Los desiertos verdes - circle-2
Los desiertos verdes - circle-2
The Green Deserts project Life+ 2009-2015 EEA GRANTS Conference - The Role of Water in Adaptation to Climate Change 08/10/2013, Lisbon. Sven Kallen, Director Transfer Consultancy Iberia – frontier fight against climate change Zaragoza Lisboa Murcia Objectives 1. Prove technical and economic feasibility of Groasis Waterboxx 2. Disseminate concept ¨Deal with desertification of abandoned areas (dry, bare) which used to be lungs for the capture of CO2, sources of food production and landscape.¨ 3. Involve local communities 4. Clarify best combination of soils, trees, and application methods Participants Universidad de Valladolid Diputación de Valladolid Diputación de León Ayuntamiento de San Mateo de Gállego Ayuntamiento de Riofrío de Aliste Aquapro Sylma Transfer Consultancy The scope of the project 55,000 saplings 65 Ha. 5 areas - Valladolid - León - Zamora - Zaragoza - Barcelona FACTS: León Altitude 1600-1800 m Slope of 39,6 % No water retention Snow 8 months/year The scope FACTS: Zamora Old quarry Altitude of 900 m Strong winds high rainfall in winter FACTS: Valladolid Altitude of 800 m Former illegal waste dumps Dry summers & cold winters FACTS: Barcelona Altitude of 100-300 m Hills suffer from forest fires Low water retention capacity Almost no top-soil (slate) FACTS: Zaragoza Altitude of 300 m Highly degraded soil Desertification (Los Monegros) Actions Characterisation and selection of species and lots Preparation of saplings Realisation of the Waterboxxes and capillary drill Planting of the saplings Maintenance, control and technical monitoring Innovation: Groasis Waterboxx Planting Control & monitoring (1) o o o o o 10% trees planted without Waterboxx as control group Random sampling of 5-10% Measurement of different factors (survival, growth, etc.) Thermal effect Analysis of problems Damage by frost and low temperatures Damage by wildlife: moles, rabbits, wild boars… Control & Monitoring (2) Control & monitoring (3) State of project – first conclusions The Groasis Waterboxx looks like a good tool to improve survival rates of trees, but other factors are at play: o o o o Quality of the sapling Correct positioning of Waterboxx Maintenance Animals Communication - Local awareness Cooperation with other Life+ • LIFE Delta Lagoon - Sant Carles de la Rapita (Tarragona)-Fundación Naturaleza y Hombre • LIFE Reserva Campanarios de Azaba (Salamanca)-IRTA Delta del Ebro-Sant Carles de la Rapita Campanarios de Azaba The web: all content in 2 languages News section: El Mundo La Opinión de Zamora La Crónica etc Action! Involvement lessons: • Involve people & local communities: offer concrete activities • Grasp attention: short articles, video, social media, … • People see the issues (desertification, habitat loss, etc.) but feel rather powerless: give them inspiration! As a team we learned: • “It’s the SOIL stupid!” • Develop new projects to deal with deserted, dry, bare lands New LIFE projects Operation CO2: Climate change project, 2 lines of action: - Carbon credits for forest conservation (4.000 Ha.) for the voluntary market - Integral agroforestry systems (2 * 25 Ha.), pre-certification All info at: www.operationCO2.com Muito obrigado! For more information, please check: • www.thegreendeserts.com • The Green Deserts on Facebook • Youtube channel Or contact: • sven@transfer-lbc.com (Sven Kallen)