Document 6566632


Document 6566632
Talking Through the Windows
Family News & Notes
For years, Monday nights found me teaching Bible in the County jail. It was a wonderful thing to be the Lord’s servant for the
sharing of His word in that place.
The room we met in had two windows out into the hall. Across
the hall there were two windows into large cells full of prisoners. It
was therefore possible to make signs from our meeting room
through the windows and communicate with the men in the cells
across the hall.
We often had men in our Bible study who seemed only to be
there to communicate with a friend in one of those cells. I suppose
plans must be made. Hopes and news must be shared. I suppose
the communication, incomplete as it was, was so important that it
blinded them to the treasure that was in the room with them.
There was clearly a priceless treasure that was left unclaimed, for
the word of God was taught in that room. Salvation through Jesus
Christ was proclaimed in that room. But other matters were pressing.
You’re not in jail, but you may share the failing of some who
are. Has something in your life blinded you to the genuine treasure
that God holds out for you? Maybe the holidays have you too busy
to be holy? Maybe making a better living so consumes you that you
fail to read God’s word about living better? Maybe we tell all of our
good friends the latest news, but have we told our friends the good
news lately?
OUR ILL—Eric Osborne underwent shoulder surgery last week & is home & doing well.
He was told 6 weeks for recovery. Z.B. Davila (3 month-old infant & family member of
Santos & Maria Davila) was born prematurely & has been hospitalized since his birth.
Last week it was discovered that he was hemorrhaging behind his eyes & had to be
flown to a Houston hospital. He underwent surgery Monday & had to have an additional
surgery yesterday (Thursday). Liz Anderson was admitted to BRMC Tuesday due to a
staph infection in her foot. She was expected to be hospitalized for at least a couple of
days. Also, Peter suffered a seizure Tuesday while at the hospital with Liz. He is doing
ok. Anita Bissett has been taken off all medication except comfort meds. She is beginning to sleep a lot now. Geoff is doing pretty good but his nights are hard due to
coughing so much. Jimmy Jones continues with chemotherapy treatments. Gabriella
Martinez continues to do well. She remains at her home but still plans on going to
Hobbs within the next couple of weeks to stay with her daughters for a while. Veneta
Nettles is scheduled to undergo major back surgery Thursday in CMC. Please continue
to pray for Red & Kendaleen Moore, Geoff & Anita Bissett, Leroy & Betty Jeter,
Lee & Paula Martin, Dan & Bobbie Day, Henry Norman, Jimmy & Elaine Rodgers, & Hunter Hillock.
In this week’s World Bible School spotlight, we are excited to introduce Samuel Osei Young. Samuel is one of our WBS preachers in
Ghana. He is supported by Fay Marie King & Janelda Cabe. He is
62 years of age & is married to Ellen Osei Young. They have 4
children; Cindy 25, Dorcas 24, Eunice 15, & Franklina 9. Samuel
writes: Through literature from World Bible School, I was baptized
on 5th of February 1975 in Accra at Nsawam Road Church of
Christ. I became associated with the Brownfield Church of Christ
through John Eakin in the year 1987 during a campaign in Accra
Ghana. Since 1994, every 3 months I travel to Northern Region,
upper east, & west for missions, preaching & teaching, & distribute
clothing to the people. I preach daily in Accra at 6 different hospitals. Also, I teach & preach for the Church of Christ in DomeAccra.
Trunk & Treat Fun Night
Bo Shero
PRAYER REQUESTS—Please pray for my sister, Carol, who has really been ill this week
and continues to feel sick.—Elayne Farrar
Brenda & Johnnie Howard are asking for your prayers for Johnnie’s brother, Kenneth
Howard, who while working on his farm had his tractor to slip out of gear and ran over
both ankles doing serious damage. He has had two surgeries, and still facing more to
come.—Jim & Dorey Gaither
ANOTHER WAY TO SHOW YOU CARE—Although the Bissett family knows that this
church is praying continually for them, what if each & everyone of us could show them
with a little message? Here’s how we can do this….Listed below is Geoff, Todd, &
Kaela’s phone numbers as well as Clayton’s email address. When you think about them,
when you are praying for them, when you wish you could see them to give them a hug,
at that time, send them a text or email simply using the words, “praying”, “thinking of
you”, “hug”, etc. This truly allows them to know that they are being prayed for right
then, that they are being thought of right then, that they are being given a hug right
then! Also, we have told the family to not worry about replying back to these messages
as that could become overwhelming in itself. Though we cannot be with them in person, we are definitely with them in spirit. Geoff: 806-441-4573, Todd: 806-584-5028,
Kaela: 806-236-7495, and Clayton:
SUNDAY EVENING SERVICE—Join us this Sunday evening as we will have a singing
service led by Monte Moore.
MEN & LADIES VISITATION—The meeting for men & women’s visitation will be on
Monday, at 2:00 PM in the home of Peggy Jenkins & Nancy Faught.
COLLECTING—We continue to collecting assorted cereal & pop tarts for the Tipton Children’s Home. Their truck is due at the end of the month.
We would like to thank Jay & Sabrina Andrews for preparing chili
along with all the “fixins” for us this past Wednesday night. It was
delicious! Also, there are several of you that help every Wednesday
night with something or another. We have people that help clean
up the kitchen, we have people that clean the tables off after we
make our mess, & then we have some that help carry out the trash.
To those of you that do this…..THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Be sure to
join us next Wednesday night as Don Godwin, the Anderson’s, & the
Ruiz’ will be preparing various soups & cornbread for us.
A sign-up sheet for hosting Wednesday night meals during the
months of November & December is now posted on the bulletin
board by the Teacher Center.
CONGRATULATIONS—Greg & Paige Lindsey are very proud to announce the birth of
their grandson, Brady Lowell Harston, Monday in Midland. Brady weighed 6lbs, 14 oz.,
& measured 20 1/4” inches long. The proud parents are Brennon & Sophie Harston.
The proud great-grandparents are Pete & Betty Lindsey.
Sunday, October 26th
FLC Parking Lot
Immediately Following Evening Service
(approximately 6:00 pm)
Kids wear your costumes to church, bring your bag
to fill with goodies, & get ready to have lots of fun!
(Adults feel free to dress up also, the kids love it!)
CHANGE IN MAILING ADDRESS—Cade & Lori Pharis has moved into a new home in
Wimberley. Their mailing address is 51 Wood Glen Dr., Wimberley, TX 78676.
THANK YOU—Dear Church Family; Wow, you know how to do an ice-bucket challenge.
Over $3,000 collected and sent that check to us? Unbelievable! And a car full of food.
Do any of you have any food left after all that? How generous!! I am absolutely stuck
for words. What an outpouring of love! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Sincerely—
Geoff & Anita Bissett
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ, Thank you for the many visits while I was in the hospital & in CrownPoint. Thank you especially for your prayers. I love you. May God
bless you all.—Gabriella Martinez
Thank you for the ladies Day we had Saturday. It was wonderful! A special thank you
to Leca, Tasia, & Maritza for organizing it and to Cindy Holt for cooking the delicious
Reynolds Rap
Amanda left me a note that I want to share with you: Bob, Lynn Holly
was my cousin. He was (former member) Zelda Cox’s grandson. Sherry
(Lynn’s wife) told me that you baptized her! They gave a check to the
church for $4,533.00 for benevolence. She said that Lynn’s life-long
dream was to help people. Both Lynn & Sherry cared a lot about you &
Here is a part of what Sherry wrote in her letter: Hi, Lynn…and I were
members in the early 80s (81-85). We have many happy memories of
this congregation. Lynn wanted part of his Life Insurance used to help
We really appreciated hearing from Sherry and the great contribution!
Our prayers go out to her!
Church of Christ
From all reports the ladies special meeting Saturday was highly successful! Some 75-80 ladies were present! Orfila Banda did a great job
speaking to the ladies! We highly commend everyone conducting this
meeting! The following was a hand-out at the meeting: “I have amazing
potential. I can make good choices. I am never alone. I can do hard
things. I am beautiful inside and out. I am of great worth. He has a plan
for me. I know who I am—a daughter of God.”
October 17, 2014
Bible Classes
Morning Assembly
Evening Assembly
Midweek Men & Ladies AM Classes
Midweek Classes & Outreach
Thursday School
$ 15858
$ 8500
The Weekly Record
Sunday’s Offering
Weekly Budget
The Keenage Christian Conference at Denver City will be conducted
Saturday from 12 noon until 7:30 p.m. I will not be able to go, but will
arrange travel for those who go. Please sign the sheet on the bulletin
board if you would like to go.
Brownfield Church of Christ
502 Lubbock Road
Brownfield, Texas 79316
(806) 637-4597 Fax (806) 637-1704
The following article was written by Robb Hadley and is entitled: AVERAGING THINGS UP.
Sometime ago I read a story about an old Oklahoma rancher who
often remarked that “on the whole” he was a pretty good man. “I’ve
cheated a little, and sometimes get mad and swear, but then I’m pretty
honest. I work Sunday often, but then I give a good deal to the poor. I
never get drunk, and on the whole I have a pretty high average with the
A hired man built a fence for the rancher and was asked if all was
according to orders. The hired man replied, “Well, it’s built well. But I
can’t say it’s perfect—just an average fence. If some parts are weak, others are strong. A gap was left here and there, but I made up for that by
doubling the wire in other places. On the whole it’s a pretty good fence.”
Then the rancher said, “Don’t you know that a fence to hold the cattle
must be good in all parts?” “Well, I used to think so,” replied the hired
man, “but you talk so much about averaging things up with the Lord, I
thought I might try it with the cattle.”
Vol. 10. No. 40
From him the whole body, joined and held
together by every supporting ligament,
grows and builds itself up in love,
as each part does its work.
Ephesians 4:16
Meeting Times
Bible Class
Morning Assembly
Evening Assembly
Bible Class
9:30 am
10:30 am
5:00 pm
7:00 pm