mucklow
Marion King
Jane Leach
Denise Laverty
Lynsey Hassan
Cara Watt
Deborah Macken
Karen Ashdown
Gill Douce
Melanie Wells
PTA Christmas Cards - Once again the Primary children and some seniors will be designing
Christmas cards to raise money for the PTA, so please don’t buy all your Christmas cards quite yet!
Clarendon Hallowe’en Party
The Clarendon Hallowe'en Party will be held on Thursday 30 October from 5.30 to 7.30 pm in
St Bride’s Hall. Tickets are £2.50 per child and will be on sale from Monday 20 October from
Mrs Ferguson.
The school is happy to advertise articles for sale (e.g. sports equipment, musical instruments,
items of furniture) and other small items. The main intention is for the Lomond community to
sell smaller items amongst themselves. For these small ‘for sale’ advertisements the charge
is £2 per item per week.
Business Advertising: This is meant to be for small local businesses. Some goods and services
cannot be included, such as property transactions, financial services, tuition and childcare.
Charges per week are: £25 for a full page, £15 for a ½ page and a ¼ page will be £10. Small ads
(⅛ page or less) will be charged at a rate of £5 per week.
Deadline: Monday 3.30 pm
Windows PCs and desktop hardware serviced.
Any issues with your desktop pc or laptop?
Put your pc in for a service!
Special Discount - £5 off standard hourly rate for
Call: 01436 671976 or 08733 085670