Apply for 2015 UN-Water Annual International Zaragoza 15-17 January 2015


Apply for 2015 UN-Water Annual International Zaragoza 15-17 January 2015
Apply for 2015 UN-Water Annual International Zaragoza
Conference Media and Communicators Sessions
15-17 January 2015
See the water and sustainable development post-2015 agenda develop at ground level
Are you a journalist or a communicator with an interest in the biggest challenges facing the
world today? UN-Water would like you to apply for the media and communicators sessions
which will take place at the UN-Water Annual International Zaragoza Conference in Zaragoza,
Spain. The conference will provide an opportunity for media and communicators to discuss the
challenges of the post-2015 water agenda with policy makers from all over the world, network,
meet and interview internationally recognized figures with stories to share and take part in the
UN international conference.
The important role of media and communicators
Water, Sanitation, Hygiene issues are at the core of sustainable development as they are closely
linked to a number of key global challenges such as energy, food security, biodiversity, climate
change, among others. Creating awareness and earning commitment from decision-makers for
these issues (including cooperation, scarcity, pollution, disasters, etc.) is vital if we are to
influence policies and practices that affect the lives of millions – particularly the disadvantaged.
Media and communicators play a vital role in informing, communicating and advocating these
The media and communicators sessions at the 2015 UN-Water Annual International Zaragoza
Conference aim to move the water and sustainability communication agenda forward and
better position the issues during the post-2015 period.
Position yourself as a thought leader in some of the most important issues facing the planet
Discuss the challenges to a sustainable water future #post2015 with policy makers from all
over the world;
Develop contacts in governments, NGOs, business and UN delegates who can inform your
communications for years to come;
Meet and interview internationally recognized figures with big stories to share;
Be part of a community of journalists writing regularly about water and sustainable
Sponsorship, eligibility and selection criteria
The media and communicators sessions are open to journalists and communicators from all
over the world. Up to 10 participants from developing countries will receive travel expenses
and accommodation to participate in this invitation-only event. Application for sponsorship is
now open to journalists from developing countries.
To be considered for participation in the media and communicators sessions, prospective
candidates are asked to submit:
 Curriculum vitae
 3 examples of work (examples in languages other than English should be accompanied
by a short summary in English). These could include articles, videos, communication
campaigns, in-depth analysis (reportages), etc.
For those participants requesting to be sponsored, they should also submit:
A letter from his/her supervisor indicating why the journalist/communicator should be selected.
If the applicant is a freelance professional, a letter from the media and/or organization he/she
usually collaborates with will be sufficient.
 A one-page motivation letter where the journalist explains its interest in taking part in
the conference.
To be considered for sponsorship, complete applications should be sent to until 15 September 2014 with the following subject line: Application for Media
and Communicators Sessions. Successful candidates will be notified by 15 October 2014. For
other participants, applications will be accepted until 30 November 2014.
16 January, Morning: Media session
Media play an important role in influencing the public opinion, attitudes, and actions.
Politicians recognize that the media are arenas for advocacy and they can shape and influence
policies. This session will reflect on the role of media in communicating water, sanitation and
hygiene issues: What interests the media? How the new media environment is influencing the
communication process? What are the main sources of information media use? What are the
main challenges/bottlenecks in the communication process? What are current public’s
perceptions and how are they influenced by the media? What are main capacity-building
needs? What are the main media networks on these issues? Side events can be organized to
address specific issues (e.g. by region).
16 January, Afternoon: Communicators session
UN agencies and programmes, NGOs, Governments, etc. organize communication campaigns to
address specific issues. During this session, they will discuss different issues including: Who is
doing what? What topics are covered? And uncovered? What works, what doesn’t? Main
lessons learned? What are the new communication challenges for the post-2015 development
agenda? etc.
Time and venue
The 2015 UN-Water Annual International Zaragoza Conference media and communicators
sessions is planned for 16 January 2015 and will be held in Zaragoza, Spain. More information
on the conference:
Draft agenda
Morning. Media session
 Discussion opener on the experts’ view of media role and the post-2015 agenda on
 Roundtable on the role of media in communicating water, sanitation and hygiene issues.
Afternoon Communicators session
 Discussion opener: Overview of communication campaigns and lessons learned
 Reflections of campaign organizers (tbc: WSSCC, JMP, MDG Campaign, WaterAid, etc.)
 Debate
For more information, please contact
Pilar Gonzalez Meyaui
Information management and awareness raising expert
United Nations Office to support the International Decade for Action 'Water for Life' 2005-2015
UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication
Casa Solans
Avda. Cataluña, 60
50014 Zaragoza, Spain