Document 6566886
Document 6566886
APPLICATION FORM Preferred Area PERSONAL INFORMATION: Residential Address: Personal Tax Reference N.: Please Provide current tax clearance certificate Business Tax Reference N.: Please provide current tax clearance ceftificate BUSINESS REGISTRATION Nos. Or of Previous business Date of Birth: MaritalStatus Children's names and ages: Educational Qualifications: APPLICATION FORM CURRENT EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION : Current EmPloYer: EmPloYer Address: Contact N. Position Held ResPonsibilities lf Self-employed, please tell us the type of business do You operate: GENERAL BUSINESS INFORMATION : 1. Make a small presentation of yourself: 2. What are your short and long term goals? 3. Are vou prepared ,o O"uo," Uorr ror", *ot 4. How many hours in a day are you willing to work? 5. What will the trading hours of your store be? . Will your store be operated by a manager or yourself? 7. Will you run the store alone or do you have a partner? . Do you have experience in the food industry? 9. lf yes, where and how long? APPLICATION FORM l0.Areyouwi||ingtoattend:SweekTrainingCourse(ExpressStore) 16 Week Training Course (Foodcourt Store) lf not, how long are you willing to train? 11. How do you intend to finance your total investment? future? lf yes, where? 12. Would you like tO open more stadium stores in the of the business? lf so, where? 13.Do you have a preference regarding the location 14. Why Stadium Fast Foods? you to believe that you will be a good franchisee 15. Indicate your three characteristics that lead 16. What is Your greatest qualitY? 17. What is Your worst fault? 1g. what is the most difficult decision that you took until today? 19. Mention three of Your hobbies? that gave you most satisfaction? 20. which until now has been the professional experience 2l.GiveusareasontoacceptyouasaStadiumFastFoodsfranchisee' APPLICATION FORM Branch: 22. Where do you bank? Manager: 23. Have you ever owned and managed your own business before: lf Yes: What kind of business was tt? How long did you own the business? What haPPened to that business if you hold employment or . Business references (people that you do/did business with, such supervisors suppliers if you own or used to your business) Name: RelationshiP: nr.: Name: Telephone nr.: Name: Telephone nr.: Name: Address: nr.: Address: Telephone Telephone RelationshiP: Address: RelationshiP: Address: RelationshiP: Total Personal Assets and Liabilities Assets Cash in Bank and Savings R ProPertY R Motor Vehicles R Shares R MoneY Due to You R Pension/Provident Fund R Overdraft Bond N. Bank R Services R Cards H.P. Contracts Taxes Credit R R R Services R Other Total Liabilities: R Rent and THANK YOU! R Loans Motor Vehicle Rent and R R
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