Document 6564680
Document 6564680
TRANSLATING RESEARCH INTO PRACTICETM WWW.CDNETWORK.ORG Clinical Directors Network, Inc. (CDN) is dedicated to the continuing training and education of clinicians in Health Centers and other practices serving low-income and minority populations. Summer/Fall 2014 Free CME-Accredited Programs available to everyone via webcast at To register for a live webcast, visit Upcoming Webcasts To view an on-demand webcast, click on Webcast Library and use our tracks to choose from hundreds of archived webcasts SUMMER/FALL 2014 WEBCASTS Ebola in NYC: What You Need to Know Presented By: Fabienne Laraque, MD, MPH; Viral Hepatitis/BCD, NYC DOHMH Sponsored by: N2 PBRN Virtual Training Series (AHRQ, Grant No. 1 P30-HS-021667) Thursday, October 23, 2014, 9:30-10:30 AM EDT WEBCAST SERIES The Rockefeller University Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) Series Taking a History of Sexual Health- Opening the Door to Effective HIV Prevention and Care Presented by: Harvey J. Makadon MD, Director, National LGBT Health Education Center, The Fenway Institute, Fenway Health, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Sponsored by: N2 PBRN Virtual Training Series (AHRQ, Grant No. 1 P30-HS-021667) Tuesday, August 12, 2014, 1:00-2:00 PM EDT AIDS Education and Training Center National Multicultural Center Howard University College of Medicine State of the Arthritis: Effective Arthritis Management in 5 Minutes or Less Presented by: Ben Nowell, Ph.D., Director, Patient-Centered Research, Global Healthy Living Foundation; Iris Navarro-Millan, MD, University of Alabama, Birmingham Sponsored by: Global Healthy Living Foundation Wednesday, September 24, 2014, 2:00-3:00 PM EDT RCHN Community Health Foundation Webcast Series RECENT WEBCASTS Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Diabetes Comparative Effectiveness Study (GRADE): Utilizing Novel Approaches for Recruitment and PCP Engagement in a Comparative Effectiveness Study Presented by: M. Diane McKee, MD MS, Network Director, Paul Meissner, MPSH, Network Development, and Claudia Lechuga, MS, Network Coordinator, New York City Research Improvement Networking Group (NYC RING) Sponsored by: N2 PBRN Virtual Training Series (AHRQ, Grant No. 1 P30-HS-021667) Research Using EHR and Medicaid Claims Data: Methodological Challenges and PolicyRelevant Analyses Presented by: Rachel Gold, PhD, MPH; Investigator, OCHIN, Research & Investigator, Kaiser Permanente Northwest Center for Health Research Sponsored by: N2 PBRN Virtual Training Series (AHRQ, Grant No. 1 P30-HS-021667) Ending LGBT Invisibility in Health Care: Obtaining Data on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Clinical Settings Presented by: Harvey J. Makadon MD, Director, National LGBT Health Education Center, The Fenway Institute, Fenway Health, and Clinical Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Sponsored by: N2 PBRN Virtual Training Series (AHRQ, Grant No. 1 P30-HS-021667) Medical-Legal Partnership: Integrating Lawyers into the Healthcare Team to Address the Social Determinants of Health Presented by: Ellen Lawton, Esq., Lead Research Scientist, Co-Principal Investigator, National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership at GW Milken Institute School of Public Health; Bethany Hamilton, Esq., Community Healthcorps Program Officer, National Association of Community Health Centers; Marsha Regenstein, PhD, Professor, Department of Health Policy, Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University, Director of Research & Evaluation, National Center for Medical- Legal Partnership Sponsored by: National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership at GW Milken Institute School of Public Health THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE (CCTS) WEBCAST SERIES Diet Versus Bariatric Surgery In Obesity And Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Presented by: Ana Emiliano, MD, Instructor in Clinical Investigation, The Rockefeller University Understanding the Research Participant’s Experience: Outcome Measures to Improve Clinical Research Presented by: Rhonda G. Kost, MD, Clinical Research Officer, The Rockefeller University Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) Visit Funded by The National Institutes of Health - National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NIH-NCATS) Grant Award #8 UL1 TR000043 & by a 2011 CTSA Administrative Supplement Award. Contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official view of NIH or NCATS. Hospital Community Benefit Obligations: Implications Centers and Communities National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) Risk Management Series Health Care Acquired Infection (HAI) Prevention Training for Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs) & Train-the-Trainer Workshop N2 PBRN VIRTUAL TRAINING SERIES Funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ; Grant No. 1 P30-HS-021667) Resilient Active Vibrant Elders (RAVE): A Community-Engaged Approach to Designing Health Programing for Urban Elders of Color Featured PBRN: Center for Community Health Education Research and Service Preparing for Meaningful Use Stage 2 Featured PBRN: Alliance of Chicago Community Health Services Young African American Men and HIV: An Interactive Response to a Community Health Issue Featured PBRN: Access Community Health Network, Chicago, IL Community Research Participation Criteria for Community Health Centers Featured PBRN: Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations An Update on Community-Based HIV Prevention Research & Applications Featured PBRN: The Fenway Institute, Boston MA Integrating Patient Reported Outcomes into Clinical Care: HIV as a Case Study Featured PBRN: The Fenway Institute, Boston MA The Bronx Ongoing Pediatric Screening (BOPS) Initiative: Lessons Learned from a Large Scale Initiative to Enhance Screening in Urban Primary Care Featured PBRN: New York City Research and Improvement Group (NYC RING) The Research Potential of an EHR-Based Network: Lessons from the OCHIN PBRN Featured PBRN: OCHIN, Portland, Oregon Data Management Through the Project Life Cycle Featured PBRN: The Community Health Applied Research Network (CHARN) - Central Data Management and Coordinating Center (CDMCC) Using Your EMR to Facilitate Patient Centered Medical Home Featured PBRN: Alliance of Chicago Community Health Services CDN can help you disseminate your research, conduct your own web-based training, and provide Continuing Education accreditation. Call us at (212) 382 0699 x 242. Clinical Directors Network, Inc. (CDN) 5 West 37th St. 10th FL. • New York, NY 10018 USA • TEL 212-382-0699 ext. 242 • FAX 212-382-0669 Free Clinical Decision-Support Tools eClinician Project Anybody can download the FREE clinical decision-support tools to your Smartphone, Tablet, Notebook, PDA or Computer now! Want to learn more about how each tool can enhance clinical care? Learn through CDN’s online webcasts! Visit FREE Clinical Decision-Support Tools: - ePrescribing - eTools -Take Care New York (TCNY) Tools -Additional Tools & ResourcesFor more information visit Adult Immunization Sponsored by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYCDOHMH) and Clinical Directors Network, Inc. (CDN), the eClinician Project, is an initiative that provides free, public health-friendly customized handheld computers (PDAs) with clinical decision-support software to primary care clinicians working in NYC Community Health Centers. Bioterrorism, Emergency Preparedness Asthma Blood Pressure Control Cancer Screening Childhood Immunization Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Depression Diabetes HIV/AIDS Lipid Control Obesity/Nutrition Tobacco Control/Smoking Cessation ePocrates (Drug Reference) WISER (Hazardous Substances) CDN WEBCAST TRACKS For More Information: Access To Care Adolescent Health Alterna ve Medicine Asthma/Pulmonary Bioterrorism Cancer Preven on Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Ethics Clinical Informa cs/IT Clinical Leadership Training Clinical Research Cultural Competence Dental/Oral Health Depression Mental Health Diabetes Geriatric Medicine Health Dispari es HIV/AIDS Immuniza ons Infec ous Diseases LGBTQ Meet the Author Migrant Health Minority Health Nutri on/Physical Ac vity Obesity Preven on Occupa onal Health Pediatrics Pharmaceu cal Access Pregnancy/Ob‐Gyn Public Health Smoking Cessa on Spanish and Russian Language CMEs Stress/Stress Management Substance Use Women's Health ePSS (USPSTF Preventive Health Recommendations) Paving the Way for New Jersey Primary Care Clinicians & Cancer Clinical Trials Enhancing Community Health Center PCORI Engagement (EnCoRE) Enhancing Community Health Center PCORI Engagement (EnCoRE) PCORI EUGENE WASHINGTON AWARD PCORI EUGENE WASHINGTON AWARD RCHNCommunityHealthFoundation WebcastSeries HospitalCommunityBene itObligations:Implications CentersandCommunities This project aims to adapt, enhance, disseminate, and implement an exis ng curriculum designed to educate Health Center pa ents, clinicians, and other staff in Pa ent Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) through use of webinars, homework assignments, and skill skill--building resources. Metrics have been established to evaluate the extent to which the goal of increasing the number of “research engaged” Health Centers has been achieved. This goal will be achieved by strengthening infrastructure in compara ve effec veness pa ent centered outcomes research, delivering online training content, dissemina ng training resources, and by providing a suppor ve learning community to enable Health Center Teams to develop and submit high quality compe ve research for funding. Project Partners include: Clinical Directors Network, Na onal Associa on of Community Health Centers , Associa on of Asian Pacific Community Health Organiza ons , Ins tute for Community Health, South Carolina Primary Health Care Associa on, and Access Community Health Network. For more informa on, email or call Rachel Tayler:, (212) 382 382--0699 ext. 243 CDN & NHLBI “Antihypertensive and LipidLowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial” (ALLHAT) Collaboration Series Integrative, Alternative & Complimentary Health Care Webcasts The Continuum Center for Health and Healing Center: Beth Israel Medical Center: Osteoarthritis - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diabetes - Functional Medicine - Asthma Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Women’s Health Coronary Artery Disease - Chinese Medicine Attention Deficit Disorder - Acupuncture Principles of Integrative Medicine Botanical Medicine - Nutri- Community Health Centers (CHC) Increasingly, Federally-Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) are engaging in research as a way to achieve higher standards of care, narrow dispari es, and improve community health, and many FQHCs are interested in increasing their capacity to conduct community-based research, including CommunityBased Par cipatory Research (CBPR). CBPR is a collabora ve approach to research that engages community stakeholders as equal partners in all phases of the research process. CBPR enables unique partnerships that share interests, resources, and knowledge. Given their community se ng, governance and local ownership, FQHCs are uniquely posi oned to par cipate in CBPR. To facilitate FQHC involvement in research including CBPR, this website provides training resources to help FQHCs build the skills needed design, implement, analyze, publish and disseminate research with their community stake-holders. Both individuals and groups of co-workers at FQHCs can use these resources to build a free, on-demand training program for their team. The website is organized into a series of categories that have several resources which cover a range of topics and stages of engagement, ranging from basic introductory modules to more advanced modules. Resources also vary in length and format. For example, journal ar cles may only take 10 minutes to read, while webinars/webcasts and online courses may take several hours to complete. Many of these resources also count towards Con nuing Educa on (CE) Credits (users need to confirm that CE credits are s ll available). The Clinical and Transla onal Science Ins tute at Children's Na onal (CTSI-CN) is a partnership of Children's Na onal Medical Center and The George Washington University ( CTSI-CN is a newly established Clinical and Transla onal Science Award (CTSA) program of the Na onal Ins tutes of Health (NIH). CTSI-CN is funded by the Na onal Center for Advancing Transla onal Sciences (NCATS) grants UL1RR031988 and KL2RR031987, with matching ins tu onal support from Children's Na onal Medical Center and The George Washington University (GWU), and Geiger-Gibson/RCHN Community Health Founda on at GWU. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS 7200 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 210 Bethesda, MD 20814 Phone: 301.347.0400 Clinical Directors Network, Inc. (CDN) 5 West 37th St. 10th FL. New York, NY 10018 USA TEL 212-382-0699 ext. 242 FAX 212-382-0669