Bulletin - Stow Alliance Fellowship


Bulletin - Stow Alliance Fellowship
Sunday Celebration!
February 1, 2015
9:00 & 10:30 am
Worship Songs
You’ll Come
Your Name
Welcome & Prayer
Scripture Reading: Hebrews 3:1-19
There is a Fountain
Message: Pastor Kitchen
“… Christ is faithful
over God's house as a
son. And we are his
house if indeed we hold
fast our confidence and
our boasting in our
hope.” Hebrews 3:6
4460 Stow Rd. Stow, OH 44224 • 330.688.7433
www.stowalliance.org • office@stowalliance.org
We’re glad you’re here to worship with us today!
A welcome packet for guests is available on the
information table in the lobby by the sanctuary.
Please remember food and beverages should
not be brought into the sanctuary.
Please take a moment to
silence all cell phones!
Like to Hear it Again?
Audio CD’s & Video DVD’s of the morning messages
are available from the Media room on-line at
9:00 am
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
6:00 pm
New Members Class
Church Potluck
Annual Meeting
Youth Super Bowl Bash
This Week
7:00 pm Ordinary Guys Bible Study
1:00 pm Loving Hands
7:00 pm Trustees Meeting
5:00 pm Iron Men Small Group
5:30 pm Youth Cafe
7:00 pm Adult Prayer Meeting
7:00 pm Worship Choir
7:00 pm Ladies Bible Study
7:00 pm Awana
7:00 pm Sr. High Youth Group
7:00 pm Jr. High Small Groups
8:00 am Men’s Bible Study
9:30 am Ladies Bible Study
6:30 am Men's Bible Study
7:30 am Men’s Gathering
9:00 am Men’s Basketball
7:00 pm Co-Ed Volleyball
Church Potluck &
Annual Meeting TODAY!
Our Annual Meeting will take
place TODAY after we gather
in the gym for a time of fellowship over
a pot luck lunch following our morning
services. We will then transition to the
sanctuary for the meeting. All members
will want to be present for the election
of servant-leaders and approval of the
2015 budget. LIFE Groups will not meet
tonight or Friday, February 6th.
Super Bowl Bash
All Jr. & Sr. High and 4:12
students are invited to join us TONIGHT
at 6:00pm for our Super Bowl Bash.
Please bring $5 and a snack or dessert
to share with everyone.
Sportsman’s Night Dinner
On Saturday, February 28, 2015
we will host our 12th annual
Sportsman’s Night Dinner outreach.
Tickets are available in the lobby
TODAY or throughout the week in the
church office from 8:00am-4:30pm.
Please pray about whom you can invite
and how you can be involved! We are
also in need of donations of wild game
including deer, moose, elk, caribou,
duck, pheasant, rabbit, and squirrel. If
you have questions or something to
contribute, please contact Bill Crowe at
330-697-9187 or Bill Azzarello at 330688-7433.
Cookie Bakers Needed
Do you like to bake? We need your
help! If you would like to help us bake 3
dozen chocolate chip, peanut butter,
snicker doodle, or oatmeal cookies that
are 2-3 inches in size for the
Sportsman’s Night Dinner, please sign
up at the table in the lobby. Please
deliver cookies to the church on Friday,
February 27th.
JH Believe Conference
Men’s Gathering
Men of all ages are invited to join us for
breakfast and fellowship this Saturday,
February 7th at 7:30 am in the
Seasons Room.
Baptism Class
Have you followed the Lord in baptism?
If you have trusted Jesus Christ as
Savior and He is your Lord, then in
obedience to His command, you should
be baptized. A baptism preparation
class will be held on February 8th at
9:00am in room 216. Baptisms will be
on February 22nd. Please sign the back
of the Communication Card if you are
planning to attend.
 Check Communication Card
Sweetheart Banquet
Mark your calendars and ask
that special someone to accompany
you to the annual Sweetheart Banquet
on Friday, February 13th from 6:008:30pm in the Seasons Room. You’ll
enjoy wonderful cuisine followed by the
Youth Talent Show. Cost is $15 per
person, or $25 per couple. The last day
to sign up is Sunday, February 8th. All
proceeds from this event will help send
our teens to Mexico in July. Childcare
will be available.
Easter Choir
Interested in singing in
the Worship Choir for
Easter morning on Sunday, April 5th?
Anyone 18 years old and older is
welcome to join! Please contact Julie
Kitchen if you are interested in joining
or for more information about the
rehearsal schedule. We will start midFebruary.
One of the best Junior
High events in the country is coming to
the Cincinnati area February 20th-21st.
Great speakers, artists, music, a visit to
the Creation Museum, and more
combine to make this an amazing
weekend for the Junior High students!
Cost is $70 per person. The deadline to
sign up is February 11th. Please mark
your calendars for our upcoming
parents meeting on February 8th. See
Michael Ray or Pastor Delroy with any
qu esti ons o r als o c heck o ut
Women’s Retreat
All women are invited to join us for a
weekend full of fun, fellowship,
relaxation, and encouragement at the
Bertram Inn in Aurora on March 13th &
14th. Please see the information table
in the lobby to pick up a flyer and to
sign up. The last day to register is
Sunday, February 15th. You must be
paid in full by Friday, March 8th.
Questions? Please contact Sharon Eleo
at sat.sister@yahoo.com or 330-9297888.
PRAISE Plan - Parking Lot Project
Please prayerfully consider partnering
with SAF to support the PRAISE Plan. All
2015 donations to “Building Fund” will
be applied to the parking lot portion of
the PRAISE Plan.
Received to Date
Our Giving Last Sunday
Tithes & Offerings
Great Commission Fund
Praise Plan Building Fund
Stow Alliance Fellowship Staff
John Kitchen, Senior Pastor
John Cervone, Associate Pastor
Delroy Simpson, Youth Pastor
Don Miller, Pastor of Discipleship Ministries
Julie Kitchen, Director of Worship Ministries
Ryan Steedly, Director of Children’s Ministries
Jeanne Crowe, Preschool Administrator
Karie Gilley, Office Administrator
Michelle Davis, Financial Administrator
Bill Azzarello, Facilities Manager