ELM RIDGE METHODIST CHURCH WHO’S WHO? A new series introducing members of our congregation, and their stories of faith and life. Introducing Rev. Joe Daley My name is Joe Daley and I am the Presbyter responsible for the churches in the north end of the town. I am also one of three co-superintendents in this circuit. This is a snapshot of who I am what I do and enjoy; I like to watch the TV and listen to the radio (Radio 4 is an abiding passion!) and I enjoy popular culture in all its forms - and I have even been known to struggle a little with the riches of Proust and the great Dante! I also like to walk and think and read. I will read anything, but discrimination often leads me to novels both classic and modern, and I particularly enjoy science fiction in all its forms; everything from classic space opera to ‘Game of Thrones’; the (Guardian) newspaper is permanent fixture in my day - both print and online versions as is the New Statesman. I am fascinated by history and current affairs and I try to be informed about the world we live in and I try not to let cynicism get the better of me!! I enjoy all kinds of music but I am especially passionate about jazz and my family and friends are very important to me. My wife Heather is a teacher, a gardener and an enthusiastic devotee of crosswords and games. Our daughter Rebecca is a recent graduate from Oxford and is working for a publisher in London and our son Jonathan has just started his second year at Queen’s University in Belfast. Moving to Darlington has revealed a part of the country we were not familiar with and I am excited by the opportunities that ministry here offers and the garden at the manse will give Heather another opportunity to turn me into a gardener!! CHURCH INFORMATION Address Elm Ridge Methodist Church Carmel Road South Darlington. DL3 8DJ Church Administrator Lindy Lowis (Tel: 282491) Core office hours Mon-Thurs 10am-12pm Ministers Rev. Helena Harbottle (Tel: 462317) Rev. Andrew Stobart (Tel: 722961) Registered Charity Number: 1126826 CCL: 32479 E-mail office@elmridgemethodist.co.uk Website www.elmridgemethodist.co.uk Sunday 19th October 2014 A very warm welcome, whether you are joining us today for worship or reading this at home. ‘We need better communication’, is a phrase I have heard a lot at recent church-related meetings and in the private discussions which inevitably follow. Yes, I agree, but these comments have caused me to ask myself, what is it we should be communicating? I need to think doubly hard about this because I have agreed to be the Church Steward with particular responsibility for communication! The guidance issued by the Methodist Church makes it clear that an important part of a Steward’s role is to ‘uphold and act upon the decisions and policies of the Synod and Church Council, communicating them to the congregation’. Obviously, you want to know what’s happening and why; and you have my word that I’ll do my best to make sure this is disseminated rather more effectively than it has been in the recent past, but, doesn’t communication imply rather more than that? If you log on to Elm Ridge’s website, you will see this: ‘We are a community of Christians who are trying day by day to understand God’s love. We see God’s love shown to us in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and we are determined to reflect that love to others.’ Certainly, we have to communicate God’s love and part of showing this love is to spread the good news of new life in Christ. We can, through our contact with the people we meet day to day. We can, through adapting what we do and how and when we do it to best meet their circumstances. We can, through making Church practicable for, welcoming to and supportive of those who are not yet searching or who are taking their first tentative steps towards becoming Christians. So that we can be effective collectively as ‘church’, it is important too that we each make the most of the opportunities available to help us learn through teaching, to pray together, to worship together, to have fellowship. We each need to ask God what our particular gifts are and, if you are not sure, ask those close to you; you may be surprised! To misquote the words of the Fat Controller in Thomas The Tank Engine, we need to be equipped to be ‘really useful Christians’. For, as we know: ‘...God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.’ (John 3:16) Richard McElheran CHURCH NOTICES A warm welcome to worship at Elm Ridge Methodist Church. The readings today are: 9:00am Brian Simpson - Exodus 33: 12-23, 1 Thess 1: 1-10, Matt 22: 15-22 10:45am Graham Bright - John 4: 1-26, Romans 6: 5-14 THIS WEEK’S ACTIVITIES 1:30pm 5:45pm MONDAY Tiddlywinks Beavers TUESDAY 10:00am Prayer Meeting 12 noon Romney Bywater’s funeral 6:30pm Brownies 2:30pm 5:45pm 6:30pm 7:15pm 2:00pm 6:30pm 7:30pm 4:00pm 5:30pm 6:45pm 8:15pm 11:30am 2:00pm WEDNESDAY Women’s Fellowship - details on next page New Brownie Group Worship Group Guides THURSDAY Library House Group Brownies Men’s Fellowship - details on next page FRIDAY Rainbows Rainbows Cubs Scouts SATURDAY Sue Greaves and Keith Sleightholm’s wedding Alfreda Anderson and Harry Bunting’s wedding NEXT SUNDAY - 26th OCTOBER 10:30am 6:00pm Together@bondgate Rev. Andrew Stobart (HC) I’m sure you would like to pass on your good wishes to both couples getting married on Saturday, please remember them as they start their married lives together. Prayer Line: • • • • Families who will attend church based funerals Please pray for a miracle regarding the cure of the Ebola virus Give thanks for the people of this church hearing God’s call and responding Please pray that we ourselves will be encouraged in all these things. Anyone with emergency concerns should contact Rev. Andrew Stobart (772961) or Rev. Helena Harbottle (462317) otherwise contact Sue Colley (356876), the church office or the stewards. Mr. Romney Bywater Romney’s funeral will be held here at Elm Ridge this Tuesday at 12 noon. THE STORY The story is an abridged version of the whole Bible which reads like a novel. It is designed for the whole church with different approaches for the various age groups. On Monday 3rd November at 7.30pm there is a meeting to discuss how this could be carried forward. House group leaders, youth group leaders and other group leaders are particularly requested to attend but all who are interested are encouraged to come along. It is an exciting project in which we would like everybody to be included. Please come along and learn about it. Josanne Hall The Elm Ridge Scout Group (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts) will be selling cakes after the Remembrance Parade Service on the 9th November for group funds. Louise Macdougall Once again we are holding a competition with All Saints Church to design a Christmas card which will go out around the neighbourhood. The competition is open to all primary school aged children. The design must be on a nativity theme. There are forms in the church office or contact Josanne Hall on 368226. The closing date is November 9th. Women’s Fellowship: The meeting this week is titled ‘Creative Writings’ and will be led by the Richard McHleran Group. New members will always be made welcome. Men’s Fellowship: This week’s meeting is titled ‘Career Reminiscences from the Registry Office’ - led by Malcolm Midwood. New members will always be made welcome. The table tennis group will restart on Friday, 31st October at 7:15pm. New players are always very welcome. John Coward Can you help? Morvyn is looking for people who would be able to help on a rota basis on Mondays from 12 - 2pm at Bondgate Methodist Church at the QE Sixth Form Drop In. This is an informal session for students in their lunch break and would be just to help serve tea and coffee and chat to the young people. Please see Morvyn or call 07472 022406 or email: darlington.youthworker@gmail.com. Operation Christmas Child: Shoebox Appeal 2014 - Thank you for helping to share ‘Good News’ and bring ‘Great Joy’ to the children who receive a shoebox. Leaflets are available from the church corridor or hall entrance. Please bring completed shoeboxes to the service on Sunday 9th November at 10.45am. Any donations towards the cost of postage or items for the shoeboxes may be given to Carol, Louise or Holly. The 6pm service on 9th November will be a Songs of Praise evening. If you would like to choose a hymn or Bible reading and say why it is important to you, please see Ali. Dates for your diary - at a glance The Story meeting - 3rd Nov at 7:30pm Songs of Praise - 9th Nov at 6pm Remembrance Service - 9th Nov at 10:45am Gideons Service - 16th Nov at 10:45am MHA weekend - 22nd + 23rd Nov Tea Dance - 29 Nov at 1pm Church Council meeting - 9th Dec at 7:30pm Thank you to Laurie and Olive Johnson for the donation of the Church flowers