MASH Phased Go Live Communication September.


MASH Phased Go Live Communication September.
MASH Phased Go Live Communication
Oxfordshire’s Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) will go live for the Central
(Oxford City) area of the county on the 23rd September. Professionals wanting to
make a new safeguarding concern (MASH enquiry) on a closed case, should
continue to use the Oxford City assessment team number, 01865 323048.
From the 23rd September and for the central area only, referrals to the MASH can be
made using the MASH Enquiry Online Referral Form
All other written communication for the MASH (not referrals) can be sent to, (email live from the 23rd September).
Professionals wanting to contact the city assessment team regarding an open case,
should call the new number, 01865 328563 or use the new email address, (number and email live from the 23rd
Professionals making a MASH enquiry for the Central area of the county from the
23rd September need to be aware of the following:
1. New safeguarding calls will be directed to Oxfordshire County Council’s Customer
Service Centre, who will signpost the correct calls to the MASH.
2. Any calls deemed inappropriate to transfer to the MASH will be directed to the
relevant service.
3. In the MASH, a new dynamic process of risk assessing cases will be in operation.
This means that the MASH will make an immediate response for the most urgent
cases. For cases assessed as having lower level concerns, it may take up to 3
working days, to make an informed decision as to the most appropriate service
Professionals who want to make a referral to children’s social care for the South
(Abingdon) and North (Banbury) teams should continue to use the current advertised
South - 01865 897983
North - 01865 816670
The MASH will go live for the South and North areas of the county towards the end
of October. Further communications closer to the time will confirm the arrangements.
Find out more about the MASH on our MASH Pages
The Oxfordshire MASH will be based at Cowley Police Station. It will go live in a
phased approach between September and the end of October 2014 for children’s
safeguarding referrals and next year for adult safeguarding referrals.
The MASH will include staff from Children’s Social Care, Adults Social Care, Early
Intervention, Emergency Duty Team, Thames Valley Police, Oxford Health, and
Oxford University Hospitals. There will also be input from other agencies on a virtual
basis, such as South Central Ambulance Service, Youth Offending Service and
The MASH will receive all new child or adult safeguarding concerns in Oxfordshire
which meet current thresholds. Once a concern is reported, the MASH team will
assess whether or not it meets the threshold for Adult or Children’s Social Care
involvement. Those that may meet the threshold will be passed to partners from a
wide range of agencies, who will collate partnership information swiftly, allowing
better informed decisions to be made. As a result, the MASH will be able to act
quickly, in a more co-ordinated and consistent way, ensuring that vulnerable children
and adults are kept safe. Those concerns that don’t meet the threshold will be
signposted to specific early help services, ensuring they receive appropriate support.
MASH outputs for children, will include referrals to community / specialist services
and referrals to Children’s Social Care Assessment and Disability Teams for a single
assessment and/or strategy meeting.
MASH outputs for adults, will include referrals to adult safeguarding teams and
where necessary, other specialist services.