Document 6566775


Document 6566775
adding Wind River Systems’ VxWorks
operating system and Wind Power
Tools. VxWorks is bundled with the
Timing verification
Wind microkemel for real-time features
Designerscan concentrate on the tim- and an interactive shell, remote source
ing-critical areas of designs by using a level debugger, C compiler, and incre
Nextwave Design Automation software mental loader.
tool called Focus to simplify the develWind Power Tools include the Wind
opment of static path models. Focus c r e View system visualizer for analyzing the
ates high-level timing blocks to speed dynamic operation of an embedded
simulation and debugging, and inter- system, Wind Ci-t Gateway programfaces with the company’s multimode ming for Object Center, Stethoscope
Epilog-MX, which combines static path real-time data visualization, profiler and
timing analysis with Verilog simulation. debugger, and VxSim for prototyping
When a user specifies parts on an and simulating VxWorks applications.
ASlC for path analysis,Focus synthesizes
The VxWorks environment will be
those parts into a Boolean equivalent. available for the i960 upon production
To obtain the timing and logic values shipment of the CPU.
Wind River Systems, Inc., 1010
needed to create the higher level models,Focus extracts the information auto- Atlantic Ave., Alameda, CA 94501;
matically from Verilog models, netlists, (510) 748-4100.
and SDF back annotation, using a static
technique. If the blocks internally dis- VxWorks, Version 5.2
tributed delays are not critical to the
Heurikon announces the availability
overall analysis, Focus will synthesize of VxWorks 5.2 for its family of VMEbus
fast path models and specify pin-to-pin CPU boards, the Motorola 68040delays from each input to the output.
/68060-based Nitro and the MIPS
Focus and Epilog-MX work with the R3081E-based Malibu. The company
company’s NextView, a graphical will resell the operating system and p r o
desigddebugging environment; all vide in-house source code support.
three run on Sun Sparc and IBM RS6000
VxWorks 5.2 supports the Posix
workstations using Open Software Real-Time Extensions and netFoundation’s Motif graphical user inter- work facilities including CSLIP, Zero
face. Focus bundled with Epilog-MX Copy TCP, Ping Utility, NFS Daemon,
sells for $35,000 until September 30 and and MIP 11 support for SNMP.
begins shipping in 3Q95. In 4Q95,
The 33MHz and 50-MHz Nitro boards
Epilog-MXwill sell for $35,000 and Focus feature a 64-bit VME64 system bus interfor $15,000. NextView sells for $10,000. face, 64-Mbyte DRAM, Corebus mezzaNextwave Design Automation, 1754 nine/local bus interface, on-card
TechnologyDr., Suite 108,San Jose, CA Ethernet and SCSI-II interfaces with
951 10; (408) 43 7-3939.
DMA, and two 1-Mbps,front-panel serial I/O ports. Included in the Malibu 40MHz VME board are a 32-MbyteDRAM,
Design products
2-Mbyte Flash memory, oncard Etheri960 support
net and SCSI, and a master/slave VSB
Developers building embedded interface.
Corporation, 8310
applications with intelligent I/O subsystems can increase the performance Excelsior Dr., Madison, Wk (608) 831of Intel’s i960 RP microprocessor by 5500 or (800) 356-9602.
continued from p. 9
Real-time SPOX operating
Analog Devices’ ADSP-2 106x and
ADSP-2102x DSPs now have access to
Spectron Microsystems’SPOX 2.0 operating system. Developers can use SPOX
and Spectron’ssignal-processing, software development tools to take advantage of the 120-Mflops ADSP-2106x
Sharc processor and accelerate their
multimedia PC, instrumentation, and
telecommunications developments.
SPOX 2.0 provides real-time multitasking services, interprocessor communications capabilities, device drivers,
and bridges to other operating systems
such as DOS, Unix, VxWorks, and OS/9.
It features queues, semaphores, mailboxes, and streaming input and output.
The modular, scalable SPOX architecture fits applications such as hyperembedded systems, speech recognition
processors, full-motion video processors, reprogrammable desktop multimedia systems, and multiprocessors.
Spectron Microsystems, 320 Storke
Rd., Santa Barbara, CA 931 1 7; (805)
DlMMs for portables, printers
Meeting the needs of notebooks, subcompact notebooks, printers, and
portable test equipment is a line of
smallautline, dual-in-linememory modules from Smart Modular Technologies.
These 32-bit-wide DIMMs fit in a
.OxO.14-in. form factor and operate on a standard 72-pin memory bus,
using fast-page mode and extended
data out modes. The largest DIMM configuration now in production is organized as 4Mx32 bits and delivers 16
Mbytes of memory; 32-Mbyte versions
are in development.
Pricing starts at $35 per Mbyte.
Smart Modular Technologies,45531
Northport Loop West, Fremont, CA
94538; (510) 623-1231, ext. 104, or