SCOTCH PLAINS-FANWOOD BOARD OF EDUCATION Regular Public Meeting October 23, 2014
SCOTCH PLAINS-FANWOOD BOARD OF EDUCATION Regular Public Meeting October 23, 2014
SCOTCH PLAINS-FANWOOD BOARD OF EDUCATION Regular Public Meeting October 23, 2014 8:00 p.m. Public Session (7:30 p.m. Executive Session) CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: p.m Mrs. Jeanne Cleary Dr. Karen Kulikowski Mr. Douglas Layne Mr. Warren McFall Ms. Charlotte Schirmer Ms. Amy Winkler Mrs. Betty Anne Woerner Nancy Bauer, Vice President Trip Whitehouse, President MOTION FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION: MOTION: WHEREAS, the Board of Education must discuss subjects concerning personnel, litigation and negotiations; and, WHEREAS, the aforesaid subjects are not appropriate subjects to be discussed in a public meeting; and, WHEREAS, the aforesaid subjects to be discussed are within the exemptions which are permitted to be discussed and acted upon in private session pursuant to P.L. 1975, Chapter 231, IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED that the aforesaid subjects shall be discussed in private recess by this Board and administrative staff, and information pertaining thereto will be made available to the public as soon thereafter as possible and once the reasons for non-disclosure no longer exist. MEMBERS PRESENT: EXECUTIVE SESSION REPORT PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mrs. Jeanne Cleary Dr. Karen Kulikowski Mr. Douglas Layne Mr. Warren McFall Ms. Charlotte Schirmer Ms. Amy Winkler Mrs. Betty Anne Woerner Nancy Bauer, Vice President Trip Whitehouse, President Regular Public Meeting Agenda October 23, 2014 – Page 2 BOARD PRESIDENT’S ANNOUNCEMENT: The New Jersey Open Public Meeting Law was enacted to insure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of this Act, the Scotch Plains-Fanwood Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date, time and place thereof posted at the Board of Education offices located at Cedar Street and Evergreen Avenue, Scotch Plains, New Jersey. Such notice was also provided in written notice forwarded to the The Times, the Township Clerk of Scotch Plains, and the Borough Clerk of Fanwood in the Annual Notice of Regularly Scheduled Meetings as adopted May 29, 2014. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: 6-S Field Trip Requests (additions) 5-BUS Vendor Related Services (addition) 10-BUS Construction Change Order (approved October 16) 11-BUS Award of Transportation Bid 12-BUS Fall/Winter Bus Evacuation Drills IN ACCORDANCE WITH POLICY 9322-R, THE MEETING WILL BE OPENED FOR 15 MINUTES FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS (MAXIMUM 2 MINUTES PER SPEAKER). THIS WILL BE THE FIRST OF THREE OPPORTUNITIES FOR PUBLIC COMMENT. SPEAKERS ADDRESSING BOARD PRIORITY ITEMS, LETTERS TO THE BOARD, AND THE SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT (INCLUDING THE INSTRUCTIONAL UPDATE) WILL BE HEARD FIRST. IF TIME REMAINS, SPEAKERS MAY ADDRESS OTHER MATTERS. COMMITTEE REPORTS: § School/Community Relations § Curriculum § Finance § Facilities § Shared Services § Negotiations Update § Policy INSTRUCTIONAL UPDATE: • District 2013-2014 Assessment Report – Dr. Joan Mast LETTERS TO THE BOARD: SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: 1-S Out of District Placements Regular Public Meeting Agenda October 23, 2014 – Page 3 2-S NJDOE Statement of Assurance MOTION: Recommend that the Board of Education approves the submission of the New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum (NJQSAC) Statement of Assurance for the School Year 2014-2015. * 3-S District Goals for 2014-2015 MOTION: Move that the Board of Education approves the district goals for the 2014-2015 school year. * 4-S Curriculum Approvals MOTION: Move that the Board of Education approves the following curriculum/course changes/additions: • HS Program of Studies • Grade 7 Social Studies Textbook Adoption * 5-S October 15 Enrollment Numbers * 6-S Field Trip Approvals MOTION: Move that the Board of Education approves the following field trip requests: • J. A. Coles third grade students and teachers will travel to the Lenape Village at Waterloo Village in Stanhope, New Jersey on April 30, 2015. The trip aligns with their study of New Jersey History. • Brunner 4th grades to the South Orange Performing Arts Center for MatheMagic Performance on January 16, 2015. • Terrill Italian Classes (67 students) and teachers to visit Calandras Italian Village for tour and lunch (at Il Vecchio Cafe) in Caldwell, NJ on November 5, 2014. Students will be expected to speak Italian with the staff during the tour and lunch. • Park 8th grade Spanish Classes are going to a performance at the Union County Performing Arts Center in Union City, NJ on November 21, 2014. They will also be going to the Rumba Cubana Restaurant to experience authentic Cuban food and practice their language skills. PERSONNEL AGENDA: * 1-PERS Approval of Superintendent’s Personnel Report MOTION: Move that the Board of Education approve the Superintendent’s recommendations for personnel on the Personnel Report dated October 23, 2014. Regular Public Meeting Agenda October 23, 2014 – Page 4 IN ACCORDANCE WITH POLICY 9322-R, THE MEETING WILL BE OPENED FOR 15 MINUTES FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS. (MAXIMUM 2 MINUTES PER SPEAKER.) SPEAKERS ADDRESSING BUSINESS FUNCTIONS AND OTHER BOARD BUSINESS WILL BE HEARD FIRST. IF TIME REMAINS, SPEAKERS MAY ADDRESS OTHER MATTERS. BUSINESS FUNCTIONS: * 1-BUS Approval of Staff Training MOTION: Move that the Board of Education approve the Superintendent’s recommendations for staff training reimbursements on report dated October 23, 2014. * 2-BUS Acknowledge Receipt of Disbursement Listings MOTION: Move that the Board of Education acknowledge receipt of the following disbursement listings dated September 2014: § § § § § § § § Creative Summer Workshop Cafeteria Payroll Agency Account Petty Cash Elementary Student Activity Terrill MS Student Activity Park MS Student Activity, and High School Student Activity * 3-BUS Receipt of Security/Fire Drill Reports MOTION: Move that the Board of Education acknowledges receipt of the district schools’ Security and Fire Drill Reports for the month of September 2014. 4-BUS 2015-2016 Tentative Budget Calendar (distributed to Board on October 16) * 5-BUS Related Services through Private Vendors MOTION: Move that the Board of Education approves the following private vendors and costs for related services for the 2014-15 school year: Student One One 6-BUS Service 1:1 Aide for ESY BCBA Parent Training Service Provider ECLC of NJ First Children School Nurses’ Evaluation Rubric (approved October 16) Cost $3,019.84 $1,200.00 Regular Public Meeting Agenda October 23, 2014 – Page 5 * 7-BUS Request for Proposals for Architectural Services MOTION: Move that the Board of Education authorizes the Business Administrator to obtain and evaluate proposals for architectural services for purchase and installation of windows at Coles and Evergreen Schools. * 8-BUS Business Reports MOTION: Receipt of Board Secretary’s Reports, Treasurer of School Funds Reports, and Budget Adjustments: Pursuant to N.J.A.C 6A:23-2.11(c)3, the Board Secretary certifies that no line item account has encumbrances and expenditures, which in total exceed the line item appropriation in violation of N.J.A.C 6A:23-2.11(a); and that the Board of Education, after review of the Board Secretary's and Treasurer's monthly financial reports, in the minutes of the board each month that no major account or funds has been overexpended in violation of N.J.A.C 6A:23-2.11(b). Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Board of Education approves receipt of Budget Adjustments, the Board Secretary’s Report and the Treasurer of School Monies Report for the month ending September 30, 2014. * 9-BUS Approval of Bill List MOTION: Move that the Board of Education approve bills for the period of September 27 – October 17 in the amount of $1,498,309.94. 10-BUS Construction Change Order (approved October 16) * 11-BUS Award of Transportation Bid * 12-BUS Acknowledgement of Bus Evacuation Drills MOTION: Pursuant to NJAC 6A:27-111.2 Board acknowledgement is requested for Fall/Winter evacuation drills that were held between September 13 and October 16, 2014 for all district routes and students, supervised by district bus drivers at the receiving school locations. Signed documentation of each drill is on file in the Transportation Office. BOARD POLICIES: NEW BOARD BUSINESS: OTHER BOARD BUSINESS: 1-OBB (a) (b) Request to Attend Workshops Workshop Reports Regular Public Meeting Agenda October 23, 2014 – Page 6 * 2-OBB American Education Week 2014 (November 17-21) MOTION: Move that the Board of Education adopts the following resolution: WHEREAS, we raise our hand for every child in America to have access to quality public education, regardless of family income or where they live, and WHEREAS, all educators are to be respected and treated as professionals and participate in key education policy discussions, and WHEREAS, parents, families, communities, and educators will come together and create partnerships to foster environments that are conducive for student learning, and WHEREAS, the Scotch Plains-Fanwood Board of Education with the administrators will do their part to ensure adequate tools and resources for all schools, include educators in key policy discussions, and make sure that students have access to a world class education—from pre-k and beyond, and WHEREAS, we raise our hand for public schools to have small class sizes, up-todate textbooks, and safe and clean environments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Scotch Plains-Fanwood Board of Education does hereby proclaim November 17-21, 2014 as American Education Week and the theme is “Raise Your Hand for Student Success”. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION: Move that the Board of Education approve the minutes listed below: 1. 2. 3. 4. Open Agenda Meeting – September 16, 2014 Open Agenda Meeting – September 16, 2014 – Executive Session Regular Public Meeting – September 30, 2014 Regular Public Meeting – September 30, 2014 – Executive Session PUBLIC COMMENTS AS PER REGULATION 9322-R (MAXIMUM 2 MINUTES PER SPEAKER). GOOD OF THE ORDER MOTION FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION: MOTION: WHEREAS, the Board of Education must discuss subjects concerning personnel, litigation and negotiations; and, WHEREAS, the aforesaid subjects are not appropriate subjects to be discussed in a public meeting; and, WHEREAS, the aforesaid subjects to be discussed are within the exemptions which are permitted to be discussed and acted upon in private session pursuant to P.L. 1975, Chapter 231, Regular Public Meeting Agenda October 23, 2014 – Page 7 IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED that the aforesaid subjects shall be discussed in private recess by this Board and administrative staff, and information pertaining thereto will be made available to the public as soon thereafter as possible and once the reasons for non-disclosure no longer exist. ADJOURNMENT: Motion: Move to adjourn. MEETING ADJOURNED AT P.M. UPCOMING SCHEDULED MEETINGS: Monday, October 27 – CANDIDATES NIGHT – 7:30 p.m. – SPF High School Thursday, November 13 – Open Agenda Meeting – 7:30 p.m. – Administration Bldg. Thursday, November 20 – Regular Public Meeting – 7:30 p.m. – Administration Bldg.
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