THE RELATIONSHIP OF 7:00pm – regular fees Monthly Lecture
THE RELATIONSHIP OF 7:00pm – regular fees Monthly Lecture
ANTHROPOSOPHY NYC 7:00pm — donations Georg Kühlewind Memorial Lecture BRAKING FOR ALLIGATORS: From Normal to Possibly Healthy Alexander Dreier A humorous monologue drawing on the author’s medical odyssey through a mind-field of symptoms, acronyms, and neuro-jargon to his confirmed diagnosis of Lewy Body Disease, a neurological condition with intriguing epistemological consequences. While largely comedic in nature, “Braking for Alligators” has its reflective moments, covering a wide territory ranging from the experience of cognitive impairment to the ontology of “visual illusions” and hallucinations, as well as the deeper meanings of illness and why we keep losing our glasses. ALEXANDER DREIER: humorist, retired psychologist, and longtime student of Georg Kühlewind has written and performed a number of autobiographical comic monologues over the past 15 years. All of his monologues explore what it means to be human, and how life can so often be unexpectedly and exquisitely humorous. Alexander is a distant cousin of the renowned—and little understood—anthroposophical lecturer “Herr Dreier” (pictured in his mysterious 2010 NYC appearance). 7:00pm — donations MONTHLY MEMBERS’ EVENING First-Friday members’ evenings working on the theme of the year: “The I Knows Itself – in the Light of Michaelic World Affirmation.” The evening’s focus will be a discussion on the Steiner quote: “Christ descended for all human beings and only through our feeling related to everyone else do we belong to the earth. The deeper understanding of the Christ derives from our effort to attain a full and complete connection with them.” Refreshments will be served. Next dates: 11/7, 12/5. 7:00pm – regular fees Monthly Lecture THE RELATIONSHIP OF ANTHROPOSOPHY & YOGA David Taulbee Anderson These lectures will focus on the processes involved in meditation as described in anthroposophy and Raja Yoga. All other schools of yoga and branches of anthroposophy are to be considered as helps and supports leading towards the results of the three phases of meditation. The fruits of these can contribute to various compartments of life and be of great practical benefit in all life and culture. Part 2: Patanjali’s Raja Yoga: This is the Yoga of Will. Its goal is taking the reins of the soul forces of the human being with the will and eventually entering into the will force itself as the highest aspect of human soul life which merges with universal will. Next dates: 11/12, 12/10. DAVID TAULBEE ANDERSON: has taught drawing and Wagner painting around the world. He holds an MA in Art and certificates from Emerson College (Waldorf education), and the Wagner School at the Goetheanum (teaching painting). 7:00pm – donations Social Art Group THE PERFORMANCE GROUP *NEW* Attention artists of all kinds, anyone who does anything creative or would like to learn how—beginners and professionals alike! In September we began a performance group directed by Vincent Roppolo and David Anderson. We will work together on a piece by David T. Anderson, each person contributing in their personal manner with the integrating help of the directors. No experience is necessary, only a desire to be a part of a Gesamtkunstwerk or “Total Work of Art.” We will meet once or twice a month to develop the performance. More details are on the website front page, 7:00 pm – regular fees Eurythmy Workshop MOVING INTO AUTUMN Linda Larson Through Eurythmy we can find a balance between our inner and outer worlds as we also move from the outer light of summer into the inner light of winter in this time of Libra, the sign of balance. Bring soft-soled shoes; no previous eurythmy experience necessary. Next dates: 11/17, 12/15. LINDA LARSON: Eurythmist, facilitates workshops, seminars, Eurythmy in the Workplace. Eurythmy trainings completed in Dornach, Switzerland, England and the USA; MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art. Therapeutic eurythmist at Rudolf Steiner School, NYC. 7:00pm – regular fees Evening Talk THE GOETHEANUM WINDOWS Daniel Hafner Rudolf Steiner created the Goetheanum as the earthly center of the Free University for the Science of the Spirit. Its windows show experiences on the path of the spirit pupil. (At right, the center panel of the Rose Window in the South.) DANIEL HAFNER: a member of the Anthroposophical Society and the School for Spiritual Science, he is a priest in the Christian Community and lives in Nuremberg, Germany. He gave five very well received lectures at the recent festival and conference on Rudolf Steiner’s four mystery dramas. 7:00pm - regular fees Evening Talk OWEN BARFIELD: Reflections on My Grandfather Owen A. Barfield Owen Barfield (1898-1997) was one of the preeminent anthroposophists of the 20th century and a well-known thinker from his university days, when he was a founding member of the “Inklings”—a group that included C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Charles Williams. OB’s History in English Words and Poetic Diction are well-known to lovers of language. What Coleridge Thought did much to reveal that famous poet’s greatness as a general philosopher, and OB’s insights into the evolution of consciousness (see Saving the Appearances: A Study in Idolatry) have met with considerable attention in the USA from the 1960s forward. This evening is a presentation and open conversation with FUT UR E PR OGR A MS Sun Dec 7, 7:00pm Donations welcomed Festival Celebration Weekly and monthly groups, donations welcomed Sat Dec 20, 2:00pm–9:00pm Special fees* A Solstice Workshop LUST, LUCIFER, ABUSE: A Challenge from the Spirit in Our Time Lisa Romero Fri Dec 26–Mon Jan 5, 7:00pm Donations welcomed Festival Celebration THE HOLY NIGHTS: From the Spirit in the Human Being to the Spirit in the Cosmos Talks, Arts, Carols, Refreshments, Community! First time? Be our guest! Thanks to a generous donation, first time visitors to our lectures are welcome to come as our guests. So if you haven’t attended before, please come to a lecture, identify yourself as a first-time attendee, and enjoy the talk. If you’ve been before, invite a friend as a first time guest. And thank you to our thoughtful donor! Centerpoint Gallery Lani Kennefick was born in Boston, MA, received a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design in 1983 and an MFA from the New York Academy of Art in 2011. She lives in Brooklyn. Online: and OCTOBER 31–NOVEMBER 1 NOVEMBER 21–22 DECEMBER 19-20 STUDY GROUPS THE ADVENT GARDEN Arranged by Cynthia Lang CREATIVE FORCES Lani Kennefick School for Spiritual Science Fri 6:30pm, Sat 10:00am Meditation Group - Tuesdays 5:30-6:45pm For those with meditation experience, particularly in methods taught by Georg Kühlewind. Reading passages from Becoming Aware of the Logos and The Light of the “I”, both by Kühlewind. Contact: Fred Dennehy / 212-242-8945. Barfield Group - Tuesdays 7:15-9:00pm Reading works of Steiner, Owen Barfield, and Georg Kühlewind. Currently Rudolf Steiner’s A Way of Self-Knowledge & The Threshold of the Spiritual World. Contact: Walter Alexander / 212-242-8945. St. Mark Group - Wednesdays 5:30pm The oldest anthroposophical group in the USA, reading and discussing works by Rudolf Steiner; currently Cosmic Memory. New members are welcome, just come! Contact: Albert Spekman / 212-242-8945. Spi-Sci Group - Wednesdays 7:00pm* Reading What is Anthroposophy? by Rudolf Steiner. *This group does not meet on the evenings of David Anderson’s monthly lectures. It seeks to be an ongoing gathering to work with the subtle and supersensible, in a sanctified but not sanctimonious conversation. Organizers are Ryan Freeman and Paul Hertel. New members are welcome, just come! 212-242-8945. Reading to the Dead - First Mondays, 7pm Next meeting date to be announced. Reading Rudolf Steiner’s Staying Connected: How to Continue Your Relationships with Those Who Have Died. If you wish to attend, contact Dorothy Emmerson at 646-468-7721. Speakers Group - Third Sundays, 2:30pm Next meeting date: October 19. Presentations by group members on works of Rudolf Steiner. Reading Goethe’s World View by Rudolf Steiner. Contact: Albert Spekman / 212-242-8945. FEES, DISCOUNTS, FREQUENCY DISCOUNT TICKETS (FDTs) Basic fee is $20. Single discount *$15 goes to members or the discount group: seniors 65+, full-time students, active Waldorf teachers. Double discount **$10 if you’re a member and in the discount group. FDTs receive a further 25% discount for 10 events, 15% for 5; they do not expire. — Best contribution is always allowed by prior arrangement (email request to ANTHROPOSOPHY NYC his grandson Owen A. Barfield, his trustee since 2006. Along with OAB’s experience growing-up and how he came to be trustee, it will cover what has happened with the literary estate and what is still to come. OWEN A. BARFIELD: lives near London and is a practicing oil-painter and healer. OCT 2014 the New York Branch of the Anthroposophical Society in America 138 West 15th Street, NY, NY 10011 (212) 242-8945 RUDOLF STEINER BOOKSTORE Many titles by Rudolf Steiner & others, on all the subject areas below and more. Gift certificates available. New bookstore hours! Sun-Mon-Tues-Wed 1-5pm, Thur 10am-5pm, Fri-Sat 10am-8pm. REGULAR ACTIVITIES & SUBJECTS WORKSHOPS TALKS CLASSES STUDY GROUPS FESTIVALS EVENTS EXHIBITS visual arts eurythmy music drama & poetry Waldorf education self-development spirituality esoteric research evolution of consciousness health & therapies Biodynamic farming social action economics UPCOMING EVENTS & OFFERINGS “BRAKING FOR ALLIGATORS” 10/2 MEMBERS EVENING 10/3 ANTHROPOSOPHY & YOGA 10/15 PERFORMANCE GROUP 10/16 MONTHLY EURYTHMY 10/20 GOETHEANUM WINDOWS 10/24 OWEN BARFIELD: Reflections 10/30 CURRENT ART EXHIBIT: Lani Kennefick