Sunday Celebration Reboot Notes:


Sunday Celebration Reboot Notes:
Ezra 3
Sunday Celebration
October 19, 2014
9:00 & 10:30 am
Call to Worship
Worship Songs
Ancient of Days
Great I Am
Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King
Worship Choir
Our Great Savior
Welcome & Prayer
Pastor Appreciation
Scripture Reading: Ezra 3:1-13
Beginning Again
Studies in Ezra
Guided Prayer
Message: Pastor Kitchen
4460 Stow Rd. Stow, OH 44224 • 330.688.7433 •
We’re glad you’re here to worship with us today!
A welcome packet for guests is available on the
information table in the lobby by the sanctuary.
Please remember food and beverages should
not be brought into the sanctuary.
Please take a moment to
silence all cell phones!
Like to Hear it Again?
Audio CD’s & Video DVD’s of the morning messages
are available from the Media room on-line at
10:30 am
4:30 pm
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
World Religions Class
Jr. High Youth Group
LIFE Groups
This Week
7:00 pm Ordinary Guys Bible Study
1:00 pm Loving Hands
7:00 pm Youth Prayer
5:00 pm Iron Men Small Group
5:30 pm Youth Cafe
7:00 pm Adult Prayer Meeting
7:00 pm Worship Choir
7:00 pm Ladies Bible Study
7:00 pm Awana
7:00 pm Sr. High Youth Group
7:00 pm Jr. High Small Groups
8:00 am Men’s Bible Study
9:30 am Ladies Bible Study
6:30 am Men’s Bible Study
7:00 pm LIFE Groups
9:00 am Men’s Basketball
5:00 pm Indoor Soccer
Pastor Appreciation Month
Rejoice and give thanks to God
for our Pastors and their families with
whom God has greatly blessed us!
Please take some time this month to
show your appreciation for them!
Christmas Choir
The Christmas season is
around the corner and it is time to
begin rehearsing for our annual
Christmas concert. Any adult, 18 and
older, is welcome to join the Christmas
choir even if you are not regularly in the
worship choir. Practices will be on
Wednesdays from 7:45 -9:00pm
starting October 22nd and Saturdays
f r o m 9 : 3 0 - 1 1: 3 0a m b e g i n n i n g
November 1st. Please contact Julie
Kitchen if you are interested! We can
work with your busy schedules. Just
Youth Retreat
Our JH and SH students will be going on
a retreat October 24th-26th at Marmon
Valley Farm in Zanesfield, OH. Students
can sign up in the youth rooms (JH and
SH) in the basement. If anyone desires
to sponsor a teen or has any questions,
please contact Pastor Delroy at 330688-7433. Cost: $60 per student.
Alliance Women’s Girls Night
Come develop and deepen
relationships with other women in our
church! All women are invited to join us
for a night of fun games, devotions, and
relaxing fellowship together in the youth
room from 7:00-8:30pm on Tuesday,
October 28th. Childcare will not be
available but you may bring your
children if necessary.
Men’s Gathering
Men of all ages are invited to join us for
breakfast and fellowship on Saturday,
November 1st at 7:30 am in the
Seasons Room.
Child Dedication
A child dedication service will be held
on Sunday, November 9th in both
services. If you would like to dedicate
your child(ren) to the Lord, please call
the church office at (330)688-7433.
Nominating Committee
Our Nominating Committee is ready to
begin their work in preparation for our
Annual Meeting in February. Please
pray for Pastor Kitchen, James Falbo,
Dr. Donald Lichi, Cheryl Parker, and
Marlynn Soliwoda as they prayerfully
seek candidates for positions of
elected service within our church. Feel
free to contact any one of them with
your questions or thoughts.
Rake & Run
The youth group will be raking
leaves once again as a
fundraiser for their missions trip to
Mexico in July 2015! If you or someone
you know would like to have your yard
raked by these talented young people,
please sign up in the lobby by
November 5th! They will be raking
leaves the weekend of November 7th
and 8th in the order of sign up and try
to accomplish as many yards as
possible. All proceeds will go towards
their missions trip to Mexico in July
Winter Coat Drive
Haven of Rest is in desperate
need of winter coats of all sizes. If you
have any new or gently used coats that
you would like to donate, please bring
them to church and place them on the
coat rack in the lobby designated
“Haven of Rest Coat Drive.” Coats will
be collected through December 1st.
The Barnabas Ecumenical Ministry
comes alongside those struggling with
unemployment, providing support and
mentoring in the often painful process
of job-seeking. They are looking for
mentors to walk alongside those
struggling. Curious? Talk to Pastor
Kitchen about the possibilities of
helping another. Are you unemployed?
Pick up one of the brochures on the
inf orm ati on tabl e fo r contact
information about how BEM might
assist you in your search.
Office Volunteers
We are currently seeking
volunteers to answer the
phones once a month on Mondays
from 1:30-3:00pm during our staff
meetings. If you are interested in
serving in this way, please contact
Karie at 330-688-7433.
PRAISE Plan - Parking Lot Project
Please prayerfully consider partnering
with SAF to support the PRAISE Plan. All
2014 donations to “Building Fund” will
be applied to the parking lot portion of
the PRAISE Plan.
Received to Date
Our Giving Last Sunday
Tithes & Offerings
Great Commission Fund
Praise Plan Building Fund
Tithes & Offerings Year to Date
Over/(Under) Budget
2014 Budget
Stow Alliance Fellowship Staff
John Kitchen, Senior Pastor
John Cervone, Associate Pastor
Delroy Simpson, Youth Pastor
Don Miller, Pastor of Discipleship Ministries
Julie Kitchen, Director of Worship Ministries
Ryan Steedly, Director of Children’s Ministries
Jeanne Crowe, Preschool Administrator
Karie Gilley, Office Administrator
Michelle Davis, Financial Administrator
Bill Azzarello, Facilities Manager