ST. JOSEPH CHURCH LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA CONSIDER A BEQUEST TO ST. JOSEPH’S October 19, 2014 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time What Our Churches Do Most Christians understand the term “Church” primarily to mean the People of God, formed by Christ as his community of believers. As members of Christ’s Church, we have been brought into relationship with the Triune God and one another. As bodily creatures, we have the ever-present need to be in relationship with God and one another in concrete terms, including time and space. For this reason, “church” also connotes the structure where we gather to worship the Lord. The purpose of authentic, Christian worship or liturgy is the glorification of God and the sanctification of humankind, and our churches are where this occurs firstly. Consequently, the architecture of our churches ought to facilitate this supremely important function. To understand this glorification and sanctification, we recall our Jewish roots in the Old Testament by which the Chosen People worshipped the Lord in the Temple and in their synagogues. The glorification of the Lord God—rendering the Lord his due—was centered in the Temple and in sacrifice; human beings’ sanctification was found in this encounter with the True God. Jewish sacrifice was of the utmost importance to facilitate this Divine encounter. Even the synagogue where the Torah and the Prophets—i.e. the Word of God—occupied the central focus was ultimately oriented toward God’s presence in the Temple in Jerusalem. Cardinal Ratzinger explains, in his book The Spirit of the Liturgy, that “The synagogue was never just a place of instruction, a kind of religious classroom. . . No, its orientation was always toward the presence of God. Now, for the Jews, this presence of God was (and is) indissolubly connected with the Temple.” Why was that? Only in the Temple in Jerusalem could sacrifice be offered to God, and through the Ark of the Covenant, the Lord God manifested his closeness to His people. For Christians, sacrifice and Divine Presence converge in Jesus Christ, who is the Father’s Word made Flesh. Indicating how Christ fulfills the worship of the Old Testament, Cardinal Ratzinger comments that Jesus’ words in the Gospel of John are given, “as a prophetic utterance that Jesus makes in explanation of his action: “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up” . . . This is the prophecy of the Cross: he shows that the destruction of his earthly body will be at the same time the end of the Temple. With his Resurrection the new Temple will begin: the living body of Jesus Christ, which will now stand in the sight of God and be the place of all worship.” We are the living, Mystical Body of Christ. The Eucharist is this fulfilling sacrifice—the sacrifice of the Cross—by which the veil of the Temple was torn asunder so that mankind may have access, be reconciled, to the Father. And as is clear from Christ’s command, “Do this in remembrance of me,” the Eucharistic sacrifice continues to today to be the way we worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth. Fr. Allan F. Wolfe Sunday, October 19 - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Laity Sunday Second Collection - World Mission Sunday 8:00 am Mass - People of the Parish 9:15 am CCD - Education Building 9:15 am Focus on Faith - Tipitina’s 10:30 am Mass - James R. Kirchner, Sr. (Helen Kirchner) 2:00 pm Legion of Mary Curia - Good Shepherd Rm Monday, October 20 - St. Paul of the Cross, Priest 6:30 am Mass - Msgr. Thomas Smith (Maureen & Dave Fritz) 8:15 am Mass - Frank Donovan (Jack Brons) 9:00 am Legion of Mary - Good Shepherd Rm 4:00 pm Basketball - Msgr. Thomas H. Smith Social Hall 6:00 pm RCIA for Children - Good Shepherd Rm 7:00 pm RCIA - St. Francis Rm 7:00 pm Scouts - Scout Rm Tuesday, October 21 6:30 am Mass - Antonio Santos (Mrs. Velazquez) 8:05 am Morning Prayer 8:15 am Mass - Carl Draude, Jr. (Regina Draude) 4:00 pm Basketball - Msgr. Thomas H. Smith Social Hall 7:00 pm Stewardship - Good Shepherd Rm Wednesday, October 22 - St. John Paul II, Pope 6:30 am Mass - Susan Fawber (Karen & Rod Brown) 8:15 am Mass - Intention of Shirley Burger (Teresa Mumby) 4:00 pm Basketball - Msgr. Thomas H. Smith Social Hall 5:00 pm SWAN - Good Shepherd Rm 7:00 pm Cub Scouts - Scout Rm Thursday, October 23 - St. John of Capistrano, Priest 6:30 am Mass - Colleen DeManincor (Bobbie & John Reisinger) 8:15 am Mass - Ruth Brons (Christian Students of Pakistan) 4:00 pm Basketball - Msgr. Thomas H. Smith Social Hall 6:00 pm Women’s Club - St. Francis Rm Friday, October 24 - St. Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop 6:30 am Mass - Anthony & Gloria Stoe (Joan Hauck) 8:05 am Morning Prayer 8:15 am Mass - Fr. Joseph Hilbert (Mary Ellen & Margaret Gardner) 4:00 pm SWAN - Good Shepherd Rm 4:00 pm Basketball - Msgr. Thomas H. Smith Social Hall Saturday, October 25 8:15 am Mass - Harry & Nina Gregg (Richard & Nancy Frey) 9:00 am In Use - Good Shepherd Rm 10:30 am Nuestra Clinica - Tipitina’s, St. Joseph Rm, Nursery 2:00 pm Wedding - Church 5:00 pm Mass - Andrew Bauer (Joanne Bauer) Sunday, October 26 - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am Mass - People of the Parish 9:15 am CCD - Education Building 9:15 am Focus on Faith - Tipitina’s 10:30 am Mass - Living & Deceased of the Mark S. Smith Family 4:00 pm Parish Eucharistic Devotions - Evening Prayer 5:00 pm Youth Group - Hayride Fr. Wolfe and Fr. Isaac will be attending the Priests’ Continuing Formation Workshop this week. The 6:30 and 8:15 Masses Monday through Friday as well as the 12:05 Mass at St. Mary’s will be celebrated by Fr. Robert Keffer and Fr. Meinrad Lawson, OSB. ST. JOSEPH CHURCH LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA CONSIDER A BEQUEST TO ST. JOSEPH’S October 19, 2014 SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR OCTOBER 26, 2014 - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: Exodus 22:2026; Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10; Gospel: Matthew 22:34-40. PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER Those who are ill: Miriam Axe, William Braungard, Mary Huber, David Martin, Darlene Russell and Linda Schmalhofer. A Way of Life at Saint Joseph TREASURE In Pew Collection $6,857.51 Electronic Giving 3,287.00 Total Regular Collection $10,144.51 Organ Memorial Fund 110.00 School Endowment Debt Reduction 189.00 Those in nursing homes, those presently or recently in the hospital: Marie Fischer, Margaret Fittipaldi and John Magliulo and those listed in our Book of the Sick. Vigils 213.24 All Saints Day 10.00 PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SEMINARIANS: Stephen Logue, Joshua Weaver, Tyler Mentzer, Michael Metzgar, Samuel Miller, Matthew Morelli, Bradley Fischer, Peter Quach and Richard Lyons. World Mission Sunday 10.00 BAPTISM: Bryce Church, son of Steven and Stephanie Church. DEATHS: Please pray for the repose of the souls of Patricia Tearney, sister of Shirley Burger and Fr. Andrew Fontanella. PERPETUAL ADORATION: Won’t you spend ONE HOUR before the Lord in adoration? Open hours: Monday 6:007:00am, 9:00-10:00am and 1:00-2:00pm; Wednesday 9:00-10:00am and 4:00 to 5:00pm; Thursday 12:001:00am, 5:00-6:00am and 12:00noon-1:00pm; Friday 6:00-7:00pm and 9:00-10:00pm; Saturday 9:0010:00pm. If you can help or are interested in being a substitute, please call Oliver at 560-2873 or Vonnie at 3974300. If you are a regular adorer and would occasionally be interested in also being a substitute, please contact Oliver. If you change your phone number, please notify Oliver so that he can contact you if Adoration is cancelled for any reason. EUCHARISTIC DEVOTIONS OCTOBER 26TH, 27TH, 28TH: Liturgies will be Sunday at 4:00pm, Monday and Tuesday at 7:00pm with Solemn Closing on Tuesday. Fr. Wolfe will be the homilist this year. Mark these dates on your calendar as a special opportunity for prayer and reflection. Signup sheets for adoration with half hour interval times are posted outside Fr. Wolfe’s Reconciliation Room. All Eucharistic Ministers and Altar Servers should be vested and participate in the Solemn Closing of Eucharistic Devotions on Tuesday, October 28th at 7:00pm. DO YOU SUPPORT OUR GROCERY GIFT CARD AND SCRIP PROGRAMS? Grocery gift cards for Weis Markets, Giant, John Herr’s, Stauffer’s, Darrenkamp’s and Sheetz cards are available Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm at the rectory office and scrip can be ordered weekly for pick-up the following weekend. Grocery gift card sales for the weekend of October 12 th of $950.00 earned a profit of $51.25. There were no Scrip sales. Memorials - Stained Glass Fund 900.00 October 12, 2014 CHILDREN’S STEWARDSHIP Fifteen children offered their time, talent and treasure to God last weekend. Their contributions to the Missionary Childhood Association totaled $7.91. What did you offer to Jesus this week? MASS ATTENDANCE: October 12: 5:00pm - 150; 8:00am 147; 10:30am - 209; Nursery - 0 = 506 Total Attendance. TIME and TALENT PARISH MINISTRIES - ARE YOU INVOLVED? Children’s Liturgy of the Word: This program for children ages 5 through 11 is held during the 10:30 am Mass. It provides an opportunity for them to hear and understand the scriptures at their age level and encourages them to think about how those readings apply to their lives. Volunteers who work with this ministry must have current child clearances as required by the Diocese of Harrisburg. Perpetual Adoration: Consider setting aside one hour a week for Jesus in our Holy Family Chapel and experience His peace. Choose any hour, day or night, according to your schedule. If you are unable to commit to a weekly hour, sign up as a substitute. Grocery Card & Scrip Program: By participating in this program you can buy the products you need while also supporting St. Joseph’s. It costs you nothing additional, but benefits the parish. Gift cards are available for clothing stores, restaurants, gas stations, movie theaters, etc. A complete listing and order form are available on our parish website (see Scrip Order Form) and at the table where the grocery gift cards are sold. It takes a little planning ahead, but can become a positive habit. Now is the time to purchase scrip for Black Friday and Christmas shopping! They make great Christmas gifts too. ST. JOSEPH CHURCH LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA CONSIDER A BEQUEST TO ST. JOSEPH’S FLOWERS FOR CHURCH: Altar Flowers for the main altar (2 vases) or the Blessed Mother or St. Joseph side altars can be ordered to celebrate a happy occasion, in thanksgiving, for a special intention or to remember a loved one who has died. Available dates are: November 2nd and November 9th (All Altars); November 16th and November 30th (High Altar & St. Joseph Altar). The cost per vase is $40.00. Call Teri or Deacon Marty at the rectory, 397-6921 to make arrangements. Flowers on the Altars this weekend are given for the intentions of the Zimmerman family by Bob & Lydia Zimmerman RCIA CLASSES HAVE BEGUN: It is not too late to register or to begin attending classes. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about RCIA and the Catholic Faith please contact Dan Krieger at 717-397-6921, extension 5, option 3 or via email at SECOND COLLECTION this weekend for World Mission Sunday, a day set aside for Catholics worldwide to recommit themselves to the Church's missionary activity through prayer and sacrifice. Your prayers and generous support on World Mission Sunday directly benefit the mission church – places like Mongolia where the young church is growing, filled with zeal for the faith, but lacking resources for its outreach to families and those in need. THE ST. JOSEPH WOMEN’S CLUB is having a meeting on Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 7:00pm in the St. Francis Room. After last month’s lively first meeting, I can’t wait to see where the ideas and discussion have led. Many subjects brought up at that meeting will be further explored and decisions will be made on the direction to take the club this year. There will be new projects and new endeavors for the good of the parish and just for the fun of it. There will be opportunities for one and all to take advantage of throughout the year and many ways to support the club and the parish. So, ladies join us for a meeting sure to be filled with laughs and fellowship and prayer and food and maybe a surprise. MONTHLY MASS FOR FAMILIES: Beginning on Sunday, November 2, the 10:30 Mass and each first Sunday of the month all families with children are invited to sit together in reserved seating near the front of the church. The homily will be family based and our young people will be asked to serve as lector and cantor. The children’s choir will sing and the offertory gifts brought forward by a family. Children’s Liturgy of the Word will not be held the first Sunday of each month. WEBSITE COMMITTEE: We are currently in the process of revising and updating the Saint Joseph Church website in order to provide easier access to more vital information about the parish. MEMBERS ARE NEEDED for a committee to guide and maintain this important media. For those with knowledge and interest in the area, please call Mary Ellen at the parish office at 397-6921. CROP WALK is Sunday, this weekend, starting at 12:45 pm at Clipper Magazine Stadium. You may make cash or check donations after Masses. Make checks payable to CROP. October 19, 2014 RESURRECTION CATHOLIC SCHOOL: We are asking parishioners to participate in the Giant A+ School Rewards and the Target Take Charge of Education programs to help us earn money for needed supplies. It’s easy! Simply go to aplus to register your card. Every time you use your bonus card between now and March 21, Resurrection Catholic School benefits. If you don’t have access to a computer, call the school office (392-3083) and provide your last name and 11-digit card number. Target REDcard holders simply enroll at or call 800-316-6142. We’re happy to help with this, too. Thank you! Please join us as the Resurrection Catholic School family prays for our parish priests attending the Priests Continuing Formation Workshop this week. We invite your family to become part of the Resurrection Family! COMMUNITY MEAL: The Social Justice Committee will host the Community Meal at St. Mary’s on Friday, October 31. Please contact Donna Chambers at 464-4769 if you are able to help. Our parish is responsible for the meal on the 5th Friday of the month. There is a critical need for volunteers each week when other parishes host the meal. If you’re able to help on Fridays from 5:00-7:00pm, please contact Bob Soper 464-4751. GERMANFEST SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1:Tickets are now on sale for the 2nd annual GermanFest. This wonderful event will pay tribute to our church’s founders and our church’s German roots. The night features live polka by the Alpenlaenders. The menu features the “Best of the Wursts” (bratwurst, knockwursts etc.), homemade German potato salad, homemade German desserts and even the beer and sauerkraut were freshly brewed in our hall. The event will go from 6:30pm until 11:00pm. Tickets are $10 and $5 for kids in 8th grade or younger. Your ticket includes admission, entertainment, food and beverages. This is an all ages event. GERMANFEST/PREPARATION PARTY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31ST: One of the best parts of our GermanFest is the preparation of the food all being made by hand by our parishioners. We already had one event where we made the beer and sauerkraut. On Friday, October 31st, we are making the German potato salad, German desserts and Darrenkamp’s is coming in to help us make the sausages and wursts. We will start at 6:00pm and dinner and beverages will be provided at no cost to all participants. Call or see Jen or Jim Weber and let them know if you can make it. ALL SOULS REMEMBRANCE SERVICE: Our Remembrance Service for all those who have died since last All Souls Day will be held this year on Sunday, November 2nd at 3:00pm in our Church. This will be a prayer service including the Candle Lighting Remembrance followed by a social in the Monsignor Thomas H. Smith Social Hall. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE: The 2014 fall campaign continues until Sunday, November 2nd. To sign up for a time-slot on the campaign’s 40-hour time-schedule, phone Matt at 824-3015 or log on to ST. JOSEPH CHURCH LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA CONSIDER A BEQUEST TO ST. JOSEPH’S October 19, 2014 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 867: Installation of new officers Oct. 26th 9:30 Mass at St. Anthony, brunch to follow at the Home. Council 867 members only. Thirty One & Vera Bradley Bags and Longaberger Basket Bingo 10/19 at 1:00pm. Bingo every Monday and Thursday 6:30pm; multiple jackpots. Friday Dinner Specials: 10/24 Roast Beef, mash potato, veg. $7.95; 10/31 Honey roasted chicken, mash potato, veg. $6.95. Interested in becoming a new member? Call Chuck Yost 394-5064. For details on all activities: CATHOLIC WORKER HOUSE WINTER CLOTHING DRIVE: Please join in donating your GENTLY USED CLEAN WINTER CLOTHING for the Catholic Worker House’s annual winter clothing giveaway which will be held at San Juan Bautista’s Plaza on Saturday, November 8th. WE ARE ASKING FOR WINTER WEAR ONLY. Coats, Hats, Gloves, Sweaters, Winter Socks, Scarfs, Snow Pants, Boots and Shoes. Blankets too! We would greatly appreciate if all women’s, men’s and children’s clothes be bagged separately. Please label each bag “CWH-Women’s”, CWH Men’s” or CWH-Children’s. You may drop off the items in the St. Francis Room before or after Mass on the weekend of October 25-26. Thank you for your support. TRIVIA NIGHT with Mike Horn of Earth Trivia presented by St. James Knights of Columbus, Saturday, October 25th at 7:00pm, 505 Woodcrest Ave., Lititz, PA. $15.00 per person. Sales limited to first 30 teams. For more information email or COURT QUEEN OF PEACE #1023 CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS announces the Catholic Daughters of The Americas 2015 National Education Contest for Grades 4–12. Entrants can choose from two themes: “LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOUR SELF” or “BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR”. For details of contest rules and awards, please go to If you have questions contact Margaret T. Giordano at (717) 390-9035. FOURTH ANNUAL VETERANS BREAKFAST 9:00 am on November 6th at Fred F. Groff Funeral Home, 234 W. Orange St., Lancaster. Free to any veteran who honorably served. Bonnie Bowman from the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds will be present to issue “Thank A Vet” photo ID cards. To register call Fred F. Groff, Inc at 717-397-8255 by November 4th. A WOMAN’S CONCERN: a Lancaster pro-life pregnancy care center, is seeking volunteer client advocates. Volunteers are asked to commit to serving one 4-hour shift each week in the office. No experience is necessary and training will be provided. If interested, please call the office at 394-1561 to request a volunteer application. God has called you by your name. You are a child of God. Are you aware of your strength in God? (Isaiah 45:1, 4-6). If God may be calling you to the priesthood or consecrated life, visit our website at or call Father Raymond LaVoie at (717) 657-4804. LARC DAY OF DIALOGUE: We are pleased to have the internationally known speaker, Dr. Massimo Faggioli to offer his insights on the formulation of Second Vatican Council’s historic Decree on Ecumenism, Unitatis Redintgratio. This decree, along with the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy and the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, impacted the lives of Roman Catholics, Lutherans and Episcopalians in ways that we now take for granted. This will take place October 27, 2014. Please mark your calendars with this date. For more information and to register online please visit LARC2014. CATHOLIC CHARITIES COME AND SEE DINNER: Catholic Charities is pleased to welcome Bishop Ronald Gainer as our featured speaker for the annual Come and See Dinner on Tuesday, November 4th at the Cardinal Keeler Center, Harrisburg. Reception is at 5:00pm followed by dinner at 6:00pm. The evening includes a reception/auction, buffet dinner, and remarks from Bishop Gainer. This is the largest fundraising event of the year for Catholic Charities. Reservations are $100 per person. Contact Christopher Meehan, Catholic Charities Director of Development, at or 717-657-4804 (ext. 284). MASS CELEBRATING THE GIFTS OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES: Please join us for this annual Diocesan Mass on Saturday, November 1, 2014 at St. Pius X Church, 112 Fairview Dr., Selinsgrove, PA 17870. Bishop Ronald Gainer will be the principal celebrant with participation from persons with disabilities throughout the diocese. A light reception will be held after Mass. For more information contact Kate Neri at (717) 657-4804, ext. 317 or DIOCESAN CATECHETICAL CONFERENCE NOVEMBER 15, 2014: The annual Diocesan Catechetical Conference will be held Saturday, November 15, 2014 at the Diocesan Center (4800 Union Deposit Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111). Doors open at 8:00am and concludes at 4:30 pm. Theme is: The Catechist as Witness to Christ. The Most Reverend Ronald W. Gainer will be Principal Celebrant and Homilist for Mass. There will be 35 workshops over four sessions. Keynote speaker is Patrick Coffin, a dynamic Catholic speaker, author, and host of the top-rated national radio show, Catholic Answers Live. He has appeared on FOX Channel, Comedy Central, and EWTN. Cost is $30 per person. For information, please contact Jim Gontis at (717) 657-4804, ext. 227, or at Thank you to our Bulletin Sponsor of the Week Royer Pharmacy 508 Hershey Ave. You can read the bulletin online at our parish website: