Document 6567869


Document 6567869
Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
43:18-19.21-22.24First Reading::
Isaiah 45:1. 4-6
Thus says the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whom he
has taken by his right hand to subdue nations before him
and strip the loins of kings, to force gateways before him
that their gates be closed no more: It is for the sake of my
servant Jacob, of Israel my chosen one, that I have called
you by your name, conferring a title though you do not
know me. I am the Lord, unrivalled; there is no other God
besides me. Though you do not know me, I arm you
that men may know from the rising to the setting of the
sun that, apart from me, all is nothing.
Response to Psalm: Give the Lord glory and power.
Second Reading:
1Thessalonians 1:1-5
From Paul, Silvanus and Timothy, to the Church in
Thessalonika which is in God the Father and the Lord
Jesus Christ; wishing you grace and peace. We always
mention you in our prayers and thank God for you all, and
constantly remember before God our Father how you
have shown your faith in action, worked for love and
persevered through hope, in our Lord Jesus Christ. We
know, brothers, that God loves you and that you have
been chosen, because when we brought the Good News
to you, it came to you not only as words, but as power
and as the Holy Spirit and as utter conviction.
Alleluia, alleluia!
Your word is truth, O Lord,
consecrate us in the truth.
Matthew 22:15-21
The Pharisees went away to work out between them how
to trap Jesus in what he said. And they sent their
disciples to him, together with the Herodians, to say,
‘Master, we know that you are an honest man and teach
the way of God in an honest way, and that you are not
afraid of anyone, because a man’s rank means nothing to
you. Tell us your opinion, then. Is it permissible to pay
taxes to Caesar or not? But Jesus was aware of their
malice and replied, ‘You hypocrites! Why do you set this
trap for me? Let me see the money you pay the tax with.’
They handed him a denarius and he said, ‘Whose head is
this? Whose name?’ ‘Caesar’s’ they replied. He then said
to them, ‘Very well, give back to Caesar what belongs to
Caesar – and to God what belongs to God.’
Please complete a Tax Rebate Form If you are a PAYE
or Self-Employed tax payer and you have contributed
€250 or more to the church collections during 2013
please take an Enduring Certificate, complete and return
to the Parish Office. It will, however, allow the parish to
claim back money from the Revenue Commissioners eg.
the tax return to the parish of €250 is €112.31 euros.
starting Wednesday October 22 in St. Patrick's Church
between 7pm and 8pm (see front of bulletin for details)
Keeping Children Safe The diocese of Killala is fully
committed to keeping children safe. If you have any
concerns around their safety in any circumstance please
telephone your Local Safeguarding Representative
Sr. Maureen Tel.087-7955726 Rockwell, Ballina or
the Diocesan confidential number: 087-3664350
, 'How could a sinner produce signs like this?' And there was them.
Priest on Duty: 087-2586015
St. Muredach’s Cathedral – Daily Masses
Monday, 20 October
10 am Kitty, Michael Forde & Deceased Forde family-Sean, Henry, Edward, Phyllis & Kathleen 62 Healy Tce.
Kathleen McGowan, Quignalegan & Deceased
McGowan, Howley & Kilcullen families.
Tuesday, 21October
10 am Mai, John & Tony Naughton, Bunree;
Mick Mahon, Corafin.
Kathleen & Vincent Kelly;
Ellen & Dan Hopkins, Connolly St.
Barbara Boland, Healy Tce., Barbara Bourke &
Mary Bourke.
Wednesday, 22 October
10 am Martin Langdon, Margaret (Madge) Langdon,
10 Greenhills Est.; Annie Kate Casey,
Bridget Corley, 21 Fenian Row & Deceased family
Michael, Bridget, Mary & Walter Rouse &
Margaret Farrell, Corrimbla
Gus Toomey, Shanaghy.
Thursday 23 October
10 am Teddy Acton, Castle Rd (First Anniversary) &
Tom Acton, Marian Crescent (First Anniversary)
Friday 24 October
10 am Michael Heffernan, Carrowkelly.
Margaret Byron, Coolcran; Michael Byron, Leeds
Noreen & Paddy Byron, Killala Rd./The Arches.
Saturday, 25 October
No 8 am Mass.
10 am Frank Gorman, Greenhills Est. (First Anniversary)
St. Patrick’s Church – Daily Masses
Monday, 20 October
8 am
7.30 pm Thomas Lynn, Lord Ed. St.
Eddie, Nellie Slater & Deceased Slater &
Durkan families, Convent View.
Vera & Alec Loughney, London.
Tuesday, 21 October,
8 am
Anthony Dillon & Deceased Dillon, Healy &
Costello families.
9.30am Jack & Bea Mullaney, Creggs Rd.
Wednesday, 22 October,
8 am
Phillip & Bernadette Cassidy, 26 Morrison Tce.
9.30 am Noel Devers, Tyrawley Tce.
Thursday, 23 October
8 am
9.30 am Manus & Mary McGinty, & Mary Rosser nee
McGinty, 29 Tyrawley Tce.
Friday, 24 October
8 am
Noreen Lyons, Quignalecka.
9.30 am Genevieve, Anna, Margaret, Catherine McGann
& Deceased family; Jim, Brigid & Seamus
Corcoran, 11 Lord Ed. St.
Saturday 25 October
9.30 am Nellie Flynn, Bachelors Walk/Mt. Falcon
(First Anniversary)
Weekend Mass & Confession Times
St. Muredach’s Cathedral
Vigil Mass 7.30pm,Sunday:8.30am,11 am & 12.30 pm
Confessions: Sat. 12noon -1pm & 6.30pm – 7.15pm
St. Patrick’s Church
Vigil Mass: Saturday 8 pm, Sunday: 10 am & 12 noon
Confessions: Saturday 7.30 pm to 7.50pm
Ella Ruby O’Dea, The Spires
Philomena Cawley, Gurteens.
Tommy Heneghan, Parke, Castlebar
P.J. Humber, 6 Church View.
Mary Mahony, nee Loughney, ‘Hillgrove’ Old Bunree
Mary Crean nee Durkin, Slieverue, Breaffy
Fionnuala Harmon nee Popplewell, St. Enda’s Villas
Relationship Counselling tel. Accord 21478.
Public Recitation of the Rosary for the month of October
daily at 6.30 pm at Our Lady’s Shrine, Marian Crescent,
Blessing of Animals at 3 pm on Sunday afternoon
October 19 in the Cathedral Grounds.
Anniversary of Lacken Drowning Disaster
On 28 October 1927 nine fishermen from Lacken lost their
lives in a storm that blew up. Annual Mass at Lacken Pier
on Sunday October 26 at 3.30 pm for those who died in the
disaster. All welcome.
Food Fair and Cookery Demonstration in association
with Kevin Moran's Deli, Board Bia, Breaffy and Culleens
Primary Schools in Hotel Ballina on Wednesday October
22 at 7pm. Tickets €15 on sale from Kevin Moran's Deli,
Breaffy Primary School and Culleens Primary School.
The 5th Mayo Beaver Troop resume their activities this
Friday at 7pm in the Scout Den. Tel. Edel Tighe 086
Foxford Traditional Singing and Poetry Group meet in
The Mayfly Hotel on Thursday October 30 at 9.15pm.
Ballina Athletic Club hope to organise a Little Athletes
Programme for 5-7 year olds in the coming months. For
this to be successful some parents of the participants will
need to volunteer 45 minutes of their time per week. Full
training will be provided. Tel. Tracey Glacken at 086
The October Book Club at the Jackie Clarke
Collection invites all to join a discussion of Against the Tide
by Dr Noël Browne (published in 1986). The Club meet on
Thursday October 30 at 7pm in the Jackie Clarke
Collection, Pearse St, Ballina. (For details- 096 73508).
Quay National School Enrolment forms for 2015/16
school year are now available from the school. If you live in
the school catchment area and have not yet received a
form please contact the school secretary (telephone
22842) between 9.20 a.m. and 3 p.m. any week day.
Creative Writing and Illustration Ink Camp will run on
Wed. October 29 & Thurs. October 30 in Ballina Arts
Centre over the midterm break for 7-13 year olds in
association with the Samhain Abhainn Festival. Entry
fee: €35 per child --family discounts available.
Nephin Theatre Group, North Mayo's newest drama
group, will present Over the Ocean, a new play by Martin
Donohoe, in Ballina Arts Centre on Friday October 24, Sat.
October 25 and Sunday October 26. at 8pm. Tickets
€12/€10 available . Telephone :73593.
Croi Ballina Bag-packing in Dunnes Stores on Friday 24
October. If willing to help please contact Seamus 086
Emergency Numbers
Useful Numbers
Women’s Refuge Service 094 90 25409
Organ Donation 1890 543639
Rape Crisis Centre 1800 234 900
Citizens Information Centre 076 1075990
Gardai 999
Priest 087 2586015
Cura 094 24866
Samaritans 1850 60 90 90
Aids Helpline 091 566266
Bookshop in the Pastoral Centre.
Open from 9 am to 6 pm- Monday to Friday
A good selection of religious items and gifts available
Ballina Family Resource Centre
Mayo Cancer Support Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 10 am
to 4 pm. Tel. 75573/094 9038407
4 Week Men’s Gardening Course starting on Thursday
Morning October 23. Tel. Sheenagh at 096-75573 to put your
name down as places are limited!!
Ballina Stephenites Club Bingo Sunday & Thursday @8pm.
Moy Valley Over 55 Club open weekly 9am-5pm with a
range of activities to suit everyone including Bingo, Boccia,
Cookery Classes, Card playing tel. 087 2785365.
Halloween Dinner Dance Thursday October 30 in the
Kennedy Glasgow Centre from 3pm-6 pm. Tickets €15
include dinner and live music. Tel. 087 2785365
Crochet Classes every Tuesday from 11am-1pm, new
members always welcome. If anyone has an unwanted
sewing machine, crochet needles or wool the club would
greatly appreciate donation.
Light Pilates classes with Caroline Slowey every Monday
from 12.30pm-1.30pm in the Over 55 Club.
Moy Valley Over 55 Club and the Mayo Volunteer Centre
‘Community Showcase’ event on Tuesday October 21 in
the Newman Institute between 11am and1pm. The event is
aimed at bringing local community organisations together to
provide information about volunteering opportunities for
fundraisers and community projects. Call 096 70905.
Moy Singers are practising presently for upcoming
Christmas Concert on Sunday 14 December in Ballina Manor
Hotel. New members male/female welcome. Telephone
Catherine 0862242516 if interested in joining the choir.
Fundraising coffee morning on Friday October 31 in The
Loft, Pearse St. from 10.30am to12.30pm sponsored by The
Loft. Proceeds go to Ballina District Hospital Sunflower
Farmers market in the Market Square every Saturday from
8.30 am to 5 pm.
Belleek Forest Park Committee are holding a public
meeting in the Merry Monk on Killala Rd. at 8.30 pm on
Monday October 20. All organisations/users of the amenity
are asked to send a representative.
Ballina Comrades of the Great War Fundraising Dance (to
erect War Memorial) in Ballina Manor Hotel on Friday
October 24 at 9 p.m. Music by Padraic and Jason. Adm. :€10.
Tickets on sale from Committee members :tel. 087 1941078.
Bingo on Monday October 20 at 9pm in Knockmore
Community Hall.
Arthritis Ireland Mayo Branch Juvenile arthritis family day in
Westport House on Saturday 1 November at 1pm. If you
would like to book a place please contact Laura Hickey on
01-6470200 or email
Folder Lost with printed notes between the Loft and the
Cathedral at mid-day on Wednesday October 15. If found
please contact 087 3276078.
Mission Sunday
“Be missionaries of God’s love and
tenderness and mercy” – Pope Francis
Fire Brigade 999
Gardai 096 20560
Childline 1800 666 666
St. Vincent de Paul 72905
Ballina Hospital 21166
Westdoc 1850 365 000
Accord 21478
MABS 076-1072660
Grow 094 9026417